This is from an Islamic website that I sometimes go to:
Original question
I have no love for my husband
I been married to my husband for 3 years i also been forced marriage.
I told my parents i didn't want to be married but they took me and got me married by lying to me. I was in pakistan for two years then came to usa america. Since day one of my wedding i hated my husband. things didnt feel right we been fighting since then till this day.
More from the OP
I tried nd trued my parents thinks its jadoo a black magic because so many ppl asked for my hand since im an american citizen and they want there son to come to America or either i have
Nazaar on me Evil Eyes.
Things are not Getting better for me
this past week we had three fights
and he actually hit me and he calls me names now
Lastnight I got hit by my Husband my hand and arms and legs
Are blue like colorish everything is falling apart
I'm actually at the stage of killing myself
This is the advice she gets:
hey, i would just like to say having a baby will solve everything as i know someone who got married at the age of 18 to her cousin brother she hated him but still loved him he used to beat her up everyday , t once she came off the pill it took her ages to have a baby and when she did both husband and wife loved their baby daughter so much that their hatred turned into love
wow i feel really bad for your husband
These last 10 days of Ramadan please pray salah and give as much dua as possible. Ask Allah to forgive all of your sins and beg him to give you Jannah. Do not forget to cry to Him about your problems and keep Him in your heart. It seems like you are in agony but please hold on.
I am sorry but my comment may come off as negative ... But I pity your husband. You have made this about you selfishly . He is a human as well; his anger at you is justifiable as a result of your own hate.
As already mentioned, your husband eventually snapped and I'm not condoning violence but your disrespectful treatment and hatred fuelled this
I'm so disturbed and baffled by this. Also no one really brings up the abuse. Are there real Muslims who think like this?