Research about apostates
OP - October 14, 2016, 11:40 AM
Hello everyone,
long time no coming here. I have been busy with uni and other stuff in my life. Im currently doing my graduation research. Im still at the beginning. My research will be about ex-Muslims in The Netherlands. We dont really have an organization like CEMB or EXMNA, i wish there were. So my reseach will be about the wishes and the needs of ex-Muslims in The Netherlands for an online platform. Im also going to talk about CEMB and EXMNA as an organization (so wont speak about any person on the forum!!). I dont know if want to internview or survey people from the forum, since im focussing on Dutchies.
So my questions are: are there Dutchies over here!
And any tips and/or questions are welcome!!
Dogs never bite me - just humans. ~ M. Monroe
Religions seem to cause more grief than good.
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