Or why so many divorces happen in the first place if marriage for a woman is based around servitude and cooking a nice meal for your husband. I saw some people reacting to that first episode with amusement and especially that moment in the restaurant but I saw it as tragic.
Yeh I thought it was sad tbh. I like how the woman spoke up for herself, but it won't make him change. He will just keep looking for a woman who will do what he wants.
I know a few Muslims who have got divorced, but I was always told Muslim marriages last longer, the men are committed etc. But its not true. Any marriage can fail for whatever reason. Why is it a competition? Also I saw a few friends of mine go through bad marriages when their dads pretty much saw it was doomed but didn't bother reporting this back to their daughters. One of my friends nearly married her cousin, she had been married once previously and had a son. Her condition was her son stays with her. My friend's mum overheard that they were going to send her son to live with his grandparents, but my friend's dad was trying to hide this fact. What a man. Literally none of these parents have their childrens' best interests at heart, and its more like hurry up and get married so people don't talk.
Except the Western Divorce rate is closer to 50% so not sure the whole love and equality thing is working out well for them.
Not sure what the problem is with women doing the cooking, they need to take pride in it.
Women these days have some major issues. Just look at that girl who was 23 and asked the guy "Would you be ok if I went on a girls holiday in Ibitha"
WTF. A wifes job is to run a nice home and look after the family, not go wasting time in shitholes like Ibitha.
Why is it ONLY the wife's job to run the home? My boyfriend and I plan on running a dual income home when we are permanently living together. So if I'm at work how can I run the home? Its a joint thing and always should be.
Forcing someone to do anything won't come out well for anyone. I cook for me and my boyfriend. But if he was mean and demanding food, I would not do it, and I'd be unhappy.