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 Topic: Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor

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  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     OP - May 07, 2016, 06:24 AM

    Everyone probably knows this  by now , but I'm curious as to what people on this forum think of Khan.
     Personally I've always thought he was a slippery character. I wish I could like him , as people with working class roots are sadly rare in the modern Labour Party , but he just seems to spend too much time hanging about with fanatics.
     It will be interesting to see what he does now .Obviously he wants to be successful and he's not stupid , so will make all the right noises but I'll be interested in who he appoints to his team. Hopefully he'll ditch his old salafist mates for the sake of his career.
         Incidentally , I know a lot of muslims get frustrated by the media's habit of giving air time to nutcases and presenting them as representatives of the muslim community , so if anyone's up now you might enjoy Russia Today's coverage - they've dug up some obscure  red faced right wing politician to rave about not being able to walk through the east end , with Mo Ansar wheeled on as the voice of reason. Disappointingly regular RT star George Galloway hasn't popped up yet .....
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #1 - May 07, 2016, 07:32 AM

    But as the campaign entered its final weeks, the clash turned to issues of religion and ethnicity. In April, Goldsmith accused Khan of “giving platform, oxygen, and cover” to Muslim extremists, which Khan vehemently denied. British Prime Minister David Cameron then echoed his Conservative colleague’s remarks on the House of Commons floor and criticized Khan for appearances alongside Sulaiman Ghani, a fundamentalist imam in Tooting, the constituency Khan represents in Parliament.

    “Suleiman Gani—the honorable member for Tooting has appeared on a platform with him nine times. This man supports [ISIS],” he said to jeers and cries of “racist!” from Labour MPs. “They are shouting down this point because they don’t want to hear the truth.”

    Cameron’s comments unleashed a barrage of criticism from Labour, who accused the prime minister of Islamophobia and dog-whistle politics. “The PM thinks it is a crime for Sadiq Khan to be a Muslim and have been a human rights lawyer,” tweeted Chuka Ummah, a prominent Labour MP. “I think this Donald Trump approach to politics, trying to divide communities, turn them against each other—I don’t think that will work in London,” Khan told reporters in response to the controversy.

    Ghani, for his part, denied any support for ISIS. News reports subsequently emerged that Goldsmith too had once been photographed alongside Ghani, and that a Conservative MP candidate had sought the imam’s help in recruiting Muslim Tories during the last election

    The Atlantic
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #2 - May 07, 2016, 08:00 AM

    “The PM thinks it is a crime for Sadiq Khan to be a Muslim and have been a human rights lawyer,” tweeted Chuka Ummah

    We're doomed, I tells ye. Doomed.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #3 - May 07, 2016, 08:20 AM

    Personally I am pretty pleased with his appointment, especially when weighed against the other candidates.  I also won't get sucked in by the devices used by the media and others to try to discredit him through his ethnicity, his religion, or who he knows or doesn't know.  I know ISIS supporters, do I like them?  fuck no, but I do know them, and if it was me, I may well find myself being written about as if I was best buddies with these people.

    Plus it gives me pleasure to read the comments of right wing nutters who are seriously crying into their cups of tea over what they see as a total betrayal of their imaginary English values.  Grin

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #4 - May 07, 2016, 09:04 PM


    Let us see what will happen.
    I prefer judging people by their deeds.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #5 - May 08, 2016, 12:38 AM

    Personally I am pretty pleased with his appointment, especially when weighed against the other candidates.  I also won't get sucked in by the devices used by the media and others to try to discredit him through his ethnicity, his religion, or who he knows or doesn't know.  I know ISIS supporters, do I like them?  fuck no, but I do know them, and if it was me, I may well find myself being written about as if I was best buddies with these people.

    Plus it gives me pleasure to read the comments of right wing nutters who are seriously crying into their cups of tea over what they see as a total betrayal of their imaginary English values.  Grin

  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #6 - May 08, 2016, 12:44 PM

    ....................  I know ISIS supporters, do I like them?  fuck no, but I do know them, and if it was me, I may well find myself being written about as if I was best buddies with these people.......

    well right wingers write some nonsense and lefties write some rubbish., they can write whatever they want  as long we don't  give any support to the ROGUES OF ISLAM ..

    So  that big news on London Mayor says

    London's mayor Sadiq Khan condemns Cameron's 'Trump-style' attacks

    LONDON: London's new Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan accused Prime Minister David Cameron on Sunday of using "Donald Trump playbook" tactics to try to divide communities in a bid to prevent his election.

    The day after being sworn in with a promise to be "mayor for all Londoners", the Labour lawmaker condemned Cameron's Conservatives for trying to link him to Islamic extremists during the election campaign.

    "They used fear and innuendo to try to turn different ethnic and religious groups against each other ─ something straight out of the Donald Trump playbook," Khan wrote in The Observer newspaper. "Londoners deserved better and I hope it's something the Conservative party will never try to repeat."

    well Sadiq., Khan..  May I suggest  you that, you don't need to say anything  to any one., getting elected is a first step., there will be enough time to heckle and chide ., So  just work & work and make city better and make city safe to all Londoners

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #7 - May 08, 2016, 05:56 PM

    It was an effective repudiation of a very dirty political campaign, so that makes his election a good thing.  Other than that I know nothing about him.  I suspect he'll be less likely to hang out with muslim extremists than his predecessor Ken Livingstone.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #8 - May 08, 2016, 07:36 PM

    It was Zac Goldsmith's campaign more than anything that made me want Sadiq Khan to win. It played on the cheapest and most ignorant fears. It makes me worried about how politicians behave just to achieve power. They don't mind whipping up ethnic and religious division. I suppose I shouldn't be shocked. But I am.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #9 - May 08, 2016, 08:40 PM

    Not from the UK myself nor informed about Khan to make a solid judgement. However I tended to look at changes against the status quo with interest.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #10 - May 09, 2016, 05:09 AM

     this article from his own pen from his own hand  couple of days before eections tells me to keep eyes wide open to the the dangerous games that politicians play to get elected..I am glad Mr Smith ruined his own political carrier

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #11 - May 09, 2016, 09:34 AM

    Obviously Goldsmith is vile , and I'm glad he's not mayor. No doubt he would have waged a similar campaign against any muslim opponent , no matter how blameless.
     But I had reservations about Khan before. He's shared platforms with speakers from Caged and other unsavoury characters and spoken at segregated meetings. Even this might not be so bad if he'd just come out and said 'when I was younger , I had more radical views , I was influenced by the wrong people ..' , whatever, the way the likes of Majid Nawaz have (why didn't he stand ? him I could happily vote for) , but he's always seemed evasive.
      If a prominent white politician was revealed to have shared a platform with BNP speakers or spoken at racially segregated meetings , I doubt he'd be forgiven so easily.
      I totally get why people voted for him , especially now I've seen some of the right wing stuff , but I still think he's a shady character.
        Perhaps he'll be a good mayor , he's obviously a shrewd , ambitious man . The fact that he was prepared to criticise Livingstone over the anti-semitism affair is encouraging , and maybe it doesn't matter that much if he was motivated by genuine conviction or political expediency , at least it means he's unlikely to form a bloc with the usual suspects. He's obviously aiming for the top - I think Corbyn made a serious tactical error in snubbing the inauguration , it made him look petulant and gave fuel to his enemies within the party. It's basically a green light for Khan to go for it , they won't even be able to accuse him of disloyalty.
        The political scene is quite strange at the moment. It seems like people in the UK & US have decided en masse that it's time to shake things up and not just go for the usual crew. Which is a good thing generally , but it could go either way. We could , just conceivably see Mayor Khan helping PM Corbyn thrash out a trade deal with President Sanders. Or it could be Khan & deputy Mayor Hamza Tortis butting heads with PM Johnson and President Trump flying in to mediate.
      Interesting times ...
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #12 - May 09, 2016, 11:56 AM

    Obviously Goldsmith is vile , and I'm glad he's not mayor. No doubt he would have waged a similar campaign against any muslim opponent , no matter how blameless. 

    well it doesn't matter now whether he is vile or bile but what you said below is interesting...
    But I had reservations about Khan before. He's shared platforms with speakers from Caged and other unsavory characters and spoken at segregated meetings.

    well what did he say in those meetings and are you talking about his brother in-law Makbool Javaid, ??  when we accuse some one on something details become important aife...

    Even this might not be so bad if he'd just come out and said 'when I was younger , I had more radical views , I was influenced by the wrong people ..' , whatever, the way the likes of Majid Nawaz have (why didn't he stand ? him I could happily vote for) , but he's always seemed evasive.

    ddn't get it ..who is that "he"?    Majid Nawaz ?  or Sadiq Khan?
      If a prominent white politician was revealed to have shared a platform with BNP speakers or spoken at racially segregated meetings , I doubt he'd be forgiven so easily.

    That is a fact.,  for some reason the world seem to have different standards w.r.t  people with various amount melanin in skin VS no melanin  folks. To some degree  It was OK to do that in the last century but that need to change., We have to change the mind set of the folks 

      ............ Or it could be Khan & deputy Mayor Hamza Tortis butting heads with PM Johnson and President Trump flying in to mediate.
      Interesting times ...

    WHAT ?   Mayor Hamza Tortis??   

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #13 - May 13, 2016, 11:22 PM

    I don't normally have much time for the Labour party, especially that is now led by a Communist (and Khan was one of his sponsors... shows lack of judgement at best). However Goldsmith's  campaign was awful and counterproductive; moreover he is a Brexiter, a group I definitely have no time for.

    The right wing blogosphere is working overtime on Khan's election, a further step on the Muslim takeover of Europe etc. and all that nonsense. Personally I would not trust Khan, an ambitious politician who trims his sails to the prevailing wind, but then he is not alone in that. However Maajid Nawaz is convinced that he is generally moderate, and Majid should be able to spot a hidden extremist, having been one himself: He has had threats because he voted for gay marriage, his wife dresses like a normal person, hair fully uncovered. A liberal Muslim is probably the best weapon against the fundies, it will take another generation or more before we have open atheists of Muslim background doing so in politics.

  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #14 - May 14, 2016, 08:51 AM

    I have more time for the labour party now that it is headed by that so called 'commie'. Grin

    Indeed, more people have time for the party now, than they ever did, and that is saying something.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #15 - May 14, 2016, 09:34 AM

    Wait, the Labour Party is headed by a commie now? When did this happen?
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #16 - May 14, 2016, 12:26 PM

    I have more time for the labour party now that it is headed by that so called 'commie'. Grin

    Indeed, more people have time for the party now, than they ever did, and that is saying something.

    The voters don't agree with you. First opposition party to lose seats in local elections since the mid 80s, and that was followed by a Conservative landslide at the 1987 general election. The Tories are now the second party in Scotland.  Sadiq Khan is the exception, but London is naturally Labour, just people seemed to like Boris and Goldsmith blew it.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #17 - May 14, 2016, 10:57 PM

    I have more time for the labour party now that it is headed by that so called 'commie'. Grin

    Indeed, more people have time for the party now, than they ever did, and that is saying something.

    Agreed. I much prefer Corbyn and his cabinet than all those Blairites. I will be voting Labour again.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #18 - May 15, 2016, 06:35 AM

    The voters don't agree with you. First opposition party to lose seats in local elections since the mid 80s, and that was followed by a Conservative landslide at the 1987 general election. The Tories are now the second party in Scotland.  Sadiq Khan is the exception, but London is naturally Labour, just people seemed to like Boris and Goldsmith blew it.

    Looks like you are falling victim to the media spin attached to these local elections.

    Labour won more seats than the conservatives did during the last local elections, and more than New Labour did, when Blair was running the show, and yet when you read the papers somehow they all call this a devastating loss for Labour.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #19 - May 15, 2016, 06:41 AM

    Wait, the Labour Party is headed by a commie now? When did this happen?

    It didn't happen lol, it only happened in the mind of people who think anything left of Tony Blair is a commie.  Grin

    Agreed. I much prefer Corbyn and his cabinet than all those Blairites. I will be voting Labour again.

    Same.   Afro

    I know a lot of people who have always refused to vote, who say they plan to vote in the next general elections, simply because Corbyn is finally heading Labour.  Just got to hope the Blairites in his party, don't find a way to get him out before that happens.

    The infighting is sickening, you would think that the massive increase in Labour support when he was elected as the new leader of their party, would have shown them how much Labour supporters want his sort of leadership. 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #20 - May 15, 2016, 11:35 AM

    well socialism, communism, laborism .. whatever..ism  . they are all good if everybody works and there is  no  central control on politics and religious authority.,   politics of the nation must be dynamic and not stagnated by single thought and single authority..

    I am surprised to hear how a lush green country like   Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with all its natural resources and oil is apparently looking for FOOD

    just read anything about that country for the past year or so....  Or...or you guys think it  is just propaganda ??....  

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #21 - May 15, 2016, 05:21 PM

    The voters don't agree with you. First opposition party to lose seats in local elections since the mid 80s, and that was followed by a Conservative landslide at the 1987 general election. The Tories are now the second party in Scotland.  Sadiq Khan is the exception, but London is naturally Labour, just people seemed to like Boris and Goldsmith blew it.

    Labour's woes in Scotland have nothing to do with Jeremy Corbyn.  They damaged themselves by cosying up to the Tories during the indy referendum which made many people - including many no voters - turn against them.  They either turned towards the SNP or they simply thought there's no point voting for Labour since they've become the red Tories, might as well just vote Tory instead. 

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #22 - May 20, 2016, 11:53 AM

    my man every one is watching you.. take a wrong step  all have stones in their hands... so work hard and be careful..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #23 - May 21, 2016, 04:09 PM

    Labour's woes in Scotland have nothing to do with Jeremy Corbyn.  They damaged themselves by cosying up to the Tories during the indy referendum which made many people - including many no voters - turn against them.  They either turned towards the SNP or they simply thought there's no point voting for Labour since they've become the red Tories, might as well just vote Tory instead. 

    In this election, the opposite. Labour toyed with independence, in which case you may as well vote SNP, and the Unionist vote turned to the Tories. It helped that the "nasty party" brand was detoxified by Tory leader Ruth Davidson, a 37 year old kickboxing lesbian, gratifyingly different to the Tory stereotype.

    Yes, Labour has far more council seats than the Tories, because they won seats at the last local elections. You would not expect them to lose seats when the Tories are in power, which they did this time. In fact the main gainers this time round have been Lib Dems (returning from the dead...) and UKIP.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #24 - May 21, 2016, 07:12 PM

    It didn't happen lol, it only happened in the mind of people who think anything left of Tony Blair is a commie.  Grin

    Oh, I know. I was just playing along. Wink But didn't know Labour has taken a turn back to the left. Can't be a bad thing.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #25 - May 23, 2016, 08:57 AM

    Depends of which kind of the left is turning to. If it is the kind of left that calls Hamas their friends, would you still say it couldn't be a bad thing? Or Mr. Corbyn has forgot to read his friends charter? 

    I would say, a turn to the center will be in most cases the better option.
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #26 - June 28, 2016, 11:04 AM

    Mayor Sadiq Khan demands more autonomy for London after Brexit vote   says news

    LONDON: London mayor Sadiq Khan on Tuesday called for the city to be given more autonomy to allow it to ride out the economic uncertainty unleashed by Britain's vote to leave the European Union.

    While Briton voted 52 to 48 per cent to leave the bloc last week, London was the only region in England to back remaining. Since then, more than 175,000 people have signed an online petition calling for London to become an independent city state.

    “On behalf of all Londoners, I am demanding more autonomy for the capital — right now,” he said according to the text of a speech supplied by his office.

    As much as I might like the idea of a London city state, I'm not seriously talking about independence today. I am not planning to install border points on the M25,” Khan said, referring to London's orbital motorway.

    Hmm there you go.,  I like that ., why not separate London from England??   it should be independent nation.   Stupid fool., being mayor don't you have any thing to do except talking about controversial subjects ?   Go clean the gutters of London..  There are many problems there to talk and solve but  the fool chooses a very controversial topic to talk so opponents can beat the shit out of him.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Sadiq Khan is London's new mayor
     Reply #27 - June 28, 2016, 12:54 PM

    Probably not a bad idea to let London go independent.

    They can certainly take all the government debt accumulated within London with them.
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