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 Topic: New Britain

 (Read 63594 times)
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  • New Britain
     Reply #30 - April 10, 2021, 11:12 PM

    back in new britain, sycophantic news coverage which wouldn't be out of place in north korea. in this parallel universe, the sun still shines on the empire.
  • New Britain
     Reply #31 - April 14, 2021, 11:03 AM

    despite a multiculturism blindspot, david ware writes a lot of sense here.

    Quote from:
    The second unifying factor in Europe was a belief in multiculturalism. I had been brought up in an all-white seaside town in the 1950s, so I could see no downside to the tremendous vitality brought to large cities by immigration, at first from the West Indies, later from Africa. New arrivals cheered the country up, and did a lot to make it less smug and introspective. Later, when waves of refugees took to small boats in the Mediterranean, it was the Greeks, the Italians and the Germans who behaved heroically, doing their best by people whose only crime was to be born in places torn apart by invasion or by civil war.

    But, to our shame in the UK, it had in the interval become necessary to the overriding Brexit cause to insist, against all evidence, that multiculturalism had failed and that “taking back control” must mean the same thing as closing down our borders.

    When I was young, there was a very funny column under the pseudonym of Peter Simple. It was whimsical regressive fantasy in the old Daily Telegraph, full of attacks on motoring and housing estates. Peter Simple extolled an England peopled by sheep, aristocracy and peasants, and unspoilt by psychology, materialism or the weakening of the class system. When he railed against psychoanalysts in Hampstead, the dog whistle was at full screech. But in an interview with the column’s author, Michael Wharton, in the 1970s, he complained bitterly that, since his days at Oxford, it had always been assumed that such feudal attitudes must be a form of camp. It was amusing, of course, to want to take Britain back to the 18th century. It made good copy. But surely he couldn’t possibly have meant it?

    Again, one of the bleakest features of my adolescence in the 1960s was the ridiculous disparity between Britain’s claims to global status and the reality of its condition. Harold Macmillan was rash enough to say that Britain was in an alliance with the US which resembled that of the Greeks with the Romans. We’d do the thinking, they’d do the enforcing. It became clear at the time that even if you could dismantle at least some parts of an empire at unexpected speed, dismantling the imperial thinking that went with it was going to take much longer.

    In the 20th century, British institutions continued to behave as if they were powerful and unique long after they had ceased to be either. I had never thought that in the 21st century such grandiosity and stupidity would return. I thought the empire was dead. But the rhetoricians of Brexit chose, not purely for tactical reasons but because some of them actually believed it, to revive the convenient idea of British exceptionalism.
  • New Britain
     Reply #32 - April 15, 2021, 03:45 AM

    despite a multiculturism blindspot, david ware writes a lot of sense here.

    ware? of course, it should say david hare.

    back in new britain, sycophantic news coverage which wouldn't be out of place in north korea. in this parallel universe, the sun still shines on the empire.

    talking of which, the british myth of the stiff upper lip.

    Quote from:
    Conflating Stoicism and Christianity is easily done. The Prime Minister recently praised the Church in the UK for sacrifices made over the past twelve months, foregoing meeting in person and serving their communities: 'I know that has been a huge burden for many Christians, but it is a burden you have borne with selfless stoicism without complaint.'  It was meant (and taken) as a genuine compliment, yet in the most crucial respects Christianity could not be more unlike Stoicism: the latter accepts the world as it is. The former wants to see it changed.
  • New Britain
     Reply #33 - April 17, 2021, 12:08 PM

    televised miltary pageant for the funeral of a royal. the national consciousness retreating further into the past.
  • New Britain
     Reply #34 - April 17, 2021, 07:16 PM

    back in new britain, sycophantic news coverage which wouldn't be out of place in north korea. in this parallel universe, the sun still shines on the empire.

    It's merely nostalgia as far as I can tell. The empire is dead and the monarchy is in its last hours before it goes too.
  • New Britain
     Reply #35 - May 01, 2021, 03:11 PM

    public apathy towards tory corruption is not solely explained by teflon boris or limp starmer.

    Quote from:
    Or maybe the real scandal lies with us, the electorate, still seduced by a tousled-hair rebel shtick and faux bonhomie that should have palled years ago. Americans got rid of their lying, self-serving, scandal-plagued charlatan 100 days ago. They did it at the first possible opportunity. Next week, polls suggest we’re poised to give ours a partial thumbs-up at the ballot box. For allowing this shameless man to keep riding high, some of the shame is on us.
  • New Britain
     Reply #36 - May 02, 2021, 06:57 PM

    Quote from: crumble
    mass migration, plague and climate change

    at the fag end of empire, all these buses appear to come at once.

    the disenfranchised have no option but to blame outsiders for the incompetence of their own leaders.

    The changing demographics of the United Kingdom are reflected by a myriad of cultural affects that can be seen in every British city. The evidence available dispels completely the myth that culture is a mould in which all of humanity can fit seamlessly, as immigrants (particularly from the third world) are keeping their own cultural values and failing to adopt British cultures and values.
  • New Britain
     Reply #37 - May 05, 2021, 09:43 PM

    last chance saloon for scots independence. a rematch of fear vs freedom.

    No one expects anything other than an SNP victory in the Holyrood election on 6 May. Throughout the campaign, and indeed for more years than the opposition parties care to remember, the Nationalists have enjoyed a comfortable lead of around 20 percentage points.

    ... If an overall majority is secured this time, Sturgeon will claim a democratic mandate for a second independence referendum, will have the parliamentary numbers to vote through relevant legislation, and will declare war on Boris Johnson, who insists he will not allow a referendum under any circumstances. The First Minister will make a powerful case – Scottish democracy against Westminster intransigence, a Union now kept together by force rather than ­voluntary membership – in her efforts to build momentum.
  • New Britain
     Reply #38 - May 07, 2021, 01:32 PM

    preliminary council election results confirm permanent switch to tories in former labour areas.

    writing on the wall for keir and the labour party.
  • New Britain
     Reply #39 - May 07, 2021, 06:18 PM

    be more racist says khalid - my paraphrasing. question is, how can you out-racist the tories?

    My view is simple: in the past decade, Labour has lost touch with ordinary British people. A London-based bourgeoisie, with the support of brigades of woke social media warriors, has effectively captured the party. They mean well, of course, but their politics – obsessed with identity, division and even tech utopianism – have more in common with those of Californian high society than the kind of people who voted in Hartlepool yesterday.
  • New Britain
     Reply #40 - May 07, 2021, 06:41 PM

    but probably far too late for plan B - whether it stands for Blairite, Blue or Brexit.

    Looking back on the past five years of politics since that epic referendum battle was lost by the political establishment, the key moment can be seen to have occurred when Labour refused to back Theresa May’s pretend Brexit in the Commons. Starmer was one of those who took that decision, believing that even the step of the UK formally quitting as an EU member could be prevented.

    Had Labour chosen the other path then May’s deal would have been implemented thanks to the votes of Labour MPs, Labour would have honoured its 2017 manifesto, the Conservative core vote would have been in uproar, Conservative MPs would have split down the middle and Nigel Farage’s Brexit party would have been swallowing up vast swathes of Tory territory.

    The rest of Starmer’s Labour leadership is now eminently predictable. He will be a left-leaning 'in-betweener'. He will have to prioritise his doctrinaire leftist voters, but in a softish way and try to find things they will tolerate him doing that might appeal to some among the lost working class. He will try and put together a strong case that the Conservatives have let down their new voters and were never serious about the levelling-up agenda. He will urge everyone to 'move on' from the battles of Brexit. And he’ll end up losing very badly to the Conservatives in 2024.
  • New Britain
     Reply #41 - May 13, 2021, 08:00 PM

    abandon the workers and embrace unregulated tech distopia says blair.

    The thinking of the new left radicals across the West ? which is really the rediscovery of 1960s Marxist-inspired left policy by a new generation ? is largely redundant to answering the challenge. Public ownership of industry, ?free? university tuition, much heavier regulation ? all of these traditional solutions, as well as being politically challenging, will not materially impact people?s lives in anything like the manner of technological change, and may be regressive if they reduce the power of social mobility and social aspiration. They seem ?radical? because they come from a traditional left which presented them as such, but politically they are mostly now museum pieces, lingering relics of outdated ideology.
  • New Britain
     Reply #42 - May 20, 2021, 09:55 PM

    fake scandal to cow the bbc and airbrush the royals.
  • New Britain
     Reply #43 - May 25, 2021, 11:06 AM

    tories are insensitive but not racist claims their own report. well done, letter boxes and water melons all round.

    Boris Johnson’s comments about women wearing the burqa gave an impression that the Tories were “insensitive to Muslim communities”, an independent review into alleged Islamophobia and discrimination in the Conservative party has said.
  • New Britain
     Reply #44 - May 26, 2021, 11:58 PM

    brahmins, merchants and untouchables.

    The work of Daniel Oesch demonstrates the importance of different ‘work logics’ which influence the formation of political preferences and electoral affinities. It is thus particularly socio-cultural professionals (professors, teachers, journalists), engaging in interpersonal contact, who tend to support culturally progressive and economically left-wing parties, while business and technical professionals tend to be slightly less culturally progressive and economically right-wing. This effectively splits the highly educated into what Piketty calls the ‘Brahmins’ and the ‘Merchants.’

    ... The structurally driven disappearance of the industrial working class led left parties to ensure their survival by turning towards the progressive socio-cultural professionals. Silja Häusermann has demonstrated how over the course of the last few decades, social democratic and labour parties have become the parties of the educated, (public sector) white collar middle-classes.This points to the conclusion implied by Piketty, namely the left’s abandonment of the working classes through its shift towards culturally, rather than economically, progressive politics.
  • New Britain
     Reply #45 - June 10, 2021, 11:02 PM

    Ed Hussain, one of the co-founders of the now defunct Quilliam Foundation has a book out detailing his trips across mosques up and down Britain :
  • New Britain
     Reply #46 - June 12, 2021, 04:30 PM

    someone I never heard of, talking about a youth generation he's part of. pretty sure out of touch of with what they dream of. end of.

    Britain’s Dreaming: Jon Savage on the future of youth
  • New Britain
     Reply #47 - June 12, 2021, 04:35 PM

    Ed Hussain, one of the co-founders of the now defunct Quilliam Foundation has a book out detailing his trips across mosques up and down Britain

    saw him on some interview talking about deporting people who refuse to integrate  - just before he himself buggers off to america. I assume voluntarily.

  • New Britain
     Reply #48 - June 13, 2021, 08:33 PM

    gbnews is here:.had a quick look and saw an ozzie shouting at an overgrown harry potter about covid restrictions

    looks pretty awful tabloid quality so far. - but they managed to get lord sumption on as an anti-lockdown guest so there's that I suppose.
  • New Britain
     Reply #49 - June 21, 2021, 08:22 AM

    saw him on some interview talking about deporting people who refuse to integrate  - just before he himself buggers off to america. I assume voluntarily.

    I haven't heard him make the argument of 'deporting' anyone on the basis of integration but I have heard him say that we shouldn't be afraid of telling anyone that they can freely go to a country of their choosing if they don't like it here.
  • New Britain
     Reply #50 - June 21, 2021, 08:24 AM

    gbnews is here:.had a quick look and saw an ozzie shouting at an overgrown harry potter about covid restrictions

    looks pretty awful tabloid quality so far. - but they managed to get lord sumption on as an anti-lockdown guest so there's that I suppose.

    You'd think they'd have more to spend on their sets given their big financial backers.
  • New Britain
     Reply #51 - June 21, 2021, 09:23 AM

    someone I never heard of, talking about a youth generation he's part of. pretty sure out of touch of with what they dream of. end of.

    Britain’s Dreaming: Jon Savage on the future of youth

    Would Islam count as a counter culture?
  • New Britain
     Reply #52 - June 21, 2021, 12:11 PM

    doesn't count as youth culture but counter culture? take out the letter o and you might be close.

    surprised gbnews hasn't started on muslim bashing yet. they had alibhai-brown on as a commentator recently and other non-brexity guests so shambolic so far.
  • New Britain
     Reply #53 - June 22, 2021, 12:24 PM

    tories eating labour's lunch again. offering alternative education streams for thickos and racial virtue signalling.

    White working class pupils have been failed by decades of neglect in England's education system, a report by MPs says.
  • New Britain
     Reply #54 - June 22, 2021, 12:46 PM

    possible split between muslim voters and labour. the reasons are short-term but could be the tipping point for a permanent breakdown. if so, hooray!

    An anonymous Labour official has stirred Muslim anger by implying that the community is inherently anti-Semitic. Loss of Muslim votes may cost the party its long-held seat in the Batley and Spen by-election.

  • New Britain
     Reply #55 - June 23, 2021, 05:09 PM

    the muslim brick - as thick as and collapsing in its support for labour.
  • New Britain
     Reply #56 - June 24, 2021, 11:19 PM

    a key quality of being british is saying bollocks to patriotism.

    Indeed, our historic lack of flag-waving reflects the confidence that comes from having an ancient political history, the kingdom of England being almost 1100 years old; it comes from being a country which until the mid-20th century had little racial diversity and no memory of foreign rule. A country like that didn’t need its schoolchildren to sing about the dream of unity; it went without saying.

    Multicultural countries in contrast need to shout about what they have in common, which is why the United States made such an effort to enforce a secular national faith, making children salute the flag and forcing poor southern European immigrants to deny the obvious superiority of football and instead pretend to enjoy America’s incomprehensibly boring national sports. Multicultural Britain needs to do something similar, rather than relying on ancient cynicism and irony.
  • New Britain
     Reply #57 - June 26, 2021, 08:49 PM

    doesn't count as youth culture but counter culture? take out the letter o and you might be close.

    surprised gbnews hasn't started on muslim bashing yet. they had alibhai-brown on as a commentator recently and other non-brexity guests so shambolic so far.

    It had been the Muslim youth of this country who embraced radical Islam, seeing their parents generation as passive Muslims.

    But I don't mind a bit of Muslim bashing when it's warranted.
  • New Britain
     Reply #58 - June 26, 2021, 09:11 PM

    Don't you just hate it when you're writing up a post only to be logged out? Fucks sake...
  • New Britain
     Reply #59 - June 26, 2021, 09:49 PM

    It had been the Muslim youth of this country who embraced radical Islam, seeing their parents generation as passive Muslims.

    their radicalism is mostly hot air. they are actually the children of multiculturalism. yep, tony is their real dad and they're about to be cut out of his generous will.

    like all spoiled brats, hard lessons must be learned. the hard way.
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