I have long had the same question. Yes Muslims do conflate certainty with faith - partly because the Qur'an does itself talking about those who have certainty (using words like muqinoon and yaqeen) while at the same time talking about those who believe in the unseen (yu'minoon bil-ghayb) which by definition cannot be 'certain' but must be 'faith'.
They also conflate 'disbelief' with 'denial' - the former being involuntary the latter a more active and blameworthy conscious act.
"I think the most faithful people are the ones who are aware of the uncertainty of their belief and are always confronting it head-on."
Perfect - yes!
"Dogma is not faith. It is the opposite of faith. It is the killing of faith. Dogma prevents the confrontation."
Also perfect!
A Jewish friend of mine on facebook commented on my post about being an Agnostic Muslim:
"You would have loved my mother (who is unfortunately suffering from Alzheimer's) who always said that the best and brightest are those who do not blindly follow but who question... she believed that those who have the greatest faith also have the most questions. "That's one of the things I admire about the Jews - they have a long tradition of being both faithful while being comfortable with doubts and questions.
I've said it many times we (Ex-Muslims & Muslims) could learn so much from them if we just stopped fighting each other.
Our religions after all are virtually identical