That's not much different from most muslims. They tend to hold contradictory beliefs simultaneously, there is not much alternative when you are brainwashed.
He sounds like the average muslim male teen who will break as many rules as his conscience allows him to. But in his heart he is a muslim, when Ramadan comes his true nature starts to show. He'll grow up to become more religious, unless he manages to break the brainwashing, but that is a rarity.
He sometimes says stuff like ,,the kuffar will regret for disbeliving after they die''
Personally, I don't believe he is a good person. Moderate muslims aren't this harsh. And having 'more white girlfriends than the average non-muslim' makes him sound like a player. He is pakistani too, they generally have little respect for women, especially white women.
Maybe I am being pessimistic, but I wouldn't reveal your lack of faith to this guy. It wont benefit you, and pakistani's can become weirdly extreme. Just be careful.