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 Topic: Homosexuality

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  • Homosexuality
     OP - May 22, 2015, 07:16 PM


    I'm new here. Okay I'm gay and have been raised in a Muslim family. The issue is most Muslims don't want to talk to me about this issue online. They simply ignore or ban me. I can't talk about this issue in real life because I'm going to put myself in danger. I guess I want closure.

    I have had it...very rough for being gay. I cannot hide it. I look and behave slightly feminine, which causes other people to treat me very differently. I have all sorts of people be verbally and physically aggressive to me, but Muslims in general were the worst of all.

    I have had Muslims spit at me, thrown food at me, slapped me and call me all sorts of names. I'm 23 now and...nothing is changed. I'm always made to feel uncomfortable when I'm with Muslims. It is not easy because I live in a Muslim community. I cannot leave because I have no money and I'm unemployed (hard to get a job). Even if I get a job I'm going to face some issues concerning my sexuality.

    The issue is...I'm in the UK and I even get hostility from other people because I happen to be Asian (I get called racial names).  I'm just finding it really hard right now. It is not just Muslims. I get made fun of by other people for being gay...but I admit I get treated worse by Muslims. I'm really confused and tired.  I don't know what to do.

    I just feel like being I'm attacked for no reason.
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #1 - May 22, 2015, 07:50 PM

    Welcome  parrot bunny parrot
    I can't offer much advice to your dilemma - I'm not ex-muslim or gay, but I'm sure other kind folks here will chip in. However, have you seen Imtiaz Sham's videos? He has one where he interviews his gay, ex muslim buddy - here it is:

    You can almost certainly find people who have had similar struggles to yourself via this forum and ones like it. A trouble shared is a trouble halved and all that. You may even find there are people on the same boat in your very own community.
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #2 - May 22, 2015, 07:58 PM

    Hey, welcome.

    I'm so sorry to hear about how rough it's been for you. I can't imagine. I wish I could offer advice, but perhaps other members will be better suited to point you in the right direction, especially in regards to your rights there with employment.

    Anyway, everyone here is really nice, and this is definitely a safe space for you to talk and ask questions. Glad you found us.  far away hug

  • Homosexuality
     Reply #3 - May 22, 2015, 08:08 PM

    Thanks for the replies.
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #4 - May 22, 2015, 08:34 PM

    I've no advice to give but welcome to the forum.
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #5 - May 22, 2015, 08:57 PM

    Welcome to the forum someone1991, have a rabbit!  bunny

    I'm sorry you're getting this kind of treatment. There must be some way for you to get out of the really toxic environment you're surrounded in most of the time, some sort of hobby or interest you can pursue with more like minded people? I dunno I'm just brainstorming at the moment because I know it can be rough when you're not yet independent and you feel like you just can't escape for whatever reason. I really hope you can find some space for yourself to feel comfortable regardless of religious community, employment.  far away hug

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #6 - May 22, 2015, 09:32 PM

    Welcome hugs
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #7 - May 22, 2015, 10:51 PM

    I am so sorry. I wish you could move to an inclusive area. In the US we have a group called PFLAG that helps gay youth with issues, are there no resources there for gay youth? How about a job training program, away from home? Or any secondary education, away from home?
    Domestic violence shelters in the US are starting to help men, too. Do they do that in the UK, if you have had issues with family? Because some of those places here help you with everything.

    There is a place for you to fit in, where you will not be treated so horribly, you just have to get there. You can do it. So many others have had to do the same, you can do it, too. Hugs! Stay strong!

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #8 - May 23, 2015, 12:58 AM

    Hello!   parrot
    I cannot leave because I have no money...

    Where do you live now? At your parents place?
    Here's an organisation that might be a good match for your case:
    Albert Kennedy Trust.
    I think they work mostly with finding places to stay for LGBT youth and they see a lot of young persons with a similar background like yours. Might come in handy.

    Here are some other links but I don't know how up to date it is.
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #9 - May 23, 2015, 04:00 AM

    I just feel like being I'm attacked for no reason.

    That's because you ARE being attacked for no reason. Reading your post made my blood boil. Some people are bullies and the only thing that will make them stop is a beating. Now I could give you the standard macho advice, tell you to work out, build your strength and kick the shit out of them, but, satisfying though that would be, chances are that would land you with a criminal record, unless you're from a really working class background and people would rather have cancer than call the police.

    In the UK you have resources at your disposal. This is not just bullying and harassment, it is, under the eyes of the law, a hate crime. Have you looked into services provided for young gay men?

    Any realistic advice I can give you depends on what you yourself want. Do you want to stay in your area? Do you want to leave? If you found a shelter would you go or are you in college/university and that would fuck things up? What exactly do you want to see happen?

    Are you in a city, a town or a village? In cities and some towns you'll generally have more options than a small town or village in the shires.

    If you haven't heard of them, you may be interested in Imaan, which deals specifically with LGBT muslims.

    The most important thing to keep in mind is that. not only are there support groups out there, activists out there, and places being set up up and down the country, but THE LAW IS ON YOUR SIDE. If it gets bad enough, do not hesitate to ring the police.

    Welcome to CEMB, where we could give a shit if you're gay, straight, black, white, or a little green man from Mars. Your parrot. parrot

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #10 - May 23, 2015, 08:23 AM

    Thanks for the responses and support. I have taken into account what everyone has said and in the process of drafting a plan. I need to build a better life.

  • Homosexuality
     Reply #11 - May 23, 2015, 08:28 AM

    Can you tell us if you're in college or university, or any of the other details I mentioned? Plus any I didn't you feel are relevant. Obviously limit it to what you're comfortable with sharing, but the better the understanding, the better the advice we can give.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #12 - May 23, 2015, 08:53 AM

    ^ I will update this topic once I have put everything into perspective. There are other issues as well but I have an idea how to deal with them.
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #13 - May 23, 2015, 09:05 AM

    Thats great someone1991! Let us know if you want any feedback.  Smiley

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #14 - May 23, 2015, 01:03 PM

    Right I have an idea.

    I need a job ASAP. I can use my volunteering experience to get a job. I would like to work as a kitchen porter or a catering assistant.  It is so hard to get a job...I also need to be prepared to work in the hospitality industry because there is a strong possibility that I'm going to be dealing with bad tempered chefs, rude co-workers and difficult customers.  I previously volunteered at a homeless charity and deal with all sorts of rough people and ex-criminals. I did get used to all the verbal abuse so much. I'm so used to dealing with difficult people that I should manage...I hope.

    I was studying at The Open University. Just completed my certificate. The problem is...I rather not invest in a degree that is not going to be of much practical use. I'm still researching what degree I should study without rushing this time. So I'm leaving the OU and trying to do something. The OU is great but not for me.

    I live with my parents. I actually get along with my parents very well. Though we hardly talk, I think they understand I have had it rough for the last 20 years. They heard how I struggled at school and all that. My parents are also getting old and I want to take care of them. I cannot move to a new area mainly because of financial issues and my parents feeling comfortable here. So I'm stuck in this rough area. I do live with a crazy relative (my brother). He is...nuts and violent. He hates gay people. I just cannot wait once he gets married and go away.  As for my distant relatives...again they have issues and I'm going to distance myself from them.

    In terms of the area I live in...well I decided to get a dog. I need a dog. Most guys in my area are scared of dogs and they will not come near me if I have like a huge dog with me. Whilst I like dogs, I feel bad using a dog to protect me. Am I being selfish? I have thought about taking self defence classes, but I need more immediate protection. I'm going to start documenting every time I get harassed because I'm tired now. I also plan on getting car once I get a job. I don't need to go out that much because I do most of the family shopping at home and deal with all the finances via internet.

    It is kinda pointless moving to a new area. With my first job (which made me...extremely suicidal), it took 90 minutes to get there. Yeah it was very far. On the bus I remembered being called f*cki p*ki, f*ggot and all that.  When I finally arrived to the place where I worked, I remember getting so much dirty looks. I thought I was being paranoid but my therapist said I'm thinking fine. I think wherever I go I'm going to get some difficult people. 

    I do have anxiety and depression but I'm working on this. No point seeing a doctor. They hardly listen.

    I'm not out yet...which is kinda dumb because it is so obvious I'm gay. However, I feel more comfortable not advertising being gay. I don't even identify myself to the gay community because it is way too...sexual for me. I prefer to keep to myself.

    The main issue do I deal with Muslims? When they are confrontational? They ask questions like are you gay in a very rude way? I'm not sure what to say because if my family finds out...I'm in big trouble.

  • Homosexuality
     Reply #15 - May 23, 2015, 03:41 PM

    My impression is that you need to get out of that area. I do understand that your parents are settled and would not want to leave and you want to take care of them, but you can do this while living somewhere else. They aren't going to hit 70 and suddenly be infants, unable to do anything for themselves. If in the future it turns out they do need more immediate help, this is an issue that can be dealt with then. For now, think of yourself.

    It's not selfish to want to get a dog for protection, however, you need to understand just what a huge responsibility a dog is. It's like having a small child. That dog will need attention, training, food, exercise, and it will need it every day. It's also expensive. Then there are annual trips to the vet, surprise trips if the dog get's sick or has an injury, shots, there's so much to consider. There's also the type of dog you get. Different breeds require different care. You cannot treat a huskie the same way you treat a rottweiler. You cannot treat a rottweiler the way you treat a collie. Etc.

    There's also individual personality to consider. Some dogs are naturally easier to handle than others. Some dogs are naturally more protective than others. If you got punched in the face, there are some dogs that will run away, some that will cower in fear, and others that will instinctively attack to protect you. There's also legal matters of what constitutes dangerous dogs if a dog does indeed attack to protect it's owner. But if you're willing to learn about dogs, specifically the type you want, and you can take on that responsibility, then there's no reason not to consider it.

    On the matter of employment, the first thing you need to do is get jobseeker's allowance. See if there are any benefits you have access to. The best thing to do is ring the citizens advice bureau, explain your situation and see what, if anything, you're entitled to. If you're registered with your local job centre and doing what you should be doing, you should be entitled. If you're not registered, make this a priority. When you have interviews, make sure you're on time and presentable. There are some surprisingly nice suits in places like Tesco and ASDA you can pick up for £30, and you'd be amazed at some of the things you can find in second hand shops, thrift stores and charity shops. Make sure you're at least 15 minutes early to an interview, well dressed and clean shaven. If you have facial hair for religious reasons (I'm not sure if you're actually an ex-muslim or not), make sure it's trimmed and professional. You don't want to look like a homeless Santa like a lot of these jihadi wannabe morons do. For references, make sure you put people who will tell a potential employer good things about you. If you have a friend or family member happy to tell a potential employer that you worked for them and will sing your praises, don't hesitate. Dishonest, yes, but do it anyway.

    As for your experiences prior to this, you don't have to take it. Threaten to report them for racial discrimination and/or homophobia. If they don't stop, follow through. Report them. These laws exist for a reason, to protect you. Take advantage, or nothing will change.

    At this point in time, taking your situation and safety into account, having an income is of incredible importance. You need to get out of that area. You need to get out of that environment. Your anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts are mental health issues that are being reinforced by the people in the area you live in. You need to leave. No good will come from you being there. Again, I understand you want to look after your parents, but this isn't an immediate concern, it's a future concern to be dealt with when the time comes. Your safety, however, is very much an immediate concern. This doesn't make you a bad son.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #16 - May 24, 2015, 01:10 AM

    I am really glad you are making a plan to improve things for yourself. I think that taking control of your situation may help to make you feel better about things. However given that you are suffering from anxiety and depression I don't think you should be so against the idea of seeing a Doctor about it. Lots of people have found anti-depressants helpful so that could be worth a try. There are other therapies you could try too like cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) - I think there are even some online tools for CBT.

    I hope you can find a job - yes you might have to deal with a shitty customer or chef, but you may well find friendly folk there too. I can't help thinking that you really could do with spending some time around friendly people who are happy to accept you as you are. Looking for CEMB meetups or similar activities might be an idea. There are plenty of decent folk out there who aren't racist or anti-gay - you just need to find them.

    Perhaps you could reconsider the idea of doing self-defence or martial arts classes, not so much because it would help to defeat all comers in a short space of time but because doing regular exercise will help with your depression and will probably boost your self confidence. The less vulnerable and more comfortable in your skin you seem to others the less likely arseholes are to pick on you. You need to find a good club though. Whatever you decide to do, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you finding your way to a more positive future.
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #17 - May 24, 2015, 04:01 AM

    Agree with Quod's advice. You really do need to get to a better place for yourself, one which doesn't take such a toll on you mentally. It really does make a huge difference on many aspects of your life.

    And I am glad you are making plans and being proactive, that's a great mentality for someone looking to improve their lot in life.  Afro

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #18 - May 24, 2015, 09:26 AM

    Again thanks for the advice. I've fully taken it in and just going to figure it all out. It takes a while for me to make decisions.  parrot
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #19 - May 24, 2015, 02:48 PM

    Let us know what you decide to do and how it goes! You certainly deserve better than your current situation.  far away hug

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #20 - May 24, 2015, 03:29 PM

    You certainly deserve better than your current situation.  far away hug


    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #21 - May 31, 2015, 11:58 AM

    Any news on this front? I hope you took my advice, even if it was only ringing the citizens advice bureau,

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #22 - June 01, 2015, 01:12 PM

    Right I have started some stupid training course. I hate it already. I just want to punch most of the students there. They have big mouths. I tried to be polite to them but they are so ugh...rude to me. Again some probably figured out I'm gay. So yeah it sucks.

    Oh there was this cute Afghan guy who was so nice to me.  parrot .....Yeah I will keep on dreaming.

    I might get a job after two weeks....but I doubt it.

  • Homosexuality
     Reply #23 - June 01, 2015, 01:18 PM

    Try anyway, and be pissed off about it later!  yes

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #24 - June 02, 2015, 04:13 PM

    It's a good thing to put on a CV, it shows drive and seriousness. Keep in mind not to project on people. Sometimes we think someone has a problem with us when they could care less, and/or mistake indifference with hostility. However if you honestly do feel you're being discriminated against for racial/sexual purposes, remember what I said about the law being on your side. Discrimination gets in the way of you doing your job. It's in the employers interest as well as your own to have a smooth work environment.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #25 - June 04, 2015, 01:24 PM

    Any news on this front? I hope you took my advice, even if it was only ringing the citizens advice bureau,

    Well I have an appointment with them. I told them everything. So basically said my situation is kinda complicated so I need to attend an appointment, bring some documents and they will start helping and getting in touch with certain organisations. They did warn it is going to be a long process.

    As for my training course, yeah I'm learning a lot. I worked as a wine waiter on Tuesday, Cloak Room Assistant yesterday and today worked as a kitchen runner. Oh and some of the students are so dumb as rocks. Honestly they really...are stupid. Oh well.
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #26 - June 07, 2015, 05:45 PM

    That's really good. Are you getting jobseeker's or anything?

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #27 - June 20, 2015, 06:47 PM

    I'm getting benefits yeah.

    I was feeling very suicidal for the last few days. I usually feel suicidal but I ignore it. That last few days it was really strong, but I won't do anything. Just made me tired.

    I just felt sad. I'm not happy. I shouldn't really be complaining, but I let small comments from others really upset me. I just felt very insecure about everything.

    Oh well. Just trying to rebuild my life step by step.

    I have a horrible feeling I'm going to end up...I don't know. I just think I will have a miserable life. I'm absolutely tired now.
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #28 - June 20, 2015, 07:47 PM

    Can you call the suicide hotlines and just talk to them? That is what they are there for. Where I live the hotline people are incredibly helpful.  Maybe they could somehow help you get into a doctor's office to help you through this?

    I am really sorry. I know that tired feeling and it was hard for me to get out of it.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Homosexuality
     Reply #29 - June 20, 2015, 07:58 PM

    Would agree with three, if you are having serious suicidal thoughts.

    I think the fourth to last sentence is the important part. You know what it is that you're trying to do which is important in living a better life. Stay strong!  far away hug

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
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