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 Topic: Readdressing sex and ‘honour’

 (Read 2092 times)
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  • Readdressing sex and ‘honour’
     OP - August 14, 2015, 02:14 AM

    A lot has been said and discussed in the five days since the Kasur child abuse scandal came to the fore. It has been labelled as the biggest sexual abuse scandal in the history of the country, with many dubbing it a tragedy greater than the Peshawar school attack. While the gravity of the scandal has been comprehensively highlighted – despite a few ministers’ endeavour to downplay the atrocities – and the responsibility of the Punjab government and law enforcement agencies thoroughly dissected, there still is a lack of deliberation over the uncomfortable questions, wherein one can usually trace the elephant in the room.

    Fear, the deadliest arsenal possessed by Kasur’s crime syndicate, which sodomized and filmed children for nearly a decade, is not being targeted. This leaves the dangerous weapon – and its evident menace – open for abuse. It was fear that ensured that hundreds of parents were hushed up, as evidence of their children’s torment was nonchalantly presented by the perpetrators themselves. This self-mutilating fear wasn’t instilled through death threats or imminent violence, but simply through banking on a perverted concept of ‘honour’, which blackmailed the parents into submission.

    The idea of ‘losing one’s honour’, on which the entire superstructure of the Kasur scandal rested for nine years, wasn’t conceived by the gang. The concept was given birth millennia ago, as we, the outraged citizens of Pakistan, fan the embers of victim-blaming while simultaneously demanding ‘justice for our children’. And so, while we radiate angst, let us pause for a moment and realise that it’s we, and our warped perception of ‘morality’, that was the greatest accomplice for the Ganda Singhwallah gang.

    Sexual intercourse, the most natural and basic of human instincts, is still treated by our society as a cardinal sin, unless the indulgent get written approval by the state to have sex – also known as a marriage certificate...

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Readdressing sex and ‘honour’
     Reply #1 - August 14, 2015, 02:16 AM


    Article very well written though.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Readdressing sex and ?honour?
     Reply #2 - August 14, 2015, 09:28 AM

    Yeah, but take a look at the comments section  Roll Eyes
    Sexual abuse of children has been prevalent in rural Pakistan for the longest time. Not shocked at all about this case. Time Pakistanis accept the social ills that exist in their society due to their culture. This has got NOTHING to do with the west. Yet I see people blaming western porno industry and what not.

    These things were part and parcel of rural Pakistan long before pornography became freely available for all.
  • Readdressing sex and ‘honour’
     Reply #3 - August 14, 2015, 11:52 AM

    Pakistan equals hypocrisy.

    And today is jashne barbadi. What the hell are you proud of that you have to wave that flag?

  • Readdressing sex and ?honour?
     Reply #4 - August 14, 2015, 01:57 PM

    The comments section.

    Precisely why Pakistan is the way it is!
  • Readdressing sex and ?honour?
     Reply #5 - August 14, 2015, 02:32 PM

    I have background from rural areas. Sexual abuse of children (especially young boys), is sadly very common . Young boys are often sexually exploited, either by adult males or older boys. Such exploitation is often met with a shrug "boys will be boys", when this isn't a case of boys being boys but rather 5, 6, 7 year old boys being sexually exploited by boys who are up to ten years older than them.

    This is of course never talked about.
  • Readdressing sex and ?honour?
     Reply #6 - August 14, 2015, 02:52 PM

    Are there any studies on how prevalent it is? There have been stories about Afghanistan. Some have argued that the rate of child abuse in the Catholic Church was not greater than that of other institutions, while the cover up might have been.
  • Readdressing sex and ‘honour’
     Reply #7 - August 14, 2015, 04:47 PM

    There is nothing new about the production of child pornography in Pakistan. Living and working in Afghanistan and Peshawar at the end of the last century and the beginning of this, I became aware of its production on a highly organised commercial basis via the wife of a Scandinavian diplomat. She worked to rescue children caught up in this vile business that was conducted on the upper storey of a bazaar a couple of kilometres from the Peshawar city centre. Many of the children thus being used had been sold by their parents, Afghan refugees, mostly living in the Jallozai and Shamshatto camps at the time.

    In an encounter that still freezes my blood I interviewed a widow with four children in Jallozai. My interpreter came from the same area as the woman and spoke her dialect, there was nothing lost in translation. She had already sold a boy for $100 and would sell a girl as well. ‘Agents’ prowled the camp looking for children for sale. Cash in the hand. No questions asked. Boys for preference but we take girls as well but not for top dollar...

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Readdressing sex and ‘honour’
     Reply #8 - August 22, 2015, 09:04 AM

    Pakistanis discussing the issue.

    OP links to an article which discusses that this is indeed a cultural problem in Pakistan. Of course he gets jumped by the "Pakistanis can do no wrong, lets just blame the system" brigade. What those jackasses fail to realize is that when many of the perpetrators are young underaged boys themselves, then its not merely about system being corrupt, its also a cultural problem. Of course pakistanis most would rather not admit their own faults, and point fingers at everything else between the sun and the moon, then do some serious introspection. Underaged boys in rural Pakistan need protection, not only from male predators, but also other older boys, who happen to be underaged too.

    Many sexual molesters are often victims of molestation themselves. When 5-6 year old boys are routinely being sexually abused by 12-13 year old boys, then we have to acknowledge that this is a cultural problem.
  • Readdressing sex and ?honour?
     Reply #9 - August 22, 2015, 10:12 AM

    Article very well written though.

    Kunwar Khuldune Shahid is an excellent (and brave) journalist. Also worth checking out his satirical pieces for the Khabaristan Times.

    What we do instead is shackle our adolescent girls into a perpetual fear of sex, till the parents earmark the man with whom that hitherto act of utmost sin becomes a compulsion overnight.

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