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 Topic: Question to muslims

 (Read 16953 times)
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  • Question to muslims
     Reply #60 - March 24, 2017, 11:46 PM

    Taqiya is in Quran : 3:28. Believers are not to take disbelievers for friends instead of believers. Whoever does that has nothing to do with God, unless it is to protect your own selves against them.
    and also in sunna
    Muhammad has used taqqiya, all his life, more than Bush and Blair

    I'm not even sure if Muhammad of the koran existed.

    Bush and Blair exist. Taqqia is used by our very savvy media and pr companies all the time. fake news is nothing new. media will tell you stories to justify war all the time.

    muslims do have non believers as friends and family. there are plenty of muslims  who are not stupid enough to take every single word of the koran literally and manage to live perfectly happy lives.

    I'm sorry if you've had bad experience of the religion. And I hate that islam is forced upon people in some countries.
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #61 - March 25, 2017, 12:46 AM

    There is no relationship between understanding the Quran and being or not being Muslim
    Muslims did not say that the Qur'an is easy to understand
    If the Koran was easy to understand there would not be many exegetes

    Very good question : If the Makkah verses are useless, why are they in Quran at all? It is to say to those who do not read Arabic: the Qur'an contains only tolerant verses
    Most Muslims do not know the violent and Misogynists verses

    I take note that you do not show us evidence

    All Muslims say the Quran is easy to understand, for Muslims believe Quran to be Divine, and Quran itself says it is easy to understand.
    No. Why would I show evidence for what is self-evident? Muslims are creating their own religion, through practice. What Islamic canon says and what people do are not the same thing. Sometimes that works out for good, as in most of Muslims are not doing what ISIS does in aping historical events, and sometimes it works out for bad, like when Muslims force their little daughters to cover.
    Muslims are, by and large, not interested in living out the story of Muhammad over and over. They already know that story.
    Like you said, most Muslims do not know the violent verses.The reason for this is two-fold, one being that people do find violence pleasant and so do not pick those out for sermons and memorization, and also because people are not encouraged to practice a religion espousing injustice- so imams and madrassahs (until our dear Saudi friends spread their version around in the past few decades) leave those verses out when trying to appeal to their communities.
    Doing this creates something maybe other than what was intended by the creators of the faith, and I think that is a good thing. If we, however, could point out the positive results we have obtained by downplaying the negatives and playing up the positives in the religion we could really encourage this filtering. But this is where the Divinity concept holds progress back in Islamic thought and reinforces pesky Islamic Law. This is why I am espousing Hassan's version of Islamic practice.
    Christianity gets to use concepts that we do not have in Islam to filter their texts. They have left most of their bad texts behind, save when it pleases them to discriminate or act on their baser instincts. Then they dust off what most other Christians have left behind and they demand men be head of household and women remain chaste and obedient and homosexuals be "rehabilitated". Sometimes when no one pays them any attention they go and kill people to make their points. However it is far worse in other areas of the world than mine. In some places Christians do rival Muslims in murders and mayhem. Any Abrahamic text can be used thus. Maybe even other texts, as well, but I am ignorant of those.
    Sounds familiar.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #62 - March 25, 2017, 09:11 AM

    so have muslims. and they will continue to reform given half the chance and despite whatever your agenda is.

    No Muslim country has reformed
    The reforms are only in the virtual (internet)
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #63 - March 25, 2017, 09:18 AM

    so your mum and sisters fit into which group? rare or non existent?

    My mom (as his mom as his mom , etc) ignore bad verses and it's impossible to discuss with her about islam, It would be an offense
    My syster, University professor,  ignore majority of bad verses and deny others. She says it's impossible for Muhammad to marry a 9-year-old girl
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #64 - March 25, 2017, 09:30 AM

    I'm not even sure if Muhammad of the koran existed.

    Bush and Blair exist. Taqqia is used by our very savvy media and pr companies all the time. fake news is nothing new. media will tell you stories to justify war all the time.

    I'm not even sure if Muhammad of the koran existed.

    Bush and Blair exist. Taqqia is used by our very savvy media and pr companies all the time. fake news is nothing new. media will tell you stories to justify war all the time.

    muslims do have non believers as friends and family. there are plenty of muslims  who are not stupid enough to take every single word of the koran literally and manage to live perfectly happy lives.

    I'm sorry if you've had bad experience of the religion. And I hate that islam is forced upon people in some countries.

    muslims do have non believers as friends and family. there are plenty of muslims  who are not stupid enough to take every single word of the koran literally and manage to live perfectly happy lives.

    I'm sorry if you've had bad experience of the religion. And I hate that islam is forced upon people in some countries.

    The subject is not if you believe that Muhammad exists, it is taught in all the schools of the world

    media will tell you stories to justify war all the time as Coran and Muhammad did

    Luckily that there are many Muslims who do not take every word of the Qur'an literally, but 10% of Muslims suffice to terrorize the entire planet

    You do not understand: I'm not talking about Muslims I'm talking about texts

  • Question to muslims
     Reply #65 - March 25, 2017, 09:41 AM

    All Muslims say the Quran is easy to understand, for Muslims believe Quran to be Divine, and Quran itself says it is easy to understand.
    No. Why would I show evidence for what is self-evident? Muslims are creating their own religion, through practice. What Islamic canon says and what people do are not the same thing. Sometimes that works out for good, as in most of Muslims are not doing what ISIS does in aping historical events, and sometimes it works out for bad, like when Muslims force their little daughters to cover.
    Muslims are, by and large, not interested in living out the story of Muhammad over and over. They already know that story.
    Like you said, most Muslims do not know the violent verses.The reason for this is two-fold, one being that people do find violence pleasant and so do not pick those out for sermons and memorization, and also because people are not encouraged to practice a religion espousing injustice- so imams and madrassahs (until our dear Saudi friends spread their version around in the past few decades) leave those verses out when trying to appeal to their communities.
    Doing this creates something maybe other than what was intended by the creators of the faith, and I think that is a good thing. If we, however, could point out the positive results we have obtained by downplaying the negatives and playing up the positives in the religion we could really encourage this filtering. But this is where the Divinity concept holds progress back in Islamic thought and reinforces pesky Islamic Law. This is why I am espousing Hassan's version of Islamic practice.
    Christianity gets to use concepts that we do not have in Islam to filter their texts. They have left most of their bad texts behind, save when it pleases them to discriminate or act on their baser instincts. Then they dust off what most other Christians have left behind and they demand men be head of household and women remain chaste and obedient and homosexuals be "rehabilitated". Sometimes when no one pays them any attention they go and kill people to make their points. However it is far worse in other areas of the world than mine. In some places Christians do rival Muslims in murders and mayhem. Any Abrahamic text can be used thus. Maybe even other texts, as well, but I am ignorant of those.
    Sounds familiar.

    I will answer you when you bring proofs to everything you say from the beginning until now

    There is no Saudi version ; They practice the Islam of Muhammad, Mohammed ben Abdelwahhab has not written any book
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #66 - March 25, 2017, 12:22 PM

    Muhammad ibn Abdullah wrote no book, either. You cannot claim authorship is required in Islam. It belies the supposed origin of the faith.
    Yeah I am not going to bother explaining the Ummah with proofs. I think many polls used to gauge opinion have utilized leading questions and thus given outcomes desired by the researchers. It's far simpler to think back about the communities you have known and observe their practices.
    If Islam is text, then take away the followers and try to convince someone that it is religion.
    Religion is not text alone.
    If you choose to ignore the practitioners of a religion and follow the books only then you are going to have trouble learning to pray as a Muslim. Good luck. 

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #67 - March 25, 2017, 02:47 PM

    No quran without Muhammad
    I don't need explaining the Ummah
    I don't say Religion is not text alone.
    I don't choose to ignore the practitioners
    I don't need to learn to pray as a Muslimn, You did not even see that I am an  Ex-Muslim
    You left Islam but you kept the same habits: talk a lot without evidence and off-topic
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #68 - March 25, 2017, 03:58 PM

    Wow you're fucking dense.

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #69 - March 25, 2017, 04:23 PM

    Be more explicit, argue
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #70 - March 25, 2017, 04:37 PM

    Sorry, the above was a typo.

    I was meant to say that you're really stupid.

    Edit : Damn, that was another typo. I just can't seem to catch a break :/

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #71 - March 25, 2017, 11:32 PM

    I don't like the term taqiya outside a Shi'i or (historically) anti-Umayyad context.

    I might not be Muslim, or from a Muslim background (the French part of 1970s Algeria assuredly does not count); but I do sometimes take the time to listen to Sunni Muslims, and I've never heard them use it, except to make fun of Westerners who misuse it.

    ADDENDUM - or, of course, to attack the Shi'a.
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #72 - March 26, 2017, 10:18 AM

    I was meant to say that you're really stupid.

    Your arguments are insults
    I'm horrified !!! I expect insults on a Muslim site or even on a generalist site, but not on a site of ex-Muslims
    In other sites of ex-Muslims, it sometimes happens that Muslims are insulted
    But through the majority of the answers in this topic I get the impression that I am on a Muslim site
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #73 - March 26, 2017, 02:16 PM

    Quote from:  Random boring person
    Your arguments are insults
    I'm horrified !!! I expect insults on a Muslim site or even on a generalist site, but not on a site of ex-Muslims
    In other sites of ex-Muslims, it sometimes happens that Muslims are insulted
    But through the majority of the answers in this topic I get the impression that I am on a Muslim site

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #74 - March 26, 2017, 02:54 PM

    In other sites of ex-Muslims, it sometimes happens that Muslims are insulted
    But through the majority of the answers in this topic I get the impression that I am on a Muslim site

    I for one am glad that this forum is unlike other sites of ex-Muslims.
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #75 - March 26, 2017, 04:13 PM

    Ok, then  it's not a site of ex-Muslims, may be half muslims ?
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #76 - March 26, 2017, 07:58 PM

    You sound like some of those never-moose twats who come here thinking that it's a site to attack Muslims, just because we chose to leave Islam.

    Do we have to conform to your worldview in order to qualify as "fully ex-Muslim"? I don't think so.
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #77 - March 26, 2017, 08:13 PM

    Ok, then  it's not a site of ex-Muslims, may be half muslims ?

    We just don't pander to crybabies.

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #78 - March 26, 2017, 08:38 PM

    Alright, man. You caught us. We’ve really been trying to keep this whole thing a secret, but you were just too clever a guy for us to keep the wool over your eyes for too long.

    The truth is - and please keep this to yourself now that we’ve let you in on it - we’re actually a bunch of taqiyya practicing, Mosasd funded, part-time Wahhabi Islamist half-Muslims who voted for Trump and Brexit while pretending to be liberals and colluding with the CIA in order to enforce Sharia in local preschools.

    We’re also pro-life, unless the fetus was conceived as a result of adultery. Then, of course, we’re pro-death, preferably by stoning. (We do the stonings secretly so that no one knows what we’re really all about.) We use fake stones, though, since we’re only half Muslim.

    It’s tough being half Muslim, tougher than you might think. We can only ever finish half a bacon sandwich.  (And bacon is good, as it turns out, so it’s really hard to stop once we start.) When we drink alcohol, we leave about 2.5% (nisab) of the glass unfinished and donate it to charity. And when we’re having sex outside of wedlock, we have to yell “Allahu-ak!” EACH TIME before we climax. (No “bar,” though, since that would be full Islam, and we’re not really about full Islam. And because bars are haram - unless you leave 2.5% of your drink in the glass for charity, of course. See above.)

    Anyway. Look. What I’m saying is, it’s really tough being a half Muslim. We come here to congregate together and share best practices on taqiyya usage in the modern world, (half) sharia implementation, and the best way to make it through half a day of fasting during Ramadan. (We actually kinda do do that last part. But how could you ever be sure? This whole thing might just be some sort of taqiyya Inception: taqiyya inside of taqiyya, inside of taqiyya. How will you ever know the TRUTH!!??)

    And shit! I just said "do do." Better go and make (half) wudhu now. Astaghf.
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #79 - March 26, 2017, 08:39 PM

    I'm challenging the assumption that the Koran can be useful to living a good life (without it being regarded as divine) if it contains instructions to be violent.

    Some people find it helpful to living their generally good lives all the time. People are more than willing to be ostriches when it comes to any number of issues, and Muslims when it comes to the violent verses of the Quran are a rather common variant of such thought process. It's a common theme among religious adherents of all stripes, Catholics, Hindus, what have you.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #80 - March 26, 2017, 08:41 PM

    Alright, man. You caught us. We’ve really been trying to keep this whole thing a secret, but you were just too clever a guy for us to keep the wool over your eyes for too long.

    The truth is - and please keep this to yourself now that we’ve let you in on it - we’re actually a bunch of taqiyya practicing, Mosasd funded, part-time Wahhabi Islamist half-Muslims who voted for Trump and Brexit while pretending to be liberals and colluding with the CIA in order to enforce Sharia in local preschools.

    We’re also pro-life, unless the fetus was conceived as a result of adultery. Then, of course, we’re pro-death, preferably by stoning. (We do the stonings secretly so that no one knows what we’re really all about.) We use fake stones, though, since we’re only half Muslim.

    It’s tough being half Muslim, tougher than you might think. We can only ever finish half a bacon sandwich.  (And bacon is good, as it turns out, so it’s really hard to stop once we start.) When we drink alcohol, we leave about 2.5% (nisab) of the glass unfinished and donate it to charity. And when we’re having sex outside of wedlock, we have to yell “Allahu-ak!” EACH TIME before we climax. (No “bar,” though, since that would be full Islam, and we’re not really about full Islam. And because bars are haram - unless you leave 2.5% of your drink in the glass for charity, of course. See above.)

    Anyway. Look. What I’m saying is, it’s really tough being a half Muslim. We come here to congregate together and share best practices on taqiyya usage in the modern world, (half) sharia implementation, and the best way to make it through half a day of fasting during Ramadan. (We actually kinda do do that last part. But how could you ever be sure. This whole thing might just be some sort of taqiyya Inception, taqiyya inside of taqiyya, inside of taqiyya. How will you ever know the TRUTH!!??)

    And shit! I just said "do do." Better go and make (half) wudhu now. Astaghf.

    ^^Pure gold!  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #81 - March 30, 2017, 08:30 AM

    You sound like some of those never-moose twats who come here thinking that it's a site to attack Muslims, just because we chose to leave Islam.

    Do we have to conform to your worldview in order to qualify as "fully ex-Muslim"? I don't think so.

    You answer like Muhammad and like Muslims: attacking Islam = attacking Muslims
    If you read my posts you will understand why I can't attack muslims

    My worldview is based on facts : only muslims texts
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #82 - March 30, 2017, 08:35 AM

    and Muslims when it comes to the violent verses of the Quran are a rather common variant of such thought process. It's a common theme among religious adherents of all stripes, Catholics, Hindus, what have you.

    Jews and Christians have reformed their texts not Muslims
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #83 - March 30, 2017, 08:37 AM

    Alright, man. You caught us. We’ve really been trying to keep this whole thing a secret, but you were just too clever a guy for us to keep the wool over your eyes for too long.

    The truth is - and please keep this to yourself now that we’ve let you in on it - we’re actually a bunch of taqiyya practicing, Mosasd funded, part-time Wahhabi Islamist half-Muslims who voted for Trump and Brexit while pretending to be liberals and colluding with the CIA in order to enforce Sharia in local preschools.

    We’re also pro-life, unless the fetus was conceived as a result of adultery. Then, of course, we’re pro-death, preferably by stoning. (We do the stonings secretly so that no one knows what we’re really all about.) We use fake stones, though, since we’re only half Muslim.

    It’s tough being half Muslim, tougher than you might think. We can only ever finish half a bacon sandwich.  (And bacon is good, as it turns out, so it’s really hard to stop once we start.) When we drink alcohol, we leave about 2.5% (nisab) of the glass unfinished and donate it to charity. And when we’re having sex outside of wedlock, we have to yell “Allahu-ak!” EACH TIME before we climax. (No “bar,” though, since that would be full Islam, and we’re not really about full Islam. And because bars are haram - unless you leave 2.5% of your drink in the glass for charity, of course. See above.)

    Anyway. Look. What I’m saying is, it’s really tough being a half Muslim. We come here to congregate together and share best practices on taqiyya usage in the modern world, (half) sharia implementation, and the best way to make it through half a day of fasting during Ramadan. (We actually kinda do do that last part. But how could you ever be sure? This whole thing might just be some sort of taqiyya Inception: taqiyya inside of taqiyya, inside of taqiyya. How will you ever know the TRUTH!!??)

    And shit! I just said "do do." Better go and make (half) wudhu now. Astaghf.

     I don't say it's a site of  half muslims, it was a question ( may be half muslims ?)
    Your answer says no
    What is certain is that this site does not defend the interests of ex-Muslims, it's due to the ignorance of violent, racist and misogynist Muslim texts. All that ISIS says and does is in accordance with the Muslim dogma (Quran and Hadith)
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #84 - March 30, 2017, 11:32 AM

    All that ISIS says and does is in accordance with the Muslim dogma (Quran and Hadith)

    What makes you think a majority on this site don't believe that? Of course what ISIS says and does has a sound scriptural basis regarding Islamic texts.

    Then you have the wine that doesn't make you drunk. Seriously, who's idea was that? It's called Juicy Juice where I come from, mofo, you ain't fooling me.

  • Question to muslims
     Reply #85 - March 30, 2017, 05:46 PM

    You are the first to tell me a response like this
  • Question to muslims
     Reply #86 - March 30, 2017, 06:13 PM

    Try looking for topics/posts on the matter.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
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