Honestly mate, I don't think some ex-muslim organisations even know what they stand for nowadays. Never-muslims like Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins say they are in favour of women's rights, the freedom to believe or disbelieve as you see fit, and these are racist colonialists. Ex-musims say the same and they're coons. Reformist muslims like Maajid Nawaz are coconuts. And you're got fucking ex-muslims saying this. Yes, I understand you don't want KKK types taking your stories to further their agendas, but why demonise those who will stand with you for saying the exact same thing you do?
Richard Dawkins says societies that use islam to justify the subjugation of women are evil. Ohh, he's a bigot, you say, while arguing the same point as him, at the same time as he gives money to ex-muslim organisations. You know, once upon a time ex-muslim groups would recognise an ally who wasn't from the same background, who would occasionally simply step over the line, and tell them how they fucked up.
This is a perfect example. Dawkins described islam as evil, and instead of painting him as something he's not, CEMB wrote a reply to him intended to educate and actually chat with and debate/argue (with muslims and ex-muslims) his points to hash out who was right, or who had the most points, and go from there. Here's the article: "Why describing Islam as ‘evil’ is not helpful"
https://www.councilofexmuslims.com/index.php?topic=23650.0They didn't cast him out into the cold. They made an attempt to engage with him and then actually waited to see what his response was before condemning him. As it turns out, he acknowledged the points made and is still a champion of ex-muslims.
Now? People can't even understand the difference between an ally who makes a mistake and an enemy. I challenge anyone to go through my posts and show I'm a racist or a bigot, and I've said far worse about certain societies and interpretations of islam than some of the people the new ones label as "oppressors". What the fuck? I don't like islam as a religion or how it's practised in a number of muslim majority countries. I'm for men and women and believers and non-believers and apostates all being equal under the law, What a sexist racist I am. As is every non-white member of this forum. Let's tell the ex-muslim bloggers being murdered for being ex-muslims how they are encouraging white supremacism and western colonialism, by wanting the right to not be murdered for being ex-muslims. There are actually people who would argue these points. Against people like me and every other long time CEMB member who's most cherished loved ones are muslim. These unenlightened cunts, like me, who believe in equal rights under the law regardless of sex, race or belief. The bigoted wankers. Jesus fucking Christ...