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 Topic: Atheism fucked science!

 (Read 1548 times)
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  • Atheism fucked science!
     OP - November 30, 2016, 07:42 AM

    Just received this blurb from a Muslim who seems sufficiently reassured and intellectually nourished by it enough, to feel the need to pass it on to the likes of me:

    Atheism is Responsible for the Overtasking of Science
    One of the most important problems facing humanity is that material advancement is void of the ethical spirit. Material civilization without an ethical foundation will destroy itself, history proclaims as much. We may progress materially, but if we do not promote an ethical spirit in this progress, such a civilization will fall back upon itself with destruction.

    Our religion has no problem with science, but the problem lies in the understanding of what science is and how it is engaged. Many people seek answers from the natural sciences that they are incapable of answering. If science is unable to answer, they say, "Science has disproven it," while, in actuality, it has disproven nothing at all, for it is not the correct source for answers to theological questions. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and the lack of verifying existence is not the same as verifying non-existence, this is a problem in the mind. For this reason, atheism is responsible for the overtasking of science for some sought to answer questions through it which it is incapable of answering, thus going down the wrong path. The correct path is what was revealed to and conveyed by the Prophets, as well as the path of the intellect which will establish causality.

    AbdAllah bin Bayyah
    President, Forum for Promoting Peace
    Abu Dhabi

    So, to sum up, AbdAllah uses some fancy language to say the following (if I've followed it correctly):
    1. Materialism is void of ethics and this will destroy the world
    2. Science cannot answer theological questions
    3. Therefore, listen to the man in sky, who talks to the maddest ones amongst you, for they have been given all the answers.

    Now then, point 1 seems a partial yet debatable truth. Despite that, it seems completely unconnected to points 2 and 3 that follow. Likewise, point 2 is a potentially valid point, that stands blissfully apart from the garble that surrounds it so eloquently. Finally, we have point 3, which is a withered and deformed cactus, that had been carelessly tossed into a bed of disjointed half-baked truths, in the hope that they will lend it the credibility that it so evidently lacks..

    Anyways, that's my opinion. I'm not brave enough to give that to the person who sent me it, so I'm posting it here. What do you guys think? Have I missed anything?

  • Atheism fucked science!
     Reply #1 - November 30, 2016, 08:50 AM


    AbdAllah bin Bayyah
    President, Forum for Promoting Peace
    Abu Dhabi[/i]

    So, to sum up, AbdAllah uses some fancy language to say the following (if I've followed it correctly):
    1. Materialism is void of ethics and this will destroy the world
    2. Science cannot answer theological questions
    3. Therefore, listen to the man in sky, who talks to the maddest ones amongst you, for they have been given all the answers.

    yes....yes..AMRIKEES should make him as president of US NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES to promote his Islamic science and philosophy  forcefully  in all US universities and Institutes  

    giving too much importance to fools will make whole world  look foolish

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Atheism fucked science!
     Reply #2 - November 30, 2016, 08:56 AM

    World looks foolish enough right now, from where I'm sat.

    Yeezeesus, how on Earth do you find these links so quickly? And do you have super-formatting tools on your settings that the rest of us don't have?

  • Atheism fucked science!
     Reply #3 - November 30, 2016, 10:16 AM

    World looks foolish enough right now, from where I'm sat.

    well then  you have to work hard to make it better around you musivore.,
    Yeezeesus, how on Earth do you find these links so quickly? And do you have super-formatting tools on your settings that the rest of us don't have?

    well let me keep those super-formatting tools  for myself  for some more time   Cheesy   but what is  that "Yeezeesus" Cheesy  dear musivore??  is it a miss spell or is it something to do with Jesus  or that Greek Zeus??

    anyway look at this news   it says   'IS-linked' Ohio university attacker lived in Pakistan for 7 years: NYT  with this picture

    The family of Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a Somali student and child of a refugee, who wounded 11 people in a car-ramming and knife attack on an Ohio university campus, lived in Pakistan for seven years before moving to the US with his family in 2014, New York Times reported.

    Federal law enforcement officials said that Artan was admitted to the US in 2014 as the child of a refugee ─ his mother ─ and before that he lived for seven years in Pakistan.

    He was studying at Ohio State University as a third-year transfer student of logistics management.

    Artan's shocking attack lasted just a few minutes ─ from a car careening into the crowd until the suspect was shot dead.

    Artan was a “soldier” of the militant Islamic State group, a militant-linked news agency alleged Tuesday.

    “The executor of the attack in the American state of Ohio is a soldier of the Islamic State,” the Amaq agency quoted an insider source as saying, according to a translation by the SITE monitoring group.

    “He carried out the operation in response to calls to target citizens of international coalition countries,” Amaq claimed.

    A post made by Artan and quoted by ABC television said, “I can't take it any more. America! Stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah. We are not weak. We are not weak, remember that.”

    “If you want us Muslims to stop carrying (out) lone wolf attacks, then make peace,” the post reads.

    “We will not let you sleep unless you give peace to the Muslims.”

    Ohio is home to the second largest Somali community in the United States, numbering around 38,000 in in the Columbus area alone, according to the state's Somali community association.

    what the fuck??  ..why would this 17 year old Somalian STUPID KID who   appears to be  a NUT CASE lived in Pakistan  as a kid?   .. Hell no one is publishing  any news in CEMB forum

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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