Hi yeezevee, warm greetings from this far right nut job in trendy Brooklyn!
First a little on my 'journey' into things Islam. For most of my 69 years Islam wasn't even on my periphery. I was far to pre-occupied with job, family, house renovations and my religious life (and supporting Tottenham Hotspurs from a great distance!. In 2006 I went on a fact finding / mercy mission, taking aid packages to Iraqi refugees in Amman Jordan. The sponsoring organization was a multi-faith group in lower Manhattan whose weekly meetings took place in a building yards from ground zero. The notion we entertained was to have people from ground zero reach out to Iraqis - a peace gesture - quite hippy like! That 10 day visit to Amman with Palestinian drivers, translators and a young woman to accompany my wife left me with several key impressions. The young Palestinian girl (Rabab) was extremely outspoken and blunt in her attitudes to the West. That was fine with me and the wife and we encouraged her to speak her mind. I heard some mind-blowing testimonies from the 15 Iraqi families we visited and interviewed too. I fell in love with the place and the people but I could feel the tangible cultural and religious grand canyon dividing us. I made up my mind to devote whatever spare time I had to this subject (Islam and the West).
I will draw a curtain on my particular faith. It is one I first encountered in 1973 in New York and have had an on and off relationship with ever since. For the past 15 years my involvement has been limited to friendship connections, donations and online forums with other members of the movement. I ceased attendance at services and events around 2000. The religion I am talking about is Unificationism (Moonies to you probably). The Teaching is biblically based and is known as the Divine Principle. The core idea is that salvation is not an individual thing but something for a married couple. I'll leave it at that for the time being but I'll entertain questions from you or anyone else if you want to ask anything. I didn't mention this before because I don't want people to feel I'm here to convert people because I'm not. I have and will always advocate for God and building a personal relationship with the loving God I know - but that's it.
Now - this teaching leads anyone accepting it to take ownership of problems (whether qualified to do so or not). Our conceit (if you like) is that we are responsible for all humanity. And that strongly reinforces my motivation to be involved in what I see as the biggest problem in today's world.
Now to answer your direct questions about Tommy Robinson. Gad Saad and Gordon Murray often pose the question: 'Will there be a soft or hard landing' for Islam in Europe. Will the violence be limited, sporadic or will it end in a major conflagration with large scale death and destruction. I'm undecided. I hope and pray for a soft landing while Tommy and others I have recently encountered online like Paul Weston seem to have made their mind up that a civil war is inevitable. So I see Tommy as a brave, honest but at this moment misguided and counter-productive force in the equation. His in your face hot headed style is a product of his English working class background - but (as he has himself acknowledged) gets him into trouble. He's also pretty open about his mistakes.
What is giving me a little hope at the moment are people like Hamed Abdel Samad and brother Raschid. I see them as strong voices for 'dis-engagement' from Islam that they say has a large audience inside the ME Islamic world. Samad posts in arabic to a site each Monday that has an audience of 4 million. Raschid broadcasts his Christian evangelical message also in the ME to a large audience. They know each btw. They speak of a large scale exhaustion with rule by the turbans, and with the perpetual corruption and violence throughout the region. Samad informs Western Europeans that many Muslims counted in the statistics that alarm are in fact secular or at least non practicing and certainly non islamist. They offer the best hope for that soft landing that I've come across. Robinson, while a brave and honest soul (imho) does not. Time will tell.
If you have the time this sub-titled speech by Samad given in Germany in December 2014 is well worth a watch. I agree with everything he says and I think he is quite brilliant.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkJGD4bMw8oMy goodness gracious what is that all about dear Unifier ?? you put so many different subjects in to the post It looks and smells like South Asian/Chinese/Mexican/British/American curry.
I ask you why such HEARTFELT RESPONSE?? what did I do to you Unifier ??
My questions to you on TOMBOY ROBINSON Robin Hood the hero who is trying to save England and the world from Islam were very simple.. let me put them again.
hellooooo Unifier ... talk to me ..stop evading me..

forget that Peirs Morgan stuff., but tell me.,
Does Tommy Robinson character really need reformation?? why this fellow Tommy Robinson is a reformed character?
What character of his needs reformation and why?
Those are very simple questions and your post is NOTHING TO DO WITH THOSE QUESTIONS., Why does he need to reform himself? what did he do wrong ??
let me add another question on top of those., I am just curious ..
did you meet or talk to mr. TOMBOY ROBINSON Robin Hood personally or in any meeting??
Anyways., irrespective your answers your posts needs a response from me and that is because you mentioned a name of a person whom I closely follow/read sometimes write..and that is
Hamed Abdel Samad..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjUmLJHGlhkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qtokk0xQvshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLfQc3Ru7bMagain I will respond to your complex response
with best regards