Croydon Cat Killer, is that you? So have you moved on to slaughtering humans yet?
You think you have the right to pronounce a death sentence on innocent creatures, simply for the "crime" of existing.
Yeah, how dare those cats and dogs be allowed to live! Just put bullets in them all! No compassion or respect for life. What a disgusting display of human arrogance and an inflated, false sense of superiority over innocent animals. Absolutely vile.
The only feral, invasive species is humans. Raping, murdering, abusing, poisoning the soil, the oceans, the atmosphere. Just poisoning, destroying and killing wherever they go.
Even that ISIS bloke is kind to cats. Congratulations, you managed to make an evil, mass murdering terrorist look like the better person.
Wipe your eyes, KC.
Ask biologists and conservationists, those feral animals are anything but "innocent".
Invasive species are tremendously damaging to ecosystems.
We as humans have unfortunately introduces a lot of critters where they absolutely do not belong, and that has caused a lot of problems and has endangered biodiversity.
When sitting in a big city and looking at cute little disney-animals with soft fur and big eyes, it is oh so impossible to understand that they should do any harm. But believe me, they do.
Yes, I hunt, I like hunting and I enjoy eating whatever I kill* together with my family.
*Cats and rats excluded. Young crows are on the other hand very tasty.