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 Topic: Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam

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  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #30 - December 19, 2015, 07:44 PM

    I blame the Normans. They started it and their decendants carried it on. Bloody French.

    The Normans were culturally and genetically assimilated Scandinavians so blame them Vikings.
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #31 - December 19, 2015, 08:23 PM

    Yeah but Indo-Europeans came from the middle east, so as usual it's the middle east fucking everything up.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #32 - December 19, 2015, 08:24 PM

    I blame Ramapithecus. He started it.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #33 - December 19, 2015, 10:28 PM

    I believe they both are. Islam is a militaristic religion whose true believers seek expansion through military conquest of the globe. We can all accept that. 

    However white people seem to have this innate tendency regardless of religion whether it was the atheist USSR expanding communism, the neo-pagan Nazis or the Christian Spanish conquest of the Americas.

    Christianity is a more pacifist religion yet the supposedly Christian Europeans conquered much of the world after the 1600s in a violent way.

    And it didn't stop with colonialism. Within Europe, the two world wars were the most destructive events of modern history.

    After WW2, with the atom bomb the white man stopped fighting each other. Instead they carried on fighting through third world proxies.

    I would agree that Islam is a threat to world peace but also that Europeans are also a threat to world peace. The current chaos in Iraq started after the west invaded.

    that is depressing Bates.. Let us watch this..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #34 - December 20, 2015, 03:02 AM

    In other news, humans are a problem.

    This thread could have ended there.

    What was that line in "Animal House"? We're each outstanding in our own way--
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #35 - December 20, 2015, 06:44 AM

    I think people are basically the same, and genetic differences that correlate with race or ethnicity don't have much effect beyond those obvious external indicators.  The human brain is extremely plastic.  The degree to which environment can shape development is astonishing. 

    If you wanted to attempt to answer this question scientifically, it would prove nearly impossible.  You would have to have a situation where you essentially had clones with only genes accounting for racial or ethnic differences and identical environments. 

    The truth is, aggression and violence are an unfortunate part of human nature, and always have been regardless of skin color.  The good news is, humans have the capacity to transcend these things, and other parts of our nature have lead us to embrace co-operation and non-violence.  It may seem grim, but over the course of history, mankind has become decidely less violent.  We can learn and imprint on others better values then violence and aggression.  And, (being a transhumanist) I believe we will soon be in a position to change human nature, keeping the good parts and reducing the tendency towards violence and hate.

    (Full disclosure:  I qualify as a "white man", so take that bias into account Smiley)
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #36 - December 20, 2015, 12:33 PM

    I think people are basically the same, ..........

    No they are not same Dave.. these animals are very intelligent ..

    (Full disclosure:  I qualify as a "white man", so take that bias into account Smiley)

    So how many slaves you have?  How many slave our QSE has? And where is Norman Bates?  let me watch and read  this today's news

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #37 - December 21, 2015, 08:55 AM

    A number of wars before the present still had massive causalities in the millions. Given that human population before the modern era is not even close to the 7 billion now a war with 30 million causality, religious war in Germany that effected most of the continent, is a larger percentage of a sub-billion population that 60 million of a population of 2-3 billion. People see big numbers but rarely consider the percentage of the population that these numbers represent.
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #38 - December 22, 2015, 04:33 PM

    "No they are not same Dave.. these animals are very intelligent .. "

    "So how many slaves you have?  How many slave our QSE has? And where is Norman Bates?  let me watch and read  this today's news"

    I don't personally have slaves and do not.  However, I am certainly the beneficiary of slave labor.  For example, right now I am typing on a computer.  90% of a certain mineral necessary to make computers comes from East Congo.  And up untill recently, that mineral was mined by literal slaves.  Not underpaid sweatshop workers.  Literal slaves, who were kidnapped and forced to work at gun point.

    Now it's true, Western corporations don't typically directly own slaves.  But they sure don't have seem to have much problem giving money to people who do.  It's a common practice in the globalized economy, called "outsourcing."

    Now, some of these cases, people argue, oh, nut you are helping lift them out of poverty!  Well, in the long run, maybe.  But take China. Sure, people have gotten wealthier.  But at the cost of destroying the environment.  And those corps had no problem with the government preventing workers from organizing.  Now that there is a wealthier chinese middle class who is finally demanding better wages, what is happening?  The companies are going to cheaper markets, like cambodia and vietnam, where labor is even cheaper and the government is even more brutal.

    And heck, sometimes companies do engage in more direct slavery.  Google the case of the Northern Maraiana Islands.  That was US soil. 

    Furthermore, it's not like all this just happens by accident.  There are patterns of "maldevelopment"  where the upper class get disproportionately rich in these countries, and then control the levers of power to maintain the mercnatist economic status.  Read "Confessions of an economic hitman" or "Against Empire."  You will see all the global entities, like the WTO, the IMF, and the trade agreements formalize these relationships and make them the law.  For example, the IMF will bail out a country.  But they set conditions to insure the loan is repayed.  So they say your best market is America, yo must sell x resources to america to pay off the loan.  So they do that.  But now their economy has been structured in such a way as to produce for america.  And america can borrow as much as it wants and go into as much debt as it wants without worryinh about repaying.  Because ever since the end of world war 2, america has forced countries to buy from international oil markets in us dollars, artifically inlfating the currency.  Controlling the world's oil supply, or at least enough of it, is less about direct access to the oil, but ability to insure the maintenance and supremacy of the petrodollar.

    And heck, if a country doesn't play ball, the US has ways, both openly, and subtly, to force them to,  The nations the US intervenes in are often dictatorships, but that isn't the reason they intervene.  They are fine as long it is "their guy."  Look at the Saudi Royal Family.  A brutal, repressive, fundamentalist monarchy.  But as long as they pump out oil when Obama wants to crash Russis's economy, it's all swell, buddy, buddy, and selling weapons.  Despite the fact that so much of the salafist movement and the salafist madrasses that have spread radical, anti-american islam are finance by saudis.

    I'm not sure what your point is, but you seem to be suggesting that only non-white people do these horrible things like slavery.  That's obviously not true historically, and it's still not true to today.  It's rather that the majortiy of white people can adopt an "out of sight, out of mind" mentality.  You tell them these things and they say, "that's horrible."   But they still buy the products.  They still contribute to those companies who are doing these.  It's not everyone, and for example, in the case of the mining in east congo, now it is no longer slaves.  They are still payed low wages relative to the value of the work.  But it changed, and due to public pressure. 

    We can make a difference.  The opportunities afforded by new systems of technology, information exchange, 3d- printers, digitial currency, and ulimately, tarsnhumanit neuro-engineering to change our misanthropic natural tendencies are reasons not to despair>

    But the west and "white people" are not some unique paragons of virtue due to their skin color.  They can afford to be perhaps a bit more nice on a local level.  But again, they can AFFORD to be, as so much of the nasty violence to maintain western capitalism is outsourced.  And what you see is the product of living in modern colonial societies.
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #39 - December 23, 2015, 02:38 AM

    Good info.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #40 - December 23, 2015, 04:43 AM

    In other news, humans are a problem.

    Ah, so I see you've finally come around to this idea:

    Good man, I knew you'd see the light.  Wink

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #41 - December 23, 2015, 05:39 AM

    Lot of truth in Dave's post. First world people live off the backs of third world slaves.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #42 - December 23, 2015, 06:54 AM

    "No they are not same Dave.. these animals are very intelligent .. "

    "So how many slaves you have?  How many slave our QSE has? And where is Norman Bates?  let me watch and read  this today's news"

    I don't personally have slaves and do not.  However, I am certainly the beneficiary of slave labor.  For example, right now I am typing on a computer.  90% of a certain mineral necessary to make computers comes from East Congo.  And up untill recently, that mineral was mined by literal slaves.  Not underpaid sweatshop workers.  Literal slaves, who were kidnapped and forced to work at gun point.

    Now it's true, Western corporations don't typically directly own slaves.  But they sure don't have seem to have much problem giving money to people who do.  It's a common practice in the globalized economy, called "outsourcing."

    Now, some of these cases, people argue, oh, nut you are helping lift them out of poverty!  Well, in the long run, maybe.  But take China. Sure, people have gotten wealthier.  But at the cost of destroying the environment.  And those corps had no problem with the government preventing workers from organizing.  Now that there is a wealthier chinese middle class who is finally demanding better wages, what is happening?  The companies are going to cheaper markets, like cambodia and vietnam, where labor is even cheaper and the government is even more brutal.

    And heck, sometimes companies do engage in more direct slavery.  Google the case of the Northern Maraiana Islands.  That was US soil. 

    Furthermore, it's not like all this just happens by accident.  There are patterns of "maldevelopment"  where the upper class get disproportionately rich in these countries, and then control the levers of power to maintain the mercnatist economic status.  Read "Confessions of an economic hitman" or "Against Empire."  You will see all the global entities, like the WTO, the IMF, and the trade agreements formalize these relationships and make them the law.  For example, the IMF will bail out a country.  But they set conditions to insure the loan is repayed.  So they say your best market is America, yo must sell x resources to america to pay off the loan.  So they do that.  But now their economy has been structured in such a way as to produce for america.  And america can borrow as much as it wants and go into as much debt as it wants without worryinh about repaying.  Because ever since the end of world war 2, america has forced countries to buy from international oil markets in us dollars, artifically inlfating the currency.  Controlling the world's oil supply, or at least enough of it, is less about direct access to the oil, but ability to insure the maintenance and supremacy of the petrodollar.

    And heck, if a country doesn't play ball, the US has ways, both openly, and subtly, to force them to,  The nations the US intervenes in are often dictatorships, but that isn't the reason they intervene.  They are fine as long it is "their guy."  Look at the Saudi Royal Family.  A brutal, repressive, fundamentalist monarchy.  But as long as they pump out oil when Obama wants to crash Russis's economy, it's all swell, buddy, buddy, and selling weapons.  Despite the fact that so much of the salafist movement and the salafist madrasses that have spread radical, anti-american islam are finance by saudis.

    I'm not sure what your point is, but you seem to be suggesting that only non-white people do these horrible things like slavery.  That's obviously not true historically, and it's still not true to today.  It's rather that the majortiy of white people can adopt an "out of sight, out of mind" mentality.  You tell them these things and they say, "that's horrible."   But they still buy the products.  They still contribute to those companies who are doing these.  It's not everyone, and for example, in the case of the mining in east congo, now it is no longer slaves.  They are still payed low wages relative to the value of the work.  But it changed, and due to public pressure. 

    We can make a difference.  The opportunities afforded by new systems of technology, information exchange, 3d- printers, digitial currency, and ulimately, tarsnhumanit neuro-engineering to change our misanthropic natural tendencies are reasons not to despair>

    But the west and "white people" are not some unique paragons of virtue due to their skin color.  They can afford to be perhaps a bit more nice on a local level.  But again, they can AFFORD to be, as so much of the nasty violence to maintain western capitalism is outsourced.  And what you see is the product of living in modern colonial societies.

    The consumers of the West are trapped by the same system. If we want electronics we are forced to buy products from China, Taiwan and other South-East Asia nations. There is no other viable option as no one produces anything on the scale or cost. We can only buy what is produced locally and nationally which means we are restricted by what corporations deem worth producing in a specific nation. However even these products rely on products which are comprised of material or manufactured in other nations. Be it the material used to construct farm equipment or produce the equipment itself. For example I can buy local food produce but the equipment used to plant and harvest the produce will still have links in the production line outside of local and nationally production. We do benefit as the consumer but we are only one step above the labour. If we can not longer afford to be consumers we will become the labours. Those that can afford to consume become the new consumers. Low and Middle class have population which are interchangeable while the upper class is largely isolated from such a drastic shift. The only case in which the upper class is vulnerable is when the state itself turns against them. Western society just happens to benefit from this situation now but it could change easily.

    I think you are spot on about how the USD is rigged
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #43 - December 23, 2015, 08:12 AM

    I was going to reply to this thread, but I have to go to an Osaka banqueting suite and parade around dressed as that emblem of belligerent white militarism - Santa Claus. Ho ho ho.
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #44 - December 23, 2015, 01:32 PM

    Stormin' Norman Bates might want to check out the demise of the Arawaks at the hands, or more accurately the mandibles, of the Caribs.

    Only the men were eaten though - the women were merely made sex slaves. And all this before the evil white man had got across the Atlantic. Though I dare say the white man would have eaten the women too.
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #45 - December 23, 2015, 07:55 PM

    Ah, so I see you've finally come around to this idea:

    Good man, I knew you'd see the light.  Wink

    Not quite, but like any other destructive feral species I do think it's probably a good idea to keep their numbers down.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Do you believe that white man is as big a threat to world peace as Islam
     Reply #46 - December 29, 2015, 08:19 PM

    In other news, humans are a problem.


    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
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