Yeah, but you... abstained from sex for 137 days then you have 1 outburst... That's... not addiction... It's really not.
As for the loss of time, health, and energy - it depends on how much time did you waste doing that right.... How many hours? I don't think that time wasted doing masturbation is any different from the time I waste on... posting on this site or reading comics, playing games, lol. Work/life can be stressful and sexual release can provide some kind of comfort. As for health and energy, I actually find myself performing better when I'm not sexually frustrated...
Sex in moderate frequency really depends on the person, right. I read that married couple on average have sex at least once a week. Compared to that, you are very far from being a sex maniac.
I feel like (as it is with any other topic) the less of a big deal you make it out to be, the more "moderate" you become. The less you think about "I should not have sex!!!" and just.. regularly masturbate the less you need to worry about it.
tbh even when I was raised to be religious I never felt guilty looking at porn/yaoi. Had always have crazy sexual urges since I was a kid. It's as natural as breathing air to me... and it naturally tapered off after I grew up + got married. Once you get a steady supply of sex, sex becomes less of a big deal. It's just another aspect of life, like cooking or reading a book.
That's the point! Do you feel stressed in life? Want to forget about it? Want to de-stress? All the pent-up anger, all the energy... they will go away! It gives you a release from your frustration
3 ejaculations in 137 days are not "unhealthy" addiction, it's really not. Most people wouldn't consider that unhealthy unless you ask some purity cult about it. Most people probably waste more time + energy playing games more than that....
Why? Is it physical or psychological? Since you mentioned that you ejaculated and did it 2 more times, you probably did like it, so it's not physical. Do you have a logical reason why you dislike it?
I am not saying, I have sex addiction, to have sex addiction, first you have to have sexual relationships.
I was saying sex addiction also exists.
please please please Miss helaine !
Don't compare sex with reading comics and playing games.
reading comic and playing games is very innocent. Having sex on other hand is very naughty thing to do with someone else.
But I feel that I do much better in all areas of my life when I haven't ejaculated my semen for long time.
So this sexual frustration thing is relative.
I have no problem with couples having sex once a week. Once a month is also fine.
everyday will be too much for both men and women. it will make them zombies.
I do agree I do agree Miss H.
Reading books, cooking & sex is part of human life.
One should read good books.
both men and women should learn to cook
always one should have safe sex with strangers.
There are other better ways of unwinding stress, you don't need to waste your sex cells always.
Yes yes psychological.
I don't like the weakness after sexual release.
And please Miss H, Distinguish between Sex and Orgasm.
I had 3 ejaculations, Orgasms while watching porn, there was no sex.