There is so much depressing shit in the news today that I am not even going to go into it. It's all violence and hate and extreme measures so I am going to skip it. Someone else is going to mention it, more will come out about it, etc. Seriously I can't cry much more.
Instead I am going to post this here: a zealous revert is going around the most Muslim dense neighborhood in Minneapolis reminding people to obey Shariah and approaching women who are not covered, to ask them to cover.
So this sick $%@(.. so this guy is singling out WOMEN who LOOK MUSLIM to admonish regarding hijab. So we have misogynistic ethnic profiling, from a conservative Muslim, who is cherry picking his practice so that he does NOT have to LOWER HIS GAZE nor does he have to AVOID THE OPPOSITE GENDER- rather he appoints himself their overseer and patronizes them after EXAMINING THEIR ATTIRE.
I hope someone's mahram beats the living fuck out of him. Seriously. He has gathered a gang of a dozen men to help him enforce shariah in the Cedar Riverside neighborhood and he is claiming all sorts of endorsement from local organizations, including the masjid that wants nothing to do with it. And he MADE HIMSELF A UNIFORM. His wife insists he is NOT mentally ill. His new wife.
This is on the heels of news about how a church in Alabama (that's not far from Georgia, where our muttawa hero hails from) has SET UP IT"S OWN POLICE FORCE WITH BLESSINGS FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT. are not looking good here at all. I am seething over both these things, which mesh together in my mind and make me quite angry. Why can't this idiot just perform hijra and leave us alone, and why can't this church just go into the woods in Northern Michigan in the UP and form a militia like everyone else?