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  • Question: just war or pacfist  (Voting closes: February 07, 2106, 06:28 AM)
  • absolute pacfist
  • pacfist till no more option
  • Just-war
  • first strike
  • other

 Topic: Just-War and Pacifism

 (Read 1758 times)
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  • Just-War and Pacifism
     OP - May 08, 2017, 12:22 AM

    Wanted to start a post about peoples views here about war and violance?

    I belive certain aspects of pacifism such as social defenace (Striking) have worked in sume cases such as bangladesh which lead to pakistan having to invade to stop it (may be a bad example) or india and other non violent protests.....but i belive that if peacefull and rational disscurse fall apart then war is fine to stop things like human rights abuse or tranny.

    Also i think alot of people cant see a difference between cause or reasons for war and method of war.

    For me....if one group has a cause such as libration of oppressed then it is right even if they have a bad method of fighting the war. That does not mean i agree or condon the method of war i.e terrorism.

    The same if The nazis fought their wars with 0 civilian or holocuast victims..i.e they only killed combatants. This is more moral method of war than the above group but it does not justify their cause in my view.

  • Just-War and Pacifism
     Reply #1 - May 08, 2017, 06:03 AM

    You covered to many different types of situations for one answer. In case of the military I would vote first strike. For social aspects pacifism until conflict is required. With the relationship between citizen and government just war. 
  • Just-War and Pacifism
     Reply #2 - May 08, 2017, 10:43 AM

    You covered to many different types of situations for one answer. In case of the military I would vote first strike. For social aspects pacifism until conflict is required. With the relationship between citizen and government just war. 

    First strike if danger is imanate?
  • Just-War and Pacifism
     Reply #3 - May 08, 2017, 11:26 AM

    Quote first strike................

    First strike if danger is imanate?

      i guess that word is imminent...

    Question  in 21st century  is  "first strike"  with what kind of  weapon?  first strike were Ok before Nukes...  now you have "haves and have nots"  enters in to equation of first strike ..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Just-War and Pacifism
     Reply #4 - May 08, 2017, 11:37 AM

      i guess that word is imminent...

    Question  in 21st century  is  "first strike"  with what kind of  weapon?  first strike were Ok before Nukes...  now you have "haves and have nots"  enters in to equation of first strike ..

    I am not that sharp on nukes but they do seem overkill to be....a good isrealy style 6 day war first strike is what I class as first strike
  • Just-War and Pacifism
     Reply #5 - May 08, 2017, 11:49 AM

    I am not that sharp on nukes but they do seem overkill to be..

    nah... it  is  just KILL EVERYTHING

    ..a good isrealy style 6 day war first strike is what I class as first strike

    well gone are those days.. that was June 1967.,     but think about  21st century warfare .. let us says US-IRAQ  war   Saddam -  Bush  war.,   with Saddam having Nukes  and buttons in his hand..

    or just for the heck as  you mentioned   .. India-Pakistan war ..   Muslim-Hindu war with nukes...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Just-War and Pacifism
     Reply #6 - May 08, 2017, 09:25 PM

    First strike if danger is imanate?

    No. If evidence indicates an attack is planned a first strike is warranted. You do not wait until it is about to happen. You strike to prevent it from happening.
  • Just-War and Pacifism
     Reply #7 - May 08, 2017, 09:54 PM

    No. If evidence indicates an attack is planned a first strike is warranted. You do not wait until it is about to happen. You strike to prevent it from happening.

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