A lot of what you say makes sense, but not in the way you might hope.
Wow ... you're psychic then. You have enhanced powers to go with your tolerant outlook.
Nope, just seen your type here too many times before. It's an occupational hazard.
And your reference to Britain's history of 'aggressive' imperialism suggests you see the arrival of large numbers of former colonials in Britain
with innate resentment or even hostility to GB and its inhabitants as totally justified pay back for past sins. I'd love to see you argue that position publicly.
Your reading abilities, as ever, do not disappoint.
Lots of former colonial subjects came to Britain because it needed foreign labour and was in a position to exploit the networks of exploitation that empire built. Not that your grievances about Britain becoming non-white - incidentally, another side effect of the politics of empire, not that you appear to question why this might be - ever seem to seriously look into the history of migration. Nope, to you, it's just those Muslim immigrants and their wombs that are to blame, and that's that.
You came here to advocate for ex-Muslims falling behind the definitely-not-racist Tommy Robinson, lest anyone forget.
Though those colonized peoples were able to use the culture, religious beliefs, government institutions and legal code of their colonizers to de-colonize and achieve freedom.
Those deep dives into Wikipedia are really working out for you, aren't they?
What has happened in Britain so far is small scale cultural hegemony and attempted takeover at the neighborhood level. Tower Hamlets (attempted election fraud), Sparkbrook (attempted Islamization of parts of the education system), Rochdale (rape of 1400 girls by Pakistani rape gangs), parts of Luton and elsewhere suggest that such transformations do not indicate a happier state of existence for non Muslim residents.
It should surprise nobody that your focus is 'those perfidious Muslims'.
Ex Muslims on this site frequently mention their gratitude for being in Europe or America where the penalties for leaving Islam are less likely to be experienced. That 'back home' in Pakistan, Somalia or Saudi Arabia the risks are greater and punishment more severe. Surely you of all people want a strong culture of freedom, stoutly defended by police and politicians? And to be unambiguously clear I support your right to free expression, freedom of religion and association and every other sweet freedom available. That freedom is already being nibbled away at due to officially expressed Muslim sensitivities and objections.
Ah, yes, those precious gifts of whiteness that were so readily and freely given to us poor benighted heathens. Thank you ever so much.
A British Euro MP was imprisoned simply for reading this passage from that vicious British Champion of Empire Winston Churchill's classic 1899 account of the re-conquest of the Sudan 'The River War':
Oh goody, a fan of Winston "Don't call it the Bengal Famine" Churchill. This Greatest of Britons, the paragon who also said:
"I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."
Sounds like a nice fella. I suppose you won't object to what he said there.
Incidentally, the "British Euro MP" to whom you refer is Paul Weston, and you're either catastrophically misinformed or a liar. For one thing, he wasn't imprisoned for this little stunt; for another, he is also not, as you allege, an 'Euro MP', but a leader of a charming far-right party called Liberty GB, and also the successor of one Tommy Robinson at the helm of the fabulously, famously non-racist membership of Pegida UK. That you think you can come here and brazenly shill for Robinson, Weston, and the like makes you either particularly dim or just.. well, not clever, but brave for trying. If bringing a few brown faces into a misbegotten movement that will use them as tokens and their families as target practice is what does it for you, then you're looking in the wrong place to be tolerated for that sort of thing.
For the avoidance of any further doubt: this site has no welcome whatsoever for any of white nationalist politics. Given your evident sympathies, this includes you.
ETA: I forgot an obvious detail. Corrected.