i just stopped believing a month ago, i can't even imagine missing a prayer,i am still wearing a face veil, and since i live in a muslim country with a conservative muslim family that brings religion in everything, i still feel like a muslim.
like someone who learned late in life that the earth is round and the stars are blazing suns, but still sees the earth as flat and the stars as specks of light on a black sheet.
that makes me feel very uneasy, as if i don't know who i am anymore.
one day when i escape to Europe, i probably will try counseling to deal with guilt - for leaving every thing i was trained into -
it became clear to me that me praying wasn't because i liked to pray or really to enter the heaven, it's something i
trained my self into it because i didn't want to go to hell.
maybe you can see if counseling can help you with that.