Let us just forget about scriptures for a moment and watch reality !
Every living thing knows that they came out from nothing and will meet death somehow. If living and non-living things just come out of chance , then life does not have any purpose for its existence and we can do anything we are able to do like walk nude, kill life , conquer wealth , eat anything , have unlimited sex , build structures , make rules , etc.
We are beholden to the societies we live in. For better and the worse this has worked and failed all over the world at different times. I see no evidence of humans doing anything other than what they wish to do while making excuses to do so. We eat anything we want unless it kills us or someone makes a rule against it. We build what we want until the structure fails or someone makes a rule we can not build what we want. The only difference is the rules and the excuses religion provides under the authority of a god, which no one can verify nor falsify.
Let me try an experiment right now. Is it moral to kill people?
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But the question here arises that why chance does not create immortal beings or chance has been forbidden to produce such things.
The "Immortal" Jellyfish has met this question. Also non-sequitur
Is there someone who create things and set their expiry dates? Man got superior brain than other species and he proved it by ruling on other species and by inventing useful machines. But still in many areas he fails to succeed like beating natural disaster, saving life , bringing his ancestor back , creating living thing ,etc. I know that an atheist will say man can do all this with constant efforts taking time. While we know much time has passed and many generations have tried on these things ending with failure. Likewise among other species, one is superior to another in certain abilities but no one is found to have beaten death.
These same failures of man are failures of god. God does not prevent death, these nature disasters (Nepal), etc, etc. Humans have a valid reason for being unable to do so. It is beyond our abilities at this time. While god has this ability but never uses.
What it suggests ? Everyone has limitations except the CREATOR . And who can tell you history except the CREATOR .
Haveingthe ability to stop these events but not doing so is to be either inept, neutral or malicious. Since there are no objective examples of god taking an act you can only infer acts of god as evidence of god. An assertion as a basis for another assertion. An alternative is that god does not exist thus there is no issue with a lack of stopping disasters by your comparison.
Scientists says human originated from monkeys and apes then why they have left their ancestors .
Take a biology course. The ape species that exist now are not our ancestors. Our ancestors are extinct thus the very point you make is moot.
They should celebrate their birthdays with monkeys and apes. Well, I am pleased with the answers from GOD in quran . And I thank GOD for sending prophets and messengers to guide mankind to truth otherwise we have been just wandering blindly in the land . I will thank GOD again when he will raise me again in 2280 A.D. for judgement and seal my destiny. No doubt GOD is the most merciful and love to guide his creatures accepting repentance but those who transgress like satan deserve hell.
Religious rhetoric thus is an expression of an opinion which no one is obligated to accept nor even entertain.