You can be Hassan`s sidekick in promoting this agnostic muslim thing.
Just grow back your long beard and brush up your khutbah speaking skills.

I love Hassan and fully support people identifying as agnostic Muslims, but I’m not comfortable identifying as any sort of Muslim myself, since I don’t feel that I am one. I take things from Islam, just as I take things from lots of other sources. Islam is also a huge part of my heritage and has contributed a great deal to the person I am today. But ultimately, rather than empowering me, I find that Islam fundamentally drains me. Thinking about it drains me. Trying to make convoluted sense of it drains me. My relationship with it is best described as “ex” or possibly even “post.”
I’m no longer angry with it. It is what it is. A movement among many humanity has seen. I admittedly admire many things about it, especially the way that it empowered the earliest Muslim communities in Arabia and the earliest African American Muslim communities here in the states. For me, though, I find that it’s a stage of development I’m better off moving beyond if I’m going to continue growing. And the label “Post-Islamic Agnostic Human” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.