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 Topic: Racism is Real

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  • Racism is Real
     OP - April 30, 2015, 04:25 PM


  • Racism is Real
     Reply #1 - April 30, 2015, 09:38 PM

    Yeah. I kinda didn't need a youtube video to tell me this. Grin
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #2 - April 30, 2015, 10:06 PM

    One of my cousins is mixed race. White mum black dad. The funny thing is that my dad was a Hitler worshipping nazi. His sister getting knocked up by a black man must have stung.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #3 - May 01, 2015, 12:38 AM

    By the way, is anyone trying to follow the Baltimore protests online? It is actually impossible to find anything that isn't swarming with idiots now that the bigoted middle-aged to elderly people of America finally learned how to work them fancy computers.

    Interestingly, lots of them appear to be using their real names and pictures across multiple sites, which has made me wonder a lot about what future generations are going to find if they google their grandparents/great-grandparents' names. It would be a bummer to research your ancestry and find your great-grandmother's all-caps comment about how affirmative action is racism against the white man.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #4 - May 01, 2015, 06:20 AM

    Yeah. I kinda didn't need a youtube video to tell me this. Grin

    Of course lol... sadly some people seem to :(
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #5 - May 22, 2015, 08:08 PM

    I have seen all sorts of people be racist. It is kinda depressing.

    I personally don't identify myself by any race.

    I'm just human....
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #6 - May 22, 2015, 09:34 PM

    I personally don't identify myself by any race.

    I'm just human....

  • Racism is Real
     Reply #7 - May 22, 2015, 09:48 PM

    The problem is that so much of the rest of the world believes in "race." So people like me get cast into a certain mold for no reason apart from factors we had zero control over.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #8 - May 22, 2015, 09:53 PM

    The problem is that so much of the rest of the world believes in "race." So people like me get cast into a certain mold for no reason apart from factors we had zero control over.

    How prevalent is racism against black people in the states nowadays?
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #9 - May 22, 2015, 09:59 PM

  • Racism is Real
     Reply #10 - May 22, 2015, 10:05 PM

    lol, sorry, you know what i am trying to ask  Tongue. I studied the civil rights movement and am just curious to know how things are these days from your perception. How else am i meant to ask it?  Wink

  • Racism is Real
     Reply #11 - May 22, 2015, 11:59 PM

    How prevalent is racism against black people in the states nowadays?

    Judging by relative interracial crime statistics? a great deal less than racism BY black people, by both metrics of number and by severity of intent.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #12 - May 23, 2015, 12:05 AM

    Such crime in the United States is one part of a huge and complicated issue. Besides which, would you really say that interracial crime statistics are a reliable way of judging racism?
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #13 - May 23, 2015, 12:14 AM

    Yes. I would say that interracial crime is the *only* way of judging animosity between one race and another. And it's not just against whites; it's against Asians as well, including South Asians... I've heard talk from convenience-store clerks that would make your hair curl.

    I'm sorry, when I hear talk about "racism" my hackles go up; because too often I'm being told that racism is a white problem, a problem that whites need to be redeemed from (somehow). Living in the South as long as I did, I wasn't taught racism by friends, peers and family; I was taught to be wary, by hearing gunshots outside my door, and reading the next day about a 62 year old South American man shot to death down my street by teenagers.

    My views on race didn't do that. Those kids' views on race did that.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #14 - May 23, 2015, 12:34 AM

    Where are you getting crime statistics that detail motivation?

    I have also lived in the south (in fact have spawned from it), and I've lived in one of the wealthiest towns in the country, and also, after my marriage and in my travels, in some of the poorest, so I know about the gunshots, I know about the crime, I haven't always escaped unscathed or with all of my possessions. Grin And yes, I know that people of other races are capable of being bigoted and racist. Of course they are. I'm also not denying that interracial violence exists or that places with large minority populations also tend to have greater crime rates. I'm saying that that is symptomatic of larger issues and a cycle where we have to make some changes to the system to expect changes in those conditions, that these are issues of correlation and not causation.

    Racism is complicated, and far more complicated than you appear to think. The only way of measuring it isn't by deaths and crime. And of course it is impossible to gleam the motivations and to what extent the perpetrator's views on race played into these crimes from those numbers alone.

    The reason it's presented to you so often as a white problem is because they are the ones at the driver's seat. They are largely the ones in opportune positions. Racism doesn't have to be malicious, it doesn't have to be overt. It does have to affect our perceptions and the opportunities (did you watch the video, by the way?) that others are presented with. And when even some of the people with the power in this country hold overtly racist views--which many do--or when around half (I suspect you won't agree to consider "most," or "almost all," which I would find much more appropriate) of the people with the power have some degree of racial bias that they may or may not be aware of that affects how they treat people of a minority race, it becomes a problem of those people, and the problem we have to highlight and address.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #15 - May 23, 2015, 12:44 AM

    So you were taught to be wary of black criminals but not white criminals... how did your peers not give you your views about race?

    No one ever tells us to fear the white criminals in banks and corporate offices. No, of course, we're more afraid of the black kid stealing candy from a convenience store than we are of the people who steal the livelihoods of entire neighbourhoods and towns.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #16 - May 23, 2015, 12:46 AM

    Yes. I would say that interracial crime is the *only* way of judging animosity between one race and another. And it's not just against whites; it's against Asians as well, including South Asians... I've heard talk from convenience-store clerks that would make your hair curl.

    I'm sorry, when I hear talk about "racism" my hackles go up; because too often I'm being told that racism is a white problem, a problem that whites need to be redeemed from (somehow). Living in the South as long as I did, I wasn't taught racism by friends, peers and family; I was taught to be wary, by hearing gunshots outside my door, and reading the next day about a 62 year old South American man shot to death down my street by teenagers.

    My views on race didn't do that. Those kids' views on race did that.

    So race has to be a motivator for all interracial crime? We're going to ignore factors of systemic socioeconomic inequality as a cause for any of that crime and instead ascribe all crime to malice? I understand that there are likely some traumatic experiences here coloring your opinion on this issue, but I'm not sure why one would choose to ignore that side of the data here.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #17 - May 23, 2015, 03:39 AM

    So you were taught to be wary of black criminals but not white criminals... how did your peers not give you your views about race?

    No one ever tells us to fear the white criminals in banks and corporate offices.

    I fear them the most. The criminals that are raping world resources and the criminals that get away with lying, cheating and murder e.g. Bush and Blair.

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #18 - May 23, 2015, 04:59 AM

    Yes. I would say that interracial crime is the *only* way of judging animosity between one race and another. And it's not just against whites; it's against Asians as well, including South Asians... I've heard talk from convenience-store clerks that would make your hair curl.

    I'm sorry, when I hear talk about "racism" my hackles go up; because too often I'm being told that racism is a white problem, a problem that whites need to be redeemed from (somehow). Living in the South as long as I did, I wasn't taught racism by friends, peers and family; I was taught to be wary, by hearing gunshots outside my door, and reading the next day about a 62 year old South American man shot to death down my street by teenagers.

    My views on race didn't do that. Those kids' views on race did that.

    Aren't you refering to tribalism and not racism where people identify with certain ethnic groups and form hatred toward one other..  Racism is on another level and usually involves peoples of the paler skin   : /
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #19 - May 23, 2015, 05:09 AM

    Racism is on another level and usually involves peoples of the paler skin   : /

    Disagree. I would argue that outside America, racism is far less systemic in the West then it is in say a country like India (and no, I'm not confusing caste-ism with racism).
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #20 - May 23, 2015, 12:58 PM

    You'd be wrong then Descent, it's systematic in Arab countries and Muslim ones, long before race become such a salient issue in the West.

    For example Morocco has long used blacks in slavery, and have even re-enslaved black Moroccan Muslims, again before black slavery took it's crazy hold in the West.

    You should see the situation for blacks in Morocco

    Even the Arab language normalises racism, given that it is nothing to openly greet someone darker than you as an azee (blackie), or a fucking abd (slave...and not in the 'nice' slave to allah kind of way).

    Its not just white people who legitimate racism against blacks.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #21 - May 23, 2015, 01:03 PM

    This book was a fantastic read:

    Black Morocco: A History of Slavery, Race and Islam chronicles the experiences, identity, and agency of enslaved black people in Morocco from the sixteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century. It demonstrates the extent to which religion orders society but also the extent to which the economic and political conditions influence the religious discourse and the ideology of enslavement. The interpretation and application of Islam did not guarantee the freedom and integration of black Moroccan ex-slaves into society. It starts with the Islamic legal discourse and racial stereotypes that existed in Moroccan society leading up to the era of Mawlay Isma'il (r. 1672-1727), with a special emphasis on the black army during and after his reign. The first part of the book provides a narrative relating the legal discourse on race, concubinage and slavery as well as historical events and developments that are not well known in printed scholarship and western contexts.  The second part of the book is conceptually ambitious; it provides the reader with a deeper sense of the historical and sociological implications of the story being told across a long period of time, from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries.  Though the strongest element of theses chapters concerns the "black army," an important component of the discussion is the role of female slaves.  One of the problems the historian faces with this kind of analysis is that it must rest on a limited "evidentiary base." This book has broadened this base and clarified the importance of female slaves in relation to the army and Moroccan society at large.

    Black Morocco redefines the terms of the scholarly debate about the historical nature of Moroccan slavery and proposes an original analysis of issues concerning race, concubinage and gender, with a special focus on their theoretical aspects.  The Moroccan system of racial definition was clearly "racialist" and was in fact a curious inversion of the Western racist model.  Whereas in the western model "one drop" of black blood identifies one as black, in the Moroccan model, "one drop" of white blood identifies one as Arab (i.e., privileged).  This process helped create a"nationalist" Moroccan Arab majority and at the same time subjugated black ancestry (i.e., those without the "one drop" of Arab blood), seen as having more bearing on the historical antecedents of slavery.  It offers a new paradigm for the study of race in the region that will transform the way we approach and understand ethnicity and racial identities in North Africa and most crucially it helps eliminate the culture of silence -- the refusal to engage in discussions about slavery, racial attitudes, and gender issues.

    It is primarily focused on Morocco, but does detail black slavery from the beginning of Islam. 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #22 - May 23, 2015, 01:14 PM

    Its not just white people who legitimate racism against blacks.

    I agree. I think there is a popular perception that only white people are racist. This is so not true. Anyone can be racist.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #23 - May 23, 2015, 01:34 PM

    Yeah i agree with you to a certain degree Descent, but i don't really understand the difference between casteism and racism in India ..  i also think that tribalism, not sure i even have the correct term there, neo-tribalism ? In modern western society is often mistaken for racism.  Either way, i still see racism as a white race issue, i don't mean  amongst western europeans, i mean any race that was paler skinned througout history. 

    Sorry i should elaborate on that but i'm being a bit lazy..   and i'm probably incorrect lol

  • Racism is Real
     Reply #24 - May 23, 2015, 01:51 PM

    You'd be wrong then Descent, it's systematic in Arab countries and Muslim ones, long before race become such a salient issue in the West.

    For example Morocco has long used blacks in slavery, and have even re-enslaved black Moroccan Muslims, again before black slavery took it's crazy hold in the West.

    You should see the situation for blacks in Morocco

    Even the Arab language normalises racism, given that it is nothing to openly greet someone darker than you as an azee (blackie), or a fucking abd (slave...and not in the 'nice' slave to allah kind of way).

    Its not just white people who legitimate racism against blacks.

    Yep i had a few Iranian friends and they always talked proudly of their white ancestry and how another ethnic group of darker skin, who they called degenerates ( I'm not sure of their name)  settled in Iran and were the cause of the uprising and violence with Islamic fundamentalism.  I never knew that Somalis used to have black slaves too.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #25 - May 23, 2015, 02:05 PM

    Did they have them because they were black, or was it more to do with general slavery, in which any race would do which I get was associated with almost all different countries?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #26 - May 23, 2015, 03:10 PM

    Yep i had a few Iranian friends and they always talked proudly of their white ancestry and how another ethnic group of darker skin, who they called degenerates ( I'm not sure of their name)  settled in Iran and were the cause of the uprising and violence with Islamic fundamentalism.

    An interesting article here about Afro-Iranians:
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #27 - May 23, 2015, 04:03 PM

    You'd be wrong then Descent, it's systematic in Arab countries and Muslim ones, long before race become such a salient issue in the West.

    Its not just white people who legitimate racism against blacks.

    Huh? That's what I was trying to say with regards to Suki's comment that racism is a white race issue. While there are definitely issues of racism in white majority countries, I would say it's less systematic in the West than say India.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #28 - May 23, 2015, 04:13 PM

    My bad.  Grin  I thought you were saying the opposite. 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Racism is Real
     Reply #29 - May 24, 2015, 06:54 AM

    I agree with you too Descent lol.. What i meant was that racism 'usually' came from paler skinned types throughout history such as the egyptians, arabs, berbs, europeans, north east africans etc, as they usually viewed themseves superior because of their advanced cultures.  But then again there was white slavery on a huge scale that existed in ancient times, usually sex slavery and blacks were used for other forms of slavery because of their strength and robustness and ability to work in hot climates.

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