I know it is a stereotype, that is why I said based of STATISTICS (not everyone, a mean of the data). I know feminists hate reality when it says men and women are biologically different.
Both Nature (the way you are born) and Nurture (the social influences on you) affect your behavior. BUT Nature is predisposition, but after that Nature takes over. It can be overridden, but nonetheless the mean shows that even from a young age in children before they learn to talk AND also in very young chimpanzees Our close relative, males are significantly more likely to want to play with building blocks and females were significantly more likely to want to play with a doll when both were presented.
Ofcourse Social Justice Warriors can't bend their mind around reality because they want to believe what they believe because they believe it; regardless, the evidence is clear, our nature between men and women is DIFFERENT whether you like it or not, but nurture takes over after that. The people you interact with, society you live in, etc...
- All I was saying is that by Nature, women are not as likely to rely heavily on cold facts and logic compared to men, the reason they can, is because it is cultivated with NURTURE!!
-You have the deck slightly stacked against you, but you are still able to override it, for males it is like a relatively flat hill, for women it is like a SLIGHT uphill.
Oh and because someone is going to get butthurt I will say this too, Men ARE SMARTER THAN WOMEN AND DUMBER. The mean of Men and women is close, but, Men have a larger positive and negative standard deviation than women. That means men are distributed in larger numbers as more intelligent and less intelligent while women are very close to the average of females overall. and in terms of average, THE AVERAGE MAN IS MORE INTELLIGENT THAN THE AVERAGE WOMAN.
This wasn't supposed to be an argument, it is just saying that you are unique in that you are
ahead of the average for
your gender, it is an accomplishment in that your Nurture put you AHEAD.
Maybe I am getting too energized, it's just annoying how we have these weird things you are not supposed to say even though the evidence is on the contrary. I am not going to twist reality; just because you think I am wrong Doesn't Make It SO