evidence for what?
For the claim that I disputed and requested evidence for, which you then said no one had asserted, to which I replied you a direct quote, which you then said didn't necessarily represent three's views as she wasn't the original author of the quote, at which point I said I still wanted evidence for the claim, following which you went on to say the claim represented your personal views, which led to my requesting the same thing I requested before your first dispute, which was evidence for this claim: "The election of Donald Trump represents a fundamental challenge to America’s standing norms about democracy and freedom. He is a plutocratic fascist who does not respect democracy."
Tl;dr: i asked for evidence, you said no one made the claim, I proved someone did, you said I was wrong about who made the claim, I said that was irrelevant to the truth value of the claim, you said you believed the claim, I asked for evidence, you feigned not knowing what I had asked for evidence of, talking yourself allllll the way back around to the beginning of the circle. I predict you will now say that you never said or agreed with the claim, at which point I will refer you to this comment, and you will then say that you weren't the original author of the quote. This cycle can be continued ad infinitum.
well you may have reason of MENTAL or PHYSICAL DISABILITY not to work and not to pay taxes in US of A but what reasons Mr. Trump had not to pay taxes?
You don't understand the American tax system. He didn't break the law, and that's the problem; the laws are broken and if you have enough money to get some clever accountants, you can avoid paying taxes. What happened was essentially that he claimed his business losses against his income so that he wouldn't have to pay taxes on his income. It's not like he did what Kent Hovind did and denied that he was supposed to pay taxes, nor what Jimmy Carr did and hid his money off-shore. What he did is more like if your car window gets broken and you get your car insurance to pay for it, then submit the receipts to the car manufacturer, window manufacturer, and also the person who broke the window and make all of them reimburse you too. He put so many of his business write-offs on his taxes that he didn't have to pay any taxes. It wasn't illegal. It wasn't moral, either, but it wasn't illegal. And as he (quite correctly) said at the debates, Clinton was the one who made those exemptions during her time as senator or failed to close the loop-holes, and it was because all of her friends were also taking advantage of those loop-holes. It doesn't make him moral or good, but it doesn't make him worse than any other politician. All our politicians crawled out of the same dung heap and he also smells exactly like dung.
nonsense., give me other examples of US history that other presidents not paying their taxes. what status quo are you talking about ? Did any presidential candidates send his sons and son in-laws to russia for digging dirt on other candidates?
Hillary Clinton did the same thing:
https://m.hrc.onl/secretary/10-documents/01-health-financial-records/Clinton_2015_Form_1040_with_Signature_Page.pdfPages 5-16 contain the deductions she claimed against her taxes. Clinton also donated $1,042,000 to charity, which by an
amazing coincidence is just over the $1,039,790 which she claimed that the government owed her because she allegedly overpaid her taxes. $1,000,000 of those dollars were donated to the Clinton Foundation (per page 29). The remaining $42,000 were donated to Desert Classic Charities, which is the organization that organizes and hosts the PGA tour (a big golfing tournament). According to
Since its inception, Desert Classic Charities, the charitable entity that organizes the PGA TOUR event in the Coachella Valley, has contributed more than $56 million to a wide range of Coachella Valley charitable organizations and Eisenhower Medical Center. The scope of giving is broad and includes support for structured and mentoring programs for children, social services, and food and safe shelter for the less fortunate. Desert Classic Charities is dedicated to continuing its mission to serve human needs in the Coachella Valley and beyond by generating funds and opportunities every year through the event.
I'm sure if you do some research you can find some wonderful other tidbits; maybe start with who exactly is on the board of the Clinton Foundation and what the charity's expenses were...but hey, that's work.