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 Topic: UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2

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  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     OP - May 03, 2015, 03:30 PM

    Posted on a new thread to avoid reviving the previous one which veered disastrously off course.
    Anne-Marie Waters: UKIP bigotry comes to Lewisham

    When I started my series on my election priorities, with a post on the need to eliminate the far right, I illustrated it with an infographic from UK Aktion on the current far right landscape in Britain. The map had Nigel Farage and UKIP on it, showing their irregular contact with Britain First, the Dad's Army comedy Mosleyites who are rising stars of the far right, as well as its proximity to the English Defence League and Liberty GB, who have floated around its orbit. In some ways this was a mistake, because it is wrong to call UKIP far right.

    Many people to whom UKIP appeals are drawn from the Tory base ("a swelling coalition of small businessmen, lone traders and hyper-Atlanticist cowboy capitalists", as Richard Seymour aptly put it). There are even some in UKIP who might have more in common with Old Labour, or who might even be called of the left, as this brilliant piece of writing by James Meek about Grimsby shows. Some of its concerns resonate with ordinary working class people left out by the turbulence of global capitalism.

    And yet, somehow UKIP can't stop getting tangled up with the far right. Whether it's chatting on Twitter with Holocaust denying Hitler fans, posting racist cartoons on Facebook, winning the endorsement of Nick Griffin, commenting on Jews' hooked noses, or linking up with fruitcakish European parties, well, UKIP keeps on getting embarrassingly right-wing. This series of tweets gives about a dozen examples of UKIP straying close to fascist territory.

    Unfortunately, the candidate UKIP has chosen for Lewisham East* is kind of in this category.

    Her name is Anne-Marie Waters. I first noticed her in mid-2013 when she tried to get selected as a Labour Party candidate in Brighton (although she had earlier tried to get selected in Swindon South). Andy Newman of Socialist Unity had attacked her then, and my instinct was to defend her. Newman objected to her strident secularism, arguing that she promoted Islamophobia. At the time, although there were examples of some unsavoury memes in her narrative, I felt Newman's evidence was pretty thin. Waters was associated with One Law For All, a campaign against Sharia law that I strongly support, led mainly by ex-Muslim women. OL4A have a very clear policy that the counter-Jihadi right is their enemy not their potential ally.

    However, around this time, Waters seemed to start moving further to the right, away from a secularist campaign against Islamism towards a blanket loathing of Muslims. Worryingly, she started associating more and more with far right activists around the English Defence League and its founder Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. Around the time Yaxley-Lennon left the EDL, Waters left Labour (oddly, she made the announcement on a far right Scandinavian website).

    Before long, she had joined UKIP. It took a while before her associates in OL4A distanced themselves from her, but eventually, as her association with EDL became more and more blatant, they did so quite unambiguously, using the words "racist hate politics".

    For a while it seemed as if she would be selected as UKIP parliamentary candidate in Billericay. To court the swivel-eyed Essex men that would be UKIP's base there, she widened her animosity from Muslims to Travellers.

    Hilary Aked of SpinWatch wrote a profile of her for IRR in January. I think that sometimes SpinWatch, in describing a well-funded "neoconervative" counter-Jihadi conspiracy around people like Waters can stretch their web a little too thinly to mean much. But Aked's core allegation, of Waters' links with the far right, is strong and damning, and it is important to ask where Waters' gets her funding from. I hope neither you nor Aked mind if I quote at length:

    In June 2014, Waters shared a platform in Copenhagen with Lars Hedegaard, the man behind the anti-Islam organisation the International Free Press Society. A video of the event- the launch of a Swedish edition of Hedegaard’s book Muhammad’s Girls: Violence, Murder and Rape in the House of Islam - shows her sitting next to the Dane, who was convicted of hate speech in 2011 after stating that ‘Muslims rape their children’, though he successfully appealed this conviction, on ‘free speech’ grounds, the following year. Chairing the event was Ingrid Carlqvist, a key member of the Swedish counterjihad network. Also on the panel was psychologist Nicolai Sennels of the anti-immigration Danish People’s Party, a prolific purveyor of Islamophobia dressed up as science. The video was produced by Dispatch International (DI), a mouthpiece for the counterjihad movement – for which Waters has written extensively – founded by Hedegaard and Carlqvist.

    In her speech, Waters linked Islam to child abuse, saying (16:08) ‘it’s all linked to Islam’, which she characterised as a dangerous ‘ideology’ being ‘appeased’, adding (17:45): ‘it is exactly the same appeasement that is allowing young girls to be raped in Britain, it’s got nothing to do with race, it’s got to do with the fact that we will not confront the misogyny at the very, very heart of this religion’.

    Waters also seems to have another far-right admirer, of more significance in the UK context. Alan Ayling (aka Alan Lake) helped set up, fund and strategise for the EDL, as an investigation by The Sunday Times revealed. A millionaire evangelical Christian, Ayling’s links with the counterjihad movement led Scotland Yard to interview him after Anders Behring Breivik’s 2011 massacre in Norway.

    In a series of videos taken in October 2014 at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park, which show Waters and others delivering diatribes against Islam, Ayling (wearing a black jacket and black t-shirt with yellow writing) can be seen in the group that appears to be supporting her between 1:08 and 1:19 in this video and from 4.40 in this clip.

    Ayling may have showed up uninvited or coincidentally. Though Waters’ various online links to the EDL have been documented, there is no definitive evidence of any offline connection. Ayling, in fact, is believed to have parted ways with the EDL, though his views have not changed. He now runs the website ‘Four Freedoms’ and has links to the far-right Sweden Democrats party. Waters did not respond to repeated requests to clarify her relationship with Ayling or to comment on other matters raised in this article.

    Around this time, Waters seemed to fail in her bid to stand in Basildon and Billericay (a UKIP target seat), and got the consolation prize of multicultural Lewisham East.

    The Mirror filmed her and another UKIP candidate speaking at a far right rally; they describe her as spouting anti-Muslim bigotry: “a lot of people need to be deported”, she said, and “many mosques need to be closed down”. And after the election, she is launching a right-wing "thinktank" with Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.

    South London Anti-Fascists have called for a picket of the hustings where she will appear tonight. Although, as I said at the start of this post,  I don't think UKIP is a fascist party (and, in fact, although very hard right, nor is Waters), I agree that Anne Marie Waters should not be welcomed in Lewisham East.


    *Note: Lewisham East is about as safe a Labour seat as it gets, so the question there is who will come second. UKIP did come second in the 2014 council elections in a lot of outer South East London, including one ward in Lewisham East, so some people have suggested UKIP could be the contender there. However, as Clare points out, across the constituency they came sixth in the vote share, with their 8% of votes. So, they don't constitute an electoral threat here.

    Follow the link to the original article for links to sources.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #1 - May 03, 2015, 04:32 PM

    Posted on a new thread to avoid reviving the previous one which veered disastrously off course.

    Wise man.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #2 - May 03, 2015, 04:40 PM

    Thanks for posting that.

    Anne Marie Waters seems quite an opportunist, labour, ONLFA, now UKIP - pouring scorn on Muslims or Travellers when it suits her agenda.

    Whether she is herself far-right fascist - she has shown she is happy to get in bed with them if it will help her.

    That's what I have always loved about Maryam (May Allah be pleased with her) - her stubborn refusal to get in bed with the bigots and xenophobes of the far right. And trust me they have been on our back since early days trying to get us to ally with them.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #3 - May 03, 2015, 05:45 PM

    The article mentions Alan Ayling Lake. It would be relevant to know the connection between him and Anne Marie Waters.Some people who complain about leftist and liberals who ally with Islamists want to open the backdoor (to the goverment) to other types of extremists. Thats how liberal democracy dies.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #4 - May 03, 2015, 06:22 PM

    Who is Alan Ayling?
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #5 - May 03, 2015, 06:33 PM
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #6 - May 03, 2015, 07:20 PM

    I do think that some people will get tunnelvision. Considering how Sharia is being applied around the world, its not a suprise that some will resort to tribalism.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #7 - May 04, 2015, 02:46 AM

    Thanks for posting that.

    Anne Marie Waters seems quite an opportunist, labour, ONLFA, now UKIP - pouring scorn on Muslims or Travellers when it suits her agenda.

    Whether she is herself far-right fascist - she has shown she is happy to get in bed with them if it will help her.

    That's what I have always loved about Maryam (May Allah be pleased with her) - her stubborn refusal to get in bed with the bigots and xenophobes of the far right. And trust me they have been on our back since early days trying to get us to ally with them.

    I said what I thought of this woman in the other thread, and that part in bold makes me sure of it.  Travellers, muslims, and a fascination with British nationalism.  She's a Blueshirt.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #8 - May 04, 2015, 07:46 AM

    Sounds like it.

    I got a cold chill from her when I did that filming for olfa. She barely spoke a word to me and had a blank stare on her face. So strange after I'd just spent the day filimg her.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #9 - May 04, 2015, 03:55 PM

    The fuck?

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #10 - May 04, 2015, 05:15 PM

    There needs to be a word for people that end up on another extreme as a reaction to Islamic fundementalism.Im not saying that Waters is such....not yet anyway...but the connections are there. It would be interesting if someone mapped the connections between this group of people and other extremists.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #11 - May 24, 2015, 08:25 AM

    There needs to be a word for people that end up on another extreme as a reaction to Islamic fundementalism.Im not saying that Waters is such....not yet anyway...but the connections are there. It would be interesting if someone mapped the connections between this group of people and other extremists.

    There is something like that, it's called horseshoe theory. It states that the political spectrum can be modeled as a horseshoe in that the extremists on both ends are very close to each other in political beliefs. 

    "In a child's power to master the multiplication table, there is more sanctity than in all your shouted "amens" and "holy holies" and "hosannas." An idea is a greater monument than a cathedral. And the advance of man's knowledge is a greater miracle than all the sticks" - Henry Drummond
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #12 - May 24, 2015, 08:29 AM

    There is definitely some truth in the belief that extremes of each end of the political spectrum are very close to each other.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #13 - July 03, 2015, 12:52 PM

    Returning for a moment to the alleged enigma that is Anne Marie Waters, she's apparently planning to hold a Draw Muhammad contest in London. A low-rent version of Pamela Geller she isn't, no sir.

    I see two options here for anyone interested who is not of similar mind. One could ignore it, of course. Or one might participate, but send in as many portraits of Anne-Marie Waters as possible. If art is about holding a mirror to life and all that.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #14 - July 05, 2015, 04:10 AM

    I have to wonder if this will even be legal under racial/religious hatred/discrimination laws.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #15 - July 08, 2015, 05:45 PM

    Returning for a moment to the alleged enigma that is Anne Marie Waters, she's apparently planning to hold a Draw Muhammad contest in London. A low-rent version of Pamela Geller she isn't, no sir.

    I see two options here for anyone interested who is not of similar mind. One could ignore it, of course. Or one might participate, but send in as many portraits of Anne-Marie Waters as possible. If art is about holding a mirror to life and all that.

    There's actually some precedent for your suggestion. At least two of the Jyllands-Posten cartoons were actually attacks on the newspaper, smuggled in as caricatures of Muhammed. One of them cleverly included Persian-language text attacking the papers editors as "racist provocateurs".

  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #16 - August 28, 2015, 09:05 AM

    Presented without comment.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #17 - August 28, 2015, 09:19 AM

    Makes me sick that she was ever associated with cemb.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #18 - August 28, 2015, 09:34 AM

    Makes me sick that she was ever associated with cemb.

    How did that happen? Didn't people see any problems with it at the time?
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #19 - August 28, 2015, 12:59 PM

    No, but she didn't present herself like that at first.  She seems to have gone on a political journey from left wing feminist to right wing fascist.  Personally I think she was always a blueshirt whose mask gradually slipped, but nobody knew that at first.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #20 - August 28, 2015, 02:08 PM

    Any proof?

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #21 - August 28, 2015, 02:36 PM

    How did that happen? Didn't people see any problems with it at the time?

    As Cheetah says she presented herself as a supporter of human rights and Maryam's work.

    I met her once and I have so say got a rather cold chill from her. I agree with Cheetah, I think she hid her far-right and racist leanings, but eventually the mask slipped.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #22 - August 28, 2015, 02:36 PM

    Any proof?

    Proof of what?
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #23 - August 28, 2015, 03:01 PM

    That the report is true. Going out of your way to start a "race war" takes a certain level of batshit crazy that I don't think Tommy has. I'd like proof the above is true because it really is batshit crazy on a whole other level.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #24 - August 28, 2015, 04:04 PM

    No, but she didn't present herself like that at first.  She seems to have gone on a political journey from left wing feminist to right wing fascist.  Personally I think she was always a blueshirt whose mask gradually slipped, but nobody knew that at first.

    That's fair enough. Thanks.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #25 - August 28, 2015, 05:38 PM

    mask gradually slipped, but nobody knew that at first.

  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #26 - July 02, 2017, 08:05 PM

  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #27 - July 02, 2017, 09:39 PM

    Hopefully now that Brexit is happening, Ukip will stay irrelevant.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #28 - September 14, 2017, 08:54 PM

    She may be on track to becoming the next leader of UKIP.
  • UKIP's Anne-Marie Waters version 2
     Reply #29 - September 19, 2017, 04:07 PM
    An ex-British National Party (BNP) activist authored the manifesto of Anne Marie Waters, the far-right activist who is now the favourite to become the next UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader.

    Jack Buckby is barred from joining UKIP due to his past membership of the BNP but has been working on Waters' campaign to become leader of the party. Buckby introduced Waters at her campaign launch where he described the manifesto as "fantastic".

    Metadata on the pdf of the manifesto indicates "Jack B" is the author of the document and sources close to the campaign have confirmed Buckby is the document's author. Buckby registered the domain name of the website the manifesto is hosted on.

    Bucbky was a close associate of former BNP leader Nick Griffin. In 2012, Buckby gave a speech, introduced by Griffin, where explained how it was necessary to cloak fascist ideology in new language to make it palatable to people who may otherwise find the language of nationalism alienating.

    Waters' manifesto calls for British citizens to be prioritised over others within the UK, and calls for a large reduction and temporary freeze on immigration. The manifesto suggests some UK residents would see their rights restricted were Waters to ever come to power.

    Waters has denied being a fascist but describes herself as a "nationalist".

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