I am a bit fucked off and don't know how to proceed lest I appear racist.
The thing is I am getting sick and tired of being assigned to the Muslim doctors at my GP surgery, because they always bring my religion into the mix. They look at the screen, see my name, or my kid's name, or my brother's name, and the next question is always, 'oh so and so, are you a Muslim'.....>.<
Like wtf does that have to do with my attendance? should not the appropriate question be 'what has brought you here today', or 'so explain the problem with me', or something else along those lines.
I am clearly coming to the doctor because something is up with my health. I do not want to have the rest of the appointment then tinged with however I dealt with the initial question.
Like when I was honest, and the unnecessary questioning of why I am no longer a Muslim instead of simply diagnosing my health problem.
Or when I simply said NO, to which I was then asked to explain how I had my name, and which one of my parents had been Muslim.
Or the shame of those brief moments when I feel a little anxious, and simply say yes, after which I am too depressed to go on and talk about the original health problem I came in for.
Even my brother who went in for depression, spent 40 minutes in the doctors office listening to a lecture on depression being caused by his not practicing Islam properly. I mean surely this is unprofessional?
I tried to get out of seeing the doctor by asking to see a female one from now on, and was then placed with the Muslim female doctor, who was even worse than the male one in terms of questioning me.
Anyone else here experiencing this?
Also would you complain formally?
I want to, but I can just imagine the backlash now. Either I get seen as a racist, or somehow, someway other people find out about it, and it becomes the next topic for real racists to use to complain about Muslims.