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 Topic: New Britain

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  • New Britain
     Reply #150 - December 17, 2022, 02:01 PM

    No one wants to deal with the gutter Islam of London or Bradistan. They want to be laissez faire about that kind of Islam. If we just hug enough hijabi women and give them space in The Guardian then maybe the nastier Muslims in the country won't be so mean and therefore will come to share our love and tolerance. Well that seems to be their thinking.

    Well, good luck to them as they sideline Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Dawkins and heck, secular Muslims themselves who warn people like these:

    But these are 'moderates' it seems after the wave of allahu Akhbar boom booms across Western Europe in the past decade. You can say you support capital punishment for apostasy and you're proud of that (Ali Dawah) but if you denounce ISIS, such a high bar, you can get on podcasts. Yeah...

    As for the London 'leftists', they'd rather deal with some old fat guy with orange hair called Trump, who isn't even part of their country and congratulate themselves for their hatred of bigotry whilst turning a blind eye to the Islamic fascists in their own back yard.
  • New Britain
     Reply #151 - December 21, 2022, 01:43 PM

    On the recent clashes in Leicester:

    ...But Rob Nixon, the now chief constable of Leicestershire Police, has since said that tensions between certain sections of Leicester’s Hindu and Muslim communities had been ‘simmering’ for a while. Nixon has said that tensions between India and Pakistan over the disputed Kashmir region has provided one source of antagonism between Hindus of Indian heritage and Muslims of Pakistani heritage. Nixon has also pointed to a growing distance between both communities’ traditional religious leaders and the younger generations, leaving a vacuum that has been filled by social-media ‘personalities’ who peddle an ultra-religious identity politics.
  • New Britain
     Reply #152 - December 21, 2022, 02:38 PM

     Ward_End  .. why we need to read all this gibberish ??

     Rob Nixon, ...........chief constable ...................Leicestershire Police, .....Hindu .......... Muslim ....Kashmir...India.......Pakistan.. Bangladesh..Afghanistan.. etc,,, etc..


    London Needs Imran Khan as PM and Off course we have King on the pound

    Naughty boys... naughty boys  that is what the country needs as heads of state,,

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • New Britain
     Reply #153 - December 24, 2022, 08:13 PM

    Naughty boys... naughty boys  that is what the country needs as heads of state,,

    Perhaps not. No more than I think this fairly common sentiment of 'anti-colonialism' is acceptable

    The UK colonized most of the world and nobody said a thing about it but when immigrants from countries that the UK destroyed and Tore down go to the UK people get mad at them hypocrisy at it's finest You get a taste of your own medicine

    Monarchies but also creating countries out of religion is something I'm against. But I'll make one exception just because I think it would be funny. I'll take Imran Khan and make him king or emir of Bradford. He's already got some honourary chancellorship or something, he deserves a promotion. He spent years fellating the British upper class so why not Smiley
  • New Britain
     Reply #154 - December 24, 2022, 10:37 PM

    That time again:
  • New Britain
     Reply #155 - April 07, 2023, 05:55 PM

    racist dog whistle from team keir.

    risk losing the pakistani grooming gang vote bank by lumping them in with upwardly mobile indians.
  • New Britain
     Reply #156 - April 07, 2023, 07:41 PM

    a decade and brexit later, the time is ripe for this nonsense politics.

    But Blue Labour figures also argue that the working class is fundamentally conservative. This is where the problems begin. They argue that for a fundamentally conservative working class an ethics of community and solidarity implies a defence of traditional institutions and identities such as the family, patriotism and the nation, faith and the work ethic. The Blue Labour approach is often summarised with the slogan; ‘faith, family and flag’. They also argue – and this is where it gets ugly – that defence of traditional working class community values and identities specifically implies by definition a defence of British ‘white working class’ traditions and identities. They argue that ‘mass immigration’ and ‘multiculturalism’ has been hugely destructive in terms of community cohesion and so must be resisted.

    This, I think, is a very dangerous message – and it’s very troubling that this sort of thinking is, apparently, so influential within the party at the moment. We could, quite legitimately it seems to me, reword the Blue Labour slogan as ‘faith, family and dog-whistle politics’.

    far right movements are pretty dead in the water but never fear, keir is here! creating a lightning rod for all the nutcases who were happily living in their own social media bubbles until now.

    Let’s be clear what Blue Labour are saying. They are claiming that the working class is somehow naturally and inevitably anti-immigration and pre-disposed towards far-right views. This is what they are seeking to accommodate. Their way of fighting the BNP and the EDL is not to take their views head on and to argue the case for leftist, anti-fascist and anti-racist ideas. It’s not to stand up for and to defend immigrant and ethnic minority communities. It’s to make major concessions to racist prejudice and suspicion. This is a real betrayal of labour movement traditions - for all Blue Labour’s talk of being true to fundamental labour movement values. It’s very dangerous. Even as a miserable strategy of seeking to undercut support for the BNP and the EDL by dressing up in some of their clothes it’s one that won’t succeed. It will only help to further legitimise the views of organisations such as the EDL and it risks creating the political conditions in which far-right groups enter into the political mainstream. If ideas associated with the far right are brought into mainstream political discourse and articulated by mainstream political parties, what’s to stop far right groups themselves capitalising on this?
  • New Britain
     Reply #157 - April 08, 2023, 05:09 PM

    A whole hoopla over nothing if you ask me about the Labour/Sunak posters. Gutter politics maybe but I don't see anything racist behind them. This just looks like the Corbynites revenge over the questions raised about antisemitism when their dear leader was in charge of the party, so now of course Starmer is 'far right'.

    And if people dislike the far right as they claim, maybe stop giving them fuel by denying the cultural and religious factors behind how Pakistanis were disproportionately represented in group based CSE and the racist nature behind several high profile cases. But of course racism runs only one way in the minds of the Corbynite left. Abandon any consistent secular politics and this is what you get. Easier to sneer at dumb religious Americans thousands of miles away then deal with Islamic theocrats at home. Also, this pseudo liberal/multicultural left seemed chuffed to point out not all grooming gangs where white when the white Wolverhampton/Walsall gang were convicted this week. See? Not AAAAALL child groomers as Pakistanis! As if anyone with a brain ever made the claim that they were. Also worth reminding these morons Pakistanis only make up around 2% of the population...
  • New Britain
     Reply #158 - May 06, 2023, 06:52 AM

    far-right voters have switched to the tories and labour.
  • New Britain
     Reply #159 - September 10, 2023, 02:17 PM

    No different to white nationalist anti-Semites and Muslim anti-Semites expressing their fondness for Labour under Corbyn?

    Personally not a fan of this culture that is prevalent these days of finding a ''guilt by association''. Better to condemn Starmer, Corbyn, the incumbent government etc on their own transgressions imo.
  • New Britain
     Reply #160 - September 14, 2023, 10:02 AM

    how far will keir go for those red wall votes?

    Criminals involved in cross-Channel people-smuggling would be treated as terrorists under an illegal immigration policy announced by Keir Starmer, who labelled those who disagreed with his plans “un-British”
  • New Britain
     Reply #161 - September 20, 2023, 04:11 PM

    One for crumble

    A new sculpture, believed to be the first of its kind in the world, has been designed to celebrate women who wear hijabs.

    The artwork, called Strength of the Hijab, was designed by Luke Perry and will be installed in the Smethwick area of the West Midlands in October.

    It is believed to be the first sculpture of a woman wearing the traditional Muslim head covering.

    The sculpture is five metres (16ft) tall and weighs about a tonne.

    It was commissioned by Legacy West Midlands, a registered charity which celebrates the heritage of post-war migrant communities in Birmingham.

    Mr Perry said: "The Strength of the Hijab is a piece which represents women who wear hijabs of the Islamic faith, and it's really there because it's such an underrepresented part of our community, but such an important one.

    "They need visibility, it's so important, so working with the community to come up with the designs has been really exciting because we didn't know what it was going to look like until now."

    Mr Perry has previously designed the Black British History is British History sculpture, alongside Canaan Brown, which was installed in Winson Green in May.

    That piece was defaced shortly after it was installed. But while Mr Perry acknowledged the new sculpture could be "controversial", he said it was important to represent everyone who lived in the UK.

    He said: "There's a possibility that this piece could be controversial for many different reasons.

    "I don't feel like any of them are valid, but people do, there are a lot of people who object to the differences that we have in our communities, and would like them to be more divided.

    "But the future of our country is about what unites us, not what pulls us apart, which is why it's important to have representation across the whole of the UK, of everybody that lives here.

    "The reaction has been really, really positive."
  • New Britain
     Reply #162 - September 21, 2023, 08:21 PM

    it looks like a giant mutant toblerone.

    black history stuff is the hobby of the idle upper classes. it would save a lot of time if they simply don black-face and entertain themselves in private.
  • New Britain
     Reply #163 - September 22, 2023, 08:38 PM

    it looks like a giant mutant toblerone.

    You're a disgusting Islamophobic bigot! Let's hope you never get into power and voice that rhetoric because if you do, you'll be the sole reason of any perceived rise in Islamophobic hate incidents:

    The 'secular' left for you  Wink
  • New Britain
     Reply #164 - September 25, 2023, 09:01 AM

    The 'secular' left for you  Wink

    white saviours defending helpless darkies at home and abroad.

    How dangerous is the white savior complex?

    but keir has seen the light and is determined to sound like he will stop the muslim hordes.

    Labour tries to outdo racist Tories over harsher borders
  • New Britain
     Reply #165 - September 26, 2023, 02:19 PM

    If anything, this is just a good stick for the sneering liberal middle class Brit to beat up Americans. Hahaha with your evangelical bible thumping yeehaw BS and white saviour colonialism, we don't have that hear. We're a superior advanced country that doesn't tolerate that kind of nonsense.

    Muslims and LGBTQ people should stand together, not fight each other

    Towards the end of this piece our Oxbridge saviour of the Muslims does say that 'oppressed groups' are capable of oppression themselves which is something I guess. But then you have to remember it's the same people who played identity politics, tolerated one way multiculturalism and have retarded our culture with the word 'Islamophobia' that have a lot to answer for. I mean golly gee, we've pandered to you so much? Why have you betrayed us?

    Betrayal indeed:
  • New Britain
     Reply #166 - September 26, 2023, 02:28 PM

    Fucking racists everywhere, not to mention the worst of the worst, those uncle toms Rishi and Suella. We should get rid of them!
  • New Britain
     Reply #167 - September 26, 2023, 07:42 PM

    Home Secretary says multiculturalism has failed.

    Another response

    You could assume the worst motives for such a seemingly controversial point (fuck off you coconut far right simp?) or see that she has merit in what she's saying (and I've defend the term multiculturalism myself).

    Deal with it

    Edit: if you are going to make such a speech (and the statement is nothing new, Merkel of Germany said it most prominently over a decade ago followed by Cameron), try not to give it in front of American neo-conservative think tanks.
  • New Britain
     Reply #168 - September 27, 2023, 07:21 AM

    Home Secretary says multiculturalism has failed.

    multiculturalism is a great success as a political system to divide society based on heritage and then use those divisions to carve out votebanks.

    in the below clip, miller and powell demonstrated how to play this game for future politicians on the left and the right.
  • New Britain
     Reply #169 - September 27, 2023, 05:57 PM

    multiculturalism is a great success as a political system to divide society based on heritage and then use those divisions to carve out votebanks.

    I think that's on identity politics than multiculturalism.

    It's quite telling that the examples Braverman used to claim that multiculturalism had failed were Malmö, Paris and Leicester. Other examples she could've used would be Blackburn, Bradford and to an extent Birmingham to highlight the point I suspect she was getting at. In other words I don't know if we would have anywhere near the same amount of anxiety on the topic of multiculturalism if it weren't for Islam.

    Whilst there might be teething issues at first for any immigrant group and the host society (which is even true for a direct assimilationist society like the US), it's expected that anxieties dissipate over a generation. With ultra-conservative Islam in particular in Europe that's taken hold, that hasn't been the case IMO.
  • New Britain
     Reply #170 - September 27, 2023, 06:08 PM

    Quite the exchange:
  • New Britain
     Reply #171 - September 27, 2023, 09:44 PM

    I think that's on identity politics than multiculturalism.

    kenan wrote this 20 odd years ago:

    Multiculturalism was not simply the product of demand from black communities for their cultural differences to be recognised. That demand itself was to a large extent created through official policy in response to the black militancy of the 1970s and early 1980s. Instead of tackling head-on the problems of racial inequality, social deprivation and political disaffection, the authorities, both national and local, simply encouraged communities to pursue what one of the recent reports into the summer 2001 riots calls ‘parallel lives’.

    By the 1990s multiculturalism had become generalised from a response to militant anti-racism to a general recipe for society. Whereas in the 1950s British identity was seen in racial terms, by the 1990s the very notion of a national identity was questioned. Britishness became simply the ability to tolerate different identities. Little wonder, then, that people should increasingly look inwards to their religion, ethnicity or community as an affirmation of who they are.
  • New Britain
     Reply #172 - September 28, 2023, 04:43 AM

    He's describing state enforced multiculturalism which you're not going to find me seeking to defend.
  • New Britain
     Reply #173 - October 30, 2023, 08:16 PM

    Please make this happen just for the lols:
  • New Britain
     Reply #174 - October 30, 2023, 11:19 PM

    the logo looks something like off a cheap matrimonial website.

    have no idea who she is but going by her western appearance, I suspect she is somewhat out of touch with the retrograde community she wants to represent...

    It is evident that British Muslims are feeling politically homeless. Neither @UKLabour or @Conservatives are serving our interests anymore. Many non-Muslims feel this way too. A Governmental party that cannot stand up for humanity is no party worth supporting. The British community is strong and in the face of adversity we have courageous individuals among us. Let's build a state that starts serving the people.

  • New Britain
     Reply #175 - November 03, 2023, 03:06 AM
  • New Britain
     Reply #176 - November 03, 2023, 03:15 AM

    have no idea who she is but going by her western appearance, I suspect she is somewhat out of touch with the retrograde community she wants to represent...

    She's a former contestant on the UK Apprentice

    The TV commentator, 40, who appeared on the BBC show in 2017 as well as on Jeremy Vine, Good Morning Britain and GB News, described homosexuality as ‘unnatural and immoral’.

    ‘I’m Muslim and Islam does not condone the (act of) homosexuality. It is seen as unnatural and immoral. Other religions hold similar views. It is viewed as a misdirected attraction which requires reconfiguration from the initial feeling (in the mind),’ she wrote.

    She dropped the hijab. I'm fond of her in a way. Whereas Guardianista type non Muslims who may feel the need to gatekeep Muslims from Islamophobia (and wouldn't touch GB News with a barge pole), she goes on the show to speak for herself.
  • New Britain
     Reply #177 - November 05, 2023, 11:16 AM

    britain turning into pakistan.

    The documents state: “Extremism is the promotion or advancement of any ideology which aims to overturn or undermine the UK’s system of parliamentary democracy, its institutions and values.”
  • New Britain
     Reply #178 - November 12, 2023, 11:28 AM

    Former British soldier talks about remembrance day.
  • New Britain
     Reply #179 - November 12, 2023, 01:01 PM

    Former British soldier talks about remembrance day.

      well Joe has point OR HAD A POINT...   he did a good job for PTSD war veterans, His book did a good job on that  but

    let me watch that old tube of Joe and watch this on that Gaza

    well everything gets muddied and messed up with this modern internet  technology

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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