But what about Uzza and Manat and the many other Gods that the 'Allah' would gobble up and claim as His own?? There are many Gods in the Quran from lots of different legends but they are duped as one being.
It is true many Gods/god names are mentioned in Quran ., Allah., allat was another super god of that culture that was there with pagans of Arabian Peninsula and true Quran does have lots of different legends .....ooold stories in a new bottle....old wine in a new bottle......but they are NOT gods of Quran, they were gods before Quran,
Hmm.. that is an interesting point of Jedi I questioned.. Now by thinking on
the story of Muhammad we have in early Islam such as
Prophet Muhammad (...s.a.w.a. ..RA..DA..BA..MA..)was born on Friday, the 17th Rabi'-ul-Awwal, 1st year of 'Amul-Fil corresponding to 570 C.E to Abdullah and Amina in a Arabian city of Mecca ., and his father died a few months before his birth.. he was brought up in his grand father's Abdul-Muttalib houe., and and his mother Amina died when he was 6 year old also his grand father died . Now this Orphan boy Muhammad was brought by his paternal uncle Abu Talib...
And boy Muhammad becomes young guys with high on hormones at a place known as 'Ukaz, where an annual fair used to be held during the month of Dhul-Qa'dah during which war and bloodshed were forbidden but the festival was filled with pleasure, dancing girls, gaming tables, drunken orgies and , poetic contests . These frequently ended in brawls and bloodshed. At one of the fairs, war broke out
between the Quraish and the Banu Kinanah on one side and the Qais 'Aylan on the other side
Apparently that brawl became clan war continued for a number of years loss of life and varying fortunes. The lewd scenes, drunken affrays and the horrors of the war must have created a deep impression on Muhammad's sensitive mind.. yadii...yaday..yada.. yada
But it appears that 23 year old young Muhammad missed sleeping with girls.. got a Voluptuous 45 year old rich wife Khadija ... well that is another story...
So thinking about all that story of early
boy Muhammad to the death of Prophet of Islam and all the Muhammads of Ibn Clan of that time., I am going to rephrase my post to Jedi and in fact may be changing my views on who wrote Quran..
It must be some converted
Ibn Jewish clan cartoon characters ..
How many of you know about Jewish Tribes of Arabia of that time??
Juicy Juice are everywhere ... but..but
Real Jews are very few and very Rare..