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 Topic: The Cult of Social Justice

 (Read 29352 times)
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  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #30 - July 21, 2017, 05:46 PM

    Hmm.. this is interesting


    India biggest recipient of US economic assistance over 66-year period: USAID 

    That link says

    Top 10 countries receiving US economic assistance from 1946-2012

    India: $65.1bn
    Israel: $65bn
    United Kingdom: $63.6bn
    Egypt: $59.6bn
    Pakistan: $44.4bn
    Vietnam: $41bn
    Iraq: $39.7bn
    South Korea: $36.5bn
    Germany: $33.3bn
    France: $31bn

    The United States, over the period 1946-2012, has given India the largest amount of economic assistance, while providing Israel the greatest quantity of military assistance over the same interval, according to data compiled by USAID.

    The US also gave Israel the greatest total foreign assistance over the 66-year period, at $199 billion.

    well  that will be interesting link to read ., Question is why AMRIKA giving  billions of dollars to Germany, France, England and even to India?

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #31 - July 21, 2017, 08:43 PM

    This will have to be quick, but:

    I wasn't making an argument, I was responding to your accusation. You maligned my motives, claiming that I was "fixated" on your beliefs, so I responded by denying your allegation with an explanation of my motives. Was getting me to do so your intent when you maligned my motives?

    Then you are spectacularly illiterate when it suits you to be as well. I referred to your fixations; as for me thinking that you were fixated on my beliefs, don't flatter yourself. A quick survey of your posted topics of late brings up this charming topic as well as the following doozies, and that's before looking through your more recent posts in general:

    Truce in the Culture War
    Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group

    You have alighted on a concept and turned it into a far-reaching conspiracy, turning sustained objections to mass immiseration under capitalism into a straw man that you have chosen to label as opposition to "Patriarchy". Well done. For your next trick, have you considered turning into something other than a caricature?
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #32 - July 21, 2017, 08:52 PM

    I don't think his views would count as left, even with the Bernie Sanders support. He considers himself, and is considered, a white supremacist.

    Sounds like he was confused to the point he didn't know his politic views conflicted. After all the guy had brain damage. Like come on. He supports a socialist politician that ran in the supposed left-wing party and the party of minorities and is a white supremacist at the same time. He hated Hillary and Trump. That isn't rational. His Facebook was pro-Jewish but anti-Zion (Jews are not white). He is anti-Muslim but doesn't seem to be anti-POC. All while the article uses him as an example for what Trump supposed encourages. This is why the article is pure shit.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #33 - July 21, 2017, 08:54 PM

    Funny. I think there is an investigation into this right now, the undermining of the democratic process. Maybe you haven't noticed the investigation?

    Yes I noted the objections to voter investigation by areas Hillary won far more than the ones Trump won. Maybe you have not noticed which party is far more uncooperative all while becoming shrills since Trump won.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #34 - July 21, 2017, 09:01 PM

    Sounds like he was confused to the point he didn't know his politic views conflicted. After all the guy had brain damage. Like come on. He supports a socialist politician that ran in the supposed left-wing party and the party of minorities and is a white supremacist at the same time. He hated Hillary and Trump. That isn't rational. His Facebook was pro-Jewish but anti-Zion (Jews are not white). He is anti-Muslim but doesn't seem to be anti-POC. All while the article uses him as an example for what Trump supposed encourages. This is why the article is pure shit.

    Oh I don't know. I know plenty of Trump supporters who want universal healthcare. I do seem to recall Trump being a bit anti-Muslim himself on his platform without being anti-POC. Maybe it's not so far off. Plenty of people are also Pro-Jewish while being Anti-Zion, including some Jewish organizations. Also I would say that Trump has definitely encouraged anti-Muslim sentiment, as well as anti-immigration views, it would be silly of me not to notice that. I don't think this is farfetched, brain damage or not. Dude says he is a white supremacist, dude is a white supremacist. Dude feels emboldened by current climate and inspired to violence? Maybe. Not the only one.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #35 - July 21, 2017, 09:04 PM

    "Investigation" does not equal "conviction". False claims get investigated just like real ones. If the investigation finds no evidence of wrong-doing, will you be satisfied that your claims of wrong-doing were premature and inaccurate? Also, if Trump was actually interested in destroying democracy and had no interest in preserving the democratic process, don't you think he would put down such an investigation instead of letting it happen?

    Yeah I think we had some issues previously about the head of the investigation being fired.. and I see there is pressure now from within the current regime to do it again. Like redux firing the head of the investigation. Again.
    But that's not going to stop the investigation or slow it, would it? We shouldn't construe that as any sort of obstruction...

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #36 - July 21, 2017, 09:04 PM

    Yes I noted the objections to voter investigation by areas Hillary won far more than the ones Trump won. Maybe you have not noticed which party is far more uncooperative all while becoming shrills since Trump won.

    Yeah I have noticed a lot of things from both parties. Glass houses, man.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #37 - July 22, 2017, 12:20 AM

     Now   musa girl., you give the link of a post who wrote  that  Trump is  interested in destroying democracy

    The election of Donald Trump represents a fundamental challenge to America’s standing norms about democracy and freedom. He is a plutocratic fascist who does not respect democracy.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #38 - July 22, 2017, 01:42 AM

    Maybe you have not noticed which party is far more uncooperative all while becoming shrills since Trump won.

    This is actually the way that the political process has become in America with increasing polarization between the political parties. This isn't anything remotely new, although the general trend has been a consistent increase in obstructionism. Continuous escalation in this regard has both precedent and momentum.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #39 - July 22, 2017, 01:46 AM

    you to be as well. I referred to your fixations; as for me thinking that you were fixated on my beliefs, don't flatter yourself. A quick survey of your posted topics of late brings up this charming topic as well as the following doozies, and that's before looking through your more recent posts in general:

    Truce in the Culture War
    Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group

    You have alighted on a concept and turned it into a far-reaching conspiracy, turning sustained objections to mass immiseration under capitalism into a straw man that you have chosen to label as opposition to "Patriarchy". Well done. For your next trick, have you considered turning into something other than a caricature?

    It's easy for me to write these because they're opinion pieces,  not research pieces like my Bible/Quran ones where I have to sit down and read tons of stuff, listen to academic lectures, and do a bit of empirical research.  These I can get done with one or two quick google searches, if any. Amazingly, not doing any work is easier than doing work  But don't worry, I'll be going back to doing Bible/Quran content soon.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #40 - July 22, 2017, 07:49 AM

    dear musa girl  you  are NOT  reading.,,  you are only writing posts..

    I found this to be pertinent in light of my own experience and the topic  of this thread:

    .....................The election of Donald Trump represents a fundamental challenge to America’s standing norms about democracy and freedom. He is a plutocratic fascist who does not respect democracy..............


    those words are NOT from three  dear musa girl.....  those words are from Chauncey DeVega  who  is a politics staff writer for Salon

    please read more of that guy at  but for now go to that link  in  "three's"  post  ...  let me paste that again..

    read that,,,,  I will discuss with you on that article  in its totality....not just few words  you pasted...

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #41 - July 22, 2017, 08:03 AM

    dear musa girl  you  are NOT  reading.,,  you are only writing posts..

    those words are NOT from three  dear musa girl.....  those words are from Chauncey DeVega  who  is a politics staff writer for Salon

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    please read more of that guy at  but for now go to that link  in  "three's"  post  ...  let me paste that again..

    read that,,,,  I will discuss with you on that article  in its totality....not just few words  you pasted...

    with best wishes

    I read it and I understand that, but she is posting it as if she also believes that it is true; she didn't post it and then post a counter-argument or clarifier, she posted it as if the position of the author accurately represents her own position. She has also expressed similar sentiments in the past. So therefore, I feel it is not unreasonable/unrepresentative to assume that it's her own position as well, even if she was quoting it from someone else.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #42 - July 22, 2017, 08:14 AM

    I read it and I understand that, but she is posting it as if she also believes that it is true; she didn't post it and then post a counter-argument or clarifier, she posted it as if the position of the author accurately represents her own position. She has also expressed similar sentiments in the past. So therefore, I feel it is not unreasonable/unrepresentative to assume that it's her own position as well, even if she was quoting it from someone else.

    forget that past between you and "three" that is nothing to do with that article she quoted  but .. your assumption is unreasonable...  

    So you have beef with that that article of CHAUNCEY DEVEGA .,   I say  he is  right in his views about Mr. Trump..

    Do you pay Taxes in US of A?

    did Mr. Trump Pay  all of his taxes  in US of A??


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #43 - July 22, 2017, 08:49 AM

    Hellooooooooo  m_usa girl., I know you did read my response above .. and then you went away

    Are you a supporter of Mr. Trump., did you vote for him??

    You see dear m_usa girl.,  
    Ideas like   "equal justice.,  equality irrespective of gender and race , respect  for the views of others , freedom, education, science  and reason " are literally diametrically opposed to the ethos of Mr. Trump and the people who  surrounded him now., his own wife opposes his views    Such government structure has a potential  to fall into a trap that will have  wrecking ball  effect resulting in total destruction of the existing rule structure  of US of A Government .

    So think about it dear musa girl..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #44 - July 22, 2017, 11:00 AM

    The Cult of Social Justice
     Kings, Queens, Potuses, Dictators and their billionaire  supporters  
    and the rules they make for society through faith heads and faiths

    Let us talk about that dear musa girl......

    anyway the news at  says

    White House spokesman quits as Russia probe deepens

    WASHINGTON: White House press secretary Sean Spicer and a member of President Donald Trump’s legal team resigned on Friday in a one-two punch to a reeling administration, as pressure mounts from a broadening investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.

    Spicer resigned in opposition to Trump’s naming of Anthony Scaramucci, a Wall Street financier and longtime supporter of the billionaire investor-turned-president, as the new White House communications director, a White House official said.

    Mark Corallo, who coordinated the Trump legal team’s public response to the crisis over a probe into possible campaign collusion with Moscow, also stepped down, according to an email he sent to this news agency.....

    Indeed., we can question American President and presidency but  Mr. Trump  leader_ship  can not be questioned .  His words are unquestionable ..

    that is what news says and musa girl reveals  this
    It's easy for me to write these because they're opinion pieces,  not research pieces like my Bible/Quran ones where I have to sit down and read tons of stuff, listen to academic lectures, and do a bit of empirical research.  These I can get done with one or two quick google searches, if any. Amazingly, not doing any work is easier than doing work  ......


    "not doing any work is easier than doing work"  Cheesy Cheesy  great words ..great words....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #45 - July 23, 2017, 04:23 AM

    So you have beef with that that article of CHAUNCEY DEVEGA .,   I say  he is  right in his views about Mr. Trump..

    ok, then please provide evidence of that.

    Do you pay Taxes in US of A?

    No, because I am living off of disability and other government programs. That means the government is giving me all the money I would be silly for them to start taxing me on it plus the money I get is below the poverty line which means even if it was taxable income, I wouldn't have a high enough amount of money for them to tax.

    did Mr. Trump Pay  all of his taxes  in US of A??

    No, however that is irrelevant to the claim that he is a threat to democracy. At most it indicates that he is the exact same kind of person who our political system is full of. It doesn't mean he's better than the rest or worse than the rest, only that he is exactly the same. The claim that he is maintaining the status quo is not consistent with the claim that he poses a new, unprecedented, or imminent threat to the nature of American democracy.

    Indeed., we can question American President and presidency but  Mr. Trump  leader_ship  can not be questioned .  His words are unquestionable ..

    Then are you living in fear because you're questioning him? Do you believe that he will poison reporters who are critical of him like Putin has done?

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #46 - July 23, 2017, 10:56 AM

    You don't get taxed on benefits? Not any?

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #47 - July 23, 2017, 01:55 PM

    ok, then please provide evidence of that.  

    evidence for what?  musagirl..isagirl.,   well I am telling you to read that article in its entirety not just few words

    No, because I am living off of disability and other government programs. That means the government is giving me all the money I would be silly for them to start taxing me on it plus the money I get is below the poverty line which means even if it was taxable income, I wouldn't have a high enough amount of money for them to tax.

    No, however that is irrelevant to the claim that he is a threat to democracy.

    well you may have reason  of  MENTAL or PHYSICAL DISABILITY not to work and not to pay taxes in US of A  but what reasons Mr. Trump had not  to pay taxes?   or did he also claim  mental disability exemption?  why would you say it is irrelevant? ..

    At most it indicates that he is the exact same kind of person who our political system is full of. It doesn't mean he's better than the rest or worse than the rest, only that he is exactly the same.


    nonsense.,  give me other examples of US history that other presidents not paying their taxes.  
     The claim that he is maintaining the status quo is not consistent with the claim that he poses a new, unprecedented, or imminent threat to the nature of American democracy.

    what status quo are you talking about ?  Did any presidential candidates send his sons and son in-laws to russia for digging dirt on other candidates?

    Then are you living in fear because you're questioning him? Do you believe that he will poison reporters who are critical of him like Putin has done?

      Putin did not do anything., he uses others to do such jobs.,   well who knows what he will do??   he certainly talking and seems to be learning from Putin on how to play politics   and he has enough money to get it done ...

    forget that but your problem appears to be different dear  musa girl..  and that problem you infact highlighted in one of your posts..

    please continue on faiths  & Politics

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #48 - July 23, 2017, 03:42 PM

    You don't get taxed on benefits? Not any?

    No. The money you get as a disabled person is not taxable. You don't even file a return for it. If you, however, have assets over a certain amount you are no longer qualified for those disability benefits. Last I heard it was two grand. One has to be both impoverished and disabled in order to meet the requirements for benefits.
    An exception is a special needs trust, which was made legal just three years ago and can be used to buy clothing and accessories for living (like a phone, computer), things that disability benefits do not cover.
    I believe there is some taxation on the trust, but am not sure. 

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #49 - July 24, 2017, 10:23 AM

    evidence for what?

    For the claim that I disputed and requested evidence for, which you then said no one had asserted, to which I replied you a direct quote, which you then said didn't necessarily represent three's views as she wasn't the original author of the quote, at which point I said I still wanted evidence for the claim, following which you went on to say the claim represented your personal views, which led to my requesting the same thing I requested before your first dispute, which was evidence for this claim: "The election of Donald Trump represents a fundamental challenge to America’s standing norms about democracy and freedom. He is a plutocratic fascist who does not respect democracy."
    Tl;dr: i asked for evidence, you said no one made the claim, I proved someone did, you said I was wrong about who made the claim, I said that was irrelevant to the truth value of the claim, you said you believed the claim, I asked for evidence, you feigned not knowing what I had asked for evidence of, talking yourself allllll the way back around to the beginning of the circle. I predict you will now say that you never said or agreed with the claim, at which point I will refer you to this comment, and you will then say that you weren't the original author of the quote. This cycle can be continued ad infinitum.

    well you may have reason  of  MENTAL or PHYSICAL DISABILITY not to work and not to pay taxes in US of A  but what reasons Mr. Trump had not  to pay taxes?

    You don't understand the American tax system. He didn't break the law, and that's the problem; the laws are broken and if you have enough money to get some clever accountants, you can avoid paying taxes. What happened was essentially that he claimed his business losses against his income so that he wouldn't have to pay taxes on his income. It's not like he did what Kent Hovind did and denied that he was supposed to pay taxes, nor what Jimmy Carr did and hid his money off-shore. What he did is more like if your car window gets broken and you get your car insurance to pay for it, then submit the receipts to the car manufacturer, window manufacturer, and also the person who broke the window and make all of them reimburse you too. He put so many of his business write-offs on his taxes that he didn't have to pay any taxes. It wasn't illegal. It wasn't moral, either, but it wasn't illegal. And as he (quite correctly) said at the debates, Clinton was the one who made those exemptions during her time as senator or failed to close the loop-holes, and it was because all of her friends were also taking advantage of those loop-holes. It doesn't make him moral or good, but it doesn't make him worse than any other politician. All our politicians crawled out of the same dung heap and he also smells exactly like dung.

    nonsense.,  give me other examples of US history that other presidents not paying their taxes.  what status quo are you talking about ?  Did any presidential candidates send his sons and son in-laws to russia for digging dirt on other candidates?

    Hillary Clinton did the same thing:
    Pages 5-16 contain the deductions she claimed against her taxes. Clinton also donated $1,042,000 to charity, which by an amazing coincidence is just over the $1,039,790 which she claimed that the government owed her because she allegedly overpaid her taxes. $1,000,000 of those dollars were donated to the Clinton Foundation (per page 29). The remaining $42,000 were donated to Desert Classic Charities, which is the organization that organizes and hosts the PGA tour (a big golfing tournament). According to careerbuilder:
    Since its inception, Desert Classic Charities, the charitable entity that organizes the PGA TOUR event in the Coachella Valley, has contributed more than $56 million to a wide range of Coachella Valley charitable organizations and Eisenhower Medical Center. The scope of giving is broad and includes support for structured and mentoring programs for children, social services, and food and safe shelter for the less fortunate. Desert Classic Charities is dedicated to continuing its mission to serve human needs in the Coachella Valley and beyond by generating funds and opportunities every year through the event.

    I'm sure if you do some research you can find some wonderful other tidbits; maybe start with who exactly is on the board of the Clinton Foundation and what the charity's expenses were...but hey, that's work.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #50 - July 25, 2017, 05:53 PM

    Oh I don't know. I know plenty of Trump supporters who want universal healthcare.

    Trump is a populist, it makes sense really.

    Also I would say that Trump has definitely encouraged anti-Muslim sentiment, as well as anti-immigration views, it would be silly of me not to notice that. I don't think this is farfetched, brain damage or not. Dude says he is a white supremacist, dude is a white supremacist. Dude feels emboldened by current climate and inspired to violence? Maybe. Not the only one.

    No he exploited anti-Muslim sentiment. That one of the reasons why he is a populist. He slide towards what he think will keep people happy. Hence his flip/flop with Obamacare.

    Did he say he was a white supremacist or did you read that on CNN? He was pro-Jewish which is in direct conflict with white supremacy as Jews were never seen as white. His Facebook account was anti-Trump and anti-Hillary. Yet you are attempting to link this nuts actions with Trump....
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #51 - July 25, 2017, 05:54 PM

    Yeah I have noticed a lot of things from both parties. Glass houses, man.

    I was being specific.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #52 - July 25, 2017, 05:57 PM

    This is actually the way that the political process has become in America with increasing polarization between the political parties. This isn't anything remotely new, although the general trend has been a consistent increase in obstructionism. Continuous escalation in this regard has both precedent and momentum.

    No I think the hysteria from the likes of CNN have pushed it to a new level. Now whole organizations are losing their minds over Trump and the narrative they have created in said hysteria. A lot of the left have lost their minds to levels that are not typical from my pov.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #53 - July 25, 2017, 10:17 PM

    Trump is a populist, it makes sense really.

    No he exploited anti-Muslim sentiment. That one of the reasons why he is a populist. He slide towards what he think will keep people happy. Hence his flip/flop with Obamacare.

    Did he say he was a white supremacist or did you read that on CNN? He was pro-Jewish which is in direct conflict with white supremacy as Jews were never seen as white. His Facebook account was anti-Trump and anti-Hillary. Yet you are attempting to link this nuts actions with Trump....

    He says himself that he is a white supremacist. He says himself, and the police holding him have confirmed this. No matter what his views on any minority, this is his claim. If a racist tells you he is racist you generally believe him. Really.

    "The Trump is who America needs now that Bernie got ripped off." Is a quote from him. I take that as support for Trump. I don't see how else it can be taken.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #54 - July 26, 2017, 12:58 AM

    He says himself that he is a white supremacist. He says himself, and the police holding him have confirmed this.

    Too bad he other views on Facebook completely contradict his views. He complains that Hillary keeps Hondurans out of the nation... Not exactly a model white supremacist given the demographic of that nation. This guy is pure nuts. Why you take the statements of this guy at face value is beyond me.

    No matter what his views on any minority, this is his claim. If a racist tells you he is racist you generally believe him. Really.

    If his claims are contradicted by his other views how valid is the claim?

    "The Trump is who America needs now that Bernie got ripped off." Is a quote from him. I take that as support for Trump. I don't see how else it can be taken.

    Again his Facebook was pro-Bernie an atheist ethnic Jew. Again one set of views contradict another set of views. Hello... Read what you just quoted. He was pro-Bernie. He points out the DNC screwed Bernie, which it did. Do you think he could be using "deserve" with a context of consequences rather than open endorsement? Think about it this way. Gaza elected Hamas. Gaza deserves what it has coming for electing a terrorist organization. That is not an endorsement of Hamas but of supposed deserved consequences of said election.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #55 - July 26, 2017, 02:49 AM

    Why can't he be a white supremacist, Bernie and Trump supporter all at once? Is a coherent ideology something we have to ascribe to the man?

    He's a fuck who likes to commit violence to further his end. I hate to break it to supporters of any ideology, however pure and wonderful yours might be, but there are always dudes like that among any of your ranks.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #56 - July 26, 2017, 02:52 AM

    Why can't he be a white supremacist, Bernie and Trump supporter all at once? Is a coherent ideology something we have to ascribe to the man?

    He's a fuck who likes to commit violence to further his end. I hate to break it to supporters of any ideology, however pure and wonderful yours might be, but there are always dudes like that among any of your ranks.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #57 - July 26, 2017, 02:58 AM

    No I think the hysteria from the likes of CNN have pushed it to a new level. Now whole organizations are losing their minds over Trump and the narrative they have created in said hysteria. A lot of the left have lost their minds to levels that are not typical from my pov.

    He's an officeholder that the majority of the political establishment finds "bad for business". In that sense the hysteria about him is understandable, as there hasn't been one of his sort in thor knows how long.

    The only nuance is that the Republican establishment finds him a useful idiot. But when they no longer do they'll dump/impeach/whatever so they can get on with their "business".

    I find it hard to comment on "the left losing it's mind". I think it's hard to argue that a lot of what he says or does is not typical anyway. He's the first president whose specialty niche is to be a troll and put others on tilt. It's understandable that his opponents would respond.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #58 - July 26, 2017, 03:45 AM

    Too bad he other views on Facebook completely contradict his views. He complains that Hillary keeps Hondurans out of the nation... Not exactly a model white supremacist given the demographic of that nation. This guy is pure nuts. Why you take the statements of this guy at face value is beyond me.

    If his claims are contradicted by his other views how valid is the claim?

    Again his Facebook was pro-Bernie an atheist ethnic Jew. Again one set of views contradict another set of views. Hello... Read what you just quoted. He was pro-Bernie. He points out the DNC screwed Bernie, which it did. Do you think he could be using "deserve" with a context of consequences rather than open endorsement? Think about it this way. Gaza elected Hamas. Gaza deserves what it has coming for electing a terrorist organization. That is not an endorsement of Hamas but of supposed deserved consequences of said election.

    You are the one who said he can't possibly be a Trump supporter. He was/is. That's all.

    I don't think you can declare what someone is or is not. Even the insane get to determine their own personally held beliefs, even if seemingly contradictory.

    I can tell you that there was a pack of white supremacists in Chapel Hill who lived in an all black neighborhood because they believed it was safer. When questioned about this assumption they asserted that their neighbors were also racist and in full agreement with their supremacist racist beliefs because they all kept to their own and didn't mix with each other beyond a greeting between the menfolk.  They said that they were fully accepted, and so even further, claimed that they belonged in this neighborhood. Logic?

    These are sick people, seriously, no matter how you analyze them they will never come out sane. Supremacist beliefs are a symptom of the severely disturbed and the criminally insane. This is how they are. You are assuming he has to conform to this or that belief in order to be a proper supremacist and you ignore the fact that he has to be both insane and an asshole first to be a supremacist of any stripe at all.

    All of them are like this. All of them, even the ones nicknamed "Professor" who wears spectacles and makes quotes from long ago histories about race. All nuts and all walking contradictions.

    And yeah, I know I am dehumanizing a group of people. I know.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • The Cult of Social Justice
     Reply #59 - July 26, 2017, 04:33 PM

    You are the one who said he can't possibly be a Trump supporter. He was/is. That's all.

    Wrong. I disagreed that the statement of "deserved Trump" is support of rather than a consequence of not electing Bernie.

    I don't think you can declare what someone is or is not.

    You have no problems doing so.

    Even the insane get to determine their own personally held beliefs, even if seemingly contradictory.

    Yes but at what point to you think a mental handicap reduces said views to pure nonsensical drivel that the person is not capable of understanding in any serious way. Seriously his view as so contradictory that his mind is that of a child.

    I can tell you that there was a pack of white supremacists in Chapel Hill who lived in an all black neighborhood because they believed it was safer. When questioned about this assumption they asserted that their neighbors were also racist and in full agreement with their supremacist racist beliefs because they all kept to their own and didn't mix with each other beyond a greeting between the menfolk.  They said that they were fully accepted, and so even further, claimed that they belonged in this neighborhood. Logic?

    The logic is based on an assertion so it is not actually logical.

    Now if it were true rather than an assertion it is logical as there is a mutual agreement. Key phrase being " their neighbors were also racist and in full agreement with their supremacist racist beliefs" Now if the black neighbors were in full agreement with this person's view they are agreeing to being inferior as a "race" to their white neighbor. They have have a code of conduct based on said acceptance of their neighbors racist views.

    These are sick people, seriously, no matter how you analyze them they will never come out sane. Supremacist beliefs are a symptom of the severely disturbed and the criminally insane. This is how they are. You are assuming he has to conform to this or that belief in order to be a proper supremacist and you ignore the fact that he has to be both insane and an asshole first to be a supremacist of any stripe at all.

    No I am pointing how his mental health to me is so questionable I do not think he understands many of the ideas he has endorsed. He views are largely irrelevant to his mental heath condition as a byproduct of. Hence why I focus on inconsistencies as evidence of lacking any coherent pattern of ideas. Likewise the pattern indicate mental health issues. My point is why focus on white supremacy if we agree this guy is insane to begin with?

    I do not think you understand that I do not think this man is capable of forming an complex thought. I am dismissing his views as those manufactured by a troubled mind that does not grasp any of the concept he has latched on to.

    All of them are like this. All of them, even the ones nicknamed "Professor" who wears spectacles and makes quotes from long ago histories about race. All nuts and all walking contradictions.

    Grand claims of all are not impressive.

    And yeah, I know I am dehumanizing a group of people. I know.

    You are not denying their humanity. You are merely disagreeing with their views. Nothing wrong with that.

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