OP - September 26, 2015, 09:32 AM
Hello all,
I've been in the closet for a few years now. I started reading "The God Delusion" recently and that had led me to think about things. It has led me to this forum.
My position is an agnostic right now - I feel it's impossible to disprove or prove god exists. I think I've been a humanist all along though - we should practice kindness along with rational thinking.
I'm interested in conversations which apply critical thinking to the premise that the Quran is devine. Lately I've been reading online sources which seek to refute Islam (mainly WikiIslam) and on the other side, essays from Muslims who validate it. I've also been watching many debates on YouTube between atheists and religious scholars and Islamic scholars versus ex-Muslims.
Despite feeling a little scared, I've "come out" to some Muslims in my social circle and it's "early days" right now. They are still friends.
I was advised to keep in the closet by another friend but I didn't want to live a double-life any more. I value integrity, being honest and up-front.
My life is complicated right now as I have wife, marriage problems and a child to support.
I'm hoping to make friends here too eventually by attending some real-life meetups.
"Be excellent to each other!"
My religious doctrine: Be excellent to each other!