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 Topic: Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain

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  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #60 - May 30, 2020, 08:04 AM

    .This is the Labour MP  for Rotherham who had to call out the criminality of some her own constituents:

    Does a racist refer to criminals by their country of origin and contrasts this with the race of the victim?

    A whole generation of girls had their lives ruined and I feel it's going to take another generation to rid the stench of Islamism and Pakistani racism.

    I'm not sure the prospects of street urchins were that bright to be ruined by pervy asian night workers. That film East is East was on tv the other night, there's more truth in that then this nonsense race politics.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #61 - June 03, 2020, 05:39 PM

    Does a racist refer to criminals by their country of origin and contrasts this with the race of the victim?

    Have a read of some of the testimonies from victims of this crime perpetrated by British Pakistanis. They recall being picked out because of being white and Western, that they're cheap meat. Is it racist to call out the fact that there is a disproprinate number of groomers from one background? And the fact that high profile cases have shown them to be racist? Again, don't you think we would've heard if ethnic minority girls were to be groomed by white men? You wouldn't hear the end of it. I'm looking at protests in London right now about a black man killed in the US and the justified outraged that's caused, but where was the similar outcry in the wake of the Rotherham report where local authorities were shamed for failing young girls and letting them be preyed upon because they didn't want to upset community relations?
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #62 - June 03, 2020, 08:55 PM

    Again, don't you think we would've heard if ethnic minority girls were to be groomed by white men?

    as in the american situation, crimes have a public association with race. who's going to buy stories about white groomers? too mundane, doesn't quite stir the imagination like dark skinned childcatchers.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #63 - June 09, 2020, 01:12 PM

    as in the american situation, crimes have a public association with race. who's going to buy stories about white groomers? too mundane, doesn't quite stir the imagination like dark skinned childcatchers.

    Oh fuck off, as if there wouldn't be any public interest in white groomers. There would, and there would be mass outrage, much larger than what we've seen with Pakistani grooming gangs.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #64 - June 09, 2020, 01:22 PM

    haha, you're too invested in your hatred to see the bigger picture.

    sadly, you're dancing to the tune of the far right. I suppose it could be worse - at least you're not a woke lefty ex-muslim.

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #65 - June 09, 2020, 01:44 PM

    Nah, I just get triggered by this:

    At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has found.

    Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, it said.

    The report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, revealed there had been three previous inquiries.

    Council leader Roger Stone said he would step down with immediate effect.

    Mr Stone, who has been the leader since 2003, said: "I believe it is only right that as leader I take responsibility for the historic failings described so clearly."

    The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled "racist" if they focused on victims' descriptions of the majority of abusers as "Asian" men.

    Professor Alexis Jay, who wrote the latest report, said there had been "blatant" collective failures by the council's leadership, senior managers had "underplayed" the scale of the problem and South Yorkshire Police had failed to prioritise the issue.

    Prof Jay said: "No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013."

    Revealing details of the inquiry's findings, Prof Jay said: "It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered."

    The inquiry team found examples of "children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone".


    The report found: "Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so."

    Failures by those charged with protecting children happened despite three reports between 2002 and 2006 which both the council and police were aware of, and "which could not have been clearer in the description of the situation in Rotherham".

    Prof Jay said the first of these reports was "effectively suppressed" because senior officers did not believe the data. The other two were ignored, she said.

    The inquiry team found that in the early-2000s when a group of professionals attempted to monitor a number of children believed to be at risk, "managers gave little help or support to their efforts".

    The report revealed some people at a senior level in the police and children's social care thought the extent of the problem was being "exaggerated".

    Prof Jay said: "The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for."

    A victim of abuse in Rotherham, who has been called "Isabel" to protect her identity, told BBC Panorama: "I was a child and they should have stepped in.

    "No matter what's done now... it's not going to change that it was too late, it should have been stopped and prevented."

    That was just one town. I'm sure you wouldnt call the BBC a far right source?
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #66 - June 09, 2020, 01:47 PM

    If a 'White Lives Matter' hashtag appeared on Twitter, the same ratbag 'leftists' who have turned a blind eye to grooming gangs would decry this as somehow 'racist'.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #67 - June 09, 2020, 01:55 PM

    I have a neighbour who mentioned not long ago that her teen daughter was approached by 'Asian groomers'. I was the one who brought the topic up casually. I always naively imagined that it was just some sick phenomenon happening in the mill towns up north. I thought, how can such a thing happen in the metropolitan heart of the Midlands that I live in? So yeah, this scandal triggers me, knowing that there are sick racist fucks belonging to my 'heritage' preying on non Asian girls like packs of wolves and yet the biggest concern of Muslim preachers is not let our kids be 'Western'.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #68 - June 09, 2020, 02:46 PM

    You can't accuse Nazir Afzal, former prosecutor of the Rochdale grooming gang of being 'far right' and yet he's  witnessed first the problem of this phenomenon and is honest:

    The lawyer who brought the Rochdale grooming gang to justice says Muslim communities ‘must do more to fight a cancer of violent misogyny’.

    Nazir Afzal initiated the prosecutions of the sex trafficking gang after he became Chief Crown Prosecutor in the north west, which eventually led to the jailing of nine gang members.

    He overturned a decision by the Crown Prosecution Service not to prosecute and asked police to look again at the issue of grooming in Rochdale.

    On the eve of a new documentary about the scandal Mr Afzal has written an article criticising the attitude of some of his fellow Muslims towards the issue of grooming, saying ‘too many people blame the victims rather than the perpetrators’.

    The lawyer who brought the Rochdale grooming gang to justice says Muslim communities ‘must do more to fight a cancer of violent misogyny’.

    Nazir Afzal initiated the prosecutions of the sex trafficking gang after he became Chief Crown Prosecutor in the north west, which eventually led to the jailing of nine gang members.

    He overturned a decision by the Crown Prosecution Service not to prosecute and asked police to look again at the issue of grooming in Rochdale.

    On the eve of a new documentary about the scandal Mr Afzal has written an article criticising the attitude of some of his fellow Muslims towards the issue of grooming, saying ‘too many people blame the victims rather than the perpetrators’.

    Writing for the Mail on Sunday Mr Afzal said: “There are parts of our country now where violent misogyny is equally accepted and even celebrated. What worries me is that these are largely Asian areas with little appetite in the community to do anything about it.

    “There’s no escaping the fact that Asian and Pakistani men are disproportionately involved in localised street grooming of vulnerable young girls. Our jails are filling up with Muslim prisoners and yet the crimes they’re committing have become a taboo subject.”

    Mr Afzal says he has tried to engage with Muslim audiences to talk about how to deal with these crimes, but doing so is ‘frustratingly difficult’.

    He added that there is ‘sterling work’ being carried out in the Asian community to challenge misogynistic views, ‘but too frequently those groups making a real difference exist without much support from the wider community’.

    “So-called Muslim community leaders would prefer these issues were ignored,” he said.

    He added that ‘communities hold the key’ and has called on Muslims to ‘help break a cycle of ignorance and stop it from happening in the first place’.

    “It sickens me that there are people in the Asian community who don’t want women to be empowered, they don’t want women to support each other and would prefer women to be oppressed and do what men want them to do,” he said.

    “Forcing the Muslim community to do more to deal with these problems has to be the starting point to drive grooming gangs out of existence.”

    It's embarrassing that communities have to be shamed like this, but it just indicates just how big the scale of the problem has become as Muslim community leaders blame the victims for being 'whores', bringing their distress upon themselves. They act as apologists for groomers. Damn right it's sickening Nazir.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #69 - June 09, 2020, 06:02 PM

    the bbc and afzal write in a climate which isn't favourable to those who identify as british muslims, ie they don't need to misrepresent facts in order to contribute to public animosity. maybe they should consider including disclaimers with their articles so there's less rocket fuel for far-right nutjobs, casual racists and angry former muslims. it wouldn't be special treatment, just responsible reporting - but i guess your warped perspective would never extend balanced treatment to those you clearly view as enemy combatants.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #70 - June 09, 2020, 09:47 PM

    the bbc and afzal write in a climate which isn't favourable to those who identify as british muslims, ie they don't need to misrepresent facts in order to contribute to public animosity.

    Muslim hate preachers, terrorists and groomers have done more than enough on their own to arouse wider society's suspicion of Muslims in general. The racist British National Party was swept away just at the moment it was thought they might gain a major foothold in local and European elections. These are real racists who didn't have time for anyone that wasn't white, regardless of religion or citizenship. A lot of other groups on the other hand like the EDL, uncouth as many of them can be, rose with often legitimate concerns about tensions with Muslims, the big one being the grooming gang scandal. And recent high profile cases in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Telford etc proved their concerns accurate. Sorry. And if 'community leaders' want to continue burying their heads in the sand and blame the 'White slags' for their plight like their seemingly preciours grooming criminals did, then more shame on them. These morally and culturally bankrupt individuals find more shame in 'their women' showing her hair in public than they do with men in their communities committed unspeakable atrocities of gang rape.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #71 - June 09, 2020, 09:54 PM

    it wouldn't be special treatment, just responsible reporting - but i guess your warped perspective would never extend balanced treatment to those you clearly view as enemy combatants.

    Is that rhetorical or are you addressing me with that remark? I'll assume the later. I was appalled when Tommy Robinson filmed himself outside a mosque and pointed at it declaring that there were 'enemy combatants' in it. That's a militaristic term which is inciteful in my view when you're talking about a general place of worship, even if were vile hate preachers in it. I think I've got my perspective in check thanks, if indeed that remark was for me.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #72 - June 09, 2020, 11:17 PM

    quoting you from the other thread:

    Quote from:
    And yes, I am angry. I'm fucking livid that this mentality in the country that my parents and grandparents emigrated to has given birth to the grooming gang phenomenon. And I've seen the bigotry and racism first hand, without any protest from dumb fuck family. From being warned about 'the Jews' from preachers to your average gora Westerner who behave like animals. I'm at war with these fucks. Have I made myself fucking clear?

    so who are you at war with?
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #73 - June 10, 2020, 06:38 AM

    so who are you at war with?

    I mainly mean the jihadis when I mean war in its literal term. You can't really negotiate people who blow up weddings, rival religious statues, concerts and subway systems in the name of their belligerent interpretation of Islam. You reach this stage, you're open game to get shot (not that jihadis will care admittedly).

    Then you have your Islamist leaders and your average preachers which I'm also against by definition that I don't want religious stupidity shoved down my throat,. And it would be better if civilised society was more resistant against Islam like it has been with other religions in the past.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #74 - June 10, 2020, 08:18 AM

    consider this: there was a small-time blogger who wrote about muslims, drug dealing and policing policy in luton. he was just an insignificant conspiracy nut who hated muslims and posted about it to a small audience of proto-edl types, so what? anders breivik cited him as an inspiration.

    yes, your irresponsible words are being published on a dead forum but it's not unlikely that the forum has a following amongst islamophobes. it only takes one unstable head case to channel your anger into violence.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #75 - June 10, 2020, 10:31 AM

    If a far right nut job is going to be incited by anyone, it's hardly going to be from ex-Muslims who whilst many of us have a chip on our shoulders, we also know bigotry goes many ways given that many of in the West are immigrants or kids of immigrants. Which is all the more urgent to root out this problem of street grooming before vigilantes take the law into their own hands or even worse, become the next Breivik or the psycho Australian who shot up the New Zealand mosque whilst draping one if his weapons with the words 'For Rotherham'.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #76 - June 10, 2020, 01:00 PM

    chip on shoulder? more like a plank!

    criminals are just criminals. there's no need to glorify/demonise ordinary offenders as something specially evil. sensible people don't let themselves be carried away by the narrative.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #77 - June 10, 2020, 02:51 PM

    ......................sensible people don't let themselves be carried away by the narrative.................

    well we can do that with single statements ...

    The so-called scriptures of religions are NOT WORD SOME ALLAH/GOD .. but books of their time

    that is what one need to put in to the brains of faith heads  and others who believe in this bookish god of every faith book

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #78 - June 11, 2020, 01:41 AM

    I wonder if the Pakistani Muslim residents of towns like Rotherham and Telford are proud of the reputation of mass producing rape gangs. I mean they've got to right? The fact that that this particular crime for decades on end brings the question up. Producing utterly morally bankrupt evil men to rape girls purely on the view that they're white and trash. These people are NOT average offenders, they are the physical projection of racist and Islamic supremacist values. I still can't get over this fucking scandal, having to read through the testimonies of victims and seeing that these perpetrators are from my fucking background. My dad was a cab driver for years, it just brings up all sorts of uncomfortable paranoia. I wonder if he at least ever saw anything.

    What a shit show...
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #79 - June 12, 2020, 12:21 AM

    it's funny, I hoped to find some kind of meaning in this forum - despite atheism not being known for much except destruction of previous sources of meaning. yet, here I am, reading about small concerns. the drama of victimhood and morals. god would yawn if he exists. for avoidance of doubt, I yawn in his place.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #80 - June 12, 2020, 07:50 PM

    the existential despair has passed so let's waste more consciousness on this:

    Quote from:
    These people are NOT average offenders, they are the physical projection of racist and Islamic supremacist values.

    you mean average offenders have no ideology to justify their crimes? bollocks.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #81 - June 13, 2020, 01:51 AM

    it's funny, I hoped to find some kind of meaning in this forum - despite atheism not being known for much except destruction of previous sources of meaning. yet, here I am, reading about small concerns

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #82 - June 13, 2020, 01:57 AM

    the existential despair has passed so let's waste more consciousness on this:

    you mean average offenders have no ideology to justify their crimes? bollocks.

    I think that the trafficking and rape of girls across the country because you deem them to be worthless because of their lack of belief in Islam, or blow them up in a concert is far worse, far more pernicious for society as a whole than your average theft in the street. Sorry, it just is. I know you want to turn a blind eye and reduce the grooming gang phenomenon to 'just another crime' but I can't.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #83 - June 13, 2020, 12:42 PM

    I know you want to turn a blind eye and reduce the grooming gang phenomenon to 'just another crime' but I can't.

    it's because you've been radicalised.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #84 - June 13, 2020, 03:37 PM

    Riddle me this crumble, who 'radicalised' me?
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #85 - June 13, 2020, 04:36 PM

    If anyone's got an issue with what I say besides my 'tone', I'm all ears.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #86 - June 13, 2020, 04:58 PM

    Riddle me this crumble, who 'radicalised' me?

    a forum like this .. and too much reading of so-called book/s of scriptures,,,,

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #87 - June 13, 2020, 05:15 PM

    a forum like this .. and too much reading of so-called book/s of scriptures,,,,

    Nope. I think the wannabe jihadist preachers I was encouraged to look up as a kid radicalised me, not in the way they hoped of course. It's just taken me a while to realise just how damage they've done within communities and in wider society. We've been too timid with these fascist fucks, inviting scum like Anjem Choudary on countless news affairs shows on mainstream television as if he was your average zany politic pundit.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #88 - June 13, 2020, 05:21 PM
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #89 - June 13, 2020, 05:25 PM

    Nope. I think the wannabe jihadist preachers I was encouraged to look up as a kid radicalised me, not in the way they hoped of course. It's just taken me a while to realise just how damage they've done within communities and in wider society.

    Oh I see .. those Jihadi JOBLESS HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUTS OF LONDON., Did you listen to them on internet or did you meet/attend these fools? I guess that encouragement must have come from near and dear family members .. such as uncles and aunts...
    We've been too timid with these fascist fucks, inviting scum like Anjem Choudary on countless news affairs shows on mainstream television as if he was your average zany politic pundit.

    I have serious problem there dear Ward_End.,  WHO INVITES THESE SCUM BAGS LIKE that Anjem Choudary .. and why they invite such idiots on to televisions specially in west .. what is the reason behind that?

    you know he could not have survived in Pakistan as a Islamic preacher

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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