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 Topic: The allah necklace

 (Read 4014 times)
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  • The allah necklace
     OP - September 01, 2016, 12:00 PM

    Just spotted a teenage American girl with her family wearing an allah necklace, t-shirt and shorts in line for a breakfast buffet than included pork.

     At the buffet I watched another family, south-east Asian mother helping her child to get food.  She was bewildered as many at the huge soup pot of baked beans.  I told her they were "baked beans".  She passed in the bacon and sausages.  The child did protest the huge spoonful of oatmeal in her plate.  Maybe they were vegetarians and they seemd to like the eggs and potato nuggets. 

    I just love Canada.

    The unreligion, only one calorie
  • The allah necklace
     Reply #1 - September 01, 2016, 12:21 PM

    Just spotted a teenage American girl with her family wearing an allah necklace, t-shirt and shorts in line for a breakfast buffet than included pork.

     At the buffet I watched another family, south-east Asian mother helping her child to get food.  She was bewildered as many at the huge soup pot of baked beans.  I told her they were "baked beans".  She passed in the bacon and sausages.  The child did protest the huge spoonful of oatmeal in her plate.  Maybe they were vegetarians and they seemd to like the eggs and potato nuggets.  

    I just love Canada.


    THEIR price vary  from 2 dollars  to  20000 dollars .. well they look good  but what is allah??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The allah necklace
     Reply #2 - September 01, 2016, 01:17 PM

    Rascals wearing AllahGod necklace. Maybe bought from land of sand.

    What do you think yeezevee?

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • The allah necklace
     Reply #3 - September 01, 2016, 01:45 PM

    Rascals wearing AllahGod necklace. Maybe bought from land of sand.

    well you can buy that from any where including from amazon jungle ., Rascals in sand land are lazy buggers .. they make nothing there .. they just live on the work of others ..Many those  AllahGod necklaces are either made in china  or if they are in gold they are made by Pakistani or Indian Jewelers..

    BUT I WANT ANSWERS & QUESTIONS from Bee Qtian  ..not from you., Hmmmm     140 or so posts

    Damn shit my tea bag spilled the super  hot water on my hand .. allah is angry  stupid microwave oven .. STOP CLEANING THE DAMN TEA CUPS   dammit

    What do you think yeezevee?

    what do i think??   finmad  I THINK I  SHOULD NEVER CLEAN TEA CUPS., specially if we are making tea in microwave oven .. Any one who cleans tea cup they  should be  fined with Jizya tax

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The allah necklace
     Reply #4 - September 02, 2016, 04:30 PM

    Safety first.

    Microwaving water in a tea cup was on the DO NOT list of the workplace safety committee.  It can boil over unsuspecting.  At least put in a metal spoon after finishing microwave to take out excess heat. 

    Back to breakfast buffets.

    My husband loves bacon.  Some buffet we went to have only cold boiled eggs, no fresh cooked eggs, and not meat at all.  He really hated it.  We were never going  there again.

    Some families I saw walk into the restaurant, check out the buffet and see bacon (not turkey or chicken bacon but pork) and walk out.  This place was not for them.  Please feel free to choose.  But stop demanding for vegetarian or halal meat only in restaurants that serve many different customers.  They are afraid that spoons or serving utensils will be "contaminated" by meat or non-halal.

    Halal meat being forced upon everyone.  Some chinese restaurants owned by buddhists are "encouraged" by local mosque to switch to halal. 

    I have also witnessed this upset at office parties.  The muslims refuse to attend the party due to theme or lack of halal.  The sikhs  are afraid of contamination and bring their own food but usually share whatever they bring.  The christians sometimes do not like spicy food (but I do) and bring assorted pasta mix-up dishes.  The hindus will eat beef if no one tells their mother. 

    Why do let religions use food to divide us?  We are humans on the earth.  We all eat. 

    The unreligion, only one calorie
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