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 Topic: Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain

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  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #180 - June 15, 2021, 10:10 PM

    Who tells the Muslim spokesmen that they're bringing up a generation of backward losers?

    who tells the oceans to boil and the stars to extinguish? the question is the problem, not the answer.

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #181 - June 21, 2021, 08:06 AM

    Last I checked oceans and stars weren't sentient, thinking beings. These backward communities influenced by Islam and tribalism are always going to be reluctant to change if they don't face sufficient shame for producing delinquent scum of the filthiest kind. I can't help but cringe every few months when I look at my news feed and another group of men of Pakistani background are either charged or jailed for abusing/raping a girl or a group of girls.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #182 - June 21, 2021, 12:24 PM

    people cringe at the 70s but that doesn't change behaviors, soniya.

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #183 - June 21, 2021, 06:01 PM

    Rape is sexual perversion, there's nothing healthy about it.

    Shaming women into wearing burkas and hijabs, forbidding sex outside of marriage, always making a sharp distinction between the Muslim and the other, to consider the other lesser. Not ideas that I would consider producing a healthy society or community, especially within a larger country.

    I wonder if there is a harem anime based on islam....

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #184 - June 23, 2021, 05:57 PM

    here's a different story about asian/muslim/alien men that shows it's not all about molesting street urchins and shouting takbir afterwards - they also find time to beat their wives and imprison their daughters.

    see, these multitasking family guys aren't two dimensional boogie men after all! they are just really horrible, horrible people.

    There are countless women, most of them Muslim, who are trapped in arranged marriages in the UK today, in fear of their lives, with no chance of escape, living under threats of violence. Forget about not being able to walk the streets at night, which these women can’t do, at least not without a male chaperone. These women live in fear as they walk the floorboards of their bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchens in their own homes.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #185 - June 26, 2021, 08:23 PM

    people cringe at the 70s but that doesn't change behaviors, soniya.

    Racism against ethnic minorities has reduced drastically since the 70s thanks to cultural shifts and principled anti-racism stances. But extend anti-racism to white people today and hear the crickets.

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #186 - June 26, 2021, 08:42 PM

    here's a different story about asian/muslim/alien men that shows it's not all about molesting street urchins and shouting takbir afterwards - they also find time to beat their wives and imprison their daughters.

    see, these multitasking family guys aren't two dimensional boogie men after all! they are just really horrible, horrible people.

    Which is why I've always said that these rape gangs are a consequence of a backward culture combining sexual repression, tribal upbringings and a sprinkle of radical Islam. They could never get laid if they're lives depended on it.

    Also notice how some of these convicted  groomers have come out of prison, pictured in the press with the Islamic garb. Symptomatic of a wider warped view by Muslims where if you just say the shahadah or appear pious, any wickedness can be swept aside. Never mind abusing or raping an underage girl, mashallah your beard and your hat looks lovely...
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #187 - June 26, 2021, 08:55 PM

    Quote from: Ward_End
    They could never get laid if they're lives depended on it...

    ... mashallah your beard and your hat looks lovely

    hope springs eternal, isn't it.

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #188 - June 26, 2021, 09:16 PM

    Quote from: Ward_End
    But extend anti-racism to white people today and hear the crickets.


    anti-racism is as ridiculous as a white nationalist running a tanning parlor.

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #189 - June 26, 2021, 09:32 PM

    I love your 'colour blind' optics. Races don't exist unless of course you're racist. And it's because of this naivety to extend color blind optics to those who don't have the same view as you leads to society ignoring racial abuse from Pakistani rapists. But 'bad people are just bad', according to your motto. No need to understand why people are 'bad'. You would've made a fine employee at Rotherham Council  Cheesy
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #190 - June 26, 2021, 09:34 PM

    Oops, nothing to see here. Just bad people being bad:

    Three men have been found guilty of raping a vulnerable teenage girl who they abused and exploited.

    The group preyed upon the 14-year-old in her home in Keighley, West Yorkshire, while her mum was at work.

    Jurors at Bradford Crown Court heard the teenager took to sleeping with a knife under her pillow due to her fear of the men.

    Nazir Khan, Usman Sultan and Kamran Hussain will be sentenced on 10 September.

    The three had denied abusing the girl between 2008 and 2009.

    Opening the trial in May, Kama Melly QC, prosecuting, described how the girl often felt "frightened" and "petrified" of the men coming to her house, so took to keeping the knife in her bed.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #191 - June 26, 2021, 09:37 PM

    A police force has appealed for witnesses amid reports it was winding down a two-year investigation into organised sexual abuse of children.

    Humberside Police said 34 people had been arrested or interviewed since the launch of Operation Marksman, but the inquiry had only led to one conviction.

    One woman told the Hull Daily Mail she was given drink and drugs and raped by groups of men from the age of 13.

    The force said it was an "extremely large and complex investigation".

    A report in the local newspaper claimed the force was scaling back its inquiry after detectives were unable to gather enough evidence to prosecute alleged abusers.

    Its coverage said six victims had come forward to report being assaulted, raped or trafficked by a suspected child grooming ring.

    Det Supt Laura Koscikiewicz said the inquiry began after two teenage girls reported they were abused in Hull between 2017 and 2019.

    "We have carried out extensive inquiries from the moment the disclosures were made to us and explored every possible line of inquiry to date, to build a strong case to take to the Crown Prosecution Service," she said.

    "These inquiries also reached beyond the initial two victims, with a wider scope of safeguarding the public and any other victims of child sexual exploitation."

    Ms Koscikiewicz said one person had been convicted of sexual offences against four victims and that a number of people had been charged with sexual offences, drug supply offences and money laundering.

    "Should any new pieces of information come to light in relation to this case, it will be treated extremely seriously and investigated to determine whether this builds on the evidence we currently have," she added.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #192 - June 26, 2021, 09:49 PM

    Failure to tackle grooming gangs is a national scandal - Rakib Ehsan. Or bad people being bad according to crumble.

    The authorities’ inability to tackle group-based child sexual exploitation cases across England is nothing short of a national scandal. A recent investigation by The Times makes for particularly grim reading.

    The investigation found that vulnerable children as young as 11 are slipping through the cracks in the system. It concludes that the police are failing to protect thousands of underaged girls at risk of systematic sexual abuse. These findings come a decade after The Times revealed the industrial-scale exploitation of more than 1,400 children – girls who were subjected to sexual violence and psychological abuse by predominantly Asian criminal gangs in northern English post-industrial towns such as Rotherham.

    The scale of ‘missing episodes’ – which are recorded when parents or social workers cannot find a child at risk of sexual exploitation and subsequently call the police – is harrowing. Children known to be at risk of sexual abuse have gone missing more than 55,000 times over the past three years – the majority being underage girls. Many are suspected to have ‘gone missing’ when visiting adult men who groom them with money, alcohol and drugs. One child, in West Yorkshire, is reported to have disappeared a total of 197 times. Humberside disclosed to The Times that four children had gone missing over hundred times each in the past three years.

    Combating child sexual exploitation is by no means easy. Many of the young people involved do not consider themselves victims. According to The Times investigation, some victims fear repercussions from their abusers, while others have moved away and are difficult to track down. A great deal of work and specialist knowledge is needed to build bonds of trust with victims of child sexual exploitation and to secure evidence for arrests and prosecutions.

    But while police forces may argue that time and resources are finite, members of the public could not be blamed for thinking that police are not exactly working in an efficient and considered manner. In recent times, the social-media accounts of police forces have flooded our timelines with bizarre virtue-signalling initiatives. Police forces across England have splashed thousands of pounds on Stonewall subscriptions. Then there is the over-policing of alleged Covid rule-breakers during the pandemic. Many members of the public will be thinking to themselves, ‘Don’t you have anything more important to do?’.

    Thousands of children are routinely going missing. Police intelligence reports admit to significant gaps in knowledge on child sexual exploitation, with some police officers regularly failing to record relevant information regarding potential suspects. Police forces in England must be aware that public trust in their ability – and willingness – to tackle large-scale cases of child sexual abuse needs to be strengthened.

    Much of this damage has been caused by cases where racial sensitivities were prioritised over the facilitation of justice. Underaged white girls – often from dysfunctional family backgrounds and belonging to the care system – were viewed as lost causes. The premature closing of Operation Augusta by Greater Manchester Police – with the support of Manchester City Council – is a tragic example of how the delivery of justice for sexually exploited girls has been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.

    Unless the government, local authorities, police forces, social services and safeguarding agencies work tirelessly to close the gaps in intelligence and information-sharing, future generations of children will continue to be put at risk of exploitation.

    The authorities need to stop virtue-signalling, and prioritise the protection of the most vulnerable in society.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #193 - June 26, 2021, 10:09 PM

    Oops, nothing to see here. Just bad people being bad:


    mod edit: corrected image link as requested
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #194 - June 26, 2021, 10:40 PM

    But 'bad people are just bad', according to your motto. No need to understand why people are 'bad'.

    do we need the hypocrisy of 'understanding' bad people of particular skin colour?  they don't exist in a vacuum, they exist in britain.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #195 - June 26, 2021, 10:56 PM

    that is, the tradition of exploitation does not need to be imported from third world countries - it was already here and is the primary influence on these swarthy skinned offenders.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #196 - July 01, 2021, 08:20 AM

    jayda, as subtle as a noose

    A leaflet promoting a far right group in the Batley & Spen by-election has been reported for a hate crime after it showed a photograph of a noose with the words “Hang grooming gangs”.

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #197 - February 11, 2025, 02:43 PM

    they are british products. race or religion are just flavours. a bit like different flavours of walkers crisps.

    PMthat is, the tradition of exploitation does not need to be imported from third world countries - it was already here and is the primary influence on these swarthy skinned offenders.

    Belated response! There was exploitation before immigration from Pakistan yeah. And? I don't care about ranking causes from primary, secondary to tertiary etc. If cultural attitudes are in part at play and motivated these gangs, this needs to be called out on its for its own sake (and more importantly investigating all those in positions of power who looked the other way for whatever reason. Or even worse than looking away...). Of course a proper inquiry into all the facets of group based CSE won't happen for a long time if ever (and no one has ever denied classism was also a big factor). Better to keep heads in the sand and slap puny sentences on perpetrators (now that IS truly British!)
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #198 - February 11, 2025, 02:57 PM

    Nazir Afzal

    Afzal agreed, saying: “Don’t walk by. My 15-year-old boy was playing snooker a few months back and noticed these young girls and these older men. Maybe he is more aware than he ought to be, but he came home and told dad, and dad told the police and the police acted on that information. This is what we should be doing – routinely, daily, all the time, everywhere. When you are suspicious, you act on that suspicion.”

    He added: “People say to me: do you want us to grass every one up? Do you want whistleblowers? No! I want good neighbours. It could be your child, your friend’s child next. How are you going to make sure you share your suspicions and stand up for the society you are a part of.”

    ...Too many Muslims prefer to blame women or even evil spirits rather than accept that men can be responsible for terrible crimes, said Afzal. He cited the case of Caneze Riaz from Lancashire, who was killed by her husband along with their four children in 2006. There was good evidence to prove Mohammed Riaz had set fire to the house in Accrington because he didn’t like Caneze’s western lifestyle, said Afzal, and yet: “There are people still in that community who believe he didn’t do it – it was a haunted house. They would rather believe it was a ghost than a man that could kill women and children.”

    Sabilha Akhtar, a community development worker at Al Markaz ul Islami, an Islamic educational institute in Bradford, said she had worked with Asian girls for years. “Their conflict that they are of the mindset that they can only tell their problems to God,” she said. “And if they get the courage to tell their mosque teacher, they think that’s it and then they have to forgive and forget because forgiveness is part of their faith.”

    The Muslim community needed to stop acting like immigrants and become part of British society, suggested Afzal: “This is our home now. When my parents came here 50-odd years ago they thought we were here as visitors. We’d spend a bit of time here, make a bit of money and go back. But this is my home, this is my children’s home. It’s your home and therefore we have a responsibility to belong to it, to look after each other and our families at the same time.”

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #199 - February 12, 2025, 07:08 PM

    With the risk of being called ''repetitive'', I thought I'd take a look at this piece by Kenan Malik again.

    Long before Musk started lobbing X-shaped bricks across the Atlantic, journalists and campaigners, often women on the left such as Julie Bindel, Anna Hall, Suzanne Moore and Samira Ahmed , had turned the spotlight on “grooming gangs” – better described as rape gangs and sex traffickers – and called out the failures of the authorities.

    ''turned the spotlight''. No mention of how much resistance the likes of Bindel faced amongst her own profession:

    But easy to blame only the right for re-writing history. Also no word about police and local officials covering the rape up in part by fear of upsetting community cohesion (where have I heard that one lately?)

    It may be that disproportionate numbers of such men are involved nationally in these crimes. Whether or not that is the case, what is undeniable is that a high proportion of grooming gangs comprise white offenders, too. Any analysis would have to account for both.

    Pretty shitty that in the 2020s data collecting is still piss poor. Whilst Quilliam's report was methodically scrutinised, people were still quick to jump to the comfortable guardian headline of the 2020 home office report, itself based on incomplete data.

    ''whether or not that is the case''.

    Yet so fixated has the right become with the question of race, and race alone, that when writers like Moore make such points, they are castigated for “minimising the racial aspect of this horror”.

    The same can be flipped towards the left ''but muh cLaAsSiM!!!'' And only classism. Something something night time economy that explains torture and rape on a huge scale. As for my own interest in ''focusing'' on the Pakistani aspect, I make no apologies given my own background and knowing a bit more than pseudo leftists

    In 2013, the Muslim Women’s Network UK published Unheard Voices, a report that showed how Muslim girls were trapped, tortured and raped by men from their own communities in a fashion that, as Alexis Jay’s Rotherham inquiry acknowledged, “mirrors the abuse” faced by white girls in the town.

    Would love a full breakdown of data on this .

    One of Kenan's more piss poor pieces if you ask me. Still at least he seems to support a national inquiry which is better than some.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #200 - February 12, 2025, 09:31 PM

    And in case it needs to be said yet again, there is not even a ghost of an excuse to kick off riots (or worse). Just like it's despicable for officials and local authorities in their complicity in the rape of kids.

    Just my two cents added towards the need for unity or whatevs. I'll leave this topic here for now
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #201 - February 13, 2025, 02:02 PM

    I have nothing constructive to add so...

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #202 - February 13, 2025, 05:53 PM

    I have as much interest in Mr Ray Gun as you do for grooming victims? That chap was a semi incoherent simpleton. I was slightly more interested in what senior  people around the EDL were saying at the time and what he may have picked up, (About my same interest as Islamist loudmouths). Also whilst I don't agree with the ''muslim rape gangs'' as a strict label, the largely Pakistani perpetrators in towns like Rochdale and Rotherham have been identified as Muslim by imams and community spokespeople (presumably seeing them as bad Muslims). And they did rape kids.

    Prof Jay described the abuse as "appalling". She found children had been raped by multiple attackers, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted and beaten.

    Some were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, while others were threatened with guns, made to watch "brutally violent rapes" and warned they would be next if they told anyone.

    In just over a third of cases, the victims were previously known to social services because of child protection and neglect issues.

    Prof Jay wrote in her report: "By far the majority of perpetrators were described as 'Asian' by victims, yet throughout the entire period, councillors did not engage directly with the Pakistani-heritage community to discuss how best they could jointly address the issue.

    "Some councillors seemed to think it was a one-off problem, which they hoped would go away."

    She added some council staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.

    The report found there had been "blatant" collective failures by the council's leadership, a failure by South Yorkshire Police to prioritise the issue and said senior managers had "underplayed" the scale of the problem.

    Sometimes inaction on an institutional level is the worst crime of all.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #203 - February 13, 2025, 06:07 PM
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #204 - February 13, 2025, 08:09 PM

    Interesting points made here around cultural beliefs ie izzat/honour (mostly from Mobeen Azhar). Only thing to add here is the idea of the lowly unbeliever (kuffar) who is someone to be condemned. How accute that view was made amongst the Pakistani madrassas I at least attended (also look at Mehdi Hasan's past comments on unbrlievers) Guy to the right of Mobheen casts doubts that these guys are Muslims because they drink. Who hasn't come across the young person from a Muslim family who fucks through his teens and twenties to finally settle down with a nice faithful hijabi (was listening to Ash Sarkar the other day making the point that she hasn't come across bigger fans of Johnnie Walker Black then Muslims). Allah is all forgiving . And it seems this is also in the mind of the criminal groomers who 'rediscover' their faith and exit prison with several centimetres added to their beard.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #205 - February 13, 2025, 08:20 PM

    And to the point made about ''fears of racism'' being bogus because cops aren't afraid to tackle potential Pakistani drug dealers or bombers at airports. I dunno, seems to me there's a bit of a difference dealing with drug dealers or individuals at airports Vs having to deal with many men from a minority community in a small town(s) abusing underage girls and the spectre of the 2001 Bradford riots possibly weighing on the minds of authorities. Seems to be the same point made from anti-racist types down south whose view on police and race relations is largely viewed through the lens of Stephen Lawrence.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #206 - Today at 02:46 PM

    Who hasn't come across the young person from a Muslim family who fucks through his teens and twenties to finally settle down with a nice faithful hijabi (was listening to Ash Sarkar the other day making the point that she hasn't come across bigger fans of Johnnie Walker Black then Muslims). Allah is all forgiving . And it seems this is also in the mind of the criminal groomers who 'rediscover' their faith and exit prison with several centimetres added to their beard.

    pretty sure most low class brit pak types do that damascus road routine. not very religious when young and then suddenly transform into pious twats when too old or caught out. more of a social convention than a cynical strategy.

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