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 Topic: Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?

 (Read 18387 times)
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  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #60 - May 20, 2015, 10:33 AM

    "Why are so many exmuslims rightwing?"

    Not in my experience. In fact in real life I haven't met one Ex-Muslim I know who is right wing. Most of those I know are left wing in fact. Others just middle of the road.

    Same, Honestly I can think of maybe a handful who have right leaning tendencies, but mostly I find ex muslims are either middle of the road, or off to the left. 

    I'm surprised that anyone would conclude we are mostly right wing.   wacko

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #61 - May 20, 2015, 11:00 AM


    I never said he was muslim. You don't ever have to be a muslim to have something about you that is Islamic. For example many people who've never been muslim are teetotal. You could say that's something "islamic" about them. Smiley

    Yes because if someone with no connection to Islan is authoritarian or teetotal then it is perfectly natural to describe them as having a bit of Islam in them.

    Most of your posts set off my bullshit alarm, Serpent.

    There is something that doesn't quite add up about you and it's time I put you on ignore.

    Life is too short.

    Peace Smiley

  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #62 - May 20, 2015, 11:06 AM

    Same, Honestly I can think of maybe a handful who have right leaning tendencies, but mostly I find ex muslims are either middle of the road, or off to the left. 

    I'm surprised that anyone would conclude we are mostly right wing.   wacko

    Me too.
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #63 - May 20, 2015, 11:27 AM

    ................. I'm surprised that anyone would conclude we are mostly right wing.   wacko

    I don't care whether people are in right wing, left wing or center wing  as long as they are NOT in wrong wing..  Here use these simple rules in  life.  

    once a person lives by those rules., , For me it doesn't matter what religion, what political ideology  she/he  belongs to.,   And any religion, religious sayings  or any political party or political ideology that goes against those simple rules mock it, question it, beat the shit out of it until they learn...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #64 - May 20, 2015, 04:05 PM

    I like that one, Yeezy.
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #65 - May 20, 2015, 04:08 PM

    aammeeeen Yeezevee lol
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #66 - May 21, 2015, 07:19 AM

    Yes because if someone with no connection to Islan is authoritarian or teetolal then it is perfectly natural to describe them as having a bit of Islam in them.

    Most of your posts set off my bullshit alarm, Serpent.

    There is something that doesn't quite add up about you and it's time I put you on ignore.

    Life is too short.

    Peace Smiley

    Hassan you never make any points with any substance, but are vacuous and full of personal attacks. I don't think being an internet warrior and insulting people behind the safety of a silicon screen is a good idea with how inter-connected the exmooz community in London is.
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #67 - May 21, 2015, 07:52 AM

    Hassan you never make any points with any substance

    Interesting accusation, considering the cumulative citations on the "evilness" of capitalism you have given on this thread is zero. Anyone can endlessly talk on one system or ideology they don't like.
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #68 - May 21, 2015, 12:37 PM

    Descent don't butt in other peoples one to one disagreements.

    This thread wasn't to demonstrate how evil Capitalism is but to address how many exmuzz lean to the right in some matters, which there is no doubt they do and as Hassan hasn't demonstrated in this thread. Perhaps if you had higher literacy skills Descent you could have ascertained what the thread is actually about.

    I can demonstrate the wickedness of Capitalism in one sentence though easily. 22% of children is the USA live in poverty. Now if Ascent or anyone else wants they can come in here and defend 22% of children in the USA living in poverty go right ahead.

    If any exmuzz wants to be right wing on any matter that's their prerogative. However if you are a Capitalist/Neoliberal whether you like or not you actually support imperialism and racism because Capitalism ties in with hegomonic foreign policies and dividing society on racial lines. So therefore by being a neoliberal/capitalist you are proving the criticism some Muslims make that exmuzz are mouthpieces for Western Supremacism to hold validity.

    Thank goodness Maryam Namazie isn't a Capitalist/Neoliberal
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #69 - May 21, 2015, 12:52 PM

    Public forum mate, people are free to comment. There's always the one on one matches. Smiley

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #70 - May 21, 2015, 01:15 PM

    I don't mind one to one engagement when discussing ideas/beliefs etc Quad. But to jump in between a personal grudge has Hassan against me isn't really of no concern to Descent.

    I'm ok with people addressing points, even 10/20 people arguing against what I've said,
    you can fight for the ball all day with me, as long as you play the ball not the man. The issue with what Descent did is that ganging up on someone and hurling personal abuse at them is bullying. How I would deal with that in real life is not how I can deal with it on a forum.
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #71 - May 21, 2015, 01:40 PM

    ...This isn't the first time you've said someone made it personal or hurled personal abuse at you that I didn't see. Out of curiosity, can you quote what part of Descent's post contained personal abuse?
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #72 - May 21, 2015, 01:54 PM

    ............... The issue with what Descent did is that ganging up on someone and hurling personal abuse at them is bullying..................

    Hello serpent..  sorry about that what happened? where ? where is Descent ? I was under the impression  "Descent is a Descent guy "  That is bad that is very snakey ..

    Descent don't butt in other peoples one to one disagreements.

    This thread wasn't to demonstrate how evil Capitalism is but to address how many exmuzz lean to the right in some matters, which there is no doubt they do and as Hassan hasn't demonstrated in this thread. Perhaps if you had higher literacy skills Descent you could have ascertained what the thread is actually about.


     Yes.. that guy Descent  has NO LITERACY SKILLS., he is useless with words.. We all should learn to write poems sonnets and songs. But you see we  can not say this Serpent "Descent don't butt in other peoples one to one disagreements.".. because you  me and Decent should have freedom to disagree with each other and what we write....
    I can demonstrate the wickedness of Capitalism in one sentence though easily. 22% of children is the USA live in poverty. Now if Ascent or anyone else wants they can come in here and defend 22% of children in the USA living in poverty go right ahead.

    That is indeed a fact and it is all because of their democracy and constitution
    If any exmuzz wants to be right wing on any matter that's their prerogative. However if you are a Capitalist/Neoliberal whether you like or not you actually support imperialism and racism because Capitalism ties in with hegomonic foreign policies and dividing society on racial lines. So therefore by being a neoliberal/capitalist you are proving the criticism some Muslims make that exmuzz are mouthpieces for Western Supremacism to hold validity.

    I agree with you I think you and me together should change this forum and the minds of these guys  something similar to that LOON WATCH
    Thank goodness Maryam Namazie isn't a Capitalist/Neoliberal

    Yes thanks to allah for that but what is she anyway?   she is not Capitalist., well she has no money she is broke .. All liberals once in a while in life there buses breakdown ..  think she is still communist  or  may be Confucianist

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #73 - May 21, 2015, 05:01 PM

    no worries Serpent       : )
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #74 - May 22, 2015, 01:21 PM

    Descent don't butt in other peoples one to one disagreements.

    This thread wasn't to demonstrate how evil Capitalism is but to address how many exmuzz lean to the right in some matters, which there is no doubt they do and as Hassan hasn't demonstrated in this thread. Perhaps if you had higher literacy skills Descent you could have ascertained what the thread is actually about.

    I can demonstrate the wickedness of Capitalism in one sentence though easily. 22% of children is the USA live in poverty. Now if Ascent or anyone else wants they can come in here and defend 22% of children in the USA living in poverty go right ahead.

    If any exmuzz wants to be right wing on any matter that's their prerogative. However if you are a Capitalist/Neoliberal whether you like or not you actually support imperialism and racism because Capitalism ties in with hegomonic foreign policies and dividing society on racial lines. So therefore by being a neoliberal/capitalist you are proving the criticism some Muslims make that exmuzz are mouthpieces for Western Supremacism to hold validity.

    Thank goodness Maryam Namazie isn't a Capitalist/Neoliberal


    Capitalist?  Neo-liberalist?  ex muslim?

    On what exactly are you basing this conclusion?


    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #75 - May 22, 2015, 01:23 PM

    I don't care whether people are in right wing, left wing or center wing  as long as they are NOT in wrong wing..  Here use these simple rules in  life.  

    Ahh, this one doesn't always work lol, like I don't want to be pee'd on, but some people like to be pee'd on.

    Better one, treat people like lepers, be nice and caring, but don't let them get too close or you are liable to catch something.   Afro

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #76 - May 22, 2015, 02:13 PM

    treat people like lepers, be nice and caring, but don't let them get too close or you are liable to catch something.   Afro

    Lol…  grin12
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #77 - May 24, 2015, 12:30 AM

    Ahh, this one doesn't always work lol, like I don't want to be pee'd on, but some people like to be pee'd on.

    Who needs Confucius when you've got Berbs?

  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #78 - May 25, 2015, 04:49 AM

    Most are not right wing. It's just many Ex Muslims Atheists are full blown leftist idealists like many of the Western Atheists. In certain situations Ex Muslims may take a more conservative approach to a problem.
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #79 - May 25, 2015, 05:38 AM

    I've known a lot of Exmuslims, online and offline, and I would say there is a large contingent of neo-liberal, pro-exploitation type people among Exmuslims, and many, many (most?) among the "atheist community" (especially those who identify as such primarily). People like Ayaan Hirsi Ali are obviously neo-cons as well, supporting war, interventions, exploitation, economic inequality, etc. There are many more who are socially liberal, or who'd never admit to being pro-economic inequality, but their stances amount to being just that.

    But there are also a lot, a LOT, of leftish, leftist, democratic socialist, and socialist Exmuslims. I don't think we can parse numbers without doing some kind of serious, reliable massive survey of Exmuslims, which would be next to impossible to do outside of certain academic quarters.

    Why do certain Exmuslims form alliances with right-wing, neo-liberal (and further on neo-con) types? Multiple reasons could apply, I'd say. Most likely at least one of these apply:
    -They are themselves class privileged. Most Exmuslims who are on the Internet come from middle class or upper middle class families, and have been highly influenced by consumerist culture (including internet and other technologies), and adopted it as the default (like many different demographics, not just exmuslims). They identify with the rich, not the poor, or they have bought into the 'aspiration' of being rich someday themselves, the carrot that neo-liberal capitalism advertises and sells all over the world, but especially here in the West.
    -They have become more right wing after they left Islam, because they felt alienated from the left wingers who have ignored dissent and dissidence in Muslim communities, for various reasons.

    It used to be worse in some ways before CEMB, Namazie and all the other venues, groups, orgs and people out there trying to bridge and develop spaces within leftist discourse for the issues faced by exmuslims (or apostates or secularists or dissenters or heretics, whatever they may call themselves).

    Mind you, Islamism IS a right-wing ideology that has grown and continues to flourish because of capitalist endeavours. Oil, weapons trading, arming and training jihadis in the 70s, 80s, 90s, propping up dictators to control the economy in favour of Western interests, forcing people to not nationalize their own natural resources etc. etc. It goes on and on. Islamism and right wing, neo liberal capitalism are allies. Don't let Ayaan Hirsi Ali or her husband Niall Ferguson, or any other neo con tell you otherwise. Read up history yourself.

    I agree that neo-liberals pretend to be centrists around leftists. Bottom line is, they don't think economic inequality is a human rights issue. They see only identity politics as human rights issues: race, sexual orientation, gender (maybe. Not all of them see that as an issue either). You can be 'liberal' or 'left wing' on these social issues, but if you really don't give a shit about people poorer than you, you are still supporting exploitation, or at least complying with it. Economic inequality cannot exist without many (most) people remaining poor to allow a few others to become very wealthy. Everyone else in the middle (middle class) is generally lulled into compliance by those 'aspirations' while policies are made by corporate lobbyists to keep economic inequality going.

    I also think many Exmuslims (and other people in general) who we would consider neo-liberal or somewhat right-wing in terms of economics have never actually sat down and thought through the economic inequality side of the issue. At least, that's what I've seen in my experience. That itself gives away their privilege in that they don't *have* to think about those issues.

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #80 - May 25, 2015, 05:52 AM

    A cartoon on this topic I came across today:

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #81 - May 25, 2015, 06:02 AM

    That cartoon is excellent!
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #82 - May 25, 2015, 06:05 AM

    Also, Islam is absolutely NOT anti capitalist or 'left wing' by any stretch of the imagination. Only people who would think so are people who have probably not researched what is capitalism (in its various forms) and what are the criticisms of it. Islam, just like Christianity, preaches the concept of 'charity' which is an exploitative idea itself. It is based on the presumption that the wealthy should dole out 'charity' to those they deem worthy. Islam does nothing to actually question or unpack economic inequality or neo-liberal capitalism (which was not actually formed as we know it now at the time of Islam's founding anyway). Just because Islam teaches that interest is bad does not mean it is anti-capitalist.

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #83 - May 25, 2015, 06:12 AM

    That cartoon is excellent!

    Isn't it? Smiley I just discovered this cartoonist Toby Morris and am totally loving his work.

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #84 - May 25, 2015, 06:14 AM

    That cartoon is excellent!


    And really helpful comment, Allat. Thanks for it.
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #85 - May 25, 2015, 12:20 PM

    That cartoon is excellent!

    Yup, truly one of those immense pictures that speaks a thousand words.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #86 - May 25, 2015, 05:12 PM

    The issue with what Descent did is that ganging up on someone and hurling personal abuse at them is bullying. How I would deal with that in real life is not how I can deal with it on a forum.

    Hurling personal abuse? I'm simply calling you out on the naïvety of your posts, full of over-simplifications, an overall lack of understanding of concepts, and absolutely nothing but anecdotal evidence that ex-Muslims lean to the right. You treat ideologies and political affiliations as rigid and lacking nuance, and treat capitalism as a single economic system without any variation in form and application. It's very amateur.

    Descent don't butt in other peoples one to one disagreements.

    This thread wasn't to demonstrate how evil Capitalism is but to address how many exmuzz lean to the right in some matters, which there is no doubt they do and as Hassan hasn't demonstrated in this thread. Perhaps if you had higher literacy skills Descent you could have ascertained what the thread is actually about.

    Exactly why I called you out. You've displayed little interest in an answer to your question (to which the answer is that there isn't evidence to suggest it), and went off on a tangent and starting ranting about capitalism. If you're going to do that, then at least make posts that are worthwhile to read. 
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #87 - May 25, 2015, 06:41 PM

    Fucking brilliant. So simple, so true.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #88 - May 25, 2015, 11:17 PM

    You treat ideologies and political affiliations as rigid and lacking nuance

    Most people do, sadly.
  • Why are so many exmuslims rightwing ?
     Reply #89 - May 25, 2015, 11:23 PM

    Hurling personal abuse? I'm simply calling you out on the naïvety of your posts, full of over-simplifications, an overall lack of understanding of concepts, and absolutely nothing but anecdotal evidence that ex-Muslims lean to the right. You treat ideologies and political affiliations as rigid and lacking nuance, and treat capitalism as a single economic system without any variation in form and application. It's very amateur.
    Exactly why I called you out. You've displayed little interest in an answer to your question (to which the answer is that there isn't evidence to suggest it), and went off on a tangent and starting ranting about capitalism. If you're going to do that, then at least make posts that are worthwhile to read. 

    Well said Descent  Afro
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