Taking a break from online stuff
OP - February 21, 2015, 09:05 AM
Hi all.
I've been something of an introvert over the past few years. 95% of my time at home has been spent on the PC on the internet, watching videos, reading articles about various topics, listening to music, and posting to forums such as this one. While this has afforded me a lot of knowledge, and changed me for the better (I may even still be Muslim if I hadn't done all the online research), I've only realised over the past few months how detached from the real world I've gotten. From now on I've decided to take a break from most of my online activities. Gonna start putting more effort into my family and friends. The PC/Internet is now only to be used for College/Work stuff, with maybe two hours a week for other stuff.
That's not to say I won't be posting here again, but as I will be online a lot less, you'll be seeing a lot less of me from now on. I will miss the CEMB a lot. This community provided me with a lot of support, and I think it helped me become fully comfortable with my Ex-Muslim status. For that I am forever grateful.
All the best everyone