New here, halo
Reply #11 - July 30, 2020, 10:51 AM
Good morning or good afternoon to everyone, my name is Bobby and I have just joined? why you might ask, Well I believe we are on the verge of the end of days, look at the world around you, every country is against each other its only a matter of time before one nation starts world war 111. And that day is very near? tens of millions will die in the beginning causing wars on a large scale, we have begun with large scale epidemics soon earth-quakes famine diseases pestilence the breakdown of family life and widespread apathy & ridicule of Christ and his Christians. then eventually the battle of Armageddon, The Middle East will be the forefront of end of times. Mecca the pagan capital and den of Satan will be scorched and turned to dust and blown away in sandstorms. like Babylon was, Iran Iraq Syria North Africa all the lands of the Antichrist and followers of the false prophet will be the last to die in such pain, they will try to kill themselves to escape the pain but Yahweh will prevent this from happening. Their lands and their leaders and their Satanic Verses and temples have offended the Lord our God with false revelations and lies. Satan spoke through Muhammad and he promised him a multitude of young girls to rape and abuse, but even Satan cannot defend parasites like him from the wrath of the one true God? Yahweh, So he had a Jewish slave girl poison him to prove he was not a messenger and prophet of the one God. He suffered for over two years then died in his own shit & piss. God punished him and his followers by taking his male seeds from infancy. that is why God makes Muslim women have more daughters than sons. Yahweh our Lord loves his people and never would ask them to kill one another because of their faith? or lack of it as far as Islam is concerned, Allah a pagan god who hates women and makes his male followers treat them like slaves and mutilated their private parts like some sort of devil-worshipping savages, then Satan promises his male believers a multitude of female virgins if they kill in his name, only an imbecile would believe such a travesty. and yet these Islamic followers do believe this pagan god to be the one god? just like their Persian and Egyptian ancestors did. because they have been brainwashed and inbred so are likely to be retarded mentally & physically, so cannot see the wrong that they are doing, Look at your history all the nations and their leaders who praised false gods where destroyed. Dictators pagan kings and queens have all suffered from the wrath of Yahweh over the centuries, and just look at the dictators in the Middle East this century who have been judged by Yahweh and destroyed by their Satanic followers through Yahweh? The Lord our God works in mysterious ways but in the end, his will "will be done? Islam those of you who have not angered the Lord by mutilating and raping your young or killing innocents still have a chance to leave this Satanic curse of Islam, and come to Jesus before its too late otherwise you and yours will surely burn in the hottest corners of hell for eternity