Criminals of Islam Build the shrines for brutal rogues in Islam For a city of 1.6 million people, Islamabad has 827 mosques, some of which come with madrassahs and shrines of a varying degree of religious and political importance
There is a shop outside the shrine that sells flowers and flaunts a meek collection of photographs of the assassin. At the counter in the shop, lies a note. It reads, “Donate tee iron, bricks, cement, grinded stone or cash and earn yourself a place in the eternal heaven.”
On the first day after his funeral, Rs80 million came in the form of donations
Qadri’s own house is not far from the shrine. “Quite often, his son makes an appearance and sings naats,” says Bilal, a by-stander at the shop. His reverence is disturbing. “To pray at his grave is a guaranteed way to have it answered, for Qadri has earned a place at the side of the Prophet (PBUH) through his sacrifice,” he added, as we walked through the courtyard into the shrine.

To make fastest bucks Criminal preachers of Islam along with Politicians of Islam put burkha on the brains and heads of innocent folks, tell stupid stories, build shrines of criminals and make/collect /loot tons of money for their needs on the way they also evade taxes in the name of faith,,