Nakamura first arrived in the region in 1984 as a volunteer with the Japan Overseas Christian Medical Cooperative Service at the Mission Hospital in Peshawar Pakistan serving patients with leprosy and Afghan refugees, intending to stay in Peshawar for five to six years. Beginning in 1991, Nakamura opened 3 clinics to provide medical service in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, where he identified malnutrition as a root cause for the health issues in the region. From then onwards, he broadened the scope of his work into agriculture and irrigation, and focused on building canal projects in eastern Afghanistan.
Starting from 2000, a drought hit the region. A consequence of this drought was the multiplications of diseases due to malnutrition and lack of water. Nakamura stated about this situation: "One irrigation canal will do more good than 100 doctors!". Starting from 2003, Nakamura started building an irrigation canal in the Khewa District (Kuz Kunar) of Nangarhar Province, the Marwarid Canal. The canal gets water from Kunar River, and has a length of 25.5 km.[8] He drew inspiration from the irrigation canals that had been built in his native Fukuoka more than 200 years ago, without the aid of modern equipment.[9]
As of 2016, Nakamura had built or restored 8 additional canals, irrigating 16,000 hectares and supporting the livelihood of 600,000 people in the Gamberi Desert region.
Nakamura declared, "Weapons and tanks don't solve problems. The revival of farming is the cornerstone of Afghanistan's recovery"
how many trillion.. billion gillion dollars spent by AMRIKA......RUSSIA....... PAKISTHAN ...ENGLANDSTHAN..;;;;;; ARABSTAN.....HINDUSTHAN,, in Afghanistan? and what did they achieve??