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 Topic: Reading stabbings

 (Read 4539 times)
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  • Reading stabbings
     OP - June 20, 2020, 08:40 PM

    video circulating on twitter but reserving judgement.
  • Reading stabbings
     Reply #1 - June 20, 2020, 10:01 PM

    Three people have died in what is believed to have been a terror-related incident in Reading.

    One person has been arrested and Sky News' home affairs correspondent Mark White has been told that early indications are the incident was terrorism.

    Sky understands there have been three fatalities, but this has not been confirmed by police or emergency services.

    The Press Association is reporting that the arrested man is Libyan.
  • Reading stabbings
     Reply #2 - June 20, 2020, 10:10 PM

    Won't be surprised u this turns out to be another MI5 cock up of the highest order like with the Manchester bomber, also of Libyan background.
  • Reading stabbings
     Reply #3 - June 21, 2020, 09:45 AM

    no motive yet but it's only a matter of time.
  • Reading stabbings
     Reply #4 - June 21, 2020, 03:16 PM

    The man held on suspicion of killing three people at a park in Reading is Khairi Saadallah.

    The 25-year-old from the town was arrested at the scene and police say they are not looking for anyone else over the terror incident.

    Security sources told the BBC he is originally from Libya.
  • Reading stabbings
     Reply #5 - June 21, 2020, 03:20 PM

    A terror suspect accused of stabbing three people to death and seriously injuring three others in an attack in Reading fled Libya seven years ago and was granted refugee status in the UK because he feared Islamists, and later converted to Christianity, MailOnline can reveal

    A relative of Khairi Saadallah, 25, says the terror suspect arrived in the UK as a tourist in 2012 before claiming asylum because he was at risk from Islamic extremists due to him not leading a 'strict religious life' in Libya.

    He then converted to Christianity three years ago, according to his cousin, and is said to have a tattoo of a cross on one of his arms.

    Speaking after the attack, which took place in Forbury Gardens, Reading, on Saturday evening, the cousin, who lives in Libya and did not wanted to be named, said: ‘I cannot believe this. I can’t believe he’d do anything like this or be involved in anything to do with terrorism.

    'Khairi had been to the UK a number of times but at the end of 2012 he travelled there as a tourist and decided to stay and claim asylum.

    ‘He was at risk of extremists in Libya because he liked to drink and socialise and didn’t really lead a strict religious life at all.

    ‘He did get in trouble in England and could be aggressive but I can’t ever imagine him getting drawn into something as serious as this.'

    Speaking about his conversion to Christianity, the cousin said: 'It might have been why about two or three years ago, he converted from Islam to Christianity.

    'He started going to church and had tattoos all over his body including one of a cross on his arm. I haven’t had contact with him since that time.

    ‘He lived in Manchester first and now lives in Reading. I think the authorities in Britain have tried to send him back to Libya but he doesn’t want to go back. He’s been in the UK for about seven years so is practically British now.’ 

    Earlier today it was revealed the 25-year-old has previously been jailed for minor non-terror related offences, according to reports.
  • Reading stabbings
     Reply #6 - June 21, 2020, 04:48 PM

    The man held on suspicion of killing three people at a park in Reading was known to MI5, security sources say.

    Khairi Saadallah, 25, from the town, was arrested at the scene on Saturday and police say they are not looking for anyone else over the terror incident.

    Sources told the BBC he is originally from Libya and came to the attention of MI5 in 2019.

    One victim has been named as teacher James Furlong - described by his school as "talented and inspirational".

    PM Boris Johnson said he was "appalled and sickened" by the attack in Forbury Gardens on Saturday evening.

    Security sources told the BBC the suspect came to the attention of the security services after they received information he had aspirations to travel to Syria - potentially for terrorism.

    It is understood the information was further investigated, and no genuine threat or immediate risk was identified.

    No case file was opened which would have made him a target for further investigation.

    The Holt School in Wokingham paid tribute to Mr Furlong, its head of history and government and politics, in a letter to parents, saying he was a "kind and gentle man" with a "real sense of duty".

    "He truly inspired everyone he taught through his passion for his subject and his dedication," the secondary school for girls wrote, in a letter signed by co-head teachers Anne Kennedy and Katie Pearce.

    "He was determined that our students would develop a critical awareness of global issues and in doing so, become active citizens and have a voice."

  • Reading stabbings
     Reply #7 - June 21, 2020, 07:11 PM

    christian convert? sounds like a failed ploy to get asylum.
  • Reading stabbings
     Reply #8 - January 14, 2021, 11:44 PM

    A terrorist who stabbed three people to death in a park in Reading - because he believed the pandemic heralded the end of the world - has been handed a rare whole life sentence.

    Khairi Saadallah, a Libyan refugee, pleaded guilty to three counts of murder after killing James Furlong, David Wails and Joseph Ritchie-Bennett in Forbury Gardens on 20 June last year.

    Saadallah "executed" each man with a single knife blow to the back of the head in the space of less than 30 seconds, the Old Bailey heard.

    The 26-year-old also pleaded guilty to the attempted murder of Stephen Young, Patrick Edwards and Nishit Nisudan, who were injured in the attack.

    He was released from HMP Bullingdon two weeks before his attack after serving a 17-month sentence for affray and assault by beating an emergency worker, reduced on appeal.

    The day before his release he was notified that the home secretary "has decided that your deportation is conducive to the public good" - but a legal barrier prevented this from happening.

    Speaking on behalf of James Furlong's family, Gary Furlong said "serious questions need to be answered" about how Saadallah was in a position to perform these attacks.


    Several witnesses reported Saadallah yelling "Allahu Akbar" and a Muslim bystander heard him say in Arabic: "God accept my jihad."

    After his arrest, he told police: "Those men I killed were wrong 'uns, they deserved it. I'm going to paradise for the jihad what I did to them."

    Police later found images of the Twin Towers and the IS flag cached from websites he had visited on his phone, along with links to YouTube videos about the IS executioner Jihadi John.

    However, Saadallah later attempted to fake mental illness and in court and denied that he had acted from a religious motive. His lawyer denied he was a terrorist, without suggesting what his motive may have been.

    In his sentencing remarks, Mr Justice Sweeney said he was sure that Saadallah had been trained to fight for the extremist group Ansar al Sharia in Libya - and had lied about his role in the group when he applied for asylum in the UK.

    The judge said the knife Saadallah bought for the attack "was chosen with care to ensure the maximum likelihood of swift fatal injury each time it was used".

    Mr Justice Sweeney also concluded that Saadallah intended to kill as many people as possible, and had planned to injure himself with a plastic razor "in the hope that he could pass himself off as a victim".

    Saadallah, who showed no emotion as he was sentenced, was told this was "a rare and exceptional case in which just punishment requires that you must be kept in prison for the rest of your life"

    Saadallah has amassed seven previous convictions for 19 offences, leading to four prison sentences.

    During one prison sentence, he had come under the influence of a notorious radical preacher called Omar Brooks, also known as Abu Izzadeen.

    Saadallah came to the notice of MI5, which was told he was planning to travel to Syria, leading to his subsequent referral to the Prevent de-radicalisation programme

    Just 10 days after leaving prison in June last year, Saadallah searched online for "Is corona a sign of the end of the world?" and looked at images of people sitting around Forbury Gardens, where he would later launch his attack.

    He appeared to have a psychotic episode on 18 June, speaking to mental health services about things under his bed and his belief that he was possessed.

    The following day, he bought a large kitchen knife from a supermarket to be used in the attack.

    Saadallah's brother later called police to say he was concerned, but officers who visited his address that evening found he was behaving normally.

    The next day, Saadallah launched his "brutal attack" as the victims enjoyed a "summer's evening in the park", prosecutor Alison Morgan QC said.

    "In less than a minute, shouting the words 'Allahu Akbar' [God is the greatest] the defendant carried out a lethal attack with a knife, killing all three men before they had a chance to respond and try to defend themselves," she said.

    Within the same minute, the killer went on to attack others nearby and stabbed Mr Young, Mr Edwards and Mr Nisudan - causing them significant injuries.

    Ms Morgan said Saadallah was "ruthlessly efficient in his actions", adding: "The force with which the defendant struck his first victims is clear.

    "In short, he executed Joseph Ritchie-Bennett, David Wails and James Furlong with such speed and precision before they had time to be aware of what was happening.

    "The defendant believed that in carrying out this attack he was acting in pursuit of his extremist ideology... he believed that in killing as many people as possible that day he was performing an act of religious jihad."

    After the attack, Saadallah ran off and he was pursued by an off-duty police officer. As he was detained, a Muslim member of the public told Saadallah: "You have nothing to do with Islam, b******."
  • Reading stabbings
     Reply #9 - January 15, 2021, 10:32 PM

    Quote from:
    As he was detained, a Muslim member of the public told Saadallah: "You have nothing to do with Islam, b******."

    how could he be so sure? the aint-no-muslim-bruv types need to do more research before spitting out catchphrases.

    Quote from:
    The fact that only a couple of days after the Reading attack Pink News had little coverage of the Reading attacks but three great big stories about J.K. Rowling’s rampant ‘transphobia’ seemed typical. The silence from other usual loud organs was equally striking. But perhaps that shouldn’t be surprising. If the gay press finds the killing of gay men by a Libyan asylum seeker too awkward to write about it isn’t clear how keen the rest of the media is going to be to write up the story.
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