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 Topic: Apostasy: a ticking time bomb?

 (Read 2276 times)
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  • Apostasy: a ticking time bomb?
     OP - August 06, 2015, 11:01 AM
    In the modern era the domination of the modern educational model has led to an increase in critical questioning and critical analysis. Everything can be and is questioned. With this frame of mind every notion, every idea and every concept can be rejected if unsupported by empirical evidence. Indeed such an educational framework has led to leaps in human understanding in the scientific arena. In a few years humanity went from the first flight in a wooden aircraft to putting satellites in space. While there is no doubting these achievements of humanity, it is clear that applying the same rationale and critical analysis to religion has led to a rise in atheism. The trend of this initial rise in atheism was conversion from Christianity to humanism. Many in the Muslim world watched on, and even ridiculed the various Christian churches for being so flawed in their belief that they could not respond to this rejection from among their flocks. Few realised that this was a trend affecting all religions and that the chickens would eventually come home to roost.
    Though currently making up only a small portion of the population, the fact remains that acceptance of atheist beliefs is on the rise, including amongst Muslims. At Islamwise we have received calls from Muslims concerned about their family members denying Islām. Religions are beginning to lose the battle against atheism; hence, while the open declaration of apostasy is not experienced en masse we would do well to start responding now. We have a perfect religion, clearly explained with an abundance of intellectual commentary and contribution. We have only to utilise this; to educate ourselves so we may educate others. Should we follow our religion correctly we can move on from simply carrying the label of Islām, and give da’wah through our character, morality, self-discipline and taqwa, inshāAllāh. As yet, it remains a cultural taboo among Muslim communities to declare apostasy, however over time taboos change and were a time in the future to come when people no longer feel shyness at declaring their position, we will ask ourselves why did we not see this coming and why did we not do something about it?

  • Apostasy: a ticking time bomb?
     Reply #1 - August 06, 2015, 06:22 PM

    We have a perfect religion, clearly explained with an abundance of intellectual commentary and contribution. We have only to utilise this; to educate ourselves so we may educate others. Should we follow our religion correctly we can move on from simply carrying the label of Islām, and give da’wah through our character, morality, self-discipline and taqwa, inshāAllāh. As yet, it remains a cultural taboo among Muslim communities to declare apostasy, however over time taboos change and were a time in the future to come when people no longer feel shyness at declaring their position, we will ask ourselves why did we not see this coming and why did we not do something about it?

    Wonderful cognitive dissonance there!

    Once upon a time there was a phrase "those dreadful hammers".

    Are there Dinosaurs in the Islamic heaven?

    Why did Allah make dinosaurs?

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • Apostasy: a ticking time bomb?
     Reply #2 - August 06, 2015, 08:02 PM

    Apparently those who were not indoctrinated with Islam in their childhood are stupid and irrational, because they are not able to see the same truth as the ones who were indoctrinated with Islam, are. Apart from the 1.6 billion muslims, of who the vast majority comprise of people indoctrinated with Islam during childhood, mankind is not able to believe in Islam.

    Ergo majority of mankind are stupid and irrational.

    There is a disconnect between the verbal claims about Islām and what the Muslims actually practice.

    Because your omniscient god did not bother to convey his message in clear cut words, people are interpreting his ambiguous words in all sorts of manners. Btw, what is up with the ā in Islam?
  • Apostasy: a ticking time bomb?
     Reply #3 - August 06, 2015, 10:29 PM

    Am I missing something? I seems to me that apostasy is very adequately dealt with.
  • Apostasy: a ticking time bomb?
     Reply #4 - August 06, 2015, 10:48 PM

    "Some “Muslims” given media platforms promote concepts contrary to classical Islamic beliefs such as the evolution of humankind from apes"

    How dreadful!!... and he wonders why people are having a crisis of faith lol
  • Apostasy: a ticking time bomb?
     Reply #5 - August 07, 2015, 12:42 PM

    Am I missing something? I seems to me that apostasy is very adequately dealt with.

    Yeah, but according to some muslims, "Islam" doesn't prescribe any punishment for apostasy. Its just one of those million things that majority of muslims have "misinterpreted". If only Allah could have unequivocally stated his business  Roll Eyes
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