If you intervene in foreign countries to give them progressive values such as democracy, freedom of religion, women rights etc, you could class it as a liberal intervention. Whether this has actually happened is another debate.
Imperialism is done primarily for economic material capital gain. So serving right wing conservative economic interests.
yes ive left Islam
I mean, honestly, this is something we'd need data on if we're going to be saying most are right-wingI wasn't speaking about data on a computer screen, I was discussing real life interactions and conversations.
I'll be abit clearer about what I mean by my original post.
I didn't mean right wing so much in social views but more economics. Most exmuslims are neo-liberals (not to confused with liberals). Neo-liberals are social liberals(ie one view is that there should be individual freedom of religion) but capitalist/conservative on economics. Alom Shaha and Maajid Nawaz are examples of neo-liberal(not saying Nawaz is an exmuzz), after all they are trying to flog his book off Amazon every chance they gets so they're hardly gonna be a Socialists !
What I don't understand with with neo-liberals is they are for equality on women rights, gay rights, human rights etc which is great but then not only are they not for economic equality, but they passionately support economic inequality, which itself is antithethical to democracy too, as the whole point of a democracy is to be compassionate and protect ALL of society including the weakest and most vulnerable and make sure they are able to live with dignity and a living wage. The severe poverty caused by Capitalism/Neoliberalism to a large chunk off society is opposite to what a democracy should be, protecting the minority and weak. Capitalist democracy is basically an oxymoron.
Now the amount of exmuslims who are right wing conservatives on social issues that I've met is far less(roughlythe 10%-20% as i quoted before), this would mean for example hating ALL immigrants/muslims, being UKIP, support an aggresive foreign policy condoning the military conquests other countries etc
I never said he was muslim. You don't ever have to be a muslim to have something about you that is Islamic. For example many people who've never been muslim are teetotal. You could say that's something "islamic" about them.
Yes the person you were pictured was is a liberal on Social matters, but in economics he's right wing/conservative. He'd fit the explanation I gave above of a neoliberal
. He told me he was "leftwing on everything", so I was rather disappointed in him when I overheard him saying to someone that he's a Capitalist. You could say this relates to my previous point that people with right wingers elements conceal there right wing leanings around full lefties lol
Also looking on your FB friends I can see at least one exmuslim who is know is a UKIP supporter lol
Most UKIP fans are like kiddyfiddlers in that they only admit they are UKIP supporters around other UKIP supporters just like kiddyfiddlers only admit they are kiddyfiddlers around other kiddyfiddlers.
Islam is VERY FAR from being economically leftwing?
- Mo was a capitalist entrepreneur who had access to the means of production and engaged in international trade.
- Mo had slave labour(which is even worse than wage slavery). Exploitation of labour and very little bargaining power for the person under labour is a central tenet to Capitalism.
- There is also no tax redistributed from your earnings in Islam(just your savings)
- the dhimmi system serves a purpose to accumulate greater CAPITAL for those plutocrats in charge of the Islamic State.
I see Islam as one manifestation of Capitalism. Capitalism seeks to monopolise power and wealth, which is precisely what radical Islam seeks to do.
I didn't mention Niall Fergusons religion. PS Niall Ferguson is an atheist not jewish. lol
As for the list you put up, I don't know about the views of those individuals.