I grew up in Denmark, born into the Danish National Church.
My upbringing was pretty secular, but included infant baptism (I didn't ask for it!) and "Confirmation" (because nobody even considered questioning that).
Church was attended at weddings, funerals, baptisms and confirmations, but not otherwise.
My family is best described as "somewhat devout culture christians".
Over the years my membership grew from being "background noise" to a nuisance. The church had its share of organized stupidity such as homophobia, creationism, magic, accepting rather extremist priests..... and to be quite honest, the basic premise was obviously flawed.
Add to that, that the membership fee is collected through your normal tax in Denmark. At approximately 1% of your income, it is a lot of money to pay for something you do not believe in.
Fortunately apostacy was easy: Simply make an "I hereby leave the Danish National Church"-letter and drop it off at the local church office.
Just for the fun of it, I did it on foot, at night, wearing my least traffic safe black clothing. If any deity should want to collect me, it would have no better chance.
Nothing happened, there has been no protests from my family and they did not even protest that my kids were neither baptized nor confirmed.
In other words, it has been a piece of cake.
Then why come here?
I live in a large city housing a significant moslem population. We have one of the extremist mosques (with the associated horde of islamists and rather overt support of sharia, violence and general medieval nastiness).
Working in education, I meet quite a few young with a moslem background.
Sometimes that cause "frictions", and I hope to learn some more from this site that will help me act in a reasonable manner.
...... apart from that, I'm a firm believer in human rights and the scientific method.