...A breakthrough came in 1993 with a family in the Netherlands where all the men had a history of violence. Fifteen years of painstaking research revealed that they all lacked the same gene.
This gene produces an enzyme called MAOA, which regulates the levels of neurotransmitters involved in impulse control. It turns out that if you lack the MAOA gene or have the low-activity variant you are predisposed to violence....
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-31714853what is this allah fool who creates all his creatures and who is looking after his creatures after creating them doing? can't he control genes, enzymes products and reactions?
Hmm That BBC link says
In the 1870s Dr Cesare Lombroso, sometimes called the father of scientific criminology, was studying criminals imprisoned in Turin.
.............you could tell a criminal by the shape of their face and the excessive length of their ape-like arms.
"A criminal's ears," he wrote, "are often of a large size. The nose is frequently upturned or of a flattened character in thieves. In murderers it is often aquiline like the beak of a bird of prey."...
good.. let me get the measuring tool and measure length of arms of the picture I see on the side bar.. Hmm the nose does appears to be upturned.
Errr........Forget that non-science nonsense., let me read this story from the same news link.
http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-29415876what a story.. it is real..