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 Topic: Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?

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  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #150 - August 23, 2023, 04:28 AM

    Surah 24     AL-NOOR – The light of guidance from Allah provides mankind with a focal point for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] That is the main or foundational reason for which this purpose based way of life is revealed for you the mankind by us to which you all should purposefully properly and firmly stick or attach or tie or bind or connect yourselves for your own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom because this way of life has a purpose based brilliant program for you the mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to its guidelines so that you could rise to or reach the heights of excellence.

    002] So invite all the human populations and their leaderships in the human world to this way of life and if a human population and its leadership have difficulty or problem with purposeful proper understanding and faithfully acting in accordance with our advised way of life for mankind then help and support them by taking each of them into full confidence for a period of time till they are purposefully properly convinced or persuaded and they are able to abide by our purpose based advised way of life for mankind. This process of persuading and convincing human populations and leaderships should be kept going and it should be broadened and extended or expanded with time and you the missionaries for this message should not be found lacking or weak in any way in trying to convince both of the groups towards the way of life advised for you the mankind by Allah if you people yourselves are fully and purposefully properly as well as wholeheartedly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to purpose based guidance of Allah for the brilliant future of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom. Moreover a purpose based dedicated group of people from among those of you who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance should keep an eye upon their tough or very hard education and training program for monitoring it purposefully properly to ensure it is working purposefully properly for its success.

    003] Any group of leaders or rulers or managers or administrators in human populations which resists or rejects or opposes living by purpose based way of life advised for mankind by us is not allowed to lead or manage a human population save a human population that also resists, rejects or opposes living by purpose based way of life advised for mankind by us or those who adopt a way of life invented and imposed or adopted by those who take for Gods and rulers other than or along with Allah therefore they live by their rule of law. Any human population that resists or rejects or opposes living by purpose based way of life advised for mankind by us is not allowed to be led or managed by save a group of people that also resists or rejects or opposes living by purpose based way of life advised for mankind by us or those who adopt a way of life invented and imposed or adopted by those who take for Gods and rulers other than or along with Allah so they live by their rule of law. To enter in such an alliance with such human populations or leaderships or managements or administrations is made unlawful for those who are fully and purposefully properly as well as wholeheartedly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    004] As for those who spread false propaganda against proper human communities and administrations that work purposefully properly according to our purpose based guidance for mankind to cause problems and troubles between them yet cannot produce any reliable witnesses and corroboratory evidences to support their claims, penalise them by separating them from their proper human communities into small isolated groups and do not accept their baseless claims or accusations ever because they intend to split up or divide people in order to break up or fragment the purpose based proper human community.

    005] However exception is made from this penalty for those of them who admit their such wrong doings and stop from such thoughts and actions in future as well as they repent or retrace their steps and reform or mend their ways thereafter and start working for removing fractures or disputes or conflicts from between the proper human communities and their managements and that way they should help development and growth of the proper human community as a whole. In that case Allah will bless them with blissful, dignified and secure existence through his purpose based program as a part of the proper human community.

    006] As for individuals who accuse members of their own proper human communities or administrations for not working according to purpose based guidance of Allah but they have no independent reliable witness or evidence to prove their allegations but only their own self assertions, statement of each of them should be properly examined according to guidance of Allah to determine if each of them is of those who are reliable and truthful.

    007] However the united declared position of proper human community about such cases or matters should be that such members of communities or administrations as have been accused should be taken as innocent till proven guilty but if they prove to be guilty then they should be kept away from the proper human community or administration that is based purposefully properly upon purpose based guidance of Allah. However if any of the accusers is caught lying against any of his fellow members of communities or administrations for conspiring against the proper human community then the accuser must be made to face the penalty the community has decided for the accuser.

    008] Moreover if any statement of accusation of an accuser is backed by a reliable witness and evidence then the accused member of proper human community or administration can only avert his conviction and due penalty or punishment for the crime one is accused of committing if the proper human community can prove the accuser is of those who lie or make false allegations against others.

    009] There should also be a united declaration by the proper human community that if the accusation of the accuser proves true against any member of proper human community or administration then the accused should be convicted and punished according to rule of law of Allah but as it is decided by the proper human community.

    010] If it were not for the purpose based way of life advised for you the mankind by Allah for a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom, you could not have had a purpose based proper foundation for handling all kinds of problematic and troublesome situations. Allah surely turns to mankind through his purpose based guidance which is full of wisdom for managing or running a place or kingdom purposefully properly.

    011] Those who concoct and spread false propaganda against the proper human community or its administration or management which are based purposefully properly upon our purpose based guidance are problematic and troublesome group of people among you. Do not let their such activities become problematic or troublesome for you instead turn them to your advantage to ensure well being of your proper human community. Any people who take any part in such exercises earn their share of terrible consequences and penalties accordingly but the one who takes upon oneself the leading role faces the gravest painful consequences and penalties in due course.

    012] Why is it that those administrators or individuals and the administrations or the communities that are committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom when they come across any such propaganda against each other they do not think better for and about each other and respond to it saying, such allegations are clearly false without any provable or reliable witness or evidence?

    013] So why the accusers did not produce any reliable independent witnesses and corroboratory evidences to support their claims to prove their allegations? If they did not or could not produce the required reliable witnesses and evidences then they are liars in the light of guidance of Allah.

    014] Were it not for the purpose based guidance of Allah that offered blissful, dignified and secure existence for you people as a proper human community in our kingdom by guiding you here and now as well as in the future provided you people understand it purposefully properly and act upon it faithfully then you people could have suffered severely the painful existence due to your involvements in such kind of thoughts and activities about each other

    015] whereby you pass on with your tongues and utter with your mouths accusations against each other about which you have no proofs whatsoever. You take such a serious thing so lightly while it is a very dangerous thing to do in the light of guidance of Allah.

    016] So when you who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom hear such false accusations against each other why do you not say to spreaders of falsehood, it is not fitting for us as committed workers for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah that we should take part in such activities because the purpose based guidance of Allah forbids us for our own safety and security or protection thinking and doing such things because it is such a terribly destructive activity against our own proper human community to get ourselves involved in it?

    017] Allah advises you never to turn to thinking and doing such like things if you are fully and purposefully properly as well as wholeheartedly committed to working the purpose of for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    018] Allah makes his brilliant program, goals and guidelines clear or plain for you because Allah wants you to become a purposefully properly informed and a wise people to be able to manage or run the place or kingdom of the human world properly.

    019] Those who love to spread false propaganda and thereby corruption and rivalries or disputes and conflicts among those who are committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom are bound to suffer painfully here and now as well as in the future and hereafter because Allah exposes their motives through their own such activities about which you the people who are committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom are not aware.

    020] Were it not for the purpose based guidance of Allah for mankind which offered blissful, dignified and secure existence for you people as well who are its purposeful proper supporters or backers, you people also could have destroyed yourselves through thinking and doing such like harmful and destructive things to each other among yourselves so guidance of Allah and your thoughts and actions according to it about each other surely kept such things out of your proper human community due to his program, goals and guidelines which offered blissful, dignified and securing existence for you by your purposeful proper understanding of it as well as your faithful acting upon it.

    021] So O you who claim to be committed or dedicated or devoted to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom, you people should never follow program, goals and guidelines put forth by any harmful and destructive leadership and its supporters because any people who will follow program, goals and guidelines put forth by any harmful and destructive leadership and its supporters are hereby warned and therefore they should become alert that such a leadership and its supporters will only and only influence them towards harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other that will bring harms and destructions upon them and the rest of humanity because they will make you people live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from their masses at their expense from which Allah stops you people or the mankind. Had there not been any purpose based guidance from Allah for you the mankind as his blessing for you for ensuring your well being through help and full support of each other then none of you could have ever become free from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other but guidance of Allah frees from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other only and only those people who truly desire to become free of such thoughts and actions against each other amongst themselves as a proper human community by understanding it purposefully properly and acting upon it faithfully, and that is how Allah makes mankind aware that he is the comprehensive observer of all things therefore his guidance deserves purpose based proper study of it as well as acting upon it by mankind.

    022] So let not people among you who are mentally and physically vastly advantaged and selected for community management by proper human community ever withhold using what is given under their administration or management for ensuring well being of their managed proper human community that is directly linked with them or is within their jurisdiction, be they locally settled people or migrants who join them for establishing the way of life advised for mankind by Allah. They should help them fully to remove their problems or hardships and difficulties as well as help them establish themselves for bringing about a proper human community and to maintain it. Do you not wish and hope that Allah provides you people with blissful, dignified and secure existence through mutual cooperation by way of help and full support of each other? That is how Allah brings about safety and security or protection for mankind through his program for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    023] Therefore those who target purposefully properly functioning proper human communities and their managements or administrations which are fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance for creating disharmony between them or between them and their members or they try to take undue advantages of them through any blind-spots and loopholes, they in reality distance themselves from the purpose based guidance of Allah as well as the proper human community therefore they are bound to end up in a terrible painful state of existence unless they repent from thinking and doing things this way and reform by thinking and doing things the way they have been advised by purpose based guidance of Allah for them.

    024] The time period when rule of law of Allah becomes fully and proper established in the human world by our missionaries that will be time period during which will bear witnesses or act as evidences against them their own false allegations and accusations against others and their wrong uses of their potentials and capabilities against others and their wrong objectives or goals for which they will have worked or endeavoured or made efforts.

    025] That is the time period when set-up systems and laws of Allah will deliver to people outcomes of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other according to their thoughts and actions based upon their own ways of life according to which they will have lived their lives and that is how during that time period they will become clearly aware that what Allah told them was in fact true or purposefully proper or right.

    026] That is harmful and destructive or corrupt human populations are bound to end up with harmful and destructive or corrupt administrators or managers and harmful and destructive or corrupt administrators and managers are bound to bring about harmful and destructive or corrupt human populations or societies. In contrast to that proper or corruption free human communities instate or install or put in place proper or corruption free administrators or managers and likewise proper or corruption free administrators or mangers bring about proper or corruption free human communities. So it is clear that those who are free from intentions and motivations for harming and destroying each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense any allegations or accusations of harms or destructions or corruption against them cannot prove true because their character and conduct is obvious or self evident to their proper human community whether they benefitted each other or harmed each other as a proper human community. It is these like human populations which succeed in obtaining or getting their livelihood or provisions or sustenance or subsistence in abundance as well as with dignity and securely.

    027] O you people who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance, do not access or trespass or enter jurisdictions other than your own or the ones you have been allocated or assigned unless you have placed appropriate requests with the appropriate managing authorities for entry in there or access to them and your requests have been granted by the people who are managing the places or people and things. This procedure is preferred or pointed out or chosen for you so that you people could rise to utmost level of dignity or heights of excellence as a proper human community.

    028] So if you have not placed any requests for entry in any places or for access to any things with any of the managements then do not enter or access any of them until you have put in the needed requests and that you have been granted your requests. Also if you are declined or refused or denied entry into any place or access to any thing and you are asked to put in another request for doing so for later then accept the refusal and put in another request later on but that is up to yourselves and that is for your own safety and security as a proper human community. That is how Allah makes obvious for you people as to how you ought to be thinking and doing things formerly or officially.

    029] There is no restriction for you people on taking over empty or unoccupied or vacant places or situations or non-managed things that are not already under your jurisdiction in order to organise and regulate them purposefully properly for ensuring your own well being as a proper human community because that is how Allah avails or makes obvious to you the mankind opportunities for your granted potentialities which you have already used and actualised and which you have not yet managed to use or actualised or realise or turned into realities.

    030] Tell administrators or managers as individuals who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance to keep an eye on set limits or borders or boundaries to ensure safety and security of proper human communities by keeping their observations or monitoring of people and things up to the set standard for safety and security to ensure the points of entry and exit under their responsibilities are guarded purposefully properly. That is a good safety and security measure for them as a proper human community against uninvited and unwanted harmful and destructive elements to stay safe and secure from their troubles and problems. Allah surely makes you people who abide by his purpose based guidance aware as to what your enemies are up to in order to inflict harms and destructions upon you by deceit and deception or treachery and surprise so remain aware and alert about them.

    031] Say also likewise to administrations or managements and communities which claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance to keep their eyes on set limits or borders or boundaries as well as any other possible security risks to ensure safety and security of proper human communities by keeping their observations or monitoring of people and things up to the set standard for safety and security to ensure the points of entry and exit under their responsibilities are guarded purposefully properly and they are taken care of as they are supposed to be because they should not expose to danger their vital confidential information that ensures their well being except what needs to be displayed of it to show alertness and strength to deter enemies. However they should keep under cover their vital confidential information and their vital assets and should not expose them to any other save their own immediate authorised personnel or their own superior administrators or even their superior administrators or their subordinate administrators, or even their subordinate administrators, or their supporting administrators and their subordinate administrators, or their supporting administrations and their subordinate administrators or their communities or their subordinate administrations that work under them or their standby personnel that are not kept as backup in case of need or the personnel under training who are not yet ready to take on full responsibilities for the vital secret assets of their communities. Moreover they should not recruit foot soldiers such people who may give away the vital secret information that they are supposed to guard either deliberately or by mistake. Nonetheless always ensure that all personnel and things are periodically inspected and examined purposefully properly and that they are in order or work purposefully properly according to the required standard so that they do not fail in time of use or need. Moreover keep referring to purpose based guidance of Allah always and all of you O you who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom so that you may attain freedom from all sorts of major problems and troubles between yourselves and therefore be successful as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    032] Moreover for the purpose of continuous maintenance of the proper human community purposefully properly, conscribe or recruit into all the community services young individuals from among yourselves both men and women who can help ensure continuous growth and prosperity therefore well being of the proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance. If any lack in anything, understanding purposefully properly and acting faithfully upon purpose based guidance of Allah will help them become suitable and fit for the purpose or task or goal or objective or mission. That is how the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah makes manifest or obvious or evident for mankind how vastly effective and far reaching are its benefits and advantages for them.

    033] As for those who do not yet qualify for entering the contract for services in the proper human community due to lack of age or needed education and training or knowledge and skills they should keep working hard for it till guidance and provisions of Allah for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind enable them or make them suitable to qualify. Moreover those people who are already serving the community who have reached the end of their time of service therefore wish to free themselves from community responsibilities they should hand in their notices for retirement from the services appropriately and you the community should accept their requests if you deem it appropriate and keep giving them appropriate help and full support out of the community provisions which rule of law of Allah and the proper human community has given under your management. Do not force any of the members of the proper human communities and their administrations or work forces under your care or responsibility or within your jurisdictions into poverty or lack of needed things for their purpose based proper living so that they are forced to rebel or do things against our purpose based guidance for their livelihood and survival in the human world when they do not intend to do so and instead they want to live purposefully properly by our purpose based guidance for them. Even if anyone is forced into that situation or set of circumstances by mistake of someone then guidance of Allah will save and secure that person thereafter and any such act by any such person will not be held against such a person by rule of law of Allah and the proper human community in his kingdom.

    034] That is the main or foundational reason or purpose for which we have revealed for you the mankind brilliant program to carry out by accomplishing its brilliant goals according to our provided brilliant guidelines and we cited for you people the examples of the human populations which passed away before you to serve as lessons for those who want to be consistent with rule of law of Allah as well as with each other for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    035] The light of purpose based guidance of Allah is for purposeful proper understanding and faithful acting upon by all the people in the human populations in the world be they the most advantaged people - who can fly the highest therefore they can accomplish the greatest tasks with help and support or cooperation of the least advantaged people - or the least advantaged people who can only remain low or on the ground therefore can only accomplish least tasks unless they are helped and supported by the people who are the most advantaged by all people coming together as a complementary human community as explained by him in his purpose based provided guidance in detail. The likeness of his guiding light of knowledge for mankind is like that of a lofty lamp holder in which there is a lamp that is enclosed in a crystal globe and the globe radiates brilliance like that of a brilliant guiding star visible for all to see from everywhere in the human world, which originates from an abundantly fertile tree like olive tree that can give mankind blissful, dignified and secure existence through his purpose based advised way of life that neither leads mankind to disputes based upon rivalries between them nor to inflicting of harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other whereby they end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other. The purpose based guiding light of knowledge from Allah is already shining brilliantly without the fire even touching it but adding this light of knowledge to the light of knowledge of already knowledgeable people which they gain from their own life experiences works wonders. That is how Allah guides to his light of knowledge any people who make needed efforts to become learned or knowledgeable by using their own brains and senses as well as bodies and his provided things purposefully properly for experimenting with for this purpose. This is how Allah makes his message obvious for mankind through his clear explanatory examples to help them understand things purposefully properly because Allah wants mankind to clearly understand all things purposefully properly in due course and accomplish what he has created and evolved them for.

    036] That is why the institutions of the place or land in the human world are to be given purpose based proper or due importance by the proper human communities and administrations living in the land according to purpose based guidance of Allah and people should always be reminded about it by each other because through their purposeful proper functioning needs and wants of people are to be fulfilled purposefully properly by day and by night.

    037] By highly courageous and motivated as well as inspired people with integrity who work in them for sake of showing to rest of mankind glory of purpose based guidance of Allah and who cannot be prevented or hindered by way of life whereby some people secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense and thereby end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other. Instead these people establish and maintain as well as help growth and prosperity of the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom due to heeding the warning of Allah about coming of the time period when revolts, uprising, bloody revolutions and upheavals will become a common occurrence if mankind will not abide by purpose based guidance of Allah.
    038] For their this very, hard work, set up systems and laws of Allah will deliver them beautiful outcome as well as he will grant them yet more knowledge in due course to do even better for themselves as a proper human community in his kingdom. It is because set up systems and laws of Allah deliver outcomes to such people beyond they can think of or imagine or wish for.

    039] As for the rejecters and opponents of our purpose based guidance, the results of their useless hard works are like a mirage in a vast tract of sandy desert, to which the extremely thirsty traveller runs thinking it to be water but when he gets near it, he finds nothing there at all so he realises it was only his imagination. That is how the group of these rejecters and opponents of our purpose based guidance will find set-up systems and laws of Allah rewarding it for its useless works based upon its own self invented and imposed or adopted way of life whereby it secures its own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and ends up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other. No doubt set up systems and laws of Allah are comprehensive when it comes to settling scores of mankind with each other.

    040] Or the likeness of a people living without the light of our purpose based guidance is like that of a person who is overwhelmed by the depths of darkness very deep in the ocean due to impurities in the sea water which is further covered by huge waves upon waves of dark clouds covering up the sunlight, some darker than others. Therefore darkness in there is so dark that if one stretched out one’s hand, one will hardly see it in that darkness deep under the sea. So the one whom Allah does not find seeking his purpose based brilliant light of guidance, there is no other guiding light for him to guide himself with.

    041] Why don’t you the mankind observe and learn that all things in the heavens and the earth work very, very hard constantly and consistently according to the program of Allah for them in order to fulfil his purpose according to his plan including high flying or soaring birds which are organised in groups for this purpose? Each knows its place in its group and its assigned task which it should accomplish. That is how through his purpose based guidance Allah makes obvious for mankind all that they need to think and do as a proper human community in his kingdom in order to have for themselves a purpose based blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    042] It is because only and only to Allah alone belongs ownership and sovereignty of the kingdom of the heavens and the earth therefore it is only and only right of Allah alone to set task for them in forms of goals to accomplish according to his provided guidelines.

    043] Why don’t you observe things and learn that it was up to Allah alone to plan and program all things for his purpose and that is the reason even the clouds move slowly and smoothly according to his program to carry out his set tasks and that is what causes them to come together then pile up on each other as masses therefore you see the water drops falling from within them as rain? He likewise causes hailstones to form from the water vapour in forms of clouds which look like mountains in the sky. The clouds eventually rain the hailstones down upon whatever needs or deserve them avoiding whatever does not need or deserve them. The flash of the lightning in the clouds nearly deprive things of their sense of sight.

    044] It is Allah whose set up and programming causes the night and the day alternations. There are lessons indeed in this phenomenon for those who observe these things for their purpose based proper understanding of things regarding their origin, purpose and the way they work to fulfil their assigned purposes so that they could benefit from all this.

    045] Allah has originated all life forms from the water and of them some creep upon their bellies and others that walk on two legs and yet others that walk on four. Allah originates and evolves what he plans for his purposes and he has setup systems and laws as well as he has put in place measures to govern operations of all things so that they fulfil his purposes according to his plan.

    046] Just like the set-up systems and laws in the kingdom of our creation we have revealed our brilliant program for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines whereby Allah guides those who work hard to receive his purpose based guidance to understand it purposefully properly and abide by it faithfully so that the purpose based firmly founded way of life for them as told in it could lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    047] Yet those who say we agree with this guidance and commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom along with his messenger for carrying out his program by accomplishing his goals according to his guidelines nonetheless some of them turn their backs on their agreed commitment and that is because they did not fully and properly as well as wholeheartedly commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance in the first place.

    048] This is why when people are invited by his messenger for explaining to them things about carrying out program of Allah for accomplishing his set goals according to his provided guidelines a party of them tries to avoid joining in these gatherings or meetings.

    049] However if the issue is about they getting their due rights from their proper human community and administration then they rush or come running to him.

    050] Is sense of dominating others by undermining them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense still alive in minds of these people or do they have any legitimate excuses or are they worried that Allah and his messenger will deny them their due rights? No, they will not be denied their due rights at all and they do not have any genuine excuses either rather the reason they are not bothered with attending the purpose based education and training sessions with the messenger of Allah is because they are of those who still want to live by way of life whereby they used to secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they used to inflict harms and destructions upon each other.

    051] However in contrast to that response of those who are fully and purposefully properly as well as wholeheartedly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to our purpose based guidance in our kingdom to invitation of Allah through his messenger for learning about carrying out his program for accomplishing his set goals according to his provided guidelines is, we have heard the call and we accept the invitation. This is why these are the people who are bound to be successful in their assigned mission for establishing the rule of law of Allah in the human world.

    052] It is because only and only such people who are consistent with purpose based guidance of Allah through his messenger are truly concerned about the fulfilment of the mission of Allah because they are consistent with it as well as with each other therefore they are bound to be successful in accomplishing his assigned mission for them.

    053] Some of them swear under oath in the name of Allah that if you the messenger invited them, they will come out in order to support your assigned mission by him. Tell them, you do not need to swear under oath to assure me about it rather your consistency to your declared commitment will become obvious for all to see when you will fulfil your declared commitment in actual reality. Rest assured Allah will make evident for all to see all that you will do towards that end.

    054] Say to mankind, be consistent with Allah as well as with his messenger concerning his assigned mission which is based upon his purpose based guidance for you but even if you people fail to be consistent with his assigned mission for you, his messenger is still under obligation to fulfil his duty just as you are under obligation to fulfil yours, so if you will think and do what you are required to think and do then you have followed the right course of actions because the duty of our messenger is only to deliver our message to mankind to bring it to their attention and the rest is up to people themselves as to how they respond to it.

    055] Upon purposeful proper understanding and faithful acting on that message of Allah he has promised those of you who will fully and purposefully properly as well as wholeheartedly commitment or dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom by actively removing obstacles in the way of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind that he will surely establish them in the human world as a proper human community in his kingdom that works for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence just as he made their predecessors inherit the management of the human world before them due to their hard works according to his purpose based guidance for them. Likewise in due course he will establish through themselves for these people their way of life in the human world which he has advised for mankind because it can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence. That is how he will change their present or current state of fear and anxiety into peace and security. So O my messenger, let them therefore know my purpose based guidance purposefully properly so that they act upon it faithfully by taking none as their God and ruler other than or along with Me. However if any people will still reject and oppose my purpose based guidance after all this explanation then such a people are surely due to their own ignorance based arrogance rebellious and lawless so they want to break up or fragment the proper human community into rival groups and want to keep them divided and at war with each other for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    056] Therefore remain fully alert and aware about these li8ke people and work hard to establish and maintain proper human community network and thereby attain freedom from all sorts of social, political and economic ills by being purposefully properly consistent with mission assigned to the messenger by helping and fully supporting him so that you could bring about and maintain blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind in our kingdom.

    057] Never even think that those who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance can derail our plan for mankind for their human world instead the end of such people as a result of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense is bound to be terrible painful suffering for them by hands of each other which is a terrible state of existence to be in.

    058] O you who claim to be committed or dedicated or devoted to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance, let such people from among you who are to join your proper human community services as part of your new administration as well as those who have not yet completed their term of service seek your consent and approval before leaving or taking on their official duties on three occasions, that is before the start of the new term for the management of the proper human community, during the term in case of temporary appointment or emergency and when the proper human community management contract expires at the end of the term. These are the three occasions when you the community are most vulnerable so be extra cautious or take extra care. At other times there should be no obstacle in your way for you people when you the community members and they the administration people go around seeing one another for business as usual. That is how Allah makes his program, goals and guidelines clear for you whereby Allah wants to make you people purposefully properly informed and wise.

    059] Likewise when your children become capable of joining the services of the proper human community their age wise as well as their knowledge and skills wise they should seek your consent and approval just like people who are already working in services of the proper human community before them. That is how Allah makes his instructions clear for you, so that you the mankind become aware that rule of law of Allah is based upon his comprehensive wisdom.

    060] Moreover there are no restrictions in the way of personalities that have already served proper human community for a set period of time sufficiently and efficiently to the best of their abilities which we have granted them which do not wish to extend or renew their contracts for serving the community for yet more terms if they decide to lay aside their official cloaks of community responsibilities without deliberately exposing the valuable confidential information about the proper human community, for it is best choice for them if they refrain from doing so and that is how Allah makes it amply clear for mankind that his set-up systems and laws are comprehensively sufficient for serving his purpose according to his plan.

    061] Further more there are no obligations upon any person or party for joining the proper human community services or institutions the while it lacks in purpose based proper education and training or knowledge and skills or experience nor are there any restrictions in the way of any person or party which prevent it from joining the proper human community services or institutions the while it gains needed purpose based education and training or knowledge and skills or experience for joining the services or institutions of the proper human community. Also there are no obligations or restrictions upon any person or party that is mentally or physically restricted in its capability or capacity that prevents it from full participation or partaking in the proper human community services or institutions. Moreover there are no unnecessary obligations or restrictions upon you in participating or partaking in your directly related parent communities or directly related main communities or closely related institutions or services providing groups or closely related services managements, or your indirectly related parent groups, or your indirectly related parent administrations, or your closely related remote groups, or your closely related remote parties, or your sincere friendly organisations that prove their promises true, or any other administration or community or party which is open for you to participate or partake therein. There is no obstacle or hurdle in your way whether you participate as individuals or as teams but that when you enter into any institution or service with others you should assure each other that you are working for ensuring unity, peace, progress and prosperity of the proper human community as a proper human community in our kingdom. That is the reason Allah makes his program, goals and guidelines clear or obvious for you, so that you people could grow in purposeful proper understanding of things to do them purposefully properly or faithfully as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    062] Surely fully and purposefully properly as well as wholeheartedly committed or dedicated or devoted people for working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community are only and only those who truly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to purpose based guidance of Allah along with his messenger and who when they are officially summoned or invited or called to gather around him concerning any mission related matter requiring collective action they do not leave the meeting until they have been given the permission by him or unless they seek his permission. It is those who ask for your permission to leave are the ones who are truly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to purpose based guidance of Allah through his messenger. So when any of them officially asks for your permission to leave to attend to their necessary personal affairs, you may give permission to those of them whom you deem appropriate after hearing their requests with their reasons but keep working hard according to purpose based guidance of Allah for establishing and maintaining his rule of law in the human world for seeking blissful, dignified and secure existence for them the mankind.

    063] So people do not treat official summoning for formal proper human community meetings for consultations by our messenger for dealing with the proper human community related issues in the same manner as you treat the informal invitations by each other among yourselves. Set-up systems and laws of Allah make those people from among you obvious to others who quietly slip away by hiding themselves behind others or by using their false excuses as cover. Let those who disregard his summoning for the proper human community related meetings be aware that if they will not come to realise their vital importance for the purposeful proper functioning of their proper human community then their proper human community can end and as a result their own lives could end up in a terribly painful state of existence.

    064] For that reason become aware of the fact that all that is in the heavens and the earth works for turning the planned purpose of Allah into an actual reality. So according to whichever way of life you decide to live your lives, his set up systems and laws make the results of your own thoughts and actions for or against each other manifest in reality in due course. So the time period when you the mankind will start abiding by the purpose based way of life advised for you by him as your reference, he will let you know all that you are supposed to think and do for ensuring well being of each other because guidance of Allah makes mankind aware about all things they need to know and do for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #151 - August 29, 2023, 06:36 PM

    Surah 23      ALMUMINOON – Those who commit or dedicate or devote themselves fully and purposefully properly as well as wholeheartedly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to purpose based guidance of Allah in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001]  No doubt those who commit themselves fully and purposefully properly as well as wholeheartedly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to purpose based guidance of Allah in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence are bound to be successful in accomplishing their assigned mission by us.

    002] Because they are such a people who pay their due attention to their assigned objective of bringing about and maintaining a proper human community in our kingdom.

    003] That is because they are such a people who avoid or hold themselves back from living by a way of life whereby rejecters and opponents of purpose based way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which could derail them from their objective of bringing about and maintaining the proper human community in our kingdom.

    004] Such as those who think and do each and everything they can according to the best of their God given abilities to ensure purpose based proper development and growth or progress and prosperity of their proper human community in our kingdom.

    005] Such as those who guard vital confidential information about their own proper human community that is given under their jurisdiction so that it does not get passed onto anyone

    006] save their own team of work colleagues and people who work under their supervision or management about whom they are not stopped or restricted to pass on that information.

    007] So any people who will think and do things against what is explained, they will be taken as enemies of the proper human community that is purposefully properly based upon our guidance.

    008] In addition among successful people are those who fulfil their contractual, constitutional and legal trusts and agreements or accords and pledges or promises and covenants.

    009] Also those people who ensure fulfilment of our imposed duties and obligations upon them towards each other as members of the proper human community in our kingdom.

    010] Such are the ones who achieve or accomplish or establish or attain or get what they work for or they are successful in obtaining the result or outcome they work for.

    011] They are the ones who will end up in a place wherein they will have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom for as long as they will maintain their place for this purpose.

    012] Indeed we brought forth human beings through various processes and stages of development gradually, beginning the process with turning inorganic or nonliving matter into organic or living material.

    013] Then through tree of life by sexual process branch whereby we place a human being as a fertilised egg in a womb or a firm resting place to keep developing and growing till time of his birth.

    014] That is how the fertilised egg develops into an embryo that clings, the embryo then develops into a foetus, the foetus then develops into all sorts of bones and flesh and that is how we evolve a human being into a different form of creature from all its ancestral species. Such prolific creator and developer is Allah who evolves creatures in a balanced way so that they could serve their set out purposes by him according to his plan for them.

    015] Yet after all that purpose based explanation most of you will still remain unmoved or uninspired or unmotivated and inactive therefore unproductive with respect to your assigned purpose or goal or objective of life for you people from us therefore you will end up failures.

    016] However in the end many of you will be forced by each other through your own situations and sets of circumstances to react to each other during the time period of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions or upheavals and that situation will continues till the time period when the rule of law of Allah will becomes fully and purposefully properly established by our missionaries in the human world.

    017] No matter whatever your response to our purpose based guidance the fact is we have brought about and evolved for your attention many ways to vast number of things throughout our kingdom of creation to help you develop and prosper because we never created anything at all without having some purpose for it in our mind and the way it should fulfil that purpose and that is because we are never negligent or neglectful about any of our creations in our kingdom in any way.

    018] That is why we send down water as rain from the clouds in the sky in a fixed measure for a set purpose by way of our set-up systems and laws then let it stay or remain in the land or the earth and we are surely able to cause it to evaporate and rain down repeatedly according to our set-up systems and laws.

    019] With this rain water we then cause growth of gardens of palm trees and grapes for you, yielding abundant fruits for you to eat,

    020] as well as a tree which grows in the area of Mount Sinai which produces oil and relish as a food for those who wish to use it.

    021] In cattle too there is a lesson for you to observe and learn from that from within their bodies we produce milk for you to drink and besides this you get numerous other benefits and advantages including using them as your food.

    022] Upon all these things as well as upon development of your own potentials or talents or capabilities you depend for your survival, growth and prosperity.

    023] In order to explain all these things purposefully properly for mankind we sent Noah to his people saying, O my people! Live by purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah because you have no God or sovereign other than or along with him, will you still not be consistent with his purpose based guidance for you as well as with each other even for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom?

    024] The chiefs of his people who were rejecters and opponents of our guidance said to their people, this Noah is not a messenger from Allah because he is an ordinary human being like yourselves who intends to become a chief over you by making fool of us. Had Allah chosen to send us his message then he will have send us some supernatural beings as his messengers. We have not heard from our ancestors or forefathers or leaders of the old or past anything of this sort.

    025] Some of them said, he is just an ordinary human being who is taken over by some harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour so put up with him the while he lasts.

    026] Noah said, my creator and sustainer, help me through your purpose based guidance because these chiefs and their supporters are denying rest of the people your given rights to them for accessing your provisions for them.

    027] So we revealed our purpose based program to him saying, form or create or build or bring about a proper human community according to our vision based properly upon our purpose based revelation in a place so that when the time period for fulfilment of our warning to these people comes and their social environment or atmosphere heats up due to fire of hatred and animosities between themselves and therefore troubles flare up in form of revolts, uprising and bloody revolutions or upheavals, you could take along with you each and every community and its respective administration or management who choose to come along with you as your own new community and administration, leaving behind on their own only those of them who decide to stay behind because warning has already been passed on to them about them as to what is to befall them as consequences of their own thoughts and actions against each other if they will not stop living by way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so do not even think about arguing their case with me after they have ignored or disregarded my warning because they are going to end up drowned in their own atrocities against each other or they are going end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    028] However when you have embarked upon the journey for a new beginning according to our purpose based guidance for you people along with your companions for the very same purpose or objective or goal or destination tell them clearly, ownership and sovereignty of this kingdom of creation only and only belongs to Allah alone who has saved us from the people who inflicted harms and destructions upon each other due to power struggles between themselves so they ended up destroying each other therefore you people should never do that.

    029] Instead you people as a proper human community should seek according to purpose based guidance of your creator and sustainer blissful, dignified and secure existence in a place as a proper human community in his kingdom saying, my creator and sustainer, bring me to a place that is full of your blessings for our stay because you are provider of places that are full of your provisions for mankind.

    030] There are many lessons in this story or history for mankind to learn from, that is why this is how we put mankind through struggles for learning sense of making purposeful proper sense of things so that they think and do things purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom.

    031] Then after them in due course we let come about and become established a new generation of people by name of Aad

    032] and we sent them a messenger by name of Hood from among themselves who said to them, abide by purpose based guidance of Allah because you have no God, owner and sovereign other than or along with him, will you people then not be consistent with his purpose based guidance as well as with each other for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in his kingdom?

    033] But chiefs of his people who rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance for them and that way they refused to live for their brilliant future as a proper human community along with rest of their people in our kingdom and as a result we left them to continue living their lives by their chosen way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from their people at their expense to have luxurious lives for themselves by denying our given rights to their people to our provision for them said to their people about him, he is no more than an ordinary human being like yourselves who eats what you eat and drinks what you drink so he has no supernatural powers therefore he cannot be a messenger from Allah to us.

    034] If you will listen to a man like yourselves instead of us then you will indeed end up in loss or dispossessed of your things.

    035] Does he tell you that when you people have become utterly ruined and lie in dust stripped to the bare bones as a people due to living the way you do yet you people could be brought out of that state of existence and raised to heights of excellence and state of blissful, dignified and secure existence in here and in hereafter according to guidance he has brought?

    036] Impossible! Just impossible is that sort of state of existence which you are promised by him!

    037] There is nothing of the sort he is telling you about for us but the kind of life we already have in this world due to the way of life we live by. That is we live and we die so we are not going to be raised to level of blissful, dignified and secure existence in this world or in hereafter or be held accountable in here or in hereafter.

    038] This man is just an impostor attributing lies to Allah or telling lies in the name of Allah therefore we are not going to accept his lies.

    039] At this response of theirs our messenger said, my creator and sustainer, help me by fulfilling to these people your promises because they have taken me for a liar.

    040] Allah said, worry not the time is coming when they will regret all this thinking and doing of theirs.

    041] So the revolt or uprising or bloody revolution or upheaval they were warned against eventually overtook them in reality as a result of their own thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that happened to them because we left them to themselves to be swept away like the rubbish of dead leaves that are fallen off of the trees when they decided upon ignoring our purpose based guidance for them and they continued living their lives the way they were. Therefore gone is that human population which inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing its own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    042] After them we raised the rest of their other generations in due course to heights of excellence who committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom as they were promised.

    043] The fact is, no people can hasten their given term nor can they delay or postpone it because our set up systems and laws make things happen according to our plan and set out terms and conditions.

    044] Thereafter we sent forth many of our messengers also one after the other. Each time a messenger of ours came to his human population with our purpose based guidance for them, we found their chiefs and their supporters denying the rest of their human population our given rights to them to our provisions for them for their sustenance. When they refused to stop living their own way and to start living by our purpose based advised way of life for them, we left them to their own devices to follow one another in destroying themselves through inflicting harms and destructions upon each other so they became history. That is how ended up each party of those from among human populations that rejected and opposed our purpose based guidance for them.

    045] Thereafter in due course we sent Moses and his brother Aaron with our program, goals and guidelines as a clear proof of our revelation

    046] to Pharaoh and his chiefs but they looked upon them disdainfully with contempt due to having mindset, attitude and behaviour for dominance over others by undermining them because they thought of themselves as very powerful and wealthy people in comparison to rest of their people in the piece of land they lived.

    047] Pharaoh and his chiefs said to their supporters, should we accept these two men like ourselves as our leaders whose people we have turned into our slaves to serve our agenda?

    048] So they rejected and opposed what was proposed to them by both of them and they became of those who ended up destroyed by hands of each other

    049] even though we gave Moses the Book so that people he was sent to become purposefully properly guided human population.

    050] However we made Jesus the successor of community of Mariam and his community an exemplary leadership and community for human populations of the time to see because we placed them on a solid or firm or stable foundation or ground which was needed or necessary for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    051] The fact is, our message to all our messengers for all the human populations was, O you our messengers, learn and partake or participate in all that is purposefully constructive and beneficial for mankind and take all the needed steps to remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, rifts , conflicts, fights and wars as well as any other obstacles and hurdles in the way of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom. I have made obvious through my purpose based guidance for all of you all that you needed to think and do for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence with help and full support of each other.

    052] I told all of you that this human family of yours is one single family and only and only I alone am your creator and sustainer so be consistent with my purpose based guidance as well as with each other.

    053] Yet despite my purpose based guidance for them people still remain divided into rival factions which holds them back from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community due to some people taking undue advantages of others by using others abusively for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense and so each faction becomes satisfied or complacent with what it has gained out of this division among their human population.

    054] So leave them in their ignorance based arrogance heedless as they are for a time till harms and destructions they spread against each other overtake them by surprise in form of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions and upheavals by some against the others.

    055] Does the harmful and destructive leadership or religious and secular ruling elite think that by leaving them to themselves to think and do as they please to have personal power and wealth to live by through dominating others by undermining them 

    056] we are eager for ensuring their well being? By no means instead they are in a big trouble due to rejecting and opposing our purpose based guidance for them but due to their ignorance based arrogance they realise it not or they do not or cannot become aware of it or they remain ignorant about it.

    057] However the case is very different of those people who due to purpose based guidance of their creator and sustainer live with awareness and concern and care for each other and that is why they are compassionate and caring for each other therefore they ensure well being of each other.

    058] It is because they are those who fully and purposefully properly as well as wholeheartedly commit or dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to purpose based program, goals and guidelines of their creator and sustainer in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    059] It is because they are those who do not live by rule of law of any other than their creator and sustainer.

    060] It is because they are those who use all they have been granted by us to ensure well being of each other with their minds remaining ever conscious and alert of the fact that they must always remain consistent with the purpose based guidance of their creator and sustainer by referring or turning to it as well as with each other.

    061] This is why these people are such who rush to do all such things as a proper human community in our kingdom which ensure their own well being through help and full support of each other so they try their level best to be foremost in doing so.

    062] That is why we do not put under any restrictions and obligations by our rule of law any individual person or any human population as a whole but for speeding up their growth and development or progress and prosperity and for that purpose we have a book with us which we have revealed for mankind to tell them what is to happen to human world in reality in due course by hands of each other therefore they should not make each other suffer harms and destructions by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead they should ensure well being of each other.

    063] However due to ignorance based arrogance minds of those who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance are blind to all this good work of these people to see it and learn from it to think and do likewise. That is why their thoughts and actions or ideas and practices are opposite of these people. Such people will therefore continue thinking and doing their wrongdoings or misdeeds

    064] until when we will find those of them who live in comfort and luxury caught up in all sorts of terrible troubles and problems by hands of their own victims and that is the time period when they will start crying regretting over their criminal mindsets, attitudes and behaviours.

    065] But then they will be told by their victims , do not cry now because you cannot get any help from us now.

    066] All that will happen to you people by hands of each other because when you had the time and my purpose based program, goals and guidelines were delivered to you to study and accomplish them purposefully properly, you people turned away from them

    067] having in your minds desires and ambitions to be dominant over other people by undermining them giving no thought to our warning that one day all this will come to an end for you if you will live your lives by a harmful and destructive way of life. Instead of purposefully studying and adopting our purpose based guidance you people preferred making up things yourselves and listening to made up stories and wasted away your lives that way.

    068] So despite such clear explanation from us why these people did not ponder over the word of Allah or has there come to them something strange which did not come to their forefathers?

    069] Or is it the case that they do not recognize their messenger they were already told about that they deny him?

    070] Or do they say, he is mentally ill because they are really convinced that he is? No, they are not really convinced that he is mentally ill rather they are just saying it and he is not mentally ill because our message proves it so. The fact is, he has come to them with a provable and verifiable truth from us to unite them in a brotherhood to bring them blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom yet most of them reject and oppose our message because they hate the very way of life that is purposefully proper for them to live by in the world they live in.

    071] All because these chiefs have very wrong concepts or ideas about their creator and sustainer because they think he thinks and does things the way they think and do things but the fact is, had he thought and did things the way they do them then the heavens and the earth and all that is within them and in between them will have fallen apart due to chaos and confusion and they will have ended up destroyed instead of working purposefully properly just like the human world itself is in chaos and confusion due to their not living by our purpose based guidance. This is why we have given them the Quran to explain things for them in which are lessons for their purposeful proper organisation and regulation as a proper human community in our kingdom for their brilliant future yet they are ignoring and avoiding the lessons of the Quran in favour of their own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    072] Or are they avoiding the purpose based proper study of the Quran for acting upon it because you have asked them for a wage in return for helping them towards their own blissful, dignified and secure existence? They should know that your reward is much better than what they can give you which rests with your creator and sustainer and he is the outstanding or the best provider or sustainer of all things.

    073] As a matter of fact, you O messenger are inviting them to the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by your creator and sustainer which is firmly founded for their living in this world purposefully properly.

    074] However those who refuse to commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance for their own bright future they are in fact staying away from the way of life that can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in here as well as in hereafter.

    075] Just look at these people as to what they are thinking and doing to each other that even though we have brought to these people blissful, dignified and secure life providing program, goals and guidelines to free them from their afflictions by hands of each other still they thoughtlessly persist in their rebellious behaviour like a confused blind person wandering about to and fro nonstop.

    076] Because despite the fact that we have found them caught up in their mutual atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they are not a people who will instead turn to blissful, dignified and secure life providing purpose based guidance of their creator and sustainer so they will carry on regardless adding to their troubles and problems thereby therefore their painful suffering

    077] until the time we find them opening up the floodgate to terrible painful suffering upon themselves by hands of each other, that is the time when they will fall into utter despair and hopelessness.

    078] The truth is, you the mankind think and do all this to each other despite the fact that Allah has made for you ears to hear through and eyes to see through as well as brains to think by yet you the mankind seldom use all these things purposefully properly.

    079] The fact is, it is he who has enabled you to multiply and spread throughout the world but ultimately under his rule of law in the human world you will all be gathered by his set-up systems and laws as well as his missionaries according to his purpose based guidance in due course.

    080] Because it is his set-up systems and laws as well as his purpose based guidance for mankind whereby he raises human populations to heights of excellence therefore to blissful, dignified and secure existence if they understand and live by his purpose based guidance purposefully properly but leaves them to themselves to perish if they do not just as he alternates the night and the day by way of his set-up systems and laws for his purpose according to his plan. Therefore will you still not use your brains and senses to learn to understand things purposefully properly and do what needs to be done so that you people could have blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom?

    081] Instead of learning sense of making purposeful proper sense of how human populations are caused to rise or fall they say what their forefathers said before them.

    082] Which is, after falling from heights of excellence therefore blissful, dignified and secure state of existence into dust when we have become mere barebones, could we really be raised to heights of excellence therefore blissful, dignified and secure state of existence again?

    083] We have heard such promises and so did our forefathers before us. These are nothing but made up stories or history of the ancient or people of old.

    084] Say to them tell me, to whom belongs the world and everything in it if you truly know the reality of things that much?

    085] They will quickly say, to Allah. Say to them, then why do you not think a bit deeper and wider about things to realise the purpose and place of his guidance for mankind in his grand scheme of things?

    086] Say to them, who is the creator and sustainer of so many heavenly bodies as well as the creator and sustainer of this whole magnificently detailed kingdom of this whole creation?

    087] Quickly they will say, Allah. Say to them, then why are you not consistent with his purpose based rule of law as well as with each other for ensuring well being of yourselves with help and full support of each other by complementing each other?

    088] Say, if you truly know the reality of things already then tell me under whose sovereignty are all things who has secured all things in every way and himself is self sufficient and self sustaining?

    089] They will quickly say, Allah. Say to them, if that is the case then how can you be so unreasonable that you live your lives against the purpose based way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah by adopting a way of life due to which you people inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other?

    090] The fact of the matter is, we have delivered to them our purpose based guidance for a proper way of life for consistency between themselves as a proper human community in our kingdom but these people reject and oppose it so that they could take undue advantages of each other by inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    091] Be aware of the fact O mankind that Allah has no predecessor or successor, nor there exists any God or ruler other than or along with him in this kingdom of his creation. Had that been the case then is it not possible that each of the sovereigns could have set-up a rule of law for his own subjects and that could have resulted in subjects of each of the rulers fighting each other for trying to dominate and overpower each other? Since purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah is the only way of life which can help humanity become a proper human community in his kingdom therefore Allah is free of all such ways of life which people attribute to him but they lead mankind into disputes, rivalries, animosities, hatred and wars with each other.

    092] That is how he will make obvious for mankind what is hidden from them in due course through their own bestowed capabilities and potentialities by him as they become discovered by mankind themselves, such awesome and marvellous or respectable and honourable is he against whose purpose based guidance they take or accept other Gods and rulers for themselves.

    093] Say, my creator and sustainer due to ignoring your purpose based guidance should you leave them to their own devices to suffer painfully by hands of each other in my lifetime about which they have been warned already,

    094] then my creator and sustainer guide me so that I do not fall in a state of existence that I become trapped by thoughts and actions of these people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    095] Nonetheless for sure our set-up systems and laws are also capable of showing you that which they have been promised should they reach that point during your life time.

    096] However you should worry not about them as to whatever is to befall them as a result of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other instead you should continue working hard to eliminate their harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other due to which they inflict harms and destructions upon each other with the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by us that is purposefully properly balanced for development, growth and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom. We will in due course make obvious for them the results of whatever harmful and destructive way of life they adopt and act upon yet attribute it to us falsely.

    097] For that reason you should openly express your this concern for your people before your people by saying, O my creator and sustainer I seek protection through your purpose based guidance for mankind against the harmful and destructive moves that are made by harmful and destructive leaders and their supporters against my assigned mission by you.

    098] My creator and sustainer, I seek your protection through your purpose based guidance lest their harmful and destructive way of life becomes fully established in the human world

    099] till the time when a person when he become defeated and undermined then one says, my creator and sustainer give me another chance or opportunity for referring to your purpose based guidance

    100] so that I could think and do things to remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, rifts and fights from between mankind to help them grow, develop and prosper from doing which I stopped people and reached this terrible state of existence. It will be said by our missionaries in reply to his desire for another chance. No, not at all. It is just his worthless saying which he is uttering. He says all this because such like people see themselves trapped completely by their own thoughts and actions against each other which move them towards the period of time for revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions.

    101] That will also be the time period when the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by us will breathe into human populations through our missionaries new life to encourage, inspire, motivate, activate or trigger them for establishing it in their human world which will help them end divisive and conflicting relationships between themselves because such relationships will not be desired anymore and they will serve no purpose at all for them.

    102] From then onwards only those who will fulfil our given responsibilities to them towards others with all due sense of purpose will be the people who will prosper

    103] and such as will take their responsibilities towards others lightly paying no due attention to their purpose will be the ones who will be in loss dragging each other as a people into state of or life of painful existence.

    104] The sad appearances of their faces will make obvious the agony they will be going through, they will be in such degree of hardship in their that state of existence.

    105] So they will be asked by my missionaries about my purpose based guidance for them, were my program, goals and guidelines not proclaimed to you and despite that did you people not deny each other my given rights to my provisions and thereby rejected and opposed them?

    106] They will say, we swear by our creator and sustainer that our mutual rivalries and animosities overwhelmed us so we kept away or remained away or stayed away from his purpose based advised way of life for us.

    107] However during the time period when they will end up in serious troubles and problems with each other due to their rivalries and animosities with each other due to ignoring or avoiding or neglecting our purpose based guidance, they will get fed up with that kind of terrible state of existence therefore they will end up saying, our creator and sustainer, get us out of this terrible state of existence through your purpose based guidance and if we ever return to this way of life whereby we secured our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore we inflicted harms and destructions upon each other then we are surely a people given to terrible transgression against each other therefore deserve no other chance.

    108] They will be told by an official of the people on my mission, remain in that state of existence which you brought upon yourselves and do not complain about it to me.

    109] Moreover he will tell them, surely there was a group of people who lived as a proper human community on basis of my purpose based guidance because they declared, our creator and sustainer, we commit or dedicate or devote ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in your kingdom according to your purpose based guidance so grant us life which you have promised that is full of blessings, dignity and security due to your blissful, dignified and life securing guidance which you have sent us because you are provider of an outstanding blissful, dignified and life securing purpose based guidance.

    110] However before this terrible troublesome and problematic time period arrived upon you and overwhelmed you as you people were already warned about it well in advance, you people used to try all you could to undermine this group instead of supporting it so much so that in trying to undermine them you utterly disregarded my purpose based guidance for you and you took it very lightly and laughed it off and as a result you ended up ruining your own lives by hands of each other.

    111] Whereas now I have delivered them the outcome of their own purpose based steadfast thoughts and actions for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other according to my purpose based guidance so they have become of those who have achieved a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in my kingdom.

    112] On the contrary it will be said to people in a terrible state of existence, for how many years did you people live in your human world for establishing my purpose based advised way of life for mankind to abide by it?

    113] They will say, we adhered to it only for a short period of time as well as only to a small degree but you can ask those who have kept account or record about it.

    114] It will be said by record keepers, you the mankind abided not by purpose based proper way of life that was advised for mankind by Allah but just for a little while as well as to a very limited degree if you really wish to know about it.

    115] O mankind, did you think that we have created you people and all the rest of the things without any purpose and planning in our mind and that you will never need to turn or refer to our purpose based guidance for you?

    116] The fact is, the kingdom of the human world based purposefully properly upon purposeful guidance of Allah is bound to become a reality in the human world in due course through ways and means beyond your imagination because there is no sovereign for this kingdom of creation other than or along with him, the creator and sustainer of this awesome, marvellous and magnificent kingdom whose purpose based guidance will provide blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind as a proper human community in this kingdom.

    117] That is why any people who take any God or owner or ruler or sovereign other than or along with Allah for this kingdom of his creation they have no clear proof for it whatsoever. Such a people are held accountable by his set-up systems and laws according to his provided purpose based guidance therefore such rejecters and opponents of his purpose based rule of law can never be successful in getting freedom from all sorts of terrible painful sufferings by hands of each other unless they understand, accept and live purposefully properly by his purpose based advised way of life for mankind according to his purpose based guidance.

    118] That is why you should tell each and every person to say wholeheartedly, my creator and sustainer due to my hard works according to your purpose based guidance provide me with life that is full of blessings, dignity and security as you have promised in your message which you have sent for us through your this messenger because you are an outstanding provider of provisions for growth, development and prosperity of mankind by way of your purpose based blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #152 - September 05, 2023, 07:27 AM

    Surah 22    ALHAJJ-The purpose based struggle by individuals for bringing about unity, peace, progress and prosperity for mankind as a proper human community in a place according to purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by purposefully and properly complementing each other for their own purposeful proper blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Therefore O you the mankind, be consistent with this purpose based guidance for you from your creator and sustainer as well as with each other because otherwise the inevitable period of time of terrible revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions or upheavals is bound to arrive which will be a most tragic thing for mankind to happen to them.

    002] Each time you will see the revolt or uprising or bloody revolution unfold during that time period it will be a period of time when every person in a human population or every human population in the human world will have become utterly or totally confused so much so that every person or every human population will have given up sense of being responsible for each other’s well being as if they are drunk and senseless despite not being drunk but that is how warning of Allah about severe hardship will become a reality for mankind during that period of time.

    003] Yet after this clear explanation and warning there are individual people and human populations in the human world who in their ignorance based arrogance struggle against the purpose based guidance of Allah for mankind that ought to lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom and instead they follow each and every leading rejector and opponent of purpose based guidance of Allah for them in the hope of securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other as well as at the expense of being the proper human community in our kingdom but instead they will end up losing whatever little they will already have to such leading people who will enslave them.

    004] We wrote in all our scriptures for letting mankind know about such leaders that any individual person or human population that will adopt their imposed way of life in the hope of securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other instead of becoming a part of the proper human community in our kingdom they will mislead them and instead lead them to terribly painful state of existence due to all sorts of poverty or lack of needed things or living necessities.

    005] So O you the mankind, if you are in any doubt about our purpose based guidance for raising you to heights of excellence to help you have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom then reflect or ponder over the fact that we have created and evolved you from the chemical composition of the earth then through biological combination of sperm and ovum then developed you from an embryonic state and then from foetus that kept changing forms till it became fully formed and that is how we demonstrated to you the mankind our power of creativity. We let remain in the womb for an appointed term whomever we find consistent with our set-up systems and laws and bring you forth as babies where after we nourish you mentally as well as physically so that you may reach your age of full strength. However there are some of you who are caused to die earlier and some who live on till very late to their abject old age when all that they once knew they know it no more to that degree. Also you see the land dry and barren or dead yet no sooner we rain down water upon it that it begins to stir and swell, putting forth various kinds of beautiful growths of same type.

    006] That is because systems, laws, processes and mechanisms of Allah prove true to their set out purposes and plans by him and that is how he brings back to life the human populations that have fallen apart due to his purpose based guidance for them because it is he who has set up systems and laws as well as put in place measures to govern all affairs relating all things.

    007] Therefore the promised time period of education based revolution for bringing about a proper human community in a kingdom based upon purpose based guidance of Allah by his missionaries will surely arrive and there is no doubt about it and that is how Allah will raise to heights of excellence for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence those who are currently taken for dead and buried people in graves by their religious and secular ruling elites.

    008] Despite these explanations and warnings from us still there are individuals among human populations in the human world who argue and fight against the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah through his purpose based guidance without having developed their ability to understand things purposefully properly about the real world realities and due to that without having developed their ability to make purposefully proper sense of his book for their enlightenment.

    009] Due to their ignorance based arrogance these people misunderstand and misinterpret as well as misrepresent things in the book of Allah to other people and that way they keep them away and lead them away from the purpose based guidance of Allah for them therefore for such people there is disgraceful and humiliating life through hands of their victims in this life and that is why in due course such people will have to go through the time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions or upheavals among themselves which will be terribly painful and humiliating for them.

    010] All that will continue happening among you and between you the human populations because you have chosen to continue living your lives the way you have been living whereby you people have been securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which you have been inflicting harms and destructions upon each other which result in your such terrible future whereas purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah tells people to live as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring well being of each other with help and full support of each other by complementing each other and it never allows people to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    011] Yet there are among mankind a category of people who adopt the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah only to the degree of its personal suitability for them so if they gain from hard works of others by living according to the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah, they go along but if they are put through hard work for doing the same for others to ensure their well being as well then they go against the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah. That is why they are bound to suffer losses in this world to begin with and they will continue to be in loss to the end as well as in hereafter. That is clearly a multi fold loss for them for all to see.

    012] They will suffer all these losses because they invite people to the way of life of those who stand in opposition to purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah who cannot ward off harms and losses from them nor can they ensure their well being as a human population and that is why it is very clear that such people are far, far away from living by the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah.

    013] Such a human population is relying upon a way of life of such a leadership which inflicts more and more harm upon its more and more population than bringing it closer and closer to well being of its more and more population. Such a human population is indeed a combination of harmful and destructive leadership as well as the supporters or backers.

    014] As for those who have purposefully properly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance and therefore they are most active in removing tensions, disputes, rivalries, hatred, animosities, rifts, fights and wars from between people of human populations as well as human populations and think and do all things needed to help people become a proper human community and prosper, Allah will surely enter or place them in places or lands or kingdoms wherein they will have blissful, dignified and secure existence because in there they will make things of their needs flow like rivers. Surely Allah does such things through such people by way of his purpose based guidance in order to make his purpose based plan a reality in due course.

    015] So if any group of human beings or any human population in the human world thinks that Allah will not help and support his final prophet and messenger and his supporters from the beginning to the completion of his assigned mission by him for establishing his rule of law in the human world fully and purposefully properly then let such people look back in time as far as they can for the ways and means he used whereby he helped and supported his prophets and messengers and their supporters throughout times and places then they should try and cut off all these ways and means for this prophet and messenger of his and his supporters and then see if their plotting and scheming has succeeded in stopping this mission or not which is continuously enraging and making them angry.

    016] Just as we sent our purpose based guidance for mankind before or in the past so we have revealed this Quran as a brilliant program for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to its provided guidelines so that Allah guides those who show desire for his purpose based guidance to be guided by it by working hard towards understanding it purposefully properly and acting upon it purposefully properly for achieving its set out objectives.

    017] As for the disputes, tensions, fights and wars between those who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based guidance and those who claim to be Jews, Sabians, Christians and Magians who are such people who have adulterated or mixed or joined or attached things with our purpose based guidance which do not belong to it because they are against it. No doubt set up systems and laws of Allah will settle the quarrel between all of them by the time period when the rule of law of Allah will become purposefully properly established in the human world by our missionaries by way of delivering outcomes of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other. It is because set up systems and laws of Allah are ever present so they always deliver to mankind results of each and every one of their own thought and action for or against each other.
    018] Do you the mankind not see how all that is in all the far away galaxies as well as all that is in this galaxy works according to set up systems and laws of Allah including the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the mountains, the plants and the trees, the animals as well as many of the human kind? Yet for many of the human populations our forewarning about painful suffering becomes a reality due to their rejection and opposition to our purpose based advised way of life based upon our purpose based guidance for the brotherhood of humanity because instead they continue living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other. So those who adopt such a way of life that leads them to terribly painful, humiliating and disgraceful state of existence none can raise them to heights of excellence therefore life of blissful, dignified and secure existence. It is because Allah lets people live the way they choose or decide or wish to live by their own thoughts and actions.

    019] Despite all this being made clear for mankind as to how things work in the natural world yet both of these opposing parties of them are arguing with each other over the purpose based way of life advised for them by their creator and sustainer. However those who reject and oppose our purpose based advised way of life for them for the brotherhood of humanity by living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other, it only brings them serious fractures and breakages in their relationships which are supposed to be based upon their love and respect for each other and that way it creates for them an environment that is full of hatred and animosity for each other between them due to their leading people over them raining down fiery speeches against each other,

    020] due to which will be destroyed what is within their personal possessions as well as that which is within their reach all around them.

    021] So their such mindsets, attitudes and behaviours will become barriers for them which will not let them come out of this situation or state of existence which they will have brought upon themselves.

    022] Whenever in their painful anguish they will try to escape there from, they will be forced back in there by each other and that is how they will keep on forcing each other to taste or experience or undergo the terrible painful suffering they will have brought upon themselves through hatred, animosities and wars between themselves due to living their lives by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    023] On the contrary the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah if they will understand it purposefully properly and act upon it faithfully then it will surely land them in blissful, dignified and secure existence providing places or lands or kingdoms wherein they will make things of their need and want flow like rivers by their own hard works because they will be decorated or adorned or beautified or equipped or armed or prepared or cultivated or groomed or educated and trained by each other with most useful purpose based information and its purpose based proper understanding so their environment will become free of coercion and full of freedom due to their becoming most conscious of their own responsibilities placed upon them by Allah towards each other in deeds as a proper human community. People who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based guidance and therefore they will actively remove disputes, tensions, rivalries, divisions, hatred and animosities, conflicts, fights and wars from between people as well as obstacles in their way of unity, development or progress and prosperity.

    024] All this will happen for them because they will be guided by their purpose based knowledge about things due to their wider and deeper life experiences towards constructive and beneficial purpose based revealed guidance of Allah which will free them from all sorts of tensions and troubles between themselves and that will lead them to their development and prosperity according to their God given full potential so that they reach the stage of development and progress whereat they could appreciate the purpose based awesome and marvellous way of life advised for them by their creator and sustainer through their purpose based proper use of his provisions.

    025] As for those people who due to their ignorance based arrogance themselves reject and oppose purpose based advised way of life for mankind by Allah as well as they stop or prevent or hinder or hold back others from joining and supporting it in order to stop them from bringing about a place or land or kingdom which is managed or run according to his rule of law in the human world which we have declared as a safe and secure haven or sanctuary or refuge for mankind to live or abide by as a proper human community, be they the ones already living by it or be they the ones coming to live or abide by it. However those who will seek to defy or reject and oppose the establishment of our rule of law in the human world through tyranny, oppression and brutality for continuing their atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, our set up systems and laws will deliver them terribly painful humiliating consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions by hands of each other.

    026] This was the reason why we granted Abraham and his supporters our purpose based guidance to live or abide purposefully properly by as a proper human community in a place or land or kingdom and told them not to adulterate or mix or add or join or attach anything with it to keep our purpose based guidance as pure as it is on its own for those who wish to refer or turn to it for establishing our purpose based rule of law in their human world in a place or piece of land or kingdom according to it by moulding or bending or designing or reforming their lives according to it so that they could be consistent with it as well as with each other for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by complementing each other as a proper human community for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom.

    027] After they established our rule of law in a place we told him and his supporters to invite other human populations for mutual fruitful observations, dialogues and discussions so that people of standing in their own human populations could approach you as well as their masses for all sorts of problems between themselves for their purpose based proper education and training so that they too could come together regardless of any distances or disputes or tensions or animosities between themselves due to their most advantaged or least advantaged backgrounds.

    028] We told them to do that so that other people could also come to them just as they go to them to deliver our message to them to invite them to our purpose based advised way of life for mankind so that they could see the mutual benefits by themselves which are made obvious for them through this interaction during the set out time periods and so that then they too could join them in carrying out the assigned mission of Allah for establishing his rule of law in the human world if they choose for purposeful proper management of people and our provided resources for them and their dependents. For this reason that is how those people should also manage our provisions or sustenance or subsistence or livelihood for mankind purposefully properly by organising and regulating themselves purposefully properly for fulfilling the needs and wants of the people under their management who need or want them according to our purpose based guidance. 

    29] This is how all people who are administrators or managers of their own human populations they should remove all ills from between them by fulfilling our imposed obligations upon them towards each other and that is how they should stick with or keep in line with the original or ancient purpose based guidance from us which guaranties for mankind freedom from all ills between themselves.

    030] This was the main or foundational purpose or objective for which the purpose based guidance was revealed for mankind by Allah. So whichever people will honour his set out goals for mankind by accomplishing them according to his provided guidelines, it will bring them brilliant future as promised by their creator and sustainer. For that reason all sorts of participation and interaction between people is allowed which can lead mankind to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom save such kind of interaction or participation as is clearly pronounced harmful and destructive for the proper human community as well as the rest of the humanity. For that reason avoid being idle or unproductive or useless like idols stuck in a rut as well as avoid following stories or histories told by people that are based upon falsehood and lies because they can lead people away from the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah.

    031] Therefore steer in the direction that is set for you the mankind by Allah and be not of those who adulterate or mix or confuse the way of life advised for mankind by Allah with any other way of life whereby some people secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense and they all end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other. So any human population that adulterates or mixes or confuses the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah with any other way of life their example is like that of a person who falls from heights of excellence therefore falls away from the blissful, dignified and secure existence into a state of existence that is terribly painful and humiliating or it is like the example of a small baby bird that falls down from its nest which is then snatched away by a predatory bird or it is like a blade of grass that is broken away from its root and it is flown away by the wind and dropped at a far away distant barren place which ends up destroyed.

    032] This is what this (hajj) or struggle for bringing about a purpose based proper place or land or kingdom according to purpose based guidance of Allah is all about therefore any human population that honours its contractual, constitutional and legal obligations by Allah towards each other they will provide it with purpose based proper and solid foundation for aligning their minds, attitudes and behaviours with purpose based proper human community in there.

    033] In fulfilling the set out obligations towards each other for you the proper human communities there are benefits and advantages for an appointed term or a period of time therefore you should remain stuck with these set obligations and limits according to the original or ancient constitution and its laws that is based purposefully properly upon purpose based guidance of Allah that guaranties for mankind freedom from all ills.

    034] For each and every human population we set the same goals or objectives or targets or tasks to accomplish according to our guidelines so they should strive very, very hard to spread this message of Allah throughout their human world in order to establish his rule of law in there purposefully properly for the purposeful proper management of people and whatever we have provided for them for their sustenance or livelihood or subsistence or provisions, so that they come to realise there God and sovereign is only and only one so they should abide by only and only his rule of law alone. Therefore announce the news of a brilliant and a great future for those who will study this message purposefully properly to accept and abide by it. 

    035] Such as those whose minds become highly inspired and motivated or encouraged to act when they are reminded about purpose based guidance of Allah for them so they become charged and steadfast as well as ready to face whatever the hardship or difficulties come in their way for establishing a purpose based proper human community in a place for the purpose of production and distribution of whatever we have provided them with for their own purposeful and proper sustenance or livelihood.

    036] Therefore we advised for you the mankind administrative or management bodies for the purposeful proper implementation of rule of law of Allah wherein lies your well being as a purposefully properly organised and regulated proper human community. So keep reminding and keeping in check those administrative or management bodies to ensure they are working according to the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah when they are organising and regulating people and things, so that when you people implement the rule of law of Allah for the given purpose as a proper human community you people implement it as it ought to be implemented so that you all interact as a proper human community according to it in order to fulfil your needs and wants thereby as a proper human community without exposing your needs or wants directly to each other as individuals. That is why we have given all people and things under your own appointed administrative and management bodies as a proper human community based purposefully properly upon our purpose based proper rule of law so that you people organise and regulate yourselves to use all our provisions purposefully properly according to our purpose based guidance for ensuring well being of each and every one of your human kind with help and full support of each other by complementing each other.

    037] Keep in minds the fact that neither plotting, scheming, conspiring, mischief making or causing troubles by human populations against each other nor their aimless or purposeless or meaningless shedding of blood of each other brings mankind any closer to implementation of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world instead all these sort of approaches only hinders work of those of you who long or yearn and campaign, struggle or strive for consistency with our purpose based rule of law according to our purpose based guidance as well as with each other for development and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom. That is the reason we left things to you the mankind within your own capability to deal with each other as you ought to so that thereby you could make manifest greatness or glory of the way of life advised for mankind by Allah who has guided you purposefully properly and so that you could give good news of prosperous brilliant future to those who long or yearn for living a purposeful properly balanced life as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    038] Surely set-up systems and laws of Allah as well as his purpose based guidance keep away harms and destructions from those who purposefully properly commit or dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to them, but, on the contrary the set-up systems and laws of Allah as well as his purpose based guidance for mankind do not favour those people who reject and oppose them to succeed in their harmful and destructive designs or schemes or conspiracies against the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah for ensuring their well being, through help and full support of each other by way of complementing each other purposefully properly, because those who desire to inflict harms and destructions upon them are given to mischief-making and warmongering against mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    039] Therefore order or command is given to those who have decided to abide or live by our purpose based advised way of life for mankind and therefore they are fought against by rejecters and opponents of our purpose based advised way of life to be prepared purposefully properly for their defence because harms and destructions are as well as will be inflicted upon them by those who reject and oppose our purpose based advised way of life for mankind. That is how the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah can help these people or any people in this situation defend themselves successfully against those who take them for their enemies.

    040] People who have been driven out from their homes without any proper justification just because they said, we declare our commitment to adopting the way of life advised for mankind by Allah our creator and sustainer. Had Allah not set-up systems and laws as well as put in place measures and mechanisms whereby some people repel attacks by others then civilisations that come about and lead human populations gradually to their progress and  prosperity through their educational and training institutions that help mankind exchange their ideas as well as their skills with each other which enable mankind to be able to build human social networks and thereby exemplary places or kingdoms whereby attention of people in the human world is drawn at a larger scale to the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah then they will have been utterly ruined by them. That is how set-up systems and laws of Allah as well as his measures and mechanisms put in place certainly help those who further his purpose based plan for establishing a worldwide lasting kingdom based upon his purpose based guidance. That is how all this planning and set-up proves that Allah is surely mighty as well as wise ruler of his kingdom.

    041] If mankind will come to realise the fact that it is the people who have purposefully properly committed themselves to living by purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah whom if mankind availed opportunity, they will establish a purpose based proper human community in the human world to bring about a purpose based proper place or kingdom based upon purpose based guidance of Allah to attain freedom from all sorts of ills in human population between their people because they will enforce policy of working for ensuring well being of each and every one of the human beings through help and full support of each other by complementing each other as well as they will stop people from living their lives by any way of life whereby they could inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. It is because for all their thoughts and actions towards each other they will refer or turn to purpose based guidance revealed for them by Allah.

    042] So if these dominant people in your human population deny you the right for establishing a place or land or kingdom based upon our purpose based guidance O our final prophet and messenger then remember that before them the dominant people of Noah, Aad and Thamood;

    043] the people of Abraham and Lot;

    044] as well as the residents of Median also denied their prophets and messengers from us the right to establish places or lands or kingdoms based upon our purpose based guidance for them. Likewise was denied the right for establishing a place or land or kingdom based upon our purpose based guidance to Moses by people he was sent to. I did give time to all those rejecters and opponents of my purpose based guidance to learn purpose based proper sense for making purposeful proper sense of real world realities as well as of my purpose based guidance for them yet instead I found them caught up in their own disputes, tensions, rivalries and animosities due to inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other despite my warnings to them well in advance, so how precise was my warning for them that they should not live by any way of life whereby they should secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense or they will and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other?

    045] For that reason think about how many of the places or lands or kingdoms that were full of people have we seen being utterly destroyed by hands of each other because in them people lived by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other so their ruling elites were brought crashing down by their down trodden masses and things their ruling elites treasured and their strongly built forts and palaces were left as empty ruins by them?

    046] So have these people of this age or era or time period not travelled about in the human world to see what we are telling them about and did they not have their brains to use them to learn sense of making purpose based proper sense of things so that they could make purpose based proper sense of things they observed or did they not have ears to heed our call to lean about our purpose based revealed knowledge or guidance purposefully properly? Surely it is not their eyes on their foreheads that have no sense of sight rather it is their brains in their skulls which they do not use to learn sense of making purposeful proper sense of things.

    047] This is why these people instead of thinking through thoroughly these things they are told about they ask you to hasten the terrible painful suffering and destruction they are warned about even though our set-up systems and laws as well as our measures and mechanisms put in place are permanently at work and never fail in fulfilling their set tasks to turn purpose based plan of Allah into a reality. The fact is the time period for which a process is initiated by set up systems and laws of your creator and sustainer could take a thousand years to complete according to your reckoning or counting of a time period.

    048] This is why despite the fact that there were many habitations or places or townships or settlements or cities or lands or kingdoms that were full of people who inflicted harms and destructions upon each other due to adopting the way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so I gave them time and my purpose based guidance so that they could repent or stop living the way they lived and reform by adopting the purpose based way of life I advised for mankind yet in the end I found them harmed and destroyed by hands of each other, therefore people must turn towards my purpose based guidance for them to save themselves from such a terrible end results of their such thoughts and actions against each other.

    049] Say, O you the mankind, I am certainly sent as a prophet and a messenger for you people from your creator and sustainer in order to openly alert and warn you as well as to make you aware about his purpose based guidance that can lead you to your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom and your failing to know it purposefully properly and your failing to act upon it purposefully properly can result in your terrible painful state of existence in due course.

    050] So those who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance and they will take effective measures for removing rivalries, disputes, tensions, hatred and animosities, fights and wars from between people in their human populations and they will think and do things that will help human populations unite, development, progress and prosper, they will for sure end up in blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom.

    051] However those who will campaign or struggle or strive against our purpose based revealed program, goals and guidelines to try to stop or prevent or hinder them from becoming an accomplished or established reality in the human world through our missionaries they will end up in a terrible humiliating state of existence in due course as a consequence of their own thinking and doing so due to their continue living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    052] We never sent a prophet and messenger to a people on a mission for establishing our rule of law in the human world for them before you but the harmful and destructive leadership of those people always campaigned against him by plotting and conspiring against him in order to put obstacles or hurdles or barriers in his way to stop him from accomplishing or completing our assigned mission for him. However in the end the prophet and messenger of Allah was always able to overcome the works of harmful and destructive leadership and that is how Allah demonstrated to mankind the firm foundation of his program, goals and guidelines, because Allah makes obvious his wisdom to mankind through his purpose based revealed guidance for them to understand it purposefully properly and abide by it faithfully for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom.

    053] Also this is how he lets that way of life which is invented and imposed by harmful and destructive leadership on the human populations becomes exposed as debasing, debilitating, damaging and destructive for all those who decide and accept to live by it because thereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each others at each other’s expense due to which leaders live their lives luxuriously at the expense of the rest of their human populations as well as at the expense of a proper human community which in that case is not let come about by them because their minds due to their ignorance based arrogance are full of harmful and destructive ambitions and desires to dominate the rest of the people in their human populations by undermining them. This is how these people who inflict harms and destruction upon the rest of the human populations end up in unending rivalries, disputes, tensions, hatred, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between themselves as well as between the rest of human populations.

    054] Despite rejectors and opponents of guidance of Allah causing all this harm and destruction in the human world he makes obvious - for such people as attain the ability to gather purposeful proper information about the real world realities as well as purpose based guidance of Allah who also learn sense of making purposeful proper sense of that information and they do so - that this Quran is in actual fact from your creator and sustainer for them therefore they purposefully properly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to it because their minds become convinced, inspired and motivated by it and that is how Allah guides those who decide to commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance toward the path that is purposefully properly founded for leading them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom through help and full support of each other.

    055] As for the rejecters and opponents of our purpose based guidance, due to the reasons we have explained or made obvious already they will never cease trying to cause instability in the human world by trying to cause doubts in minds of people under their influence about our purpose based way of life advised for mankind so they will carry on inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense till the time period of revolts, uprising, bloody revolutions and upheavals they have been already warned about overtakes them suddenly and by surprise and there comes upon them the time period of terribly painful suffering due to their idleness, uselessness and unproductivity they are already told about.

    056] That is also the time period when rule of law of Allah will become installed or established in the human world by our missionaries and thereby will be decided all affairs between and about mankind from then onwards. That is how those who will have committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom will end up in blissful, dignified and secure existence by help and full support of each other for ensuring their own well being through purposefully properly complementing each other.

    057] On the contrary those who will reject and oppose our purpose based program, goals and guidelines for mankind by denying each other our assigned rights to them to our provisions for them such people will end up and will remain stuck in a terribly painful state of existence unless they repent by giving up their that way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and reform by adopting our purpose based way of life advised for mankind.

    058] However those who migrate or make their journey or transition from whatever way of life they had adopted for living their lives to the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah therefore they are persecuted and fought against or they become restricted or trapped or stopped by their enemies, Allah will surely provide for them provisions that will help them grow and develop in a properly balanced manner because Allah is surely provider of such a blissful, dignified and secure life providing program that can lead mankind to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    059] That is how he will admit them into a place or land or  kingdom in which they will be fully consistent with his purpose based guidance as well as with each other and that is how Allah makes it obvious for mankind that he is fully capable of fulfilling his purpose based plan about mankind without any difficulty or with ease.

    060] All this is explained so that any people who retaliate against another people do so justly or only do so as much as they have been wronged by the other people therefore if any people will transgress or go beyond that against any people then set-up systems and laws of Allah will surely assist their victims against them because the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah surely protects people by helping the victims overcome their attackers by easing or removing their weaknesses and facing difficulties.

    061] That is how through his set-up systems and laws as well as the mechanisms put in place by Allah he lets the night on the earth change into the day and the day on the earth change into the night and that is why Allah enabled mankind to purposefully properly observe things and understand them to learn to think and do things purposefully properly.

    062] That is the way his set-up systems and laws as well as mechanisms put in place by Allah prove the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah is verifiably or confirmably true and the ways of life to which people invite each other against that are all verifiably and confirmably false because they fail mankind in achieving blissful, dignified and secure existence for themselves as a human population so surely the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah is therefore far superior in goodness for humanity for ensuring their well being.

    063] Why do you the mankind not observe and learn sense there from as to how Allah by way of his set-up systems and laws as well as structures, processes and mechanisms he has put in place he sends down fresh water from the heaven as rain so that the land becomes lively or full of life or greenery or fruits and vegetables or plants and trees? Surely Allah makes mankind aware about vitally important information about things that ensure their well being.

    064] Because only and only to him alone belongs all that is in the far away galaxies as well as all that is in this galaxy. All this is explained so that mankind become aware of the fact that the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah when it is understood purposefully properly and adopted purposefully properly by them, it will make them self sufficient and that way it will manifest or make obvious for them his awesome and marvellous or wonderful works which will arouse in their minds natural deep feelings of appreciation and admiration for Allah who has abundant goodness for mankind for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other.

    065] So why do you the mankind not observe and learn sense there from how Allah has given you people the ability to make use of all that is in his world or kingdom just like the ships you build that sail through the sea due to his set-up systems, laws and mechanisms? Through his set-up systems, laws and mechanisms he is keeping in its proper place all that is in the entire kingdom of his creation in a purposeful proper way so that it does not fall apart so that the world does not come to an abrupt end instead of working according to his purpose based plan. Surely Allah proves his powerfulness to mankind through provision of his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    066] Likewise through his set-up systems, laws and mechanisms as well as his purpose based revealed guidance he brings you the human populations to life when you understand his purpose based guidance purposefully properly and act upon it purposefully properly and he lets you perish when you fail to do that and he raises you again to heights of excellence after your fall from there to a life worth living when you live or abide by his purpose based advised way of life for mankind. As for all this instability and disruption in human population, it comes about only because mankind stop or prevent or hinder or hold back each other from accessing his provisions instead of helping and supporting each other towards purposeful proper use of his provisions for ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    067] For each and every human population we set the very same goals to accomplish according to our very same provided guidelines which they must accomplish so they cannot argue with you about their goals and guidelines and your goals and guidelines because you all have the very same goals or objective or targets to achieve or accomplish the same way therefore keep inviting them to the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by your creator and sustainer because you are certainly guided to the path that is provably or verifiably or confirmably purposefully proper for mankind for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in the human world.

    068] However if after all this explanation any people still come to you to argue or fight with you over our set goals and guidelines for mankind then tell them, Allah makes obvious for you the mankind what you ought to be thinking and doing for ensuring your own well being as a proper human community in his kingdom by complementing each other for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    069] So if any human population still fails in studying and acting upon purpose based guidance from Allah purposefully properly then set-up systems and laws of Allah will soon decide the matter between you the mankind through results of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other by bringing upon you the period of time that will be full of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions or upheavals regarding matters about which you are in dispute with each other and up in arms against each other and due to which you manipulate and use each other abusively instead of helping and supporting each other towards a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom and this situation will prevail or continue till the rule of law of Allah becomes purposefully properly established in the human world by his missionaries for settling all disputes between mankind purposefully properly.

    070] So why don’t you the mankind gather information about all of the whole of the real world realities and make purposeful proper sense of it all to see how extensively Allah has granted mankind ability to become aware of all that is in the rest of his kingdom just as he has given them the ability to gather and understand the information about this earth purposefully properly? Certainly that was written in our each and every scripture we revealed for mankind throughout times and places through our messengers for them. It was easy for Allah to create the kingdom of his creation and give mankind the ability to manage it purposefully properly for their own well being with help of our purpose based guidance as well as with help and full support of each other.

    071] Yet despite all these explanations mankind still abide by rules of laws or ways of life of others than or along with Allah for which he has revealed no sanction or authorisation or proof for them, nor have they themselves any information based upon any reasonable proof about them that they are worthy of being Gods or sovereigns in our kingdom and that mankind should live or abide by their rules of laws or ways of life. Surely those who think and do what is against our purpose based guidance for mankind and thereby inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they have none to help them guide themselves to the way of life that could lead them to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom so they can never have blissful, dignified and secure existence in our created human world unless they turn to our provided purpose based proper guidance for them.

    072] It is because only and only we alone can guide mankind purposefully properly through our purpose based guidance  for them to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom but when our brilliant program, goals and guidelines are proclaimed to such people by our missionaries to help them understand and do things purposefully properly, you can notice the signs of their anger and rage from their faces those who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance for them because thereby we stop them from thinking and doing things the way they think and do things whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. Instead of pondering over what is being explained to them by our missionaries, they can barely restrain themselves from assaulting or attacking or ambushing those who proclaim our purpose based revealed program, goals and guidelines to them for their purposeful proper guidance. Say to them, shall I tell you something which is far worse than that? It is the fire of hatred and animosity you people create among or between yourselves by living your lives the way you do whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other in opposition to purpose based guidance of Allah against which he has warned those who reject and oppose his guidance, but still after being in a terrible state of existence for long they still continue working hard to remain in that terrible state of existence and so they will unless they repent by giving up their way of life they live by and reform by adopting the purpose based way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah.

    073] O you the mankind, an explanation or comparison of the situation you are faced with is offered for you which you should ponder over or consider and evaluate purposefully properly by paying your purposeful proper attention to it. The situation is this that those people whom you take for Gods and rulers instead of or along with Allah and according to whose way of life or rule of law you people live by and invite other people to in opposition to purpose based guidance of Allah or way of life advised for mankind by Allah they cannot bring about or produce a rule of law or a way of life which could be used by you people for bringing about a proper human community in a place even at a smallest scale even if they all gather together on this ideology for their blissful, dignified and secure existence. It is because that rule of law or way of life is all about dominant people from among you securing their own petty personal gains from the undermined weak people from among you at their expense whereby there can only and only come about hatred and animosity between people which can only and only lead them to harms and destructions by hands of each other. Such a human population and its administration or management is standing upon such a weak or unjust or unfair foundation that if any stronger population and its administration takes away anything from it by force then it cannot get it back from it neither by force nor by justification because there is an inherent weakness in that way of life which is its lack of purpose based proper foundation both for to be the rulers and for to be their subjects.

    074] It is therefore very foolish of such people that they have not considered and evaluated the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah purposefully properly as they should have. No doubt the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah has a purpose based mighty strong just and fair foundation for them to build their own purpose based proper human community upon in his kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    075] This is why the purpose based guidance of Allah for mankind approves or appoints missionaries for it for the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in the human world both from among the most advantaged people as well as the least advantaged people and that is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that he is widely or vastly or comprehensively aware of all things purposefully properly.

    076] He also makes known who the leaders of rejecters and opponents of his purpose based advised way of life for mankind are as well as those who support them or back them up because according to only and only his set-up systems, laws, processes and mechanism alone take place all affairs in his kingdom.

    077] So O you people who declare your commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based guidance, mould or bend or model or modify yourselves according to his purpose based guidance for purposefully properly acting upon his purpose based proper guidance and that is how you should live or abide by purpose based guidance of your creator and sustainer by thinking and doing things that help you unite, grow, develop, progress and prosper so that you could end up in a blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a proper human community in his kingdom which is purposefully properly successful in bringing about a place or land or kingdom based upon his purpose based guidance.

    078] Therefore strive purposefully properly, steadfastly, constantly and consistently as hard as you ought to for establishing the rule of law of Allah in the human world purposefully properly with sincerity and discipline. He has appointed you people and he has advised a purpose based proper way of life for you that can free you from your self-created problems between yourselves. The way of life that was adopted by community of Abraham who was appointed and approved leader of your purpose based proper human community. Allah called you people, the people who supported or backed up that way of life, Muslims, so he will call you by same name in future if you will support and back up the same way of life as of now for which our this prophet and messenger acts as an example for you to see and think and do likewise in this regard so that you too act as an example for the rest of human populations in the human world to see and think and do likewise for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence. For this reason you ought to establish and maintain a proper human community in a place or land or kingdom and act for removing all sorts of ills from between the human populations in the human world by holding fast onto purpose based proper guidance of Allah for you because way of life advised by Allah is your solid foundation to stand upon to build your own purpose based proper human community to protect yourselves against all mutual harms and destructions from each other because his provided foundation is beneficial for your unity, peace, development, progress and prosperity. What an excellent foundation provider Allah is for mankind for their protection from harms and destructions people inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and what an excellent assistance is the purpose based way of life advised for mankind by Allah for their survival and prosperity.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #153 - September 11, 2023, 10:00 AM

    Surah 21        AL-ANBIYAA – The prophets and messengers chosen by Allah were ordinary human beings and not supernatural beings nor human beings with supernatural powers. They were given or assigned the task or mission for forming proper human communities for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for bringing about exemplary kingdoms for them that are managed by purpose based proper rule of law of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for them for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other for their blissful, dignified and secure existence within their jurisdictions in his kingdom but after the end of the prophet-hood and the messenger-ship from Allah the mission was fully passed onto their supporters and backers to carry it out till its completion.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] This set objective is well within the reach of mankind but due to their ignorance based arrogance they are being neglectful of working towards it so they are about to face consequences for doing so.

    002] It is because there comes not a purpose based message to mankind from their creator and sustainer bringing them some necessary additional information beyond their direct reach but some of them listen to it only for the purpose of perverting it or subverting it from its stated objective in order to remain engaged in their fooling about or harmful and destructive activities against our purpose based guidance as well as against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    003] Their minds are preoccupied with harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other in ways that lead to their own mutual harms and destructions by hands of each other. These chiefs of the rejectors and opponents of our purpose based guidance say to each other in private, is this the man who claims to be a prophet and messenger of Allah but he is nothing more than a human being like yourselves? Will you then give in to the trickery and falsehood of this man while knowing all this about him?

    004] Say to them, the set-up systems and laws of my creator and sustainer make obvious the results of every ambition and desire that is expressed by people in forms of their own words and actions be they the dominant elite or the down trodden masses because he observes all of them constantly and informs mankind about all they need to know and do for their purposeful proper growth and development as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    005] Yet some of them say, this Quran is only a collection of baseless dreamt up thoughts that are intellectually very confusing but others say, no, he has produced it with help of works of other people to fool us, and yet others say, no, he is just a nonsense talker who thinks he is better aware of things than us, but if what he claims is true then let him bring us a supernatural sign we ask for like that of the prophets and messengers of the past.

    006] The fact is, we never sent any supernatural sign they talk about to any of our prophets and messengers instead we only sent our purpose based guidance for people to live or abide by to have a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous existence as a proper human community in our kingdom yet not a single human population - which we left to itself due to its rejection of and opposition to our purpose based guidance therefore it ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other- committed itself to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a proper human community in our kingdom so will these people commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our provided purpose based guidance for them to save themselves from that kind of harm and destruction by hands of each other?

    007] The truth is, we never sent any prophets and messengers before you O our prophet and messenger but they were all most courageous human beings to whom we revealed our purpose based guidance for delivering it to people they were sent to in the human world. Say, if you people are unaware of this fact then ask the people who had been sent similar revealed scriptures before this Quran.

    008] Moreover we never gave our prophets and  messengers the bodies other than the ones ordinary humans beings have, which could survive without food and water or could live forever without needing necessities for living their lives.

    009] Regardless of whatever these people say against our purpose based guidance, our purpose based revealed information proved true in case of earlier generations of people because those who acted upon our purpose based guidance purposefully properly it saved them from harm and destruction by hands of each other due to their living as proper human communities in our kingdom but those who ignored or avoided our purpose based guidance ended up destroyed by hands of each other due to living by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    010] For this reason, we have sent you people our this book in which is information that can raise you to heights of excellence if you study it and act upon it purposefully properly. So why don’t you use your intelligence and do that which will ensure your well being through help and full support of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom?

    011] Think about how many places or lands or kingdoms that were full of human populations have we seen destroy themselves due to adopting the way of life whereby their dominant people secured their own petty personal gains from their undermined masses at their expense and that is how they inflicted harms and destructions upon them and ended up destroyed by their hands when they revolted or rose up against them instead of living their lives by our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind therefore we saw them replaced by other human populations?

    012] However when the tipping point reached and the dominant people felt that our set-up systems and laws were about to make them face the results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against their victims, they started fleeing from the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against their victims.

    013] So their victims who revolted against them said to them, do not run away now rather come back to your luxurious houses so that you could be questioned or held accountable or answerable or responsible to be made to taste or experience or undergo the consequences or penalties or punishments for what you did to us.

    014] They said before their victims, how sad, no doubt we have ruined ourselves due to adopting the way of life whereby we inflicted harms and destructions upon our victims to such degree for securing our petty personal gains from them at their expense that we ended up utterly ruined.

    015] They kept on repeating that statement before their victims till we saw them destroyed by them completely leaving no spark of life in them.

    016] So become aware of this fact O mankind that our creation of the far away galaxies as well as this galaxy and all that lies within them and in between them is not without a set purpose and plan just a vain exercise by us.

    017] Had we desired to make the kingdom of our creation a mere pass time or a plaything as you people assume then we will have done things that way to suit our that purpose all by our self, leaving nothing at your discretion or imagination.

    018] This is how we give falsehood a fatal blow with the truth to knock it out and that is how falsehood falls apart. Beware of the fact that terrible state of existence awaits for you the human population that attributes or ascribes its self created falsehood to us.

    019] The fact is, all people are own only and only by him alone or belong only and only to him alone whether they are in high positions of power or down trodden or down to earth. Those who will base themselves purposefully properly upon his purpose based proper guidance they will not try to dominate each other by undermining each other because they never deliberately ignore or avoid abiding by his purpose based proper guidance.

    020] Instead they strive their utmost as they are directed day and night to try and manifest glory of his purpose based proper guidance by turning it into a reality.

    021] Or have the Gods and rulers people have taken for themselves in the human world other than or along with Allah the ability to give them any purpose based guidance to raise them to heights of excellence?

    022] In fact had there been any Gods or rulers in the heaven and the earth other than or along with Allah, both the heavens and earth will have been in a state of disarray or disorder. Since the heavens and the earth are free of such disorder therefore that proves that the ownership and sovereignty of this whole kingdom of creation belongs only and only to Allah alone, who is free of all kinds of falsehood the ignorant and the arrogant among mankind attribute or ascribe to him.

    023] He is accountable or answerable to none about what he plans and does but mankind are accountable to him for whatever they think and do to each other against his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    024] Or do they due to their ignorance based arrogance think they have the right to take Gods and rulers other than or along with him? Say to them, bring your evidence or proof then. Here is the evidence and proof on behalf of those who support me as well as the evidence and proof on behalf of those who lived before me on the very same basis. The fact is, most of them are not aware of purpose based proper facts or how to make purpose based proper sense of them and that is why they have ignored our purpose based proper guidance for them and therefore they have ended up living the way they do whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    025] The truth is, we never sent any prophet and messenger before you to any people but we revealed to him that none has the right to claim Godship, ownership or rulership of this kingdom of which I alone am the creator and sustainer, so abide only and only by my rule of law in the human world as a proper human community in my kingdom for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence through help and full support of each other.
    026] Despite having received this message from us that Godship, ownership and sovereignty only and only belongs to me alone some still dare claim, the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind has a successor. No that is not the case rather all people who abide by his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind purposefully properly are his honoured law abiding citizens of his kingdom.

    027] They do not take their own thoughts, words and deeds above his rule of law for them instead they abide by his purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly.
    028] He makes obvious to them what went on in the human world before them and what is the future going to be for them and their coming generations this is why they do not participate or interact or partake in the human world but only and only the way it is consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for them according to his purpose based plan for the mankind so they are always mindful of his purpose based proper guidance and they are consistent with it as well as with each other therefore they benefit from it greatly or the most.

    029] They are also made aware that if any of them will claim, I have the right to Godship, ownership or sovereignty over people other than or along with Allah then we will let him face the terribly painful consequences for thinking, saying or doing so. This is how we leave those who transgress our set limits on their own to face the consequences of their own such harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other against our purpose based proper guidance.

    030] Those who deny our Godship, ownership and sovereignty of the kingdom of our creation why don’t they observe the kingdom to understand the fact that all the distant or far away galaxies as well as this galaxy were once upon a time a single mass, which we then split asunder to bring them about? Why don’t they also observe to understand the fact that we brought forth all living things from the water? After knowing all this will they still not commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence?

    031] Observe and understand also the fact that we brought about mountains and valleys or peaks and troughs or dunes and ditches or highs and lows on the earth lest the earth remained submerged under the water with them and we left between them open passages with landmarks so that they may find their way and direction when they go about their daily business on the land, sea, air or space.

    032] And we have made at a height a protective atmospheric globe or envelop of multi-layers around the earth yet they are not paying attention to our works as the evidences of our Godship, ownership and sovereignty of this kingdom.

    033] Say, he is the one who has given rise to the mechanism which results in phenomenon of the night and the day on the earth as well as he has created and evolved the sun and the moon. All the heavenly bodies are rotating or revolving on their own axis as well as travelling along swiftly each in an orbit of its own fulfilling its own set or assigned or programmed purpose for it.

    034] Likewise work all things in this kingdom including the cycle of life and death of individuals and populations, we never granted immortality to any human being before you so if you are to die as per our purpose based plan, will these rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance live forever?

    035] No, rather each and every living thing including human beings is bound to taste or undergo or go through experience of death. We only created and evolved you the mankind to put you through struggle to demonstrate our gifted abilities or potentials to you people with reference to or according to our purpose based proper guidance for you to think and do your worst or your best. Regardless you will think, say and do your best or your worst but remember the fact that ultimately you will have to turn to our purpose based guidance to have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom or you will certainly end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other due to securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    036] Despite all these explanations those who reject and oppose our purpose based guidance hold you in contempt when they see you instead of appreciating your hard work for trying to help them do well by saying to each other, is this the one who talks against your Gods, rulers and priests despite the fact that they themselves reject and oppose the purpose based proper guidance of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind?

    037] However the fact is, mankind are brought through direct life experiences therefore soon we will show you people our evidences when you people become purposefully  properly aware of real world realities by learning by way of your life experiences but you people should not expect of me for hurrying the process of your learning and doing things.

    038] After all these explanations, these like people still ask you, when will this time period which is promise by Allah about giving you people blissful, dignified and secure existence and delivering to us terrible state of existence become fulfilled if you have spoken the truth?

    039] Had the rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance understood our message purposefully properly they will not have asked this question as what they are asking about it has been explained already in detail. However the fact is, when that time period comes upon these people, they will not be able to protect or save their leaders and supporters from the consequences of the fire of hatred and animosity which they themselves will have ignited and spread because they will have none left to help them out of that situation.

    040] Not only that but time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions or upheavals can come upon them all of a sudden and overwhelm them so abruptly that they will be unable to avert it because they will have no time left to respond to it due to wasting their time by fighting each other for power or control over each other.

    041] As for their provocations through their taunts and mockery, our messengers before you were not given the due attention either but their taunters and scoffers were hemmed in by the very thing at which they used to scoff or laugh it off whenever they were warned about it.

    042] Ask them, upon whose set-up systems and laws other than the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind do you trust, depend or rely for your safety and security or protection be it the time period of the night or darkness or the day or brightness or the time period of regression or progress and prosperity? Despite relying upon his set-up systems and laws for their existence and continuous survival they still ignore and avoid living by purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer which is only there for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    043] Or is it that they have taken for themselves Gods and rulers other than or along with us who stop them from abiding by our purpose based proper guidance for mankind? Those whom they take for Gods and rulers other than or along with us they have no independent powers of their own even to help themselves so they cannot hold them back from abiding or living by our purpose based proper guidance for them to fulfil our assigned objective or goal or mission for them according to our advised purpose based proper way of life for them if they decide or become determined to live or abide by it purposefully properly.

    044] The fact is, it is we who have provided them and their forefathers with provisions in abundance for bringing about blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance by using our provisions for mankind purposefully properly but instead they got used to using our provisions against our purpose based guidance or advice so our assigned mission for them for bringing about or building a proper human community in our kingdom became distant for them. However as a result of their continuous inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, do they not see that we are gradually reducing the land under their control or management in every way? So do they still expect to overcome their own self created problems between themselves without our purpose based proper guidance when they are busy fighting with each other trying to dominate each other by undermining each other due to their own foolishness and stupidity?

    045] Tell them, I am warning and alerting you people well in advance about things that are bound to take place or come to pass or happen on the basis of revelation from Allah and only the stubborn or deaf will choose not to listen to or heed the call when they are being warned against the way they are living their lives whereby they are harming and destroying each other.

    046] However even if a light touch of that wrath touched them about which your creator and sustainer has warned them they will certainly have cried, terribly harmful and destructive future we have and we should have known such terrible troubles were expected as consequences of our own harms and destructions which we inflicted upon each other for securing our own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    047] Regardless of their responses to our purpose based proper guidance for them we have put forth purposefully properly balanced and consistent standards or values or criteria for mankind to bring about the time period when they are purposefully properly established or implemented in the human world by themselves where after none should inflict or suffer any injustice by hands of anyone. So that even if someone thinks, says and acts for the benefit of others to the least possible degree for our sake we will bring it to light for rest of people to see it and reward it purposefully properly because our set-up systems and laws are sufficiently efficient to keep things in purposeful proper balance and consistent in the whole of our kingdom of creation.

    048] For this very reason we granted Moses and Aaron our criterion as well as the light of reasoning so that they could strive hard to establish our purpose based criteria or standard for those who wished or desired or yearned or longed for consistency with our purpose based set criterion or standard or benchmark as well as with each other.

    049] Such as were looking forward towards the set criterion or standard of their creator and sustainer even though they had not seen it at work or in practice yet but due to suffering painfully by hands of each other they cherished the time period when that was to become an established reality for them to live or abide by for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    050] Likewise blissful, dignified and secure existence providing criterion is this standard which we have revealed as the Quran for you the mankind of this age or era or time period, will you people still deny its benefits and advantages for yourselves and keep on suffering terribly by hands of each other by continue living your lives by way of life you already live by?

    051] Likewise even before Moses and Aaron we blessed Abraham with his due purpose based guidance as a set criterion or standard from us, so that thereby we make him known as the most learned person of the purpose based proper information in the human world at the time as well as the one who acted upon it purposefully properly for ensuring blissful, dignified and secure existence of his people as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    052] So imagine or bring to your mind the occasion when Abraham asked the chief priest of his people as well as his people who were with him at the time, what is the matter with you people and what sort of mindset, attitude and behaviour is this that you people have pinned or hooked all your hopes, dreams, ambition and desires upon your Gods, rulers and priests and sitting yourselves idle saying and doing nothing at all purposefully properly productive or useful against your painful suffering by hands of each other, living your lives at their mercy even for the fulfilment of your own very basic personal needs and wants or livelihood?

    053] They replied, we found our ancestors or predecessors or forefathers serving their Gods, rulers and priests this way and fulfilling their needs and wants that way so we live by their tradition or culture and customs or rule of law or way of life.

    054] He said, obviously that is why both you and your forefathers have been living by a purposeless wrong way of life whereby you people have been securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and that has led you far away from the purpose based proper way of life that was advised for mankind by Allah and which led people to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    055] They said, have you brought us that purpose based proper guidance to that purposeful proper way of life or are you one of those who talk nonsense for making fool of other people?

    056] He replied, no I am not of those who talk nonsense by making false promises to people to make fool of them rather the fact is, I have received the revelation from Allah that your true creator and sustainer is the one who is actual creator and sustainer of the heavens and the earth who has brought them about out of nothing and evolved them and I am one of those who bear witness or testify to this fact on the basis of the received revelation from him therefore back me up for establishing his rule of law in the human world in his kingdom purposefully properly so that we all could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    057] Should you turn down my this call or invitation or request for establishing the rule of law of Allah in our human world after having received the purpose based proper guidance from Allah and having its purposeful proper understanding then I will certainly plan and take action against tricks and mechanism of those people who have taken control over you by conditioning your minds that way and whom you have given control over yourselves due to that process of mental conditioning and you people also idolise or revere or honour or respect them as your Gods, rulers and priests due to your moving away from using your minds purposefully properly for reasoning and thinking things through thoroughly or purposefully properly according to purpose based guidance of Allah.

    058] After he put his case purposefully properly and effectively before them whereby he dismantled and destroyed their arguments, excuses and justifications for their sticking to their Gods, rulers and priests whom they idolised, revered and honoured, he asked them to consider all this information purposefully properly and requested them for their purposeful proper support and backing for his assigned mission by Allah for the establishment of his rule of law in the place or land or kingdom they lived in, hoping they will turn to purpose based proper guidance of Allah but instead they responded by turning down his request save a leading person who was most influential.

    059] As the news of this occasion gradually spread among the rest of the people they asked each other, who has raised such harmful and destructive concerns and questions targeted at our Gods, rulers and priests whom we idolise and revere or honour or respect greatly, he must be a terribly harmful and destructive person.

    060] Some of them said, we have heard about a youth called Abraham entering in discussions and debates with people over these like issues.

    061] The people in authority said, send for him an invitation or a summoning to appear before the people so that they could witness or see him regarding what he says and does and how he says it and does it.

    062] When Abraham appeared before them they asked him, O Abraham, are you the one who has raised concerns or questions about or against our idolised or greatly revered and honoured Gods, rulers and priests?

    063] He replied, rather than questioning me about this matter you should be questioning the one who is responsible for thinking and doing all this to them or these people along with his supporters or their this great priest and his subordinates or their ruler and his chiefs or ministers. So question them about what is going on in our human population between its people and why and see if they can answer these questions logically consistently and purposefully properly?

    064] Thereupon the people who summoned Abraham before their masses turned towards each other and said to each other, surely you people have done the wrong thing by accusing Abraham for being responsible for all this mess in our human population.

    065] Despite being convinced that Abraham was accused wrongly by the people as there was no proof against him they turned round and said to Abraham, you know full well that they cannot speak against the decisions taken by the high priest or the ruler or the ruling or the priestly leadership.

    066] At this Abraham said to them, why do you then take such people as your Gods, rulers and priests or idols holding them in high esteem or regard instead of or along with Allah who can neither benefit you because they do not have the needed knowledge and power nor can they harm or destroy you because they do not have the needed power to do so?

    067] Shame is upon you the people as well as upon hose whom you serve by taking them as your highly revered and honoured or idolised Gods, rulers and priests other than or along with Allah. Have you people learned no sense to understand all this situation purposefully properly.

    068] Upon these sayings of Abraham they said to each other, put him through torture if you must take any revenge or action to protect honour of your highly regarded Gods, rulers and priests.

    069] But when some of them decided to put him through torture due to fire of hatred and animosity we let others cool them down that is how we changed the atmosphere of raging hatred and  animosity into a peaceful environment through Abraham.

    070] They sought to carry out their plot against him but we made them abandon their plot or scheme or conspiracy.

    071] That is how we saved him and Lot by directing them to the foundation or criterion or standard we had blessed them with for their people so that it becomes the criterion for all the human populations in the human world.

    072] We granted Abraham Isaac and then Jacob also and we turned each of them into people who removed disputes, tensions, rivalries, hatred and animosity, fights and wars from between people or human populations as well as other obstacles in the way of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of the proper human community in our kingdom.

    073] We appointed them as guides who led people with help of our purpose based proper guidance as a mission because we sent them revelations to think and do things which help human beings unite to be peaceful to make progress and be prosperous through establishing a proper human community network in a place or land or kingdom and keep on strengthening and expanding it and that is how they remained purposefully properly committed people to our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    074] likewise to Lot we gave sense of managing a people and a place or kingdom purposefully properly according to our purpose based proper guidance due to learning purpose based proper knowledge and that is how we delivered him to a safe and secure place from among the people of a place or land or kingdom who lived by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other against our purpose based proper guidance for them. Surely its inhabitants were a people who were given to a way of life that was founded upon creating or causing disputes, rivalries, tensions, hatred, animosities, fights and wars between people for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    075] That is why we entered or admitted him and his supporters into a place or land or kingdom wherein they lived in a state of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom because he was of those who removed disputes, tensions, rivalries, hatred and animosities, fight and wars from between people and did works that helped people unite to be peaceful to make progress to be prosperous by actualising their potentialities as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    076] Even before all of them Noah relied upon our set-up systems and laws so we helped him succeed in his mission that was assigned to him by us and that is how we helped him and his people survive and prosper in the face of grave hardship and difficulty that needed very hard work by them according to our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    077] We helped him against the chiefs and priests from among his people who rejected and opposed our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for them because they were a people who were given to denying masses our given rights to them to our granted provisions for them. Surely they were a harmful and destructive people so we let them drown in their own atrocities against each other.

    078] Similarly we helped David and Solomon to succeed in their respective missions that were assigned to them by us when they were trying to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in a place or land in the human world to be ruled purposefully properly according to our purpose based proper guidance. That was the time when they established and maintained or implemented or applied extensively our rule of law whereby they took charge of leadership of scattered populations of people to turn them into a purposeful proper human community through purposeful proper management of people and resources and that is how we kept our eye upon their management of people and resources.

    079] Upon Solomon we bestowed ability of understanding all these things purposefully properly very early in his life but to each of them we granted wisdom through learning purpose based knowledge and that is how we made the influential people among populations in his community complement David to strive hard for making glory of our purpose based proper guidance manifest through rising to heights of excellence as a proper human community in our kingdom like a community of soaring birds. It were we who made all this happen for ensuring well being of mankind through our purpose based proper guidance which leads mankind to their blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom if they study and act upon it purposefully properly.

    080] We taught the proper human community how to manage people and resources purposefully properly to cover all vulnerabilities to screen and shield or shelter its people from all kinds of problems that may face you the proper human community, so will you the mankind therefore use our purpose based provisions appropriately or purposefully properly?

    081] Because this is how we made social, political, cultural and economic atmosphere or environment satisfactory for Solomon and his proper human community in a place or land because things progressed according to his plan of action towards our provided purpose based proper social, political, cultural and economic foundation upon which he placed or founded or established or made dependent blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind purposefully properly and this is how we make obvious to mankind that we are comprehensively aware of everything in our kingdom of creation.

    082] This is how we turned helpful for him many of the leading rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance who were experts in various fields of knowledge because they dived due to him into the sea of knowledge from us and that is how they ended up performing various tasks along with him purposefully properly because we kept our eye over them through our set-up systems and laws.

    083] Likewise we attended to Job when he called upon his creator and sustainer saying, my people have fallen into spiral of inflicting harm and destruction upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other and they have become trapped in there so only you can provide them with purpose based proper information for solutions of their biological, psychological and sociological problems to come out of that terrible situation or state of existence.

    084] So we fulfilled his wish or desire by showing him the purpose based proper way of life for mankind to live by to remove thereby problems between his people which faced him and his people that is how we brought about supporters for him and brought about likes of them along with them due to blissful, dignified and secure life providing purpose based proper guidance from us for spreading it among our human creatures so that those who wish could abide by it as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    085] Same we did with Ishmael, Enoch and Ezekiel and all of them proved constantly consistent with our purpose based guidance for them as well as with each other for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    086] The reason we entered or admitted them all into state of blissful, dignified and secure existence respectively in the places they lived in was because they were all of those who worked very, very hard for removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars as well as any other obstacles and barriers or hurdles in their way of unity, peace, progress and prosperity as proper human communities in our kingdom.

    087] And similar was the case or story of Jonah who was a man who had learned purpose based proper information as well as its purposeful proper understanding. Once upon a time he went away from his place bursting with energy because of lot of pain due to living of his people by a way of life whereby they inflicted terrible harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other which led many of them into terrible painful suffering by hands of each other and he thought we were not going to do anything to redress his concern about them yet in depths of this darkness of ignorance and hopeless and dire situation that faced his people he called upon us in his severe distress saying, there is no God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation other than you who takes care of all things without fail, yet I am stuck among or between a human population which inflicts terrible harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    088] So we fulfilled his wish and delivered his people from that terribly painful state of existence through our advised purpose based proper way of life for them according to our purpose based guidance and their purposeful proper following of it because that is how we save a people from inflicting terribly painful suffering upon each other who purposefully properly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    089] Likewise was the case of Zechariah regarding his people when he called upon his creator and sustainer saying, my creator and sustainer let not my people become isolated or cut off from each other as individuals after me because your purpose based proper guidance for mankind is full of helpful suggestions to help them live in the human world as a proper human community in your kingdom.

    090] So we fulfilled his wish and granted him John as a successor and through him we mended and maintained his purpose based proper human community network for him. So they became such a people who were ever ready to take part in all sorts of works that helped them remain unite to be peaceful to make progress to become and remain prosperous as a proper human community in our kingdom because they relied purposefully properly upon our purpose based proper guidance for them due to being purposefully properly attracted to it due to being humbled by its loftiness so they were always mindful of our guidance and they were consistent with it as well as with each other due to it no matter whatever they thought or did to ensure well being of each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    091] It was such a human population that took care of all its vulnerabilities and weaknesses because we revealed for it our purpose based proper guidance or program whereby we turned it and its leadership into as an exemplary human population for all the rest of human populations in the world to model themselves upon it.

    092] All this information clearly shows that it is verifiably true that this brotherhood of yours (the human kind) is a single brotherhood and only and only I alone am your creator and sustainer therefore abide only and only by my rule of law alone if you want to live a purposeful proper blissful, dignified and secure life as a proper human community network in my kingdom.

    093] However despite my clear purpose based proper guidance and advice mankind have harmed and destroyed their brotherhood by choosing a way of life for themselves whereby they inflicts harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other. However ultimately they will have to turn or return to my purpose based advised way of life for them for its establishment or reestablishment and maintenance if they wish to live trouble-free and reasonably happy lives purposefully properly.

    094] Therefore any human population that works towards removing rifts from among mankind to mend human relationships because it commits itself purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom therefore its endeavour or hard work for removing ills from itself will not be allowed to go to waste because that is what we have set-up our systems and laws for in our kingdom of creation.

    095] Despite our desire that people live as we advise them nonetheless we strictly leave such people of a place or land or kingdom to their own chosen way of life who choose to live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other due to which they inflict harms and destructions upon each other so we let them end up weakened or destroyed by hands of each other because they do not turn to our purpose based guidance for them

    096] until they become so weak as a people whereupon they are taken over by a brutal lawless people who are given to loot and plunder who swiftly swarm down upon them from every ambushing place or hilltop.

    097] That is why in due course after a lot of painful humiliating suffering by their hands they start looking for a way out of this horrible situation and that is when they are forced to make a move towards establishing our purpose based proper rule of law in the place they live in by working for bringing about a place or land or kingdom and that is how they draw near to having our promised kingdom for themselves. However when it becomes a reality the eyes of rulers and their supporters who reject and oppose the establishment of our purpose based rule of law in the human world will be caught staring in surprise saying, our future is in trouble now because we are caught unaware by success of this movement and that is because we were busy inflicting harms and destructions upon each other.

    098] That is how you and your Gods and rulers that you take for yourselves other than or along with Allah all end up in hell of your own making wherein you remain unless you turn to our purpose based proper guidance for you purposefully properly.

    099] If those Gods and rulers had the power as you ascribe or attribute to them or assume for them then they could not have ended up in hell of their own making but they will all end up and remain in there for as long as they will live unless they stop living that way and turn to our advised purpose based proper way of life for them.

    100] For them in that terrible state of existence will be sobbing and sighing as they will be full of regrets because they ended up in that situation by not heeding our purpose based proper guidance and advice.

    101] Surely those who will compete with each other for ensuring well being of each other, for them there is a promise of beautiful outcome from us for their complementing each other or for their supportive and helpful thoughts and actions for each other therefore they will be kept far away from the state of existence wherein there is crying and wailing due to regrets because of painful suffering for those who create or cause that state of existence for themselves.

    102] Not a sound full of regrets and sighs they will hear in that state of existence instead they will be in a state of existence which they will have desired for themselves by working very, very hard for it according to our purpose based proper guidance.

    103] Even the time of great worry about future for rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world will not worry them because on the contrary to what goes on in the human world of rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper rule of law they will be inspired by the management of kingdom based purposefully properly upon our purpose based proper guidance  saying, this is your time period during which you were promised to live a blissful, dignified and secure life as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    104] At that time we will wind up or wrap up the harmful and destructive ruling elite like rolling up of a scroll of writings, and we will turn things the way they were again when we set-up our kingdom in the human world the very first time through Adam and his people. That is a promise for you people by us, and we will for sure fulfil it.

    105] We wrote this in the Zaboor after the Torah that as for the human world, it will be ultimately inherited by such people for its purposeful proper management who will abide by my purpose based proper guidance for managing people and resources by removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions, fights and wars from between mankind as well as all other obstacles, barriers and hurdles in the way of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in my kingdom.

    106] Surely in this news is a great message for a people who will abide by my purpose based proper guidance for them.

    107] It is because we have not sent you O messenger of ours but as a missionary for delivering our blissful, dignified, and secure life providing guidance for all the human populations in the human world to study it and abide by it purposefully properly.

    108] Therefore say to them, O mankind, it has been revealed to me that your God and owner as well as sovereign is only and only one so will you then accept living by purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by him which can lead mankind to their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom?

    109] If they turn away from this message then tell them, I have alerted you all alike about the purpose based proper message of Allah without any bias or discrimination, however, I have no idea as to the time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions and upheavals or the coming about or establishment of the kingdom based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah you are promised whether it is near or far because it all depends upon yourselves whether you adopt one way of life or the other and how soon or how late and how hard you work for it if you do.

    110] It is he alone whose set-up systems and laws make your motives and thoughts obvious through your own actions for or against each other for all to see. That is how he makes obvious your hidden potentialities through their actualisation by yourselves.

    111] So I know not if you will have to struggle for a very long time to establish the kingdom based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah purposefully properly or not but only and only therein lies your blissful, dignified and secure existence for a set period of time as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    112] Therefore each of our messengers did declare to his people this fact that my creator and sustainer is the sole provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom and that is why his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind must be sought and adopted against any way of life mankind falsely attribute to him.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #154 - September 17, 2023, 03:52 PM

    Surah 20      TWAA HAA- A prophet and messenger is not sent by Allah to make life of mankind troublesome and problematic but to help them through his purpose based proper guidance to unite to be peaceful to make progress and be prosperous as a proper human community in his kingdom through ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Twaa Haa.

    002] For this reason we have not sent you this Quran so that people continue living by a way of life whereby they inflict harms and destruction upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other and that way remain in a troublesome and problematic state of existence.

    003] The purpose of sending this Quran to you is so that thereby you lead such people out of that state of existence who use their minds to learn to see or realise or become aware of the need for such a purposeful proper guidance for them.

    004] This purpose based proper guidance is sent to you for mankind by the one who has created and evolved this galaxy as well as all the far away galaxies that are at a far away distance from this galaxy.

    005] The one who is provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind has comprehensive control over whole of his kingdom of creation.

    006] Only and only to him alone belongs and for him alone works to fulfil his purpose based proper plan whatever is in all the distant galaxies as well as all that is in this galaxy and all that which is within them as well as in between them and all that is within the extent of whole of his kingdom or is under his jurisdiction.

    007] Therefore if you the mankind will express yourselves according to his purpose based proper guidance in the Quran then he will make obvious for you the solutions of all the facing problems even of those which are most difficult to know and solve.

    008] Such is Allah other than or along with whom none is God or owner or ruler of this kingdom of his. Only and only his lofty program, goals and guidelines can help mankind make their human world a beautiful place for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom. 

    009] Has the story or history of Moses and his people reached you in this regard?

    010] After going away from his people for some time when he returned home with some of his people, he saw the fire of hatred and animosity between his people spreading due to the way of life they adopted after deviating from the way of life they used to live by because of which they ended up in disputes, rivalries, tensions and fights among themselves so he said to his people, hold back yourselves from getting fully involved in things like these and stay calm. I understand things about this fire of hatred and animosity as to how it comes about and spreads and how to deal with it effectively so let me go among people and observe things carefully so that I could understand the nature of this fire of hatred and animosity between our people so that I could bring you the leadership of our people some information about it or a lit torch of knowledge with which you could enlighten yourselves and become united and free of fire of hatred and animosity again.

    011] That was the time when he reached the needed degree of enlightenment so he heard a call from us saying, O Moses,

    012] I am your creator and sustainer indeed so your search for source of purpose based proper information from us has succeeded therefore get ready for a very difficult task ahead because you are on a purposeful proper base or footing or foundation to carry out this mission of mine assigned for you.

    013] It is because I have chosen you as my prophet and messenger for your people so as of now keep listening to what you are revealed to get on with your mission assigned for you by me.

    014] So become fully alert to the fact that I am Allah, the one other than or along with whom none is God, owner or ruler of this kingdom of creation therefore carryout my assigned mission for you which is you are to bring about and maintain or establish a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom according to my purpose based proper guidance.

    015] The time period for revolts, uprisings, bloody revolution upheavals and the establishment of my rule of law in the human world by my missionaries always approaches or arrives because that is how I have planned and set up things to become a reality when people in position of power reject and oppose my purpose based proper guidance for them or they abide by it so that each people get the outcome they work for or towards.

    016] Therefore be alert or careful and let not any people who do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in my kingdom according to my purpose based proper guidance and instead they follow their own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires join your movement because such a people will put obstacles or barriers or hurdles in the way of your movement or mission and thereby your movement will end up derailed or destroyed.

    017] So tell me O Moses, what do you think of this purpose based proper information which is now in your hand or possession or power as your purpose based proper foundation to work from?

    018] Moses replied, this is my purpose based proper foundation which I can trust and can rely or depend upon where upon I will base myself and I will use it to provide food for thought and action for those I need to help and look after and I see many other purposeful proper uses for it.

    019] We said O Moses, now lay down this purpose based proper information before your people for their purposeful proper consideration.

    020] So when he put this purpose based proper information before his people for their consideration, behold, it inspired and motivated them to become active, lively and energetic to think and act according to it purposefully properly.

    021] We said to Moses, take this purpose based proper human community under your care for its purposeful proper education and training and worry not about it, if it becomes purposefully properly active and remains active according to our purpose based proper guidance then soon we will restore it back to its former blissful, dignified and secure state of existence.

    022] So bring together and keep closer to yourself all your people who desire to be under your care for bringing them out of darkness of ignorance into light of knowledge for freeing them from disputes, rivalries, tensions, fights, hatred and animosities between themselves for the next or the other stage of your mission as a proper human community.
    023] So that we could make obvious for you people our greatest objectives or goals for you to achieve or accomplish according to our purpose based proper guidelines.

    024] After they reached the needed stage in their assigned mission we said to Moses and Aaron, go to Pharaoh and his chiefs because he has been inflicting harms and destructions upon people for securing his own petty personal gain from them at their expense in opposition to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    025] Moses said, O my creator and sustainer, open my mind to purposeful proper understanding of the situation by way of your purpose based proper guidance

    026] and thereby or that way make my mission or task easy

    027] and remove any problem or resistance, reluctance or hesitation in my expression of your purpose based proper message for mankind

    028] so that people could understand what I say purposefully properly

    029] and grant me courage and strength through help and full support of my people

    030] as well as through my brother Aaron

    031] grant me strength

    032] and make him a partner in my mission or task you have assigned for me

    033] so that we could strive hard enough

    034] to spread your purpose based proper message for mankind widely as far we can reach.

    035] You are indeed the one who has always taken care of us.

    036] Allah said to him, O Moses, your concern is addressed or your demand is met or your request is granted.

    037] And remember we already bestowed a favour upon you people earlier as well

    038] when we inspired and motivated your community leadership saying,

    039] get the community out of its terrible state of existence it is stuck in by putting it through a strict intensive purpose based proper learning process so that that education and training puts it on solid footing or foundation so that then the leadership along with the community support could deal or face or confront the people who are rejectors and opponent of my purpose based proper guidance for mankind because they campaign or struggle against its missionaries for the establishment of my rule of law in the human world. That is how I turned you people into a loving and loveable proper human community by so arranging things that you may carry out my assigned mission in light of my purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    040] Call to your mind when a sister community of yours said to your leadership, should I tell you about each and every person who can fulfil this task or project for taking care of this community? That was the reason we brought you back to your mother community to comfort its eyes and so that it does not live continuously in yet more suffering. That is why when you fought an official of Pharaoh, we let you get away from their reaction and that was the reason we put you through various trying and testing situations to help you learn things and become suitable for carrying out our mission. You stayed a number of years with the people of Median and that is how O Moses, you developed and progressed to reach our required standard for our prophet-hood and messenger-ship.

    041] That is how I brought you into a mental and physical shape or frame of mind and body fit for serving my mission assigned for you.

    042] So now you and your brother both should go with my purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines to Pharaoh and his chiefs but you should not be slack or weak or hesitant in reminding him rationally and sensibly about my purpose based proper guidance for them.
    043] You both should go to Pharaoh because he is living against my purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    044] However speak to him gently or softly so that he has the opportunity to reflect and think or ponder over consequences of his harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against the people in the land or kingdom he controls or manages.

    045] They said, our creator and sustainer, we are concerned that due to his ignorance based arrogance he may ignore or avoid our message or try to influence us.

    046] Allah said, worry not my help and support is with both of you to help you remain observant and alert to help you understand and do all you need to know and do in this situation or in this regard.

    047] So go to him and say, we both are prophets and messengers from your creator and sustainer so let the ideological children of Israel be free to join us by ending their enslavement, oppression and torture. We have brought you program, goals and guidelines of your creator and sustainer so stop living by way of life you live whereby you secure your own petty personal gains from others at their expense and start studying them and act upon them purposefully properly. That is because blissful, dignified and secure existence awaits only and only for those people who live by purposeful proper way of life that is advised for mankind by their creator and sustainer.

    048] Certainly it has also been revealed to us that any people who will continue living by a way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other by rejecting and opposing his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind will end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    049] When Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh and delivered him this message, he said, who is this creator and sustainer of both of you, O Moses?

    050] Moses replied, our creator and sustainer is he who has given a distinct shape and form in reality to each and every thing he has created and evolved by programming and thereby guiding it purposefully properly to do what it was supposed to do for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan.

    051] Pharaoh asked, what do you say about the way our forefathers lived their lives, why they were not harmed and destroyed by hands of each other by living their lives this way?

    052] Moses replied, the answer for that question of yours is found in the set up systems and laws of my creator and sustainer. The set up systems and laws of my creator and sustainer cannot be fooled and they cannot be made to ignore what any people think, say or do but they act purposefully properly as they are programmed.

    053] My creator and sustainer is he whose set-up systems and laws are such as brought about the earth as a cradle for you the mankind and traced the roads on it for you to walk or move about upon as well as they send down fresh water from the clouds raised high in the heaven for your sustenance. Surely with water from the sky we produce generations of various kinds of growths or fruits and vegetables.

    054] Of which you yourselves eat as well as pasture or feed your cattle on. Surely there in are lessons to learn for those who use their brains and senses purposefully properly to observe and understand things.

    055] Just like creating and evolving other things likewise we created and evolved you the mankind from the earth and we let you return to it and we will bring you forth there from once more for another life.

    056] That is how we put forth our whole program with goals and guidelines purposefully properly before Pharaoh to consider it purposefully properly yet due to his ignorance based arrogance he rejected and opposed it because he wanted to keep his dominance over people by keeping them enslaved or undermined and under his control.

    057] So instead of studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper program for accomplishing its goals according to our guidelines he said, O Moses, have you come to get us out of our place or land or kingdom or way of life or ideology through your impressive plan to fool us?

    058] However we will match your this impressive ideological social, political, cultural, economic and religious plan so let us agree on a time for meeting between you and us for an open debate which neither we nor you shall fail to keep in a place where we both have equal access.

    059] Moses replied, let it be the day of festival and let there assemble people at midmorning who think of themselves as brilliant and clever orators or speakers.

    060] So Pharaoh withdrew, concerted his plot and came forth with his supporters.

    061] Moses warned them, harms and destructions will befall you by hands of each other so dare not in forging and attributing lies against Allah lest he lets you remain stuck in this terrible state of existence to end up harmed and destroyed through stagnation and regression as such inventors of lies are left stuck in their frustration disappointed and desperate or hopeless as per set-up systems and laws of Allah.

    062] Regardless they disagree with each other yet went ahead and discussed privately or secretly among themselves as to how to handle the facing situation

    063] by saying to one another, these two are certainly expert planners who intend to drive you out of your place or way of life with their plan and to do away with your cherished traditions and customs.

    064] Therefore bring together all your skills and face the brothers with a united front because whichever party comes out victorious today its way of life will prove worthy of following.

    065]They said, O Moses, will you be the first to argue your case or shall we?

    066] Moses replied, no you can go ahead and argue your case first. So when they delivered their arguments, explanations and evidences in various ways in order to support their traditions and customs their ideas appealed to the gathering the way they expressed them whereby they appeared moved or impressed.

    067] Due to that Moses became concerned within himself about the response of masses to deliverance of their speeches.

    068] We said, worry not, you will surely come out on the top.

    069] So deliver our purposeful proper message which is in your possession. It will overcome whatever they have invented or fabricated and put forth or presented before the masses. What they have produced is nothing more than their trickery of expression because invented ideas and tricks of their delivery cannot lead people to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in our kingdom for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    070] So after Moses delivered his arguments, explanations and evidences the experts in politics, culture, economics and religious tricks were humbled before the very eyes of the very same crowd and they said, we commit ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to purpose based proper guidance of creator and sustainer of Moses and Aaron in his kingdom.

    071] Seeing this Pharaoh said, how dare you people commit yourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity according to guidance of creator and sustainer of Moses and Aaron before seeking my permission about it? This man must be your master who taught you the skills you demonstrated. I will surely cut off or destroy yours and your backers’ strength due to your opposing me or going against me then you will realise which of us can inflict most terrible and most lasting as well as most damaging penalty.

    072] The experts replied, we will not prefer your tradition and custom or way of life or rule of law over that brilliant purpose based proper way of life or rule of law which is brought to our attention that has come from our creator or originator. So announce or issue whatever decision or judgement or order you wish to issue or announce. You can only pronounce or issue your decision or judgement or order just now while you have the power and control in this land.

    073] As for us, we have surely committed ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to purpose based proper guidance of our creator and sustainer in his kingdom so that thereby he gives us the blissful, dignified and secure existence through our overcoming the harms and destructions our harmful and destructive thought and actions have caused to others because we thought and did that due to your disdainful or loathed harmful and destructive influence and conditioning or brainwashing based upon your fabricated or concocted falsehood. However we know now for a fact that the purpose based proper way of life or rule of law of Allah is the best therefore it can delivers lasting best possible results of thoughts and actions of mankind for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other due to their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    074] Surely any human population that approaches the purpose based proper message of its creator and sustainer with a criminal mind in a criminal way it will therefore end up rejecting and opposing it and that human population for that reason will surely end up or land in hell of its own making by hands of each other in due course, wherein it will neither die nor live.

    075] On the contrary any human population that will approach his message purposefully properly it will commit itself purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a proper human community in his kingdom according his purpose based proper guidance for mankind therefore it will surely act to remove disputes, rivalries, tensions, hatred and animosity, fights and wars or any other obstacles, barriers and hurdles from between people or human populations so that they could come together and unite to become peaceful to make progress to become prosperous as a proper human community in his kingdom by complementing each other purposefully properly. Such are the people for whom are guaranteed heights of excellence therefore blissful, dignified and secure existence

    076] in the places or lands or kingdoms which are full of most useful raw materials, in which under their purposeful proper administrations or managements or governing bodies they will make things of need and want for mankind flow like rivers to live therein for as long as they will maintain their this state of existence. Such will be the outcome for the course of thoughts and actions of those who will try their best according to their God given abilities to free their human populations from all kinds of ills or troubles or problems.

    077] That is why we sent our revelation to Moses saying, set on a delightful journey along with supporters of my mission in order to put them on a path that can lead them out of the sea of troubles and problems or crisis so that you people have no fear of being overwhelmed by sea of troubles or problems or crisis or matters of concern.

    078] However Pharaoh and hosts or multitudes of his supporters tried to do likewise or tried to follow their example but according to their own way of life whereby they inflicted more and more harms and destructions upon each other for securing more and more their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so in due course they were completely overwhelmed by their self created sea of troubles and problems between themselves about which they were already warned well in advance but they did not heed the warnings.

    079] That is how it became obvious for mankind that Pharaoh indeed misled his people instead of guiding them purposefully properly according to our purpose based proper guidance like Moses.

    080] O Children of Israel, no doubt we freed you or saved you from your enemies because we took covenant of you to side with or go along with purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by us so that thereby we bring about for you blissful, dignified and secure existence through your own hard works with help and full support of each other as a proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance.

    081] So make purposeful proper use of each and every thing we have provided for you for your blissful, dignified and secure existence and do not think and do anything in a way that brings harms and destructions upon a people by hands of each other in case you too end up in grip of terrible troubles and problems or crisis due to delivery of consequences of your own thoughts and actions against each other by my set up systems and laws. Remember any people who end up in grip of troubles and problems or crisis at any time in any place do so due to following their own fabricated and adopted harmful and destructive way of life based upon their own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    082] This is how I protect, save and secure a people who repent and turn to my purpose based proper guidance by leaving their harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and reform by purposefully properly committing themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in my kingdom according to my purpose based proper guidance and they actively remove disputes, rivalries, tensions, hatred and animosity, fights and wars from between people as well as they remove any obstacles or barriers or hurdles in the path of people which hold them back from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity so that they could become and remain a proper human community in my kingdom. No doubt such are the people who are truly and surely purposefully properly guided indeed.

    083] At length when some people of Moses became confused and misled we asked Moses, O Moses, what made you hasten the education and training of your people that they failed to grasp things purposefully properly as they were supposed to?
    084] He said, I saw some of them coming along or catching up with me so I hurried things up regarding their purpose based proper education and training for establishing your purpose based proper rule of law in the land we live in quicker or sooner rather than later so that we get to the stage whereat you wished us to be sooner rather than later.

    085] His creator and sustainer said, we indeed put your people through very hard struggle along with you for their purpose based proper education and training according to our purpose based proper guidance for them but due to your going far ahead of some of them they have become confused by AL-SAAMIREE, a person of devious, dubious and suspicious character with hidden agenda.
    086] So Moses turned to his people leaving whatever he was doing for the establishment of the rule of law of Allah in his place of residence in a state of disappointment and sadness and said, O my people, did your creator and sustainer not have an agreement with you for blessing you with an attractive life through your own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom through a purpose based proper way of life which leads a people to their blissful, dignified and secure existence? Was the agreement too demanding for you or was it that you wanted to attract a state of existence that is full of troubles, problems and crisis for you by ignoring purpose based proper guidance and advice of your creator and sustainer so some of you ended up violating your agreement with your creator and sustainer which you entered through me freely?

    087] The vocal ones from among them said, we did not go against the accord or promise we made to Allah through you all by ourselves rather we were made to carry out the burden of responsibilities to bring about an attractive purpose based proper human community by complementing each other for blissful, dignified and secure existence of our people so we got ourselves rid of those responsibilities because of the alternative proposal AL-SAAMIREE put in front of us or before us.

    088] What Al- Saamiree did was, he fabricated or invented and proposed or installed an alternative governing or administrative or management body for them based upon an alternative way of life whereby people could secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and which was unstable and humiliating and he told them this was from God of Moses but he has forgotten it.

    089] However could those people who freely accepted and promoted it not see or realise that the system they were proposed could not meet their needs and wants as a proper human community and that it had no solid foundation for them to define or decide what is wrong or harmful and destructive for them and what is right or beneficial and constructive for them as a proper human community?

    090] The fact is, Aaron had already warned them saying, O my people, this is only a plot or scheme or conspiracy against you the proper human community to divide you people to destroy you by hands of each other because your actual creator and sustainer is the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance so support me or back me up and be consistent with his purpose based proper guidance as well as with each other.

    091] However the vocal people among them said, we will not abandon entertaining or abiding by this way of life for living our lives until Moses gets back in touch with us.

    092] Then Moses got back in touch with them leaving whatever he was doing for which he left them with his brother to lead them so he addressed Aaron, O Aaron, what prevented you from stopping them when you saw them being led away from purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance?

    093] Did you not agree to back me up or support me in my assigned mission by Allah? Therefore did you not go back on that agreement regarding my assigned mission?

    094] Aaron said, O leader of my purpose based proper human community, do not hold me responsible as a member of my purpose based proper human community nor as a leader of my purpose based proper human community till I have my say. The fact is, I did intervene but not with force because I thought in that case you may say to me, you have caused a division between the children of Israel because you did not wait for me to have my say about it and decided the issue all by yourself.

    095] After hearing explanation of Aaron, Moses said to Al-Saamiree, now what have you to say about all this, O Al-Saamiree?

    096] He said, I thought of something about which they had no idea so in order to influence their minds with it I adopted the way used by a prophet and messenger of Allah to influence minds of people, so I used that to spread the idea I came up with, that is what my mind or self prompted me to do.

    097] Moses said to him, go away then if this kind of life is what you want for yourself that whole of your life you want to tell others do not come closer to me or do not get in touch with me or that I am boycotted or unreliable and untrustable or undependable because I am not worthy of being a member of the proper human community. You are either to make a promise which you will not fail to fulfil from now onwards or you will be isolated and cut-off as well as remain cut off and isolated. Now look at your proposed or set up or installed body of governance or administration or management which you attributed to God and upon which you relied or depended and for promoting which you devoted yourself. We will dismantle or undo or disassemble or fragment or destroy it or smash it into pieces and blow it or scatter it away with our purpose based proper sea of knowledge through our purposeful proper education and training of people. 

    098] It is because the fact is, your God is only and only Allah alone, he other than or along with whom none has the right to Godship, ownership and sovereignty of this kingdom and whose observation of all things is comprehensive that is why only and only he alone is able to guide mankind through his purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly.

    099] Like Moses said no doubt our observation is comprehensive that is why we can tell you O our prophet and messenger some of the information about the past events as well as we have sent you from our self this Quran to spread it as a purpose based proper guidance for mankind to live by purposefully properly.

    100] Those who will ignore or avoid it they will face dire or grave consequences during the time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, turmoils and upheavals which they will bring upon themselves.

    101] That will keep on happening to them for as long as they will continue living the way they do whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. The consequences they will suffer during that sort of time period of instability and disturbances will be terrible.

    102] The time period is coming when life will be breathed into terrible revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions by those criminal people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so they will be gathered to go through this sort of terribly depressing and disappointing state of existence but there will also be established purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in a place or land or kingdom in the human world by his missionaries purposefully properly due to being inspired and motivated by his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    103] Once that state of existence comes about for the criminals, they will murmur among themselves saying to each other, it had to come to this because you people never bothered to learn purposefully properly to live like a purposeful proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    104] We know full well what they will be saying to each other. The most knowledgeable and exemplary or idolised character from among them will say to them, you only lived for quick or short term gains because you only lived on the basis of securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other for passing time instead of paying purposeful proper attention to purpose based proper human community building guidance from Allah.

    105] They will ask you what will happen to the people of great influence or the people in positions of power or chiefs or rulers? Say, the spread of purpose based proper guidance of my creator and sustainer and its purposeful proper understanding by mankind will bring them tumbling down because the source from which they draw their power will gradually disappear in due course, which is ignorance based arrogance among masses who will become highly educated and trained over a period of time in knowing what is actually true and right and what is actually false and wrong according to his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    106] That is how he will change the uneven or irregular or unjust or unfair or ugly secular political, cultural, economic and religious landscape into a landscape that is even or level or just or fair or beautiful or purposefully properly balanced or free of all sorts of harmful and destructive divisions among mankind according to his purpose based proper guidance for them,

    107] wherein you will not see any divisions based upon standards or values that are harmful and destructive for a proper human community.

    108] At that time mankind will come forth to support and promote the call of our final prophet and messenger purposefully properly and none will show any crookedness or disharmony or inconsistency against it or each other. Their voices will be consistent with or soft, pleasant and humble before the purpose based proper rule of law of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind and you will hear nothing at all in opposition to it but the sound as if of the marching feet of those acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for them for carrying out their duties and obligations imposed upon them by the purpose based proper human community as advised by their creator and sustainer.

    109] During that period of time no interference or intervention or participation or partaking or interaction will be allowed in the human world by anyone that derails his purpose based proper rule of law which is according to his purpose based proper guidance but only and only such intervention or participation or interaction will be allowed as is part of the plan of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for the fulfilment his purpose according to his plan.

    110] This is why he makes obvious what the past human generations thought and did before them and what happened to them as a consequence and what the future generations should think and do so that they get the promised results just like they did because they cannot encompass themselves what he knows so they need his purpose based proper guidance for themselves to live a purpose based proper life.

    111] This is why their own petty personal goals, ambitions and desires will become utterly worthless for them who will go against the program, goals and guidelines set for them by the ever-living sustainer of his creation. Therefore hopeless and disappointing is existence of any individuals or human populations that live by a way of life whereby they secures their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore they inflict harms and destructions upon each other and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    112] For this reason any individuals or human populations that take actions to remove disputes, tensions, rivalries, hatred and animosities, fights and war from among mankind and remove any other obstacles, obstructions, barriers and hurdles in the way of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community because they have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for them therefore such people will have nothing to regret or be worried about because transgressors against his purpose base proper guidance cannot succeed in taking away worthy outcome of their thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    113] This is why we have sent this Quran in an outstanding language that is appropriate for purposeful proper conveyance of concepts for purposeful proper understanding of mankind and in it we have explained the reasons for our warnings so that mankind become consistent with our purpose based proper guidance as well as with each other for carrying out its purposeful proper program by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines for consistency within the human population and so that it is used by them as a manifesto to spread it among themselves widely to come together on the basis of it as a purposeful proper human community in our kingdom.

    114] So that thereby mankind could become aware of the fact that the program for reaching or rising to ultimate heights of excellence for mankind belongs only and only to Allah alone, the one who has the actual right to Godship, ownership and sovereignty of this kingdom of his creation. However do not rush or hasten or be quick in starting the purpose based proper mission for establishing the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world based purposefully properly upon the Quran before our commandment to you to reveal it to mankind for its implementation and meanwhile keep seeking and learning more and more knowledge for the purposeful proper implementation of the rule of law of your creator and sustainer in the human world.

    115] We made a similar agreement with mankind through Adam before but people he was sent to some of them could not pay their due attention to our purpose based proper guidance as they were supposed to so they failed to keep up with it though we did not find in them determination to do wrong on purpose or intentionally or deliberately.

    116] At the time through Adam we said to the chiefs or top officials of the tribes, abide by our purpose based proper guidance along with Adam so they all accepted abiding or living by our purpose based proper guidance save Iblees and his supporters, he along with his supporters refused.

    117] So we warned or alerted Adam by saying, O Adam, Iblees along with his team or company or party or group or mates or tribe or human population is enemy of yours as well as of your supporting community. So do not let him get you and your community both out of your place, land or kingdom which is ruled on the basis of our purpose based proper guidance for you people so that you people fall victim to all kinds of unnecessary and needless hardships and difficulties or troubles and problems like people before you - who did not use their brains and senses we granted them purposefully properly and lived like other animals - through inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    118] In this set-up and managing or running of kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for you people you will neither run out of things of your need and want nor fall victim to any kind of unnecessary and needless hardships and difficulties.

    119] You will neither suffer from lack of purposeful proper knowledge nor from fire of hatred and animosity or fights and wars.

    120] However the people who had harmful and destructive ambitions and desires, the rejector and opponent of our purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind that was adopted by Adam and his people said to the most advantaged people in team of Adam, O people of Adam, should we explain to you people with evidence regarding a divisive way of life whereby people like you can secure their own petty personal gains from the least advantaged people at their expense for attaining a place or land or kingdom of your own wherein you the most advantaged people will not have to struggle for your survival or daily living like all the rest of the people who are least advantaged for having a luxurious life at their expense for yourselves for as long as you will live?

    121] However some people from among the most advantaged as well as some people from among the least advantaged of both the parties partook or participated or interacted for changing their way of life so they adopted the way of life whereby they started struggling for their survival against each other as well as against the purpose based proper way of life that was advised for them by their creator and sustainer. As a consequence the result of their disappointing and hopeless or shameful thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense became obvious to them so then they began to regret the result therefore they started putting together the leafs of the purpose based proper heavenly revealed scripture to try and protect themselves against the harms and destructions they became involved in and brought them upon themselves for trying to recreate the purpose based proper human community on basis of it after destroying it by themselves. That is how people of Adam became inconsistent with purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer as well as with each other by thinking and doing harmful and destructive things to each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    122] However the creator and sustainer of Adam and his people restored Adam as the chief administrator of the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom due to their returning to his purpose based proper guidance for them for putting themselves back on his provided track or his purpose based proper advised way of life for mankind

    123] by telling the parties involved, get out of this mindset, attitude and behaviour and remain out of this situation or state of existence that you have gotten yourselves in by some of you being enemies of others due to your ignorance based arrogance for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. This is why you the mankind are told that whenever there comes for you people any purpose based proper guidance from me through my prophets and messengers then those of you who will understand and act upon my purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly will neither go off purposeful proper course nor get into disputes, rivalries, tensions, hatred and animosity, fights and wars with each other which will lead you people into troubles, problems and crisis or hardships and difficulties by hands of each other.

    124] However if any of you people will turn away from my purpose based proper guidance for mankind then they will live a life full of miseries and disappoints as well as we will let such people keep on adding to their miseries and disappointments till the time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions and upheavals.

    125] So much so that any such person himself will come to question oneself saying, O my creator and sustainer, how did I come to add so much to my miseries and disappointments when I was created with ability to observe things to understand them to do them purposefully properly according to your provided purposeful proper guidance for mankind?

    126] That is how one will be made to realise and regret one’s wrongdoings and mistakes by outcome of one’s own thoughts and actions and a voice will rise from within oneself saying, all this you did to yourself because when our purpose based proper revelations came to you for your guidance to raise you to heights of excellence and thereby to give you blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom you ignored and avoided them that is how blissful, dignified and secure existence by passed you and you ended up in miserable and regretful state of existence.

    127] That is how our set up systems and laws deliver to them the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other to such people who transgress against our purpose based proper guidance for them by refusing to commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom according to purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of their creator and sustainer. That is why troubles, problems and difficulties related to living keep getting more and more in numbers and more and more vehement or severe in their intensity for such people right to the very end of their lives.

    128] Is it not enough as a warning for mankind the way their past generations fared, how many of their past generations we left to themselves and saw them destroy themselves in whose habitations you people move about? Certainly within these ruins there are lessons for you people to learn who observe things to understand them objectively and do what is purposefully proper for them to have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    129] Had the overall plan of your creator and sustainer not been decided upon already as to how people should be delivered the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other then they will have been made to suffer all the results of all their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other instantly but most of them were given for most of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions a time gap between their such thoughts and actions and the results of their such thoughts and actions against each other so that at most of the times they could overcome their these wrongdoings and mistakes by repenting and reforming themselves by giving up their harmful an destructive way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by adopting the way of life that can lead them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom.

    130] Therefore work steadfastly and consistently against what they put forth as an alternative way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other by striving to your God given utmost abilities to manifest glory of the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by your creator and sustainer through establishing and implementing his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world right from before the time of the sunrise till the time the sun goes down, and even at times during the night so that you succeed in helping people adopt the purpose based proper way of life advised for them by their creator and sustainer so that you end up pleased with the outcome of all this very hard work of yours.

    131] So never even think about living by the way of life of those who look forward to gaining whatever we have provided for them by securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other instead of living by purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by us so that they become a proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence. In contrast to that use of provisions of your creator and sustainer for you the mankind according to his purpose based proper way of life advised for you can bring huge reliefs, benefits, advantages and gains for you the mankind that can prove lasting.

    132] So tell people who are willing to support you to struggle or strive very, very hard for becoming a proper human community in our kingdom and maintain it by sticking to it steadfastly. We do not demand anything of you the mankind for our survival and sustenance but instead we have provided you people with a purpose based proper way of life to live by as well as the provisions to ensure your worthwhile continuous beautiful existence because such continuous existence is ultimately for those who are consistent with our purpose based proper guidance as well as with each other as a proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence by way of their complementing each other.

    133] Despite all these explanations still these ignorant and arrogant foolish people ask, why he does not bring us a proof from his creator and sustainer of the type we ask him for which proves to us the way we want that he is truly sent by his God? Has not a brilliant proof in form of the Quran come to them from us containing all the needed necessary information in form of arguments, explanations and evidences that were also in all the earlier scriptures for the purpose based proper guidance of mankind from us?

    134] Had we let these people perish before the revelation of this Quran they will have said, our creator and sustainer, if only you had sent us a messenger with your message to us then we will certainly have supported your purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines through him before ending up disgraced and humiliated by hands of each other for securing our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    135] Say, all human populations are bound by appropriate or purpose based proper respite for the outcome of own their thoughts and actions for or against each other so you people too will have to wait for the results of your own thoughts and actions for or against each other. Very soon you will find out which people are following the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for them by their creator and sustainer and so they are guided purposefully properly because of the results of their own thoughts and actions for each other.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #155 - September 23, 2023, 12:46 AM

    Surah 19     MARIAM- A purposefully properly educated and trained proper missionary community that was raised or brought about by prophets and messengers of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for the purpose of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Kaaf, Haa, Yaa, Ain, Suad.

    002] This was the purpose based proper blissful, dignified and secure existence providing program with goals and guidelines of your creator and sustainer with which he blessed his prophet and messenger Zechariah

    003] When he showed or expressed his desire for the purpose based proper guidance of his creator and sustainer for bringing about a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    004] At length he said, my creator and sustainer the social systems and structures as well as procedures and practices of my human population have become based upon unstable foundation or way of life or rule of law whereby they are igniting fire of hatred and animosity among or between themselves through social, political, cultural, economic and religious divisions, disputes, tensions, rivalries, animosities and dissensions caused by leading people of my human population, nonetheless I failed not in calling or inviting them back to your purpose based proper guidance for them.

    005] However I have become old so I am concerned about blissful, dignified and secure existence of my human population after me because my human population is still unproductive and barren as it has not made the needed progress towards blissful, dignified and secure existence yet despite my hard work with them so grant me a successor for their guidance from yourself who should carry on with your mission like me.

    006] Such a successor who can take over the responsibility of their purposeful proper management from me from the stage where at I leave and who can lead supporters and backers or followers of Jacob to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in your kingdom and whose thoughts and actions or ideas and practices you my creator and sustainer will approve due to their good outcome for humanity which ensures their well being through their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    007] We said, O Zechariah, we give you the good news of a young and lively as well as energetic successor, whose name is John. We did not appoint any of our prophets and messengers by this name before him.

    008] He said, my creator and sustainer how will I have such a capable leader of my people as my successor when my human population is not yet capable of producing such a son and I too have become impaired due to my old age and I cannot produce a leader like that nor I can carry on with your purpose based proper mission for long?

    009] He was told, even though your own human population is not able to produce such a leader yet you will have such a successor. Your creator and sustainer says, it is not at all difficult task for me to raise one for you just like I raised you before and you are not known as the successor of your biological father but of our prophets and messengers.

    010] Zechariah said, O my creator and sustainer, advise me about this changeover of leadership. He was told, advice for you is that you should not affect or cause this changeover of leadership for people for another three full training sessions.

    011] That is how Zechariah came out of the missionary warfare education and training camp or place handing over its responsibility to his successor while still inspiring people who were under his management by saying to them, work very, very hard according to the best of your God given abilities day and night in order to make glory of purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer manifest in reality for people to see.

    012] To John we said, take responsibility of our mission and hold firmly onto our purpose based proper guidance whereby we granted him wisdom and training for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom at the time when he was full of life and energy.

    013] That is how we granted him the purpose based proper guidance from us for instilling compassion and kindness in people for caring for each other wholeheartedly as a proper human community in order to free the community from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other so that it develops and grows to its full potential and he proved consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with his people for ensuring their well being through their help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly,

    014] by being dutiful to us about his purpose based proper human community members both young and old so he was neither domineering and arrogant nor rebellious against our purpose based proper rule of law like a tyrannical oppressor or tyrant or bully.

    015] That is because to work for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as a proper human community was his duty from the day he was made responsible for this mission till the day his responsibility expired for the period of time he was firm, lively and energetic.

    016] Moreover let us tell you people in this surah of the Quran something about a purpose based proper missionary human population that was called Mariam. It was a proper human community which distinguished itself from the rest of its near about human populations.

    017] It did that by isolating itself from the rest of the human populations to rise to a status of awareness and skills whereat we sent to it our purpose based proper message through a prophet and messenger of ours so that each of its people turned into a proper human being as an example for each other as a proper human community and as a missionary team or community for the rest of human populations in the human world.

    018] It responded to our prophet and messenger by saying, I seek blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community through your help and support by way of establishment of the rule of law of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in the human world in his kingdom if you are truly consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other.

    019] He said, I am surely a prophet and messenger from your creator and sustainer to tell you about the rise of a leader who will be a successor of this community leadership to free it from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other to help it develop and grow to its full potential.

    020] It said, how can I have such a leader when I have not been interfered with or interacted or participated with by any of my fellow human populations nor am I in alliance with any better outside human populations?

    021] The prophet and messenger replied, despite that being the case your creator and sustainer says, it is easy for me to raise such a knowledgeable and skilled leader for you so that we make through him our blissful, dignified and securing existence providing way of life for mankind obvious for them to live by and that is our already declared plan.

    022] That is how the community named Mariam agreed to take on this responsibility as the assigned mission or task then it began its journey from where it was to try and accomplish this distant future objective or goal.

    023] In due course its endeavour or hard work by it for its purpose based proper education and training for its assigned mission or objective or goal brought it to fulfilment of its objective or goal. It cried, ah due to my lack of deeper and wider awareness and understanding before this insight about the purpose based proper mission, I was out of sight and out of mind of other parties or people or human populations.

    024] That is how a voice from its supporting elements came saying, regret not, your creator and sustainer surely has appointed a leader for you for ensuring your well being as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    025] For that reason you should continue moving forward with time under the provided purposeful proper leadership and guidance because that will bring to you things of need and want in abundance in due course.

    026] So keep taking part in learning from others and teaching to others this purpose based proper guidance the while keeping your eyes purposefully properly focused upon carrying out this program by accomplishing its goals according to provided guidelines therein but if you come across anything invented or fabricated or concocted by any people in the name of Allah then say to them, I am purposefully properly committed to the responsibility placed upon me by the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a purposeful proper human community in the human world in his kingdom for ensuring well being of mankind through their own help and support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence. So I should not think, say or do anything at all in his name which is not from him but is invented by mankind themselves against his purposeful proper guidance for them.

    027] After agreeing upon purpose based proper leadership and accepting responsibilities that were placed upon it the purpose based proper human community brought its leadership before its existing overall social, political, cultural, economic and religious leadership but they said, O you who claim to be the purpose based proper human community in the human world, you have done things to cause disputes, rivalries, tensions, hatred and animosities between people in our human population by going against our traditions and customs.

    028] O sister of community of Aaron, your community leadership never dictated anything against secularism and religion nor was your community a rebellious community against its sister communities.

    029] In response to their nonsense talk and accusations the purposeful proper human community pointed to its leadership to respond on its behalf. Seeing themselves in trouble they said, how can we talk to a youngster about complex ideological, social, political, cultural, economic and religious issues or matters who is as if it were still in the cradle and a baby for them.

    030] Thereupon the young man full of zeal, enthusiasm, life and energy spoke up saying, I am indeed on a purpose based proper mission from Allah for establishing his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world purposefully properly, because he has blessed me with his book for our purpose based proper guidance by appointing me as his prophet and messenger for you people.

    031] That is the reason he has blessed me with purpose based proper information and its purposeful proper understanding for bringing about a purposeful proper human community in his kingdom according to it which is free of inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing its own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so that I lead it to its blissful, dignified and secure existence through help and full support of its own individuals by way of their complementing each other purposefully properly. He has blessed me with all this to face any situation under any set of circumstances anywhere in the human world as well as he has advised me to work very, very hard for establishing a purpose based proper human community network and keep on expanding it according to his purpose based proper guidance for as long as I live.

    032] It is because he has not made me a tyrant or bully or an oppressor to cause rivalries, disputes, tensions, hatred and animosities or fights and wars between the human beings of my mother community or other human populations for securing my own petty personal gains from others at their expense through dominating them by undermining them.

    033] Instead my mission is to establish and maintain the purpose based proper way of life for mankind that is advised for them by Allah which can lead them to unity, peace, progress and prosperity in his kingdom since the day I was made responsible for doing so till the day I complete my this mission and therefore I am raised along with my supporters and backers to heights of excellence.

    034] Such was Jesus the final successor of leadership of purpose based proper human community that was spotless or free of all ills (Mariam) and this is the true statement of account about him concerning which some people are still in confusion due to lack of their own leaning things purposefully properly.

    035] It is not possible nor befitting or necessary for Allah that he himself should have or need a successor, the whole creation is only and only his work alone as he is ever existing and so powerful that he needs no help or support in planning and executing his plan because when he plans anything, all he needs to do is, express his will to initiate the process and it begins to take shape or form in reality.

    036] Jesus himself said, verily Allah is my creator and sustainer as well as of all the other created things therefore serve none as a God, owner and ruler other than or along with him. This is the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by him which is reasonably firmly founded for mankind for their living in their human world purposefully properly.

    037] Despite all these explanations by Jesus, some factions from among the children of Israel are stuck to a way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other which keeps them divided into factions that are full of hatred and animosity against each other so in due course during a momentous time period of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions terrible harms and destructions are to befall them by hands of each other because they reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    038] How clear will be their hearing or heeding and how clear will be their vision or seeing during the time period when our set-up systems and laws will bring them face to face with the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other even though just now these inflictors of harms and destructions upon each other are living their lives by a way of life that clearly leads them away from our purpose based proper way of life that is advised for them but they are bothered not with realising this fact despite our explanations, pointed out evidences and warnings.

    039] So O our prophet and messenger, alert the human populations that divide into factions for these like reasons for dominating each other by undermining each other due to hating each other about the time period of intense regrets, griefs or sadness and sorrow if this warning manifests or becomes an obvious reality for them due to terrible results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other, for they are paying no attention just now to the consequences when they are thinking and planning their actions against each other and that is why they are failing to commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in our kingdom.

    040] Surely it is only and only us alone who own this whole kingdom of this world and all that is in it that is why mankind have no other way to secure their own blissful and dignified existence than turning purposefully properly to our provided purpose based proper guidance for them.

    041] Moreover let us talk about Abraham in this book of ours the Quran. He was surely one of our prophets and messengers who accomplished our assigned mission to him for establishing our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world purposefully properly for ensuring well being of mankind through their own complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom.

    042] Pay attention to what he said to leading priest of his people at the time, he said, O leading priest of my people, why do you take for a God, owner and ruler anyone other than or along with Allah such a one who does not even know your needs and wants and who is unable to fulfil them therefore cannot ensure your well being at all as a people as a proper human community?

    043] O religious leader of my people, I have surely been given some purpose based proper information for you people by Allah which has not come to you therefore support me or back me up so that I could lead you people to the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by him for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom.

    044] Therefore O religious leader of my people, do not rely upon the secular leadership of any harmful and destructive leader because such a leader works against the purpose based proper guidance of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom. So if you will still continue supporting and backing any such leadership after the purposeful proper guidance has reached you from Allah then no doubt you are supporter and backer of a leadership that is harmful and destructive for mankind.

    045] O religious leader of my people, I am concerned that due to the way of life you people have adopted whereby you people inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in due course a terrible disaster may strike you by hands of each other due to being supporters and backers of harmful and destructive secular leadership about which the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom has warned us or has made us aware already.

    046] The religious leader of his people said to him, are you daring to renounce my Gods and questioning my appointment of rulers and priests for our people whom we idolise, O Abraham? If you will not stop from this campaign of yours against our idolised personalities, traditions and customs and reform as per our traditions and customs then I will expel or banish you from this land so you will be forcefully removed from my jurisdiction for good.

    047] Abraham said, it is binding upon me as a prophet and messenger of Allah that I invite you people to the way of life that is purposefully properly advised for mankind by him which can lead us human beings to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in his kingdom so I will keep on seeking for you people blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in his kingdom through inviting you people to purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of my creator and sustainer because his purpose based proper guidance for mankind has always helped and supported me to accomplish my missionary tasks for ensuring their well being according to it.

    048] However for the time being I will leave you people to yourselves to think things through thoroughly about those whom you take for your Gods, rulers and priests and idolise them as well as upon whose way of life you rely for your living whereby you people  secure your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other instead of relying and depending upon purpose based proper set-up systems, laws and guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring well being of all human beings as a proper human community in his kingdom but meanwhile I will continue inviting other people to rely upon purpose based proper set-up systems, laws and guidance of my creator and sustainer and I will not accept harmful an destructive baseless and hateful divisions among or between people which lead them to harms and destructions by hands of each other.

    049] After Abraham left those people on their own as well as those whom they took for their Gods, rulers and priests for themselves other than or along with Allah, we granted him successors in form of Isaac and Jacob and we assigned to each of them our mission as our prophets and messengers.

    050] By granting them all our program to accomplish its goals according to our provided guidelines for blissful, dignified and secure existence of their people and that is how we assigned for them a lofty mission for establishing our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world to turn it into a reality.

    051] Let us also mention Moses in our book the Quran. He was of a sound mindset, attitude and behaviour that is why he was one of our prophets and messengers with a message from us to deliver to his people.

    052] We invited him towards our purpose based proper way of life for mankind with a program to accomplish its goals according to our provided guidelines and that is why we raised him to our required standard to think and act as a saviour of a people from a way of life whereby they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    053] We granted him help and support from us in form of our purpose based proper guidance for them for the implementation of our purpose based proper rule of law for mankind to establish it in the human world with help and support of his brother as well as his helpers and supporters. To aid him we also appointed his brother as a prophet and messenger from us along with him.

    054] Moreover let us also speak about Ishmael in our book the Quran. He too fulfilled his covenant with us because he too was our appointed prophet and messenger for delivering our purpose based proper message to his people or people he was sent for.

    055] That is why he told his people to establish a purpose based proper human community network and keep on expanding it in the human world in order to remove all ills and obstacles from within the human populations that prevent them from unity, peace, progress and prosperity to their full potential, that is how he sought consistency of human beings with purpose based proper guidance of his creator and sustainer as well as with each other.

    056] Yet other person we should talk about in Our book is Enoch. He too fulfilled his assigned mission by us faithfully as a prophet and messenger from us to his people or people he was sent for,

    057] due to which we raised his people to the heights of excellence and thereby they attained their blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom.

    058] These were some of the people we appointed and approved to whom we granted our purpose based proper guidance as a blessing from us from among the prophets and messengers from among the children of Adam such as those whom we brought aboard the same boat as Noah and progenies of Abraham and Israel. The reason was whenever the purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom were proclaimed to them, they accepted them and carried them out purposefully properly.

    059] However their generations that succeeded them ignored, neglected, abandoned  or avoided our purpose based proper guidance for them and that way they let their purpose based proper human community fall apart in due course because they followed their own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires which led them back to the way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and they still continue on that very path therefore soon they will face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    060] Nonetheless those who will repent by stop living by that way of life and adopt our purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by us by turning to our purpose based proper guidance for them and they will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a proper human community in our kingdom and they will take actions which remove disputes, rivalries, tensions, animosities and dissensions from between human beings among human populations in order to help them unite to be peaceful to make progress and be prosperous by removing any obstacles or barriers or hurdles from between them which stop or prevent or hinder them from becoming a proper human community in our kingdom. Such will be the people who will enter places or lands in our kingdom wherein they will not be inflicted with any harms and destructions by each other at all.

    061] The blissful, dignified and secure life providing places or lands in our kingdom which will be full of raw materials are promised to such people for their brilliant future by the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom who will be consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other. This is such a promise which is bound for fulfilment or is bound to come to pass or become a reality.

    062] Therein they will sense no hatred or animosity against each other but only loving and peaceful atmosphere between themselves due to their ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly and that is why they will end up with all things of their need and want day and night.

    063] Such is the blissful, dignified and secure existence with which we provide the people who are consistent with our purpose based proper guidance as well as with each other.

    064] However our messengers and missionaries made it absolutely clear to the people they were sent that we cannot bring about blissful, dignified and secure existence providing places or lands or kingdoms for you but only and only according to purpose based proper plan of your creator and sustainer. According to his purpose based proper plan alone can happen whatever is ahead of us to happen in the future and whatever has already happened in the past before us and whatever is happening or is to happen in between these two, so remember always this fact that your creator and sustainer never forgets or neglects how his purpose based proper set-up systems and laws work to fulfil his purpose of creation according to his plan.

    065] The creator and sustainer of the farthest galaxies as well as this galaxy and all that lies in between them therefore abide by his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and be constantly and steadfastly consistent in acting upon his program to succeed. Can you the mankind therefore prove any other being equal to him? Not at all.

    066] Yet man asks that when he has fallen down from the heights of excellence therefore state of blissful, dignified and secure existence due to his intentional or unintentional mistakes, could this program from Allah raise him back to heights of excellence therefore state of blissful, dignified and secure existence? Of course it can.

    067] Does man not recall that we originated and evolved him already when he did not even exist and raised him to heights of excellence and life of blissful, dignified and secure existence?

    068] So through this testimonial proof from your creator and sustainer let this fact also be known to mankind for certain that our set-up systems and laws do gather the harmful and destructive supporters and backers along with their harmful and destructive leaderships around the pit of fire of hatred and animosity between themselves utterly subdued as a result of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    069] That is how in due course from each of the human populations we surely bring out in the open their most stout rebels against the purpose based proper guidance of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    070] In due course we certainly make them obvious for mankind who deserve the most to be burnt in their own self created fire of hatred and animosity between human beings in human populations.

    071] There is not a single human population among you the mankind that will not come across this situation or state of existence which lives by a way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. The set up systems and laws of your creator and sustainer have been put in place in such a way that they are inescapable and foolproof.

    072] However we will save from all this such people who are consistent with our purpose based proper guidance as well as with each other but we will leave in that state of existence those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in their own self created mess utterly defeated by their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    073] That is because when our brilliant purpose based proper program with goals for mankind to accomplish them according to our provided purposeful proper guidelines is put before them for their purposeful proper consideration and adoption, the chiefs of rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance ask those who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom, which of our two parties has better foundation to stand upon and appears more attractive in comparison to each other despite their having no solid ground to stand upon?

    074] Are they not aware how many generations of human populations we left alone to destroy themselves before them because due to their ignorance based arrogance they stepped aside from our purpose based proper guidance for them whose chiefs were far greater in riches and in splendour and had much more number of supporters and backers which they gathered by dispossessing their own weaker and foolish masses?

    075] Say to them, any people who remain unaware of themselves as well as other necessities or relevant things which they ought to know to have a purposeful proper existence they will remain confused and in chaos yet the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom gives them respite and thereby extends opportunity for them for learning and acting purposefully properly before they actually see that situation or set of circumstances or state of existence about which they have been clearly warned well in advance - be it in form of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions or in form of their ignored or neglected natural phenomenon which prove disastrous for them- then in due course some of them may come to realise who is standing on a slippery slope or a bumpy road and who has the useless or weaker support or foundation to judge their thoughts and actions by?

    076] The fact is, Allah increases in having purposeful proper sense of his purpose based proper guidance those who endeavour earnestly or make hard efforts for becoming self aware and aware of other necessities or relevant things that help them guide themselves to think and do things that are worth doing for having a blissful, dignified and secure existence because everlasting are results of only and only such thoughts and actions of people as help mankind develop to their full God given potential, such are the thoughts and actions that meet set standard of your creator and sustainer and bring real satisfaction for individuals as a proper human community in his kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    077] Have you considered the mindset, attitude and behaviour of the most advantaged one who rejects and opposes our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind and lives by a way of life whereby he secure his own petty personal gains from others at their expense who are least advantaged by inflicting harms and destructions upon them because he thinks to have political and economic power or supporters and backer as well as wealth and riches he desires for himself is his right be it by dispossessing others by force or by tricks and wrong methods and mechanisms?

    078] Has he gained sure knowledge of the bright future for himself or has he been awarded a contract by the creator, sustainer and provider of all things of need and want for all, that, all this is going to work out fine for him by thinking and doing things this way?

    079] Not at all, by no means he can know his actual future for sure nor can he have control over each and everything as an individual for satisfying his harmful and destructive ambitions or desires for his own petty personal gains at the expense of the rest or at the expense of a purpose based proper human community, instead it is all up to our purpose based proper plan for our creation of things for the fulfilment of which we have set-up systems and laws to deal with all that he expresses through his thoughts, words and actions and our set up systems and laws can make his life a very long and very hard struggle for him but all for nothing much at all

    080] because it is we who own all that he boasts about including his own very self that is why he has to turn to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for his blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom otherwise he will end up a total wreck and a failure as an individual.

    081] All this he thinks, says and does because some of the people have taken each other as masters and slaves for themselves instead of living by purpose based proper guidance of Allah as a brotherhood of humanity, so that they could have some power over each other by various tricks, methods and mechanisms.

    082] By no means they can succeed in living their lives purposefully properly by living their lives that way therefore soon even those whom they take for their masters will come to stage of giving up their power and status over others because they will be constantly forced to do so by those whom they take for their slaves.

    083] So why do you the mankind not observe and try to understand things purposefully properly regarding how we leave on their own the dominant harmful and destructive individuals to take over the leadership of those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance to lead them into rage against each other by basing their lives on a way of life that leads them to rivalries and animosities between themselves for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other?

    084] Therefore do not worry excessively about guiding them, because the number of days of their existence and the quality of their existence are dependent upon the way of life they adopt for themselves as a human population, so they will get what they are working for or towards.

    085] The time period is surely coming when our set-up systems and laws will bring together those who long or yearn for being fully consistent with the purpose based proper guidance of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom as well as with each other.

    086] Not only that but the time is also coming when our set-up systems and laws will drive into hellhole of their own making through fire of hatred and animosity between themselves - like thirsty cattle are driven to water hole- those who commit crimes against humanity in opposition to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    087] At that time none will have the authority or power to intervene except the proper human community that stands firmly upon its covenant with the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    088] Particularly not those who think and say, the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom has a successor or has taken a successor.

    089] Such people from among you the mankind surely spread falsehood for causing most serious disputes, tensions, rivalries and animosities, fights and wars among human beings,

    090] due to which people in high places or in positions of power are going to be destroyed because the masses are also going to be destroyed through these divisions among themselves and therefore will come tumbling down the influential people among them,

    091] due to their invitation to the idea that the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom has taken a successor.

    092] It is not fitting or consistent with nature of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom that he should have or need or take a successor for himself.

    093] It is because there is not an existing being in the heavens and the earth but it is brought about through process of creation and sustained by set-up systems and laws of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom to serve his purpose according to his plan as a duty bound creature.

    094] He surely has created mankind likewise but with ability to learn and express themselves clearly and he let them become numerous in numbers in his kingdom.

    095] However each of the groups of accepters and rejecters of his message is to be brought face to face with the results of its own thoughts and actions separately and individually according to his set-up systems and laws at an appointed time for it.

    096] As for those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance and they take active part in removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions, fights and wars from between mankind as well as they remove any obstacles, barriers and hurdles which stop or prevent or hinder them from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity and help them develop and make progress to their full potential, the set-up systems and laws of the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom tie them together in love and compassion respectfully.

    097] It is because we have made this task of passing on our message to each other easy for you the mankind by sending our message in your own human language so that you could give good news of brilliant future to those who wish to be consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for them as well as with each other as a proper human community in our kingdom and also forewarn about serious consequences thereby those who live by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other whereby they end up in rivalries, animosities, hatred and wars with each other so in due course they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    098] The truth is, O our prophet and messenger that all these people to whom you are sent should pay full attention to this fact that how many generations of people we left on their own to destroy themselves or disappear into oblivion before them because they chose to ignored and avoid our purpose based proper guidance for them. Ask these people of yours, can you find any of them still around in a purposeful proper state of existence or hear even a purposeful proper historical account of them today?

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #156 - October 01, 2023, 11:06 PM

    Surah 18     ALKAHF-The gaps and gulfs or distances between mankind which are result of their disputes, rivalries, tensions and animosities between themselves due to their securing of their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which need to be removed or bridged because they stop, prevent and hinder them from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for them which can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] The awesome, wonderful and marvellous acts and works of Allah naturally arouse deep feelings of his appreciation and admiration in minds of thoughtful human beings, who has also revealed for mankind through his prophet and messenger the awesome and wonderful book, the Quran, for their purposeful proper guidance so that thereby they could become a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence by their complementing each other purposefully properly, within the purpose based proper message of this book there is no discrepancy or conflict either within itself or between this message and the real world realities whereby mankind could cause disputes, rivalries, tensions, animosities, fights and wars between themselves.

    002] This book is for permanent mighty foundation for mankind to base and build their purpose based proper human community upon and to regulate it purposefully properly as well as it is for a severe warning from him for those who will live by any other way of life whereby they will inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. So deliver good news to those who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly. Such as those who will actively remove disputes, rivalries, tensions, animosities, fights and wars from between mankind as well as they will actively remove any obstacles, barriers and hurdles which stop, prevent and hinder them from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community. No doubt for them there is going to be blissful, dignified and secure existence as an outcome of their beautiful purpose based proper thoughts and actions.

    003] The very state of their existence in which they will live joyfully, happily and delightfully for as long as they will live and maintain it.

    004] For that reason he warns those who claim Allah needs someone to depend upon or to succeed him or to assist him.

    005] They can never prove their such baseless claims nor could their forefathers. This is a seriously harmful and destructive claim for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind themselves that comes out of their mouths. They state nothing but a lie to cause baseless disputes, rivalries, tensions and animosities between mankind.

    006] So in your hope for educating these like ignorant and arrogant people to see your plan for them purposefully properly, are you going to work yourself to death despite the fact that they are not willing to learn and commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to this message?

    007] Regardless of their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours, the fact is, we have equipped or armed or decorated or ornamented or beautified or prepared or made ready or set up this world very nicely with all kinds of things for serving our purpose according to our plan for fulfilling the needs and wants of people purposefully properly including the revelation of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to help them struggle or strive for carrying out our purpose based proper program for them by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines in order to let them demonstrate to each other which of them will do most of that which will ensure well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    008] That is why we produced all things in the earth in various shapes and forms from the most simple to the most complex to let them move gradually over a period of time through various steps and stages to their state of purpose based proper completion through their interaction with each other within their provided environments or habitats or surroundings or atmosphere.

    009] This is the reason why and this is the way how things have been happening always in the human world and they will continue happening the same way for the very same reason or do you people think that the stories or histories of the people who were advantaged to a lesser degree therefore they were stripped or dispossessed of their things of need and want by the people who were advantaged to a greater degree therefore they were in positions of power in their own human populations were any different from the stories or histories we have already told you people about? If you have any different assumptions about the history of mankind and the real world realities then you are not thinking about the way things are set up to work purposefully properly the way you should.

    010] Once upon a time supporters and backers of those mostly young people who were stripped or dispossessed of things of their need and want took refuge in an isolated place or piece of land saying, our creator and sustainer, grant us blissful, dignified and secure existence in this place as a purpose based proper human community through purpose based proper understanding of information that is from yourself and that way enable us to fulfil our purpose based proper mission assigned by you purposefully properly.

    011] That is how we isolated them from those who were after them for a number of years in the isolated valley so that they could live in peace to progress and prosper according to our purpose based proper guidance for them cut off from a number of other customs and traditions or ways of life and rule of laws.

    012] This is how we raised them to heights of excellence above their opponents and enemies to demonstrate which of the two parties could best account for their time they spent apart or away from each other purposefully properly.

    013] We are telling you their story for a set purpose which is, when you face a similar situation or a set of circumstances yourselves then think and do what they thought and did. They were some families which were full of young and energetic people who committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community according to the purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer because we raised in them better awareness and understanding of our real world realities as well as of our purpose based proper guidance for them according to which they worked very, very hard and succeeded.

    014] That is how initially we strengthen them and raised courage in their minds so that they rise or stand up and declare among their people the truth that, our creator and sustainer is only and only he who is creator and sustainer of the heavens and the earth so we should not accept and live by rule of law of any claimant of Godship, ownership and sovereignty over things other than or along with him in this kingdom of his creation because if we did that then we will carry on inflicting yet greater harms and destructions upon each other as a people than we already have for securing our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    015] These people of ours have taken for Gods, owners and rulers of this kingdom of creation other than Allah as well as along with him. If they have any right to do that then why don’t they put forth any convincing explanation as proof of their Godship, ownership and sovereignty over this kingdom of creation? So who is more harmful and destructive for humanity than the one who denies sole Godship, ownership and sovereignty of Allah alone over all existing things by attributing Godship, ownership and sovereignty to others than or along with him in his own kingdom of creation and refuses to live by his purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind therefore commits atrocities against others for securing his own petty personal gains from them at their expense?

    016] They said to each other that if we have dared to take a stand for the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah which is different from the way of life of these our people and their secular and religious rulers then let us leave these people after denouncing and refusing to accept those whom they take for their Gods, owners and rulers other than or along with Allah and take refuge in some remote or distant place or land or kingdom away from them. If you will do this then your creator and sustainer will shower you with his blessings through increasing your supporters and backers due to your working very, very hard according to his purpose based proper guidance for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. That is how he will help you fulfil your potentialities and purpose of existence according to his plan.

    017] Moreover you people should already be aware of the fact that the brilliant light of purpose based proper guidance of Allah when it shines upon a dispossessed poverty stricken people who are forced into a frightening state of existence, it brings them solutions of their problems to bring them out of this disappointing, desperate and hopeless situation or state of existence due to their supporting and backing it up purposefully properly but it lets them remain in painful humiliating sad state of existence till they end up destroyed by hands of each other if they ignore and avoid it by distancing themselves from accepting and adopting it purposefully properly. That is one of the many lessons for mankind from Allah. So he who is purposefully properly based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah is guided purposefully properly but he who distances himself from it you people will find for him no purpose based proper guidance to assist him to the path that is purposefully proper for his blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    018] Even though some of you people may consider these people of ours clever or sensible or widely and deeply aware of things they were supposed to be aware of but they are showing by the way they live their lives that they are utterly confused therefore they are ignorant and in chaos and disarray. That is why we are trying to effect change in their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours through purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them to make them a people who live by his purpose based proper rule of law purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom instead of being a lawless disorderly and divided people. However their religious and secular ruling elites in shape or form of rulers, money lenders and priests are fully alert and they are guarding them to keep them under their overwhelming control. The fact is, if you people - who are ignorant about all these things we are making you aware of - became aware of the terrible results of their way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense as we are then you too will turn away from their way of life seeking escape from their overreaching control due to fearing the terrible way they deal with others who are advantaged to a lesser degree than themselves.

    019] Such terrible was their state of awareness and existence from which we raised them to get them out of through our purpose based proper guidance for them so that they could question each other about what was going on in their human population regarding their terrible state of existence and how they could get out of that state of existence. So during their discussion among themselves one of them said to others, how long have you people been living in this state of existence? Some of them replied, we have been living this way or in this state of existence for a very long time roughly for a lifespan of a generation or a bit less than that. Others of them said, your creator and sustainer knows exactly how long you people have been living in this state of your existence but think about sending an envoy to some other human population to their capital city to find out how those people live their lives for comparing your current state of existence with them to see which people have better system of education and training for their people for their growth, development and prosperity, so let this explorer bring us some useful piece of information about those people so that we could judge the situation objectively or purposefully properly. However, let the envoy handle or manage this affair very carefully and cautiously and let him not behave in a careless way whereby others may become alert or aware about this mission or objective of ours who may take us as their enemies and cause troubles and problems for us.

    020] Because if they discover you among them, they can condemn you to death or force you to live by their traditions and customs and in that case you will not be able to achieve your objective of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of your people as a purpose based proper human community according to guidance of Allah in his kingdom for as long as you will live.

    021] Nonetheless the very same way through those people themselves we kept the message of those who moved away from their human population - for establishing our purpose based proper rule of law in a place of their own settlement- spreading among their human population after they left them so that they come to know that the promise of Allah is true and that there is no doubt about the coming of the time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions and upheavals or turmoils if people will fail to take our purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind seriously. At length after they left them the people of the settlement or kingdom began arguing or discussing among themselves about their mission therefore some suggested, let us take their way of life as basis and build our human society upon their suggested foundation because it was their creator and sustainer that taught them their this purpose based proper way of life. The people who were able to fulfil this task among them said, let us build this place or land or kingdom we are settled in according to them with a chain of purpose based proper institutions based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for fulfilling the needs and wants of our purpose based proper human community.

    022] Despite our this purpose based proper explanation of things about those people soon ignorant and arrogant people from among these people of yours will end up claiming things about them based upon the hearsay. Some of them will claim, they were all a highly developed, progressive and prosperous people due to their secular and religious leadership and that they were numerous and united or a multitude due to their secular and religious leadership but these are only their own baseless guesses about the unknown. And some of them will claim they were all a most troublesome, mischievous and manipulative people due to their secular and religious leadership. Say, only and only my creator and sustainer alone knows for a fact how they lived their lives and why they did that and what went on between those people among themselves and for how long but only a small number of people really pay attention to things purposefully properly or the way they should. So think not only about how they lived their lives but also think about the purposes they lived their lives for so that things could become obvious to you people and that is why you do not need to know anything about them from any of those people who argue about them without having any real information about their states of existence or the purposes of their existence.

    023] So you people should never think, say and do things for your future thoughts and actions as a people like some of them thought, said and did things without taking into account our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    024] For that reason you people should only and only think, say and do that which is in accordance with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for you people. That is how you people should demonstrate the glory of the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for you the mankind by your creator and sustainer by displaying it in reality to all the human populations in the human world by establishing thereby a blissful, dignified and secure life providing place or land or kingdom unless you people are subdued but even then you should show courage and carry on your struggle by encouraging each other by saying to each other as a purpose based proper human community, our creator and sustainer will guide me ever closer in due course to what is purposefully proper way of managing or handling or dealing with all affairs regarding setting up and managing or running a place or land or kingdom based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah.

    025] It was due to their ignoring, neglecting and avoiding our purpose based proper way of life that was advised for them that these people for their generations remained in their terrible state of existence for supporting and backing their baseless hearsay based way of life and increasingly gathering their human population upon that tradition and custom whereby they harmed and destroyed each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    026] Therefore tell these people you are sent to about these people that Allah has clearly made known why they remained in their terrible state of existence for such a long period of time that they did so and there is no point for you people in arguing about them because he is the only one who in due course lets mankind become aware of things in the heavens and the earth or the universal realities therefore they are supposed to understand things through his vision for them purposefully properly as well as they are supposed to do things according to his purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly. For this very reason your people too must come to know that they have no basis for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence other than relying upon his purposefully properly set-up systems, laws and guidance as explained because they have no supporter or backer other than his purpose based proper guidance and there is none who could share similar advice with them in this kingdom of his creation.

    027] This is why you people should also become and remain consistent with what is being revealed to you people as the book of your creator and sustainer as well as with each other. None has the power or authority to change his set-up systems and laws for the fulfilment of his purpose for the creation of mankind according to his plan so no matter how hard you people try you cannot find a way of life to protect you from your harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other save his purpose based proper way of life that is based purposefully properly upon his purpose based proper guidance that stops you from harbouring harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against each other.

    028] So O you our prophet and messenger, be steadfast and consistent yourself and keep working very, very hard from morning till night along with those who also rely upon set-up systems and laws of their creator and sustainer and they invite others to his purpose based proper guidance for them seeking fulfilment of his assigned mission for them by him for the purposeful proper establishment of his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world purposefully properly in a place or land and for this reason let not focus of your eyes turn away from this goal or objective as well as from working along with them desiring your own petty personal gains at their expense against our purpose based proper guidance like the people who are without any purpose based proper foundation. So never favour any such people whose mind is free from paying attention to our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for them and instead they follow their own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against mankind whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore they break all bounds and limits that can ensure well being of humanity through help and full support of each other by way of complementing each other purposefully properly the while they deal with each other or they conduct their affairs between themselves or with each other.

    029] Therefore say to all people including these like people that this Quran is a purpose based proper guidance for you all from your creator and sustainer. It purposefully properly defines for you the mankind what is true and what is false and what is right and what is wrong as well as what they ought to be thinking and doing and what they are not supposed to be thinking and doing for ensuring their own well being by way of their complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. So let those who choose to purposefully properly commits, dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom think and do so for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly and let those who choose to commit themselves to rejecting and opposing our purpose based proper guidance for them. However for people such as inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense we have put in place systems and laws to deliver to them the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts actions against each other, so in time to come they are bound to end up in fire of hatred and animosity against each other whose flames will surround or entrap them like the covering of a tent without any way to escape. As this stage will arrive they will look for a way out or freedom from this situation or state of existence because the consequences of their own thoughts and actions against each other will drown them fully in there as a people as if they have drowned themselves in the sea of their own harms and destructions upon each other. What a dreadful way to learn the lesson and what a terrible way to live as a human population for these like people.

    030] That is why those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, they work very, very hard to remove disputes, rivalries, tensions, dissensions from between mankind so that they do not fall in a similar state of existence as a people so we do not let go to waste their hard works and efforts instead we reward them with best returns for the best of their deeds in form of a most improved world order and a most beautiful human world.

    031] They are the ones for whom there will be places, lands or kingdoms full of raw materials to make things from of their own needs and wants or desires due to being most educated and most skilled people so therein under their own purpose based proper management will flow things of their needs and wants or desires like rivers. That is how therein they will be surrounded with things of highest value and they will be covered in prosperity all year round as if they are covered by clothes made of green silk that shines. That is the degree of blissful, dignified and secure existence they will rise to. What an excellent outcome for thoughts and actions of such people and what a beautiful way of life they will live by as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    032] For that reason share with these people of yours this story as an example to help people understand the difference between the two opposing ways of life or two opposing approaches to living one’s life or two opposite mindsets, attitudes and behaviours. Once there were two people with two opposing mindsets, attitudes and behaviours. To one of them we had given two gardens of grapevines surrounded with palm-trees with gaps between them which were used as land for cultivating crops.

    033] Each of those gardens yielded abundant produce and neither failed to yield its best because we had caused a river to flow between each of the two gardens.

    034] Because this person had abundant produce in his gardens he said to his fellow man while arguing with him, I am much richer than you and my like minded clan is much bigger in numbers than yours.

    035] He had his mindset, attitude and behaviour based upon a way of life he lived by whereby he secured his own petty personal gains from others at their expense instead of living by our purpose based proper way of life that was advised for mankind by us to live by which could lead them to their own brotherhood in our kingdom. So having based himself upon harmful and destructive way of life with his that sort of outlook on life he entered his garden and said, I do not think that this garden will ever perish.

    036] Moreover I do not think the moment will arrive in my lifetime when I am weak and therefore I will become a needy person myself who will need help and support of others and even if I should be referred for judgment according to standard of my creator and sustainer, I will be given better than what I already have.

    037] His fellow man in reply of his argument said to him, do you disregard the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah to live by who brought you about just like plants from the ground due to a seed and fashioned you into a proper human being?

    038] As far as I am concerned, Allah is the only one who is my creator and sustainer so I do not live by rule of law of anyone in his kingdom other than his own.

    039] So what prevents you from expressing your thoughts and actions for others according to that which fulfils plan and purpose of Allah as well as ensures well being of others when you enter your garden. After all none has the right to rule this kingdom of his creation other than Allah himself alone. Even though you see me advantaged to a lesser degree than yourself in wealth and support or backing

    040] yet there is a chance that my creator and sustainer may enable me to have a garden better than yours and a bigger support and backing than yours as well as it is also possible for him that he may let someone strike your garden like a thunderbolt or lightning turning it into a barren wasteland as a consequence of your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others.

    041] Or its water may disappear in some way which you are then unable to get back.

    042] At length it so happened that all his fruit produce was destroyed and the vines tumbled down upon their trellises so he wrung his hands with grief because all that hard work he had put in it was lost. He cried regretfully, I wish I had not lived my life by a way of life whereby I rejected and opposed the purpose based proper way of life that was advised for mankind by my creator and sustainer so that they could live as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    043] That is how he ended up regretting his rejection and opposition to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind - which advised mankind to help and fully support each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community – due to not being able to avert the catastrophe all by himself and to continue his existence because when bad time came for him he could not find any help from anyone at all other than from Allah through his purpose based proper guidance and his own purpose based proper human community in his place or land or kingdom.

    044] It was then that he realized that blissful, dignified and  secure existence for humanity can only and only come through purpose based proper guidance of Allah alone by mankind working together as a single family to the best of their God given abilities according to his purpose based proper guidance for them by carrying out his program by accomplishing his set goals according to his provided guidelines which bring best possible results because thinking and doing all this brings abundant prosperity for whole of mankind in its wake.

    045] So O our prophet and messenger, explain for mankind about lives of those who live aimless and purposeless lives without our purpose based proper guidance for them by an example about their living in this world. Their living their lives is like the unwanted and undesired wild growth or weed on the earth that flourishes anyway with rain from the clouds but afterwards the same unwanted and undesired growth which no one wants or desires and for which no one cares and of which no one makes use turns into dry stubble which is then blown away by the winds serving no useful purpose for anyone or anything. Just as wanted and desired vegetation that is grown for serving its purpose therefore it is cared for and is made use of so purposeful and useful living by purpose based proper guidance of Allah gives mankind power over everything because for that very purpose Allah has put in place measures and he has set-up systems and laws for governing all affairs regarding purposeful proper operations of all things.

    046] The wealth of power hungry individuals and their following are only short lived attractions for such low lives who thrive on causing and promoting rivalries, disputes, animosities, fights and wars between or among mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from others at their expense but removal of disputes, tensions, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, dissensions, rifts, fights and wars from between mankind secures and therefore prolongs blissful and dignified existence of mankind that is greatly rewarding according to purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer for them because it acts as a solid foundation for them to build their purpose based proper human community upon which brings hope for a brilliant future for them in his kingdom.

    047] So O mankind, prepare yourselves through purpose based proper education and training for the time period of that kind of life so that we help you people remove the people in positions of power who undermine others by dominating them through creating disputes, rivalries, tensions and animosities between them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense so that you could see socially, politically, culturally, economically and religiously divided landscape evened out throughout the human world. That is how in time to come we will bring whole of mankind together as a single purpose based proper human community in our kingdom under our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world leaving not a single person on his own.

    048] That is how they all will be brought under purpose based proper rule of law of your creator and sustainer in the human world by his missionaries according to purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer for them fully organised and regulated in clearly marked departments for administration and management purposes and so it will be made known to them by our missionaries that you people have returned to our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world as we set you up at the beginning under the management of Adam at the time yet some of you assumed that we will not fulfil to you people our this promise after you fell away or moved away from our purpose based proper guidance for you.

    049] That is how our purpose based proper rule of law according to our purpose based proper book will become an established reality in the human world through hands of our missionaries and you the mankind will see rulers, money lenders, priests and their supporters and backers who commit crimes against the rest of human population in great anguish because of what is in our purpose based proper book about the outcome of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions or ideas and practices against the rest. That is why they will say, it is full of bad news for our future, what kind of God sent book is this? It left out not a thing needed for mankind to live a blissful, dignified and secure life whether small or large and whether less or more important but all is accounted for yet we ignored and avoided or neglected living by it and instead we lived our lives as we liked. They will see the results of all that they will have thought and done against the rest in opposition to our purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by our book before their very eyes because your creator and sustainer never advises people to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead he tells them to complement each other for ensuring well being of each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    050] Call to mind the time period when we told the leading people of human populations in the human world through Adam, live by our advised purpose based proper way of life along with Adam and all of them accepted doing that save Iblees and his supporters. He was one of those who think and act strangely or oddly or differently from the rest therefore he thought and acted against what we told him therefore he went his own way and continued living by his own way of life instead of living by way of life that was advised for mankind by his creator and sustainer. Will you people then take his and his supporters’ way of life to live by to ensure your well being instead of my purpose based proper guidance even though they by their way of life cause disputes, rivalries, animosities, fight and wars between people whereby they are harmed and destroyed by hands of each other? What a terribly bad substitute that way of life is for those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because it leads tyrants, oppressors and bullies to their terrible end as a result.

    051] No matter whatever they claim about me and my acts without any solid evidence it is all a guesswork and a lie or falsehood by them because I did not send them any of my revealed books to make them witness about the creation of the heavens and the earth nor about their own creation because it was not fitting for me that I should make such people as witness about my being and my works who mislead and deceive each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that is why they reject and oppose my purpose based proper way of life which I advised for mankind for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in my kingdom according to my purpose based proper guidance for them.

    052] However during the time period when our advised purpose based proper way of life for them becomes purposefully properly established in the human world by our missionaries, it will be said to people like them by our missionaries on our behalf, invite people to the way of life of those whom you considered my associates or partners or equals but they will find no adherents for it. That is because we let disputes, rivalries, animosities, hatred and wars arise and increase among themselves because of harms and destructions they inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    053] In due course these criminals will see for themselves the fire of hatred and animosity spreading between or among themselves which they themselves will have been igniting and intensifying and even they themselves will think they are going to fall victim to it and that they are going to be consumed by it yet they will find no way to escape from that situation or set of circumstances or state of existence unless they repent by stop living the way they do and reform by adopting our purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind to live by.

    054] This is why we have put forth all kinds of explanations and related evidences in this Quran to help mankind understand things purposefully properly yet man due to his ignorance based arrogance is baselessly contentious about many or most of the things we advise for him for ensuring his own well being.

    055] Even though nothing is actually there to stop people from committing themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them, particularly and especially because this latest and the last or final purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer has now come to them for leading them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence through a purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity unless they want to wait for the similar fate that overtook the people of the past before them or unless they want to wait till they see themselves in a terrible painful suffering by hands of each other before they realise or become aware of the truth of this message.

    056] We have not been sending our prophets and messengers for mankind but for proclaiming good news about blissful, dignified and secure existence for those who ought to think and do things to help each other unite and be peaceful for making progress to become prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose base proper guidance for them and to deliver loud and clear warnings for those who continue inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. However with their self defeating arguments the rejecters and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance always sought to defeat this truth and that is the reason they always took our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines as well as our warnings for them lightly and for a joke to laugh them off.

    057] So who can be more harmful and destructive than the group of people who when they are reminded about the program, goals and guidelines of its creator and sustainer, it turns away or moves away from them ignoring the warnings about the consequences of whatever harms and destructions it inflicts upon each other for securing its own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? We let the veil of their own ignorance based arrogance remain over minds and senses of these like people because they are not bothered with purpose based proper understanding of our purpose based proper message in this Quran for them so they are heedless. Call or invite them all you like towards our purpose based proper guidance for them, they will never be guided because they will keep on ignoring, avoiding and neglecting our purpose based proper message for them for their guidance.

    058] Regardless of their ignorance and arrogance based negative response the actual fact is they should have become aware of the truth that only and only your creator and sustainer alone is protector of mankind because he is the only one who has provided blissful, dignified and life securing purpose based proper guidance for them and he has also given them needed time and respite to think and do what they ought to be thinking and doing. Had he seized people instantly for their individual wrongdoings against each other then he will have hastened their consequences without any delay at all but instead he has set-up a time gap for their thoughts and actions and the outcome of their those thoughts and actions after passing of which they will not be able to find any delay or respite or refuge or shelter or protection against the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    059] All those human populations whom we provided with our purpose based proper guidance thereafter we left them on their own to think and do as they please in response to it yet many or most of them ended up destroyed by hands of each other by continuing their atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense against our purpose based proper guidance even though we gave them ample period of time to go for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    060] For this reason call to mind the time when Moses said to the human population he was sent to (ie Pharoah and people under his control), I will not give up making effort until I get two massive factions of these people who are disputing and fighting each other to come together as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of my creator and sustainer even if I have to spend my lifetime on this journey for achieving my this God assigned objective.

    061] At last after lots of explanations and terrible painful suffering by hands of each other when most of the people from both of the factions reached an agreement upon their purpose based proper unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community they gave up all their plotting, scheming, trickery, deception and treachery against each other because he found for them a way for their purpose based proper unity or coming together purposefully properly despite the ongoing crisis and confusion among themselves at the time.

    062] When they had settled their disputes, rivalries, tensions, animosities or harmful and destructive differences between themselves Moses said to the purpose based proper human population he was sent to, let us now think of a plan of action for our brilliant future surely we each should have a fully worked out purpose based proper plan of action laid down before each of us for this journey of ours as a purpose based proper focal point or a program with a set of goals and guidelines to work according to.

    063] One of the people in the community asked the people, are you people aware at all as to what happened to us as a people to be in this current terribly troublesome and problematic state of existence whereas we were a purpose based proper human community firmly grounded or anchored upon a purpose based proper foundation of purpose based proper guidance of Allah once upon a time (in time of Joseph)? At length or in due course we gradually became negligent and unaware about the life securing purpose based proper guidance of Allah for us and we became negligent about it because we were also subtly stopped, prevented and hindered from becoming aware about it by our harmful and destructive leadership in form of rulers, money lenders and priests. That is how the leadership of our human population through its tricky and deceptive way of life brought us to this current horrible state of existence by securing its own petty personal gains from its masses at their expense which landed us into a sea of troubles and problems with each other due to our lack of alertness and purpose based proper awareness about things as to what was going on in our human population.

    064] Moses replied, that is the state of existence we are looking for to go back to and that is how these divided groups of people retraced their steps back to their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. That way the reversal of the process of disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights or divisions and disunity led them back to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    065] All this became possible because Moses and his people found one of our prophets and messengers in Madyan or Madian or Midian whom we blessed with purpose based proper blissful, dignified and life securing information from us and whom we granted intelligence from us for purposeful proper understanding of that information for managing and handling various affairs regarding a purpose based proper human community in a place or land or kingdom based upon our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    066] Moses requested him, can you accept me in your company for a time period so that you could teach me also the wisdom that you yourself have been taught for dealing with affairs of a human population in a place or land or kingdom purposefully properly?

    067] He said, certainly but you may find difficulty in keeping up with me the way I see and do things.

    068] Also how can you see things my way when you have not yet acquired all the needed necessary information and its purposeful proper understanding about them the way I have?

    069] Moses said, soon you will find me consistent with you if you will think and do things according to the purpose based proper plan of Allah and I will not think and do anything against your assigned  task or mission to derail or jeopardize it.

    070] He said, if you wish to accompany me then you are not to question me about anything I think and do but wait till I myself bring you an explanation about all this.

    071] So they both set off on a journey of learning and discovery for exploring about how to bring about a purpose based proper human community and to manage or handle or maintain it purposefully properly to see what was going on in their human populations in their area within their reach till they came upon a human population in a place or settlement that was living peacefully according to our purpose based proper guidance for them so he made them dig a trench around the city for isolating it. Moses said, you have made people to dig a trench around the place of their settlement to isolate its people in order to isolate them. You have done a thing uncalled for or needless.

    072] Our prophet and messenger said to him, did I not say about you before we both set off on this journey of learning that you will not be able to keep up with what I think and do by waiting till I myself explains things to you because you do not know the actual situations or sets of circumstances where upon I base my decisions or judgements for thinking and doing things?

    073] Moses said, pardon my mistake and please do not hold it against me so that you end up making my learning experience very difficult for me.

    074] So they both carry on their journey of learning and exploration till they come across a young man who was full of energy so he gave him a good verbal thrashing in form of a solid argument based upon explanations and related evidences. Moses said, you have hit a person with a very critical lecture who has done nothing wrong to anyone or anything. Surely you have done an undesirable and unnecessary or a needless thing.

    075] Our prophet and messenger said to him, did I not say about you before we both set off on this journey of learning that you will not be able to keep up with what I think and do by waiting till I myself explains things to you because you do not know the actual situations or sets of circumstances where upon I base my decisions for thinking and doing things?

    076] Moses replied, if I interfere in your business again after this then you are under no obligation to keep me in your company and I will have no complain or excuse or justification against you for leaving me on my own.

    077] So they carry on with their journey of discovery till they reach a place or settlement wherein people were about to fall in disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions, conflicts and fights among themselves due to gradually falling away from our purpose based proper guidance for them so they invited its people to take part in their purpose based proper program from us for continuously maintaining their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom but they refused to entertain them yet he found this resistance of theirs collapsible and removable so he took a decision to work on its people to keep them gathered into a purpose based proper human community. Moses said, if you wanted you could have warned them about the terrible outcome or consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other and left them to think and do as they pleased minding your own business because they refused to work with us. 

    078] Our prophet and messenger said to Moses, this is the parting of company between you and me but first I should explain to you things about those thoughts and actions of mine which you could not bear to watch patiently and quietly without questioning my judgement or decisions about what I thought and did.

    079] As for the people of a place or settlement, they were a purpose based properly united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous human community who were most productive because they produced things of their need and want in abundance like flowing of a river, so I decided to isolate them for their own safety and security because at a distance from them there is a ruler in a place who is keen on attacking places or settlements within his reach for loot and plunder.

    080] As for the lively and energetic man, he was a leading person of a purpose based proper human community who were purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance, who ought to take purposeful proper care of young and old in his purpose based proper human community because they put him in place or position according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah to take care of them purposefully properly but we were concerned lest he harms them instead by going against the purpose based proper guidance of Allah so by delivering him some talk we put him in the right frame of mind and attitude by making him think things through thoroughly so that he behaves purposefully properly as he ought to or as he should.

    081] We had already planned that through us their creator and sustainer should change him for the better for them, a purposeful proper son of a purpose based proper human community who keeps community which is under his management free of disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions, rifts, conflicts and fight between themselves and so that he keeps them on the road to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in the kingdom of their creator and sustainer.

    082] As for the community that was about to fall apart due to falling victim to disputes, rivalries, animosities and fights between themselves because it became divided into two factions due to two opposing individuals who were contesting for the leadership of their community in that place or settlement after the expiry or retirement of their community leader. However the fact is, under the umbrella of a purpose based proper unity in a human population laid great benefits and advantages for all the factions as well as all their individual members. Since their community father was a leader who worked very, very hard for keeping his human population purposefully properly united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous by keeping it free of disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions, rifts, dissensions and fights between themselves, your creator and sustainer chose that these successors of his should also reach their thinking level through my help whereat they could rediscover their treasure of well being which lay in their being a purposefully properly united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous community by means of blissful, dignified and life securing program of your creator and sustainer and not as per my own personal desire alone. This is the explanation for my decisions and judgements for my thoughts and actions about which you did not stay quiet just as a silent observer and without interfering in my business.

    083] O our prophet and messenger, soon the people you are sent for will ask you for information about the person who is sent by us as our prophet and messenger to a people as to what are supposed to be his necessary main qualities or attributes, missionary duties and activities. Such a person at least possesses two qualities such as he is bestowed purpose based proper information from us and he understands it purposefully properly through his own hard effort in light of real world realties as well as he delivers our granted purpose based proper information to people he is sent for (zi al qarnain). Say, I will only explain for you people through an exemplary character about some of his assigned mission related activities.

    084] No doubt through our purpose based proper guidance we helped this person establish himself purposefully properly in the human world because we blessed him with all the necessities he needed for fulfilling our assigned objective or mission.

    085] After having all he needed for starting his assigned mission, he set himself on a path of discovery through exploration as a fact finding mission

    086] till he arrived as far as he could reach in the direction of the sun-setting whereat he found that jurisdiction of his assigned mission reached its limit but thereby he found a human population which lived their lives the way they liked. We said, O Zalqarnain, you have the option either to let these people continue living in their painful suffering by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense or to show them our purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind that can help them unite to be peaceful to make progress and be prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    087] So he decided to intervene in their affairs by telling them, anyone who inflicts harms and destructions upon others from now on and that way acts against the well being of the newly set up purpose based proper human community then we will stop, prevent and hinder him because that will be for keeping things in accordance with the purpose based proper guidance of his creator and sustainer that will deal with him as he ought to be dealt with.

    088] As for anyone who commits oneself purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah and he will actively take part in removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions and conflicts from between people as well as he will put the human population on the road to its unity, peace, progress and prosperity and keep it going along that road, the result of one’s such works will be huge improvement within the purpose based proper human community and that will make life easy for him as well as it will accomplish and fulfil our assigned mission by our creator and sustainer.

    089] At length he set out on another discovery and exploration trip

    090] till he arrived as far as he could reach in the direct of the sunrise (the eastern border or limit of his jurisdiction) whereat he became aware about a human population for whom we had not left any obstacle or barrier or hurdle in their way because of their following our purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly for making progress.

    091] Seeing things as they should be he left them as they were as we had the full knowledge of whatever task laid before him to carry out.

    092] Then after some time he set out on a yet other discovery and exploration mission

    093] till he arrived at the boundaries between two human populations whereat he found another human people which troubled them both because they gave no importance to our purpose based proper rule of law in the place they lived.

    094] The people troubled by them said, O Zulqarnain (prophet and messenger of Allah), people given to loot and plunder as well as warfare have ravaged this place and its people indeed, so can we help and support you with whatever we can come up with so that you could settle this matter between us and them by a lasting solution?

    095] Zul-Qarnain said, the solid foundation for solving these like troublesome problems between mankind which my creator and sustainer has granted me is the best way so it is more than enough to solve your problem so help me with your workforce to spread it so that thereby I could build a strong and lasting bridge between you and them.

    096] So bring me copies of revealed pages of the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for building a solid and lasting relationship between you the opposing parties so he continued with this task of their purpose based proper education and training with their help till when he had bridged the gap between the two parties of people that were at odds with each other completely. He said to them, this relationship between you based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah will last till the time you will maintain it and keep it alive brilliantly. At length he said to his concerned people, bring all these purposefully properly educated and trained people to me and I will organise and regulate them into a purposefully properly organised and regulated human community.

    097] So that none of these people transgresses against this set-up as a purpose based proper human community by destroying the agreed contract between themselves by breaching it even bit by bit.

    098] He said to all of the factions that were at odds with each other, this is the blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance from my creator and sustainer for mankind. That is how when the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by my creator and sustainer becomes established by his missionaries among a people in the human world then thereby he squeezes out of them as promised by him all the crookedness, wickedness, selfishness, greediness, miserliness, covetousness, jealousy, envy, rivalries, animosities, hatred, bitterness, conflicts and fights which they have between themselves due to adopting the way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. The purpose based proper guidance of my creator and sustainer for the mankind always proves true when it is put to its purposeful proper use purposefully properly by mankind.

    099] The time period is coming when we will inspire, motivate and encourage or help masses in the human populations through our purpose based proper guidance to become free from the control of their secular and religious leaders (rulers, money lenders and priests) to surge like waves to join or merge with one another as a brotherhood of humanity according to it. That is how we will breathe a new life into mankind when we will assemble mankind all together under our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world for carrying out our purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines for them.

    100] It is because by that time period we will lay bare the life of hell before the rejecters and opponents of our blissful, dignified and life securing purpose based proper guidance.

    101] Those who turn a blind eye to my purpose based proper guidance for them and a deaf ear to my warning for them to stop them from living their lives by their harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which leads them to a terrible state of existence by hands of each other as a consequence.

    102] Do those who reject and oppose my purpose based proper rule of law based upon my purpose based proper guidance for them think that they can save and secure themselves through taking my creatures as their Gods, owners, rulers and protectors instead of or along with me by living by their invented and imposed rule of law and way of life? This is how we let such people prepare for themselves life of hell of their own making for their own entertainment such as reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    103] Say to them, shall we tell you about the people worst in loss of fruit of their own purposeless hard work or labour?

    104] They are those whose all efforts, thoughts and actions are focused upon securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other in life of this world so they remain a low life people yet they think they are doing works that make the world a beautiful place for them.

    105] Such are the people who reject and oppose purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for them from their creator and sustainer instead of meeting his required set standard for them therefore their efforts, thoughts and actions end up being void of any benefits or advantages for themselves and others so they carry no weight to avert the time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, upheavals, tumults and turmoils between themselves.

    106] That is the reason the results of efforts, thoughts and actions of such people are life of terrible painful suffering because they reject and oppose my purpose based proper rule of law for them and because they take my purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines as well as my messengers for them for a joke or a laughingstock.

    107] However those who commit or dedicate or devote themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them and they work very, very hard to remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions, rifts, dissensions, fights and wars from between mankind they are sure to be entertained in the highly blissful, dignified and life securing places, lands or kingdoms

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #157 - October 01, 2023, 11:07 PM

    108] to live therein for as long as they will live and maintain things that way and they will let no change take place in that kind of environment that affects it in a harmful and destructive way.

    109] Say, even if there was a sea-full of troublesome problems and difficulties created by you the mankind for the set-up systems and laws of my creator and sustainer they will all become solved long before the set-up systems and laws of my creator and sustainer become obsolete and the same will happen even if we let mankind create a similar sea-full of similar troublesome problems and difficulties for themselves repeatedly.

    110] O our prophet and messenger tell these people you are sent to, I am not a supernatural being at all and I have no supernatural power at all as you people assume about a God sent person including me instead I am only a human being just like you people are with the exception that message is revealed to me by Allah to proclaim it to you the mankind that your God, owner and ruler is only and only one that is he Allah himself alone therefore whoever wants to meet the requirements or specifications or set standard of his creator and sustainer for attaining blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom as a part of purpose based proper human community, let him think and do things to remove causes for disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions, rifts, conflicts, fights and wars from between mankind to help them unite for their own peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for them so they should not take as their Gods, owners and rulers other than or along with Allah in his kingdom of creation and they should not live by their imaginary rule of law and way of life instead of his rule of law and his way of life as advised by him for them.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #158 - October 15, 2023, 12:35 AM

    Surah 17   AL-ISRA–The journey of mankind from darkness of ignorance to light of knowledge through which they are put by their creator and sustainer for their own enlightenment from the time period of their darkness of ignorance for their own self awareness and their discoveries about the real world realities through their own observations and explorations for their becoming aware about the need of his purpose based proper guidance for themselves for their seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly from the time its revelation was begun till the time of purposeful proper establishment of a kingdom based upon it in the human world by his missionaries for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] For that reason glory only and only belongs to him alone whose purpose based proper set-up systems and laws as well as his measures put in place are constantly at work according to his plan for fulfilling the purpose for which he has brought about this kingdom of his creation as well as due to the fulfilment of which he took his each and every prophet and messenger on a journey of learning for his own enlightenment through his revealed information as well as his own discoveries through his own explorations from the time period when mankind were in the darkness of ignorance due to which they lived as they pleased so thereby mankind were offered the opportunity to move themselves away from the condemnable and rejectable rule of law in the human world towards his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind for their living in their human world purposefully properly because the environment and atmosphere between human beings this purpose based proper rule of law could bring about could lead them to heights of excellence and thereby to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. All this was done by him to manifest, show or display to mankind the truth that their creator and sustainer is all hearing and all seeing.

    002] That is why we gave Moses the book as our purpose based proper guidance for those who claimed they were supporters and backers of Israel saying to them, never take anyone for a God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of our creation other than or along with us for adopting any way of life recommended by anyone to you other than the one recommended for you by us for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    003] That is because you people are descendents of those whom we got onboard with Noah for establishing our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world and he proved himself indeed a man worthy of trust by using our provisions purposefully properly according to our purpose based proper guidance for him and his supporters and backers.

    004] Besides this we also forewarned those who claimed to be supporters and backers of Israel that if you people will not live by our purpose based proper way of life advised for you then for sure you will repeatedly cause disputes, rivalries, tensions, animosities, fights and wars between yourselves as well as other human populations for seeking dominance over each other for undermining each other and thereby you people will inflict grave painful suffering and destruction upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    005] So when the very first time some of you people proved our forewarning true due to your thinking and doings things the way you people were told not to think and do things, then our set-up systems and laws delivered to you people the consequences of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by letting rise against you a strong fighting force who saw you as their enemies and they invaded and rampaged through your land and its institutions turning them upside down about which you were warned already.

    006] Then after that we afforded or availed you people an opportunity to overcome their harm and destruction by helping you people through your unity, peace, progress and prosperity based upon our purpose based proper guidance for you and that is how we granted you bigger and stronger ideological manpower.

    007] So thereby it was made obvious for you people to see that if you people will think and do things according to our purpose based proper guidance for you to make existence of each other blissful, dignified and secure as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom then it will ensure your own well being through help and full support of each other by your complementing each other purposefully properly. However if you people will instead make life of each other hell by living your lives by a way of life whereby you people will inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense then it is you people yourselves who will suffer the terrible consequences by hands of each o9ther for inflicting harms and destructions upon each other. This is why when you people again gave up establishment, maintenance and abiding by our purpose based proper rule of law for you then our warning for you people became fulfilled once more, because again our set up systems and laws let rise against you people another fighting force to undermine your harmful and destructive ambitious and desires against each other and they too invaded and violated the land you were settled in as well as your institution and jurisdiction just as the ones entered them before so they also utterly destroyed all that they laid their hands upon.

    008] Regardless now once more your creator and sustainer has granted you people another opportunity for your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom through his this new, latest and final purpose based proper guidance in form of the Quran for you through his this new, latest and final prophet and messenger from him but instead of helping and supporting him if you will still repeat the showing of the very same harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to your harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against each other then we too will let the same consequences to be delivered to you people because we have set-up our systems and laws which ensure that painful humiliating suffering engulfs such people in due course as do not abide by our purpose based proper rule of law for them as well as do not abide by our purpose based proper way of life advised for them to live by as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. This is how those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance entrap and confine themselves in hell of their own making.

    009] No doubt this Quran guides mankind to a way of life that is purposefully proper for leading those who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer to a lasting blissful, dignified and secure existence because it gives this good news only and only to such people as take effective steps and actions to remove rivalries, disputes, tensions, animosities, rifts, fights and wars from between mankind in order to mend and repair fractured and damaged or broken relationship between them for their becoming a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. This is why for sure there awaits this great outcome for such people who will think and do all that which will lead mankind to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom.

    010] In contrast to these people this Quran delivers most severe warnings for those people who will not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer for their own brilliant future that his set up systems and laws are already in place to ensure they are delivered the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other because of which they are bound to end up in a terrible painful and humiliating state of existence and destruction by hands of each other.

    011] Therefore mankind should rely only and only upon our purpose based proper way of life advised for them to live by whereby they should ensure well being of each other purposefully properly instead of relying upon any other way of life whereby they are bound to end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. However despite our explanations and warning mankind still go for harming and destroying each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other as well as at the expense of their very own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. No doubt mankind have become accustomed to securing their-own individual petty personal gains from each other quickly at the expense of each other.

    012] Just as we have given mankind freedom of choice to choose between brotherhood or animosity between themselves and receive the outcomes respectively for thinking and doing so, so we have caused the phenomena of the night (like the time period of darkness of ignorance or dark or depressing or gloomy days of poverty, cruelty and disease) and the day (like the time period of light of knowledge or enlightenment or bright days of progress and prosperity and compassion and good will) as changes between two ends or extremes. By night we let the darkness of the night cover up things under the shadow or curtain of its darkness to become invisible or hidden for mankind therefore they become mysteries or mysterious for them as to what they are, what they do, how they do it and why they do what they do and by day we let things come under the brilliant daylight to become visible and clearly obvious to mankind as to what they are, what they do, how they do it and why they do what they do, so that you the mankind could seek your livelihood as well as his purpose based proper guidance for you people as his provisions for you people from your creator and sustainer, and so that you could keep records of things and time to manage, handle or use them purposefully properly to work out your future plans for your future activities. That is why we are explaining for you the mankind all essential things in all necessary detail purposefully properly.

    013] This is how we have linked the future destiny of mankind as a whole to their own past efforts for learning and doing things as they choose as per direction they choose. Therefore if mankind will think and act purposefully properly according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for them then our rule of law will become established in their human world by hands of our missionaries which will make their existence blissful, dignified and secure as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom but should they fail to establish our purpose based proper rule of law in their human world according to our purpose based proper guidance for them then the time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, upheavals, tumults and turmoils or disturbances and instability will continue till our missionaries bring out for them a book and lay it open before them as a future manifesto for them.
    014] For that purpose each and every person will be told, read and understand the book laid open before you purposefully properly. During this time period of instability you are in more than enough trouble by hands of each other to take yourself to task for what you have been thinking and doing to get into this terrible situation or set of circumstances or state of existence despite having been blessed with purpose based proper freedom, provisions and guidance of your creator and sustainer.

    015] The fact is, only and only that human population which seeks, receives, studies, accepts and acts upon our purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly is guided or led to its own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly in our kingdom and any human population that ignores, avoids or neglects our purpose based proper guidance for it, risks falling victim to its own harms and destructions by hands of each other by continuously living its life the harmful and destructive way due to which it inflicts harms and destructions upon each other for securing its own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. For this reason it should be obvious for all human beings as individuals as well as for all human populations that no human population is held or wants to be held accountable for another concerning lacks in their fulfilments of their duties and obligations or responsibilities to their own individual members as well as to each other that is why we never put any human being or any human population through terrible painful suffering and destruction for the wrongdoings of others and instead we send our prophets and messengers or missionaries to them to help them guide themselves to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    016] The fact is, even if we decide to leave a people of a place or land or settlement to themselves to harm and destroy themselves due to their own thinking and doing harmful and destructive things to each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense it is still after we have sent to them our prophet and messenger or missionary who delivers to them including their leading secular and religious people our purpose based proper guidance for them and they instead of studying and accepting as well as acting upon it purposefully properly reject and oppose it and instead they continue causing disputes, rivalries, tensions, animosities, dissensions, conflicts, fights and wars between the people of their human populations so in due course our warning proves true for them because they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. 

    017] That is how we saw many of the human populations generation after generation harming and destroying themselves since before the time of Noah. Sufficiently efficient are set-up systems and laws of your creator and sustainer in showing results of thoughts and actions of his human creatures to them demonstrating clearly to them his abilities of awareness and dealing with all affairs effectively, decisively or purposefully properly.

    018] So he who works for getting his petty personal gains fast or quickly at the expense of others as well as at the expense of his existence as a part of a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, we readily grant him such things as we have already planned for such like people because they choose to work towards that end so we leave such people on this road of their choice to end up in state of terrible painful existence wherein they remain disgraced, humiliated, condemned and rejected by rest of their own human kind unless they repent by stop living the way they do and reform by adopting our purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind to live by for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom.

    019] However he who decides to work towards his brilliant future as a part of a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, the endeavour of each and every such person in the purpose based proper human community leads the community as a whole to its blissful, dignified and secure existence if such people indeed commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom because they use our provisions purposefully properly.

    020] That is how upon all mankind we bestow out of the provision of your creator and sustainer fruits of their own works which are based upon their own thoughts and actions. Upon those who do not abide by our purpose based proper rule of law and way of life advised for them as well as upon those who do, because bounties of your creator and sustainer are not limited or confined or restricted to any particular person or any particular human population but are there for all to duly benefit from and to take due advantage of.

    021] See how we leave all human populations free to think and do as they please after providing them with our purpose based proper guidance for them whereby some human populations rise above others in their struggle for survival and excellence due to what people themselves think and do. Certainly the distances between distinct opposite human populations in due course are going to become yet greater for the contrast to be or become more and more visible or obvious.

    022] For that reason accept no rule of law of anyone other than or along with Allah otherwise you people who have accepted his purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind to live by will become isolated and cut off from each other and that way you will end up divided into rival factions and groups whereby you will become stuck in disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions, fights and wars between yourselves and thereby you will end up in all kinds of troubles and problems with each other due to which you will end up in poverty and diseases and because of all that you people will become trapped in this situation or set of circumstances or state of existence and that way you will end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    023] This is why your creator and sustainer decreed that you the mankind should not take for yourselves any God, owner and ruler other than or along with him so that with help of his purpose based proper guidance for you and with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly you people could bring about blissful, dignified and secure existence for all your young and old. If both (young and old) or either of them approach you the purpose based proper human community administration and management for any matter of great or vital importance for the community, do not show lack of concern and interest in their matter of interest and concern nor rebuke them instead encourage them for doing so and deal with their concerns and interests in a way that leads you all to your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    024] You the people in the administration and management team as well as in the production and distribution team for goods and services should be steadfastly and constantly consistent with others in the team in order to deliver to the managed young and old blissful, dignified and secure sustenance by saying, my creator and sustainer provide them with blissful, dignified and secure sustenance through me as you provided me with sustenance through them when I was young and depended upon my predecessors in the administration and management as well as in the production and distribution teams.

    025] Your creator and sustainer makes obvious for others to see your own motives in your minds through your own actions. So if you will act to remove disputes, rivalries, tensions, animosities, rifts, conflicts, fights and wars between people for reconciliation between them for fostering good relationships between them then surely he will bring that about again because he alone is protector of mankind through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for them.

    026] Therefore fulfil your duties, obligation and responsibilities towards each other purposefully properly by delivering the rights of each other to each other as a purposefully properly set up, organised, regulated and settled community as well as a people who are on a journey towards becoming a purpose based properly set up and settled community and do not dispossess each other or take away rights of each other by way of transgressions and rivalries against each other by dominating and undermining each other because that way in due course you will end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    027] Surely those who are bent upon dominating each other by undermining each other by way of transgressing set limits of Allah they are helpers and supporters of the leaderships that are harmful and destructive for humanity and no doubt the harmful and destructive leadership always rejects and opposes purpose based proper guidance of its creator and sustainer for it.

    028] However even if you the accepters and supporters of our purpose based proper guidance have to isolate from such leaders and supporters as are harmful and destructive for humanity due to their ignorance based arrogance for establishing the purpose based proper rule of law of your creator and sustainer in the human world as you are directed and instructed for it yet keep on explaining to them things about his purpose based proper guidance for them the way it could sink in their minds or it could be understood by them.

    029] In any case you should neither completely cut off your ties with your opponents nor become so accommodating for them that you end up being harmed and destroyed by them yourselves by becoming totally trapped by their way of life so keep a working relationship with them that is purposefully proper.

    030] Surely your creator and sustainer gives food for thought and food for nourishment in abundance to a people who seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly because that is what he has set-up systems and laws for and put his measures in place. This is how he shows to mankind that he is purposefully properly aware of his subjects regarding their motives and actions.

    031] So O mankind, do not kill potential of development and growth in your future generations by conditioning and brainwashing them through your baseless doctored secular and religious indoctrinations in the name of their education and training due to your fear of their becoming of equal value as human beings through the brotherhood of humanity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. It is we who fulfil all purpose based proper needs and wants of all of them as well as all of you through our provided purpose based proper sustenance and guidance for you as well as them. Surely killing potential of development and growth in your future generations is a grossly harmful and destructive thing for humanity itself to think and do.

    032] That is why you the mankind should never even think about distorting our purpose based proper guidance for you in any way through your adulteration or mixing or joining with it anything which is in conflict with it as well as which is in conflict with real world realities because any such association, addition or change or alteration will place you on a road or path to your own harm and destruction by hands of each other.

    033] That is why you the mankind should never stop, prevent, hinder or restrict anyone from developing or progressing or growing to one’s full purpose based proper potential in any way because Allah has strictly forbidden mankind from thinking and doing that to anyone. Yet despite his telling if anyone still oppresses or suppresses anyone to stop or prevent or hinder anyone from growing or progressing or developing to one’s full purpose based proper potential then we grant the right to his helpers and supporters to support and help him overcome that oppression or suppression. So let not the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom fail in carrying out its this duty, obligation, responsibility or requirements for the fulfilment of the purpose based proper justice and fairness purposefully properly in case of all kind of harmful and destructive oppressions or suppressions. Surely any such person who is oppressed or suppressed therefore he is purposefully properly supported by our purpose based proper set up systems and laws as well as our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    034] Therefore you the purpose based proper human community administration and management in our kingdom should never handle the fruits of your purpose based proper human community labour for fulfilling the needs of the individuals in the purpose based proper human community other than for the purpose of making their existence blissful, dignified and secure so that each and every one of the individuals in the purpose based proper human community could grow, develop and progress to one’s full potential and that is the standard or benchmark or touchstone or criterion to which people put in place as administrators and managers to serve purpose based proper human community must be held accountable to by means of their oaths or pledges or promises for undertaking their official duties and responsibilities. So people put in place or installed in position to serve purpose based proper human community should be held to account for what they promise and agree to deliver to purpose based proper human community purposefully properly.

    035] For that reason stick to our purpose based proper set up measures purposefully properly when you have to judge things by our provided standard and criterion which is firmly founded upon purpose based proper balance for meeting purposeful proper needs and wants of mankind and their purposeful proper fulfilment by them. This is the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by us to live by that can lead them to their beautiful existence because whenever it will be adopted by them purposefully properly it will prove to them to be the best way of life possible for mankind to abide by in their human world.

    036] Therefore you the mankind should never support or back up or live by any way of life at all other than the one we have advised for you to live by, about which you have no confirmable and verifiable information that it will lead you to your blissful, dignified and secure existence as purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. Be alert about your ability of hearing and capacity of seeing as well as about faculty of your thinking and understanding things that all of these should be put to their purpose based proper use by yourselves for the purpose they are granted to you because you are duty bound for their purposeful proper use or you are held accountable for their use.

    037] This is why you the mankind should not even think about trying to take over the human world on basis of your ignorance based arrogance because the way we have set up the human world to work you can never control it through your power of physical force nor can you control it through your falsehood because you cannot influence the minds of masses for very long thereby.

    038] All of these stated prohibitions are unlawful and forbidden for you to get involved in because they are seriously harmful and destructive for you the mankind and they are obstacles, barriers and hurdles in your way of unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer which can lead you people to your blissful, dignified and secure existence through your own complementing each other purposefully properly.

    039] This is only a part of the wisdom which your creator and sustainer has revealed for you the mankind to be turned into a reality through its application and implementation by his courageous and brave missionaries. So stop taking anyone for a God, owner or ruler of this kingdom of creation other than or along with Allah and stop living by any way of life other than the one advised for you the mankind by your creator and sustainer otherwise you will remain in hell of your own making because you people due to your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense are full of accusations of atrocities, injustice and unfairness against each other therefore you are rejected, condemned and opposed by each other so you will remain stuck in the mess of your own making between yourselves instead of becoming and remaining as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    040] You claim to have better programs, goals and guidelines as your foundation for living your lives and you claim to establish and implement them by having courageous support and backing for them but you attribute imperfections and defects to the ones you are told about by us as well as you take our missionaries for weaklings and cowards but think about it, how could your creator and sustainer provide you the mankind with purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines as a solid foundation for living your lives yet choose for their establishment and implementation the missionaries who are dumb and cowards? Surely you are expressing or showing a dreadful and highly damaging error in your judgement by not establishing and implementing or executing and carrying out our provided program by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. Only and only the outcomes make clearly evident whose foundation is purposefully proper and whose support or backing is purposefully proper and solid. 

    041] O our prophet and messenger, surely we have explained things in this Quran in various ways for them by pointing out the evidences so that they could observe things for themselves and think them through thoroughly for learning purpose based proper sense of things yet it has only added to their aversion from our purpose based proper guidance for them and that has added to their misuse and mismanagement of our provisions for them resulting in their own harms and destructions by hands of each other.

    042] Say, you the mankind should think about it that if there were really other Gods, owners and rulers of this kingdom of creation other than or along with Allah as these secular and religious leading people whom you take for your rulers, money lenders and priests claim then they will have certainly found a way to undermine the claims of sole rulership of Allah to the throne or sovereignty of this kingdom of his creation. Since purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah has never been challenged throughout times and places purposefully properly therefore the truth about this claim is self evident for mankind to see it for themselves.

    043] The fact is, he alone is constantly and consistently at work through his set-up systems and laws in his kingdom of creation so he is far above from being concerned or disturbed about petty things they say about him to try and undermine his greatness in goodness. He is only concerned about ensuring well being of mankind through their own help and support of each other by way of their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    044] This is why strive very, very hard for the fulfilment of his purpose based proper program for mankind according to his plan all the numerous far away galaxies as well as this galaxy and whatever is within and in between them. There is not even a single smallest or largest thing but it reflects, manifest and radiates his greatness in goodness and creativity in its own way though you the mankind are not even bothered to understand the ways they manifest his Godship, ownership and sovereignty purposefully properly but surely he has been the persistent and consistent protector of humanity through his blissful, dignified and secure life providing program as well as his set-up systems and laws.

    045] For the reason that people do not pay purposeful proper attention to understanding of things that can help them understand our message purposefully properly when you proclaim the Quran among the people, we let remain this as a barrier or obstacle or hurdle between you and the religious and secular chiefs and their blind supporters and backers who do not intend to commit or dedicate or devote themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for their own brilliant future through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    046] That is how we let their this self created barrier be an obstacle for their minds therefore they fail to understand our purpose based proper message for them purposefully properly because in their listening to our message is a defect or fault to begin with, so when you refer to your sole creator and sustainer through the Quran about his purpose based proper program for oneness of all the human populations under his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world they turn their backs on that in disgust and rage.

    047] That is how we make obvious for you how the harmful and destructive secular and religious leaders and their supporters and backers come to listen to you proclaiming the Quran when they come to listen to you and we also make you aware as to what they say about you when they converse with each other in private after hearing our message you convey to them. These rejecters and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for them say to one another, surely you are listening to a man who is plotting and scheming some secret plan against us.

    048] See what sort of conclusion these leaders and their supporters draw from our message you tell them? They surely distort the purpose for which they are given this message because they are not bothered with purpose based proper understanding and acting upon the message to live their lives purposefully properly.

    049] Having such mindset, attitude and behaviour towards each other yet some of them tell others, as a people we have become totally disintegrated and decomposed by internal strife and warfare or infighting so can we still become a united human population again that is worthy of good name?

    050] Tell them, yes you people can be transformed into a purpose based proper human community worthy of good name due to the solid purpose based proper Quranic foundation even if you have become rival factions of many groups due to having no solid criterion as a purpose based proper foundation

    051] or code of constructive mannerism for conducting yourselves purposefully properly for dealing with each other regarding which there is gross lack of purpose based proper sense in your minds. They further say, who is there to restore us to blissful, dignified and secure existence? Say, the one who raised you the mankind to heights of excellence and thereby gave you blissful, dignified and secure existence originally the first time. Yet they turn their heads towards you and ask, if what you tell us is really going to happen then tell us when this will happen? Say, it will happen but it will happen soon only and only if you people will accept the provided purpose based proper program and work very, very hard for carrying it out by accomplishing its goals according to its guidelines.

    052] The fact is, it can start happening the day you are called upon to work for establishing or installing and implementing the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the place or land you live in for ensuring well being of mankind by complementing each other purposefully properly according to his purpose based proper guidance for you and you people respond by accepting and establishing only and only his Godship, ownership and sovereignty alone in the place or land you people live in by implementing only and only his purpose based proper rule of law and that is how you will become aware of or come to realise the fact that you have been living but a very, very limited and restricted life which held you back from growing, developing and progressing to your full God given potential because you lived by a way of life whereby you people secured your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which you have been inflicting terrible harms and destructions upon each other instead of helping and supporting each other purposefully properly and that held you back from living your lives as you were supposed to.

    053] So tell my missionaries or supporters and backers of my purpose based proper guidance for mankind that they should convince, encourage, inspire, motivate and activate each other for thinking and doing all that which can lead them to a beautiful state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom. Surely the harmful and destructive secular and religious leadership which rejects and opposes my purpose based proper guidance for mankind always looks for chances and opportunities or loopholes to stirs up or cause or start up troubles and problems between them. It is because the fact is, the leadership that rejects and opposes my purpose based proper guidance for mankind is self evidently enemy of mankind which is very much obvious from its very own thoughts and actions against humanity.

    054] Your creator and sustainer makes all these problematic things obvious for you the mankind out of his concern for your well being so that if any of you people wish then they could abide by his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and end up in a blissful, dignified and secure state of existence or if any of you people choose, they could stay away from his purpose based proper guidance and remain in life of hell by their own making. It is because we have not sent you to them O our prophet and messenger to be a God, owner and ruler to them.

    055] This is how your creator and sustainer makes you the mankind purposefully properly aware about all that is in the heavens and the earth through his purpose based proper messages and that is why we raised our prophets and messengers from among mankind some of whom developed and expressed our granted abilities to them more than others and that is the reason we blessed David with Zaboor to abide by as our purpose based proper guidance cannot be understood and acted upon purposefully properly by ignorant and senseless or irrational people who do nothing to develop our granted abilities to them to their full potential.

    056] Say, rely all you like upon rule of law of those whom you take for your Gods, owners or rulers other than or along with Allah but the fact is, they have no power nor authority whatsoever to remove your troubles and problems you the mankind have created between yourselves, nor do they have even the sense to comprehend them and change things for the best possible for you.

    057] The fact is, even our missionaries upon whom the ignorant masses from among mankind rely for the removal of their troubles and problems between themselves as their Gods, owners and rulers other than or along with their creator and sustainer they themselves struggle and strive very, very hard for seeking, reaching, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for them so that thereby they could reach settlement of all kinds of problems between mankind for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity through his own approved way of life so that thereby they could become a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom because they fear otherwise mankind will remain in a terrible state of painful existence as warned by their creator and sustainer. No doubt the terrible painful state of existence as warned by your creator and sustainer is a dreadful state of existence so it should be avoided by mankind by living their lives according to his purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by him.

    058] There is not a place or settlement or habitation or land or kingdom wherein rulers, money lenders, priests and their touts and supporters will work against our purpose based proper guidance for them but we will let it suffer terribly and greatly by hands of each other or we will even let it destroy itself through revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, upheavals, tumults and turmoils unless they repent by stop living the way they live and reform by adopting our purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind to live by before our purpose based proper rule of law becomes purposefully properly established in the human world by our missionaries. This is the information that was written in each and every scripture we revealed for mankind throughout times and places about which mankind should be aware purposefully properly.

    059] The fact is, we have created all things including mankind to serve only and only our purpose according to our plan so nothing stops us from sending our purpose based proper messages to inform mankind about our program, goals and guidelines for them for their purpose based proper guidance about all this, not even the opposing mindset, attitude and behaviour of their past generations who rejected and opposed them. For example, we sent our purpose based proper guidance for the people of Thamud as a solid foundation for them to build their purpose based proper human community upon to open their eyes as to how they should live their lives purposefully properly but they rejected it and continued working against it by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. We do not send our purpose based proper revelations for mankind but for the reason that they pay their purposeful proper attention to them and learn to abide by them in order to save themselves from their own self created troubles and problems between each other in order to lead them to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    060] For that very reason we told you people also that the purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer addresses all needs and wants of mankind purposefully properly and comprehensively therefore there is no escape for them from the purpose based proper plan or vision of Allah for them. We did not make our vision clearly evident in the Quran about the brilliant future of mankind which we shared with you but for the purpose that mankind struggle and strive very, very hard toward it as their ultimate destiny as opposed to their struggle for living by their own harmful and destructive ways of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which lead them away from their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. We drew their attention to our this purpose based proper plan for ensuring their own well being through their own help and full support for each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly yet some of them only and only intensify their rejection and opposition to it due to their own ignorance based arrogance or their remaining drowned in their own ignorance and becoming arrogant by their lack of interest in learning and understanding things purposefully properly.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #159 - October 15, 2023, 12:36 AM

    061] This was the mindset, attitude and behaviour people developed originally due to which they ended up in fighting with each other and became exhausted after a lot of bloodshed between themselves and that is why when we said through Adam to the chiefs and their people in the land at the time, be consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for you along with Adam, they all accepted it and acted upon it save Iblees and his people. He said, why should I accept it and act upon it to be like or equal to him whom you have brought forth from among the humble or down trodden or working class people or from among the people who are looked down upon by people like me?

    062] He also said, what do you think is going to happen to this person and his supporters whom you have honoured with your revelation instead of me when he does not really deserve it because I am a much more capable person than him? Should you give me time then I will prove this to you - before the time when your rule of law becomes established by him and his supporters in the human world - by taking over the people who claim to be his supporters and backers save a tiny minority.

    063] Allah said, you can carry on with what you can think and do as you like but in time to come you and anyone who will support and back your way of life, all of you are bound to face the results of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in form of a terribly painful state existence, which will be a fitting result or outcome for your terrible thoughts and actions against each other.

    064] So trap whoever you can by your clever tricks and mechanisms to lead them to their own harms and destructions by hands of each other with your colourful and rosy ideological lecturing and whatever force you can gather to attack them with for taking away their rights to fruits of their own labour and labour of their future generations through fooling them by promising them whatever you wish. However remember always O mankind the fact that harmful and destructive leadership can promise you nothing other than giving you false assurances and thereby false sense of security.

    065] No matter whatever you and likes of you will think and do O Iblees as for people who will abide by my granted program by accomplishing its goals according to my provided guidelines, you will not be able to make fool of them in any way because due to their purpose based proper study, acceptance and acting upon my purpose based proper guidance they will already know that you have no purpose based proper foundation to stand upon to deliver to them their blissful, dignified and secure existence. That is because your creator and sustainer has set-up systems and laws as well as he has put in place all the needed measures to dispose off all affairs purposefully properly in order to ensure fulfilment of his very own purpose based proper plan for mankind.
    066] The fact is, it is only and only your creator and sustainer alone O mankind who has set-up systems and laws to help you move your ships across the ocean so that you could seek his bounty thereby, so his purpose based proper guidance is always there for you to lead you to your own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence through your own complementing each other purposefully properly.

    067] Even when any adverse situation strikes you at sea, all those upon whom you rely by praying to them let you down save his set-up systems and laws, yet when he brings you safely to the land due to your acting according to his set up systems and laws you still remain ignorant about them as well as due to your ignorance based arrogance you remain averse to his purpose based proper guidance for you. Surely man is ever neglectful of his advice therefore he gets in to all sorts of troubles every now and again.

    068] Can you then be confident that due to your ignoring and avoiding or neglecting his purpose based proper guidance as a foundation for your blissful, dignified and secure existence he will not leave you on your own to think and do as you like in your human world and perish by your own wrong thoughts and actions against each other, or let a tyrant or an oppressor take over you by a storm due to that? If that happens then you will not find anyone to protect you save his purpose based proper guidance which can lead mankind to their blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom.

    069] Or can you be sure that when you go back into the sea again he will not leave you to yourselves to be smitten with a violent tempest and be drowned due to your harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour towards his set up systems and laws as well as his purpose based proper guidance and each other? If that happens to you then still you will not find anyone who could justify your blaming us regarding such a terrible end of yours.

    070] It is we who have honoured and dignified ideological supporters and backers of Adam over all of our created things by giving them authority over them by blessing them with those things as their means of survival which they also use for their conveyances for travelling or moving about over the land and in the sea. This is how we provided them with all things to benefit from and take advantage of by giving them right of their purposeful proper use.

    071] The time is coming when through our missionaries we will make all the human beings in the human world rely upon and live or abide by our provided purpose based proper guidance for them in the form or shape of this Quran and whichever of the people will place themselves purposefully properly on the right side of their provided purpose based proper guidance they will be the people who will abide by their provided purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly so they will not be placed by each other on the harmful and destructive way of life even for the least bit to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    072] However those who will keep ignoring and avoiding our purpose based proper guidance for them by keep playing blind with it therefore they will remain ignorant and neglectful of their duties, obligations and responsibilities towards each other till the end they will never find the purpose based proper way of life to live by purposefully properly so they will remain in a terrible painful state of existence till their death.

    073] It is these like people who by their tricks and mechanisms try to entice and allure you our prophet and messenger to them to lead you away from that which we have revealed to you for their guidance yet they live in the hope that you will invent or fabricate or concoct or forge something in our name. Should you do that, they will make you their very close friend for furthering their own harmful and destructive agendas against humanity.

    074] Had we not firmly placed you upon our provided purpose based proper mighty foundation then it was possible for you to inclined to make some compromises with them.

    075] But since we have placed you upon the firm footing and solid foundation if you will still deliberately compromise with them then we will leave you to suffer or experience or taste or undergo a terribly painful state of existence and horrible death and you will not be able to find any helper or supporter to help you against our purpose based proper plan.

    076] Since you did not compromise with them that is exactly the reason they tried their utmost to drive you out of your this ideological basis as well as to drive you physically out of this place you live in for good. Even if they had succeeded in doing so then they themselves could not have survived as a people much longer after you due to the situation they themselves have created for themselves because of their harmful and destructive ambitions and desire where upon are based their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours towards each other whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    077] This has been always our course of action as a rule with regards to people of those prophets and messengers whom we sent before you and you will find no change in our this rule that we let people destroy each other through their own disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions, fights and wars with each other among themselves if they refuse to live by our purpose based proper guidance for them by way of life we have advised for mankind.

    078] Therefore strive very, very hard from morning till night to establish the purpose based proper human community network in our kingdom and that way bring about the Quran based new beginning for the mankind to have blissful, dignified and secure existence. Surely the Quran based new era will dawn or come about in due course for all to see.

    079] For making that to happen it is important that you work even more even during the night as well due to period of darkness of wide spread ignorance to plan things against this darkness of ignorance for carrying them out during the day. That is how your creator and sustainer will raise you the purpose based proper human community to heights of excellence whereby he will grant you people the blissful, dignified and secure existence to reflect and radiate glory of the way of life that is advised for you the mankind by your creator and sustainer.

    080] Therefore always remain mindful of purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer purposefully properly for seeking his approval by saying, my creator and sustainer strengthen me to enter this struggle and continue it with help of your purpose based proper guidance for mankind for installing your purpose based proper rule of law in the human world which will fulfil needs and wants of mankind purposefully properly and thereby help me get rid of any rule of law which has proven itself harmful and destructive for humanity and that way grant me from yourself irrefutable clear proof that supports my claim to prophet-hood and messenger-ship from yourself.

    081] You should do that so that then you could declare purposefully properly the fact that, our purpose based proper rule of law has become established in the human world and the baseless harmful and destructive rule of law which harms and destroys humanity has become uprooted because baseless rule of law is bound to become uprooted by its very nature due to being harmful and destructive for mankind.

    082] That is because we have sent this Quran as a service manual for humanity to save and rescue itself from the damage and destruction it is causing to itself by hands of each other. The Quran is a purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of those who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace and progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it, yet it will increase nothing for those who will reject and oppose it but loss after loss.

    083] The fact is, the human being is such a kind of creature in its mindset, attitude and behaviour that when we shower our blessings upon him in form of our provisions and guidance, he ignores and avoids managing, handling and using them purposefully properly for ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly and does the opposite as he pleases but when that results in his own harm and destruction, he becomes disappointed with himself and gives himself over to despair instead of trying out our purpose based proper advice with which we have furnished him to abide by or live by purposefully properly.

    084] The fact is, each and every individual as well as each and every human population thinks and acts according to its own very limited vision based upon its own knowledge, ambitions and desires, not thinking beyond itself outside of its own range of information and environment despite your creator and sustainer making people aware through his purpose based proper revelations and results of their own thoughts and actions as to who is acting purposefully properly and is on the purposefully properly guiding path as well as who is acting otherwise.

    085] They ask you about the purpose of our revelation for mankind. Tell them, the purpose of revelation of my creator and sustainer is to inform mankind through his prophets and messengers about his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for them in order to lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and that is because you the mankind have been given only a very limited ability to learn things through your own brains and senses directly from the day you are born till you die therefore it helps you to see the full picture and where in this picture you people fit in it in the grand scheme of your creator and sustainer regarding his purpose and plan for your creation.

    086] Had we so planned, we could have kept away from you the mankind that which we have revealed for your guidance then you could not have found anyone to force us for sending for you our purpose based proper guidance and as a result you people will have remained in darkness of your ignorance and confusion all your lives.

    087] Regardless of whatever mankind think about our purpose based proper guidance for them and however they respond to it, your creator and sustainer decided to bless you people with his wisdom due to being your God, creator, owner, sustainer, ruler and maintainer. Surely his grant of gift of purpose based proper guidance for you people will prove vitally important and most valuable for you, but, only and only if you people will seek, receive, understand, accept and act upon it purposefully properly by using it for the purpose it is granted to you.

    088] Say, even if all the masses and their leaders in the human world who reject and oppose our this purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring their purpose based proper unity, peace, progress and prosperity and thereby their well being through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom combine their resources to produce a human society like the one which is suggested by this Quran, they cannot do so even if they back each other up as best as they can.

    089] They can never produce the human society like the one suggested by this Quran because in this Quran we have used all kinds of purpose based proper explanations and evidences in all the necessary details to help mankind understand the fact that this is the only guidance that is the best possible for their purpose based proper existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom yet majority of them due to their ignorance based arrogance persist in rejecting and opposing it and that way they are denying its benefits and advantages to themselves and each other.

    090] In fact due to their ignorance based arrogance most of them say, we will not accept this Quran from you O you who claim to be a prophet and messenger from Allah unless and until you cause by your supernatural power a spring to gush forth from the earth for us.

    091] Or unless and until you produce a garden for yourself of date-palms and grapes and you cause rivers to flow in it supernaturally.

    092] Or unless and until you let all hell break loose upon us supernaturally about which you keep warning us or you bring Allah with his supernatural beings before our very eyes.

    093] Or you produce a house made with gold for yourself supernaturally or you ascend in to the sky supernaturally– but we will not accept even your this ascendance in to the sky unless and until you bring down for us a book that we can read. Tell these irrational people, Godship, ownership and sovereignty as well as supernatural power only and only rests with my creator and sustainer alone not with me. In any case it matters not whether I am a supernatural being or not or do I have supernatural powers or not but that I am sent by your creator and sustainer to deliver his message to you and the message is all about his purpose and plan for you the mankind as to why he has created you and how you people can fulfil his purpose for creating you according to his plan. So his message for you people is his manifesto which is a purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines for your fulfilling it purposefully properly according to his plan which you people ought to know from him through me instead of making your own senseless and foolish demands of me. Think about it and tell me, have I ever claimed to you people that I am a supernatural being or that I have any supernatural powers or that I am anything more than a normal human being rather than being like yourselves who is assigned prophet-hood and messenger-ship by Allah to pass on to you people his message?

    094] Now look at these excuses of theirs and think about what sort of silly excuses have prevented these ignorant and senseless or irrational masses and their leaders from accepting our purpose based proper guidance for them when it came to them other than their objection, why Allah has sent an ordinary human being like ourselves as his prophet and messenger for us instead of a supernatural being with supernatural powers to do things we ask for supernaturally?

    095] Tell them, had there been living in this place or land or earth or world or kingdom of ours the creatures like the ones you have imagined for our prophet-hood and messenger-ship then we will have sent them a creature of their own kind as their prophet and messenger from us, but since it is you the human beings who live in my kingdom so I sent my message for your guidance through a human being as my prophet and messenger for you.

    096] Therefore tell them for that reason sufficient is testimony of Allah as a proof to decide this issue between me and you. It is because for sure he is comprehensive in his observation and understanding of things so he knows what his human creatures need to think and do for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    097] This is why only and only that human population is purposefully properly guided by the purpose based proper guidance of Allah which is purposefully properly guided by his purpose based proper guidance because thereby it rises to heights of excellence and attains blissful, dignified and secure existence for itself as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and any human population which stays away or distances itself from his purpose based proper guidance for mankind you the mankind cannot find for it any solid foundation to base itself upon for its blissful, dignified and secure existence other than the one provided by him for the whole of mankind in the human world. This is why we let such ignorant and senseless or irrational people come together in due course to rise up against each other due to their harmful and destructive ways of life which they follow like blind, dumb and deaf that lead them to hell of their own making by hands of each other by way of securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community. We let the fierceness of their fire of hatred and animosity against each other intensify till they have had enough of it and therefore they repent by giving up their harmful and destructive ways of life and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind or perish in their rage against each other by hands of each other.

    098] That is how we let such people face the results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other because they reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for them that calls them towards their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom therefore in despair some of them ask others, as we have become a totally disintegrated and decomposed people or a totally fractured human population, could we be revived or resurrected or raised again to blissful, dignified and secure existence as if we are a new purpose based proper human community that has been created anew or from the start again?

    099] Why do they not observe things purposefully properly to learn lessons from them in order to think and do better for themselves because thereby they can see Allah is so wise and powerful that he has originated and evolved all the galaxies including this galaxy so he has the power and wisdom to evolve towards betterment even likes of them because he has set-up systems and laws for a period of time for them in which there is no doubt they will be raised to blissful, dignified and secure existence even though the ignorant and the arrogant among them think and do nothing but inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to rejecting and opposing his purpose based proper guidance for them?

    100] Therefore explain to them the fact that you the people have such mindset, attitude and behaviour that even if you had all the treasures of my creator and sustainer at your disposal you will still have held back from using them for ensuring well being of mankind assuming them lost or a waste. Man due to his ignorance based arrogance is ever so stingy, miserly, greedy, envious, jealous and covetous, so he must change his harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour towards each other through journey of self discovery and awareness of real world realities as well as through help of our purpose based proper guidance for him.

    101] That is the reason we gave Moses a purpose based proper program with a comprehensive set of goals for his people to accomplish according to our provided guidelines when he came to them and you people can ask about it from the people who claim to be supporters and backers of Israel. That is why Pharaoh said to Moses, O Moses, from the message you have delivered to us in the name of your God I think you are overwhelmed or taken over by some clever plan against us in order to fool us to take over the land we live in.

    102] Moses replied, I think if you really want then you can know the truth very clearly about these revelations that no one except the creator and sustainer of the heavens and the earth has sent these revelations as eye-openers for you people and O Pharaoh, I think that if you will fail to give your due attention to these revelations then you and your supporters are bound for self destruction as a people by hands of each other the way you people are dealing with each other on basis of securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    103] However Pharaoh decided to drive Moses and his people out of their ideological stance as well as physically from the place they lived in so we let him destroy himself and all who supported him by hands of each other.

    104] However after Pharaoh and his supporters and backers destroyed each other we advised ideological and biological children or supporters and backers of Israel to settle down back in the very same place or land or kingdom and that is how finally in the end came the time for fulfilment of our another promise to you the people of the book for which we scattered you people among the human populations in the human world to let them know about our this final message in the form of the Quran through our final prophet and messenger from us that was yet to come for these people or people of this era.

    105] In order to fulfil that promise for their turning it into a reality we have sent this Quran for mankind so it has come to fulfil its role or part or purpose as it has been already told to mankind through our earlier prophets and messengers and the scriptures they were given, therefore O our prophet and messenger to mankind, we have not sent you but for delivering our final promised program with goals and guidelines for them for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence by their becoming a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom as well as to forewarn them about the fact that their failing to carry out this program, task or mission will result in grave or serious or terrible consequences for them.

    106] For that reason we have revealed this Quran as a set of divided lectures or chapters or surahs so that you our prophet and messenger deliver it to mankind in stages or steps or gradually over a period of time exactly as it ought to be delivered to them because that is the way we have delivered it to you in distinct parts.

    107] Say to people you are sent for, O mankind, I have delivered for you this Quran as I have received it, so now it is entirely up to you people yourselves to commit yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in the kingdom of your creator and sustainer according to it or not to commit yourselves to working for unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to it. Indeed those who were bestowed with similar purpose based proper revealed information and its purposeful proper understanding before it when the Quran is proclaimed before them they are overwhelmed by it therefore they accept it true and commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to it.

    108] That is how they express by their words and deeds the fact that Godship, ownership and rulership for sure only and only belongs to our creator and sustainer alone. The promise of our creator and sustainer to us is bound to become fulfilled indeed.

    109] They are influenced so much by it that they are overcome by its awesome information therefore tears of joy run down from their eyes due to gradual increase in their increasing recognition of it.

    110] Say, it matters not whether you people invite other people to the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them in the name of Allah or in the name of AL-RAHMAAN, the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom because by whatever worthy or good name of his you people invite mankind to his purpose based proper guidance for them always remember the fact that his program, goals and guidelines are only those whereby mankind can attain their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom provided they seek, receive, understand, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly, so do not be harsh in inviting people towards becoming a part of the purpose based proper human community network nor be slack about inviting them to it instead follow a purpose based properly balanced approach for fulfilling this task, objective, goal, mission or purpose.

    111] That is how you should proclaim the fact that Godship, ownership and rulership of this kingdom of his creation only and only belongs to Allah alone who has no need for any assistant to assist him in his work or for any successor to succeed him as a God, owner or sovereign of his kingdom of creation nor has he any partnership with anyone in the Godship, ownership or rulership of this kingdom of his creation and there is none equal to him nor more powerful than him to be able to humble him, so strive very, very hard to establish supremacy of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by bringing about a place in his name in his kingdom through mutual purpose based proper help and support of each other for ensuring well being of mankind by your complementing each other purposefully properly.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #160 - October 29, 2023, 05:15 AM

    Surah 16   AL-NAHL-The free gift of architectural plan from Allah for mankind for their building or bringing about and maintaining the infrastructure for their organising and regulating themselves into a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom that is united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous due to help and full support of each other because of their complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] That is the reason purpose based proper guidance of Allah has come to mankind or has arrived for mankind to abide by but do not try to establish it in the human world in a hurry rather take the needed time for establishing it purposefully properly in order to manifest to mankind the fact that glory only and only belongs to his purpose based proper rule of law alone because he is far above those whom they associate with him as Gods, owners, masters and rulers of this kingdom of his creation.

    002] He sends his missionaries with his revealed purpose based proper guidance to any of the human populations that rationally or by consistent reasoning become aware of the need for it from among his human subjects so that they in turn make aware other human beings in other human populations about the fact that there is no God and rightful owner, master or ruler of this kingdom of creation other than I so that they become consistent with my purpose based proper rule of law as well as with each other purposefully properly for ensuring well being of themselves through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom.

     003] It is because only and only he alone has created and evolved all the far away galaxies in his kingdom as well as this galaxy for a set purpose according to his plan. He is the sole ruler of this kingdom so he is far above from needing any associates they take along with him therefore they should abide by only and only his purpose based proper rule of law alone.

    004] He created and evolved the human being from a mixture or combination of a biological unit and so he progressed biologically, psychologically and sociologically to a stage where at he was able to clearly express himself logically consistently.

    005] Also he created and evolved the blissful things such as cattle and livestock. He evolved them as well and for you the mankind in them are many benefits, advantages and uses such as you get raw material from them to make clothes to wear and from them you get food for thought as well as nourishment.

    006] So for you in them is satisfying comfort and dignified survival the while you stick together as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom because during that period of time you ensure well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    007] Also they help you by carrying your heavy loads to far off destinations as well as they help you carry out our imposed duties, obligations and responsibilities upon you people for fulfilling our program by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines which you could not otherwise do no matter how hard you tried, that is how your creator and sustainer planned things to take care of you through his blissful, dignified and secure life providing purpose based proper guidance.

    008] He therefore brought about horses, mules and donkeys for you so that by combining them in a purposeful proper way for use you people could create a beautiful world for yourselves. Moreover through you people yourselves he will bring about things about which you people have no ideas just as yet.

    009] That is how it is made obvious for you the mankind that the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for you people by us to abide by is only and only that which leads you people to the fulfilment of the purpose based proper plan of Allah for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by your complementing each other purposefully properly because all other ways of life lead mankind only and only to their own harm and destruction by hands of each other due to their securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each others’ expense by way of their inflicting harms and destructions upon each other. Had Allah planned things any other way for you the mankind instead of giving you people freedom of choice for thinking and doing things then he could have programmed you all fully needing no purpose based proper revealed guidance from him.

    010] Just like he programmed the natural world to work according to his set up systems and laws whereby he rains down fresh water from the clouds in the sky for you so that you could drink from it and with it he brings forth greenery upon which you and your cattle feed.

    011] Because with it he brings forth for you crops, olives, date-palms, grapes and every kind of fruit. Surely therein are various evidences for people who observe things to think to draw purpose based proper conclusions to benefit from and to take advantage of.

    012] He brought about for your service the night and the day, the sun and the moon and likewise subjected to your service the galaxies full stars according to his purpose based proper plan, surely therein are evidences for people who observe things to learn sense of making purposeful proper sense of things through them.

    013] In this kingdom of his created world he has evolved things for a variety of different uses to serve different purposes for you, surely therein are a variety of lessons for people who observe things and think them through thoroughly to fulfil those objectives purposefully properly.

    014] It is he who has made the sea to work for you that is why you eat fresh meat from it and you bring out of it ornaments to wear and you also see ships ploughing their courses through it. He has brought about all this so that you people seek blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by managing, handling and using his provisions for you purposefully properly according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for you.

    015] He brought about peaks and troughs, highlands and lowlands, dunes and ditches on the earth so that you could live on the earth and so that it does not do away with you by drowning you and he evolved rivers and roads so that you could find your way around thereby.

    016] He also brought about landmarks and the galaxies full of stars to help them become aware about their paths and destinations.

    017] Is he who has created and evolved all these things and who has taught mankind information and its purposeful proper understanding through various ways and means for their purposeful proper living in this kingdom of his creation like the one who cannot create and evolve a thing or teach anyone how to live in this world purposefully properly? Why do you therefore not reflect or ponder purposefully properly upon the implications of all that for learning to understand things purposefully properly?

    018] His provisions for you the mankind are plentiful and in such abundance that even if you the mankind decided to use all of the provisions of Allah, you will never be able to go through them all because Allah has secured all the needs and wants of mankind by way of his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance for you the mankind.
    019] So that thereby Allah lets you the mankind make obvious your hidden abilities or potential that are not yet obvious to you.

    020] Those whom ignorant and senseless or irrational people take for their Gods, owners, masters and rulers other than or along with Allah upon whom they rely for fulfilment of their needs and wants have created nothing at all to fulfil their needs and wants with and they have been created themselves by them or their worshippers or idolisers and even they themselves are utterly dependent upon Allah for fulfilment of their own needs and wants so they have no rightful claim to God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship or sovereignty over this kingdom of his creation therefore they should not be taken by them for their Gods, owners, masters and rulers.

    021] The fact is they themselves are powerless therefore they are utterly stuck due to having no knowledge how to live or organise and regulate their own lives purposefully properly. That is why they have no idea as to how human populations rise to heights of excellence through removing obstacles or barrier or hurdles in their way therefore even they themselves were in need of our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    022] So be or become aware of the fact purposefully properly that your God, owner, master and ruler is only and only one and those who will not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom in accordance with his purpose based proper rule of law according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind their minds will refrain and hold back from learning about this fact due to their ignorance based arrogance because of their desire and ambition for dominance over others by undermining them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense by inflicting harms and destructions upon them.

    023] Allah surely helps mankind through his purpose based proper provisions for them so that they actualise their God given potentialities to the full about which even they themselves are unaware but he does not help those self centred people who do not see beyond their own petty personal gains or vested interests due to which they make life of others a living hell for them.

    024] That is why if they are asked by each other about our revelations as to what has been revealed by your creator and sustainer to you for them? They say to each other, fictitious stories about the ancients. 

    025] It is for this reason they bear full responsibility for bringing about situations and circumstances or states of existence whereby in due course revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, upheavals, tumults, turmoils, disturbances become inevitable and that is why they bear responsibility for painful suffering and destruction of those whom they mislead due to their ignorance based arrogance till the rule of law of Allah becomes purposefully properly established in the human world by his missionaries. So beware of the consequences for what they think and do against each other due to their senseless, mindless and irresponsible mindsets, attitudes and behaviours.

    026] Surely secular and religious leaders (rulers, money lenders, priests, their touts and supporters) before them also conspired, plotted and schemed always against his purpose based proper guidance for them for ensuring their own well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom but set up systems and laws of Allah turned their plotting, scheming and conspiracies on their head or upside down by delivering to them the terrible consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others about which due to their ignorance based arrogance they kept themselves utterly unaware as to how they are going to end up in a terribly humiliating state of existence.

    027] That is how till the time period of establishment of his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world by his missionaries they will be continuously humiliated by hands of each other and even during that time period they will be asked by my missionaries on my behalf, where are those whom you people took for Gods, owners, masters and rulers of this kingdom of my creation other than or along with me for whom you used to cause disputes, rivalries, tensions, animosities, fights and wars between mankind. It is because they will not be able to save and secure them from the consequences they will be tasting or undergoing or experiencing or suffering by hands of each other. So my missionaries who are blessed with purpose based proper knowledge will say, no doubt this time period is of terrible harms and destruction for those who used to reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for them.   

    028] To such leading rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance when come our officials or administrators or managers or missionaries to make them face consequences or outcomes or results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others they offer false excuses or justification to them saying, we worked for the unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and we have done nothing harmful and destructive to them. They are replied by them, not at all rather set up systems and laws of Allah have made it obvious for us through results of your own thoughts and actions as to what you people have done to other people in your human population.

    029) So now taste or experience or undergo or suffer the consequences by ending up in hell of your own making. In fact, terrible is the situation or set of circumstances or state of existence in which the dominant and influential people along with their supporters find themselves in due course.

    030] Contrary to the rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind when people whose mindsets, attitudes and behaviours are consistent with the purpose based proper guidance of Allah as well as with each other are asked by each other, what has been sent for you people by your creator and sustainer? They say to each other, that which ensures well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom to make our human world the best place to live in. For them this world will become a beautiful place if they will turn our purpose based proper guidance for them into a reality with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly and their future and hereafter will be yet more beautiful and rewarding for them. How splendid will be the state of existence of those who will think and do what is purposefully proper for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    031] The blissful kingdoms they will bring about and enter in as well as manage will be full of raw materials for them to make purposeful proper use of them through purpose based proper education and training or learning centres or institutions wherein they will cause rivers to flow of all things of their need and want under their management. That is how Allah rewards endeavours, hard works and efforts of such people as a result of their own productive and useful thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    032] To such people come our officials, administrators, managers, missionaries, custodians or guardians to deliver to them outcomes of their purpose based proper thoughts and actions saying, because you have accomplished unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in a place as a purpose based proper human community therefore you have managed to enter state of blissful, dignified and secure existence in a place or land or kingdom which you have created or brought about yourselves by your own hard work according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah.

    033) So what are these rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for them waiting for other than the fact that our officials, administrators, manager and missionaries should come to them and fulfil to them the warning of their creator and sustainer? If they are waiting for facing the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against their own human population then so did those who destroyed themselves before them. It was not Allah who inflicted them with any harms and destructions but that they themselves inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of living like a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    034] That is how in the end harmful and destructive results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other overtook them by surprise and the very idea of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, tumults or turmoils at which they used to laugh hemmed them in or entrapped them or confounded them leaving them no room to escape.

    035) Those who take for Gods, owners, masters and rulers others than or along with Allah say, had Allah not predestined us to abiding by rule of law of anyone other than himself then neither we nor our forefathers would have done that and we had not forbidden any act other than what he had forbidden. Such false excuses and justifications were put forth also by those who perished before them for the very same reasons. However responsibility upon our prophet and messengers or missionary is only to convey our message loud and clear to all human beings in all human populations in the human world and not to force people to think and do things according to our purpose based proper guidance. However if such people will impose their harmful and destructive way of life upon them then they too are free to respond to them as they see fit according to our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    036] No doubt we brought forth a prophet and messenger of ours from each and every people saying to them, abide or live only and only by purpose based proper guidance of Allah and let not the forces that lead away from his purpose based proper guidance take control of you. After making that clear to them Allah left them to themselves to guide themselves purposefully properly or be of those who face the outcome of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. So travel throughout the human world and see what was the outcome of thoughts and actions of those who rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for them and therefore they denied each other our given rights to our provisions for them and that way they ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    037] No matter how eager you people may be to help them become a purposefully properly guided human community in his kingdom with support of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, purpose based proper guidance from Allah does not guide such people as choose to ignore and avoid or neglect his purpose based proper guidance for them and instead they choose to go their own way and that is why such people are beyond any help by anyone so they are bound to end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    038] Despite their such mindset, attitude and behaviour towards the purpose based proper guidance of Allah they habitually say to each other in the name of Allah, guidance allegedly revealed by Allah for mankind will never be able to raise any fallen people from the heights of excellence back to heights of excellence again to give them blissful, dignified and secure state of existence? Tell them, no, that is not the case rather his purpose based proper guidance will raise any fallen people to heights of excellence and that way it will lead them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as well but only and only if they will seek, receive, understand and act upon it purposefully properly and this is a promise he has made binding upon himself though most of the mankind for the time being do not learn it purposefully properly nor act upon it purposefully properly so they have no idea how it is going to do that for them.

    039] He will fulfil his promise of establishment of his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world to mankind through his missionaries so that thereby he demonstrates to them the benefits and the advantages of his purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind in actuality or in actual reality about which they dispute in order to make it obvious to mankind that the rejecters and opponents of his purpose based guidance are denying themselves and each other blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom deliberately by lying to each other about it.

    040) As for raising the fallen human populations from the heights of excellence back to heights of excellence to lead them to their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence again, surely it is only a matter of initiating the relevant processes for us for anything we decide upon doing so all we need to do is initiate the process through our set-up systems and laws using our mechanisms and measures put in place so our will starts appearing as an expressed reality in real world in due course.

    041] Therefore those who migrate mentally and physically for carrying out the purpose based proper program of Allah for them by accomplishing its goals according to its provided guidelines after suffering victimization by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to living by a harmful and destructive way of life, we will certainly bless them with a blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in a beautiful place or land or kingdom in this world but their reward for doing so in hereafter will be much greater if they could become aware about the importance of actualising our purpose based proper way of life as advised for them.

    042] Such are the ones who can steadfastly and courageously face sensibly and successfully the harms and destructions inflicted upon them by their opponents or enemies because they rely open the set-up systems and laws of their creator and sustainer purposefully properly by working very, very hard for changing things for the best possible for mankind according to his purpose based proper guidance.

    043] This is why we never sent any of our prophets and messengers to people before you but they were all ordinary human beings who were brave and full of courage and on top of that we inspired, motivated and energised them with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Ask those who strive very, very hard for seeking, receiving, learning and spreading our message in the human world purposefully properly for mankind to act upon it purposefully properly if you people have not yet become aware of this fact already.

    044] We sent them with brilliant scriptures for themselves and for the people they were sent to. Likewise we have sent for you our prophet and messenger as well as for the people you are sent to this manifesto or program with goals and guidelines in form of this Quran so that you people also learn it and act upon it purposefully properly and so that you people also explain it to the rest of mankind purposefully properly as to what has been sent for them so that they too could reflect and ponder over it thoroughly to accept it and act upon it purposefully properly for their rising to heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure existence in this world as well as even better existence in hereafter as a reward.

    045] So are those secular and religious leaders, their touts and supporters who plot, scheme and conspire for terrible future for the rest of the mankind against his purpose based proper guidance sure that Allah will not leave them to themselves to fall in an unending spiral or cycle of inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense that Allah will not let them fall victim to a terrible painful state of existence by hands of each other through sources and causes they are not even aware of therefore they do not take purposeful proper preventative and protective measures against them as they are told?

    046] Or are they sure that his set up systems and laws will not catch them in their own self created troubles and problems between themselves in the course of their journey of life that leaves them no way for their escape so they become utterly trapped and confounded?

    047] Or are they sure that he will not find them in trouble with his set up systems and laws even after alerting them about the looming and lurking dangers in his kingdom of creation? By alerting you the mankind about all these dangers your creator and sustainer intends to ensure your well being through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance so that you people complement each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring your own well being for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    048] Why don’t they observe things carefully which Allah has created and evolved to learn lessons from them purposefully properly as to how Allah secures them in their existence, purpose and function protecting them in every way against failures because they purposefully properly stick to and adhere to set-up systems and laws of Allah.
    049] That is how, to set-up systems and laws of Allah purposefully properly stick or adheres all the things that exist in all the far away galaxies as well as all the things which exist in this galaxy, be they masses of human populations or their administrators and managers who act according to his purpose based proper guidance for them. They do not try to dominate each other by undermining each other instead they all work and interact in harmony and complement each other purposefully properly for fulfilling the purpose of their creator and sustainer according to his plan as revealed by him for them.

    050] They follow the program or course or plan of action their creator and sustainer has set for them to govern their existence, purpose and behaviour with precision and that is how they fulfil the purpose for which they are created and evolved as well as programmed by him.

    051] That is why Allah has advised mankind that you should not live by two opposing standards by ascribing to two opposing rulers because the truth is, only and only Allah alone is the one who has the right to God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation. Therefore it is the fulfilment of only and only my purpose alone according to only and only my plan alone you the mankind should be concerned about.

    052] It is because only and only to him alone belongs all that is in all the far away galaxies as well as in this galaxy so only and only to him alone belongs the right to provide mankind with his purpose based proper rule of law for ensuring their well being through their help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence that is lasting, will you the mankind still abide by rule of law of anyone other than the rule of law of Allah?

    053] The fact is, whatever sustenance in form of provisions, livelihood and subsistence you people enjoy are all from Allah alone therefore when you people are in trouble or having problems with each other, only and only upon his set-up systems and laws as well as his purpose based proper guidance for you people alone you should rely, depend and trust for help and support to free yourselves from troubles, problems and difficulties between yourselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    054] Even though it is only and only his set-up systems and laws as well as his purpose based proper guidance alone which free you from troubles, problems and difficulties between yourselves yet no sooner you are relieved from troubles, problems and difficulties between yourselves that most of you the mankind rush back to living by rule of law and way of life of your self-imposed Gods, owners, masters or rulers instead of abiding by rule of law and way of life of your and their creator and sustainer.

    055] Such people do so due to their ignorance based arrogance as if they deliberately want to show their ingratitude, disregard or contempt for their creator and sustainer for all the free gifts and favours with which he has blessed them for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for them to manage and use them purposefully properly. If that is the case then please yourselves or think and do as you like or as it suits you or as you see fit but soon you will come to know the outcome of your imaginary useless political and religious beliefs and practices instead of seeking, receiving, understanding and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for you people purposefully properly.

    056] Ignorant people who do not bother to learn sense of making purposeful proper sense of things in light of our provided purpose based proper guidance freely give up what we have provided for them for their own purposeful proper living as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom as their right on advice of their self imposed imaginary Gods due to their political and religious leaders to whom they hand over control over themselves in the name of imaginary Gods and purposes for which they have no solid explanations and evidences or justifications whatsoever due to not becoming aware of their political and religious tricks and mechanisms whereby they rob and dispossess them of their rights and things of their need and want or use from us. On the basis of this very purpose based proper guidance of ours for you the mankind, you the political and religious leaders, money lenders and your supporters will certainly be held accountable, answerable and responsible in due course for rejecting and opposing it by inventing, fabricating, forging and concocting lies against it.

    057] In fact they all will be held accountable and as a result they will be made to face terrible consequences by hands of each other by our set up systems and laws because some of them attribute to Allah weak and harmful as well as destructive foundations for building their human societies upon and others support them despite his rejecting and condemning these weak, harmful and destructive foundations. This is how they go along with whatever harmful and destructive ambitions and desires come to their minds against his purpose based proper guidance as well as humanity.

    058] It is because whenever our blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance is proclaimed to any of the human populations its political and religious leadership becomes entangled in plots, schemes and conspiracies against it for confusing its given sense of purpose and direction out of their disdain and spite or hatred and animosity for it as well as animosity for the well being of people in their own human populations because it wants them to become a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom instead of living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    059] They hide their these harmful and destructive true motives and intentions from the people of their own human populations due to our blissful, dignified and secure life providing purpose based proper guidance for them which is proclaimed to their human populations to make them aware about their these motives and intentions for or about them. This is how they are forced to ask themselves whether they should go along with it unwillingly or bury it in the cloud of dust of confusion so that people under their control do not pay attention to it. So each and every human population should be aware of and be fully alert about the fact that harmful and destructive is the decision their political and religious leadership arrives at about our blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance for them as well as about their own human populations.

    060] For those who do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them for ensuring brilliant future for humanity the comparison of their thoughts and actions can only be to thoughts and actions of such people as are harmful and destructive for mankind but the comparison of thoughts and actions of those who think and act according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah can only be with thoughts and actions of those who are beneficial and constructive for humanity for ensuring well being of mankind by complementing each other purposefully properly therefore they are excellent as an example for the rest human beings because rule of law of Allah they live by is based upon his comprehensive wisdom which is perfect as reference for them for guiding them.

    061] The fact is, had Allah set up the human world for some other purpose in such a way whereby he had to punish people for their each and every harmful and destructive thought and action against each other right away as these people assume or imagine then he could not have left even a single person from among them in this human world but instead he set up the human world in such a way that he gave people respite or a time period for learning things through trial and error within a set framework for a set purpose but if they will fail to discover their potentials for their own growth and development in their given time then they can neither stay in this world beyond that time period even for a moment nor can they go from this world even a moment earlier.

    062] The truth is, they attribute to Allah things with which they even themselves hate to be attributed and instead they attribute to themselves things that make them look valuable, important and great in comparison to each other by their own tongues falsely. Let there be no doubt that by thinking and doing so the only thing they bring about for themselves is fire of hatred and animosity between themselves which consumes them in due course whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    063] This is why even through this very last and final testimony of Allah has also made this fact very obvious for mankind that we surely did send our prophets and messengers before you to all other human populations as well because their harmful and destructive political, economic and religious leadership made their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours based upon their own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against mankind look good to them yet those human populations rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for them because that sort of leadership was still their role model as it is even today therefore all such human populations are bound to end up in terrible painful state of existence by hands of each other unless they repent from the ways of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and reform by adopting our purpose based proper way of life advised for them for their blissful, dignified  and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    064] We have not revealed this book to you our prophet and messenger but for the set purpose that you deliver it to them as well as clearly explain to them each and every thing over which they dispute and go to wars with each other so that they learn sense of making purpose based proper sense of it and the rest of things and that way they stop fighting with each other and become and remain a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. This book is indeed a blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance for the people who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    065] It is like the water that Allah sends down from the height whereby he gives life to the land after it has been dead likewise it can bring about lively human populations through its inspiring, motivating and energising revelations. Surely in all this there is a lesson for those who observe things to draw sense for understanding of things purposefully properly.

    066] Moreover there is a lesson for you the mankind to learn from by observing and understanding things about the cattle. We give you to drink by means of various chemical processes that take place within their bodies between what they digest and the way it becomes blood and pure milk, pleasant and refreshing for those who drink it.

    067] Likewise processes take place within fruits such as the date-palm and the grapes from which you people make drinks and wholesome food, certainly therein is a lesson to be learned by way of observations and understanding for those who will use their brains for making purpose based proper sense of things.

    068] The same is true in case of the communities of the bees that your creator and sustainer programmed the bees to build their hives in the mountains, the elevated or raised places, in the trees and other places such as are build or set up for them by people.

    069) They are programmed to interact freely with each other as well as with each and every kind of fruit needed for this purpose by following the ways of your creator and sustainer purposefully properly. Due to the processes which take place within the body of a bee comes forth honey or a syrup or thick liquid of different colours that contains something beneficial and useful for mankind. Certainly in all this there is a lesson to learn from for those who will observe all this for understanding things purposefully properly to think about how it all came to exist and how it all works and interacts to fulfil its purpose as set by its creator and sustainer according to his plan.

    070] Just like the rest of his creation Allah has also taught you the mankind how to conduct yourselves and interact with one another as well as with other things purposefully properly so that thereby he fulfils and completes or perfects you through your actualising your own full potentials and that is how some of you are turned purposeful proper community builders so that you do not think and act like ignorant and arrogant people after knowing things purposefully properly. That is how Allah makes known to you the mankind that he has set-up systems and law as well as he has put in place measures, processes and mechanisms to govern all operations and affairs in his kingdom of creation purposefully properly.

    071] The purpose for which Allah has made some of you more advantageous than others in various ways is so that all of you people complement each other purposefully properly by organising and regulating yourselves purposefully properly for managing production and distribution of things of your own need and want as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to the best of your God given abilities so that by working for ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly you the mankind become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance and that way with full help and support of each other you people could have blissful, dignified and secure existence. Despite Allah’s setting up of things this way still many of those who have been blessed with some advantages over others in various ways by him to manage production and distribution of things of need and want for mankind purposefully properly do not manage production and distribution of things of need and want of mankind purposefully properly for whom they have been made accountable, answerable and responsible by him and their reason is, in case they the less advantaged become their equals in that respect. However they should ponder over the fact that by so doing, are they not stifling, hindering or preventing unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for which Allah has bestowed his blissful, dignified and life securing guidance for them so that they become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom? This is why people who have been advantaged more than others they must stop dominating the less advantaged than themselves and instead they must complement them rather than undermining them otherwise they will end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    072] That is the reason Allah raised supporters and backers for you the mankind from your own kind and raised for you through your mates children and grandchildren whereby he provided you with provisions that are for your own benefits as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom to ensure your own well being through their help and full support according to his purpose based proper guidance for you people. So will these people who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for them still continue or remain on the same harmful and destructive path or way of life upon which they already are and due to which they work for creating and causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions, conflicts and wars between mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense on basis of their political and religious make beliefs and malpractices and that way they will still hold onto all the benefits in the form of blissful provisions of Allah for themselves and that way they will hold them back from reaching those having the rights from Allah to benefit from them by way of their deliberate mismanagement of things?

    073] Despite knowing all these facts they still continue taking for Gods, owners, masters and rulers for this kingdom of his creation other than or along with Allah and they continue serving them even though they have no power or authority from Allah to provide them with anything at all for their sustenance from the heavens or the earth nor can they ever have any power or authority from Allah to do so.

    074] Therefore set-up not the ways of life in the very name of Allah in opposition to the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah. Allah makes all this obvious for you the mankind because otherwise you could not know the purpose based proper way of life advised for you the mankind by him therefore you could never achieve unity, peace, progress and prosperity for mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    075] Allah gives you an example of two people each in a different situation of his own, one person who is fully limited by Allah in his capabilities so he is not capable of thinking and doing anything good at all for himself or others and the other person whom Allah has made fully capable of thinking and doing beautiful things for himself and others so he spends his energy and capabilities purposefully properly for ensuring well being of himself and others day and night, in private and in public, so are both of them equal? Not at all, therefore remember always the fact that God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship over all things belongs only and only to Allah alone for that reason all mankind must think and do as he says yet most of mankind do not learn to understand and do things purposefully properly as he says.

    076] Allah gives you another example of two people, one of them acts as dumb and deaf despite being fully capable so he does not develop his abilities to think and do anything good for himself and others so he is a burden on his supporter. Is he then equal to him who thinks and acts purposefully properly due to developing his capabilities purposefully properly due to which he is on the path of life that is firmly founded that leads such people to unity peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom?

    077] This is how Allah makes obvious what is to happen in the future in the human world in his kingdom of the heavens and the earth and how. If people will refuse to live by rule of law of Allah in their human world then the occurrences of the moments of revolts, uprisings or bloody revolutions will be automatic like the twinkling of an eye and the mechanism related to it because Allah has set-up systems and laws as well as he has put in place measures, processes and mechanism to govern operations of all affairs related to all things.

    078] These are the very set up systems and law as well as measures put in place and processes and mechanisms whereby Allah brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers knowing nothing at all but he gave you sense of hearing and sense of sight as well as a whole mechanism with brain for learning sense of making purposeful proper sense of things so that thereby you people could develop into a purpose based proper human beings by using all our these provided things purposefully properly.

    079] Do the mankind not observe the birds to learn lessons as to how they make use of the atmospheric layers of the earth to fly high in the sky, who holds them up in the air during their flights other than Allah through his set-up systems and laws as well as measures, processes and mechanisms which he has put in place for this purpose? Surely therein are evidences for people who observe things to learn lessons to commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    080] Likewise Allah has made your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom dependent upon your setting-up of purposeful proper institutions and your purposeful proper hard works in them according to his purpose based proper guidance so that thereby he brings forth for you bundles of all sorts of useful things for meeting and covering all your needs and wants by means of that mechanism so that these things make period of your life journey easier for you so long as you stay firmly on that course and maintain it and that is how through those clear ideas and practices by means of those mechanisms that are natural ways and means he provides you with things that can make your life journey smooth for you for a set period of time.

    081] That is the way Allah made your safe and secure as well as blissful existence dependent upon that set-up based upon a purpose based proper code of conduct for you and that is why he made you dependent upon the mechanism of becoming and remaining a purposeful proper human community in his kingdom that is firmly established which acts as barrier for your safety and security for each other and he also made your safe and secure existence dependent upon protective measures to guard you against all kinds of dangers including protective measures to shield or screen or guard you against mutual violence. All this because he wants to bestow upon you all sorts of useful things in abundance so that you could become of those who commit themselves purposefully properly to living for a blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom as a purpose based proper human community according to his purpose based proper guidance.

    082] However if they still decide to stay away from this purpose based proper program by not accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines for them then there is no blame upon you because your duty is only to convey our this brilliant outstanding message to mankind.

    083] The purpose of our this message is to help them learn purpose based proper use of provisions of Allah for them by learning and implementing this program but instead they are preventing and hindering it from becoming a reality because most of them reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for them for deliberately mismanaging, misusing and abusing our provisions that are provided for ensuring their own well being as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    084] Nonetheless the time period is coming when we will raise landslide support and backing for our purpose based proper guidance for mankind through our missionaries from each and every human population in the human world for the establishment of our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world because by then the rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance in form of rulers, money lenders, priests, their touts and supporters will not be able to put forth any purpose based proper justifications for whatever harmful and destructive they will think, say and do about their human populations nor will they be able to receive any petty personal gains as favours in secret or in private from each other as they are used to doing under their current set up, environment, atmosphere or state of existence. It is because gradually over a time period human populations will become educated and trained enough by our missionaries to be able to see through their tricks and mechanisms whereby they manipulate and use them abusively for furthering and fulfilling their own harmful an destructive agendas against humanity.

    085] That is why during the time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, upheavals, tumults, turmoils, disturbances and instability the manipulators and abusive users of humanity will keep on facing the consequences as retributions at the hands of their victims, it will not be easy for them to go through this nor will they be granted any escape route to hide to remain safe from their victims.

    086] Moreover when our purpose based proper rule of law will become established in the human world by our missionaries and the victims will see their abusers during that time period they will speak up against those whom at present they take for their Gods, owners, masters and rulers other than or along with Allah saying to our missionaries, O custodians or officials of the rule of law of our creator and sustainer, here are those whom we used to take for our Gods, owners, masters and rulers and by whose imposed and enforced rule of law we used to live our lives instead of the purpose based proper way of life that was advised for mankind by Allah. At this accusation of theirs, their self imposed Gods, owners, masters and rulers will toss their accusation back at them saying, you are liars.

    087] This is how they themselves will admit to custodians, missionaries or officials of rule of law of Allah that day because their self imposed Gods, masters and rulers will have led them into utter chaos and confusion without any way to escape.

    088] That is why we will let them all suffer the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in form of painful suffering upon painful suffering or humiliation after humiliation by hands of each other who reject and oppose and debar each other from the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah till they repent and give-up their own ways of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and adopt our advised purpose based proper way of life for them or perish by hands of each other because they cause disputes, rivalries, animosities, rifts, conflicts, fights and wars between mankind.

    089] That is how in due course we will raise landslide support and backing for our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for establishing our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world through our missionaries from each and every human population against the harmful and destructive way of life and rule of law whereby some people inflicts harms and destructions upon others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense in each and every human population in the human world which are invented, adopted and promoted by rulers, money lenders, priests, their touts and supporters ¬and that is the reason why and that is the way how we will raise you the masses in the human populations against your own harmful and destructive secular and religious leaderships because that is the reason why we have sent for all of you the mankind this Quran to explain for you each and every thing that is necessary in all essential detail for you to know as a purpose based proper guidance for you towards your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. Therefore the revelation of this Quran is a great news for those who are already looking for or seeking our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that they could commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it.

    090] In it Allah surely commands that all people organise and regulate themselves into a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom to work very, very hard according to the best of their God given abilities in order to be able to fulfil all necessary or essential needs and wants of each other to ensure well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly in order to make life of each other pleasant, delightful, happy, joyful and beautiful as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by shunning preventing and stopping any such interaction and participation by anyone within the purpose based proper human community that can result in its harm and destruction including revolt and rebellion. He advises you the mankind so that you strictly stick or adhere to his purpose based proper advice for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    091] Therefore fulfil towards each other your contractual, constitutional and legal obligations as they are set forth for you by Allah as you have agreed to abide by them with Allah and each other and breach not agreements, accords, pledges, promises, covenants or treaties regarding each other about things agreed upon after you have ratified them and you have agreed to uphold them and to abide by them because you have placed your trust in and have relied upon his revealed program for accomplishing its stated goals according to his provided guidelines and remember this fact always that the set up systems and laws of Allah make results of all that you people think and do for or against each other  obvious for all of you the mankind to see in due course.

    092] You people should not be like a huge gathering of people that talks people into forming a strong purpose based proper human community network but then it lets it disintegrate itself into small fragments through political and religious make beliefs and malpractices which that way lead people to neglecting, ignoring and avoiding their duties, obligations and responsibilities towards each other. Therefore take not your mutual agreements or promises or pledges as means for deceiving each other so that thereby one party may take undue advantage of the other at the expense of the other for securing its own petty personal gains from the other at its expense because Allah bids you to put your full effort into fulfilling your contractual, constitutional and legal duties, obligations and responsibilities to each other purposefully properly. Otherwise in due course through time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, upheavals, turmoils and tumults he will certainly make obvious the results of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in form of your own actual harms and destructions by hands of each other.

    093] Had it served purpose and plan of Allah then he could have programmed all of you into a single human population but instead he decided to give you the mankind freedom of choice along with his purpose based proper guidance whereby he lets remain stray whoever of you people so chooses and he guides whoever of you people makes needed effort to attain guidance. This is why for sure you the mankind are delivered outcomes of all that you people think and do for or against each other.

    094] So never enter agreements or contracts or treaties between yourselves to deceive each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so that you people do not end up back into chaos and confusion after being firmly placed and fixed on the solid foundation of our purpose based proper guidance for you. So that you people do not taste or undergo or experience or suffer the harm and destruction as a result of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other instead of thinking and doing for each other what ensures well being of mankind and so that you people do not bar or stop others from purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them so that you people do not end up in hell of your own making as a result of your thinking and doing that.

    095] For that reason, do not exchange the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah that ensures well being of mankind for your self-created or self invented and self imposed way of life based upon the foundation of securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Certainly the results of your own purpose based proper united thoughts and actions based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for your ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly will be most beneficial and advantageous for you as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom than your individual petty personal thoughts and actions for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other. However you will think and do what needs to be thought and done by you only and only if you will learn and understand all these things purposefully properly which have been explained for you.

    096] Whatever is your personal gain for yourself as an individual at the expense of the purpose based proper human community it will be lost and end up wasted but whatever you will gain according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom will last. We will certainly reward those who are hard working and courageous in here as well as in hereafter according to the noblest of their deeds which make the human world beautiful according to our purpose based proper guidance.

    097] Whoever of the mankind will act to remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, rifts, divisions, conflicts, fights and wars from between mankind whether one is a leader or a follower, a manager or the managed, a strong person or a weak person, a more capable person or a less capable person, a more advantaged person or a less advantaged person, a male person or a female person provided one is doing it out of one’s purpose based proper commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance then we will surely grant such a person a new beginning as a part of a purpose based proper human community. A life that is free of disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars and that is how we will reward such people according to the best of their deeds which make their human world a beautiful place for them to live in as a part of a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    098] Therefore whenever you our prophet and messenger or our missionaries proclaim the message of this Quran to rest of people or mankind, proclaim it to them for the purpose of seeking the life of unity, peace, progress and prosperity for them as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them in order to ensure their own safety and security or protection against the plots, schemes and conspiracies of the harmful and destructive secular and religious leadership which through its tricks and mechanisms tries to snatch people away from the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah back to its own self invented and imposed way of life whereby it secures its own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    099] Surely the harmful and destructive secular and religious leadership has no power over those who purposefully properly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them because they purposefully properly rely upon set-up systems and laws of their creator and sustainer and not on their invented and promoted political, cultural, economic and religious make beliefs and malpractices whereby they manipulate each other by using each other abusively for fulfilling their own harmful and destructive agendas against humanity.

    100] The harmful and destructive leadership can influence only and only those people who keep themselves ignorant about the information and its purpose based proper understanding about the real world realities as well as about the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them so they are fooled into accepting their self invented and their imposed or enforced way of life whereby they manipulate them and use them abusively for furthering their own petty personal agendas at their expense. That is how they end up living by rule of law of others than Allah and as a result they keep on suffering terribly by hands of each other or end up utterly destroyed by hands of each other unless they repent and reform by giving up their that way of life by adopting our purpose based proper way of life which we have advised for them for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #161 - October 29, 2023, 05:16 AM

    101] However because we make known to mankind what we have revealed for them and why, when we advise for mankind our purpose based proper way of life to abide by or live by and invite them through our missionaries to replace their harmful and destructive way of life with it whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other, the secular and religious leadership, its touts and supporters who reject and oppose our purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind to live by say to you the supporters and the backers of the Quranic rule of law and the Quranic way of life, you people surely make up things all by yourselves, whereas the fact is most of them do not even bother to learn things purposefully properly to come to know the real or actual difference between the two opposing ways of life which lead mankind to two different and opposing ends. One way of life leads them to life of joy by way of their own hard works and the other leads them to life of hell of their own making.

    102] For that reason tell this fact to each and every such person in response to their such objections that this purpose based proper way of life for mankind is truly from his creator and sustainer and not invented by himself because it is based purposefully properly upon the purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them which is fully consistent with its purpose or objective and it has been revealed for mankind through the one who is perfectly cable of fulfilling or accomplishing or carrying out this objective or mission or task assigned to him by his creator and sustainer for freeing humanity from harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other to give solid foundation to those who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance so it is a great news to be delightful, happy and joyful about for those who wish to commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    103] Here we should also make obvious for mankind what the rejecters and opponents of our this purpose based proper revealed way of life for them which is based purposefully properly upon our purpose based proper guidance for them claim about it and why their this claim is baseless, false and untrue as well as why it cannot be true. They claim that this Quran is taught to each and every person by an ordinary human being from himself instead of a supernatural being delivering to him message of his creator and sustainer so it cannot be from their creator and sustainer. However the fact is, this ordinary human being they attribute this Quran to instead of Allah can never put together words in such a uniquely structured and uniquely distinct as well as outstanding way which makes its message free of confusion and perplexity as well as purposefully properly and contextually as well as rationally or logically consistent because this message is in a language that is uniquely structured and demonstrably uniquely distinct as well as outstanding therefore it is beyond the creation of an ordinary human being even the one who claims to be our prophet and messenger from us to them.

    104] Yet after having all these explanations and evidences those who still fail to commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah, he does not force his purpose based proper guidance for them upon them. However their refusal for living by his purpose based proper way of life which is advised for them by him and their refusal to abiding by his purpose based proper rule of law for them is bound to land them in a terribly humiliating and painful state of existence by hands of each other due to the ways of life they have adopted for themselves whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    105] The fact is, it is not those people who seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly who invent lies against Allah and attribute lies to Allah instead it is they who invent harmful and destructive social, political, cultural, economic and religious ideologies, systems, structures, procedures and practices as well as tricks and mechanisms in order to deny each other our clearly set out or laid down rights for them to our provisions those who do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to program, goals and guidelines of Allah

    106] However any party that works against the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind after declaring its commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind unless it is forced the while its mind remains fully committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom it will fall in terrible painful state of existence due to openly and freely rejecting and opposing our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Such people will suffer gravely the agonising pain by hands of each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    107] This is going to happen to them because such people unduly and overly greed for only and only their own short term quick petty personal gains at the expense of others as well as at the expense of long term benefits and advantages for the human population therefore purpose based proper guidance of Allah does not guide such people as work against his mission by using his provided things against it.

    108] These are the people whose faculties of thinking and understanding things purposefully properly and whose abilities of heeding disciplines purposefully properly as well as whose capabilities of being able to observe things purposefully properly as to what they really are and what they do as well as how they do it and why Allah finds untapped and yet they themselves are neglectful of the consequences for their such mindsets, attitudes and behaviours.

    109] There is no doubt that if they will continue ignoring, avoiding and neglecting their own growth, development and progress as well as use of their abilities the same way in the future as well then in due course they will end up in an irreversible loss in here as well as in hereafter.

    110] It is because set-up systems and laws of your creator and sustainer support excellent survival of only and only those people who are constantly on the move mentally as well as physically by their own great thoughts and very hard works that is why they struggle through life steadfastly and constantly so that is how your creator and sustainer thereby leads them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by means of his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    111] However the time period is coming when our purpose based proper rule of law will become purposefully properly established in the human world by our missionaries so from then onwards each and every person will only demand from the purpose based proper human community in the name of Allah what one actually needs and wants for oneself and so each and every person will be given the task whatever one can do in the name of Allah and none of the people will be put through undue hardship or forced labour in vain.

    112] For this purpose Allah points out to you people as an exemplary kingdom based upon his purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly that was brought about by a people according to his purpose based proper guidance for them wherein those people enjoyed unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community therefore they received therein their provisions in abundance from everywhere throughout the kingdom in various ways yet after a time period its people ended up neglecting its purposeful proper maintenance according to blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance of Allah and instead they adopted a way of life whereby they started securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore set-up systems and laws of Allah made its residents taste the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other by hands of each other and that is how in due course they ended up in a terribly humiliating state of existence that was full of poverty and insecurity for them.

    113] A prophet and messenger or a missionary of ours was once again sent to them from among themselves to ask them to reconsider their way of life but they called him a liar so in due course they were found caught up in a terrible painful state of existence that destroyed them through hands of each other because they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    114] Therefore remember this as a lesson always and for that reason have and use things that Allah has provided you with purposefully properly for ensuring well being of mankind, that is how by purposeful proper use of blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance of Allah and his provisions you the people should show each other as well as the rest of human populations that you people have become a people who ensure well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly if you people are true to your claim of your commitment to abiding by his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world in his kingdom.

    115] ) He has strictly forbidden for you the supporters and backers of the Quranic rule of law and the Quranic way of life for mankind; to become a dead or ineffective or toothless people who live a purposeless or aimless or directionless life, to get involved in bloodshed for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other, to become a stumbling block or a group of crude, unrefined and uncivilised or troublesome and problematic people and to raise a slogan for any other rule of law or way of life than the one advised for mankind by Allah. However if one is dragged into such a chaotic situation or set of circumstances whereby one is forced to get involved in such kinds of thoughts and actions but commits to getting out of this situation and means no deliberate harm to others or rebellion against our purpose based proper rule of law or way of life, upon such people there is no blame because Allah is surely saviour and protector of mankind through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance.

    116] So you the mankind should never falsely declare with your own tongues that to have or to do or to use this is lawful and to have or to do or to use that is unlawful in order to attribute things to Allah falsely because those who attribute falsehood to Allah will never succeed or prosper due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead they will end up harmed or destroyed by hands of each other.

    117] Short lived will be their joy or happiness because in time to come they will end up in a terribly painful state of existence and become harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    118] To the people who originally received, accepted and acted upon our purpose based proper guidance for them but later on they fell away from it, we forbade having, doing and using things which we have already told you about so it were not we that imposed upon them the way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other due to which they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other and ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other rather it were they themselves who adopted that way of life all by themselves due to which they ended up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and so they ended up harmed and destroyed by each other.

    119] Such an accusation by mankind that it is we who inflict them with terrible painful suffering and destruction unnecessarily and needlessly or without any reason is not true rather whatever mankind suffer is result of their own harms and destructions they inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because your creator and sustainer is surely even with those who end up thinking and doing anything harmful and destructive against each other out of their ignorance about his purpose based proper guidance for them but then they turn to his purpose based proper guidance for them afterwards as they become aware about it so they try their best according to their God given abilities to overcome the results of their those harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other according to his purpose based proper guidance for them. For that reason and that way your creator and sustainer is there for mankind in form of his purpose based proper guidance for them even after whatever harmful and destructive they have thought and done to each other in order to save and secure or protect them through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance.

    120] Such a people were the purpose based proper human community of a people that was brought about by Abraham, an upright human population because it was not like other human populations that lived by rule of law and way of life of rejecters and opponents of rule of law and way of life of Allah.

    121] It always used blissful, dignified and secure life providing guidance of Allah purposefully properly that is why he chose it as an example to point it out for other human populations or people to follow because he guided it to the way of life that was consistent with bringing about a purpose based proper human community in a place or land or kingdom that was based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    122 ] That is the reason we granted it through its own hard works beautiful existence in places or lands or kingdoms based upon our purpose based proper guidance for them in life of this world for as long as it remained consistent with maintenance of its status according to our purpose based proper guidance.

    123] And now likewise we have revealed to you people our this purpose based proper guidance for you saying, follow the way of life that was followed by Abraham the consistent and steadfast person, who was not of those who accepted for God, master and ruler others than or along with Allah.

    124] In contrast to Abraham and his people for sure we let another people who claim to be purposefully properly guided and whom we provided with our purpose based proper guidance for them, impose upon themselves weariness, laziness, respite, taking rest from or staying away from purpose based proper education and training therefore they kept themselves away from fulfilling our imposed duties, obligations and responsibilities upon them towards each other and that way they rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for them therefore set-up systems and laws of your creator and sustainer made the consequences of their these harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other obvious for mankind to see because they wasted their lives away through creating or causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of committing themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. However your creator and sustainer will settle the issue regarding which they are in dispute with each other or between themselves when his purpose based proper rule of law becomes purposefully properly established in the human world by his missionaries.

    125] That is why you people who have accepted the message of the Quran to act upon it purposefully properly due to its explanations and pointed out evidences should keep on inviting other human beings and other human populations in the human world to the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by your creator and sustainer by means of his beautiful explanations and pointed out evidences and that is how you should plead this case with them in a beautiful or purposeful proper way. Surely your creator and sustainer will make obvious in due course by way of outcome of one’s own thoughts and actions whoever has fallen away from his purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by him as well as whoever has stuck to his purpose based proper way of life purposefully properly which is advised for mankind by him. 

    126] So should you people decide to pursue other human beings in the human world for this purpose then do pursue them this way to win them over to our advised purpose based proper way of life for all of you which you people have already adopted for yourself just as you people are pursued by them to win you over to their way of life. Therefore should you show consistency with steadfastness then that will prove most decisive in deciding the outcome in this regard.

    127] Therefore show consistency and steadfastness with courage in pursuing them because your confidence cannot be but due to revealed purpose based proper wisdom of Allah, so worry not about their thoughts and actions and distress not yourself due to their plots, schemes, conspiracies, tricks and mechanisms they use against you.

    128] Surely Allah supports purposefully properly through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind only and only those people who prove to be steadfastly consistent with his purpose based proper guidance as well as with each other such as think and do such works that ensure beautiful existence for mankind through fulfilling their needs and wants purposefully properly. So rest will keep on suffering the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #162 - November 03, 2023, 11:19 AM

    Surah 15    AL-HIJR–The purpose based proper guidance from Allah is the bedrock for mankind to build their purpose based proper human community upon for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly according to the best of their God given abilities for having blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom otherwise they are bound to fall victims to unending disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore that way they are bound to end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other unless they repent by stop living that way and reform by adopting the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for them by their creator and sustainer.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Alif Laam Raa. For this very purpose these are goals and guidelines from Allah for mankind to accomplish according to his provided guidelines in form of the book, which is the brilliant and profound Quran that clearly stands out as a purpose based proper guidance for mankind to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon in order to have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    002] In time to come when consequences of thoughts and actions of people against each other are delivered to them in forms of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, upheavals and turmoils those who reject and oppose our this purpose based proper guidance for them will wish they had sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon this purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them for their own safety and security or protection as well as their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    003] So leave these self centred secular and religious leaders, their touts and supporters to themselves to enjoy themselves for a while those who partake, participate and interact in the human world according to their own self invented and self imposed way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because they are deluded by their own petty personal ambitions and desires for dominating each other by undermining each other which are harmful and destructive for mankind but soon they will come to know the outcome of their such mindset, attitude and behaviour and regret the way they live their lives as they are gradually led to their self destruction by hands of each other.
    004] Never did we let any human population of a place or land or region destroy itself by hands of each other but its term of life was determined by our set-up systems and laws according to its own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other as told by us in all our purpose based proper revealed books.

    005] So no people can bring their self destruction sooner nor can they delay it but according to our set-up systems and laws as well as according to their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    006] Despite your explaining such things clearly for them to understand them purposefully properly as to how the real world in which they live works due to receiving our purpose based proper revelation for them they say to you, O you who claim to have received this Quran from Allah for establishing his rule of law in the human world according to it for ensuring well being of mankind , you talk nonsense.

    007] That is because they say to you, if in fact this Quran is revealed to you by Allah for the purpose of establishing his rule of law in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind then why have you not brought us his official missionaries or soldiers with you to enforce and impose it upon us human beings if what you claim about the Quran is in fact true that it is from Allah?

    008] Let them know clearly that we do not send our prophets and messengers with our official missionaries or soldiers to overwhelm people by force but instead we send our prophets and messengers or missionaries with our purpose based proper guidance for them that is consistent for mankind for their living in their human world purposefully properly so had we sent our prophets and messengers with our official missionaries for overwhelming them then they could not have had the needed time gap to go through stages and steps they needed to go through voluntarily or freely by exercising their granted freedom of choice for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper message purposefully properly.

    009] This is why we have revealed this purpose based proper guidance for mankind to learn it from each other and to teach it to each other so that thereby we save and secure or protect our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as mankind themselves by way of its purposeful proper implementation by them in the human world so that that way we could provide them with blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    010] That was the very reason we sent our prophets and messengers with our messages before you among the earlier human populations the way we have sent you for these people of this era.

    011] However there never came to them any prophet and messenger from us but their rulers, money lenders, priests, their touts and supporters took his message very lightly and laughed it off just like these chiefs and their supporters mock you or laugh at you.

    012] Therefore we let such people have things their way and face the consequences for thinking and doing so because we find them programming their minds or themselves with harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against each other due to which they ignore, avoid and neglect our purpose based proper guidance for them so they become stuck with their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other seeking dominance over each other by undermining each other.

    013] That is why they do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them because they continue living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that is the way lived their generations before them which ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    014] They continue living that way despite the fact that we have opened a way for them so that if they want then they could rise to or reach the height of excellence and glory.

    015] Still after receiving this information from us these people say, our eyes are seeing things or our minds are imagining things or rather we the people have been duped because such an experience for us cannot be possible or real.

    016] No matter how silly are remarks of these ignorant people due to their being unaware about actual realities of the real world the fact is, we have brought about in vast space galaxies full of stars and we have beautifully arranged them in different ways for various purposes and this information is for those who will bother to observe them for gaining insight into their origin, purpose and functioning as to how they work to fulfil the purpose based proper plan of Allah.

    017] That is why we have originated them and beautifully arranged them to work purposefully properly for securing them to protect them against each and every kind of malfunction or failure.

    018] No matter how much we explain things purposefully properly for mankind still only such a person will observe them and draw conclusions about them purposefully properly as is overwhelmed by piercing curiosity about their origin, purpose and working. The rest will simply misuse our provided information for them and end up facing the consequences for thinking and doing so.

    019] Just as we have brought about and set up things in the rest of our kingdom of creation so we have expanded the earth and brought about mountains therein as weights to stabilise it during its flight and caused in it everything suitable for our purpose according to our plan to come about and grow or evolve.

    020] That is how we have provided therein means of sustenance, subsistence or livelihood for you the mankind as well as all other living things for whom you are not responsible to care for them individually.

    021] There is nothing which is not in our storage in an unending quantity and amount but we reveal it to you only and only as much as you try to explore, discover and use.

    022] Moreover by means of our set up systems and laws we give rise to fertilizing winds and send down fresh water from the clouds raised in the sky for you the mankind to drink, it is not right of your rulers, money lenders, priests, their touts and supporters to have the ownership of any of the things in our stores.

    023] This is how we bring human populations to life by inspiring and motivating them through our purpose based proper guidance and let them perish if they fail to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly because only and only to us alone belongs ownership of all that exists in our kingdom of creation.

    024] That is how we make obvious those who rush to take control of things from among you the mankind to exclude others from having and using our provisions and we also make obvious those from among you who end up losing as a result of their this senseless rivalry, animosity and hatred against them.

    025] No doubt in due course your creator and sustainer is going to bring them all together under his own purpose based proper rule of law in the human world based upon his this purpose based proper guidance for them and that is why he is making it known to mankind that he alone has the right to God-ship, ownership and ruler-ship over this kingdom of his creation, for he is all knowing and all wise.

    026] We surely brought about the human kind in a crude and unrefined form not knowing anything at all and ignorant about everything but with ability to learn, think and do things which needed to be evolved, cultivated and moulded into a fully civilised purpose based proper human community with help of our purpose based proper guidance like a piece of potter’s clay which is moulded into a desired or required or intended shape or form.

    027] This is how we created and evolved or brought about the civilised human community which originally or before becoming a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom was full of fire of hatred and animosity between themselves or against each other because its individuals inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    028] This is why in due course when some people had learned sense of making purpose based proper sense of things they became aware of the problems between human beings within their human populations which they could not solve between themselves, so they saw the need for and sought purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for themselves in order to solve those problems between themselves, therefore your creator and sustainer sent a message to the tribal chiefs and their people at the time by way of his very first prophet and messenger Adam saying, I am going to cultivate or educate and train the human population in the human world through my purpose based proper guidance for them into a highly civilised human community like a piece of potter’s clay which is moulded into a desired or required or intended shape.

    029] So when I have completed my moulding or modelling or bending of it into a shape I want for it through Adam and his supporting missionaries and thereby make it fully conscious or aware about my purpose based proper way of life that is advised for it by me then you all should commit yourselves purposefully properly for supporting him as a manager or an administrator of your purpose based proper human community in my kingdom.

    030] That is why all the tribal chiefs along with their people committed themselves to supporting him for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom according to my purpose based proper guidance for them.
    031] But not Iblees and his supporters, they refused to join those who committed themselves for this purpose or objective or mission or goal.

    032] Allah said to Iblees through Adam, O Iblees, what is the problem with my purpose based proper guidance for mankind that you and your supporters and backers are not part of those who have committed themselves purposefully properly along with Adam for establishing and maintaining my purpose based proper rule of law in the human world purposefully properly according to my purpose based proper guidance for mankind?

    033] He said to Adam, I have worked very, very hard for attaining the most dominant position over other human beings by undermining them so I refuse to give it up and be same as or equal to any other ordinary human being whom Allah has created and evolved like potter’s clay that is moulded into a required shape or form to become part of a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah.

    034] Due to such harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour based upon his harmful and destructive ambitions and desires as Iblees had shown towards the message of Allah that was delivered to him through Adam as well as to the rest of humanity, Allah said to him, get out of this mindset, attitude and behaviour because the way of life you have adopted whereby you secure your own petty personal gains from others at their expense is rejected and condemned due to being harmful and destructive for mankind.
    035] However if you will not change your mindset, attitude and behaviour then you people will be left on your own to think and do as you please to each other and face the consequences for thinking and doing so against my purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as against each other or rest of humanity therefore you and your supporters and backers will remain distant from blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom till the time period when the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by me becomes established by you the mankind yourselves as my missionaries.

    036] At this Iblees said, my creator and sustainer, as you have said yourself then leave me on my own till the time period when they will be raised to heights of excellence as a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom.

    037] Allah said, you are given the respite

    038] for a known period of time.

    039] Iblees said, my creator and sustainer, Since Adam tells me that according to you I am taken over by my way of life therefore I will show him and his supporters also that my way of life in this world is most attractive so they too will become hostage to it all together

    040] save those of your human creatures who are sincere seekers, receivers, learners, accepters and actors upon your advised purpose based proper way of life.

    041] Allah said, see this purpose based proper guidance from me which is revealed to Adam for mankind, it is firmly founded in purpose based proper rationality or logically consistent reasoning

    042] so you will never have such firmly founded way of life against it to convince those who will abide by my purpose based proper way of life purposefully properly which I have advised for them therefore only those people will support you who due to their ignorance based arrogance will have become hostage to your way of thinking and doing things or your way of life whereby they will humiliate each other by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense

    043] and that is how they all will end up in a state of existence that will be full of painful suffering for them as you people have been already warned about all this.

    044] No doubt in that terrible state of existence lead many ways of life which are harmful and destructive for mankind but each way of life is open to any and every human being as well as each and every population from among mankind.

    045] However those who will develop purpose based proper mindset, attitude and behaviour as they are guided by my purpose based proper guidance for them they will certainly end up in blissful, dignified and secure existence providing places or lands or kingdoms due to drinking from fountains or seas of knowledge from which will spring unity, peace, progress and prosperity for them as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    046] That is why they are told, bring about and maintain these like places and institutions or lands and kingdoms by entering them through purpose based proper way of life advised for you by us purposefully properly for your own purpose based proper peace and security.

    047] It is because through our that purpose based proper advised way of life for mankind we will remove all hatred, rivalry and animosity from their minds between them against each other making them like brothers settled upon dignified purpose based proper foundation happily and joyfully helping and fully supporting each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    048] No fatigue, tiredness, laziness or weariness will touch them in there due to their working hard wisely according their purpose based proper plan to the best of their God given abilities for ensuring well being of each other and they will not think and do anything harmful and destructive in there to anyone which results in loss of their that state of existence or their expulsion there from.

    049] That way let my committed and dedicated missionaries make obvious for mankind by bringing about such places and institutions or lands and kingdoms in my name that I am indeed their protector through my blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance for them.

    050] However let mankind also know that my set-up systems and laws for delivering outcomes for harmful and destructive thoughts and actions of people against each other are also strict and they deliver terribly painful and humiliating results for such people.

    051] For that reason tell them about the missionaries that came to Abraham.

    052] They entered upon him and said, we have come to you for ensuring your peace and security. But Abraham replied, surely I am anxious to know about your plan.

    053] They answered, do not be anxious about it, we have also come to you with a good news of a successor of yours who is endowed with knowledge.

    054] He said, are you giving me this good news of a successor because I am getting old and I have the heavy burden of duty, obligation or responsibility to discharge? What is this good news about?

    055] They replied, the good news we are giving you is about continuation of the mission you had been assigned by Allah so that you do not become disappointed and of those who despair due to your getting old and weak for continuing the mission.

    056] He said, who can become disappointed and fall victim to despair with blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance of his creator and sustainer other than the one who strays or moves away or distances himself from it?

    057] Then he asked them, what is your additional or other mission that you have been sent for, O people on a mission?

    058] They replied, we have been sent by our community administrator or manager (or our prophet and messenger  from Allah) to deal with or take care of a people who commit crimes against their own people in their own human population as well as against other people of other human populations

    059] with the exception of a party that supports and backs Lot, so we will certainly evacuate all of them to a safe place

    060] except a party of his people that rejects and opposes him, which in our judgement or assessment is going to stay with those chiefs and priests who will remain behind.

    061] So when those missionaries came to lot and his people for carrying out their mission,

    062] he said to them, you people seem to be those who fight those who commit crimes against humanity?

    063] They said, we have come to you with a solution regarding that about which these people are in doubt and they dispute with you and cause troubles and problems for you people.

    064] We have been sent to you by our community administrator with a complete plan of action and we are here to fulfil it.

    065] You should therefore quietly depart with your supporters and backers during the night and you yourself should follow them once they all have left for a safe place and let none of you look back to this place and things you have to leave behind with any regrets instead keep going where you are told to go.

    066] All that happened because we informed him already about our plan of action that all social, political, cultural and economic ties with those people were to be cut off for a new beginning.

    067] Behold! The people of the township came rejoicing to Lot at the news of arrival of his visitors.

    068] Lot said, they are my guests so do not humiliate me before or in front of them

    069] instead be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah as well as with each other for ensuring well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and do not put me to shame in front of my guests or visitors by thinking and doing harmful and destructive things you usually think and do against each other and the travellers through our land or kingdom or place of residence or stay or settlement.

    070] They said, have we not stopped you from speaking on behalf of other people or for the rest of human world and that way keep yourself to yourself only?

    071] He said to them, here are my main or key foundations as my basis upon which I stand and invite you to abide by if you must do anything purposefully properly with your lives that is truly worthy and of value for mankind because otherwise living a life of crime for inflicting harm and destruction upon others for securing one’s own petty personal gains from others at their expense only and only wastes lives of all involved.

    072] Just like the harmful and destructive way of life of your people, O our prophet and messenger, they too were driven to madness and insanity by each other due to their self created and self imposed way of life whereby they created and caused disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and so they ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    073] That is how their infighting weakened them and a mighty sudden attack from outside by the missionaries took them by surprise by one morning.

    074] This is how we found the place fully reformed and transformed or turned upside down by our missionaries and their supporters due to the revolt and the attack because the secular and religious leadership and its touts and supporters rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for them despite our making obvious to them vital importance of a solid foundation for a purposefully properly organised and regulated human community in a place or land or kingdom. This is how we rained down our blessings upon them in form of our revelations whereby they transformed their human population and their institutions.

    075] Surely there are lessons in this event or happening for those who have learned sense of making purpose based proper sense of things therefore they investigate things to learn as to what happens to a people and why who refuse to think and do things purposefully properly according to our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    076] All this should make amply clear for mankind the fact that no doubt at all that only and only our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind gives them basis for their own safety and security or stability as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    077] Indeed there is a vitally important lesson to be learned from this happening or narration for those who will commit themselves purposefully properly for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according ot our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    078] Not only these people but the people who lived in a land that was full of trees and greenery to whom was sent Shuaib were also of those who lived by a way of life whereby they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    079] So we sent our purpose based proper guidance for them also in order to guide them to live purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom but their secular and religious leadership and their touts and supporters also rejected and opposed it so due to their ignoring, avoiding and neglecting it they too ended up destroyed by hands of each other as a consequence of their so doing. Both of these human populations were delivered our purpose based proper guidance for them which clearly stood out as such but they paid no due attention to it.

    080] No doubt the secular and religious leadership and its touts and supporters did reject and oppose our prophets and messengers or missionaries by denying their masses our provisions for them and thereby they created disputes, rivalries, animosities and fights between themselves despite the fact that they were a people who were furnished with brains and senses by us to use them purposefully properly.

    081] Moreover we gave their prophets and messengers or missionaries our revelations for them for their purpose based proper guidance but they ignored and avoided or neglected them.

    082] They were so clever and technical minded that they used to carve their homes in the rocky mountains to live in safety and security by creating and running their social institutions according to wishes of their powerful leaders instead of our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    083] However due to their infighting for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense a mighty sudden uprising or an attack by outsiders took them by surprise one morning.

    084] So all their hard works or labour to build safe and secure places, lands or kingdoms and institutions for themselves availed them not even the least. Therefore it is a clear lesson for mankind about the fact that unless human populations throughout the human world becomes a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them they cannot have safety and security from each other no matter whatever else they think and do for getting it.

    085] It is because we have not created all those far away galaxies as well as this galaxy and all that is within them as well as in between them but for a set purpose according to our set-up systems and laws as well as measures we have put in place. The moment of doom is for sure to strike sooner or later all those who will not abide by our purpose based proper guidance for them, so O our prophet and messenger or missionary, face their rejection and opposition in a courageous and dignified way just like our prophets and messengers or missionaries of the past.

    086] Surely your creator and sustainer makes obvious for mankind what courageous, dignified and secure mindset, attitude and behaviour is.

    087] That is why we have brought to your attention many explanations and evidences repeatedly that back up the claims of the mighty Quran which can raise mankind to heights of excellence and glory through blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by their complementing each other purposefully properly for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other.

    088] Therefore never even think about adopting the way of life whereby we have let some of the leading secular and religious rejectors and opponents of our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and their supporters and backers enjoy their lives by using our provisions the way they please which they secure from each other at each other’s expense nor should you regret their losses by hands of each other instead you should be concerned for and concentrate upon ensuring well being of those who purposefully properly commit and dedicate or devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them.   

    089] However do say to these leading religious and secular rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper message as well as their supporters and backers, I am surely sent by Allah as an open and final warner for all the people in the human world through this Quran who clearly stands out.

    090] Just like the warners who were sent with similar messages to all people throughout the human world in the past before these people who lived their lives as divided people due to disputes, rivalries and animosities between themselves because of the way they lived whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other as a result.

    091] All that happened to them because they too like these people of yours were the ones who fragmented or tore our message that was delivered to them into pieces or bits or rendered and used it out of its purpose based proper context and that they rendered it useless and ineffective.

    092] This testimony of your creator and sustainer and its relevant evidences are the proof that through our set up systems and laws we deliver to all people the outcome

    093] for all that they think and do according to or against our purpose based proper guidance for them as well as all that they think and do for or against each other.

    094] Therefore proclaim openly and freely what you are commanded by us and leave those to themselves who still choose to live by any way of life other than our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    095] Surely we are sufficient for your support through our set up system and laws against the scoffers and the warmongers who wish to undermine your assigned mission by us.

    096] As for those who set up or take up or assume or imagine any God, owner, master and ruler other than or along with Allah for this kingdom of his creation therefore they invent and live by any other way of life than the one advised for mankind by him they will soon come to know the outcome for thinking and doing things that way.

    097] We surely know your mind is distressed by what they think, say and do against our purpose based proper guidance for them

    098] nonetheless keep on striving harder and harder for establishing the purpose based proper rule of law of your creator and sustainer in the human world so that mankind are naturally forced from the very bottom of their hearts to admire his marvellous and wonderful rule of law as well as they salute you and your supporters and backers for your hard work for establishing it purposefully properly, therefore be of those who have committed themselves purposefully properly for fulfilling and accomplishing this mission, objective, goal or task.

    099] That is how you and your supporters and backers should fulfil or accomplish your assigned mission by your creator and sustainer until there reaches you people the news of purpose based proper accomplishment of this mission which is absolutely certain to happen or take place or come to pass.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #163 - November 08, 2023, 02:31 AM

    Surah 14  IBRAHEEM- A prophet and messenger of Allah who was sent by him to guide mankind purposefully properly through his revealed purpose based proper guidance for them - to help them get out of darkness of ignorance due to which they lived uncivilised, uncultured, purposeless and aimless lives due to which they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense - through purpose based proper education and training so that they become and remain enlightened, united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Alif Laam Raa. This is the final book from your creator and sustainer for that very purpose containing a program for goals for mankind to accomplish according to our provided guidelines which is sent to you our final prophet and messenger so that through this brilliant purpose based proper light of guidance you could educate and train mankind purposefully properly to help them get out of their darkness of ignorance about their purpose of creation and how they should fulfil that purpose by getting out of life of disappointment and despair into life of a brilliant future according to manifesto of their creator and sustainer for them which can show them the purpose based proper way of life to live by which can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and which is advised for them by the mighty powerful being who is awesome, wonderful and full of goodness.
    002] Allah is that very being, the one and only to whom belongs all that is within all the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as all that is within this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets. Be warned that terribly painful humiliating harms and destructions await those who will reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    003] Those who love creating and causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense for their own high standard of living at the expense of the rest of humanity instead of building a better future for themselves as a single purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. This is why they stop, prevent and hinder people from adopting the purpose based proper way of life of Allah for them by creating, attributing and propagating false problems to it to make it look crooked, problematic, troublesome, unworkable, harmful and destructive way of life. Such people have strayed far off the purpose based proper track or path or way of life that can lead mankind to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    004] We have not sent any of our prophet and messenger to any human population but he spoke the language which his human population could enable itself to understand purposefully properly and that is why he delivered to them our brilliant purpose based proper plan which clearly stood out for them to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon for ensuring their own well being by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. However purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them only guided those of them who chose to do that and left the rest on their own to do as they please and face the consequences. He is the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation but he has given freedom to mankind to choose to do as they please and receive the outcome of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    005] Likewise we sent Moses with our purpose based proper manifesto and program for his people to accomplish its goals according to our provided guidelines for them and said to him, lead your people thereby out of darkness of ignorance about our purpose based proper plan for their creation and existence and how they should fulfil it through light of our purpose based proper guidance or knowledge for them and that way inform them about the brilliant days of unity, peace, progress and prosperity to come as told in purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. No doubt there in are lessons for each and every person who is steadfastly consistent for accomplishing this mission or objective or goal or task.

    006] Call to mind the time when Moses said to his supporters, strive steadfastly and consistently very, very hard for bringing about and maintaining a place based upon the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah which is purposefully properly founded upon blissful, dignified and secure life providing purpose based proper guidance of Allah because to do this is his requirement of you people as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and it is the very reason for which he freed you people from the control of chiefs of Pharaoh and his supporters who subjected you to terrible painful suffering by undermining your courageous people by promoting your cowardly people by bringing about disputes, rivalries, animosities and infighting between yourselves and that way turned you into a weak, worthless and useless or unproductive people who could not seek, receive, know and fulfil his purpose based proper plan for mankind. Surely during all this time you were put through a tremendously hard struggle by your glorious creator and sustainer so that you people rise to heights of excellence and glory again as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    007] Remember always how your creator and sustainer warned you people that if you will keep on working according to my purpose based proper guidance for you then my set up system and laws as well as my measures put in place for this purpose will keep on increasing you in your strength but should you fail or refuse to work according to my purpose based proper guidance for you then my warning for you people is very clear that you will fall victim to a terribly painful and regrettable state of existence.

    008] Moreover Moses made it absolutely clear to you that should you and all the people dwelling in the human world ignored his purpose based proper guidance for them, it will do no harm whatsoever to Allah but instead it will certainly utterly destroy your own future.

    009] Has the account of those who have gone before you people not reached you such as the accounts of chiefs and their supporters from among people of Noah, Aad, Thamud and those who came after them? No one really knows them other than Allah. Their prophets and messengers from us also came to them with the very same brilliant program, goals and guidelines from us for them but they bit their hands with their mouths in rage and said, we certainly reject and fiercely oppose the guidance with which you claim to have been sent to us by Allah because we very much doubt the message to which you invite us that it is in fact from Allah for us for ensuring our well being as a people.

    010] Their prophets and messengers from us responded to them by saying to them, do you people really have any reasonable doubt about the goodness of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for you who is the originator and evolver of all the far away galaxies as well as this galaxy that he cannot guide you people purposefully properly? If he can then it is he who is calling or inviting you people to his purpose based proper guidance for you in order to save and secure or protect you people for a set period of time in this life from your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense for which you people inflict harms and destructions upon each other so that instead you people work for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. They said to them, we do not accept what you people are telling us in the name of Allah because you people are not supernatural beings nor you have any supernatural powers instead you people are ordinary human beings just like ourselves and you only wish to turn us away from our Gods, owners, masters, and rulers other than or along with Allah whom our forefathers have been serving always according to the ways of life we have been living for generations. So if you want us to consider your claims and to accept them then do for us the kind of things we demand of you supernaturally or miraculously or magically.

    011] Their messengers replied to them, it is true that we are human beings just like yourselves but Allah blesses with his purpose based proper guidance for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom any of his human creatures he chooses who are only too pleased to work for his assigned mission to them. It is not fitting for us as human beings to do things supernaturally or miraculously or magically as you people demand due to your lack of sense of making purpose based proper sense of things as explained by him. It is entirely up to Allah as to what sort of proof he chooses to provide for us his human creatures for our consideration and he has chosen his purpose based proper guidance itself for that very purpose. This is why we the mankind should seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for us purposefully properly and then we should see the outcome for doing so for ourselves and that way we should arrive at conclusion whether it proves the claim purposefully properly or not. This is why upon set up systems, laws and purpose based proper guidance of Allah should depend and rely all those who decide to commit or dedicate or devote themselves purposefully properly to work for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    012] So if we people are telling you people wrong things about purpose based proper guidance of Allah for all of us or we are telling you these things the wrong way then you people can tell us what better reason do we the mankind really have for not relying upon set up systems and laws as well as purpose based proper guidance of Allah for us when he has guided us purposefully properly as to how we should live our lives in this world purposefully properly in a way that can bring us a brilliant future through our own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a brotherhood of mankind working for ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly in his kingdom as opposed to our working against each other for securing our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? After all these explanations and evidences if you people will still oppose us and persecute us then we will certainly face your persecution with steadfastness and consistency till Allah through the outcomes of our own thoughts and actions respectively shows both of us who fairs better in the end in this dispute about which way of life is the best for mankind to live or abide by. The way of life whereby we all work together as a purpose based proper human family without any disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between ourselves like us or as a divided people who are stuck in disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves like you people who are leading themselves to their own harms and destructions by hands of each other. So let those who want to rely upon anything, rely upon set-up systems and laws of Allah and his purpose based proper guidance for them for their own brilliant future.

    013] Finally the rejecters and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, the harmful and destructive religious and secular leading elite (rulers, money lenders and priests) of their people or supporters and backers said to their prophets and messengers from us as well as their supporters and backers, abide by our traditional rule of law and our way of life or we will banish or expel or cast you out or cut you off from our land. That is the reason their creator and sustainer reminded his prophets and messengers about the warning that we will let these harmful and destructive people destroy themselves through their inflicting harm and destruction upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, because this is how we have set up systems and law to deal with people who refuse to heed our purpose based proper guidance and advice for them and instead they continue thinking and doing what is harmful and destructive for them to each other as they please.

    014] That is how we have passed on the land to you people to dwell therein after they are gone by destroying each other. This is a lesson for such people as keep in their minds role of my purpose based proper guidance for ensuring their own well being as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom so that they pay due attention to my forewarning all the time.

    015] As is made obvious for mankind by my message for them as well as the events of the past, rejecting my purpose based proper guidance for mankind and opposing it without due consideration always proved costly or terribly damaging and destructive for each and every tyrant and oppressor of his human population and also for his supporters and backers.

    016] Such as any who spreads hell or terrible harm and destruction all around himself whereby he became entrapped and confounded due to satisfying his thirst for hatred and bloodshed of his own human population.

    017] Such a person partook or participated or interacted in this sort of exercise more and more due to increase in his rage but never reached the point of satisfaction so defeat and destruction gradually surrounded him more and more from all sides yet he did not give up his harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for dominating others by undermining them for securing his own petty personal gains from them at their expense despite his being surrounded by terribly painful suffering all around him.

    018] The likeness of the hard works of those who gather benefits and advantages for themselves at the expense of others and at the expense of the purpose based proper human community in opposition to the purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer is like that of a small amount of gathered particles of dust by them for growing things in them which the wind scatters away on a stormy day when it blows leaving no trace of them to be seen therefore it is unable to bring about any vegetation or greenery or prosperity for them. They will get nothing much from their such hard works against each other in opposition to our purpose based proper guidance for them save harm and destruction or painful suffering for themselves and this is what straying far away from the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by their creator and sustainer means for them. That is how they end up in a terrible state of existence that lacks satisfaction and it is full of regrets for them.

    019] Can you people therefore not observe and understand the fact that it is only and only Allah alone who has created and evolved all the far away galaxies as well as this galaxy for a set purpose of his own according to his own plan and set up systems and laws as well as measures he put in place for making all this work purposefully properly? So if he has planned to replace you people generation after generation the same way by means of his set up systems and laws then it is only for bringing about changes for the better through your newer or later generations.
    020] So it should be obvious for sensible, learned or knowledgeable people among mankind that it is not at all difficult for the set-up systems and laws of Allah to fulfil his purpose according to his plan.

    021] For that reason be rest assured that through these set-up systems and laws in time to come gradually all people will be brought under the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah purposefully properly by his missionaries to abide by because from among the rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper rule of law the influenced masses will start waking up by becoming aware about their tricks and mechanisms that are used by them to keep them that way so they will start moving away from their influence by asking questions of those who think of themselves as overwhelmingly influential by saying to them, we have been accepting and living by your imposed rule of law all our lives so can you in actual fact do anything to free us from the painful suffering we are in about which Allah warned us already? They will reply, had we sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for us then we could have guided you too. Since we did not do so therefore it makes no difference now whether we panic and cry or bear the consequences of our own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other quietly with patience because there is no escape for us from this situation we got ourselves in unless we seek, receive, study, accept and act upon the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for us purposefully properly and mend our ways accordingly.

    022] That is how the harmful and destructive religious and secular leadership will conclude in the end or come to its end saying to its supporters and backers or following, surely Allah promised you outcomes of your thoughts and actions for or against each other and the promise of Allah came to pass or proved true and in opposition to that I too promised you things but I could not fulfil my promise to you as I had no real power to do so. I just asked you to take me for your ruler or leader and you just accepted me as your ruler or leader without ensuring whether in fact I had the needed power to deliver things I promised you or not. So do not blame me for taking advantage of you instead blame yourselves for your own stupidity for giving yourselves into my control blindly without critically examining by claims. I am not bothered with your moaning just as you are not bothered with my crying. I now refuse to be your ruler or leader like before because such transgressors end up in painful suffering as we have experienced it ourselves already.

    023] Moreover as we have learned by now, those who commit or dedicate or devote themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah and they strive very, very hard for mending rifts between mankind by removing dispute, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between them to bring unity and peace between them and help them develop, progress and prosper will indeed end up in places or lands or kingdoms within which under their management will flow like rivers all things of their need and want to live therein according to the plan of their creator and sustainer in order to fulfil his purpose for their creation. That is how they will reach their objective or target or they will accomplish and fulfil the mission of peace and security of mankind as assigned to them by their creator and sustainer.

    024] Do you therefore not observe and understand how Allah shows similarity between his purpose based proper program for mankind that gradually leads them to unity and peace through progress and prosperity with a good tree that gradually develops from a seed into a fully grown up tree bearing desirable fruit because it is rooted purposefully properly in the ground that is why it is healthy and fruitful with branches well spread above the ground?

    025] It yields its fruits in every season due to set-up universal systems and laws by its creator and sustainer. Allah cites these like examples for people so that they struggle harder and harder to spread his manifesto to gather people together on basis of his purpose based proper guidance for them for their own united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous future in his kingdom as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    026] In contrast to program of Allah the likeness of a harmful and destructive program and plan of actions or way of life of a people is like that of a dangerous tree which is harmful and destructive for mankind because its fruit is harmful and destructive or poisonous for mankind because it fails to develop people to cause their growth purposefully properly because it is not rooted purposefully properly for this purpose so it is rootless and easily uproot-able or destroyable therefore it is unstable and insecure and cannot be relied or depended upon at all.

    027] With his purpose based proper program which is based upon firmly established foundation of rationality which is  logically consistent purpose based proper reasoning, Allah makes those who commit purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom stable in this life and he will do the same for them in the life that is yet to come but Allah lets the rejectors and opponents of his purpose based proper program go stray as they wish because Allah does things according to his purpose based proper plan.

    028] Have you people not become aware of the mindset, attitude and behaviour of such people who have substituted blissful, dignified and secure life providing purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them with their own secular and religious harmful and destructive thoughts and actions or beliefs and practices whereby they bring their own human populations to a dead end or they bring their useless stuff or merchant in a market where there are no buyers for it or that they land them in a state of existence from which there is no coming back or from which they cannot make a comeback or return?

    029] Hell is the situation or set of circumstances or state of existence they land themselves in wherein their energies are continuously consumed without any tangible beneficial results, which is a terrible state of existence for them to be in.

    030] The secular and religious leaderships or ruling elites have set up ways of life in the very name of Allah in opposition to purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah to mislead people from his straight path. Tell them, you the leaders or rulers can enjoy yourselves at the expense of your following or at the expense of people under your control or sway for a while but your final destination as a people is going to be terribly painful and full of agonising suffering through harms and destruction by hands of each other due to fire of hatred and animosity in your hearts and minds for each other because of what you people think and do against each other for securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    031] Say to supporters and backers of my advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind based upon my purpose based proper guidance for them who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom according to my purpose based proper guidance for them, strive very, very hard as individuals and as groups for establishing a purpose based proper human community in a place in my kingdom for opening up for all human beings all that we have provided for them for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly before there comes the time period when the peaceful change of the ruling system through purpose based proper education and training is no longer possible or is no longer the available option because there is no more tolerance between people for this purpose and the violent bloody revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions becomes inevitable to force the change for the better or for the best ruling system for mankind.

    032] For establishing the purpose based proper way of life in the human world which is advised for mankind by Allah let people know that it is only and only Allah alone who has brought about and evolved all the far away galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets and it is he who causes water to rain down from the clouds raised high whereby he brings forth all sorts of fruits for your sustenance, subsistence, provision and livelihood. It is only and only he alone who has made it possible for you to use ships so that they sail or plough through the sea due to his set-up systems and laws and so he has brought about rivers and streams for your service so that you could have a beautiful existence in his kingdom.

    033] Even the sun and the moon work according to his set up systems and laws moving along set out courses and orbits and likewise is caused by his set up systems and laws the phenomenon of the night and the day for your benefits and advantages in various ways.

    034] He has already provided you with all that you will ever need and more, so much so that even if you people decided to consume and use all the abundant provisions of Allah, you could never be able to consume and use them all yet mankind are going about thinking and doing things the harmful and destructive way by ignoring, avoiding, neglecting, rejecting and opposing our purpose based proper guidance for them which can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom through their own complementing each other purposefully properly provided they seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly.

    035] Call to mind the time when Abraham said, my creator and sustainer, through your purpose based proper guidance for mankind make this dwelling place of humanity or this place of residence of mankind or a place or world where in exist mankind a place wherein they commit themselves to life of unity, peace, progress and prosperity for themselves as a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom through their complementing each other purposefully properly for ensuring their own well being for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence and that way protect and secure me and my ideological backing or following from personality cults whereby some people take others as their Gods, owners, masters and rulers other than or along with you due to their own ignorance based blind following.

    036] My creator and sustainer, chiefs and priests or secular and religious leaders of human populations who have been made idols or ideal in the eyes of their masses they have been using some individuals to set them up as their rulers to rule over their people with their help and support and thereby they led the masses away from your purpose based proper rule of law that is based upon your purpose based proper guidance for them into their own cults therefore only and only those who support and back me in acting upon your purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly belong to my purpose based proper human community and as to any other people who reject and oppose me, they are bound to end up destroyed in due course by hands of each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because your purpose based proper guidance is protector of only and only those people from among mankind who seek, receive, study, accept and act upon your blissful, dignified and secure life providing purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly.

    037] Our creator and sustainer, I have settled some of my ideological supporters and backer among human populations that are not yet educated and trained purposefully properly to become civilised according to your blissful, dignified and secure life providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Our creator and sustainer, I have done this in the hope that they will establish your purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in there purposefully properly by sharing, dispersing, scattering, spreading, disseminating, publicising, broadcasting, propagating, proclaiming your purpose based proper guidance for mankind therefore turn the hearts and minds of those people of those human populations toward them for their acceptance and acting upon your purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and that way provide them with beneficial and beautiful results of their own beneficial and beautiful thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly so that they all become a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous people by using all that you have provided for them purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom.

    038] Our creator and sustainer, no doubt you expose our real motives behind our thoughts and actions for all to see which we try to hide from each other for the fear of losses to ourselves through results of our own actions in due course as well as those motives which we try to make obvious to each other for our own advantages because nothing is hidden from set-up systems and laws of Allah in the human world as well as in the rest of his vast kingdom of creation.

    039] Therefore it should be obvious for mankind that God-ship, owner-ship, ruler-ship or sovereignty of this kingdom of his creation belongs only and only to Allah alone who for advancement of my assigned mission by him has granted me support and backing or reinforcement and strength through Ishmael and Isaac. Surely my creator and sustainer takes care of all needs and wants of all things by means of his set-up systems and laws as well as according to his purpose based proper plan for mankind.

    040] For that reason my creator and sustainer, inspire me and my ideological supporters and backers to have courage, motivation and strength through your purpose based proper guidance for mankind to establish and maintain the purpose based proper human community in your kingdom purposefully properly. Our creator and sustainer, therefore continue making our purpose based proper calling and invitation to mankind towards your advised purpose based proper way of life for them attractive and acceptable so that we could be successful in accomplishing and fulfilling our assigned mission by you purposefully properly.

    041] That way our creator and sustainer make me and my supporters and backers as well as my dependents both old and young safe and secure who have committed themselves purposefully properly to the best of their abilities you have granted them to work for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom according to your purpose based proper guidance for them for so long as they hold on to your set standard of judgement for them for continuously judging their own thoughts and actions thereby for ensuring well being of mankind.

    042] Therefore O my supporters and backers, become purposefully properly educated and trained for accomplishing the mission assigned to you by Allah and never let rejecters and opponents of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind think that Allah is unaware of harms and destructions they inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. His set-up systems and laws give them respite from the results of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other only so that they could correct themselves by repenting and reforming themselves by stop living the way they do and by adopting Allah’s advised purpose based proper way of life for them and that respite for them is only till they fail to correct themselves within their given time limit and the tipping point is reached by them when their eyes will become stuck and remain stuck in wide open state due to they being struck by terror and horror of sudden revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions that will overwhelm them by surprise because of what they will have been thinking and doing against each other.

    043] During that time period they will be running around in chaos and confusion with their heads raised high and eyes transfixed in fear, staring but seeing nothing and their minds utterly empty and vacant or void of any thoughts as to what they should do to save and secure themselves from the prevailing situation of harm and destruction that surround them or is all around them.

    044] Therefore our prophet and messenger, alert mankind you are sent for about the time period when our forewarned consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense will overtake them and that is the time when the inflictors of harms and destructions upon each other will say, our creator and sustainer, give us a little more respite and we will respond to your call or invitation with all due respect and support and we will back up the people who come to us with your purpose based proper guidance for us. But it will be said to them, are you not the very same people who once upon a time earlier on swore your severest oaths that you will never come to your harm and destruction due to what you think and do against each other?

    045]  You did this despite living in the very same places of earlier people who already destroyed each other before you the very same way. It is already explained to you how nicely we dealt with them through our purpose based proper guidance for them yet due to their own stupidity due to which they rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for them we made them a lesson for you the later generations to not to follow them in their footsteps.

    046] They plotted and schemed as well as hatched their conspiracies against our purpose based proper guidance for them as well as against our missionaries but their plots, schemes and conspiracies were well within grasp of set up systems and laws of Allah even though these their plots, schemes and conspiracies were such that thereby they could move or mobilise masses in their favour for their support and backing.

    047] So never think that Allah will fail to fulfil his promise to mankind through all his prophets and messengers which is, the purpose based proper mission of Allah based purposefully properly upon his purpose based proper guidance will succeed because Allah rules his kingdom of creation wisely through his set-up systems and laws as well as measures he has put in place for fulfilling his purpose based proper plan.

    048] So alert mankind to become aware about the time period when socio-political and socio-economic culture or landscape in the human world will be changed by our missionaries to a different landscape where in dominant people who are on top of others due to undermining them by force or by tricks and traps will be dislodged and brought down to their knees to face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others according to the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them. Rest assured the set up systems and laws of Allah, the one and only, as well as his measures put in place cannot be avoided, resisted or undermined.

    049] This is why in time to come when our rule of law becomes fully and purposefully properly established in the human world by our missionaries you the mankind will see the committers of crimes against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as against other human beings fettered and bound together in chains for facing the consequences of their own thought and actions for what they will have done.

    050] This is how their whole program will end up in failure because their goals or objectives will be full of fire of hatred and animosity against each other as well as against the rest of humanity.

    051] This is how set up systems and laws of Allah will make each and every such group of each and every human population face the consequences for what it thinks and does to others against his purpose based proper guidance for them because Allah is strict in holding all people to account for their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as against each other.

    052] This Quran is a manifesto and a program from us for all the people in the human world to carry out so O our prophet and messenger as well as our missionaries, alert, inform and warn them thereby and let them know that only and only Allah alone is God, owner, master and ruler of this kingdom of his creation, so they should establish only and only his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world for their own blissful dignified and secure existence according to his purpose based proper guidance for them so that they could become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. Therefore let those who will seek, receive, study, accept and act upon this purpose based proper guidance from us strive harder and harder to spread this manifesto and program for its implementation through a purpose based proper constitution and law to organise and regulate themselves according to it for their own brilliant future as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #164 - November 12, 2023, 09:21 AM

    Surah 13    AL-RAAD–A moving, driving, motivating or an encouraging, inspiring, energising and activating message for mankind from their creator and sustainer to guide them purposefully properly to become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom through their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity for ensuring their own well being by way of their complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom in order to save and secure or protect themselves from harms and destructions people inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by stopping, preventing, hindering and discouraging them from doing so to each other which can directly or indirectly harm or destroy them by hands of each other.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Alif Laam Meem Raa. These are purpose based proper goals from us for mankind to accomplish according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines in the book form, which is revealed to you our prophet and messenger by Allah your creator and sustainer for a set purpose of bringing about a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly yet most of mankind do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    002] Allah is he who has originated and evolved all the galaxies that are full of stars and planets in his kingdom which are distanced from each other without any visible forces which you the mankind could see with your own naked eyes. However despite any visible ways and means or forces he has full and comprehensive control over whole of his kingdom of creation. Just like the rest of the things in his kingdom he has also subjected the sun and the moon to his set-up systems and laws so each is carrying out its program for an appointed time period and that is how he has organised and regulated all affairs in his kingdom of creation as he has explained it for mankind through his revealed books for them so that you the mankind also meet the set standard of your creator and sustainer for your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom with full confidence for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    003] He it is who has expanded the earth and brought about therein peaks and troughs, highlands and lowlands and high mountains and low valleys flowing with water whereby he brought about fruits of every kind resembling each other as well as he causes the night by covering the daylight (The phenomenon of the night and the day on the surface of the earth is result of the rotation of the earth on its own axis in front of the sun. So half of the earth surface that faces the sunlight has the daylight falling upon it while at the same time the other half of the earth falls under its own shadow due to the earth itself blocking or covering the sunlight, which stops the sunlight from reaching the other side of it due to its opaqueness). Surely therein are lessons for people who experiment with things purposefully properly to explore and discover things for learning by thinking and doing things.

    004] In the land there are tracts side by side of gardens of grapes, of cornfields and of palm trees with single and multi trunks, they are all watered with the very same water yet we make some of them better in taste than others. Surely therein are lessons for people who use their intelligence purposefully properly to experiment with things so they observe things for understanding them.

    005] So if there is anything unreasonable, absurd and strange about these people then it is their asking you our prophet and messenger, as we the mankind lay in the dust or utterly defeated or disappointed and in despair due to disputes, rivalries, animosities, hatred, fights and wars between us, is there any way whereby we could start anew and rise to heights of excellence and glory to have blissful, dignified and secure existence again? Their asking such a question of you is bizarre, weird and odd because these are the very people who reject and oppose the very purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them that can lead them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom provided they seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly so how can they have their blissful, dignified and secure existence they are asking for by keep on rejecting and opposing it? Because of their that mindset, attitude and behaviour towards his purpose based proper guidance for them they cannot become free of yokes they have put around each other’s necks that are making their lives hell due to unbearable hardship and painful suffering they are putting each other through just for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and so they are such a people who will end up in yet more pain and agony so they will keep on suffering painfully and live in that state of existence for as long as they will continue living that way unless they repent and reform by stop living that way and start living by purpose based proper way of life advised for them by their creator and sustainer.

    006] By not seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for them they are giving you clues that they are still rushing for inflicting yet more harms and destructions upon each other to keep on suffering painfully by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of going for thoughts and actions which could make their lives beautiful through their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them. The fact is, due to similar mindset, attitude and behaviour destroyed themselves many of the generations that passed away before them despite the fact that your creator and sustainer is the provider of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring their safety security or protection through his blissful and dignified program for them against their harms and destructions they inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Nonetheless your creator and sustainer has set up systems and laws as well as he has put in place measures also which strictly deliver outcomes to mankind for their very own thought and actions for or against each other.

    007] Despite our provision of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as the proof from us for them which they actually need, the rejecters and opponents of it say, why is no supernatural special proof we ask for is sent to him by his creator and sustainer as per our demands? Do they not realise the fact that your job as a prophet and messenger from us to them is only to deliver to them our revealed message to you? You are an advance or early warner for mankind about the consequences for them for their own thoughts and actions against each other if they will not carry out our provided program for them just like the warners that were sent to every human population before them and their revelations carried within them their own needed proofs needing no other special supernatural proofs they demanded of them because that did not serve our purpose based plan for them.

    008] Allah made obvious for people through his revelations for them what program each and every human population had to carry out to have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom as a set standard below which it could not afford to fall nor could any of them afford transgressing it because each and every thing has a set program from him to carry out as required so that his purpose could become fulfilled according to his plan precisely or accurately or perfectly.

    009] He alone is in a unique position as a planner and executer to make manifest in due course for mankind the future developments including results of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other as well as the present ones.

    010] It makes no difference to the fulfilment of the purpose based proper plan of Allah about mankind as to how it unfolds and the results of your thoughts and actions for or against each other are made obvious for you people to see regardless any of you thinks and does things for or against each other in private or isolation in secret or in public in the open, whether any of you thinks and does things under the cover of darkness or goes about thinking and doing things in the broad daylight among public.

    011] For each and every human population there is a set time and place among human populations according to their own thoughts and actions as well as according to set-up systems and laws as well as measures put in place by Allah which decide its time and place among human populations which means there are human populations before or in front of it as well as human populations after or behind it which surround it. All human populations in the human world are subject to law of cause and effect so they reap what they sow or get the outcomes delivered to them as per their own thoughts and actions for or against each other this is why Allah never changes the living state or condition or standard or set of circumstances of a people for the better or for the worse by suspending his law of cause and effect for them, therefore until and unless they take steps to change themselves through changing their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours as a people for the betterment of themselves no such change can occur and letting things get worse can lead them only and only to further harms and destructions by their own hands due to their inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. So become alert and aware of the fact that when set-up systems and laws of Allah deliver to people the outcomes of their own thoughts and actions against each other by afflicting them with misfortunes it is only because they bring it upon themselves therefore none can ward them off them because that is the purpose of the set-up systems and laws of Allah to deliver to people what they deserve so they cannot find any escape from them or any safety and security or protection against his set-up systems and laws other than by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly.

    012] This is why he is the one who shows you the lightning to draw your attention to himself thereby so that you people look for or search for his purpose based proper guidance for you as well as thereby he brings you people the hope of prosperity by means of heavily laden clouds with rain water.

    013] That is the reason the thunder also strives hard to manifest his glory to you people for the very same reason and so do the people on his assigned mission for them due to their abiding by his purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly for ensuring well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. However he lets these very same natural phenomena strike down any people who work and strive hard towards their own harm and destruction because they fight against the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them as well as they fight against his missionaries beside fighting among themselves for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. However they must realise the fact that he is strict in fulfilling his purpose based proper plan through his set-up systems and laws.

    014] So the invitation to the establishment of only and only his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world by his missionaries alone is the right one because those who invite to rule of law of others than or along with Allah they in actual fact are inviting or calling mankind to nothing useful or valuable or of worth at all because their rule of law can never fulfil their needs and wants at all. They are like a person with his hands stretched out towards the water as if the person is asking the water to come into his mouth and the person is waiting for the water to reach his mouth but it does not and it cannot because it is not supposed to as it is subject to our set up systems and laws and not of the person who is asking the water to come into his mouth. Therefore invitation of those who reject and oppose invitation of our missionaries towards the establishment of our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world is nothing more than their exercise in vain and waste of their given time for their respite.

    015] It is because all those people and things that are within the kingdom of the heavens and the earth are bound by set up purpose based proper systems and laws of Allah for their existence and continuous survival regardless they have a degree of freedom to make choices or not so their safe and secure future rests upon these like permanent principles as their foundation.

    016] Therefore ask these rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for them, whose set-up systems and laws then govern existence of all the heavenly bodies including this earth? Tell them, their existence is governed only and only by set up systems and laws of Allah alone. Ask them, when this is the case in actual reality throughout the kingdom of our creation then why do you take for your rulers others than him or others along with him who in actual reality own nothing at all, not even themselves so they have no power of their own to save and secure or protect mankind against any harms and destructions nor to benefit them. Ask them, are the blind and the senseless and the seeing and the sensible equal or is the darkness of ignorance same as the light of knowledge? Or have those whom they take for Gods, owners and sovereigns along with Allah created anything like the creation of Allah in their sight that they have the right to be Gods, owners and rulers along with Allah? Say, if that is not the case then why do you people not accept Allah alone as the sole creator and evolver of all things and therefore the only one who has the right to God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship over this kingdom of his creation, the one whose set up systems and laws are Irresistible and overpowering as well as overwhelming.

    017] It is he alone who sends down water as rain from the heaven and each channel flows according to its set measure whereby the torrent bears a swelling foam like the scum which appears from the metals that are melted in the furnace for making ornaments and utensils. By such exemplary explanations and evidences Allah proves what is true and what is false. As for the scum, it is thrown away due to being worthless but that which is useful for the mankind remains behind in the land. This is how Allah puts forth exemplary explanations and evidences to prove the fact that his message stands out clearly as such.

    018] So beautiful results in form of bright future await for beautiful thoughts and actions of those who will respond positively to purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer. As to those who refuse to respond positively to his manifesto even if they had all that is in the earth and as much more beside that to offer as ransom in order to save themselves from the painful suffering that is to follow them as a result of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense it will not avail them the results the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them will avail them provided they seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly. This is why they are bound to land themselves in hell of their own making or terrible state of existence as a consequence of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other which make their lives hell by hands of each other and that is a terribly painful state of existence to be in.

    019] So is he who has made himself aware of the fact that this Quran is the verifiable truth that has been sent to you by your creator and sustainer is equal to or like the one who has deprived himself of this information and its purposeful proper understanding by remaining or keeping oneself ignorant and unaware about it? Only those who learn to understand things purposefully properly strive to understand our purpose based proper guidance for them purpose fully properly.

    020] Such are the ones who fulfil their contractual, constitutional and legal obligations imposed upon them by Allah for ensuring well being of purpose based proper human community in his kingdom so they do not fall short of their commitment to the establishment of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world.

    021] Such are the ones who bring together people to form a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom on the basis of that which is revealed for mankind by Allah because they pay due attention to carrying out the purpose based proper program of their creator and sustainer due to fearing harmful and destructive consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other if they will fail to do so or if they will not do so.

    022] Therefore they are the ones who privately and publicly remain steadfastly, constantly and consistently engaged in fulfilling the mission assigned for them by their creator and sustainer in order to establish a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for opening up the ways and means for producing and distributing to all our provided sustenance, subsistence or livelihood for turning round any human population that inflicts harms and destructions upon each other for securing its own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense through works that make the human world beautiful for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. These like people are therefore bound to end up in an excellent state of existence in due course

    023] in blissful, dignified and secure life providing places or lands that are full of raw materials for them to make purpose based proper use of and so will enter there in such people as will mend rifts by repairing fractured or broken relationships between mankind by removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, hatred, fights and wars from between them in order to bring them unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom including those who are from among their elders and their companions as well as their youngsters. Officials managing the places or lands will enter upon them from each and every related or relevant department

    024] saying to them, we salute you people because you have achieved blissful, dignified and secure existence for yourselves due to your steadfastness in pursuit of your assigned purpose based proper goals by Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines for you therefore excellent indeed is the state of existence you have achieved for yourselves in this place.

    025] As for those people who violate their covenant with Allah by not fulfilling their contractual, constitutional and legal obligations to each other which are imposed upon them by him for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for them after declaring their commitment to program of Allah and instead of bringing people together to form a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom as per his purpose based proper guidance for them cause rifts between mankind by creating and causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between them in the human world for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, for that reason sticks with these like people humiliation and destruction by hands of each other so these like people are bound to end up and remain in a terribly painful and agonising state of existence in their place or land of stay or residence unless they repent and reform by giving up living this way and by adopting the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by him.

    026] It is because Allah deliver vast amount of sustenance, subsistence, provisions or livelihood through his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind for those who choose to work for it as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom but he limits it for the rest who adopt any way of life other than that. Therefore those who adopt the way of life advised for mankind by Allah live a happy and joyful or delightful life in this world however life of this world is very short as compared to life that is yet to come after this life.

    027] After all these purpose based proper explanations and evidences we have provided for them those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for them still say about our this prophet and messenger, if he is truly a prophet and messenger to us from his creator and sustainer then why has he not been sent by him with supernatural power to performed supernatural or miraculous or magical acts for us as we demand of him as proof of his prophet-hood and messenger-ship from his creator and sustainer? Say to them, you people need to realise the fact that it is entirely up to Allah to provide mankind with a purpose based proper proof and he has but it is up to mankind themselves to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly to reach the purposeful proper conclusion about it. It is because he leaves to go astray any person who so desires by remaining or keeping oneself unaware and ignorant about his purpose based proper program for mankind and he guides to his advised purpose based proper way of life only and only him who works hard to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly to turn it into a reality to reach purpose based proper conclusion about it.

    028] So it is people like that who are fully convinced about the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them who commit or dedicate or devote themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom with full confidence and conviction of their minds due to having purpose based proper understanding of the purpose based proper guidance of Allah. Therefore be aware of the fact that only and only purpose based proper understanding of the purpose based proper guidance of Allah as well as its purpose based proper implementation in the human world by his missionaries can give or bring stability and steadiness of hearts and minds to mankind otherwise they will remain mentally and physically unstable or confused and in chaos and anarchy.
    029] For that reason those who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah in his kingdom and therefore they will strive very, very hard for mending rifts and repairing fractured relationships between mankind by removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between them to bring about unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for that reason for them there will be blissful, dignified and secure existence and that is how they will land or end up in a wonderful place or land or human world or kingdom in due course or in time to come and they will remain in there for as long as they will maintain that state of their existence.

    030] This is the reason why we have sent you our last and final prophet and messenger among this people of last and final era just like we sent our prophets and messengers to all the human populations gone before people of this era, so that you proclaim to them our this purpose based proper message for them which we have revealed to you so that with this information they could raise themselves and others to heights of excellence so that they all could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly, yet most of them still stand in opposition to the revelation of the one who is the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. Tell them, regardless of your response to his purpose based proper message for you people the fact is, he alone is my creator and sustainer and there is no God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation other than he himself alone therefore upon his set up systems and laws I stand, rest, rely, depend and trust therefore to his set out goals for mankind I turn my attention to accomplish them purposefully properly according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines.

    031] Since our purpose based proper guidance for mankind was always self evident for its validity by way of rationality and purpose based proper logical consistent reasoning therefore supernatural power was never needed at all by any of our prophets and messengers to carry out our purpose based proper program which was assigned to them for accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines. Therefore if there is any purpose based proper guidance for mankind of this era from their creator and sustainer then this Quran is that message which is most capable of convincing any leading learned or most knowledgeable person as well as any person who has learned the very basic sense of making purpose based proper sense of things and it is so convincing that it can bring to life and move or inspire and motivate or energise and activate any people who have fallen victim to disappointment and despair provided they seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly. However those who will due to their ignorance based arrogance ignore, avoid and neglect it and therefore they will remain unaware about it then they will not seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly. Nonetheless all people and things are totally in grip or full control of set up systems and laws of Allah alone. Is it still not obvious to those who claim to have committed or dedicated or devoted themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom that had it been the purpose and plan of Allah to bring all people together as a single human family then he could have programmed all the people in the human world that way without giving them any freedom to make choices in this regard but instead he decided to give mankind freedom of choice as well as his purpose based proper guidance so they will keep on thinking and doing as they please therefore outcomes of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other will keep on reaching them. So disasters will continue striking those by hands of each other directly or indirectly who will keep on thinking and doing harmful and destructive things to each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense till the time period when the promised establishment of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human will become fulfilled by his missionaries. So be or become aware of the fact that Allah never breaks his promise or fails in fulfilling his promise.

    032 Surely our prophets and messengers before you were also mocked by people they were sent to due to their ignorance based arrogance despite the fact that I gave them respite so that those who rejected and opposed them could seek, receive, study, accept and act upon my purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly but they heeded not so in due course or in time that followed l caught them inflicting more and more harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense to the point of their own annihilation by hands of each other, so how true proved my forewarning in their case?

    033] So is there anyone equal or like unto him who has established such a kingdom wide uniform systems and laws to bring each person the results or outcomes of what one thinks and does? Not at all yet they ascribe or attribute God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation to others than or along with Allah. Say, prove right of God-ship, owner-ship or rule-ship over this kingdom of creation for any of them to whom you attribute rights of God-ship, ownership and ruler-ship other than or along with Allah or are you telling him of something he is unaware of in his kingdom of creation or is it just a matter of coining words for you as make beliefs or imaginary beliefs? Surely to the rejecters and opponents of establishment of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world their own planning and scheming is made pleasing by each other and that is how they are taken far away from the purpose based proper guidance of Allah by themselves and each other. That is how Allah lets stray whoever so chooses, so he has none to guide him.

    034] Such people will keep on suffering in this world and their suffering will keep on getting worse as time goes on because there is nothing to save and secure or protect them from manipulating and using each other abusively other than purpose based proper guidance of Allah which they themselves reject and oppose due to their own ignorance based arrogance.

    035] In contrast the description of the place or land or kingdom which those who are consistent with the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community are told to bring about and maintain is that in which under their administration and management rivers of livelihood should flow throughout it and its provisions should be continuous as well as it should provide shelter from all sort of troubles and hardships for each and every one in there. Such should be the place of residence of those who are consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them for ensuring well being of mankind but in comparison the place of stay of those who will reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for them will be a place that will be made full of painful suffering for them by hands of each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    036] This is why those to whom we have already provided with any of our scriptures before this and they sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon it purposefully properly rejoice at what has been sent to you though there are other groups from among the very same people or human population who reject and oppose some parts of it. Say, I am told to establish and abide only and only by purpose based proper rule of law of Allah alone in the human world and not to take anyone else as a God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation other than or along with him. Therefore my call or invitation for mankind is towards the establishment of only and only his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by way of their complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. 

    037] And this is the very purpose for which we have sent our information about framework for infrastructures of governance of our kingdom of the human world in such a form of human language that makes things distinctively manifest or obvious for mankind of all times to come. However if you the supporters and backers of our purpose based proper guidance were to follow baseless, harmful and destructive secular and religious ideas and practices of rejecters and opponents of purpose based proper program of Allah after his set out goals and guidelines for you have reached you then you people could not have anything to save and secure or protect you from falling victim to harms and destructions by hands of each other due to your securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense against which he warned you well in advance.

    038] For the very same purpose we also sent to their people our prophets and messengers before you as well and we made for them also human companions and offspring just like you people because they too were ordinary human beings just like you people and they were not any supernatural beings at all nor they had any supernatural powers to do things supernaturally, miraculously or magically. It is because it was never needed by any of our prophets and messengers to bring from us for their people any supernatural, miraculous or magical proofs they asked for other than the message of Allah itself because for each time period or era there was a clearly set out program with goals and guidelines from us for mankind to adhere to purposefully properly to ensure their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    039] On that very basis Allah let a people or human population perish by hands of each other or establish itself with help and full support of each other depending upon their seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly or their rejecting and opposing it. It is because only and only with him alone rested the right and the responsibility always for sending his scriptures for all human populations in the human world for ensuring their well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, it is because only and only he alone is the source of all his scriptures which he sent for mankind through his prophets and messengers including this scripture.

    040] For that reason it is entirely up to our set-up systems and laws whether we let you the supporters and backers of the Quran see some of that about which we have warned your opponents well in advance or we fulfil our promise of blissful, dignified and secure existence to you people, because it is your duty, responsibility and obligation which is imposed upon you by us to deliver our purpose based proper guidance to mankind and it is up to our set-up systems and laws to deliver to mankind the outcomes of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    041] So do secular and religious leaders, their touts and supporters who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind not see already that through our purpose based proper set-up systems and laws as well as our purpose based proper guidance for mankind we are bringing about gradual reduction in their power in every way whereby they manipulate and use the less advantaged people in their human populations abusively throughout their human world? Therefore it should be amply and vastly obvious for you the mankind that right to God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of creation only and only belongs to Allah alone and there is none who could override his set out program with goals and guidelines for mankind to carry it out purposefully properly for ensuring their own well being through their complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, because he is strict in holding all people and things to behave within his set limits for them.

    042] So inform them about those who have gone before them who plotted, schemed and conspired against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind that all their plots, schemes and conspiracies were well within grip of set-up systems and laws of Allah. He makes obvious the results of all that which each human population thinks and does in due course therefore in time to come those who reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind they too will come to know who is to end up in blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as well as who is going to end up in hell of one’s own making.

    043] Despite all these explanations and evidences still those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind say to you our prophet and messenger, you are not a prophet and messenger from Allah our creator and sustainer because you are not a supernatural being nor you have any supernatural power to do things supernaturally or miraculously or magically as we ask of you. Say to them, the consistency and uniformity of set-up systems and laws and harmonious interactions between all things in this kingdom of creation of Allah along with his revealed scripture for purposeful proper guidance of mankind are sufficient as a proof to decide the issue between me and you as well as the person or human population that has sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon his book purposefully properly.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #165 - November 22, 2023, 11:08 AM

    SURAH 12   Yoosuf – The man with vision for mankind who was sent by his creator and sustainer as his prophet and messenger with his purpose based proper guidance for them during the time period of their disappointment and despair to help them through purpose based proper education and training to become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by way of their complementing each other purposefully properly for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity so that they could rise to height of excellence to have and maintain blissful, dignified and secure existence for themselves.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Alif Laam Raa. These are our set purpose based proper goals for mankind to accomplish for that very reason according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines in form of a book which clearly and distinctly stands out as such.

    002] We have revealed it as our proclamation in a human language that makes things distinctively and decisively obvious for mankind so that you the mankind who have learned how to make purpose based proper sense of things purposefully properly also make the needed effort to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly.

    003] So let us furnish you the mankind by means of this Quran with the best purpose based proper information about our prophet and messenger Joseph as to how he sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon our purpose based proper guidance for him purposefully properly in case any of you people are still unaware about this information before its revelation by us.

    004] Call to mind or imagine the time and the place or situation or set of circumstances or state of existence of mankind when Joseph said to his ideological and tribal leader, chief, administrator, manager, supervisor, coordinator, director, predecessor, elder or father of his people or human populations, O leader or father of my purpose based proper human community in this place, I see brilliant future for mankind in their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah and I also think or assume that human population and its current leadership will support and back me up on this basis for their own best possible future.

    005] He said to him, O my successor, disclose not this idea or plan of yours to your fellow ally human populations and their leaders just as yet in case they cook or hatch some plot against you. No doubt harmful and destructive leadership of a people is open enemy of humanity.

    006] Rest assured your plan will become a reality in due course as you have imagined or visualised or dreamed or thought it because that is how you are to be chosen by your creator and sustainer for fulfilling his mission so he will teach you how to diagnose problems purposefully properly relating individuals and human populations to find their purpose based proper solutions and that way he will fulfil his mission through you and the ideological children of Jacob as he fulfilled it through your ideological predecessors or forefathers Abraham and Isaac before you. That is how your creator and sustainer will make obvious for mankind that he rules his kingdom of creation wisely.

    007] Indeed in the account of Joseph and leaders of his ally human populations there are lessons for people who want to be leaders or supporters who want to learn how they should or should not think and do things for fulfilling their needs and wants as a purpose based proper human community in a place or land in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    008] His fellow human populations’ leaders within community who stood against his vision for a purpose based proper human community in a place or land in kingdom of Allah said to each other, see Joseph and his supporters and backers they are loved and respected more than us by our current community leadership and its people despite the fact that we are a group of powerful and strong people of this community. Our community leadership is obviously confused and it is making a mistake by not considering us for the leadership of our purpose based proper community in this place or land.

    009] Some said to others out of rivalry and envy in order to throw Joseph out of community leadership race, let us kill or fight Joseph and that way force him out of this race for leadership or let us do things to make him lose his influence over people in the land or cast him out of this place to some far-off land so that the attention of leadership of your people as well as of our people focuses upon you alone as proper candidates for the leadership of this community because only after doing that you can be of those who reach their ambition and desire for becoming leaders of this community.

    010] At this one of them said, you should not kill or fight Joseph but if you must do something to get him out of race for leadership of this community then instead get hold of him quietly and throw him into some dungeon till he could be picked up by some slave traders so that he is out of our way.

    011] So they ask their community elder, O father or leader or administrator or manager or coordinator or supervisor of our people, why do you not appoint us as security guards over Joseph instead of those already responsible for it because we surely are well equipped for ensuring his well being and we are also his sincere well-wishers?

    012] Therefore pass on over to us his safety and security duty and responsibility for future so that he could move about in the community for taking care of his people related business without worrying about his safety and security. We will indeed take good care of him.

    013] He said to them, I will be concerned, worried or anxious if you people accompanied him for his safety and security because I fear in case some blood thirsty animal like person attacks him the while you are caught unprepared off your guard.

    014] They said, if a blood thirsty animal like person could attack him despite our number and strength then surely we would be a useless and worthless people.

    015] That is how they were able to take him away because they plotted and schemed to place and keep him in a dungeon or a secret place. However we revealed this information to Joseph that a time will come when you will make their this course of thoughts and actions a lesson for them but just now they are not learned enough to understand or be aware of the harm they are inflicting upon themselves as a community but that only coming time will teach them.

    016] At the end of the period of their responsibility for safety and security of Joseph they returned to their chief administrator crying and in tears.

    017] They said to him, O father or elder or chief administrator or manager of our people, we went on our businesses to deal with community related matters individually, separate from each other leaving Joseph behind in a place to look after our things and during that time period the blood thirsty people attacked and made off with him. It is not that you are going to be satisfied with our this explanation but we are telling you the truth as to what has happened.

    018] That is how through envy, rivalry and animosity they brought about denial of his right to succession of community leadership. He said to them, no I am not satisfied with your this explanation rather people involved in your group have made you to hatch or cook up a tale regarding this matter. However steadfast persistence is needed for reaching the truth about this matter, so set-up systems and laws of Allah as well as his purpose based proper guidance for mankind should be relied upon regarding that which you assert.

    019] At length a party of slave traders came by and they sent one of them to carry out the deal so he came to see the merchant. After seeing the young man he said, O goodness, what a highly valuable and useful young man and happily took him to his group as if it was a most treasured thing. Even though they kept him in hiding like a treasure yet Allah makes obvious what they did.

    020] His country brethren sold him cheap in a hurry for a petty price of a few Dirhams to slave traders, for that is what he was worth in their sight because they wanted to rid themselves of him as soon as they could.

    021] The Egyptian high ranking official of Pharaoh regime who bought Joseph from the slave traders after knowing things about him from them freed him and said to his administration and management body or team or people under his supervision, treat him honourably with dignity as if he is one of us, because he could prove very beneficial and advantageous or highly valuable for us so perhaps we can adopt him as a worthy or highly productive and useful son of our own human population. That is how we established Joseph in that place or piece of land by teaching him sense of managing and handling or dealing with all kinds of affairs that need purposeful proper management in an organised and a highly regulated place. No doubt Allah has set-up systems and laws to govern all affairs in his kingdom of creation as well as in the human world even though most of the people in the human world do not learn to become aware of all this information they need to understand for their own purposeful proper organisation and regulation as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    022] Since he has been learning purpose based proper things always so by the time he became fully grown up man and reached maturity we had already bestowed upon him ability of gathering all the related information about the relevant things and ways of making purposeful proper sense of all that. That is how we reward those who intend and work very, very hard to make the human world a beautiful place for mankind.

    023] Knowing and seeing abilities of Joseph he was given a managerial position to manage the people and the resources within his jurisdiction but the body of administrators and managers with which he lived and worked felt threatened by his upright mindset, attitude and behaviour so it decided to try and change his way of thinking and doing things by stealth by gradually closing for him all the ways of thinking and doing things his way saying, come join our way of life by thinking and doing things our way for dealing with masses in our human populations within our jurisdiction. He replied, I seek safety and security or protection in set-up systems and laws as well as purpose based proper guidance of my creator and sustainer who has entrusted me with responsibility of this good land to manage things therein purposefully properly for ensuring well being of mankind in this place. Surely those who transgress his set limits by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they never succeed for long.

    024] Nevertheless that body of administration and management went ahead with its secret plan in order to try and change his mindset, attitude and behaviour and he too would have inclined towards its way of thinking and doing things just like the rest of the people within that administration and management had he not been shown by his creator and sustainer the purpose based proper way of life for mankind and the results of their own negative or harmful and destructive course of thoughts and actions. That is how we screened, shielded, sheltered or prevented him from thinking and doing anything whereby he could harm and destroy others in that human population within his jurisdiction and bring blame upon himself so that is how he remained purposefully properly stuck to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    025] In this rivalry as each of the opposing parties within the administration and management tried to outdo the other in its own way the opposing party of administrators and managers was already involved in foul play against its own masses and Joseph as well as the chief administrator and manager right from the start so fearing being caught and exposed by Joseph to its masses as well as its higher authority it attacked character and person of Joseph instead of his way of life or his way of thinking and doing things in order to discredit him by nullifying or shattering his character or personality. That is how the opponent party of the body of administrators and managers landed both of the parties at the door of the chief administrator and manager of that human population and as that party of administrator and managers approached the chief administrator without giving Joseph any chance to have his say before or in front of him it asked the chief administrator and manager, what punishment does someone who intended harm and destruction against your team of administration and management deserve other than imprisonment or a painful chastisement?

    026] However Joseph spoke up and said, it was this party of administrators and managers that tried to move me away from my way of thinking and doing things in my official position or capacity and a group of masses of this human population that was victimised by this party of administrator and managers was a witness to this fact. The witness group said, if accusation against Joseph is result of his misconduct in actual fact and there is evidence for that then the party of chiefs and priest is telling the truth and Joseph is lying. 

    027] However if the accusation against Joseph is not backed up by any evidence at all then the party of chiefs and priests is lying and Joseph is telling the truth.

    028] So when the chief administrator of that human population who  already saw and knew the character of Joseph and found no evidence against him of any wrongdoing he said to the body of his administrators and managers which accused him falsely it was all your plotting and scheming or conspiracy against Joseph for saving your own necks. No doubt the way you dealt with our human population within your jurisdiction as well as the way you tricked, plotted, schemed or conspired against your higher authority poses a grave threat or danger for our human population as well as our main governing body or government or regime.

    029] He said to Joseph, O Joseph, safeguard yourself and the human population within your jurisdiction against the plotting, scheming and conspiracy such as this one by these like people and he said to the party of administrators and managers, be on your guard against committing these like greatly injurious and dangerous offences or mistakes in future. It is because you the party of administrators and managers are surely guilty as charged or accused. However no further action was taken against the party that was involved for its wrongdoing.

    030] In due course the word also spread among other smaller and larger human populations of the land that the body of administrators and managers has plotted and conspired to change the way of thinking and doing things of its civil servant Joseph for the human population he managed or served or dealt with because the body of masses from among the human population has fallen madly in love with him the way he thinks and does things for it or deals with it honourably with dignity. In fact, we see it totally overcome by his love the way he treated them.

    031] However in due course when the embarrassing remarks of various small and large human populations in the land about the party of administrators and managers of chief administrator came to the attention of the chief administrators of Egypt, he invited their representatives for settling the issue so he availed each of the relevant parties opportunity to raise their concerns to be cross-examined by the rest of them. He also called upon Joseph to appear before them to explain things to them from his point of view. After he appeared before them as well as explained things for them from his point of view and they understood things he explained for them the representatives of the masses admitted the strength and greatness of his character and personality. Being surprised and amazed by greatness of his character and personality they said, by Allah he is not an ordinary human being but a highly credible and respectable administrator and manager of people and things.

    032] However the body or team or party of the administrators and managers of the chief administrator said before all the parties that were present there, this is he due to whom you people blamed or condemned me. No doubt I intended to change his way of thinking and doing thing but he remained stuck to his way of thinking and doing things as an official. However if he does not think and do things the way I say, he will be thrown into the prison and become disgraced.

    033] At that Joseph said in his mind, O my creator and sustainer, I rather go to prison than to think and do things the way they demand of me unless you inspire me with some way out of their cunning trap for me because otherwise I may end up trapped between or among them and forced to become as one of those who live not by your purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    034] So that is the way his creator and sustainer inspired him with purpose based proper response to ward off their cunning trap from him and that is how he makes obvious for mankind that he is indeed comprehensive in observation of all things.

    035] But even after all the clear evidences the body of administrator and managers had seen they still decided to send him to prison for a time period because that is the way it suited the body of administrators and managers so that they could continue using their own masses abusively for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    036] When he was put in prison two other young men also entered the prison with him. One day they discussed with each other their individual ambitions and desires so one of them said, I had a dream or ambition that in time to come I will become a source of knowledge for the people. The other said, I had a dream of taking on responsibility of livelihood for people in which partake or participate or interact people who prove to be excellent in this kind of work. Seeing ability of Joseph in understanding things purposefully properly they ask him, tell us, how can we reach, achieve, fulfil or accomplish our these ambitions and desires? We ask you about these things because we see that you are a man who directs and instructs others for working for ensuring well being of each other for making life of each other beautiful by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    037] Joseph replied, I will explain to you how you should go about fulfilling your dreams or ambitions before you start working on them to get the outcomes you desire because this is part of the knowledge about making purpose based proper sense of things which my creator and sustainer has taught me. In fact, I have nothing to do with rule of law of a people who do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for them because they deny mankind his granted right to his bestowed provisions, sustenance, subsistence or livelihood for them for their best possible future which is also fruit of their own toil, labour or hard work.

    038] Instead I follow the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and I direct or instruct or guide others to do the same just like my predecessors or forefathers Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. It is not right or fitting for us mankind that we should take any Gods, owners and rulers of this kingdom of creation other than or along with Allah. This is our missionary task set by Allah for us for ensuring well being of mankind through their complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom yet most of the people do not even try to benefit from his guidance or take advantage of it by using things purposefully properly and instead they misuse and mismanage them or use them for abusing each other thereby.

    039] O my fellow inmates or prisoners, tell me, which is better, serving many different Gods, owners and  rulers who have no idea how to manage people and things purposefully properly or just one God, owner and ruler Allah, the one who is perfectly capable of handling all affairs purposefully properly?

    040] Those whom you people take or assume as Gods, owners and rulers of this kingdom of creation other than or along with him are nothing but mere names which you and your predecessors, ancestors or forefathers have coined and heard from each other for which Allah has revealed no authority whatsoever. Surely God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship or sovereignty of this kingdom of creation only and only belongs to Allah alone who has ordained that you the mankind should abide only and only by his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in the human world. That is the way of thinking and doing things which is verifiably purpose based and proper for mankind to live or abide by yet most of the mankind do not seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly.

    041] As to your dreams or ambitions O my fellow inmates, each of you will be released soon from the prison and one of you will serve as a manager for satisfying education and training need of your people for your king and the other will be placed on a position of chief administrator over management by your king for food production and distribution from which people will have their livelihood. That is how your ambitions will become realities regarding which you asked me for directions or guidance or advice.

    042] Then to the one who he thought will be elevated to the position of advisor for education and training to his king out of both of them said, do let your king know about my case. But the opposition among the chiefs of the king to guidance of Allah for mankind stopped or prevented or hindered him from mentioning the case of Joseph to his king, so he remained in the prison a few more years.

    043] But things in the land kept deteriorating getting from bad to worse due to mismanagement and mishandling of people and things by the main as well as the subordinate administration and management bodies of the land or kingdom then seeing all this one day the king of Egypt said to his counsel, I see many big splits or large divides between my people which are growing and are about to get out of control in which are involved many greedy people who are hungry for grabbing things which they secure from many of those who are very productive people at their expense in our human population so as a result there are many of our human populations which are productive and prosperous as well as others which have become unproductive and barren therefore utterly poor and dried up. So O chief administrators and managers explain to me what I have seen or observed as to why it has happened or come to this in our land or kingdom and how can we overcome this situation if you people can analyse the situation and the circumstances and plan ahead in order to overcome this situation so you could guide me about all this.

    044] They replied, these are tough and testing circumstances and situations and we are not knowledgeable and skilled in dealing with situations or circumstances like these so we cannot advise you in this regard.

    045] Thereupon one of the two released prisoners remembered after a long time and spoke up, I will tell you how to handle these circumstances and situations just send me to Joseph.

    046] So he was sent to Joseph and when he came to him he said to him, O Joseph my truly sincere well wishing friend, explain for us how we can manage or handle these situations and circumstances which have come about wherein are involved big splits or large divides between people in this land or kingdom which are growing and are about to get out of control in which are involved many greedy people who are hungry for grabbing things which they secure from many of those who are very productive people and they do so at their expense, so as a result there are many of our human populations which are productive and prosperous as well as many others which have become unproductive and barren therefore utterly poor and dried up, so explain for us how to reverse this situation or set of circumstances so that I could go and inform about it the people who have sent me to you. 

    047] He replied, you people should actively and wholeheartedly cultivate good relations between all sections of all human populations in the land for some years till this practice becomes a normal way of life then whatever good relationship you manage to develop between people maintain it in its good state. I am telling you this even though my experience with you people in offices tells me you people will participate in this exercise very little.

    048] However your failure to reach this target after this advice could bring upon you a number of years of hardship and troubles that will render useless whatever steps you will have taken already save a little which you may have specifically paid attention to.

    049] But if you will manage to mend and repair as well as maintain your good relationship between all sections of all human populations in the land then after that will come a period of abundant prosperity during which the people in the land will benefit greatly.

    050] However instead of carrying out this program as it was told by Joseph the king said, bring this man to me. When the messenger from the king came to Joseph he said to him, go back to your king and ask him about the intentions of the bodies or parties of administrators and managers of human populations which lost their case due to lack of their ability to produce worthy explanation with evidence. Indeed set up systems and laws my creator and sustainer have exposed their plot fully by now for all the people in the land to see it for what it was really about.

    051] The king called those administrations and managements in his court and questioned them saying, what do you say about the incident when you attempted to wrong foot Joseph? They replied, by Allah we know of no harmful and destructive motives or intentions on his part against us and our human populations. The party or body or team of administrators and managers that worked under the governor of Egypt said, now that the truth has come into the open or into the light, it was I who attempted to wrong foot him against his way of thinking and doing things. The fact is, he is absolutely reliable, dependable and trustable character, person and human being.

    052] Joseph said, by this inquiry I meant to let the governor or chief administrator and manager of Egypt know that I did not betray him in his absence regarding the task or responsibility he assigned to me and that Allah does not let the plots of the treacherous people succeed for long.

    053] I requested for this inquiry not because I am free of human needs and wants or ambitions and desires but to prove the point that harmful and destructive human ambitions and desires do prompt one to think and do harm to others for securing one’s own petty personal gain from others at their expense unless one abides by purpose based proper guidance of my creator and sustainer for the purpose of unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and that is how guidance of my creator and sustainer protects mankind by stopping, preventing and hindering people from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    054] After the first encounter with Joseph the king said to his official once again, bring him to me so that I appoint him to assist me in taking care of affairs of the kingdom. When Joseph was brought to the king and they had mutual talks the king said, from now on you have an honourable place among us and you will enjoy our full trust and confidence.

    055] Seeing the situation that kingdom was going to be destroyed through disintegration by civil wars if right steps were not taken in time, Joseph requested the king, let me deal with the people and resources of the land. Certainly I know how to manage people and resources to avoid what is otherwise inevitable and rest assured I have all the knowledge and skills needed for the task ahead.

    056] That is how we established Joseph in the land to live there in the way he wished, desired, yearned or craved for according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. This is how we bestow purpose based proper understanding of our created and evolved real world realities as well as of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom upon such people as strive very, very hard for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it  purposefully properly because we do not let the outcome of such people who work very, very hard for ensuring well being of mankind according to the best of their God given abilities go to waste.

    057] Not only that but the reward is yet much greater in hereafter for those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind because they become and remain consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for them as well as with each other.

    058] Due to ending up in a similar adverse and tough situation or set of circumstances after Joseph because of their infighting with each other there came to see Joseph his brethren or fellow countrymen from the land of his birth and as they came in his presence he recognized them but they failed in recognizing him.

    059] At length when he had equipped them with whatever they needed and wanted he said to them, come again to me with other bother of yours with approval of father or elder or leader of your people. Do you not find me fulfilling needs and wants of people purposefully properly and I do deal with all people respectfully in a dignified way?

    060] However if you will not come to me with your other brother then you will not have my personal assistance because you will not have my personal attention.

    061] They replied, we will certainly try our best to convince father of our people to get him to sent him with us. This we will surely try.

    062] So Joseph told his officials to load their things they brought for trading back into their loads in such a way that they should come to know about it only when they reach back to their people so that they could come again.

    063] When they returned to father of their people they said, O father or leader or chief administrator or manager of our people, assistance as of now is denied to us unless we take with us our brother therefore send our brother with us so that we may get our measure of things of our need and want. We will take full responsibility for his safety and security.

    064] He said, should I trust you people for his safety and security as I once trusted you for safety and security of his other brother Joseph? The fact is, only and only those people can be trusted or relied and depended upon who themselves rely, trust and depend upon purpose based proper set up systems and laws of Allah as well as his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because they are for sure purposefully properly dependable, reliable and trustable and upon which mankind should stand or sit, settle and rest purposefully properly for their own secure future because they are the best ones when it comes to ensuring purpose based proper safety and security of mankind because he is the only one who is the best provider of all things on that basis for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    065] However when they unloaded and started opening up their baggage they brought back with them they discovered that their valuable things for trading had been returned to them with a note. Father, they said, what more do we need or what more can we ask for? Here is our stuff for trading which is given back to us. This means we can go back and get more things of need and want for our people. So we will take good care of our brother if you will let him go with us because only and only that way we can get another caravan load of things of our need and want.

    066] The father of their people replied, I will never send him with you people unless you enter in a solid or firm agreement with me according to rule of law of Allah under oath that you will for sure bring him back to me unless you are overcome by some other unforeseen situation or set of circumstances rendering you truly helpless. After they had entered agreement with him under oath he said to them, rule of law of Allah is our basis for this agreement you have entered with me.

    067] Moreover he advised them by saying to them, O my children or children of my people or nation or community or human population, do not drive yourselves into isolation from each other by living your lives by any such way of life whereby you are led into disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between yourselves by your blind following of it instead consciously and purposefully properly choose the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by their creator and sustainer from all the opposing different available ways of life which brings you together and leads you to peaceful existence through your making progress so that you are prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence and remember always that I cannot tell you anything which is against the set-up systems and laws of Allah as well as against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because none has the right to set-up systems and laws for his kingdom other than Allah himself. This is why upon his set-up systems and laws as well as his purpose based proper guidance for mankind I rely, depend and trust and upon his set-up systems and laws as well as his purpose based proper guidance should rest, sit, stand, settle or seat themselves all those who wish to rely upon something actually or truly or really dependable that never fails including yourselves.

    068] So when they made their entry as the father of their human population had advised them soon it became clear to them that nothing can avail or benefit anyone against the set-up systems and laws of Allah, nonetheless it was community responsibility that Jacob addressed by advising them. After all he possessed the knowledge which we had given him even though most of the people do not bother to learn to be a sensible people.

    069] When they entered upon Joseph, he called his brother over on his own who belonged to the very same human population as Joseph himself and told him, it is I your brother Joseph, so grieve not at what they have been thinking and doing to us and our human population.

    070] At length when officials of Joseph had finished arranging the load of their provisions he caused a drinking vessel like container that was used for measuring the grain to be placed in his brother’s load during the time he was informing his brother about journey of his own life. Later on when they were on their way back home a crier called out to them saying, O people of the caravan, we think, you people may have taken something of ours without our knowing or permission.

    071] They turned round and asked, what is it that you find missing?

    072] The officials said, we have lost a grain measuring vessel of the management with which we measure things and the one who finds it and brings it back will be awarded a camel-load of provision, I guarantee it.

    073] Joseph’s brethren said, by Allah, you should know by our behaviour during our stay here that we did not come here to cause any trouble or problem in this land of yours and we are not a people who take things belonging to others without their knowing or permission.

    074] The official said, what should be the outcome for the person who has taken something belonging to others without their knowing or permission should you people prove to be wrong?

    075] They replied, the outcome for him in whose stuff or baggage you find the measuring vessel of the kingdom will be that he himself should compensate you for what he did to you, that is how we punish those who think and do wrong.

    076] Thereafter official of Joseph first began to search for the missing vessel in the packs of his other brothers who belonged to other human populations before the pack of his brother who belong to his own human population. Finally he took the vessel out of his that brother’s package. That is how we saw Joseph plan to teach his brethren a lesson to give them opportunity to repent and reform for what they have been thinking and doing to each other as well as their human populations in the land they have been living. It is because he did not think it right to hold his party of brothers to account according to law of the king in that land unless Allah had so required of him. This is how we raise to heights of excellence those who very, very strive hard to learn and do things they need to know and do purposefully properly to be truly learned and knowledgeable as well as practical and pragmatic. No doubt there is one who knows all there is to know above all the learned and knowledgeable people.

    077] After the accusation of theft was proven against them and they were brought before Joseph to decide the matter instead of repenting and reforming the party of brethren of Joseph remarked, this is no surprise for us if he has committed a theft because his brother Joseph also committed a theft before him. Despite hearing this from his these brethren Joseph suppressed his feelings and did not reveal anything to them but said to himself, what a terrible situation you people are putting yourselves in and Allah will make obvious the truth about that concerning which you accuse me.

    078] They said to Joseph, O noble person in authority, the father of the accused is a great leader of our human populations who may not take this lightly, so take one of us instead of him. We surely see that you are of those who do things to make life beautiful for others through fulfilling their needs and wants.

    079] In reply to them Joseph said, I seek protection through guidance of Allah for mankind therefore far from me be that we seize anyone other than the one with whom we found our property or we will be committing injustice so we will be surely taken as an unjust people indeed.

    080] When they lost their hope of moving Joseph from his stance in this regard, they went aside to confer with each other in private. The leading one among them said to the rest, you know that father of your human populations had taken a solemn pledge from us in the name of Allah and you also know how you fell short of your duty to Allah with respect to Joseph also  therefore I am not going to leave this land until the father or leader of our people permits me or Allah decides for me the matter some other way because he is the only one who is rightful ruler of all those who claim to be the rulers in his kingdom and the one who is the best in deciding the matters.

    081] So go back to the father or leader of your people or nation without me and say, father, your successor has committed theft. We did not see him stealing but we can testify only to what we know. How could we guard against this unforeseen situation?

    082] You may enquire from the people of the city where we stayed and the caravan in which we travelled for the verification of what we say that we are surely telling the truth.

    083] When he is told all this he said, not again rather you people yourselves may have contrived a story once more. Nonetheless I will remain steadfastly persistent in pursuing this case. May be thereby Allah will bring them all back to me because he makes his wisdom known to mankind through his set up systems and laws.

    084] So he turned his face away from them saying, I am already distressed over loss of Joseph as my successor and now this loss of my this successor to leadership so his eyes became full of tears due to grief and sorrow due to his concern for his people even though he could put up with whatever tough or hard or difficult situation faced him.

    085] They said to him, by Allah you will not stop mentioning or cease to remember the case of Joseph until you get the end result or outcome of his case through set up systems and laws of Allah or you let us all end up ruined for this reason.

    086] He said, I express my distress and grief according to set-up systems and laws of Allah because I know from Allah what you people do not understand yet due to not having learned your lessons yet.

    087] Then in due course he said to them, O my children, go search for Joseph and his brother and never give up or lose hope in setup systems and laws of Allah as well as in his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind. In fact none give up or lose hope, confidence or trust in or dependence upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind save people who reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    088] So when they returned to Egypt and entered the office of Joseph they said to him, O honourable, respected, revered and loved administrator and manager of this people and land or kingdom, we ourselves and our people back home are in a terrible state of existence due to having problems with each other between ourselves therefore we have become disorganised and unregulated as a people so we lack things of need and want and we are also distressed and worried because we are running out of things of any value or worth to trade in for the things of our need and want here in this place or land so please provide us from yourself with as much sustenance as at least fulfils our needs and wants for a time period and thereby prove to us your commitment to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring their well being. Surely Allah fulfils purpose based proper ambitions and desires of those who prove their commitment true to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring their well being according to it.

    089] Hearing all this from them he said to them, do you know what you did to Joseph and his brother when you acted out of ignorance due to your lack of knowledge about purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind?

    090] In surprise they cried out, are you really Joseph? He said to them, yes, I am Joseph and this is my brother. Allah surely has gifted us human beings with all things of our need and want as well as with abilities and his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to make this human world beautiful for all human beings. In fact he who is steadfastly and constantly consistent with set-up systems and laws of Allah as well as his purpose based proper guidance for mankind he does not let the outcome of hard works of such people who try their best according to his given abilities to make their human world beautiful for mankind end up as nothing or become nothing.

    091] They said, by Allah, surely we can now see by ourselves the evidence as to why he has chosen you as his prophet and messenger instead of any of us. We have indeed been guilty of stepping aside from his purpose based proper guidance for us the mankind.

    092] Joseph said to them, since by now you people have become aware of things you ought to know purposefully properly by yourselves so I no longer have any complaint against you people today to make you suffer any more for your past harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others and as for your future the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind will protect you if you people too will purposefully properly commit yourselves to living or abiding by it purposefully properly in future, for he is the only one whose blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance can deliver his sustenance purposefully properly for mankind.

    093] So he sent a messenger telling him, go take this letter of mine about news of my khilaafah in this place or land and lay it down before my ideological and tribal leader or father, he will rediscover his happy and satisfied self by sight of this delightful news. Thereafter tell him to bring over to me all the members of your purpose based proper human community in that place.

    094] When the issue between the brothers became settled and their caravan started its journey back home from Egypt the father of their people in Canaan said to his people in there, certainly I feel the presence of khilaafah of Joseph even though you the people around me may think I am only expressing my wish or desire of time gone by.

    095] They said, by Allah, you have been talking about or you have been yearning or longing for the khilaafah of Joseph always.

    096] However when the bearer of the good news of khilaafah of Joseph arrived, he put the news of his khilaafah before him so he regained his satisfaction and reassurance as well as his happy sight and he said to his people around him, did I not tell you that I know due to understanding of set-up systems and laws of Allah as well as his purpose based proper guidance for mankind which you people did not learn and understand purposefully properly due to which you fell in a state of existence that you did and ended up in a situation that you did?

    097] They said to him, O ideological and tribal father of our people, bring about harm and destruction free purpose based proper human community for our safety and security or protection and better future as a people based upon purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer for mankind because we have been inflicting harms and destructions upon each other by going against all this in the past and that is why we suffered terribly painfully by hands of each other due to that.

    098] He replied to them by saying, soon I will bring about a harm and destruction free purpose based proper human community of you people as I am advised by my creator and sustainer through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, surely he protects mankind through his purpose based proper guidance for them for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    099] At length when they came over to the place in which Joseph was the chief administrator and manager he provided his elders and youngsters with promise or pledge of safety and security and said to them, welcome to Egypt. If we all will live purposefully properly according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind then we all will find peace and security here in this place or land or kingdom.

    100] That is how he raised his elders and youngsters to the height of excellence in that place or land or kingdom because they all agreed with him upon living by the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah as it was established by him in that place or land and in response to that he told the elder of his people, O ideological and tribal father of my people, this is the fulfilment of my vision which I had long ago. My creator and sustainer has turned it into a reality. Likewise he made my existence beautiful when he got me out of the prison as well as he got you people out of troubles and problems which you people had with each other despite the fact that the leadership which rejected and opposed purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind created and caused disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between us that were between me and my fellow countrymen from among our human populations. No doubt my creator and sustainer is purposefully properly aware of even the least of the things that is because he rules his kingdom of creation wisely.

    101] Thereafter he said, O my creator and sustainer, you have indeed given a piece of land under my administration and management and taught me all the knowhow about all the affairs that are involved in administrating and managing a place or a piece of land purposefully properly from its planning stage to its execution and completion. O originator of the heavens and the earth it was your purpose based proper plan which has been my protector from the very beginning of my life and it will remain my protector to the very end of my life, so fulfil me completely so long as I truly remain purposefully properly committed to your set-up systems and laws as well as your purpose based proper guidance for mankind and thereby keep me as a part of those who try their best according to your granted abilities to put things right for mankind and maintain them purposefully properly.

    102] Even though these accounts which we have revealed to you are a collection about the past events when you the people were not there with brethren of Joseph who together conspired and schemed against him

    103] yet they are revealed for you so that you too strive hard as he did in the face of adversity and opposition because otherwise most of the people are not going to commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom, no matter how much you may desire it for them to commit themselves to this cause.

    104] This is despite the fact that you are not demanding of them any wage or anything in return for giving them purpose based proper education and training based upon our purpose based proper guidance for them. All this because this Quran is to be made accessible for all the people in the human world through very hard work by you people yourselves who support and back up this cause for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by your complementing each other purposefully properly.

    105] Moreover there are many convincing explanations and evidences for mankind throughout the Quran as well as the heavens and the earth which mankind come across so that they commit themselves to this cause purposefully properly yet they pay no due attention to them for their purpose based proper understanding of things.

    106] So as a result most of mankind who declare their commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in the name of Allah in his kingdom yet live and abide by ways of life and rules of laws advised for them or imposed upon them by others than Allah.

    107] Do these like people really feel comfortable and satisfied as well as have the certainty and stability of mind despite their thoughts and actions being against our purpose based proper guidance for them which are bound to bring them terrible painful consequences in due course as they have been forewarned by Allah due to their securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense that this will not happen to them? Or do they feel comfortable and satisfied as well as have certainty and stability of mind regarding the time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, tumults and turmoils that such a period of time will not come upon them all of a sudden while they are not expecting it?

    108] Regardless of their responses do keep on inviting them to the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind declaring the fact that my way of thinking and doing things is same as that of Joseph that I and my supporters and backers invite mankind to purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah and which is based upon purpose based proper explanations and evidences. The purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah is free of all kinds of problems therefore it can free mankind from all kinds of troubles and problems between themselves and that is why I am not of those who attribute or ascribe God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of creation to others than or along with Allah. 

    109] Moreover tell them also the fact that we have not sent any prophets and messengers at all to any people before you but they were all courageous as well as they were all human beings just like yourselves who were not supernatural beings nor they had any supernatural, miraculous or magical powers to do things supernaturally, miraculously and magically. We sent them our revelations for the purpose of guidance of mankind who lived there in their places of residence or settlements or habitations. Have these people who reject and oppose our this purpose based proper guidance for them not travelled through the land and seen what was the end of those who passed away before them due to their ignoring our purpose based proper guidance, advice and warning for them? From the end results of peoples’ ways of thinking and doing things you people too should be able to know that the end result was the best for those people who thought and did things the way they were told by us because they became consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for them as well as with each other for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly. So why don’t you people also learn to understand things purposefully properly so that you too think and do things purposefully properly the way they did to ensure your own well being through help and full support of each other as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom?

    110] Respite was always granted to all human populations in the human world until our prophets and messengers or missionaries gave up hope of reformation of some of the people they were sent to so they left them to themselves because they came to the conclusion that their these people will keep on rejecting and opposing the purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them as well as they will keep on denying each other our given rights to them to our provisions or sustenance or subsistence or livelihood for them. Nonetheless our purpose based proper guidance for mankind did help save those people from their terrible end who chose to think and do things the way we told them and that way we helped them accomplish our assigned goals for them according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines but our foretold terribly painful consequences could not be averted or evaded or escaped by those who lived their lives against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they kept on committing crimes by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they ended up destroyed by hands of each other.

    111] There are lessons in these like accounts of the human populations of the past for the sensible people who are currently alive and they learn things to understand them purposefully properly for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper community in our kingdom. This account of Joseph which is revealed in the Quran is not an invented tale but a confirmation of what is actually true as told in the previous scriptures. It is a detailed explanation of all things mankind need to learn, think and do to live a blissful, dignified and secure life because it is a roadmap for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of people who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #166 - November 29, 2023, 12:42 PM

    SURAH 11     HOOD- A person who seeks, receives, studies, accepts and acts upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom which is united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous for ensuring its own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for its own blissful, dignified and secure existence by getting them out darkness of ignorance through enlightening them with light of knowledge by giving them purpose based proper education and training purposefully properly and that way saves oneself and others from remaining in darkness of ignorance and in a terrible painful state of existence by hands of each other due to people securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Alif Laam Raa. For that very purpose this is a program from us for mankind with solid goals for them to accomplish according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines which distinctively and clearly stands out that this program is from the all knowing ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    002] So that you the mankind live by no other way of life and abide by no other rule of law than the one that is advised for you people by Allah alone for this very purpose and I am from him to you people a warner that if you will not live by his advised way of life and abide by his advised rule of law then you people will keep on making your lives hell by hands of each other due to keep falling victims to disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between yourselves so I am also a bearer of glad tidings for you people that if you will live by his advised way of life and abide by his advised rule of law then you will end up in a blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by your complementing each other purposefully properly for ensuring your own well being through your own unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

    003] Therefore you people should seek, receive, study, accept and act upon purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer for you for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by giving up your way of life and rule of law whereby you people inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by adopting his advised way of life and his advised rule of law so that he makes your life in this world beautiful for you for his given time period. This is how he bestows beautiful life or existence upon each and every human being who works very, very hard for learning sense of making purpose based proper sense of things and uses that knowledge to live a beautiful life. However if any of you the human beings will move away or stay away or disregard, ignore, avoid or neglect his purpose based proper guidance for you people then I worry about the coming of a time period when you people will fall in a terribly grave or dangerous state of existence by hands of each other.

    004] No matter what in the end you the mankind will have to turn to road map of Allah for you because he has set-up systems and laws as well as he has put in place measures for governing works and operations of each and every thing including his purpose based proper guidance for organisation and regulation of purpose based proper human community in his kingdom in order to fulfil his purpose based proper plan for his kingdom of creation.

    005] Although through our purpose based proper light of guidance for mankind you our prophet and messenger or missionary demystify and make things clear for the masses as to what things are and how they work as well as what purpose they are supposed to serve and how they should be used by mankind for ensuring their own well being through their complementing each other purposefully properly, be alert and aware that rulers, money lenders, priests, their touts and supporters still mystify and twist things for them - due to their twisted mindsets, attitudes and behaviours based upon their ambitions and desires which are harmful and destructive for mankind - so that thereby they could hide from their masses the true sense of what things are, how they work, what purpose they are supposed to serve and how they should be used purposefully properly by mankind so that they could keep their harmful and destructive make beliefs or imaginary beliefs as well as their harmful and destructive practices based upon them alive in minds and lives of the masses in their human populations so that thereby they could manipulate and use them abusively for fulfilling their own petty personal agendas at their expense. However even when these rulers, money lenders, priests, their touts and supporters think they have covered up fully our scriptural truths with their invented beliefs and practices to prevent masses from knowing things purposefully properly yet Allah makes the truth manifest for all to see regarding that which they try their best to hide and that which they try their best to disclose and promote in order to confuse people. Indeed he exposes each and every hidden motive or secret within their minds through results of their very own actions in due course for others to see.

    006] There is not a living being or a moving creature in the world for which Allah is not responsible for its subsistence provision, livelihood and sustenance but that he makes it able to know the way to get it as well as makes it able to get to its provision on time because that is the way to its survival and development. It is all systematic and it all works according to his set up systems and laws.

    007] That level of designer and creator is he who has brought about and evolved - by means of his purpose based proper planning and putting in place laws, systems, structures, mechanisms and processes – this kingdom of all the distanced galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets by constructing it from its simplest possible stage to its most complex stage and by deconstructing it for its reconstruction and restructuring as it suits his own purpose according to his own plan. His ability of creating all this kingdom of his creation rested upon his fountain, sea or ocean of knowledge for putting you the mankind through struggle to manifest and demonstrate his glory by working for ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for you to rise to heights of excellence in his kingdom by making his human world beautiful for your own existence through your own beautiful thoughts and actions or ideas and practices. Despite all this explanation when you tell mankind that due to this purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly they can indeed rise again to heights of excellence after falling from there and losing their hope for it, the rejectors and opponents of this purpose based proper guidance from us say, this is nothing but an obvious fantasy and a false hope to make fool of us.

    008] This is also the reason due to our purpose based proper planning that when we give mankind respite and therefore hold back from them the consequences of their own harms and destructions which they inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense for a limited period of time, they say, what is holding back the consequences for our harms and destructions about which we have been warned if what you have been telling us is actually true? Tell them, be alert and become aware of the fact that the terrible time period of revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, tumults, turmoils, disturbance and instability you have been warned about when it arrives nothing will be able to avert it or hold it back from them nor will they be able to evade, escape, avoid or avert it and they will be completely encircled, surrounded and overwhelmed, overcome or overpowered by that which they take for a joke or which they take lightly and laugh it off.

    009] The fact is, when we let mankind undergo, taste or experience blissful, dignified and secure existence due to their seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly and yet thereafter in due course we find them caught up in hardship and in terrible state of existence due to their moving away from our purpose based proper guidance for them. Surely it is due to mankind not using our purpose based proper provisions purposefully properly according to our purpose based proper guidance.

    010] However even if thereafter we let mankind taste life of blissful, dignified and secure existence due to their coming back to our purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly after adversity has afflicted them by hands of each other, some of them start claiming, all their regrets and sorrows are gone only and only because of their own efforts so in due course they become intoxicated due to power and wealth and rebel again against our purpose based proper guidance for them as well as against each other

    011] save those who remain steadfast in their hard works for their consistency with our provided purpose based proper guidance for them as well as for their reconciliation between themselves for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, such are the ones to whom is delivered blissful, dignified and secure existence as a great outcome of their own purpose based proper thoughts and actions according to our purpose based proper program, advice or plan or guidance.

    012] Therefore O our prophet and messenger, never even think about giving up any part of this purpose based proper guidance or program which has been revealed to you by us for delivering it to mankind nor feel defeated within yourself just because the rejectors and opponents of this guidance or program say, why has he not been sent with a treasure or why has he not been sent with a supernatural powerful being who could enforce this guidance upon mankind forcefully? Surely you have not been sent to conquer people by shear use of force instead you have been sent with a purpose based proper message for mankind to educate and train people purposefully properly and to forewarn them against inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, so that they become fully aware that Allah deals with all affairs as per his purpose based proper plan according to his set-up systems and laws.

    013] Do they say, he has invented this program all by himself to fool us the mankind or human beings? Say to them, bring then a purpose based proper program like this for bringing about such a purpose based proper human community by yourselves and invite all those you can to help you do this other than Allah and see if you can ever prove true this claim of yours against this Quran.

    14] But if they fail to meet this challenge then mankind should come to know that this Quran was sent for making evident or obvious or manifest for them that this program is in actual fact from Allah for them so that they come to know that there is no God, owner or ruler of this kingdom of his creation other than he himself alone. Will you the mankind then submit and commit yourselves purposefully properly to carrying out this program of Allah for you and live by his purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind which can lead you people to your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom?

    15] The fact is those who will desire and live by a way of life whereby they will inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense for having a life of luxury in this world for themselves at the expense of the rest of human population by disregarding the life of hereafter then our set up systems and laws will deliver to them the full outcomes of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other and they will not be delivered anything less than or more than what they will deserve.

    016] They will be the ones who will have nothing good to gain even in hereafter save terrible painful suffering whereby they will come to know their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others were a very wrong thing to think and do because they were harmful and destructive for others as well as themselves.

    017] Can people who think and do things like that be same as or equal to those who have self evident purpose based proper program from their creator and sustainer and which a messenger from Allah himself proclaims to them and they also have the book that was given to Moses before them which was also a purpose based proper guidance for mankind towards their own blissful, dignified and secure existence? Such are the people who truly commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided scripture but those factions which reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind will have their promise fulfilled to them that they will end up in an agonising state of existence both in this life as well as in life to come. So O mankind, be not in any doubt about the Quranic program because it is a verifiably confirmable truth from your creator and sustainer even though most of you the mankind do not commit yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it.

    018] Moreover who can inflict more harm and destruction upon mankind than the one who invents lies and attributes them to Allah? Such people in time to come will be confronted by those with purpose based proper understanding of purpose based proper program of their creator and sustainer for mankind whereby they will prove that these are the people who have invented lies against Allah their creator and sustainer. Be alert and on your guard as well as become aware of the fact that those who go beyond set limits of Allah in fact keep themselves away from his blessing which is in shape of blissful, dignified and secure state of existence providing purpose based proper guidance of Allah unless they stop living the way they do and start living by his purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind and that way get themselves on the right path.

    019] Such like are the people who stop, bar, prevent and hinder others from living their lives according to the path of Allah which he has advised for mankind because they think and do all they can to make it obscure and doubtful by making it look crooked, problematic and troublesome for mankind because they intend to deny the masses the blissful, dignified and secure state of existence that could come about due to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind if people sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon it purposefully properly.

    020] However these people cannot stop or prevent his purpose based proper program for ever from reaching the masses throughout the human world ultimately because time is coming when they will have none to support them against the purpose based proper plan of Allah, so their task will become multi-fold harder because they did not heed the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly nor did they bother with purpose based proper understanding of real world realities to learn sense of making purpose based proper sense of things.

    021] They are a self centred and self indulging people who are lost in themselves so the nonsense they invent and spread against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense will leave them utterly confused and in total chaos and anarchy or identity crisis.

    022] There can be therefore no doubt at all that they will end up in a terrible state of existence in due course.

    023] However those who are purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community according to his purpose based proper guidance therefore they strive very, very hard for reconciliation between mankind with the help of purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer, such are the people who will end up in a place or land or kingdom which is based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind wherein they will stay for as long as they will maintain it.

    024] The example of these two sections or factions of people is like that of two persons, one of whom is blind and deaf and the other who can see and hear. Are they equal? Will you the mankind then not learn to understand the lessons you need to know for ensuring your own well being and spread them among rest of mankind so that you all complement each other purposefully properly for this purpose?

    025] That is why we sent Noah to his people saying to them, I have been sent by Allah to deliver to you people his purpose based proper program for your purposeful proper guidance and awareness before things utterly fall apart for you and you end up in a terribly painful state of existence.

    026] So that henceforth or from now onwards you people adopt no way of life and no rule of law other than the one that is advised for mankind by Allah himself alone because otherwise I fear for you the coming of a time period when you people will be made to face terribly painful consequences of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and action against each other due to your securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    027] The secular and religious chiefs or leaders of his people who opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind said to him, we do not see you as a someone who is sent by Allah because we see you as an ordinary human being like ourselves who is not a supernatural being and who does not have any supernatural powers to do things supernaturally, miraculously and magically as a person who in actual fact is sent by Allah who should be able to do these like things. Moreover we see that no one is supporting and backing you except the people who are in worse state of existence and they are mentally and physically weaker than us and our supporters and backers so we see that you have no advantage over us at all. In fact we think and assume that you people are liars.

    028] He said to them, O my people, consider my this point just for sake of an argument that suppose I do have an outstanding purpose based proper direction and guidance from my creator and sustainer for you people which I do have because he has bestowed upon me from himself a purpose based proper program for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and yet you people on purpose decide to remain unaware about it, should I then impose it upon you people by force against your will then will that be acceptable to you and will it then be alright with you? Because that is exactly what you people yourselves are doing to others in our human population that you are invented things yourselves and imposing them upon others.

    029] O my people, I do not ask you to pay me anything in return for giving you people purpose based proper education and training according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for organising and regulating you people into a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by your complementing each other purposefully properly because the reward for my this work rests with set-up systems and laws of Allah so I am not going to drive those people away from me who have committed themselves purposefully properly according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom along with me because they are sure they can work hard to meet the ideal standard set for them by their creator and sustainer but I sense that you the chiefs are thinking and acting the way you do due to your ambition and desire for dominance over others by undermining them.

    030] Therefore tell me O chiefs of my human population, who will save me from the delivery of consequences by setup systems and laws of Allah should I drive them away from his purpose based proper guidance for mankind if what I claim is in fact true which it is? Why do you people not even try or bother to ponder over such simple explanations for their purposeful proper understanding?

    031] Moreover I do not say to you people that I have the treasures of Allah in my personal control to use them to my benefit and advantage nor do I claim that I have the power to know the future therefore the future outcome of my thoughts and actions for sure. Also I do not claim to be a supernatural being to do things supernaturally, miraculously and magically and I do not say to those people who are weak in your eyes that Allah will not grant them strength by granting them blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom if they will seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly because only and only setup systems and laws of Allah can let them manifest what is in their minds as their motives and thoughts through their own actions. If I claim anything to mislead you people then I will indeed be transgressing the set limits of Allah for mankind.

    032] They said, O Noah, you have been arguing with us and you have argued with us for far too long, now bring upon us the revolt, uprising and bloody revolution about which you have been warning us if what you have been telling us is true in actual fact.

    033] He replied, setup systems and laws of Allah will surely deliver the results of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in due course as he has planned and you will not be able to avoid, evade, avert or escape them.

    034] Even my counselling will not avail or benefit you people when that happens no matter how much and how eagerly and earnestly I desire to give you good advice if set-up systems and laws of Allah your creator and sustainer find you on the wrong path because only and only according to his set-up systems and laws alone you the mankind are made to face consequences of your very own thoughts and actions against others for securing your own petty personal gains from others at their expense.

    035] After all these explanations and evidences do they still say you our prophet and messenger have invented this Quran all by yourself? Tell them, if I have indeed invented it by myself then I ought to have some personal motive and agenda for doing so for benefiting myself personally at your expense that ought to have harmful and destructive consequences for you people which ought to be clearly obvious and evident to you, yet I am free of inflicting any harms and destructions upon you people which you people inflict upon each other due to your such harmful and destructive ambitions, desires and motives, so how do you explain your accusation of forgery and fabrication or concoction against me when I am instead of manipulating and abusing you people stopping you from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so that you people do not end up harmed and destroying by hands of each other?

    036] Regardless of their false accusations against you our prophet and messenger, it was made obvious to Noah that no more of your opponents are going to commit purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind save those who have already done so. Therefore there is no point in you grieving and regretting at their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other whereby they are bound to end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    037] Instead of regretting and being sorrowful over their negative response go and build or bring about or raise or organise and regulate a separate purpose based proper human community in another place or land or kingdom away from these people according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as we have revealed it to you and remember not to side step our purpose based proper guidance for mankind on behalf of those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper program for mankind by working against it because they are all set for or bound for mutual destruction by hands of each other according to our set-up systems and laws.

    038] So he started building a place based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind away from the rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but whenever the chiefs and their supporters from his people came to it, they tried to take control of it. So he warned them by saying, if you will not stop doing that and you will keep on trying to take over our place then we too will start trying to take over your place.

    039] Then soon you will come to know who will end up in terrible painful state of existence in shape of painful suffering and humiliation and upon whom will come to rest painful state of existence or permanent state of painful existence.

    040] Finally when the time for fulfilment of our warning came because their social environment heated up with hatred and animosity between its people or in that human population and the troubles broke out so we said to Noah, take into that place you have built or brought about each of the human populations and its leadership to settle along with your own human population who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind letting those who want to stay behind remain there in against whom the law of consequences is already in place so they will face outcome of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other. However those who committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind along with him were only a minority.

    041] Thus he said to them, undertake this journey to a new way of life according to the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind according to whose setup systems and laws is its beginning and its completion, surely only and only guidance by my creator and sustainer alone is saviour and securer or protector of mankind provided they strive very, very hard to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly because he thereby provides blissful, dignified and securing existence for them.

    042] That is how our purpose based proper guidance for mankind took them along a journey to their safety and security through troubles and problems like the mountains. Even during this troublesome and problematic time Noah called upon chief of his community who had lost his power over people saying, O son of my human population come aboard with me and be not of those who reject and oppose living or abiding by purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind which is purposefully properly based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    043] He said to him, I rather betake myself to join some chief who can saves me from living by rule of law based upon alleged guidance of Allah. Noah said to him, during this terrible time period none can save anyone from set-up systems and laws of Allah save his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind. That is how disputes, rivalries, hatred and animosities between themselves turned into a troublesome wave of harm and destruction, so he ended up among those who were destroyed.

    044] Thereafter this is how Noah spoke to chiefs or dominant people as well as undermined people or down trodden masses or down to earth people who survived, O you the undermined ignorant and untrained unproductive masses, learn and do things which you must learn and do to regain your purpose based proper place in the purpose based proper human community and O dominant people, end your mindset, attitude and behaviour based upon your ambitions and desires for dominance over others by undermining them and that is how through their purpose based proper education and training according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they were helped to even out and remove differences, disputes, rivalries and animosities between themselves so they ended up a great purpose based proper human community in our kingdom due to their heartfelt generous responses towards each other and that is how they said goodbye to the way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other which caused them to harm and destroy each other.

    045] During that troublesome and problematic time Noah called upon his creator and sustainer when he thought a chief of his people was in trouble saying, O my creator and sustainer, a chief of my human population is part of my people and surely your promise to save my people is true because you are the only true God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of your creation from among all those who are falsely claimed to be Gods, owners and rulers of your kingdom of creation.

    046] Allah said, O Noah, he is not of your people because he is not of those who seek, receive, study, accept and act upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly to put things right for ensuring well being of mankind. So do not ask me for things concerning those people and things about which you have no knowledge. I am informing you about people and things purposefully properly so that you do not think and act like those who think and act out of their ignorance, foolishness and stupidity.

    047] Noah said, my creator and sustainer, this is why I seek refuge in your revealed purpose based proper information so that I do not question your decisions due to my lack of purpose based proper understanding of your revealed information and people as well as things but unless you grace, bless, honour and dignify me through your purpose based proper guidance I surely will be in a great loss.

    048] Thereafter it was said to Noah by us. O Noah, settle down you and people with you as a purpose based proper human community in this new place now on basis of our purpose based proper rule of law which is based purposefully properly upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that there comes about purpose based proper unity, peace, progress and prosperity for you people. As for their generations to come we will grant them also their provisions and livelihood thereby but if they will not seek, receive, study, accept and act upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and therefore they will not think and act purposefully properly towards each other then they will have to face terribly painful consequences for their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other according to our purpose based proper set-up systems and laws.

    049] O our prophet and messenger, these are some of the facts from the past which we have now revealed to you, neither you nor your people knew about them before this revelation as told. So be steadfastly persistent because the success in the end is only and only for those people who are consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah as well as with each other for ensuring their own well being as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    050] Likewise to people of Aad we sent their brother Hood as a prophet and messenger from us in order to deliver to them our purpose based proper guidance for them. He said to them, O my people, live or abide by purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind which is based purposefully properly upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that is because you have no God, owner or ruler of this kingdom of his creation and all that is within it other than or along with him. Surely you people live by nothing but your own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires and thoughts and practices which are harmful and destructive for human populations in the kingdom of Allah because thereby you people   secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    051] O my people, I do not demand of you anything in return for giving you people purpose based proper education and training based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring their well being because my reward for my hard work rests with Allah who has created and evolved me. So why do you people not use your intelligence to learn purpose based proper sense about his revelation as well as real world realities?

    052] Therefore O my people, seek blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by turning to purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer for mankind for shaping, modelling and bending your lives according to it. He will send for you from the heaven abundant rain so that you people could have abundance of good things and so that thereby he could add strength to your strength. So turn not to his guidance to reject and oppose it to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense but for ensuring your own well being as a purposefully properly organised and regulated people.

    053] They said, O Hood, you have not come to us with any supernatural signs as proofs for proving your claims like the ones we demand of you so we are not going to accept you as a prophet and messenger from Allah merely on basis of your words, claims, statements, explanations and arguments and leave those whom we assume or idolise or take for our Gods, owners and rulers nor are we going to agree to terms and conditions you propose or put before us for our consideration for our unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah.

    054] The things you tell us to think about and do are such that it seems to us that you have been totally debunked and exposed by our idolised beings or persons as our rulers and priests. He said to them, I present to you people the testimony of Allah as my evidence for my claim of my prophet-hood and messenger-ship from him and I call upon you people to present your evidences also for your claims about these your idolised personalities otherwise I am staying clear of those whom you take for Gods, owners and rulers of this kingdom of creation

    055] instead of or along with Allah, so plan all of you together a purpose based proper dialogue with me and give me no time to prepare myself for this debate and discussion.

    056] It is because I totally rely upon set-up systems and laws of Allah the creator and sustainer of mine and yours as well as his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for showing people the way which can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. There is not a living being or creature whose purpose of existence and its sustenance is not decided by him alone through his set-up systems and laws as well as his measures which he put in place. The purpose based proper guidance from my creator and sustainer surely tells mankind their purpose of existence as well as it can lead them along the path of life that is firmly founded for fulfilling that purpose by ensuring their well being provided they seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly.

    057] So even if you will turn away from debating and discussing this issue with me openly and sensibly, at least I have purposefully properly conveyed you the message I was sent with. So if you people will not establish and abide by his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in the place or land or kingdom you live in then in time to come my creator and sustainer will raise some other people in your wake in your place and you will not be able to do him any harm whatsoever. Surely my creator and sustainer has taken all the needed measures for security and purposeful proper functioning of all things in his kingdom of creation.

    058] So when our set-up systems and laws for making mankind face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other delivered them the results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in due course due to their securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, we saved and secured Hood and those who committed themselves purposefully properly along with him to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that is how we saved them from terribly painful state of existence.

    059] Such were the chiefs, priests, money lenders, their touts and supporters from among people of Aad. They rejected and opposed program, goals and guidelines of their creator and sustainer for them and they did not support and back up his prophet and messenger for them but instead they rejected and opposed him and supported their rulers, priests and money lenders who were tyrants and terrifying monsters and bullies or oppressors.

    060] Therefore they were followed by a life full of suffering and humiliation as a people right from the start through disputes, rivalries and animosities between themselves for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense till the day their way of life was uprooted and rule of law of Allah became established in their place by people who lived in there after them. So be alert and become aware of the fact that these Aad people denied each other set rights for them by their creator and sustainer to his provisions for them. What happened to them was because Aad the people of Hood were given the freedom to stick to or distance themselves from blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind.

    061] Similarly to the Thamud people we sent our prophet and messenger their brother Saleh . He said to them, O my people, establish and abide by purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind because there is no God or owner or ruler of this kingdom of creation other than or along with him. It is only and only he alone who has originally brought you forth from the earth in a simple state and evolved you from that stage through various steps so that in due course you come to a stage whereat you become capable of seeking your safety and security through unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for moulding, modelling, bending and shaping your lives according to it. Therefore turn from your existing way of life to the way of life which is advised for mankind by him for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by your complementing each other purposefully properly. This is how set up systems and laws as well as purpose based proper guidance of my creator and sustainer for mankind brings them closer to their own well being.   

    062] They said, O Saleh, till now you were the one in whom we had great hope and expectations, will you from now on stop us from serving our idolised personalities and from thinking and acting according to our traditions and customs which our forefathers put in place and lived by? Indeed we are strongly suspicious about that to which you are calling us.

    063] He said, O my people, consider this point of mine that if I have a clear proof from my creator and sustainer which he has actually granted me from himself as a program for bringing about unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and I disregard it then who will save me from harmful and destructive consequences which will be delivered to me by his set up systems and laws for my such thought and actions as will be against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind? So you people should be able to see from my this explanation that if I accept your advices and suggestions then they will make me yet bigger loser than yourselves?

    064] So O my people, this blissful, dignified and secure as well as  beautiful existence providing purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is a reference for you to live by so let it rule freely in the human world in kingdom of Allah and bar or hinder it not otherwise you are bound to find yourselves caught up in severe consequences of your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    065] But they did not heed his advice and warning and instead hindered and avoided establishment and implementation of rule of law of Allah in the place they lived so they continued living the way they used to therefore he said to them, you can carry on securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for a counted number of days because your days have been numbered for terrible consequences of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other which are bound to follow and that is a forewarning that cannot fail due to the fact that set-up systems and laws of Allah never fail to deliver results of peoples’ own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #167 - November 29, 2023, 12:42 PM

    066] So when our set-up systems and laws began showing, displaying, manifesting or making evident or obvious the dire effects of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other after things reached the tipping point, from that time period of terrible painful suffering and humiliation we saved and secured Saleh and those who committed, dedicated and devoted themselves purposefully properly along with him according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom and instead we led them to blissful, dignified and secure existence. Surely your creator and sustainer is mighty sufficient and consistent as well as powerful to see through his purpose based proper plan for mankind.

    067] That is how after a long period of harmful and destructive interaction between themselves sudden revolt, uprising and bloody revolution took by surprise these inflictors of harms and destructions upon each other and in that way the new era within their place of living began due to later peoples’ establishment of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah after their way of life and their rule of law was uprooted in such a way

    068] as if the destroyed people had never lived in there. Be alert and become aware of the fact that the chiefs and their supporters from among the Thamud people denied others our given rights to our provided livelihood for them in opposition to purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer. So gone are those people of Thamud due to their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours based upon their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for dominance over others by undermining them.

    069] For the very same reason there came to Abraham our missionaries to help him with our program for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of his people. They said, we come to you to offer our help to you for bringing about a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous purpose based proper human community in this place. He said, you are welcome to help me establish a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous purpose based proper human community so he did not wait long to bring them a fully worked out plan of action for the missionary work.

    070] However he sensed hesitation on their part because they did not seem to take the matter further so he felt concerned about their response. They too noticed his concerned look and said to him, worry not about it just now as we are on another mission which is concerning the people of Lot.

    071] It is because due to his old age Abraham’s human population became stuck in the rut and therefore it became an object of scorn so he became worried about it therefore through these people we gave his human population good news about leadership of Isaac as well as of Jacob.

    072] His human population said, alas for me, how can I get a worthy successor for leadership when I am not able to produce one and the leadership I already have is not able to deliver things of need and want any more? This news is indeed a strange or unbelievable thing.

    073] They said, do you the human population find the purpose based proper plan of Allah strange whereby Allah will land you people in life of unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, O you the supporters of the purpose based proper human community building program? Surely he alone has the right to God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation.

    074] When concern of Abraham was addressed through good news that reached him, he began asking us if anything could be done to stop people of Lot from thinking and doing terrible things they were doing to each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in order to save them from being harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    075] Indeed Abraham was easy going and tender hearted who showed concern for other people because he was purposefully properly devoted or committed or dedicated to carrying out our mission which we assigned to him.

    076] We said to him, O Abraham, don’t put yourself into worries over this matter regarding people of Lot because set-up systems and laws of your creator and sustainer always deliver to people consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other as they are already warned well in advance, so they are all set for facing the terrible results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that is an unstoppable process according to our unchanging rule or way of doing things.

    077] At length when our missionaries came to Lot, he was alright with them except that he was hesitant to go along with them as regard their plan. After hearing their plan he said, this is a very distressful time for me.

    078] Also at the time there came rushing to him his people when he called upon them who were long addicted to all sorts of atrocities against each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so he said to them, O my people, here are my foundational purpose based proper human community building purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for you people to help you do so for the last time, they are necessary for you to stick to or adhere to in order to free yourselves from your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. So be consistent with purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for you people as well as with each other for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom therefore do not undermine my hard work in presence of my visitors among us. Is there not any leading group of sensible people among you people which could understand purposefully properly what I have been explaining for you people?

    079] They said, you already know your program, goals and guidelines are not acceptable to us and you also know well how we want to continue living our lives.

    080] He said, I wish I had the needed strength to stop or prevent you people from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense or that I could betake myself along with my people to some rightly guided powerful human population somewhere.

    081] Upon witnessing all this visiting missionaries said to Lot, O Lot, we are sent for supporting mission of your creator and sustainer which has been assign to you and majority of these people have made it very obvious to us through their response that they are not going to support you for your mission for bringing about a purpose based proper human community in this place so leave this place along with your supporters for a while for a safe and secure place we have told you about as darkness of ignorance still covers or prevails over minds of majority of people of this place, therefore let none of you stay behind but rebellious people of your human population only. This party of your human population has chosen for itself that it should face the same fate as its chiefs, priests, money lenders, their touts and supporters. Also call to mind the new beginning that was promised through you to those who were to support you, has that time for that new beginning not arrived for them yet?  We think that it has so let things start happening as they should.

    082] This is how when time for fulfilment of our promise to people of Lot came we caught the place of people of Lot turned upside down by a sudden revolt, uprising and bloody revolution as well as an external attack and thereafter establishment of our purpose based proper rule of law in that place after uprooting of their old way of life because we already made obvious to the people of this place importance of purposefully properly organised and regulated purpose based proper human community and things as well as their institutions and record keeping in a classified way

    083] as described by your creator and sustainer. Yet they ignored all that information therefore such uprising and reform is never far away from those who instead keep on inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in opposition to our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    084] And likewise to the people of Madyan we sent their brother Shuaib who said to them, O my people, establish and abide by purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in this place you live in according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because you have no God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation other than or along with him. So do not fall short of his this set standard as a reference for you for setting up and running a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. I see your future is going to be brilliant if you will act upon or follow my advice but I also fear for you the time when the consequences of your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against this set standard as well as against each other could encircle or overwhelm you should you refuse to heed my advice and warning.

    085] So O my people, fulfil your needs and wants according to the reference that is set as standard for you people that is purposefully properly balanced and do not defraud each other by your tricks and tricky mechanisms for dispossessing each other out of your rightful provisions from your creator and sustainer so that you people do not end up causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, rifts, fights and wars between yourselves.

    086] For that reason be alert and become purposefully properly aware of the fact that sticking or adhering to or strictly following that standard which is purposeful as well as proper in sight of Allah because it guarantees brilliant future for mankind due to being beneficial and advantageous for you people if you will purposefully properly commit yourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it. Moreover remember the fact that I am not set upon you as a warden or prison guard by Allah to stop you from harming and destroying each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by force rather it is entirely up to yourselves to organise and regulate yourselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    087] They said, Oh Shuaib, does your way of organising and regulating our human population into a purpose based proper human community require, demand or necessitate that we give up idolising and serving Gods, owners and rulers of this kingdom of creation other than or along with Allah in whom our forefathers believed and whom they served and that we give up our customs and traditions as well as the right to do what we like with things we own and yet you regard yourself the only tender hearted person to have concern for other human beings and the only person wise enough to understand things purposefully properly?

    088] He said, O my people, consider my this point carefully with your due attention that if I have a clear proof for receiving purpose based proper guidance from my creator and sustainer which I do have and he has granted me a program for setting up and running a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom to organise and regulate his provided sustenance and livelihood for ensuring well being of mankind through their own complementing each other purposefully properly then how can I go against that? I am not opposing you by what I am forbidding you from thinking and doing just because I intend to harm and destroy you people rather I desire nothing other than your growth and development through your unity for peace between yourselves for your own progress and prosperity through your reformation as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for blissful, dignified and secure existence of all of us so far as it is within my power or capacity or capability. My success depend only and only upon my own hard work to the best of my God given abilities according to the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind, so upon his set-up systems and laws as well as his provided purpose based proper guidance I rely because I am supposed to refer to his provided purpose based proper advice for my thoughts and actions.

    089] So O my people, let not your baseless disputing and fighting with me bring upon you the doom similar to that of the people of Noah, Hood, Saleh and people of Lot who are not far off in time from you.

    090] Therefore seek blissful, dignified and secure existence for yourselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom through purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer by turning towards it purposefully properly. No doubt at all that purpose based proper guidance of my creator and sustainer for mankind is purposefully properly capable of turning mankind into a people who can ensure well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for his sake out of love and respect for each other.

    091] The chiefs said, O Shuaib, most of what you say makes no sense to us so in our opinion you are standing on a weaker foundation and were it not for the strength of your supporters and backers we will have thrown you out of our midst but still you cannot overcome us even with the support which you have.

    092] He said, O chiefs of my people, do you regard my supporters and backers more powerful than purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind due to whose strength you people keep sparing us while you disregard his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and you manipulate and use each other abusively for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and you use name of Allah in vain or as a decoy or distraction or for something just in case you need it when things you rely upon leave you in the lurch or limbo? Surely within grasp of purpose based proper guidance of my creator and sustainer for mankind is all that you are supposed to be thinking and doing for ensuing your own well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    093] However O my people, if you have decided not to accept what I claim is true then you can keep on interacting and participating between yourselves according to your adopted way of life and I along with my supporters will participate and interact as a purpose based proper human community between ourselves according to way of life we have adopted for ourselves as advised by our creator and sustainer for us and soon you will find out or come to know which of us will end up at a dead end and who will end up humiliated due to adopting a way of life that could only and only lead to that end result and that way it will be clearly proven for us that one of us was on the wrong path, so keep an eye out for the outcome of your thoughts and actions if you will, I along with my supporters am also keeping an eye out for the outcome of our thoughts and actions.

    094] So when the time for the fulfilment of our foretold results came, we delivered through our program the promised outcome to Shuaib and those who committed themselves purposefully properly along with him to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but the revolt, uprising and bloody revolution took the inflictors of harms and destructions upon each other against our advice by surprise exactly as we warned them that is how the new beginning or the new era in their jurisdiction uprooted their way of life and their rule of law and there in was established our advised way of life and our rule of law by our missionaries.
    095] The place or landscape was totally changed as if they had never lived therein. So be alert and become aware of the fact that like Thamud people gone are the people of Madyan also.

    096] And thereafter we sent Moses with our program, goals and guidelines with authority from us that was self evident

    097] to Pharaoh and his chiefs because they lived by rule of law of Pharaoh and rule of law of Pharaoh was not founded upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    098] That is how he led his people to the day of revolt, uprising and bloody revolution because he led them into the fire of hatred and animosity between themselves due to securing his own petty personal gains from them at their expense. How terrible was the state of painful suffering in which they landed themselves?

    099] Humiliation and suffering by hands of each other followed them into this state of existence and so they ended up facing the day of uprising and upheavals. Because harmful and destructive are the results or outcomes of harmful and destructive thoughts and actions of people against each other.

    100] Such are the stories of the human populations that past or went or lived before you people which we reveal to you, of them some people have survived and some have ceased to exist.

    101] It were not we who harmed and destroyed them rather they harmed and destroyed each other and thereby ended up destroying themselves as human populations. The Gods, owners and rulers they imagined and served instead of or along with Allah did not avail them at all when the rule of consequences by your creator and sustainer delivered them the results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because they added nothing to their lot but mutual harms and destructions for themselves by hands of each other.

    102] This is how your creator and sustainer saw many human populations thinking and doing harmful and destructive things to each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that is why he found them facing consequences for thinking and doing things that way against his purpose based proper guidance for them. No doubt going against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind has such terrible consequences for them. So people should repent by giving up their that way of life and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life for them.

    103] In fact, there is an undeniable proof and lesson in all this for such individuals and human populations as will pay their due attention to these terrible end results of harmful and destructive thoughts and actions of these harmed and destroyed people and therefore they should not go down that path. That is how there will come about a period of time during which all sensible people will end up united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them and that is the era worth bringing about for mankind in actual reality, the sooner they bring it the better it will be for them.

    104] It is not we who are delaying that time period from coming about but mankind themselves by ignoring, avoiding, disregarding and neglecting our purpose based proper program for them because it will come about only and only when they will seek, receive, study, accept and act upon our purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly by committing themselves purposefully properly to it for making it work according to our purpose based proper plan for which we have set-up systems and laws as well as we have put in place measures to ensure it all works out perfectly till its completion and maintenance.

    105] When that period of time will come about because it will be brought about by our missionaries and our rule of law will become purposefully properly established in the human world by them from then onwards none will think and do anything at all but it will be judged only and only according to set standard of Allah alone. That is how it will be decided who is a law breaker person and who is a law abider person.

    106] But till that time period comes about those who will keep on ignoring, neglecting, avoiding, disregarding, rejecting and opposing the establishment of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based guidance for mankind in the human world they will keep on ending up in state of terrible painful suffering by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense wherein they will have only cries, sighs and sobs.

    107] They will remain in that state of existence for as long as they will live and the heavens and the earth will endure as per purpose based proper plan of your creator and sustainer unless they repent and reform. Surely your creator and sustainer decides matters as per his purpose based proper plan according to his set-up systems and laws as well as measures he has put in place.
    108] As to those who will support and back up the establishment of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind they are bound to end up in blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in places or lands they will live in and they will remain in that state of existence for as long as they will maintain that state of existence till the heavens and the earth will last as per purpose based proper plan of your creator and sustainer. Moreover they will also have lasting gift of delightful and joyful life from their creator and sustainer without break forever.

    109] Therefore do not be in confusion concerning the beings or personalities whom these masses idolise and imagine for Gods, owner and rulers of this kingdom of creation instead of or along with Allah. They do not take whomever they imagine for Gods, owners and rulers of this kingdom but just as a matter of tradition and custom of their ancestors before them due to not using their brains and senses given to them by us purposefully properly. So our set-up systems and laws too will keep on making them face the results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other without any let or abatement for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    110] Even though we gave Moses our book as a purpose based proper manifesto and a program with goals and guidelines for uniting people in accordance to it so that they could live in peace with each other by making progress to be prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by complementing each other purposefully properly yet divisions were created and caused between them by themselves in its very name. The very purpose for which the book was sent to them by your creator and sustainer was so that they decide all matters between themselves according to it but instead of seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly they remained distant from it by ignoring, neglecting, avoiding and disregarding it therefore they remained confused, in chaos and anarchy.

    111] However it is a fact that through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws your creator and sustainer always made each of the human populations face the results of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in full due to their securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that is how he made obvious for mankind that he is fully and comprehensively aware of all that people think and do to each other and therefore he is able to advise mankind as to what they ought to be thinking and doing and what they ought not to be thinking and doing for ensuring brilliant future for themselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    112] For that very reason stand firmly upon this revealed foundation as you are commanded O our prophet and messenger along with those who have turned to purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for them along with you and transgress not the set limits therein by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and remember, he is ever watching all that you the mankind think and do.

    113] So never support those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense lest or in case you people also end up in terrible painful suffering like them as a result of your very own harmful and destructive interactions and participations between yourselves because you will have no safety and security or protection against set-up purpose based proper systems and laws of Allah nor will you have any solid foundation to stand, settle, rest, rely or depend upon for your support and backing as a reference to refer to.

    114] Therefore strive very, very hard from the start of the day till you are well into the night to establish our advised purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Surely striving for creating or bringing about a purpose based properly balanced beautiful human community in our kingdom can remove the causes for harmful and destructive thoughts and actions between mankind and thereby their harmful and destructive effects which could save them from terrible painful suffering by hands of each other. This is a lesson for all those who will pay their due attention to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly by thinking about things thoroughly to understand and do them purposefully properly and for the very same reason they should spread this message to rest of mankind in the human world.

    115] So be steadfastly persistent as well as consistent in your assigned missionary work because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws of Allah never let the efforts of those who work hard to make their human world beautiful for mankind go to waste.

    116] Just think about it, why despite our provisions of sustenance and livelihood as well as our purpose based proper guidance for mankind there were not among the generations before you people with purpose based proper sense of things who could educate and train each other purposefully properly out of their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours based upon their ambitions and desires which were harmful and destructive for mankind because they wanted to dominate each other by undermining each other instead of complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom save a minority whom we saved and secured or protected them by delivering from harms and destructions of each other? It is because those who had harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours they pursued their those ambitions and desires against the purpose based proper way of life we advised for them because they chose to establish themselves through committing crimes against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    117] It is in actual fact the truth that it was never the case that set-up purpose based proper systems and laws of your creator and sustainer destroyed any people of any places or lands the while their habitants had committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance.

    118] Had your creator and sustainer so planned he could have created mankind as a pre-programmed or fully wired up single human population but he decided to give them ability of choice and freedom to choose along with his purpose based proper guidance for them and put them through struggle to strive for accomplishing their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity by themselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, therefore they will continue differing with each other

    119] except those whom he has bestowed with ability of understanding things purposefully properly and they use it purposefully properly to seek, receive, study, accept, and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly because that is what he has created them for. That is how the purpose based proper plan of your creator and sustainer will find its fulfilment but he will also find among mankind harmful and destructive secular and religious leaders and their supporters and backers burning or on fire of hatred and animosity against each other due to seeking dominance over each other by undermining each other whereby they will end up in disputes, rivalries, fights and wars with each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    120] All these explanations, evidences and stories of our past prophets and messengers and their people which we reveal, relate or narrate to you our prophet and messenger for your people are for strengthening your minds through them. By way of these revelations you the mankind have received the purpose based proper information about people and things in general as well as about those who committed themselves purposefully properly according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom in particular who sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly.

    121] As to those who do not commit themselves purposefully properly according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom say to them, think and do as you please or wish and so will we.

    122] Then wait if you will for the outcome or result of your thoughts and actions as a human population rather than accepting and adopting purpose based proper guidance of Allah, we too are waiting indeed for outcome or result of our thoughts and actions as a human population. That outcome or result will decisively prove in due course who are the people on the course of thoughts and actions which leads to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and who are the people on the course of thoughts and actions which leads to disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between mankind and thereby to their own harm and destruction by hands of each other.

    123] The fact is, brilliant future for mankind only and only rests upon their establishing of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah alone which they should establish in their human world purposefully properly as soon as possible while ensuring it is founded upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly. It is because he alone has the comprehensive knowledge about all that is in the heavens and the earth which is hidden from mankind so only and only he alone is fully capable of guiding mankind purposefully properly and it is only and only his right alone to provide mankind with his purpose based proper program with goals to accomplish them according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines. It is totally up to his set-up systems and laws alone to deal with all affairs about each and everything, therefore you the mankind should rely upon his set-up systems and laws for thinking and doing things which need to be thought and done for carrying out his given program. However remember always that your creator and sustainer is never unaware of whatever you need to think and do or whatever you end up thinking and doing.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #168 - December 08, 2023, 04:56 AM

    Surah 10      Yoonus – The one who prepares oneself purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly by committing oneself purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly so that they could rise to heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure existence by freeing themselves from ambitions and desires as well as mindsets, attitudes and behaviours which are harmful and destructive for humanity whereby they strive for dominance over each other by undermining each other due to which they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001]Alif Laam Raa. For that reason this is a purpose based proper program from us with solid goals and guidelines for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines in form of a book which is full of wisdom for helping mankind to become a purposefully properly educated and trained people for carrying out this mission.

    002] Are these people of yours thinking it is strange that we have revealed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to one of the most courageous human beings from among themselves so that he warns them against inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and so that he gives good news of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom to those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind because our this purpose based proper guidance is for them from their creator and sustainer a firm foundation to based themselves upon for their organisation and regulation as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. However those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they say, this is an obvious falsehood to trick or fool us.

    003] Surely that is not the case rather your creator and sustainer is Allah who has created and evolved all the distanced galaxies which are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets in gradual simple to complex stages because he has full purpose base proper control over his kingdom of creation so he manages or handles or deals with all affairs related to all things in this kingdom of his creation through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as measures or processes and mechanisms he has put in place. Nothing can intervene, interrupt, interfere, interact, participate or take part in his kingdom unless it is according to his purpose based proper plan. Such mighty powerful and wise ruler is Allah your creator and sustainer, so live by his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and abide by his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind. So will you the mankind after all this explanation still not seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and spread his purpose based proper message among yourselves for ensuring your own well being by becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom?

    004] The fact is, ultimately only and only to his purpose based proper guidance all of you the mankind will turn for your purposeful proper guidance and that is how promise of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by Allah will come to pass or prove true when guidance of Allah is sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon by mankind purposefully properly. He is the one who initiated the process of creation and evolution by automating it for continuation to unfold in due course so that he awards those who purposefully properly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by taking actions for mending and repairing fractured or broken relationships between mankind by removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between them according to his purposefully properly balanced standard. As to those who reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind giving themselves over to thoughts and actions which are based upon their fire of hatred whereby they create and cause disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves as well as others for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they will taste, undergo, suffer or experience terrible state of existence which will be full of painful suffering for them as a result of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other because they not only reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind themselves but they also hide, prevent and hinder the purpose based proper message of Allah from reaching others. Nevertheless his message will reach mankind ultimately regardless of whatever they think and do to stop it from reaching to all people in the human world.

    005] After all he is the one who through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms gave the sun ability to burn brightly and the moon its ability to reflect the light pleasantly whereby he set its phases and that way you the mankind learn to compute the time in various ways for thinking and doing different things which need to be thought and done for purpose based proper management of people and things in an organised and regulated way. Allah has created and evolved them for a set purpose as he has explained in his purpose based proper revelations for the people who observe and learn to understand things purposefully properly.

    006] Indeed in all the processes and mechanisms whereby phenomenon of alternation between the night and the day is achieved and in all the processes and mechanisms whereby whatever else Allah has created, evolved and put to work throughout the galaxies including this galaxy there are evidences for those who want to be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah as well as with each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    007] As for those who do not seek and therefore they do not look forward to meeting our set standard for mankind by fulfilling our assigned task, mission, objective or target for mankind due to being mentally and physically fully involved or submerged in thoughts and actions about life of this world on basis of fulfilling their own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against humanity as well as against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by trying to dominate others by undermining them by way of securing their own petty personal gains from others at their expense and they are satisfied with that such people are the ones who fail to realise the fact that even their personal peace, progress and prosperity does not lie in their neglecting, avoiding and ignoring our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind.

    008] Therefore they will remain in state of painful agony due to agitations, disappointments, worries and anxiety as a consequence of whatever harms and destructions they will inflict upon others in the hope of gaining personally at their expense.

    009] On the contrary those who will commit, dedicate and devote themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind  and they will work very, very hard to remove disputes, tensions, divisions, rifts, dissensions, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between mankind to reconcile them to carry out our program by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines for ensuring well being of mankind, their creator and sustainer due to their commitment which is backed by their hard works for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind will guide them to kingdoms wherein under their administration and management will flow rivers of all things they will need and want.

    010] That is how they will reflect, display, show, manifest, radiate and make obvious or noticeable glory of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind because their lives based upon it will land them in blissful, dignified and secure state of existence and that is how by their thoughts and actions from the beginning to the completion of the objective, task or mission they will manifest glory of Allah, the creator and sustainer of this kingdom of his creation.

    011] Had Allah set up his systems and laws as well as process and mechanisms for delivering results of harmful and destructive thoughts and actions of mankind in quick succession as they look for their quick gains regardless of the consequences of their thoughts and actions then the respite given to the people would not have been put in place. However we decided to leave those people alone for a set period of time to think and do as they please who entertain not the hope of meeting our set standard to wander about in their rebellion as some make others suffer for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense for their own personal gratification.

    012] That is why when consequences of human on human violence afflict and affect a great majority of people in a human population extremely severely only and only then a human population turns to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and it turns to it only till it carries out our purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines and gets itself relieved of its painful state of existence thereby and thereafter it either continues and maintains that state of existence or as soon as we remove its affliction that way, it again walks away from our purpose based proper guidance as if it never needed to rely upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for removing that affliction from it which touched it. That is how thoughts and actions of those who work in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind seem proper or right or appropriate to their selves.

    013] Due to their similar mindsets, attitudes and behaviours we found generations before your time destroying themselves by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense despite the fact that their prophets and messengers from us came to them with our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for their guidance but they did not seek, receive, study, accept and act upon them purposefully properly for bringing about unity, peace, progress and prosperity for mankind for becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. So we let them end up destroyed by hands of each other for the crimes they committed against each other against our purpose based proper guidance.

    014] Then after them we made you people their successors in the human world so that we let you have a period of time to demonstrate freely your abilities and potentialities which we have gifted you with in response to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by your complementing each other purposefully properly.

    015] Yet when our brilliant purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines for mankind is proclaimed to them, those who do not look forward to meeting our set standard for ensuring their own well being as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom say to you, bring us a different Quran than this or make some changes to it. Tell them, it is not my right and it is not up to me nor it is fitting for me to change it because it is not my word rather I am supposed to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon what is revealed to me by Allah purposefully properly. The fact is, I cannot be inconsistent with my creator and sustainer as well as mankind because I fear that if I did that then I too will end up thinking and doing harmful and destructive things to others for securing my own petty personal gains from them at their expense just like you people and like you people I too will end up with their terribly painful and humiliating consequences for bringing about the terribly painful period of time upon humanity.

    016] Say, had Allah decided to leave you the mankind without his purpose based proper guidance for you then I could not have proclaimed this Quran to you, nor could he have given you the ability to become aware of him through his message. Indeed a whole lifetime I lived among you before receiving his revelation and I never proclaimed anything like it among you people before it. Why do you people then not learn sense of making purposeful proper sense of things purposefully properly and then judge my claim and what I am proclaiming among you people, so that that way you people could come to a purpose based proper conclusion purposefully properly.

    017] The fact is, who can be more harmful and destructive for humanity than the party of rulers, priests, moneylenders, their touts and supporters which itself invents, forges, fabricates and concocts a bundle of lies and attributes them to Allah for denying other people his assigned rights for them to his provisions and for that reason it rejects and opposes his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines which are for ensuring well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom? Indeed individuals and human populations which commit such crimes can never unite humanity for peace between themselves so that they could make progress and be prosper by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    018] All because many of the masses instead of establishing the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world and bringing people under his rule of law for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, they bring people under the rule of law of rulers, priests and money lenders who can neither protect them from harms and destructions which they themselves inflict upon them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense nor can they lead them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as promised to mankind by Allah should they seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for humanity purposefully properly yet these people say about them to each other, they can intervene and intercede for us before Allah. Say to them, are you people telling Allah about something he knows does not happen in the heavens or in the earth? Because right of God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of creation only and only belongs to Allah alone and he is far above and free of needing any partners they attribute to him in God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship or sovereignty of this kingdom of his creation.

    019] The fact is, it was never fitting for or consistent with the well being of humanity to be anything other than a united single human family according to our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind yet they became and remained divided through inventing and adopting various harmful and destructive ways of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by striving for dominating each other by undermining each other instead of complementing each other purposefully properly. Had your creator and sustainer not given his purpose based proper plan to mankind for a set period of time to live in this world then the matters about which they have disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves could have been settled long time ago.

    020] As to their saying, why no supernatural, miraculous and magical proof we ask for has been sent to his prophet and messenger from his creator and sustainer? Say to them, to decide about matters relating to brilliant future of mankind rests only and only with Allah alone and that is what he has explained for us in the Quran as to how mankind can have a brilliant future for themselves and that is the way he has been sending his proofs so either seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and get the promised outcome or wait if you will for the outcome of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense as a people and I too am waiting along with you for promised results of our thoughts and actions as a people.

    021] However when we deliver unity, peace, progress and prosperity to mankind due to their sticking to our purpose based proper guidance for them after they have suffered terribly by hands of each other, the dominant people from among them begin to conspire again and start plotting against our those very program, goals and guidelines which have brought them salvation from all ills they were suffering from by hands of each other. Tell them, set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are strict in letting your plots take you down by surprise again because our set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms are put in place to deliver to you people results of your very own thoughts and actions for or against each other as a people.

    022] He it is who due to those set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms enables you to travel about in his kingdom which is within your reach and capabilities just like when you board a sailing ship and travel by sea in the land or world. That is how those sailing ships sail with them aboard due to favourable winds so they are happy with it but when there come stormy winds and the giant dangerous mountain like waves reach them from all sides and they think they are going to be drowned by them then they are forced to rely sincerely and utterly only and only upon the set-up systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah alone saying to each other that if we are delivered from this troubling and problematic situation then we will become a people who manage or use provisions of Allah purposefully properly for ensuring well being of mankind according to his purpose based proper guidance.

    023] Yet, when he does deliver them from their self created troubles and problems between themselves through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to their seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly a section of the very same people becomes rebellious in the land having no purpose based proper regard for his purpose based proper guidance for mankind nor for each other’s God given rights to his provisions for them. Say, O mankind, your rebellion against each other is only harming and destroying you people yourselves by hands of each other because you are destroying each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in form the transitory pleasures of this world which you can also have by working hard for ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind rather than working against each other for dominating each other by undermining each other. No matter what in the end or ultimately you will turn to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and when you will do that from then on we will tell you how to live your lives purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    024] Another example of how our set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms work in this world or kingdom is that of rain cycle, we thereby evaporate water and send it down again from the heaven then it is absorbed by the soil which then helps growth of vegetation that becomes food for the people and the animals which keeps on growing till it covers the land with greenery and then it dries up and covers the land with beauty like gold ornaments and as the people think they can now harvest it there comes about fulfilment of our purpose based proper planned warning by way of the very same water and winds as stormy rain by night or in broad daylight and mows it down thoroughly as if nothing existed there a day before. This is why we put forth our explanations and evidences for those who observe and learn to think to understand things purposefully properly so that they seek, receive, study, accept and act upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly for ensuring their own well being by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    025] Through these like explanations and evidences Allah invites you the mankind towards your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom because he guides only and only those people who want to work hard along his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind that is firmly founded for this very purpose.

    026] So those who will compete with each other more and more for ensuring well being of each other the most they will never face bleak future nor will they suffer any harmful and destructive situation by hands of each other which puts them to shame before each other or among themselves. Not only that but also they will be or become a people who will end up in blissful, dignified and secure life giving kingdoms wherein they will live for as long as they will carry on living that way.

    027] As for those people or human populations which inflict harms and destructions upon each other due to competing between themselves against each other for dominating each other by undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gain from each other at each other’s expense, they are bound to face the results of their own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires as well as thoughts and actions therefore agonising disgraceful and humiliating social environment and atmosphere will cover or surround or overwhelm them because they will have no one and nothing to protect them from delivery of consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other by hands of each other through the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah. Their grief, sadness, sorrow, regret and disappointment will be visible on their faces as if their faces have been covered with patches of the dense darkness of night. They are the people who will abide in agonising state of existence for as long as they will live unless they stop living that way and adopt the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah.

    028] Because they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense that is why in due course we find them gathered together in painful suffering so we tell them, remain in the state and condition that you have brought upon yourselves, you and the people you have taken for your Gods, masters, rulers, priests and money lender. We find them in due course divided and in pitched battles against each other because those whom they take for their Gods, masters and rulers disown them saying, you never really took us as your Gods, masters and rulers, you rather stuck with us for securing your own petty personal gains through us.

    029] No doubt statement or testimony of Allah is sufficient as evidence between you and us so we disregard claims of your services to us.

    030] That is how each person or human population will come to know in due course what it has sent forth for its future as they are delivered outcomes of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other by set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah their only true God, owner and ruler or sovereign and that is how their secular and religious claims, thoughts and actions or ideas and practices will leave them in the lurch.

    031] Ask mankind, who provides you with sustenance, subsistence and livelihood from the heaven and the earth, how and why? Who provides you with sense of hearing and seeing and for what or what purpose? Who raises dead people to life or human populations that have fallen from heights of excellence back to heights of excellence again by giving them his purpose based proper program to carry it out purposefully properly and who lets them perish when they fail to keep up with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly by way of set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as process and mechanisms? Who arranges or organises and regulates all affairs about each and every thing in this kingdom of creation and for what purpose and according to which plan? If they will seek, receive, study, accept and act upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly then they will soon reply, Allah. Say, if it is all due to purpose based proper plan of Allah then why are all of you people not fully consistent with his purpose based proper program as well as with each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom purposefully properly?

    032] This is how through his explanations and evidences Allah proves to you the mankind that he is in fact your creator and sustainer indeed. So what other way of life is left for you to live by or abide by to reach your blissful, dignified and secure state of existence after you people ignore, avoid, neglect or give up living or abiding by purposefully proper or right way of life that is advised for you people by him because all other ways of life you choose and adopt mislead you and land you into terribly painful and agonising state of existence? So how can you people be so foolish to keep yourselves unaware and ignorant about these facts and realities to think and do such a thing as leave or stay away from the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah when you have been bestowed with such a powerful brain and senses to think and do things purposefully properly and objectively?

    033] This is how the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of your creator and sustainer have proven true as regard those who rebel instead of committing themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring well being of mankind through complementing each other purposefully properly.

    034] Ask them, can any of them whom you have imagined or assumed or taken for Gods, masters or rulers instead of or along with Allah create and evolve anything like Allah and then automate it for continuation? No, not at all. Say, Allah created this kingdom of his creation and evolved it as well as automated it for continuation so that things keep on unfolding in due course. Then how is it that you are so unaware and ignorant as well as confused about all this as well as his purpose based proper guidance for you the mankind?

    035] Ask them also, are there any among those whom you take for your Gods, masters or rulers other than or along with Allah who can guide you to the way of life that is purposefully proper for you the mankind to lead you to your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous human community in a kingdom? No, not at all. Say, it is Allah alone who guides you the mankind to the way of life that is purposefully proper for you for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. Then who is more worthy to be supported and backed up by you the mankind as your guide, he that can guide you to the right path for the right objective or he that cannot and he even himself is in need of purpose based proper guidance? What is the matter with you? How did you arrive at the wrong conclusion that you have due to which you inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense?

    036] The fact is most of the mankind support and back up nothing but baseless secular and religious ideas and practices which are dangerous and destructive for mankind therefore such ideas and practices in no way can be substitute for the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by their creator and sustainer for ensuring their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. That is why Allah makes people aware of all they need to think and do as well as all they need not to think and do through results of their own thoughts and actions.

    037] It is due to such stated facts, explanations and evidences in it that it is not possible that this Quran could have been produced by any of those whom many of you the mankind take for Gods, master or rulers instead of or along with Allah because it is the criterion, benchmark, touchstone, cornerstone and the set standard for mankind for confirmation of the revelations that were sent before it and it explains what was written in all of the earlier scriptures as guidance for the mankind to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon purposefully properly, so there is no doubt at all that this Quran is from the creator and sustainer of the kingdom of this creation for the purpose of guidance for mankind as to how they should live their lives so that they think and act for fulfilling the purpose based proper plan of Allah as it is explained for them purposefully properly.

    038] Do they still claim he our prophet and messenger who is sent to them by us has invented this Quran all by himself? Tell them, if what you claim is true then produce a purpose based proper book containing a program with goals as well as guidelines for a purpose based proper constitution and its laws like it for bringing about and organising and regulating a purpose based proper human community in a kingdom that explains all the needed, necessary and essential things in such a great detail within such a limited text, you may call to your aid any of those whom you take as your Gods, masters or rulers instead of or along with Allah to prove that your claim about it is in actual fact true.

    039] However, we can tell you right away and straightaway that they cannot produce the like of it rather they are rejecting and opposing that which they cannot even fathom due to their lack of that level of knowledge which is needed even for its purpose based proper understanding so their level of knowledge is not sufficient for producing a purpose based proper book like it and moreover they have not yet seen its foretold events unfold yet. The same harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours were shown by those who passed away before them towards our similar books which were sent earlier before it. However, they should also become aware as to what was the end of those who indulged in baseless harmful and destructive secular and religious ideas and practices against our purpose based proper advice and guidance for them due to which they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. They ended up destroying each other by striving for dominance over each other by undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    040] Of these people there are some who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but there are others who have not and your creator and sustainer surely makes people aware about those who plot, scheme and conspire to cause rifts, divisions, dissensions, conflicts, disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between people by denying each other our set out or assigned rights for mankind to our sustenance, livelihood, subsistence and  provisions for them

    041] If they will continue rejecting and opposing our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by dispossessing each other through denying each other our assigned rights for them to our provisions then tell them, for me and my supporters and backers is outcome for what we think and do according to the Quran for each other as a people and for you is outcome for what you people think and do to each other by striving for domination over each other by undermining each other. However it is entirely up to set-up systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah to make mankind aware through the outcomes of their very own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    042] There are some from among those human populations from among you the mankind who can see and hear you our prophet and messenger delivering our message to them but they are not bothered with using their brains, senses and bodies for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly, how can you then get the message across to such people who are not even bothered with seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly?

    043] There are also among them some who keep on staring at you as if you are something strange for them, how can you help guide such people who are utterly ignorant and they want to remain ignorant so they are not bothered with learning sense of making purpose based proper sense of things at all so that they could seek, receive, study, accept and act upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly through development of capacity of their own mental faculty?

    044] This explains the fact that Allah does not harm or destroy mankind in any way but that people harm and destroy themselves by not using their God given capabilities and facilities or provisions purposefully properly and that is why they end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by striving for dominance over each other by undermining each other instead of complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    045] However in due course through help of his purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines for them as well as their own effort and hard work for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly he will bring them together to live or abide by his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in order for his purpose based proper plan to become fulfilled and when that happens for them they will think they have lived in painful suffering just for a short while till the light of knowledge enlightened them that is how they will recognise and appreciate each other’s contributions among themselves for getting out of that state of existence which was full of agonising suffering for them. That is because in time to come they will come to realise the fact that those who denied themselves the opportunity of meeting the set standard of Allah they have always perished by hands of each other due to denying themselves the benefits and advantages of our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    046] Regardless we show you people some of the results of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other expense as we have promised them through you people, to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind their return is inevitable because set-up systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are ever standing guard monitoring all that they think and do for delivering to them the outcomes of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    047] Be or become aware of the fact that for each and every human population there had been appointed a prophet and messenger from us and when that prophet and messenger of theirs came to them our criterion and standard for reference for their judgement of all their thoughts and actions was passed on to them for establishing our purpose based proper rule of law in the places or lands or kingdoms they lived in to decide or settle things between themselves purposefully properly and justifiably according to our provided that criterion for them so that they do not inflict harms and destructions upon each other by striving for dominance over each other by undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in our kingdom and instead they complement each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for ensuring their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    048] Since rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind have been warned well in advance about what will happen to them if they will keep on living the way they do instead of adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind so they ask you, when this promise of delivery of result of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other will be fulfilled for them if what you told them is true in actual fact?

    049] Say, as a human being just like yourselves I too on my own have no control over anything even to prevent any harm or destruction to myself or even to secure better future for myself unless I work according to the purpose based proper plan of Allah for mankind. The fact as I am revealed is that for each and every human population there is a set period of time based upon certain conditions and when their tipping points are reached then they cannot delay them even for a moment just as they cannot advance them even for a moment so you people will also be dealt with the very same way because there is no change in the way Allah has planned and does things by way of his set-up systems and laws as well as process and mechanisms.

    050] Say, have you people considered that if his stated warning about terrible painful suffering in form of your revolts, uprisings or bloody revolutions against each other falls upon you by night and or by day, how will you survive it? What benefit and advantage then is there in it for those who are committing crimes against humanity against the purpose based proper advice of Allah for mankind for which they wish to hurry and hasten the fulfilment of that warning other than the fact that it will increase their own terribly painful suffering by hands of each other as a human population?

    051] Will you people commit yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind only when such horrible painful suffering by hands of each other actually overtakes you? But then you will wish for its removal although it had been your own wish to hasten or hurry it on.

    052] At that time it will be said to those transgressors who will then declare their commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, taste the terrible painful suffering you asked for the while it lasts. Why should you not be made to face the results of your very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions when all others before you have been put through the very same process for the very same reason?

    053] They want to be confirmably informed by you, is what you are telling them true in actual fact? Tell them, yes, it is according to revelation of my creator and sustainer because what is told in there has been proving true always through its fulfilment. You people are not in any position to control set-up systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah to derail his this purpose based properly planned setting.

    054] The requital process, the rule of consequences or judgement based upon justice at work is so strict and certain in its operation that even if each and every person who has inflicted any harm and destruction on any other person possessed all that is in the earth or the world he will for sure be willing to pay it for avoiding to go through this process of requital or consequences or judgement, however regretful, disappointing, shameful and humiliating environment  will surround or cover such people when they will come face to face with terrible painful suffering by hands of each other and that is how the matter will be settled or decided between them on basis of requital process or consequences and they will not be made to go through anything less or more than what they will deserve in here as well as in hereafter till the process of judgement based upon justice is complete.

    055] So be or become aware of the fact that all that is in the heavens and the earth belongs only and only to Allah alone and be or become aware of this fact also that promise of Allah is a provable truth yet most of the mankind bother not to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon what they should be seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purposefully properly for reaching their very own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom in order to avoid and avert the life of horrible painful suffering in this world by hands of each other.

    056] They should come to know that he alone is the one who brings human populations to life by inspiring, motivating and moving them through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to help them rise to heights of excellence to reach blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom if they seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly but he lets them perish if they fail to do so. Therefore to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind you all should turn so that you are guided purposefully properly.

    057] So for that very reason O you the mankind, there has surely come for you an advice from your creator and sustainer which is a protection or shield for you against any harmful or destructive ambition and desire you may otherwise develop and harbour in your minds against each other and start striving for dominating each other by undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way you may end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. However it is a guide and guard only and only for those people who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    058] Say, this Quran can save and secure you the mankind because it is based upon wisdom of Allah as a purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines for mankind to carry it out for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by accomplishing its goals according to its provided guidelines, so let mankind bring about blissful, dignified and secure existence for themselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom so that they could have a happy and joyful or delightful life for themselves due to it. This is how for this purpose it will prove the most valuable, beneficial and advantageous guide for mankind than all that they can gather which they consider the most valuable for themselves by way of dispossessing each other by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other at each other’s expense therefore they should seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly.

    059] Say, do you the mankind realise the reason why you people have sea or oceans of troubles and problems between yourselves? It is because out of all that Allah has provided for your use to have a united, peaceful, progressive, prosperous and delightful existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom which complements each other purposefully properly for this purpose, you people yourselves invent and impose your own rules of laws upon each other whereby you declare some things lawful and others unlawful for each other to take undue advantage of each other whereby you inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense against the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and yet you people falsely attribute your thinking and doing all this to Allah? Ask them, did Allah permit you to think and do that or do you attribute such falsehood to Allah by inventing lies upon lies against him?

    060] Moreover what are thoughts of those who invent lies upon lies currently or now and attribute them to Allah for creating and causing troubles and problems between mankind about the time period when they will be made to face the results of their very own these harmful and destructive thoughts and actions as time period of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions starts and purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah and his purpose based proper rule of law becomes established in the human world by his missionaries? So are they going to repent and reform by stop living the way they do and start living by way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind so that they could become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom? Surely purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is for bestowing blissful, dignified and secure existence upon mankind through their own needed hard works yet most of them do not use our provided things for them purposefully properly as they should as they are advised or guided.

    061] Be alert and warned that no matter what you think and do or no matter in whatever affairs you are engaged or involved and no matter at which part or at what stage of the Quranic program you are working yet whatever you are thinking and doing our set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms are present and they are fully engaged and involved in there, because there is not even a smallest possible matter regarding the earth or the heaven that is beyond control of set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of your creator and sustainer, not even any part of a thing be it small or large but it is governed by set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms or measures put in place by him.

    062] The fact is, despite all these measures being in place the people who carry out purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines they have nothing at all to regret about or to be anxious or worried about.

    063] Such as commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and prove themselves consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    064] For them there is good news of blissful, dignified and secure existence in this life as soon as they will start establishing the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world purposefully properly when they will start living according to the Quranic guidance purposefully properly and they will also have beautiful, happy and joyful existence in life to come as well so long as they will continue living by the Quranic guidance because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms put in place by Allah will never change to ensure that kind of outcome for them always so they will remain ever present and fully engaged constantly. Being that successful therefore will be a worthy achievement for those who will decide to take that path to live or abide by purposefully properly.

    065] So be alert and on your guard to not to let the falsehood invented by those who attribute lies to us inflict damage upon your mission. Remember always that blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind lies utterly and entirely only and only in the way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah alone and that is why he makes his purpose based proper guidance known to mankind due to his comprehensive knowledge of all things.

    066] Be or become fully aware and alert about the fact that whatever exists in all the distanced galaxies as well as in this galaxy belongs entirely and fully only and only to Allah alone so those who declare their allegiance to their imaginary Gods, masters or rulers other than or along with Allah live or abide by nothing but self deception because they support and promote nothing but falsehood whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    067] He is the one who has given rise to or has brought about the phenomenon of the night for you the mankind to reach state of equilibrium through resting during it as well as the day so that you could see and do things that need doing. Indeed there are evidences and lessons in all these explanations for those who observe things to try to understand them purposefully properly in order to heed our purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly.

    068] Some even claim that Allah has a successor. This is not true as he needs no successor because God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship or sovereignty over all that exists belongs utterly and entirely only and only to him alone and he is self-sufficient in his existence as well as in carrying out what he plans as he intends and pleases. To him alone and no one else belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth. Ask them, have you any proof for what you claim or are you so ignorant that you are attributing to Allah something about which you have no sensible explanation based on any evidence whatsoever?

    069] Say, those who attribute such lies to Allah will never be able to prove their these lies ever and for that very reason that they attribute lies to Allah they can never work for ensuring well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly unless they stop thinking and doing this and start seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    070] Even if some of them succeed in securing some of their intended petty personal gains from each other at times at each other’s expense therefore at the expense of being a purpose based proper human community based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah in his kingdom most of them are bound to ultimately turn to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind even if they will do so due to facing terrible consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other because of their initial rejection and opposition to our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    071] This is what happened to people before them as it is told by us for these people concerning the people in time of Noah. Once upon a time Noah called or invited chiefs and their supporters from among his people for a dialogue about our purpose based proper guidance for mankind saying, O my people, if my standing up and gaining ground on basis of my viewpoint is hard or difficult for you people to accept because I spread the purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind because I rely upon his guidance for convincing people then you too can get together for your response to my campaigning for it along with those whom you idolise for your Gods, masters or rulers other than or along with Allah ensuring your task is clear and not obscure or confusing for yourselves then argue your case against me and give me no time to prepare myself for this discussion.

    072] But should you people turn away from discussing and settling this issue or matter openly and sensibly with me then I do not expect any worthwhile outcome of my hard work for helping you people seek, receive, study, accept and act upon the purpose based proper message of Allah for mankind purposefully properly. However I still expect good outcome for my hard work from Allah for ensuring well being of mankind because it is he who has advised me that I should commit myself purposefully properly for supporting and promoting as well as abiding by his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    073] However they denied him the opportunity to discuss with them our purpose based proper message to him openly and freely so we saved and secured him and those who were with him in the same boat due to our that message for mankind as well as due to their seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly by making them inherit that place or land or kingdom successfully and we let drown their opponents due to their very own ignorance based arrogance in the sea of their very own mischiefs, problems and troubles who rejected and opposed our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind so they ended up destroyed by hands of each other by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to rejecting and opposing  our purpose based proper message for them. So you people can see why and how came about the end of those people who were forewarned well in advance about the terrible consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    074] Then after him at length we sent our prophets and messengers to their descendants and successors because they fell apart repeatedly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom in due course. Our prophets and messengers came to them with our brilliant program with goals and guidelines as to how they should come together to be a successful purpose based proper human community in our kingdom but some of them did not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom on the basis of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind which some of their ancestors had rejected and opposed before them. That is how we let those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense isolate their minds from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by leaving them alone on their own.

    075] Then later on we sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs with our purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines. But they too showed ignorance based arrogance because they were a people that rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and instead kept on inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    076] When our purpose based proper guidance came to them they said, this is an obvious falsehood to trick and fool us.

    077] Moses replied, is that the best you can say about the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind when it has come to you? Is this really a lie or falsehood when I am helping you people to educate and train yourselves according to it to ensure your well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly instead of striving for dominance over each other by undermining each other by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? Secret plotters and schemers or conspirators never educate and train their enemies to be good to each other instead they try their best to take undue advantage of them by setting up some of them against the others and thereby they put them on the road to their own harm and destruction by hands of each other therefore they fail to succeed and prosper.

    078] They said to Moses and Aaron, have you two come to turn us away from the way of life of our forefathers or ancestors so that you two could become our rulers in this place or land or kingdom? We will never commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom along with you two.

    079] Pharaoh also said to his chiefs and supporters, bring me every skilful person who is well versed in the art of debating and delivering sermons.

    080] When the experts in debating and delivering sermons came Moses said to them, demonstrate whatever explanations or arguments and evidences you people wish to put forth in support of your claims about your way of life for its justification.

    081] So when they had demonstrated their skills Moses said to them, the claims, the arguments and the evidences to justify your way of life which you have put forth to prove it the best for your people, the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind can surely overcome them by proving its superiority over your way of life as well as it can undermine your way of life by making the problems with it evident. Your way of life creates and causes disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between you people due to your securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so it is harmful and destructive for you people therefore it can never ever help your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah.

    082] This is how by its words alone purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind proved which way of life was fit and the best for ensuring well being of people through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly and which way of life was harmful and destructive for them due to creating and causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between them and this it did much to the dismay of those criminals who rejected and opposed purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and who thought and acted against each other against what it told them.

    083] None of the chiefs and their supporters committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah along with Moses and Aaron save youths from the human population of his own due to fear of Pharaoh, his chiefs and their supporters in case they persecute them and surely Pharaoh was so powerful in that land that he did not hesitate to cross any limit in this regard.

    084] At length Moses said to his people, O my people, if you people have truly committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly then you should rely upon his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms and get on with thinking and doing what you ought to be thinking and doing due to your purpose based proper commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    085] They replied to Moses, upon set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah we rely and that is how they expressed their this wish for staying safe and secure from their enemies to their creator and sustainer by their these thoughts and actions as if by saying, our creator and sustainer, we have played our part as you have guided us so as a result of that do not let us suffer at the hands of a people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #169 - December 08, 2023, 04:57 AM

    086] So we are hopeful that after thinking and doing all that you have told us you will deliver us through your blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines from the human population of such trouble makers and warmongers who reject and oppose installation of your rule of law in this place which is based upon your purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    087] Such was our purpose based proper plan as a project that involved processes and mechanisms for its completion which we revealed to Moses and his brother saying, start working on this project or mission step by step or stage by stage till its completion by getting your willing supporters together and set up in Egypt organised and regulated education and training institutions or centres and make your those institutions basis and foundation for organisation and regulation of your people on our provided ideological basis as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom to help them establish our advised purpose based proper rule of law for mankind to implement it through systems, structures,  procedures and practices purposefully properly for bringing about a purpose based proper culture for bringing about a purpose based proper economy for mankind which ensures their well being through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom. So give good news to those people who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for this project for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    088] However Moses responded by saying, our creator and sustainer, no doubt that you let Pharaoh and his chiefs have the opportunity to manage people and things in this place or land or kingdom who were supposed to make life of all people in this place blissful, dignified and secure but our creator and sustainer instead of thinking and doing things purposefully properly according to your purpose based proper guidance for them they misled the people of this land about your purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for them and thereby they have taken away rights of people to your provided sustenance, subsistence, provisions and livelihood for them. So our creator and sustainer, allow us to go for whatever they have unduly taken from us because of their terribly harmful and destructive ambitions and desires whereby they developed such mindsets, attitudes and behaviours because of which they strove for dominance over others by undermining them due to which they will not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity according to your purpose based proper guidance for mankind unless they see their own terrible painful suffering by hands of each other with their own eyes.

    089] Allah said, your concern will be or become addressed in due course but remain steadfast and follow not the path of those who ignore, avoid or neglect our purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines for them.

    090] That is how we led the ideological children of Israel to their safety and security out of sea of troubles and problems because Pharaoh, his chiefs and their supporters pursued them relentlessly with fire of hatred, animosity and oppression until they saw themselves drowning in their own self created sea of troubles and problems due to their inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. When he sensed that he is about to lose his power over people in his kingdom then in order to try and save his rule or reign over people he said to people who rose up and revolted against him to over throw him along with ideological children of Israel, I now declare my commitment to working for the project or purpose or mission of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of all people in this kingdom in his name other than whom there is no God. The God who is true owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation and in whose name children of Israel commit themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom so as of now I too have committed myself to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    091] Nevertheless he was told by people who rose up and revolted against him, now you declare your commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity when you are being deposed and you have lost your position of power over people along with your body of chiefs and their supporters in this place, land or kingdom but earlier on when you were in control of people and things you were terribly rebellious so you were one of those who plotted, schemed and conspired for creating disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between the human populations in this land.

    092] However from now on we have deposed you along with your body of chiefs so that your period of controlling people and things of this land becomes a lesson for generations to come even though most of the mankind do not pay their due attention to our revealed purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for them so that things do not come to this stage.

    093] That is how we settled or placed or founded ideological children of Israel upon solid base or foundation of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind which was a provable truth and we provided them with all kinds of beneficial and useful things whereby they could ensure their own well being as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence. However in due course they too fell away from our purpose based proper guidance for them therefore they fell in or ended up in disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense despite having received our purpose based proper guidance for them by stepping aside from it due to no longer seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it. No doubt your creator and sustainer will settle all these kinds of disputes and issues between them during the time period when revolts, uprising and bloody revolutions will start taking place as well as when his purpose based proper rule of law based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind will become established in the human world by his missionaries purposefully properly for this purpose through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms which are permanently at work always in his kingdom.

    094] If at all any of you the people from among the human populations in the human world are in any doubt regarding what we have revealed for you people in shape or form of this Quran then you people can also consult those people who have been given our scriptures before this and they have been seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon them purposefully properly. You will surely find that this Quran is also a confirmable truth from us in actual fact which has come for you people from your creator and sustainer therefore you people should not be of those who are confused and in doubt about it due to not seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    095] Therefore you people should not be of those who due to their ignorance based arrogance reject and oppose purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind otherwise in due course you people will also end up in irrecoverable and irreversible loss due to your continue living the way you do whereby you inflict harms and destructions upon each other for dominance over each other by undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    096] Nonetheless despite his this warning well in advance for them those who are warned by their creator and sustainer will prove his warning true in actual fact about themselves by themselves because despite his purpose based proper guidance having reached them or come to them due to their ignorance based arrogance they will not seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly by committing themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    097] They will not do so even if each and every kind of purpose based proper explanation is brought to them to help them understand things purposefully properly because due to their ignorance based arrogance they will not seek, receive, study, accept and act as it is required of them purposefully properly so they will experience or undergo or taste or suffer terribly painful and humiliating state of existence by hands of each other due to striving for dominance over each other by undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    098] So why none of the human populations as a whole of any settlement we have mentioned about did not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them so that thereby they could ensure their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly save those people who as a whole human population in their settlement were already purposefully properly prepared for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly? Therefore thereby we removed from between them terribly painful humiliating harms and destructions they were inflicting upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and instead we blessed them with all they needed for living a happy and joyful life for a given period of time.

    099] Had it been a matter of enforcing his will upon mankind for your creator and sustainer then all the people in the human world all together will have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom but he let them have their freedom to choose as well as his purpose based proper guidance for them, so will you then compel mankind against their will to commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom instead of letting them choose freely to think and do as they please and face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other?

    100] Since people are given the ability to choose to think and do things as they please, it is therefore not possible for anyone to commit oneself purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom unless they seek, receive, study, accept and act upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly otherwise he lets people remain in their ignorance based arrogance due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against mankind whereby they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other due to their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours because they do not use their brains and senses purposefully properly to learn to be wise and to act upon that wisdom.

    101] Say to mankind, observe, explore and discover whatever is in the distanced galaxies as well as in this galaxy for benefiting mankind but remember always the fact that our purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines as well as its warning does not benefit those who do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    102] Are these people also waiting for the similar days to befall them like the ones that befell people before them when their ignorant masses rose up and revolted against their harmful and destructive secular and religious leading people due to their atrocities they committed against them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense? Say, ponder over this point while you are waiting for that to happen and I too will ponder over it the while I too am waiting with you till the coming of such time when such a situation arises or takes place.

    103] However be or become purposefully properly aware of the fact that whenever such a time came for human populations, we saved our prophets and messengers to them as well as those who committed themselves purposefully properly along with them to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and this has been our way of doing things always which never changed and will never change. It is because for sure we took it upon our self as our responsibility and their right upon us that thereby we free them from all the troubles and problems between themselves those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    104] Say, O mankind, if you are in any doubt concerning my assigned mission by Allah for establishing his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world then know this fact that I am not sent to live by rule of law of those whom you idolise as Gods, masters and rulers other than or along with Allah whereby you people inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore I rather live or abide by rule of law of Allah alone whose set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms deliver to you people the outcomes of your very own thoughts and actions against each other. This is why I am commanded to be of those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    105] Therefore place and settle yourself firmly upon the way of life and the rule of law that are purposefully proper for their stated purposes and be not of those who adopt ways of life or rules of laws other than the ones which are advised for mankind by Allah alone.
    106] So never rely upon any way of life or any rule of law other than the one advised for mankind by Allah alone for ensuring their well being because other ways of life or rules of laws cannot ensure your well being nor can they save and secure or protect you people by stopping, preventing and hindering you from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. If you people will still adopt any other way of life or rule of law after all these explanations and evidences then remember always that you will always end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and so you will end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    107] Remember always the fact that if set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah deliver you the mankind any calamity or catastrophe at all as a result of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions even then none can help you overcome its effects but only and only his purpose based proper guidance for mankind alone by guiding you people as to how to do that. Similarly if set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah deliver you the mankind his blessings as a result of your own purpose based proper thoughts and actions according to his purpose based proper guidance for ensuring your own well being then again none can withhold or stop delivery of that goodness or blessing to you either. However he bestows his blessings in form of prosperity upon whichever of his human populations work for it according to his purpose based proper plan because he is protector and guardian of mankind by means of his blissful, dignified and secure life providing purpose based proper program for them.

    108] Say, O mankind, surely the purpose based proper guidance from your creator and sustainer has come to you in actual fact so any human population that will live or abide by it, it will do so for ensuring its own well being by its complementing each other purposefully properly and any human population that will turn away from it will do so for ensuring its own harm and destruction by hands of each other because I am not here to control your affairs for you by force rather that you people will have to do for yourselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring your own well being.

    109] Therefore support by your thoughts, words and actions the purpose based proper guidance which is revealed for you the mankind by your creator and sustainer and be steadfast about it till Allah brings about the establishment of his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind through his missionaries because he is the wisest of all those whom you people take for your rulers in the human world other than or along with him.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #170 - December 27, 2023, 02:23 AM

    Surah 7       AL ARAAF- Allah decided to express his self through his creation and revelation so he created and evolved mankind by giving them freedom to think and act as they please and that way he put them through very, very hard struggle and set for them heights of excellence as a standard to reach by preparing themselves purposefully properly through learning sense of making purpose based proper sense of things in his kingdom of creation by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly by committing themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of themselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence in here as well as in hereafter. Their failure to do that results in their terrible painful suffering by hands of each other due to their striving for dominance over each other by undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] Alif Laam Meem Suad.

    002] This book is revealed to you by us for that very reason which contains our purpose based proper program for mankind to carry out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines so that thereby you let there remain nothing troubling and problematic within the very heart of your human population by turning it thereby into a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom and by warning them as to what will happen to them if they will fail to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly and if they will fail to give it their due attention and respect it purposefully properly deserves because it will raise to heights of excellence only and only those people who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it.   

    003] Therefore strictly and wholeheartedly stick with, adhere to or abide by what is revealed to you the mankind by your creator and sustainer so do not live or abide by rule of law or way of life by anyone other than the one told by him. Little you people reflect, ponder or think over or pay attention to things which matter for you the most.

    004] Just observe and think about how many of the settlements of the human populations in the human world have we let destroy themselves by hands of each other because our warnings well in advance became realities for them due to their invented and adopted ways of life and rules of laws whereby they strove hard for domination over each other by undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they rendered each other into ignorant, unproductive, useless, lazy, inactive, ineffective and dead people.

    005] At the time when our set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms delivered them the results of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other all they could say was, we have indeed been living our lives by a way of life and a rule of law whereby we have been inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    006] For similar reason and in a similar way in due course we will continue making those human populations face the consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other to whom our message is delivered and we will also hold accountable the people who have been made responsible by us for carrying out our this mission of delivery of our message to mankind in the human world.

    007] Be or become alert and aware of the fact that we tell their stories to you people for lessons to make you aware of the fact that our set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms are never absent, disengaged or uninvolved so they never fail to deliver to mankind consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other which result due to their securing their very own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    008] This is how things are kept purposefully properly balanced for a set period of time so that any people whose works carry weight in sight of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind purposefully properly according to his purpose based proper guidance prosper for sure and are successful indeed.

    009] However those human populations whose harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other will tip the scale against them in sight of Allah and purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, their secular and religious leaders and their people will find themselves in serious losses because of their living their lives in contravention of our purpose based proper, goals and guidelines.

    010] The fact is, it is we who have established you in this world and provided you with ways and means for your existence and sustenance therein yet you hardly stick to our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines which can help you attain blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom through your purposeful proper use of our sustenance and provisions.

    011] That is what we created and evolved you the mankind for and therefore moulded, bent and modelled you into shape where after we said to the tribal chiefs to accept for Adam the position of a chief administrator and manager. They all agreed save Iblees, he was not of those who agreed.

    012] Allah asked Ibees, what stopped you from accepting Adam as the chief administrator when it is I who advised you to do so? He replied, it is I who should have been preferred, approved or selected for this position rather than him. You have created and evolved me into a quick-witted and hyperactive person whereas you have created and evolved him into a dim-witted and slow acting person.

    013] Allah said, get out of your this mindset, attitude and behaviour as it is not beneficial, benevolent and conducive for mankind that you should demonstrate your harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for dominance over others by undermining them. Get out of this mindset, attitude and behaviour of yours because by your thoughts and actions you have exposed yourself as an unworthy person for the office of the purpose based proper human community administration in my kingdom by coming up with such a harmful and destructive explanation, justification or excuse for attaining that position.

    014] Iblees said, give me time to think over about this matter till the day these people are to take their offices for their administrative and management duties for this place, settlement, land or kingdom.

    015] Allah said, the respite for which you have requested for thinking over about this matter is granted for you.

    016] Iblees then complaint to Allah by saying, since you have declared my way of thinking and doing things harmful and destructive for mankind which I have learned through my own life experience and therefore you have caused me loss of my entitlement to position of chief administrator of a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom due to these like people, I will from now on lie in wait for them looking for each and every opportunity to lead them away from your program, goals and guidelines for them.

    017] So I will reach or get these members of purpose based proper human community in your kingdom through those who will lead them as well as through those who will support and back them up by way of changing their basis for their ambitions and desires as well as their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours therefore as a result of that you will not find most of them using your purpose based proper provisions purposefully properly.

    018] Allah said, if this is what you are planning or intend to do to your fellow human beings then it is better that you are not part of this purpose based proper human community and its administration in my kingdom because you have brought this distancing and isolation upon yourself so remain isolated and excluded if that is your final choice. Also if any of them will also choose to support and back up your way of thinking and doing things then I will certainly let all such people from among you the mankind turn this place of their settlement into a hell hole for themselves by their own making or interaction and participation.

    019] Thereafter Allah said to Adam, O Adam, bring about you and your team, party or company of supporters and backers a purpose based proper human community in the place you are settled on basis of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence in our kingdom and participate and partake in there as you desire but take no step at all against our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines because if you did then you people will become of those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and therefore they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    020] However in due course the leading rejector and opponent of our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind spread information, ideas and thoughts about his way of life among people of both the parties, among the people of the purpose based proper human community as well as its administration in order to create disunity, disturbance, troubles and problems between them as a people to bring about the troublesome and problematic situation and the set of circumstances from which they were saved and secured or protected by our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by telling them things such as, your creator and sustainer has forbidden you from living by the forbidden way of life only in case you people become powerful and rule the place for your lifetimes.

    021] That is how he plotted, schemed and conspired through individuals in both the parties or groups, through the individuals in the administration and through the individuals in the purpose based proper community in order to create divisions between them through disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between them and yet told them, I am your sincere adviser.

    022] That is how he covertly and cunningly through his false promises convinced them to go against our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind but when they went against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they broke our set limits and experienced, underwent, tasted and suffered the life of lawlessness, anarchy and disorder as a results of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other it became obvious to them that they have made a grave mistake by giving up our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind so they began to stitch together for themselves the pages of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as they began to patch up, repair and mend their fractured, severed and broken relationships between themselves in order to recreate for themselves their lost blissful, dignified and secure existence in the place they lived in by becoming a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom once again. Thereupon their creator and sustainer called upon them saying, did I not stop you from going against my purpose based proper guidance for mankind and did I not alert you that the rejector and opponent of my advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind is your open enemy so be alert and on your guard concerning him and his ideological group or tribe or supporters and backers?

    023] Both the parties responded, our creator and sustainer, by going against your purpose based proper guidance for mankind we have harmed and destroyed ourselves through hands of each other. If you will not save and secure us through your blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind then we will certainly be of those who have ended up utterly destroyed by hands of each other.

    024] Allah said, get out of your this terribly harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour based upon your harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for dominating each other by undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which landed you in this terribly painful and humiliating state of existence, whereby some of you became enemies of others whereas in this world there is sufficient provision and sustenance for all of you to live happily and joyfully for a set or given period of time as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    025] Therein you the mankind can rise to heights of excellence as a purpose based proper human community by complementing each other purposefully properly according to my purpose based proper guidance for mankind by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly as well as therein through divisions you can fall victim to disputes, rivalries, animosities, fight and wars between yourselves and perish as a human populations by hands of each other by ignoring, avoiding and neglecting it so that is how by means of that sort of struggle you people can be brought out of this terribly humiliating state of existence back to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence.

    026] O ideological, biological and sociological children of Adam, we surely have revealed for you the protective shield or covering in form of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as a program with goals and guidelines so that you people cover, shield, guard and screen yourselves well against all kinds and all types of harmful and destructive sources for your own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. That is why your best protection against harm and destruction is only and only your purpose based proper consistency with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other. This Quran is surely one of the revelations of Allah so that people strive very, very hard to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly for ensuring their own well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    027] O ideological, biological and sociological children of Adam, let not the rejector and opponent of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind succeed in causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between or among you the very same way as he fooled and misled your ancestors, predecessors and leading people and thereby got them out of state of blissful, dignified and secure existence in a place they were settled in by stripping them of their protection by distancing and moving them away from the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and that way exposed them to a way of life whereby they harmed and destroyed each other due to their striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. So be alert and become aware of the fact that the rejector and opponent of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and his supporters ambush, assault and attack you from such an angle that you do not realise in time how they are going to harm and destroy you. However it is we who gave the rejectors and opponents of our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind the freedom to think and do as they please but they choose to be supporters and backers of those who do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    028] They stick to each other so much and in such a way that even when they inflict any harms and destructions themselves upon each other as a human population they say, we found our forefathers doing all this to each other because Allah himself has commanded us to do so. Say to them, no way, Allah has never commanded mankind to think and do to each other what is harmful and destructive for them instead he always told them to ensure well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. You people inflict harms and destructions upon each other for dominating each other for undermining each for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so why are you people attributing to Allah falsehood something about which you people have no knowledge whatsoever because you people did not bother to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly?

    029] Tell them, my creator and sustainer only and only commands mankind to turn to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and establish and maintain his purpose based proper rule of law purposefully properly in his human world and stand by it for deciding all matters between you people purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for carrying out his purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines purposefully properly and sincerely, so that that way you people could return to the original state of blissful, dignified and secure existence just as he evolved and moulded you originally for establishing and maintaining a place or kingdom based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind the very first time after which you fell away from his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    030] Despite all this help from him through his scriptures as well as prophets and messengers or missionaries one group of mankind ended up being guided which sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly the while concerning the other group his forecast came to pass and proved true that they will fall in error and remain therein because they chose the rejectors and opponents of purpose based proper way of life which was advised for mankind by Allah as their leaders to guide them instead of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and still they assume about themselves that they are living their lives according to the purpose based proper way of life as it is advised by Allah for them so they deem themselves guided purposefully properly.

    031] For that reason O ideological, biological and sociological children of Adam, hold firmly and purposefully properly onto what gives you people blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom regarding each and every matter which concerns your well being by taking part or participating in purpose based proper education and training or in learning, thinking and doing things according to it so that you do not end up mishandling, mismanaging and misusing his provisions for you people and remember always the fact that for sure his set-up, purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms do not save and secure or protect and support any people who mishandle, mismanage and misuse his provisions for mankind.

    032] Say, who dares to declare unlawful in the very name of Allah for any of the people the right to use his provided things for them in a purposeful proper way to have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, things which Allah brought forth for the blissful, dignified and secure existence of his human creatures as sustenance, subsistence and livelihood for them for ensuring their well being? However emphasise for them this fact also that, no doubt they are for benefitting purposefully properly only and only those human populations which will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom as sustenance and livelihood for life as it is for them at present but especially for them for the time period when the purpose based proper rule of law based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah will become fully and purposefully properly established and maintained in the human world by his missionaries in his kingdom. That is the reason and that is the way we explain purposefully properly our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for people who strive very, very hard for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly.

    033] Say, my creator and sustainer has forbidden only and only harmful and destructive participation and interaction between mankind which is by some against the others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense which lands them in terribly painful and humiliating state of existence as a human population in a place or land or kingdom regardless any such act is carried out by anyone in the open in public or in secret in private which is in actual fact rebellion against the kingdom based upon his purpose based proper rule of law that is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly without any justification whatsoever as well as he has strictly forbidden mankind to attribute any other way of life to Allah for mankind for which he has sent no authorisation and saying things about Allah about which one has no purpose based proper information and its purpose based proper understanding.

    034] For each human population there is a fixed term governed by set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah and that is why the end of their term can neither be delayed for a moment nor can it be brought about any earlier.

    035] So O ideological, biological and sociological children of Adam, whenever there come to you my prophets and messengers from among you proclaiming to you my purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for you those who will become consistent with them in their thoughts and actions as well as with each other they will have nothing to regret and nothing to fear, worry or be anxious about.

    036] However those who will reject and oppose our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines instead of becoming consistent with them and with each other seeking dominance over each other by undermine each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in due course they will end up consumed by fire of hatred and animosity between themselves and they will remain in that terribly painful and humiliating state of existence unless and until they turn to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by repenting and reforming themselves by leaving the way of life they live by and by adopting the way of life we have advised for mankind purposefully properly.

    037] Who can be more harmful and destructive than the one who invents and spreads or tells lies about Allah and attributes them to him and that way rejects and opposes living for carrying out his purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its gaols according to his provided guidelines? Such are the people for whom the forewarning in the scripture becomes a reality in due course as outcome of their very own thoughts and actions against each other. This keeps on happening to such people till there come to them our missionaries to fulfil to them our forewarning in full while asking them, where are those rulers, priests and money lenders whom you idolised and according to whose way of life you lived your lives instead of living by purpose based proper way of life which was advised for mankind by Allah whereby you people secured your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other? Their reply to them is, they have led us to this chaos, confusion, anarchy, lawlessness and disorder and that is how they bear witness against themselves and their rulers, priests and money lenders that they have indeed lived their lives in rejection and opposition to way of life that was advised for mankind by us.

    038] So they are told by our missionaries or officials of the place, settlement, land or kingdom which is managed or run purposefully properly according to our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world in accordance to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, now you human population or people of current era also enter the list of those people who face the results of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense just like those human populations or parties or people who also inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense who passed away before you from among rulers, priests, money lenders, their touts and supporters who lived their lives by a way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each others at each other’s expense and ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other through mutual hatred, animosity and strife and infighting. Each and every human population that lives by a way of life whereby it secures its own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense ends up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and upon any party or human population that lives the same way. That is the way they carry on living their lives one after the other, generation after generation till all of such human populations or parties or people are of the same mindset, attitude and behaviour due to adopting the very same harmful and destructive way of life that leads them to their own terribly painful and humiliating state of existence and that is how each of them that comes after the one before it expresses its rage against the one before it by expressing their wish or desire by saying to our missionary team when they are brought for prosecution, we testify in the name of our creator and sustainer that these people have led us away from the way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah therefore increase their painful suffering multi-folds. So they are told by them, it is multi-folds for all of you who deserve it because you are a people who decided to remain ignorant and unaware about purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind and thought and did what you were warned against instead of striving for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    039] That is why each predecessor human population or generation says to its successor, you also have not done any better than us so you too taste the consequences for your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    040] Surely those who reject and oppose abiding by our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines and instead strive for dominating each other by undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other, ways to accomplishing vitally and most important objectives which raise them to heights of excellence do not open for them so they can never reach heights of excellence to achieve blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom as it is required of them unless and until they go through complete transformation of mindset, attitude and behaviour to be consistent with our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind as well as with each other. That is why our set-up systems and laws as well as process and mechanisms confront those who think and act against each other due to their thinking acting against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    041] It is because due to adopting harmful and destructive ways of life they become stuck in life of painful suffering that envelops them from all sides from their starting point till they are finished by each other. That is how we make those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other against our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines face the results of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    042] On the contrary those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they strive very, very hard for removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between mankind in order to unite them for their own peace, progress and prosperity, we never burden them with responsibilities as duties and obligations but for directing them towards their pointed out objectives for increasing their chances for their greater accomplishments, because such are the people who can bring about the place, settlement, land or kingdom based upon our purpose based proper rule of law which is in turn based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence wherein they can abide for as long as they live and maintain their that state of existence.

    043] That is the way we remove whatever ill or harmful and destructive ambitions and desires they have in their minds against one another. Rivers of love, respect and livelihood flow between them under their management and running of the place they live in because they express through their character and conduct that God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship or sovereignty of this kingdom of creation only and only belongs to Allah alone who provided us with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to accomplish all this, because we could never have achieved all this had Allah not guided us purposefully properly towards this end. The prophets and messengers of our creator and sustainer surely came to us with the true purpose based proper plan of actions as a project for us which we were supposed to and were able to turn into reality. That is how they will hear some people saying to others among them, this is the blissful, dignified and secure life providing place which you have inherited because of your own purpose based proper hard works by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    044] The people in the blessed place, habitation, settlement, land or kingdom will call out to the dwellers on way of life that lands them into life of terrible painful suffering saying, we have indeed found the promise of our creator and sustainer fulfilled, have you too found the promise of your creator and sustainer fulfilled? Yes, they will answer and a crier among them will reply, the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah that govern the existence and operation of all things in his kingdom of creation always keep away those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense from the blissful, dignified and secure state of existence.

    045] Such as stop, prevent and hinder people from living their lives the way they are advised by Allah by replacing it with a way of life which is harmful and destructive for mankind because it is based upon imaginary and false secular and religious beliefs and practices. That is because they stop, prevent and hinder themselves from learning and knowing about the future effects of their own these thoughts and actions upon themselves and their coming generations as a people.

    046] So the opposition between thoughts and actions of these two opposing groups of people due to their opposing objectives, goals, projects, missions and targets is clearly obvious. It is because at the heights of excellence in terms of knowledge, character and conduct are the leaders, administrators, managers, coordinators and supervisors of the purpose based proper human community who are capable of recognizing all the people among them who are capable of working purposefully properly for the blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by their excellent characteristics, attributes, qualities and features. They are to welcome all those who can work for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind purposefully properly as parts of purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by saying to them, achieving and maintaining unity, peace, progress and prosperity of yourselves and rest of mankind depends upon your purpose based proper thoughts and actions. There will also be people who will not have yet entered the struggle for the establishment and the maintenance of the purpose based proper human community in a place but they will have longing and yearning for it but they will get involved in this struggle in due course.

    047] It is because when their eyes based upon wisdom through their own life experiences and our revelation will turn towards the people who think and act for making their own lives hell for themselves and others they will express their wish by saying, our creator and sustainer, do not let us become parts of these people or human populations which inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by transgressing against your purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    048] That is why people at the heights of excellence from among the purpose based proper human community in places of their own settlements in the human world who will have reached their objective, target and goal and who will have accomplished or fulfilled their assigned mission by us will call out to certain people in other human populations in the human world living in certain places whom they will recognize by their characteristics, attributes, qualities and features for asking them, have you people found out the fact we told you about yourselves yet, that, neither your striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other nor your securing of your own petty personal gains from each other in shape and form of wealth, riches and treasures at each other’s expense can ever benefit you or give you advantage over us or help you reach your objectives, goals and targets as a people because you people used to tell us that we could never reach our objectives, goals and targets but as you can see by yourselves that we have?

    049] Are these people who have brought about blissful, dignified and secure existence in a place for themselves not the very same people about whom you used to swear by Allah that he will never bestow his blessings upon them in form of unity, peace, progress and prosperity? So it is better for you that you people also leave your way of life you live by and adopt the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah that leads mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence so that you too have nothing to worry about or to regret about.

    050] So ultimately any people among human populations who live by any way of life which is harmful and destructive for mankind because thereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other therefore they work towards life of painful suffering and destruction for themselves they will call upon those who work towards life of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for requesting them by saying to them, give us some drink of heavenly, Godly, divine information or help us learn such information that can raise us to heights of excellence and some food for thought that Allah has provided you with so that we too could get out of our miserable state of existence by working for blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it. That is how they will be helped out of their misery. However they will warn them about the fact that set-up systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah certainly let both of these things slip away from the reach of people who do not learn purpose based proper sense or knowledge from their own life experiences and therefore they reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to their very own ignorance based arrogance.

    051] Such people as have taken their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for their way of life to fool about due to which they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which ultimately prove deceptive and delusive for them in contrast to our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind for living their lives in this world purposefully properly. That is why our set-up systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms let them fail in making progress towards blissful, dignified and secure existence at the time of delivering to them the outcomes of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other just as they fail to see in time the coming about of this situation if they continue along the path they choose for themselves to live by instead of meeting our set standard for mankind. All this happens to them because they ignore, avoid and neglect seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind purposefully properly by rejecting and opposing them due to their ignorance based arrogance.

    052] Surely we sent a book in which we detailed things purposefully properly for mankind based upon our knowledge of things as a purpose based proper guidance for them towards blissful, dignified and secure existence for those who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    053] So, what are these people waiting for other than the yet worse results of their own terrible thoughts and actions against each other? However when the time for delivery of ultimate results of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other comes upon any people those who have been taking warning about it lightly or they have been disregarding it will end up admitting, surely the prophets and messengers or missionaries of our creator and sustainer did come with a mission assign to them by him which they ought to turn into reality in due course. So are there any such interveners there now for us who could intervene on our behalf or is there a way we could be sent back in time so that we do not think and do things to each other as we have been thinking and doing till we reached this terrible state of existence by hands of each other. The fact is, such people are lost in themselves and the things they invent against the way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah which leave them in lurch, suspense, chaos, confusion, anarchy, disarray, disorder and lawlessness disorganised and unregulated or unarranged or disarranged or in disarray.

    054] Surely your creator and sustainer is only and only Allah alone who planned, programmed and designed as well as originated and evolved all the distanced galaxies which are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets in successive stages so he has constantly and consistently maintained his control over his kingdom of creation through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms. He thereby gave rise to the phenomenon of the night and the day by way of a complex mechanism whereby each seeks the other in rapid succession and likewise through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms he made subservient all things to his program by his planning including the sun and the moon as well as the stars. So be or become aware of the fact that to plan, program, originate and evolved things as well as to set them tasks for fulfilling their purposes in his scheme of things is only and only his right alone. So much is Allah full of capabilities which he expresses through his creation and revelation for mankind, the creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the human world.

    055] So invite or call mankind sincerely and wisely to purpose based proper way of life which is advised for them by your creator and sustainer O people, because his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms support not those who go against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by breaking his set limits.

    056] Therefore conspire not to create and cause disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions, dissensions, rifts, conflicts, fights and wars between people in the human world after all these ills between mankind have been removed by his missionaries through help of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind instead refer to and rely upon his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms regarding all matters that concern you or you desire or worry about or you are interested in. Surely the blissful, dignified and secure existence providing program, goals and guidelines for mankind revealed by Allah will always make possible to do so for those who will seek and strive hard for creating or bringing about a beautiful world for themselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    057] That is why he sends through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms winds bearing water vapour as good news of his blessings for mankind. Until they become heavy clouds which we move along to a dead piece of land and make the rain fall upon it to bring forth all kinds of fruits and growths from it thereby. Likewise we raise the human populations which become dead, unproductive and useless back to life through rain of heavenly revelation by inspiring, moving and motivating them thereby, so that you the mankind become a people who learn sense of making purposeful proper sense of things as well as of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and so that you people keep on reminding each other to think and do the same for ensuring your own well being as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    058] That is because the land or soil prepared purposefully properly according to set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah yields the best possible produce but the soil left unattended as a barren land yields nothing but poor produce. That is how we explain the purpose of our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind so that thereby they could become a people who make purpose based proper use of our provided things for ensuring their own well being.

    059] Indeed we sent Noah to his people for the very same reason and he said to them. O my people, carry out purpose based proper program of Allah by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines because there is no God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation other than or along with him. This I say because otherwise I fear for you people the coming of a time period which will be full of harms and destructions for you people by hands of each other if you will refuse to think and do what I explain and suggest to you people due to your striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other due to the way you people live your lives whereby you secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense as a result of your own course of thoughts and actions against each other.

    060] The secular and religious leaders or chiefs of his people said to him, surely we see that you are in manifest error in telling us these things.

    061] He replied, O my people, I am not in error at all, on the contrary I am a prophet and messenger from the creator and sustainer of the human populations in the human world.

    062] I am appointed to deliver the purpose based proper message of my creator and sustainer to you people purposefully properly to give you people a friendly advice because I am made aware and knowledgeable by Allah about some of the things about which you people are not yet aware and knowledgeable.

    063] The chiefs of his people refused to accept him as a prophet and messenger to them from their creator and sustainer because they said to him, you are just a human being like ourselves and not a supernatural being who can do things supernaturally, miraculously and magically so he said to them, why do you people think it something strange that there has come to you a message from your creator and sustainer through a man like yourselves from among yourselves to forewarn you about the terrible outcome of your thoughts and actions against each other due to the way you people live so that you people could leave your way of life and instead become consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that you could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom?

    064] But they refused to accept all that he told them so we saved and secured him and all those who were with him in the very same boat or situation or set of circumstances and let the rest of them destroy each other who refused to live for carrying out our purpose based proper program for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines for them. Surely they were a crowd of deaf, dumb and blind people.

    065] Likewise for people of Aad we sent their brother Hood who said to them, O my people, establish the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the land you live which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because you have no God, master and ruler other than or along with him. Will you then not be consistent with him as well as with each other for ensuring your own well being by complementing each other purposefully properly?

    066] The secular and religious chiefs of his people who rejected and opposed his message said, we can see that you are foolish and we think that you are lying to make fool of us.

    067] He replied to them, O my people, I am not foolish and I am not lying to fool you people, on the contrary to your assumptions I am a prophet and messenger from the creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the human world.

    068] I am simply conveying the message of my creator and sustainer to you people and I am a well wisher and a sincere adviser for you people towards your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom through your complementing each other purposefully properly so that you people do not end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other the way you live your lives due to striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    069] Or are you people thinking that it is a strange thing to happen that a message from your creator and sustainer should come for you people through one of your own men to forewarn you about the terrible consequences of living the way you do due to your striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which you people inflict harms and destructions upon each other which can harm and destroy you as a people? Remember that he made you people successors after the people of Noah and gave you a lofty best stature, capacity, capability, power and status among rest of human populations till you remained upon his advised purpose based proper way of life as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. Therefore start seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his this purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly, so that you could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom once again as you did earlier or before.

    070] They replied, have you come to us with the demand that we abide by rule of law based upon guidance of Allah alone and give up those Gods, masters and rulers whom our forefathers have been idolising and serving other than or along with him? In that case we reject your demand and if you can then bring upon us what you are threatening us with if what you claim is true.

    071] Hood said to them, you have already fallen in enough terrible painful suffering through set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of your creator and sustainer by going against his purpose based proper rule of law which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Are you people disputing with me over some names which you and your forefathers have coined and idolised as your Gods, masters and rulers other than or along with him about whom being authority Allah has revealed no proof whatsoever nor have they themselves? So if you will not give up this nonsense of yours and you will continue living the way you do then wait for yet more serious consequences for your course of thoughts and actions against each other and I too will wait along with you to see outcome of our thoughts and actions according to our own foundations respectively.

    072] At length we saved and secured him and his supporters and companions through their thoughts and actions according to our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines and we let cut off the roots of those who rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by hands of each other because they denied each other our given rights as well as access to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and other provisions for them and all this happened to them because they did not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    073] For the very same reason for the people of Thamud we sent their brother Saaleh with our message who said to them, O my people, establish the rule of law of Allah in the land you live in purposefully properly which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because you have no God, master and ruler other than or along with him. Surely a brilliant proof has come for you people from your creator and sustainer and this brilliant proof from Allah is a foundation for you people to raise, regulate and maintain your purpose based proper human community according to it which is in form of a program for you people to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to its provided guidelines for your recovery to be a people as you once were when you used to abide by his purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly. So let it rule purposefully properly and freely in the kingdom of Allah and do not approach it with harmful and destructive intent or intention for using it abusively against each other in case you people end up in the grip of terrible painful state of existence due to inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    074] For that reason remember also how you people were made to succeed Aad by settling in their land capable of building mansions in the valleys and carving out homes in the mountains. Therefore strive very, very hard to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly as well as spread this message of his among rest of the human populations in the human world instead of spreading disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between them by working against each other.

    075] The dominant secular and religious people from his human population asked the oppressed and submissive masses among them who had already committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind; do you really know if Saleh has been actually sent as a prophet and messenger to us by his creator and sustainer? They replied, we have truly committed ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind on the basis of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind with which he has been sent to us.

    076] The secular and religious leaders and their supporters among them said, we reject and oppose all that on basis of which you have committed yourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in this place or land or kingdom.

    077] That is how they blocked the way to the establishment and the implementation of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind in the land they lived in and that way they defied God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of their creator and sustainer and challenged Saaleh by saying, bring upon us the harm and destruction you have been warning us about if you are truly of the prophets and messengers of your creator and sustainer to us.

    078] Due to their such response to our purpose based proper guidance for them in due course revolt, uprising, bloody revolution as well as a sudden attack upon them from outside took them by surprise and that is how they ended up utterly destroyed within their place of settlement.

    079] Because they rejected and opposed Saalih so he moved away his supporters from them well within time saying to them, O my people, I did indeed convey to you the purpose based proper message of my creator and sustainer for you and I gave you a very good advice but you people love not those who give you the best possible advice that is most beneficial and advantageous for a people who desire to have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    080] For the very same reason we sent Lot to his human population who said to them at the time, why do you people approach life in such a shameful way which is so harmful and destructive for you as a people whereby you people dispossess each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other to such degree that no people before you reached this height of cruelty through inflicting harms and destructions upon each other in the entire human world?

    081] Some of you people stick with and team up with most advantaged and influential people in our human population to bring them power who are full of harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against the people who are least advantaged. No doubt you people are given to transgression that is unbearably successive.

    082] The influential people and their supporters in his human population had no reasonable purpose based proper response to his questioning but instead they said to their supporters and backers, drive these people out of your place or settlement by force because they are a people who are overcome by the ideology of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in this place so they wish to clean up your place or land or kingdom of things they see wrong in there.

    083] So we saved and secured Lot and all his supporters and backers from yet more harms and destructions which these people were going to inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense as well as due to revolt, uprising and bloody revolution that was to take place in there except a party of his leading people and their supporters because this party was of those who regressed to stage of their own total harm and destruction beyond rescue.

    084] After moving away Lot and his supporters from there we left them on their own so they let loose upon each other horrific troubles and problems like rain due to their own course of thoughts and actions against each other therefore see what was the end result of terrible thoughts and actions of those who inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense?

    085] Likewise for Madyan people we sent their brother Shuaib who said to them, O my people, establish the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind purposefully properly in the place you live in which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because there is no God, master and ruler for you people other than or along with him. There has indeed come for you a brilliant standard, cornerstone, foundation, basis, benchmark, a set of specifications or criterion from your creator and sustainer so fulfil your contractual, constitutional and legal duties, obligations and responsibilities purposefully properly to each other according to this set measure that is purposefully properly balanced therefore do not withhold or hold back things from each other which are rightfully due to you people from each other and therefore by holding things back from each other do not create and cause disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between yourselves in the land after everything has been arranged and set in order for you people purposefully properly. This is for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by your complementing each other purposefully properly if you people have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in his kingdom.

    086] So if you people are looking for that kind of blessed existence as a human population then you should not sit in ambush looking for each and every opportunity to attack and assault those who are seeking, searching, looking for, receiving and studying purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind in order to stop, prevent and hinder them from accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly so that they could accept it and act upon it by committing themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by deliberately creating and causing crookedness in it by your misinterpretations and misrepresentations for propagating that crookedness so that thereby you could stop, prevent and hinder them from accomplishing their objective, goal or mission. Call to mind how through that very way of life he multiplied you people when you were just a few people in numbers and think also about what was the end of the problematic, troublemakers, warmongers and conspirators in the human populations before you people.

    087] So if there is one group of people from among you people that commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom on the basis of that with which I have been sent by him and the other group who do not commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind then be steadfast each of you on your chosen paths or courses of thoughts and actions respectively until set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah decide the matter between us because he is the only one who decides the issues between mankind this way the best.

    088] The people in leading positions in his human population said, O Shuaib, we will certainly drive you and those who have committed themselves along with you to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind out of our land or you will have to abide by our rule of law we have in this place as well as by our tradition. He replied, will you make us live by your tradition even though we reject, oppose and refuse to abide by it because it is harmful and destructive for our human population due to some people securing their own petty personal gains from others at their expense on the basis of it?

    089] We will surely be attributing falsehood to Allah if we accept and abide by your rule of law and your tradition which is harmful and destructive for mankind whereby some people secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense after he has rescued us from it by giving us his own purpose based proper guidance for mankind for our blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. So it is not possible for us to return to your tradition, culture, way of life and rule of law because that is the commandment of Allah our creator and sustainer for all of us and that is due to wisdom of our creator and sustainer who encompasses and comprehends each and everything purposefully properly therefore we rely upon set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah regarding this issue. For that reason they expressed their wish to him saying, O our creator and sustainer, decide between us and the rest of our human population according to whoever is consistent with your purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other because you are the only one who decides each and every matter between people the best.

    090] The gang or ring leaders who rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind from among his people said to their people, if you will support Shuaib then you will indeed be of the losers.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #171 - December 27, 2023, 02:24 AM

    091] After Shuaib and his supporters moved away and they were left on their own in due course the revolt, uprising and bloody revolution by their victims took them by surprise and they ended up destroyed by hands of each other within their own place of settlement.

    092] So those who called Shuaib a liar were as though they never ruled or lived therein that is how those who called Shuaib a liar ended up being the real losers.

    093] Shuaib left them saying, O my people, I did indeed convey to you the messages of my creator and sustainer purposefully properly and I did give you a constructive, advantageous and beneficial advice sincerely and purposefully properly so how can I be sorry for a party of troublemakers and war mongers who rejected and opposed purpose based proper rule of law of Allah that is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind?

    094] We never sent our any prophet and messenger to any people in any place but for the reason or purpose that we found its people living by a way of life whereby they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so that our purpose based proper guidance helps them learn to become consistent with it as well as with each other as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    095] Then if they did become consistent with it and with each other it is only and only because we helped them change or replace their way of life based upon rivalry and animosity between themselves whereby they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense with our purpose based proper way of life for mankind which we advised for them whereby they thought and acted as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence through their own hard works according to our given plan till they became very affluent and fell away from our purpose based proper guidance for them so they started taking things lightly by ignoring and neglecting or avoiding them and said, our forefathers also had their periods of adversity and affluence so it has nothing to do with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. That is how they went back to living by the way of life they used to live so instead of complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom they ended up working against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that is why in due course we found them taken by surprise by revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions among themselves because they paid no due attention to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind nor to what they were thinking and doing to each other as a people because they turned predators and hunted or victimised each other.

    096] Had these like residents or settlers of the destroyed places or lands committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom and remained consistent with our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines as well as with each other then we will have showered upon them our provisions in abundance from the heavens and from the earth but they ended up rejecting and opposing our program for them instead therefore we found them seized or gripped by the results of their own mismanagement, mishandling, misdeeds, misconduct and misbehaviour every now and then.

    097] Have then people of any settlement, habitation, place, land or kingdom ever been able to save and secure themselves against our forewarned consequences by living against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by taking it lightly and playing lazy?

    098] Or have then people of any settlement, habitation, place, land or kingdom ever been able to save and secure themselves against our forewarned consequences by living against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by taking it lightly and playing crazy?

    099] So after all these explanations and evidences do these people of yours still think they can achieve or accomplish unity, peace, progress and prosperity of people without living or abiding by program, goals and guidelines of Allah for them? Even if they say yes, still the fact is, they can never do that at all and they can try all they like. The fact is, no human population can achieve or accomplish unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by ignoring, neglecting, avoiding, rejecting and opposing the purpose based proper guidance of Allah other than those who are hell bent upon their own destruction by hands of each other for trying to do that.

    100] In what happened to people before or earlier on, is it not obvious for these people who occupy the place, land, earth or human world after its earlier occupants that we do make human populations face the results of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other which are against our purpose based proper guidance for them and that is why we let human populations which lived earlier on face the consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other because their minds remained isolated from what we told them so they heeded not our warnings because they did not seek, receive, study, accept and act upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly?

    101] Such like were the human settlements or habitations whose stories or accounts we relate or narrate to you and certainly our prophets and messengers came to them with our brilliant program, goals and guidelines as evidences and proofs to guide them purposefully properly but they did not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community on that basis because their ancestors rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind earlier so they blindly followed them in their mindset, attitude and behaviour. Likewise Allah finds these people who reject and oppose his this purpose based proper guidance for mankind mentally isolating themselves from his warnings by refusing to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly.
    102] This is why we did not find most of the human populations true to their claim of commitment to the establishment and abidance by our purpose based proper rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind instead we found most of them rebellious against our purpose based proper guidance for them who created disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between mankind so they thought and did things to each other which they were told not to think and do.

    103] However for the very same reason in due course after many of the human populations which passed away we sent Moses with our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines to Pharaoh and his chiefs but they too treated our program, goals and guidelines for them with contempt so look at what was the end of those who conspired for disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between people in the human world against our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    104] Thus said Moses to people he was sent to, O Pharaoh, I am a prophet and messenger from the creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the human world.

    105] Responsibility has been placed upon me that I proclaim nothing from Allah save that which is to become a reality in due course. I have come to you with a brilliant message from your creator and sustainer and the message is that you let ideological children of Israel establish and abide by his purpose based proper rule of law which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind along with me.

    106] He said, if you have come with any proposal then place it before my counsel if what you claim is truly worthy of our consideration.

    107] So he placed our provided purpose based proper program to him before the full court of Pharaoh for their consideration and it clearly moved, inspired, motivated or convinced the counsel.

    108] That is how he smoothly stripped off and exposed the false cover of power of Pharaoh to expose his reality before people that it amazingly impressed those who were present there.

    109] The chiefs of Pharaoh’s people said to each other in presence of Pharaoh, this person indeed has great knowledge and skill to transform people and lead them

    110] and maybe he intends to drive you and your people out of your ideological landscape. After knowing all this Pharaoh asks his chiefs, what do you propose how should I deal with this matter or situation?

    111] They said, delay purposeful proper engagement with them for a while and meanwhile send your messengers to all the cities to gather

    112] and bring to you every person skilful and knowledgeable in the art of ideological debate.

    113] And that is how came to Pharaoh people who knew the art of ideological debate and said, we must have some suitable reward if we prevail.

    114] Yes, he answered and you will certainly become my highly ranked advisors and administrators as well.

    115] Then they asked Moses, will you go first or should we be the first to go to put our case before people?

    116] Moses said, you go first. So when they put forth their claims, proposals and arguments they created a great impression in the eyes of the people by display of great skill in winning peoples' minds.

    117] So we said to Moses, now put forth your claim and explanation based upon arguments and evidences to demonstrate your authorization from us. And behold, It quickly rendered the knowledge and skills of the competitors' of no consequence at all.

    118] That is how the right of Allah to rule his kingdom was proven beyond any reasonable doubt and all that they put forth to justify rule of some people over other people against it was proven mere falsehood as well as harmful and destructive.

    119] That is how Pharaoh and his ideological supporters were overwhelmed through logically consistent reasoning and made to reflect upon their position

    120] and so the masters of art of ideological debate were forced to accept the truth regarding the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    121] So they ended up saying, we commit ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to the purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of the creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the human world.

    122] The creator and sustainer of Moses and Aaron.

    123] Pharaoh said to them, how daring or rebellious you people are proving yourselves by declaring your commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind along with Moses without even asking me for my permission and even before I give you my permission to do so? In fact this is a plot which you all have cooked or hatched together to throw our people out of their ideological landscape and take over our place, land or kingdom but soon you will come to know the terrible consequences for your thinking and doing that.

    124] Because I will stop, prevent and hinder or cut off your support and backing or isolate you people from now on due to your going against me and as of now I will deal with all of you people extremely harshly for breaking your backbone as a group of rebellious people.

    125] They said, we have decided to live by purpose based proper rule of law of our creator and sustainer which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    126] The fact is, you are threatening us to make our lives difficult or hard only and only because we have committed ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of our creator and sustainer that have come to us from him. Then they expressed their wish by saying, our creator and sustainer, give us courage, strength and steadfastness for accomplishing our assigned mission by yourself and that way help us complete our given task by you for being a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    127] The secular and religious leadership or chiefs of Pharaoh’s supporters and backers said to him, will you leave Moses and his supporters free to create and cause fights and wars of dissension and territorial secession in the land and to free themselves from your rule over them? He said, we will gradually without their awareness and realising destroy the leadership of their human population by undermining their courageous individuals by encouraging some of their weaker members by our backing to use their own people abusively and that way we will have unbreakable control over them by our scheme of dividing and ruling them.

    128] On the contrary Moses said to his supporters and backers, help yourselves by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly with persistent steadfastness by carrying out his purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines. It is because the kingdom of his human world only and only belongs to Allah alone and he wishes to give it under management of those of his human creatures whom he finds most capable of inheriting and maintaining it purposefully properly. However be rest assured that the success ultimately belongs only and only to those human populations who are consistent with purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for them as well as they are consistent with each other for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    129] They said to him, we have been put through hardship and difficulties before you came to us as well as since you have come to us and we see no end to our hardship, difficulties, troubles and problems. He replied to them, it is possible that due to their ignoring, neglecting, avoiding and disregarding his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind your creator and sustainer may let your opponents or enemies destroy themselves by hands of each other due to their securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and make you people take over the land instead due to your carrying out his purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines and then let you people see for yourselves for how long you will live and abide by his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring well being of mankind by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    130] Due to their living by a way of life whereby they strove for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense we found people of Pharaoh inflicting harms and destructions upon each other due to which they were made to suffer harmful and destructive outcomes so that they could learn lessons purposefully properly and change their way of life.

    131] But instead whenever they gained any benefit or advantage personally they said, it is due to our way of life, tradition and customs but whenever they suffered any loss due to thinking and acting according to their own harmful and destructive way of life they attributed that to the way of life that was supported and promoted by Moses and those with him. However be alert and become attentive as well as aware of the fact that the purpose based proper way of life for mankind is only and only that which is from Allah for them but most of the human beings learn not to make purpose based proper sense of things as well as of the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind.

    132] Therefore they said to Moses, no matter whatever evidence based explanation you may bring us to convince us with, we are not going to commit ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah along with you people.

    133] Due to their such harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours which are due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires whereby they strive for dominating each other for undermining each other against our purposefully properly explained purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind, we let them bring upon themselves as a rebellious people storms of bundles of calamities, catastrophes, troubles and problems based upon their secular and religious thoughts and actions against each other whereby they become purposefully properly and completely exposed as to what they really, actually and truly stand for through their own regression and poverty as if they are frogs in the dirty drying up pond of water because they become involved in shedding blood of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. All this happened to them because they sought dominance over each other by undermining each other by committing crimes against each other instead of complementing each other purposefully properly for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom

    134] Each time they fell victim to their self created troubles and problems with each other between themselves they came to Moses and said, O Moses, call upon or consult guidance of your creator and sustainer on our behalf on basis of whatever agreement he has with you and remove all ills from between us. We promise you that if you will help us remove the troubles and problems from between us then we promise you that we will truly commit ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind along with you people as a purpose based proper human community and that way we will let the ideological, biological and sociological children of Israel go along with you to live their lives as they please.

    135] But each time we helped them remove troubles and problems from between themselves with help of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for a time period, they broke their promises and went back to living by the way of life which led them into troubles and problems between themselves earlier.

    136) That is why we let them drown themselves in the sea of their own self created troubles and problems through inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because they failed to carry out our purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines and that happened because they did not pay due attention to our forewarned consequences.

    137] Nonetheless during the very same time period through our very same purpose based proper guidance for mankind we moved, urged, pushed, drove, propelled, inspired and motivated the people who were oppressed and weakened by their opponents to succeed in the land they lived on the eastern sides or fronts as well as on the western sides or fronts in which we placed abundance of provisions for mankind. This is how the word of your creator and sustainer was fulfilled about the biological, ideological and sociological children of Israel because they faced troublesome and difficult situations and sets of circumstances with persistence, constant and steadfast courage and very hard works and that is the way we brought to an end the rule of Pharaoh, his chiefs and his their supporters and backers which they imposed upon people in that land against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by breaking our set limits.
    138] And this is how we made ideological, biological and sociological children of Israel cross the ocean or sea full of problems and troubles yet after experiencing all this when they came across a people who were serving other Gods, masters and rulers than or along with Allah some of them also said to Moses, O Moses, put in place for us a God, master and ruler like the Gods, masters and rulers these people have. He said to them, you people are surely still ignorant of the consequences about what you are asking me for despite going through all we have been through already.

    139] It is because in the way these people live their lives lies their own harm and destruction by hands of each other as a people, because the harmful and destructive way of life they live by thereby they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so in the end such people end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    140] He further said to them, should I seek for you people any God, master and ruler other than or along with Allah when it is he alone who has raised you people for the task, job, mission or purpose of taking his message to other human populations in the human world for the very same reason and purpose so that all people in the human world live and abide by only and only his rule of law alone for ensuring their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    141] So call to mind the time period when we saved and secured you people from the chiefs and supporters of Pharaoh who put you people through a terrible and horrifying ordeal by gradually destroying people from among you who were most capable because they were full of character as well as courage therefore they were fit for your leadership by setting up some of you against the others whereby they encouraged characterless, courage-less, coward and weak people from among you to be your leaders by their support and backing, so to make you people come through all that discouraging, disappointing and hopeless situation was a great task set for you by your creator and sustainer to struggle through by your hard working for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom through your complementing each other purposefully properly.

    142] That was the very reason and purpose for which we assigned Moses with the mission to change the dark and depressing as well as disappointing and hopeless period of hardships for ideological, biological and sociological children of Israel so that we establish them purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom and that is the way the set out task for him by his creator and sustainer for changing the period of hardships with period of prosperity became fulfilled through him and his ideological, biological and sociological brother. That is why during that period of time Moses asked his brother Aaron, support me for building or bringing about my purpose based proper human community purposefully properly by mending broken and fractured as well as severed relationships between people and never live or abide by the way of life of those who cause disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between mankind.

    143] That is because when Moses reached our set standard or required specifications to be bestowed with duty, obligation and responsibility of our mission for him, his creator and sustainer spoke to him to assign his task to him so he said to his creator and sustainer, O my creator and sustainer, explain to me the task which you are to assign for me so that I may look through your to be assigned mission for me which I have been seeking or looking or searching for to receive, study, accept and act upon purposefully properly. He said to him, by no means you can fulfil my assigned mission but only if you will pay due attention to the mass of people and set it on its purpose based proper course of thoughts and actions purposefully properly and if it sets itself upon the pointed out course and stays upon the course till its completion then you will be able to see through my mission as well as quickly. However when his creator and sustainer drew his attention towards the mass of people he was to be sent to, he found it scattered, dispersed and utterly confused in its thoughts and actions due to lack of purpose based proper sense of direction and objective so Moses became overwhelmed by thoughts of gravity of his task or mission. Eventually he came round saying, your God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of your creation is now amply manifest and obvious for me so I now turn to you for granting me your purpose based proper guidance for mankind and I will be foremost of those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom.

    144] So Allah said to him, O Moses, I have chosen or preferred you for delivery of my messages to the people about which I have spoken to you so take what I give you and hold firmly onto it to be of those who establish and implement as well as maintain it purposefully properly so that you people become of those who use our provisions purposefully properly.

    145] That is how we made him write down for his people all that was necessary including our program, goals and guidelines as lessons for them about everything for setting up and managing or running a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom saying, stick to these things firmly as well as tell your people to hold onto these things firmly to make their own lives as well as lives of the people in their human world beautiful thereby. Soon I will show you the terrible state of existence of those who live their lives by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and end up divided into groups which are rivals and enemies of each other.

    146] Those who strive hard to dominate each other by undermining each other in the human world in defiance of my purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind without having any purposeful proper justification for doing so just for sake of securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. They are such a category of people that even though they are explained each and everything purposefully properly which they ought to learn and know they still do not seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly therefore they do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom because even though they are placed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind in front of them by our missionaries yet they do not go by that and instead if they are shown a way of life in opposition to that they adopt it. That is because they reject and oppose our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind due to their ignoring, neglecting and avoiding them or remaining ignorant and unaware about them.
    147] For this reason those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind as a standard and criterion for meeting their bright future, their thoughts and actions turn out to be void of intention of benefiting each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. So what can the outcome of their such thoughts and actions be other than what they earn for themselves based upon their adopted way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which bring them harms and destructions by hands of each other?

    148] People of Moses even during his short absence when he separated from them for preparing his God given scripture for them brought about a social hierarchy based upon their harmful and destructive petty personal ambitions and desires which proved divisive and destructive for them as a human population. Did they not realise from their that experience that it served for them no beneficial purpose nor could it lead them to any beneficial end result as a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom? Yet they adopted that way of life and ended up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other.

    149] However when they had suffered enough harms and destructions by hands of each other some of them realised that they have gone of the right track, path or way of life they were placed upon by Moses so they ended up saying to each other, if our creator and sustainer will not guide us through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind and thereby remove from between us disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars then we are going to be of those people who end up in a terrible loss by hands of each other.

    150] That is why when Moses returned to his people with his copy of scripture and became aware of their situation his enthusiasm became covered up in sadness so he said to his people, what a harmful and destructive way you have assisted me in my mission in my absence. Were you in a hurry to outdo purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of your creator and sustainer for mankind? However he laid down or established the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind in the place they lived as it was written in the tablets of the scripture and thereby got hold of mind of his brother and brought him to his point of view - whom he left behind as manager and handler or carer of his people – after seeking clarifications of him as to what had happened. His brother said to Moses, O courageous son of my mother nation or human population, the fact is, in your absence some of our people tried to weaken me instead of supporting me and they were almost ready to fight with me, so do not encourage my opponents by counting me among those who live for inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    151] After knowing the facts about the situation which took place after Moses, Moses expressed his wish to his creator and sustainer by saying, O my creator and sustainer, save and secure me and my brother as well as our supporters and backers by entering us all in a place or land or kingdom which is managed or run by us purposefully properly according to your blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind because only and only you alone are the provider of all things of need and want for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind thereby.

    152] No doubt those who bring about disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between mankind to derail our assigned mission for them have always incurred condemnation of their creator and sustainer as well as life of terrible painful suffering in this world, that is how we show and manifest results of thoughts and actions of those who invent and impose harmful and destructive way of life upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of living by our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    153] As for people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other in ignorance and unawareness but then they stop thinking and doing that to each other and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind after becoming aware about our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by committing themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom your creator and sustainer for sure saves and secures or protects them through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind.

    154] That is how sadness and sorrow of Moses subsided because he held onto our prescribed program, goals and guidelines for mankind purposefully properly against all odds and carried out our purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines for mankind in the written tablets in which there was guidance to reach blissful, dignified and secure existence for those who wished to abide by or live in accordance with the purpose based proper rule of law of their creator and sustainer based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    155] For that reason Moses chose a very large number of people from his human population to accomplish our set out task or assigned mission for them but seeing they were being overwhelmed by the vastness of the task ahead he said, my creator and sustainer, inspire them with courage and motivation through your purpose based proper guidance for mankind, because had it been your plan, you could have let these people destroy themselves by hands of each other long time ago and well before assigning them your this purpose based proper mission. Will you then let us all end up harmed and destroyed just because of the harms and destructions caused by some of the ignorant people from among us to others? This struggle is only for carrying out your program by accomplishing its goals according to your provided guidelines for mankind and no doubt you let go astray and suffer any people who work towards that end and you guide to blissful, dignified and secure existence whichever people work hard to that end. Your purpose based proper guidance for mankind is all that we rely upon for our blissful, dignified and secure existence therefore give us life of unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom because you are the only one whose purpose based proper guidance for mankind can save and secure mankind in your kingdom.

    156] So make possible for us to accomplish, establish and maintain what is beautiful, beneficial, advantageous and constructive in life of this world as well as in life to come because no doubt we have turned to your purpose based proper guidance for mankind for our purposeful proper guidance. Allah said to Moses, I will let suffer those human populations that deserve it due to ignoring, neglecting and avoiding my advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind because my blissful, dignified and secure existence providing program, goals and guidelines for mankind cover each and every thing for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom. Moreover I will especially bless those human populations with blissful, dignified and secure existence which will become and remain consistent with my purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines as well as with each other and they will struggle very, very hard to attain and achieve freedom from all ills from between themselves by committing themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom.

    157] Such as will support my this prophet and messenger for the whole of human population of this era generation after generation whom they can find described in my earlier, previous or past scriptures which I sent for the purpose of guidance of mankind such as Torah and Injeel, who calls and invites people to think and do all they should for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly and who tells them not to think and do things which can cause mankind to inflict harms and destructions upon each other therefore he declares lawful for people to have, to use and to do all that makes life of mankind beautiful, beneficial, advantageous and constructive through help and full support of each other and he declares unlawful for people all that to have, to use, to think and do which can cause them to inflict harms and destructions upon each other, by making obvious to them their self created troubles and problems as heavy burdens around their own necks and by showing them the way to free themselves from them. Therefore those who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom along with him and they will be sincere with him and support and back him up by being consistent with my light of purpose based proper guidance for mankind with which he is sent such will be the people who will be successful in fulfilling, accomplishing and completing my assigned mission for them purposefully properly.

    158] Therefore proclaim to mankind O my last and final prophet and messenger to them by saying to them, O you the mankind, I am that very prophet and messenger of Allah who was expected by supporters and backers of all the prophets and messengers of Allah before me so I am that very prophet and messenger of Allah to all of you to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. None has the right to God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation save he himself alone. He who brings dead, unproductive and useless human populations to life by inspiring, urging, moving and motivating them through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind if they establish and maintain as well as abide by his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world purposefully properly and lets them perish if they do not. Therefore commit yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to program, goals and guidelines of Allah along with his prophet and messenger, who is the prophet and messenger of Allah for whole of mankind of this era, who has committed himself purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to the purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly according to his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms, so be consistent with my purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with him and with each other so that you are guided to your blissful, dignified, secure existence purposefully properly.

    159] No doubt among the supporters and backers of Moses there was a team or party of people which guided each other according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind because that way or thereby they established our purpose based proper rule of law in the place they lived and carried out justice based upon fairness purposefully properly.

    160] It is because we organised and regulated or arranged them into a single exemplary purpose based proper human community in the placed they lived out of many factions in which we divided them for cultivating, grooming and preparing them by giving them purpose based proper education and training. That was the purpose for which we revealed to Moses our purpose based proper guidance when Moses sought to temper or educate and train his people so we told him to use your received revelation from us as your foundation to build your purpose based proper human community upon and that is how sprung forth there from the purpose based proper human community based upon our provided purpose based proper information whereby each of the human populations or teams or companies or parties of the people became aware of their duties, obligations and responsibilities towards each other. That is how we sheltered, shielded, guarded and screened them from harms and destructions by sending them our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by telling them, make purpose based proper use of all things we have provided for you for ensuring your own well being with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. They did no harm to us by moving away from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but harmed and destroyed each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    161] When it was said to them, remain on the path of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and participate and interact in your human population as you wish inflicting no harms and destructions upon each other by adopting this our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind which is based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that thereby we save and secure and protect you people against harming and destroying each other and so that we increase yet more the good outcome of thoughts and actions of those who work for ensuring well being of each other as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.
    162] Yet people with harmful and destructive ambitions and desires as well as harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours among them replaced our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for them to what they desired and yearned for and as a result we let come upon them the forewarned terrible painful suffering and humiliation due to their inflicting of harms and destructions upon each other for their securing from each other their own petty personal gains at each other’s expense.

    163] Ask them also about the place, settlement or habitation of theirs that was built upon troubled waters or instability or shaky foundation. At that time they transgressed against the unity, peace, progress and prosperity of the people of the place even though during the time period of their stability their livelihood came to them very easily and plentiful but during the period of instabilities they could not obtain it even by their very, very hard work, that is because we left them on their own to struggle as they wished because they transgressed against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind even after being forewarned about these like terrible consequences.

    164] Some even asked our missionaries, why do you people continue advising and warning these people whom Allah has left on their own to harm and destroy themselves due to their ignoring, neglecting and avoiding his purpose based proper guidance for mankind? They replied to them, we do this just to fulfil our duty by our creator and sustainer and in the hope so that they may become consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other.

    165] However when they ignored, avoided and neglected our purpose based proper guidance for mankind despite our warnings then we let our missionaries who warned them against inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense progress and prosper but we let those who broke away and stepped aside from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind suffer the horrible painful humiliating consequences of their own transgressions and atrocities against each other for their securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    166] That is why when they continued living their lives unheeded the way they used to live whereby they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense even after our purpose based proper guidance and warning for mankind then we said to them, if that is your response to our purpose based proper guidance and warning for mankind then we leave you to yourselves so carry on living as you people please purposeless, unproductive and useless lives the way you do, learning no sense of making purpose based proper sense of things for living purposefully properly as if you people are mischievous monkeys in human shapes and forms.

    167] It is because the way of your creator and sustainer for dealing with such a people who do not turn to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind despite his warnings by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly is, his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms raise from among human populations such people to dominate and rule the rest who keep on inflicting upon them terrible grievous and humiliating torments for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense till the coming about of a time period when the victims are forced to react to them by revolting, uprising and bringing about bloody revolutions against them till they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other or they establish and abide by his purpose based proper rule of law in their human world. Such effective and purposefully proper are set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of your creator and sustainer which deliver them such horrific consequences of their very own terrible thoughts and actions against each other because of their going against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind whereby he saves and secures or protects such people from among mankind who work towards their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    168] That is how after providing mankind with our purpose based proper guidance for them we leave them free to remain divided into groups and parties in the human world as they choose or please or come together and unite for peace between themselves to make progress and become prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. Therefore some of them think and do things as we tell them for ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly but some of them reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for them and instead choose to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Nonetheless we let all of them have opportunities to struggle for thinking and doing things for ensuring well being of each others as well as for inflicting harms and destructions upon each other so that even they could come back to our purpose based proper guidance for them after their rejecting and opposing it.

    169] Once any of them are back on track yet in due course people who live by the book are succeeded by those who debase themselves or become and remain baseless or without foundation generation after generation who participate and interact with each other in life of this world harmfully and destructively because they say, we will face no painful humiliating consequences despite living through them. This is why if similar opportunities come their way, they get hold of them again and again. Were they not asked, called or invited to commit themselves to living according to our provided purpose based proper book for them and that they should not attribute anything to Allah except what is consistent with our provided book to them because they have been given explanations and evidences as well as program, goals and guidelines as lessons about things in our provided book to them? The fact is, the bright or the brilliant future is only and only for those who are and who will be consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, so why don’t you the mankind then learn sense to make purpose based proper sense of things so that you could seek, receive, study, accept and act upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly?

    170] As for those who strictly live and abide by our provided purpose based proper book for them by struggling for establishing and maintaining a purpose based proper human community network in our kingdom step by step and stage by stage, surely we never let the reward of such as act to restore by mending and repairing fractured and broken purpose based proper human community go to waste.

    171] That is how at the time we shook off of the ideological, biological and sociological children of Israel the mountain of problems, troubles, calamities and catastrophes like a smothering heavy covering upon them and they thought this situation was going to destroy them by crushing them under its weight. So we reminded them by saying, hold firmly on to what we have given you as our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to come out of such like situations and sets of circumstances unscathed so be consistent with what is in it as well as with each other so that you could save and secure as well as guard and protect yourselves against such like harms and destructions.

    172] This is the way throughout times and places your creator and sustainer helped and supported ideological, biological and sociological children of Adam survive successfully by means of having their children to succeed them and made some of them witnesses and evidences for their own coming generations. For this very reason and purpose this is how generation after generation they were asked, am I alone not your only creator and sustainer? They all testified, yes, we bear witness that you are. We are explaining to you people of this era all this so that during the time period when our purpose based proper rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind becomes established in the human world by our missionaries some of you people do not say, we were not made aware about all this goodness before or earlier therefore we ended up in the terrible state of existence that we did.
    173] Or in case you people claim our forefathers started this tradition of attributing God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of your creation to others than or along with you through their idolised rulers, priests, moneylenders, their touts and supporters and we just followed them due to being their descendants not knowing God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of creation only and only belonged to you alone. Will you then let us destroy ourselves due to what supporters and backers of falsehood did?

    174] This is why we detail our purpose based proper program goals and guidelines for you people of this era so that you could turn to them for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon them purposefully properly and thereby bring about a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    175] However o prophet and messenger of ours make alert and aware these people of yours also about the story of a person to whom we sent through our missionaries our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as a purpose based proper program to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines but the person avoided, neglected and ignored it instead of seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly so he was left on his own but the leading religious and secular rejector and opponent of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind from among his human population did not leave him alone and instead he pursued him to force him to live by his invented and imposed way of life so he was taken over by him. For that reason be alert and warned that if one does not support and back up our purpose based proper guidance for mankind then one becomes and remains a victim and a slave of those who inflict harms and destructions upon others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense. 

    176] This was the very reason we sent our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that through that light of guiding knowledge we avail opportunities to humanity so that it could raise, uplift and elevate itself to heights of excellence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom because it sank itself very deeply into the ditch of darkness of ignorance by pursuing its own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires whereby it secured its own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other so it ended up harming and destroying each other that way. Therefore its similitude is like that of a people who have become and remained stuck in their harmful and destructive way of life regardless you try to help them out of it or not they are not bothered with making the needed effort to come out of this state of their existence. Therefore such people are bound to end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other after a lot of terribly painful suffering. Such terrible is the example and similitude of a human population which rejects and opposes our purpose based proper program for mankind instead of pondering over it and carrying it out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines for them. However relate to them this parable anyway so that they have a chance or an opportunity at least to reflect over it.

    177] Most harmful and destructive is for mankind the example of living their lives that is set by those of them who reject and oppose our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind because they inflict horrific harms and destructions upon each other as a people or a human population for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    178] Only and only that human population from among mankind which works very, very hard according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is purposefully properly guided to life of unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom but any that misleads itself such are the people who end up in loss and self destruction by hands of each other due to living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    179] That is why we find a lot of people in human populations from among the foolish leadership as well as from among the ignorant masses who set themselves upon a path to life of terrible painful suffering by hands of each other as if that is their main or prime goal, objective or mission because they have brains but they use them not for thinking through thoroughly things which we have explained for them and they have eyes but they use them not to see in which direction they are supposed to be heading and they have ears but they use them not to hear the calls to the path of life that is purposefully proper for their living in this world. They are just like heedless cattle or even yet more heedless than them when it comes to their having any worthy goals to pursue because they are those who ignore, neglect and avoid our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for them.

    180] If they think they are not like heedless cattle but they are proper human beings with brains and senses then they should learn to use them purposefully properly so that they become aware of and come to realise the fact that only and only from Allah alone could come lofty program, goals and guidelines for them which could help them make their human world a beautiful place for themselves to live in, so invite them to making this world a beautiful place for themselves on that basis and keep in check those who try to cause confusion and chaos about these things and create disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between mankind. If they do not stop and they are not stopped then soon mankind will see the results of their going about their life their own ways.

    181] Among those whom we have created and evolved as human beings there is a purpose based proper human community which guides other human populations also to what is consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind whereby they try their best to establish and maintain purposefully properly balanced way of life as well as rule of law of Allah for mankind.

    182] Even those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind we avail them also opportunities to draw themselves step by step and stage by stage nearer and closer to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind through ways they have not yet bothered to learn and understand.

    183] Even though I have granted them respite to learn and do things purposefully properly and they do not take advantage of my this purpose based proper set-up or arrangement yet my rule of cause and effect is ever at work effectively indeed which ever draws them closer to fulfilment of my purpose based proper plan for them.

    184] Has it never occurred to them that their fellow human being this prophet and messenger of ours is not a man struck by any mental abnormality of which they accuse him falsely rather he is a deliverer of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and a warner well in advance for alerting mankind against the obvious outcome for people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense?

    185] Or have they not bothered to ponder over the origin, evolution and working of our purpose based proper kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever Allah has originated and evolved as to how Allah has set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms to operate all things in this kingdom of his as well as for what purpose and that the moment of the outcome of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other may well be approaching or close or nearby? On basis of what other better guidance after this will they then commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom?

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #172 - December 27, 2023, 02:26 AM

    186] Any people who do not seek, receive, study, accept and act upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly there is none who could guide such people purposefully properly so he leaves them to themselves to wander about as they please in their own self created confusion and chaos to create anarchy, disorder and lawlessness in the human world due to their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours which are based upon their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against humanity as a result of their going against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    187] These like people ask you about the exact time when the foretold time period of events (revolts, uprisings, bloody revolutions, establishment of rule of law of Allah in the human world) will unfold, take place, unravel, come to pass, happen, come true or become a reality. Say, it will be made obvious by my creator and sustainer and nothing can make it obvious save his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms and at the time that is right which is when all the set out conditions for it are met and fulfilled. So be or become aware of the fact that occurrence or coming about of that time period depends mainly upon how mankind respond and react to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them as well as upon the set-up systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms which operate in his kingdom of the heavens and the earth. It does not come about but as a sudden occurrence which takes mankind by surprise and unexpectedly just as it has already happened to people or human populations in the past. They keep asking you concerning coming about of this period of time as if you have the supernatural ability to see into the future so you are fully and purposefully properly aware of it. Tell them, it will surely be made obvious by Allah as he has told about it in his revealed purpose based proper scriptures or books though most of mankind bother not to learn and understand purposefully properly how things are set up to work in this kingdom of his creation and to what end.

    188] Tell them, I have no power to benefit myself or even to protect myself against harms and destructions but only according to purpose based proper plan of Allah for mankind. Had I possessed supernatural powers as you assume about people on a mission from Allah then I could have secured most if not all the beneficial things for myself and no harm could have touched me but as you can see by yourselves we are all in the very same boat in this regard as human beings therefore we all must learn to live and abide by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind to be safe and secure by having blissful, dignified and secure existence through our unity, peace, progress and prosperity by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. I know all this because I am a prophet and messenger for you people from Allah to alert and make you the mankind aware against the ways of life that will for sure land you people in state of existence which is terribly painful, nonetheless, I am also bearer of good news about the better future for those who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom therefore they will surely end up in blissful, dignified and secure state of existence.

    189] That is because it is only and only he alone who has originated and evolved you the mankind for this very purpose based plan from a single source or tree of life and from that he brought about all life forms so that through this process of mutual life support system for its continuous survival the life could continue progressing, prospering and flourishing. In due course there came a time period when humanity was able to organise and regulate itself to carry out simple tasks, duties, obligations and responsibilities for its interaction and participations with each other and that is how it continued developing on that basis. As human population grew and developed yet more it was able to see that it could now carry out much bigger and complicated tasks, duties, obligations and responsibilities as both the leadership and following relied only and only upon set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah as far as they could understand them by that stage of their existence. However due to terrible consequences of their interactions and participation with each other eventually some of them became aware of and realised the fact that they need purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for living in this world purposefully properly, so they expressed their desire to their creator and sustainer for it.

    190] However when he provided them with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for their bringing about a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly, some of them still ended up taking for themselves Gods, masters and rulers other than or along with him against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind that was provided for them to live and abide by purposefully properly. Regardless of how they responded and what they thought and did guidance of Allah clearly told them that their creator and sustainer is free of such partners or associates as they attribute or ascribe or imagine or assume for him so they should live and abide in his kingdom only and only by his purpose based proper rule of law alone for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    191] Do these people of yours take such Gods, masters and rulers other than or along with him who can originate, create and evolve nothing at all but are themselves originated, created or evolved?

    192] Such as have neither the ability or power to support them nor can they support even themselves?

    193] If any of you people ask them for your purpose based proper guidance for living your lives purposefully properly in this world, they cannot help and support you at all with any purpose based proper guidance from them for mankind. It is all the same for you people whether you rely upon them for anything at all or you do not, they cannot fulfil any responsibility to you as they ought to fulfil to you if what you claim about them was true because the fact is they are not what you people take them for or assume or imagine them to be.

    194] In fact those people whom you people idolise and therefore upon whom you rely as your Gods, masters and rulers instead of or along with Allah are only existing beings just like you people yourselves with very limited information and understanding. If not then ask them for purpose based proper guidance for mankind and let them respond to you as they should if what you claim about them is not your own imagination or make belief about them but is true in actual fact.

    195] Have they any real basis or foundation to continue even their own existence or survival, or have they supernatural powers to have real control over all things? Have they such powerful eyes of the mind and the forehead to see all they need to see and understand or the ears to be aware of all they need to be constantly aware of? Say, rely all you like upon your make belief or imaginary partners and associates of Allah and collectively plan against my granted purpose based proper plan of Allah for mankind and give me no time to prepare my response to your purpose based plan and see if you can confine and trap me by thinking and doing anything better in opposition to set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah than what I have already explained to you.

    196] Surely my reliance is upon purpose based proper foundation which is provider by Allah to me who has revealed this book which explains his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms and it is he who is provider of solid foundation for all those who work hard to fix, mend and repair broken, fractured and severed relationships between mankind by removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between them to bring about their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    197] On the contrary those rulers, priests and money lenders whom you idolise and upon whose false promises you people rely instead of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind have neither the ability or power to support you with such like guidance nor do they themselves have anything solid to stand or rely or depend upon or settle or seat themselves upon.

    198] If you people ask them to fulfil your request for guidance, they cannot and they will even ignore your request as if they are deaf or unable to hear you. You will see them looking at your request arrogantly but ignorantly as if they are confused because they have no well cultivated or prepared minds to think things through thoroughly and purposefully properly to reach purpose based proper conclusions and decisions about things.

    199] Therefore O our prophet and messenger, you and your supporters and backers should remain committed fully and purposefully properly to working for replacing the harmful and destructive way of life whereby mankind live their lives due to which they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense with our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and you people should keep on striving harder and harder for ensuring well being of mankind by way of their purpose based proper education and training on revolutionary basis to bring them to our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind those who are uncultivated, ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untrained and unskilled therefore they are ignorant and unaware about it. It is due to their ignorance and unawareness about it they cannot think purposefully properly for themselves what they ought to be thinking and doing purposefully properly to be a part of or to become a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    200] However if any of the leading secular and religious people who have harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against mankind and therefore they have harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against humanity and for that reason if any of them tempts, allures, seduces or entices any of you to think and act against humanity then seek your safety and security or protection in adopting and sticking to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly because thereby he makes his wisdom based upon his vast and comprehensive knowledge obvious for mankind to benefit from and take purpose based proper advantage of.

    201] Those who are committed to being consistent with each other as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly when they are ambushed, assaulted or attacked by any group of the leading secular and religious people who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they become yet more alert and aware and stick to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind even harder and yet more firmly and promote and propagate it among mankind even more energetically and enthusiastically because they become more alert and aware about how to deal with or handle such people firmly and wisely. 

    202] As for the ideological supporters and backers of those with harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against humanity due to which they strive harder and harder for dominating others for undermining them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense due to their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against humanity as well as against our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind which tells them to complement each other instead of rivalry against each other, they thereby only and only drag each other as a people into deeper and deeper troubles and problems with each other because they leave no stone unturned in their efforts to reject and oppose the establishment of our purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in the human world which is purposefully properly based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    203] Despite being in terrible problems and troubles with each other as a people due to living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other yet when you do not bring them any new revelation which approves the way of life they desire or yearn for, they say, have you not managed to invent something new yet? Say to them, I do not invent or concoct or fabricate things by myself like you people do in the name of Allah instead I faithfully and purposefully properly deliver to mankind and live and abide by what is revealed to me by my creator and sustainer. This book which is revealed to me by Allah contains verifiable insightful explanations and evidences from your creator and sustainer for you to confirm and verify for yourselves through their application as a purpose based proper guidance for mankind towards their blissful, dignified and secure existence for people who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    204] Therefore when the Quran is being proclaimed to you people, seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly so that you people end up in blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    205] That is why you the mankind should strive very, very hard day and night to spread, broadcast, distribute, publicise, advertise, propagate and disseminate the purpose based proper manifesto and program of your creator and sustainer among your human populations with wisdom and smoothness without being loud mouth and never be of those who ignore, avoid and neglect our purpose based proper guidance and advice for mankind.

    206] Surely those who have purposefully properly committed, dedicated and devoted themselves to working for accomplishing the mission of establishing and maintaining the purpose based proper rule of law of your creator and sustainer in the human world neither seek dominance over each other by undermining each other nor rebel against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind but instead they work very, very hard for fulfilling his assigned mission for them.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #173 - January 16, 2024, 01:19 AM

    Surah 6        AL ANAAM- To benefit fully and take full advantage of the most possible rewarding way of life which is advised and pointed out for mankind by Allah, it is of vital importance that they give up their self invented and self imposed harmful and destructive way of life by adopting this way of life which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for them for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence through their own complementing each other purposefully properly for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other purposefully properly.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] This is why and this is how awesome and wonderful works of Allah impress and raise deep feelings of adoration, admiration and appreciation in minds of those who reflect upon and ponder over his creation and revelation purposefully properly, he who all by himself created and evolved all the galaxies which are distanced from each other including this galaxy which are full of stars and planets and who brought about different shades, depths and levels of darkness as well as light for mankind to help them rest and work, yet those who reject and oppose purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind set up equals, partners or associates with him instead of establishing only and only his purpose based proper rule of law alone in their human world for their living and abiding by it purposefully properly.

    002] It is only and only he alone who has originated and evolved you the mankind in steps and stages from the inorganic materials as building blocks and determined for you a lifespan and a way of life by means of his purpose based proper guidance for you the mankind as well as his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms due to which reach you people from him sustenance, subsistence and livelihood yet you the mankind create confusion about his God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of his kingdom of creation in minds of each other and thereby fall victims to divisions and identity crisis and become harmed and destroyed by hands of each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    003] So be or become aware and remain aware of the fact that it is only and only Allah alone whose set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms govern working or operation of all the galaxies including this galaxy and all that is within them as well as all that is in between them. He makes manifest for you in due course that which is yet hidden, unseen and concealed from you just as he made manifest for you what has become obvious for you so far through your own searching, finding, discovering and exploring and he will make obvious to you the mankind yet more ways and means in due course as you make your efforts to learn and do things whereby you will be able to accomplish yet greater tasks and make yet more and bigger discoveries.

    004] Yet there came not any testimony or statement from the set of testimonies or statements of their creator and sustainer to human populations throughout times and places as a purpose based proper guidance for mankind but most of them remained distant from it by continue living their lives the way they lived by their own invented way of life which they imposed upon each other whereby some secured their own petty personal gains from others at their expense whereby they ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other as a people.

    005]  Likewise they continue their behaviour of rejection and opposition with this testimony of ours that has come to them now in form of this Quran but in due course they will come face to face with those realities they are told about concerning which they are cracking jokes due to taking them lightly.

    006] Do they not see throughout their human world how many of the human populations generation after generation we left to themselves to end up destroyed by hands of each other before them because they rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? We did establish those human populations once upon a time to be most prosperous in the land they lived than yourselves because at that point in time they established, maintained and abided by our purpose based proper rule of law in the places they lived purposefully properly which was based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to begin with so we sent down for them abundant rain from the heaven and made the rivers flow beneath their feet as we promised them whereby they ended up with abundant produce yet they gradually strayed and started working against our purpose based proper guidance for them whereby they started inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, so for their such harmful and destructive thought and actions against each other we left them on their own to end up destroyed by hands of each other and raised in their places other human generations which sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly for a granted period of time.

    007] The mindsets, attitudes and behaviours of many of these people of yours have also become such that even if we had sent to you a book already written on the pages of paper for each and every one of them which they could only touch with their very own hands yet those who reject and oppose our advised purpose based proper way of life based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to their ignorance based arrogance they will still have said, this is nothing but falsehood to trick us out of our way of life. It is because they are not at all interested therefore they have not prepared themselves for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    008] This is why they ignore our this purpose based proper message for mankind yet they say, why has Allah not sent with the Quran a supernatural being or a being with supernatural powers to enforce it? But the fact is, even if we had sent a supernatural being with supernatural powers to enforce it he still had to carry out our purpose based proper plan by carrying out our program by accomplishing its goals according to our guidelines, which will not have given them what they are looking for, which is freedom for most advantaged people to use least advantaged people abusively for fulfilling their own harmful and destructive agenda against humanity.

    009] Moreover, had we appointed any supernatural being with supernatural powers as our prophet and messenger still he had to be sent in a human form so that he could interact with them so they still will have ended up in the very same confusion about the truth of our purpose based proper message for mankind as they are just now due to their lack of making purpose based proper effort for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    010] Through similar baseless excuses our prophets and messengers to mankind before you were ridiculed because of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to save people from their own self imposed harms and destructions due to the way of life they lived by for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense but in the end those who ridiculed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they were hemmed in by the very consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other they were warned about well in advance but they took it lightly and laughed it off at the time.

    011] Say, travel throughout the human world and see what was the end of those who avoided, ignored, rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    012] Moreover ask them, to whom belongs all that is in all the galaxies which are distanced from each other and which are full of stars and planets including this galaxy and to whose set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms are subjected and act upon all that is within this kingdom of creation? Tell them, to only and only Allah’s alone, and to his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms they are subjected and act upon. Due to his purpose of creating mankind he planned and took upon himself the responsibility of providing mankind with all they needed for fulfilling their biological, psychological and sociological needs for their development and growth into a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom because he decided to gather you the mankind all together under his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community during the time period when the harmful and destructive way of life as well as the harmful and destructive rule of law in the human world which harm and destroy human beings by hands of each other due to their securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense will be uprooted and replaced with the purpose based proper way of life based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and in taking place of all this in due course there is no doubt whatsoever. Only and only those who are hell bent upon putting themselves in terrible loss and destruction are therefore not committing themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    013] All because to him alone belongs all that exists in the darkness or it is hidden as well as all that is in the light or it is obvious and self evident. For the reasons he has explained and the way he has explained he makes manifest and obvious for mankind what he knows for the benefit and advantage of mankind.

    014] Say, should I still take as my God, master, ruler and well wisher someone other than Allah when it is only and only Allah alone who is the originator and evolver of all the galaxies which are distanced from each other and which are full of stars and planets including this galaxy and it is only and only he alone who provides sustenance and livelihood for all but is himself free of all such needs for his own existence? Say, I am told to be the best possible evidence from among those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and that I should not be of those who live by any way of life other than the one advised for mankind by him so that thereby they fulfil his purpose of creating them according to his plan.

    015] Say, I am very much mindful and conscious of the consequences that will ensue for me and others should I be inconsistent with the purpose based proper guidance of my creator and sustainer for mankind as well as with other human beings because I am aware of the terrible time period that will come about which will be full of horrible revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions.

    016] So he who is saved from the torment of that time period has indeed sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly by thinking and doing things that needed to be thought and done to reach heights of excellence and to have blissful, dignified and secure existence and that will be the brilliant achievement for such people.

    017] So it is entirely up to mankind themselves to act upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them or not to do so because it is entirely up to set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah to deliver to people results of their very own thoughts and actions for or against each other. This is how it is entirely up to Allah whether he that way lets you suffer any harmful and destructive consequences of your very own thoughts and actions against each other or not but if he does then no one and nothing can save and secure you other than purpose based proper guidance for mankind from himself and likewise it is entirely up to him if he blesses you with blissful, dignified and secure existence due to your very own thoughts and actions according to his set standard and criterion because he has set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms to govern operations of all things in his kingdom.

    018] So he is the supreme authority for his human creatures as well as a wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation and because he is fully aware about all things therefore he is purposefully properly able to guide mankind purposefully properly.

    019] Ask these people of yours, whose testimony can be reliable the most? Tell them of Allah, so let the testimony of Allah be the deciding factor between me and you people which is in form of this Quran as has been revealed to me by him so that I warn you people thereby and all those whom it reaches. Say, can you people likewise put forth a testimony that there is any other God, master or ruler of this kingdom of creation than Allah? Tell them, I have no such proof to bear witness to, instead I am told to say, he is the one and the only God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation and I am absolutely free of attributing God-ship, owner-ship and rulers-ship of this kingdom of creation to any other than Allah that you are committed to without any similar testimonial brilliant proof.

    020] Surely those to whom we have given the scriptures before this know this fact about the Quran as they know their own very children due to such close resemblance in the messages. However the fact is, those who are hell bent upon harming and destroying their own very human populations will still not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it.

    021] Say then who can be more harmful and destructive for humanity than such a group of people from among human populations in the human world who invent and attribute falsehood and lies to Allah through their misinterpretations and misrepresentations of his scriptures in his very own name for rejecting and opposing his actual purpose based proper guidance for mankind by using that as their explanation and evidence or justification and excuse for their stance or standpoint? Surely there is no escape for them from the consequences of their these like thoughts and actions against our scriptures as well as against people in the human world such as those who work against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    022] So during the time period when we will gather them all together under our purposefully properly established purpose based proper rule of law in the human world through our missionaries and ask those people through our missionaries who attribute God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of our creation to others than Allah, where are those Gods, owners and rulers whom you took for my rivals, equals, partners and associates?

    023] They will have no purpose based proper explanation for thinking and doing all that and instead they will say, by Allah our creator and sustainer, we were not at all of those who attributed and ascribed God-ship, ownership and rulership of this kingdom of creation to anyone other than Allah and we did not live by rule of law of anyone other than Allah.

    024] See how the secular and religious chiefs and their supporters and backers will lie against their very own human populations whom they will have manipulated, abused and victimised and how those Gods, masters and rulers they will have imagined, assumed and taken for granted other than Allah will leave them perplexed or in lurch or suspense or chaos and confusion or anarchy or without base or foundation to stand upon?

    025] Of them there are some who can hear you but they pay no due attention to what you are telling them because we find aversion in their minds towards our purpose based proper message for mankind whereby they are prevented from seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly. For that very reason even if they come across each and every one of our revealed scriptures for mankind they will still not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. Nonetheless they are full of ignorance based arrogance so whenever they come to you they come to you only for sake of fighting with you because such people who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind say, this Quran is nothing more than useless stories about the ancient people.

    026] They not only themselves reject and oppose our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind which is based upon our purpose based proper guidance for them but they also stop, prevent and hinder others from living by it and tell them to think and do the same to it as they are doing to it. However by thinking and doing all this they are harming and destroying their own future as well as future of others including the future of their very own coming generations but they are not sensible enough even to realise this fact or to be aware of it.

    027] However if you could imagine the scene when their these very thoughts and actions will make them stand at the very brink of pit of fire of hatred and wars when they will say, we wish we could go back to our beginning and this time we do not reject and oppose the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by our creator and sustainer but instead we adopt it purposefully properly and join those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    028] However there will be no going back in time for them. Moreover they will say this only because they will come face to face with the results of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind which they will have rejected and opposed through their very own baseless and unfounded false excuses, justifications and explanations. The fact is, even if they were sent back to start all over again, they will still for sure think and do the very same things which they were forbidden to think and do. They will be lying to somehow save themselves from the terrible consequences of their very own horrible thoughts and actions against each other.

    029] It is because currently they are claiming, there is no better way of life than the way of life we live our lives by in this world so we will not be convinced by supporters and backers of the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    030] If you could imagine another scene or situation when they will be confronted by missionaries, supporters and backers of the way of life which is advised for mankind by their creator and sustainer at the time when they are in trouble due to revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions against them by their victims. The missionary group from among mankind will ask them at the time, has that which you were alerted and warned about well in advance not proven true for you? They will say, yes by our creator and sustainer it has proven true for us. Our missionary group will then say to them, then taste the terrible consequences for your denying, rejecting and opposing this reality and continuing with your inflicting horrible harms and destructions upon each other against the purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer for mankind for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which you ended up in this terrible situation and horrible state of existence by hands of each other.

    031] Those human populations are indeed in great loss which deny the fact that they will ever face the terrible consequences by hands of each other for their very own horrible thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense as they are already told about by Allah. When that terrible time period of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions will overtake them all of a sudden by surprise unexpectedly they will cry alas, how negligent, lazy and careless we have been about this time period of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions. That is how they will experience, suffer and bear the brunt or burden of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions upon themselves and painful and humiliating indeed will be the consequences of their own horrible thoughts and actions which they will suffer by hands of each other.

    032] The life in this world is nothing more than a purposeless venture or journey or experience for those who ignore, neglect and avoid seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind purposefully properly which is based upon our purpose based proper guidance for them therefore they neglect their purpose based proper contractual, constitutional and legal duties, obligations and responsibilities towards each other. However the way of life that will come about after the uprooting of the way of life whereby mankind secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and therefore inflict harms and destructions upon each other will be brilliant for those who will establish, maintain and become and remain consistent with the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah for ensuring their own well being through their own complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. So will you the mankind still not bother to use your brains and senses purposefully properly to learn sense of making purposeful proper sense of things and seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly?

    033] We make evident and obvious indeed for all people in the human world to see O our prophet and messenger to mankind that it makes you sad what these ruling elites, priestly classes, moneylenders and their touts and supporters think and do against the rest of people in their human populations because they not only deny people our purpose based proper assigned rights for mankind but due to their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours they also hold in contempt program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind as well even though the consequences for their thinking and doing that are already foretold.

    034] Likewise were denied our assigned rights to our prophets and messengers as well as their supporters and backers before you by chiefs, priests, moneylenders and their touts and supporters but steadfastly they held on to their demands that were denied to them and they put up with their persecution until our help and support reached them because none can change set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah so the consequences of harmful and destructive thoughts and actions cannot be escaped by those who inflict  harms and destructions upon others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense. You have already received the reports as to what happened to those prophets and messengers of ours and their supporters and backers as well as what happened to their opponents.

    035] Even though as things are it is very, very hard for you to carry out your missionary work as it was for all of our prophets and messengers and their supporters and backers before you because the ruling elite, the priestly class and the money lending elite as well as their supporters and backers among your human populations try to avoid you people but you people should remain confident and courageous and find ways and means to get through to the people who are at the very top of the leadership of their human populations as well as at the very bottom of their human populations until you people get our message through to these people and that is how you should pursue them and approach them with this message relentlessly. Had Allah so planned, he could have placed all of the people on his purpose based proper way of life for them instead of putting them through very, very hard struggle to find and adopt it for themselves therefore be not like those who are ignorant or unaware of our purpose based proper plan for mankind.

    036] It is because once you people pursue and approach people purposefully properly surely those who are already seeking, looking or searching for our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they will listen to it and heed it by receiving, studying, examining, accepting, acting and adopting it purposefully properly. As for the ignorant and the unaware people who act like mentally dead people, purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind will move, inspire and motivate them also and in time to come they too will ultimately come to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that way become a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    037] These secular and religious chiefs and their supporters and backers from among your people ask, why no such proof as we demand of him has been sent with him by his creator and sustainer? Tell them, Allah is surely able to send a proof and he has sent one already in the shape of this Quran as the best possible purpose based proper explanation of his project of creation to prove his authority but most of these people due to their ignorance based arrogance know not what an actual proof is supposed to be. It is not and cannot be a supernatural act such as a miracle or magic as assumed by these people who are making such a demand due to their ignorance based arrogance.

    038] According to the proof which Allah has sent in the form of the Quran, there is not a living thing but it must struggle for its existence and continuous survival, be its struggle at a lowest level down to earth or at a highest level like a soaring bird to reach heights of excellence but it must do so by its own ability and strength or power we have provided it with just like human populations in the human world. We have not created anything outside the control of our set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms therefore under the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of their creator and sustainer they are brought or gathered and so should gather under his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in the human world mankind themselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    039] So those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind they are self centred people who are lost in themselves so they are like deaf and dumb living as if in many layers of darkness of ignorance. For that reason whoever so behaves Allah lets him live in his self imposed chaos and confusion and whoever struggles very, very hard for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly he lets him live by his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    040] So ask these people of yours, have you people considered this point that if warning of Allah catches you people unexpectedly by surprise which is about calamities, catastrophes, revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions due to your ignoring, neglecting and avoiding his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, will you people then still rely upon others than the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for your safe and secure existence if you people are actually firm in your claim of other Gods, masters and rulers than Allah?

    041] Tell them, no you will instead start living according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly for your safe and secure existence as well as according to his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms because otherwise you will end up destroyed therefore you will forget those whom you have taken, imagined, assumed, supposed or idolised as his rivals, equals, associates and partners in his God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation so if he finds you people thinking and acting according to his purpose based proper plan then he will save and secure you people from the afflictions you are faced with the way he has told you.

    042] We did send our prophets and messengers before you to other human populations as well with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but their ruling elites, their priestly classes, their money lending elites and their touts and supporters rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so in due course we found them caught up in or facing consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in form of terrible painful suffering due to disputes, rivalries, animosities and adversities and that is how we gave some of them chances and opportunities to learn from such experiences to be and become as well as remain purpose based proper human communities in our kingdom.

    043] So why their leading people and their supporters from among them who ended up destroyed did not then make themselves consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to take care of their managed masses purposefully properly and instead they inflicted terrible painful suffering upon them through disputes, rivalries and animosities for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense? It is because in opposition to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind their minds became even more stubborn and arrogant because their harmful and destructive leadership made look good to them their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others such as dividing and ruling them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    044] So when they ignored and forgot our purpose based proper guidance and warnings for mankind they had received from us then we let open the gates of every kind of ease and prosperity for those leading them and through them we let open gates of poverty and disease for those who supported and backed them up but just as their ruling elites were rejoicing in what they were left to have, we suddenly found them caught up in or faced with revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions by their ruled and oppressed masses and that is how they were plunged as a people or human population into harm and destruction through inflicting harm and destruction upon each other.

    045] This is how we let the roots of those get cut off all by themselves who work against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind because blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind only and only rests upon mankind seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon awesome and wonderful purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly in the human world who is creator and sustainer of all human populations in the human world.
    046]  Ask them, just think for a moment that if Allah had rendered or left your sense of hearing and your sense of sight useless and thereby he had isolated or cut off your mind from the outside world due to your self-created and self imposed chaos, disorder, lawlessness and anarchy between yourselves then is there any God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation other than or along with Allah who could have restore them for you? Not at all, see how we explain things in our purpose based proper revealed explanations for you people over and over again and again yet you people continue thinking and acting against them as well as against each other.

    047] Say, just think about it that if any affliction Allah warns you about comes to you suddenly and openly, will any people or human populations be destroyed other than the ones who live their lives in opposition to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind? No, not at all.

    048] We have sent our prophets and messengers only to deliver our purpose based proper guidance to mankind so that thereby they give good news of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom to those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for ensuring their own well being through their complementing each other purposefully properly by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly as well as to deliver our warning to those who fail to commit themselves purposefully properly to it due to which they will end up in a terrible painful state of existence because they will inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, so any people who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and therefore they will strive very, very hard to mend, repair and fix broken and fractured or severed relationships between mankind by removing disputes, tensions, hatred, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars from between them will have nothing to be anxious or worry about nor will they have anything to regret for, once they have established and maintain as well as abide by our purpose based proper rule of law for mankind purposefully properly in our kingdom.

    049] However those who will reject and oppose our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind they will face the consequences for their transgressions against them as well as against each other.

    050] O our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind, tell these people of yours to whom you are sent that I do not claim to you that I have treasures of Allah in my control nor that I have the ability to be aware of what future holds for me and I do not claim to you that I am a supernatural being with supernatural powers to do things supernaturally, miraculously and magically but I surely do claim that I fully intend to follow purposefully properly that which is revealed to me by Allah for mankind. So ask them, are the ignorant and the learned or knowledgeable equal or alike? Why don’t you then think through thoroughly things about which I tell you so that you people could benefit from and take advantage of what I tell you from Allah for ensuring your own well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom?

    051] That is how you should alert, warn and prompt with help of this Quran those who are concerned for the well being of humanity for gathering them under the purpose based proper rule of law of their creator and sustainer based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because there is no God, owner and ruler for them other than or along with him nor any guardian, protector or intervener, so that by knowing all these facts they could become and remain consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for them as well as with each other for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    052] Moreover O you the listener or receiver of this message, you should not stay away from the call of those who invite mankind day and night towards the establishment, maintenance of and abidance by the purpose based proper rule of law of their creator and sustainer in the human world purposefully properly seeking fulfilment of his assigned purpose according to his plan for mankind. You as an individual are not held accountable for responses to this call by others and they are not held accountable for your response to this call. However should any of you ignore, avoid or neglect this call or invitation then for sure you people will remain of those who keep on inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’ s expense and that way you people will end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other as a people or human population. 

    053] For the reason that whole of mankind do not fail in fulfilling our assigned purpose based proper mission for them we have put them through very, very hard struggle with help and full support of each other to enable them to become and remain suitable and purposefully prepared for fulfilling our assigned mission or project for them so that some of them do not say about others, are these the people whom Allah has chosen and favoured from among us for fulfilling his assigned mission rather than or instead of all of us? Yet some of them will not work for fulfilling his assigned mission for them but is Allah then not already aware of those people who will use his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as his provisions purposefully properly as well as of those who will not think and do so?

    054] So when those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind come to you, say you are welcome to them. Your creator and sustainer has decided all by himself to bless you people with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that you people work towards your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom . However you people are also being made aware of the fact that whoever has been living by a way of life whereby one has been committing atrocities against others for securing one’s own petty personal gains from them at their expense due to being ignorant and unaware of the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by his creator and sustainer but then thereafter one repents by giving up living that way after becoming aware of the way of life advised for mankind by his creator and sustainer and adopts it and that way reforms himself by becoming consistent with it as well as with others then the way of life advised for mankind by Allah will for sure lead him to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a part of a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.     

    055] This is how we explain our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind so that thereby the way of life of those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense becomes fully exposed, manifest, clearly evident or obvious by its very results for mankind.

    056] Say, I am stopped from serving those who are assumed, imagined, taken or idolised by you people as your Gods, masters and rulers other than or along with Allah towards serving whom you people invite me. Say, I am not going to support and back up your baseless and unfounded secular and religious ideas and practices, because if I did that then I too will become of those who create and cause chaos, confusion, anarchy, disorder and lawlessness in the human world like yourselves so I will no longer be on the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by our creator and sustainer and which is purposefully proper for our living in this world purposefully properly.

    057] Say, I am upon illuminated and shining purpose based proper way of life from my creator and sustainer for living my life in this world purposefully properly which you people reject and oppose due to your ignorance based arrogance and stubbornness but to make you people face the results of your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to your living by a way of life which is based upon your darkness of ignorance is not my responsibility towards which you people are eagerly and keenly rushing because that entirely depends upon set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah who explains his actual project of creation of this kingdom according to his purpose based proper plan because he is the only one who explains things the best.

    058] Say, if what you are hastening for to see in reality was part of my missionary task or job to show you then this issue or matter between you and me will have become settled already but set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah make obvious outcomes for the thoughts and actions of those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in due course as planned by him purposefully properly and that is because only and only he alone knows purposefully properly those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    059] Also because only and only with him alone rest the ultimate decision to settle or decide all issues and affairs or matters and none can make those decisions obvious save he himself, that is how he makes obvious in due course all that is to happen, take place or come to pass, be it about widespread prosperity of mankind or a sea full of harms and destructions or troubles and problems because there does not and cannot take place even a single least important event but it is made obvious through set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms. That is so because there is not even a smallest bit of anything at all which is hidden from him in the deepest or the farthest place in his kingdom of creation nor anything wet or dry, existence and working of which is not governed by his brilliant and comprehensive governing system.

    060] That is how through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms he delivers you the mankind the full outcomes of your thoughts and actions against each other which lead you into your terribly dark future whereby he makes you realise what you should be thinking and doing for your brilliant future and that is how he raises you to heights of excellence to let you live your life according to his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind for a granted time period. This is why you the mankind should turn to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that thereby he informs you the mankind what you ought to be thinking and doing for ensuring your own well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by complementing each other purposefully properly so that you people do not end up in a terrible state of existence by hands of each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    061] All that happens because he is the only one with full overall control who watches over and reacts to his human creatures as well by means of his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms whereby he provides for you the human populations the ways and means of existence and survival till any of you the human populations bring upon yourselves death and destruction by living your lives against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and in that case his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms fulfil to you people his warnings and they never fail in carrying out their assigned tasks by him.

    062] This is how mankind are brought to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them who is their only true God, owner and ruler. Therefore they should become alert and aware of the fact that God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of creation wholly and solely belongs only and only to him alone and he is strict and swift in deciding all affairs  and settling the accounts through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms.

    063] Ask them, who saves and secures you the mankind and through what from your very own darkness of ignorance based arrogance whereby you people strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which you inflict harms and destruction upon each other and due to which you people create in the human world sea of chaos, confusion, anarchy, disorder, and lawlessness and as a result you people are forced to end up committing yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by declaring before each other that we will from now onwards become of those who have, use and do things purposefully properly?

    064 Say, it is only and only Allah alone who does all this for you through his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. However when it is only and only Allah alone who saves and secures you from all these calamities, catastrophes, troubles and problems yet many of you people attribute God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of creation to others than him or to others along with him and so you end up living by their rule of law instead of his rule of law in the human world whereby you people start inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    065] Say, he has proven again and again for you the mankind that through his purpose based proper revealed guidance for mankind alone he has the ability, capability, capacity and power to remove all your calamities, catastrophes, troubles and problems from above you and from below you as well as from between yourselves but he also left you people free to split into enemy, rival factions due to your ignoring, neglecting and avoiding his purpose based proper revealed guidance for mankind to let you taste, experience, suffer or undergo the horrible violence by hands of each other. See how we explain our purpose based proper program for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided guidelines for them so that they strive very, very hard for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our granted program for them purposefully properly.

    066] But still after all these brilliant explanations and evidences people or human populations you are sent to are hell bent upon rejecting and opposing this Quran even though it gives them a program to carry it out by accomplishing its goals worth pursuing according to our provided guidelines for mankind. Tell them, I am not appointed as a warden or keeper over you to force you into accepting and doing things against your will forcefully.

    067] For each and every thing you the mankind are told about purposefully properly well in advance there is a set time period and conditions for its fulfilment so in due course you will come face to face with what you are told about well in advance.

    068] Therefore whenever you come across any people who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and yet they are engaged in talking about our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind without having the purpose based proper understanding and knowledge about them due to which they end up having wrong ideas about them and therefore they reject and oppose them, suggest or request to them to engage you in a purpose based proper conversation, discussion and debate about our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind purposefully properly till they change their minds about them. However if the harmful and destructive leadership of the party that rejects and opposes our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind avoids your suggestion or request then still deliver them our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and leave on their own those who have adopted a way of life whereby they inflict harm and destruction upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense to face the consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.
    069] Even though people who think and do what benefits and ensures well being of others will not be held responsible, accountable and answerable at all for thoughts and actions of those who think and do what harms and destroys others yet it is their duty, obligation and responsibility to advise them purposefully properly so that they have a chance or an opportunity to become aware of their mistake or error and correct it and therefore in future they refrain from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    070] However leave such people on their own to think and do as they please who have chosen as their way of life to fool about to amuse themselves at the expense of others because they have let themselves to be deceived by wrong ideas and misuse of our provided things for mankind for their living in this life at present by not preparing themselves for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly. However keep on advising and warning them on the basis of this Quran purposefully properly in case they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other as a consequence of harms and destructions they inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Nonetheless do keep on making them aware of the fact that they will have none to save and secure them from the delivery of the horrible consequences to them of their very own terrible thoughts and actions against others by set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah and nothing will be accepted from them even if they sought to offer each and every imaginable most valuable thing as ransom for saving and securing themselves. Such are those who are condemned to terrible painful suffering as the consequence of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others. For them are deluges of worries and regrets as painful suffering due to their rejection and opposition to our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    071] Say to them, does it make sense at all that we the mankind invite each other to the way of life and the rule of law of others than Allah who cannot ensure our well being nor can they protect us from harms and destructions we inflict upon each other for securing our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? Moreover does it make sense that we the mankind turn upon our heels and go back to our old way of life after Allah has guided us to his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and we have accepted and adopted it like the people or human population whom its secular and religious leaders who rejected and opposed purpose based proper rule of Allah for mankind have misled and it is wandering around in the human world confused while its fellow human beings who abide by purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah are calling it to that path saying, come join us. Tell them, purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is the only purpose based proper guidance for mankind. We the mankind have been told by Allah who is creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the human world to accept, establish and abide by it purposefully properly.

    072] We are also told by him to establish and abide by his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world purposefully properly which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that way we are told to be consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by complementing each other purposefully properly, because it is only and only his program, goals and guidelines for mankind alone according to which we all can come together or gather together as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom if we want to live as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for our own blissful, dignified and secure existence with help and full support of each other.

    073] Because it is only and only he alone who has originated and evolved all the galaxies which are distanced from each other and which are full of stars and planets including this galaxy for a set purpose according to his plan since the moment or the time he initiated the process of creation and it began to take shape in reality. His expression never fails to take shape or unfold purposefully properly in reality and that is why this whole kingdom of his creation only and only belongs to him alone since the time he programmed in it his design. He is the one who makes manifest all that is yet to become a reality in due course, because he is the wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation who is purposefully properly aware of all that which mankind ought to be thinking and doing for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence therein as a purpose based proper human community.

    074] That is why once upon a time Abraham said to Aazar, the father of his people or human population, do you people idolise such people and things as your Gods, masters and rulers other than or along with Allah that are stumbling blocks or barriers, obstacles in the way of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom? Surely I see you and your people in self evident or manifest or obvious confusion or error.

    075] It is because that is the way we educated and trained Abraham about the kingdom of the heavens and the earth purposefully properly so that he becomes of those who stand upon our provided firm and solid purpose based proper foundation purposefully properly and firmly for managing and running a place or land or kingdom.

    076] So at the start of his concern for his people when darkness of ignorance covered his people he saw a ray of hope for his human population. He said to himself, there is still a ray of hope from my creator and sustainer for my people to improve and better themselves. But then they let even that opportunity fade away so Abraham said, I do not like my people letting this opportunity go to waste.

    077] However in due course he saw a yet greater ray of hope for betterment of his people so he thought, this is much better opportunity from my creator and sustainer for my people to improve themselves but they let that also fade away so he said to himself, if my creator and sustainer guides me not as to how to help my people then I am certainly going to be part of a human population which has lost its way to a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a people.
    078] Thereafter he observed an even greater window of opportunity for his people to better themselves so he thought, this is much bigger opportunity from my creator and sustainer for my people to better themselves because this is a huge opportunity for them but they let that also fade away so he said to his people, O my people, I am free of all those whom you assume, imagine, idolise and take for your Gods, masters and rulers other than or along with Allah.

    079] I turn myself to him alone for seeking his purpose based proper guidance for mankind who has originated and evolved the heavens and the earth and I am not of those who accept rule of law of anyone other than his.

    080] At that his people started persecuting him so he said to them, are you people persecuting me due to my seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind whereas it is he himself who has guided me purposefully properly indeed? I do not fear those whom you assume, imagine, idolise and take for your Gods, masters and rulers instead of him or along with him. That is because nothing can happen or take place or come to pass in this kingdom of his creation unless my creator and sustainer has so planned because the knowledge of my creator and sustainer is so vast that it encompasses each and every thing in his kingdom comprehensively and purposefully properly, so why don’t you people examine carefully, earnestly and sincerely his purpose based proper testimony, statement, message, revelation or guidance for mankind I am sent with instead of disputing, fighting and arguing with me senselessly, foolishly, aimlessly and without any truly worthy purpose?

    081] As for your way of life, how can I give any importance to that way of life whereby you people attribute God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship to people like yourselves instead of Allah who stop you from your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a people by dividing and ruling you while you are not paying any attention to your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense as a consequence for your setting them up as rivals, partners and associates of Allah for which he has not given you people any authority whatsoever? So you people can tell me which of the two parties of us is truly purposefully properly based upon firm foundation in accordance to his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind such as their unity, peace, progress and prosperity? Tell me, if you really have the wisdom needed to explain these things purposefully properly.

    082] So you the mankind can clearly see for yourselves for sure that those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they do not discredit their thoughts and actions for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. For that reason such are the ones who are bound to achieve or attain unity, peace, progress and prosperity for themselves as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom because they are the ones who have sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    083] And that was the purpose based proper explanation with which we furnished Abraham to convince his people. We raise to heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure existence all those people who work very, very hard for it according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Surely your creator and sustainer is the wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation and he makes his wisdom obvious for mankind so that they too become wise and live their lives as they should according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for them.

    084] And we gave him as successors Isaac and Jacob and guided them all as we guided Noah before them and among his successors were David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron, so that is how we reward those who think and do things to ensure well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    085] Likewise thought and did things Zachariah, John, Jesus and Elijah. All of them were of those who mended, repaired and fixed broken, fractured and severed relationships between mankind by removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars from between them for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #174 - January 16, 2024, 01:20 AM

    086] Among them were Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah and Lot also. We raised each and every one of them for the human populations in the human world to educate and train them purposefully properly.

    087] We also raised many more of them who preceded them as well as succeeded them and many were their contemporaries. We appointed them all for carrying out our mission for establishing, maintaining and abiding by our purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in the human world purposefully properly which is based upon our purpose based proper guidance for them so that mankind live by our advised purpose based proper way of life for them to reach heights of excellence so that they could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    088] Such is purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind whereby he guides purposefully properly whoever strives very, very hard for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly. Had they lived by any way of life that was invented, promoted and forcefully imposed upon mankind by some of them in the name of their imagined, assumed, supposed, idolised false Gods, masters, and rulers instead of the purpose based proper way of life that was advised for mankind by Allah then all their hard works will have come to nothing at all.

    089] Of such great character were these people upon whom we bestowed our purpose based proper scriptures and our prophet-hood and messenger-ship as well as duty, obligation and responsibility of purposeful proper management of people and land and resources as well as means of production and distribution. So if many of these people to whom you are sent reject and oppose our this purpose based proper guidance for mankind just now then worry not because we are aware of people who will in due course seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly and they will neither reject it nor oppose it.

    090] It is a verifiable truth that those like people were and are purposefully properly guided by Allah therefore support and back up those like people fully and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly no matter from which human population they come and from which part of the human world they come. Moreover tell these people of yours, I am not asking you people for anything in return for my personal gain for helping you people to educate and train yourselves purposefully properly so that you people could become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. No doubt this Quran can lead all human populations in the human world to heights of excellence by leading them to blissful, dignified and secure existence provided they seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly.

    091] Despite all these explanations and evidences many of mankind still do not give their due attention to and its due importance to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as they are supposed to, ought to or as they should. Such people as due to their ignorance based arrogance claim, Allah has never revealed anything at all to any human being at all for the purpose based proper guidance of mankind. Ask them, who then sent the book which Moses brought to his people? Which was light of knowledge because it was purpose based proper guidance for mankind to live their lives by as a purpose based proper human community in a place or land in his kingdom? The scripture which some of you the mankind have been transcribing upon separate sheets in order to misinterpret and misrepresent it so that thereby you could create disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between mankind by publicizing and emphasising some of its message and suppressing and hiding or concealing much of the rest of that given information which neither you nor your forefathers possessed before it. So if they cannot answer your this question purposefully properly then tell them yourself that it was Allah who revealed it and leave them on there own due to their persistent ignorance based arrogance and senseless foolish random unfounded and baseless explanations and arguments.

    092] Just as we sent a book to Moses for his people earlier on so we have sent this last and final book with equally blissful, dignified and secure existence providing program, goals and guidelines for mankind for fulfilling all the conditions told in all our scriptures by us which we revealed before it so that you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind along with your helpers, supporters and backers alert and make aware about it all the human populations in the human world which is mother of all the human habitations and settlements so that thereby there could be brought about by human populations by themselves for themselves blissful, dignified and secure environment for their own existence in the human world by their complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. However only and only those people who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind will do so. It is because only and only those who will commit, dedicate and devote themselves purposefully properly for bringing about brilliant future for themselves thereby will fully and purposefully properly dedicate and devote or commit themselves to bringing about and maintaining purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    093] So who can be more harmful and destructive for mankind than the one who invents falsehood and lies against Allah and attributes them to him or claims that revelation has been sent to me by Allah when in reality he has not been sent any revelation from him at all - or the one who claims that I too can come up with like of that which is revealed by Allah? If you could think of or imagine the time period when such transgressors against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and each other are overwhelmed by harms and destructions by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and our missionaries extend the jurisdiction of our rule of law in the human world whereby they take control of them and they tell them, let your people whom you have taken for your slaves be free. From now on you people are to face terribly humiliating consequences for making up and spreading lies against Allah for manipulating and using masses in your human populations abusively for furthering your own petty personal agendas which are harmful and destructive for mankind and for thinking and doing that you had no right whatsoever yet you people did that for dominating others by undermining them against his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind.

    094] That is why you are brought by your own individual thoughts and actions to this state of existence before us to face justice as per rule of law of Allah for mankind individually as human populations in the manner we made clear to you already repeatedly, leaving behind all that we let you have through loot and plunder by dispossessing others and we do not see with you your supporters and backers about whom you thought they will intervene or act on your behalf as your partners, associates and companions in crime. All your ties are cut off indeed today so what you planned against purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines as well as mankind has failed you terribly badly.

    095] Surely it is the set-up of purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah that let the hidden potentialities of people become obvious through their very own biological, psychological and sociological development and progress in due course. That is how he lets come forth a lively human population out of the dead one and the dead human population from the one that was once upon a time lively. It is due to the purpose based proper plan of Allah all this happens and takes place or come to pass so why is it that you the mankind stay away or move away from his purpose based proper guidance for mankind?

    096] Because unawareness, ignorance, avoidance or neglection of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind gradually leads mankind to stagnation and regression as well as holds them back from their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a human population so he introduces the dawn of enlightenment for them for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity so that they become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by way of his glorious purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence through their complementing each other purposefully properly. Of such vital importance for mankind is purposefully properly seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Almighty and all knowing according to his set-up, purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms.

    097] It is only and only he alone who has brought forth the stars in the sky and the enlightened luminaries in the human world so that thereby you the mankind could find your way to your destination when it is dark in the land and the sea or you are confused by darkness of ignorance and in chaos in the human world. We have surely explained things in our purpose based proper guidance for mankind in shape of our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind who strive very, very hard for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon them purposefully properly.

    098] All this is clear proof for you the mankind that it is only and only he alone who has originated and evolved you people from a single source or tree of life and set-up for you this world as a place to settle in there beautifully for a given time period. We have also explained for sure our purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines for mankind for their purpose based proper understanding of it for their carrying it out purposefully properly.

    099] Moreover it is only and only he alone who sends down water from the sky as rain and with that he produces vegetation and greenery of all kinds. He brings forth green crops producing grain piled up in the ears, palm-trees laden with clusters of dates hanging down within reach, gardens of grapes, olives, and pomegranates. Even though their fruits resemble in kind yet there are differences in their varieties. Observe and look at their fruits as they are yielded and become ripened. In these things there are awesome, wonderful and marvellous evidences as to how our set-up purpose based proper systems and laws, processes and mechanisms work and operate in our kingdom of creation for those who will commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    100] After all these brilliant explanations and evidences still many of the mankind attribute God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of creation to others than or along with Allah such as to people with hidden agendas in opposition to his purpose based proper guidance for them even though it is only and only he alone who has created and evolved them as well as provided them with his purpose based proper guidance for them to act upon purposefully properly. However instead of acting upon his provided foundation for fulfilling his given agenda they have created and attributed to him goals and guidelines based upon their own baseless and unfounded ambitions and desires without having any purpose based proper knowledge about managing people and things purposefully properly. But he is free of such falsehood and lies with which they attribute him.

    101] Due to only and only his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms alone is origin and evolution of all the galaxies which are distanced from each other and which are full of stars and planets including this galaxy. How can he be succeeded by anyone or anything when there is no one and nothing like unto him because it is only and only he alone who has created and evolved all the other existing beings and things all by himself alone? That is how he makes each and everything so obvious for mankind so that they could think and understand things purposefully properly.

    102] That is the purpose based proper identification and description of Allah your creator and sustainer that none is God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation other than he himself alone, the creator and sustainer of each and everything, so be consistent with his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind as well as with each other purposefully properly because only and only upon his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms alone rest purpose based proper existence and working or operating of all things purposefully properly.

    103] The whole human brain power cannot fully comprehend him and he knows that because it is only and only he alone who has given it all its brain capacity to comprehend things. He alone is aware of all things purposefully properly and comprehensively therefore only and only he alone is purposefully properly fit for guiding mankind purposefully properly.

    104] Say, therefore for sure only and only from him alone there have come to you the mankind brilliant explanations and evidences of your creator and sustainer to open up and extend or expand your power of thinking and understanding things purposefully properly so any human population that opens up its eyes of mind towards them purposefully properly, it is for the benefit of itself and for ensuring its own well being through complementing each other purposefully properly and any that plays dumb and blind towards them, it is doing so at its own peril for its own harms and destructions by hands of each other. It is because I am a prophet and messenger of Allah for mankind and not a keeper over them to stop and prevent them from thinking and doing things against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by force against their will.

    105] This is why we explain our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind over and over, again and again so that due to that the rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind are forced by reason into admitting the fact that you are a most learned and knowledgeable person who is taught by the provider of all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and so that it also becomes obvious for people who are striving hard for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly that you are truly in actual fact taught by your creator and sustainer indeed.

    106] So support and back up what is revealed to you the mankind for your purpose based proper guidance through this prophet and messenger of your creator and sustainer, because none is God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of creation other than or along with him so stop living by way of life and rule of law of those who idolise, assume, imagine, suppose and take for Gods, masters and rulers others than or along with Allah, because they do not bother to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and instead seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind purposefully properly yourselves.

    107] Had Allah so planned that he enforced his will upon mankind instead of giving them freedom to choose to think and do as they like then they will not have taken for Gods, masters and rulers other than or along with Allah. It is because we have given them freedom to choose to think and do as they like and face the consequences of their thoughts and actions therefore we have not appointed you as their keeper or warden over them nor made you their advocate so that you stop and prevent them by force from thinking and doing anything at all against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    108] For that reason do not approach unreasonably and irrationally the issue of those towards whose way of life and rule of law they invite you people to live by due to their ignorance based arrogance because they mistakenly and wrongfully assume, imagine, suppose, idolise or take them for their Gods, masters and rulers other than or along with Allah because if you will do that then they too will have justification to respond to your invitation to them towards purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind the same way. It is because that is how each human population thinks and acts as it seems fit or right to it in their own eyes or minds. However rest assured that if you people will approach them for discussing this issue with them reasonably and rationally purposefully properly then ultimately after trying their ways of life and rules of laws and failing they will surely turn to purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of their creator and sustainer based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because he will thereby explain to them how they should be thinking and acting purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    109] These attributors of God-ship, ownership and ruler-ship to others than or along with Allah swear by Allah with their utmost conviction to you the supporters and backers of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind that if a supernatural, miraculous and magical proof as per their demand came to them then they will most certainly commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind. Say to them, if you can think rationally and logically consistently or purposefully properly as you should be able to then surely choice of sending proofs, deciding their nature as to what those proofs are supposed to be, to whom they are supposed to be sent and how rests only and only with Allah alone but is it not clearly evident and obvious to you the supporters and backers of the Quran by their responses to your invitation to the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind that even after reaching of his proof to them they are still not committing themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom because they have not prepared and made themselves aware and knowledgeable about what a proof is supposed to be and how it ought to prove the claim? The proof is the best possible explanation for the available evidences for proving a claim.

    110] This is how we find their brains and senses rendered useless by them by not preparing themselves for this purpose so they are not able to commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. This is why we leave them to themselves in their self imposed confusion to wander about confused to go about their daily living rebelliously seeking dominance over others by undermining them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    111] That is why even if we did send them all of our prophets and messengers as missionaries at once with our purpose based proper messages for guidance of mankind and thereby made clear to them results of harmful and destructive thoughts and actions of human populations which perished before them for their learning lessons from that and placed before them all kinds of explanations and evidences as proof of our setup and working or operation of our this kingdom of creation, they will still not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom unless Allah enforced his will by taking away their freedom of choice. It is because most of mankind keep themselves ignorant and unaware about things they ought to know purposefully properly.

    112] Like our this prophet and messenger we did let rise against each and every one of our prophets and messengers his opponents, the harmful and destructive people from among his own human population as well as from among the other human populations - some of them inspiring and motivated or encouraged the others with seductive speeches to deceive and fool them. Had your creator and sustainer enforced his will by taking away their freedom of choice, they could not have done that therefore leave them to themselves to continue living by their self invented falsehood but remain alert and aware as well as look beyond them to overcome what they plot and scheme.

    113] To such falsehood as is put forth by experienced deceivers we find minds of those people inclined who do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so they do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for the brilliant future of humanity so let them live in fools’ paradise and let them earn what they may and face the consequences for thinking and doing so by securing their own petty personal gains from others at their expense.

    114] Say to people you are sent to, does it make any sense at all to you that I should seek to live by rule of law of anyone other than Allah alone when it is only and only he alone who has revealed this book for you the mankind as his decisive explanation for his provided awesome, wonderful and marvellous evidences? The fact is, those to whom we have given any of our books before this know very well that this book too is revealed to you by your creator and sustainer for mankind for their purpose based proper guidance due to similarities between the books therefore you should not be of those who have any reasonably justifiable doubt at all about it.

    115] It is because words of your creator and sustainer fulfil the criterion for the actual truth and true justice and fairness for mankind. There is none who can change his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms which operate all things in his kingdom of creation to make it work purposefully properly. That is how he makes manifest, evident and obvious for mankind that he is fully aware of each and every thing and therefore he is able to guide them purposefully properly.

    116] It is because mankind are unaware and ignorant about things they ought to know therefore if you listened or heeded any of them in the human world they will lead you away from the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for them because they live for nothing but harmful and destructive make beliefs and practices and they support and promote nothing but their self invented harmful and destructive programs, goals and guidelines for securing their own petty personal gains from others at their expense whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    117] The fact is, your creator and sustainer knows best the people who have strayed from his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and he exposes them for mankind through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms by delivering them the terrible results of their very own horrible thoughts and actions against each other and he also knows best those who are on the path he has advised for them and makes obvious them as well for mankind through their very own hard works for ensuring well being of mankind through their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    118] So have, use and do or participate, interact, partake or take part only and only in that which has seal of approval of Allah upon it if you want to prove by demonstrating the fact that you have purposefully properly committed yourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    119] And why you should not have, use and do or partake, interact, participate and take part in that which has seal of approval of Allah upon it when he has explained for you his decision as to what you are forbidden to have, to use and to do or what you should not participate, interact, partake and take part in except in case you are forced against your will and you are faced with danger of harm and destruction to yourselves and that is when there is state of chaos, confusion, anarchy, disorder or lawlessness in the place or land you people stay or reside or you are settled in? It is because most of the leading people in their human populations mislead the rest due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for dominating other by undermining them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense due to their lack of purpose based proper information and its purpose based proper understanding about things which they ought to think and do as well as which they should not think about nor do. For sure your creator and sustainer makes those like people who inflict harms and destruction upon others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense obvious for the rest of mankind to see them for what they really stand for and what they really are through results of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others because they think and act against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and therefore they think and act against his set limits.

    120] So if you the mankind want the best possible state of existence for yourselves in the human world then all of you must struggle very, very hard according to the best of your given abilities by him to establish his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind purposefully properly in the place you are settled in or you live in as his missionaries and when it is purposefully properly established and maintained in your place of settlement by yourselves in the human world in his kingdom then abide by it purposefully properly and abstain from all criminal thoughts and activities against each other whether you are in public among people or on your own in private. It is because those human populations whose people commit crimes against each other by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind they surely suffer terrible humiliating consequences for their wrongdoings to each other by hands of each other which harms and destroys them by hands of each other.

    121] For that reason do not have, use and do or participate, interact, partake and take part in anything which has no seal of approval of Allah upon it, because that is surely harmful and destructive for mankind and it will prove harmful and destructive for mankind in due course because it will be transgression by people against the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms. It is a fact that leading people from among the rejectors and opponents of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind urge, push, encourage and move their supporters and backers that they should fight with you so defend yourselves against them because if you people also went along with them then surely you too will be considered as part of those who attribute God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship to others than or along with Allah so do not be or become of those people or you too will end up suffering similar consequences for thinking and doing so.

    122] Think about it, can a human population that was like a dead people due to its ignorance based arrogance because of which it ended up in that state of existence by hands of each other by striving hard for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whom we raised to heights of excellence by inspiring, moving, encouraging and motivating it with light of our provided purpose based proper information and understanding or knowledge to walk in harmony with each other by complementing each other purposefully properly be like the human population which has fallen in the depths of darkness of ignorance from which it cannot come out unless it too seeks, receives, studies, accepts and acts upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind? That is why we leave on their own the rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to remain in bliss of their own ignorance due to what they think and do to each other as a people.

    123] And that was the case, situation or the way we found people in each and every settlement of human populations that we saw top criminals and enemies of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as humanity as their ring leaders who plotted, schemed and conspired therein against each other but the fact is they plotted against none but their very own people and themselves though they realised it not till the results of their such thoughts and actions surrounded, encompassed and overwhelmed them fully and hemmed them in.

    124] Despite all these our explanations and evidences whenever there comes to mankind our purpose based proper revealed guidance for them many of them say, we will not commit ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to it unless we too are given directly that which is given to those who claim to be prophets and messengers of Allah. However the fact is, Allah knows best to whom he should reveal his purpose based proper message for rest of mankind and what the message should be all about. In due course these criminals will also be overtaken by humiliating painful suffering by hands of each other as a result of their very own harmful and destructive ambition and desires against humanity due to which they strive hard for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    125] The point mankind need to become fully aware of is that any people who strive very, very hard for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly Allah guides their minds purposefully properly to the way of life that is labelled Al-Islam (the way of life which can lead mankind to their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom). However any people who decide to strive hard against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as against humanity his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms let their minds become restricted and narrow or as if quashed and squeezed up so tight that at the very thought of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom they feel as if they are being forced to climb up the steep mountain top that is sky high. That is how set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah make evident and obvious the fault in the mindsets, attitudes and behaviours of those who reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to which they refuse to commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    126] Regardless of their responses to it this purpose based proper way of life is advised for mankind by your creator and sustainer for their very own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom which is firmly founded because we have explained our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind decisively in our revealed messages for the people who have learned to think and do things purposefully properly.

    127] For that reason for people who heed his message purposefully properly is blissful, dignified and secure existence in a place they live in, in the kingdom of their creator and sustainer. It is because he is their supporter and backer through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms due to their hard works according to his purpose based proper guidance for them which leads them to bringing about such a place in his kingdom.

    128] As for those who will refuse to heed his call through his missionaries towards his purpose based proper guidance for mankind in the human world during their life time from among the leaders and their supporters and backers he will bring them all together in hereafter and say to them, O you the secular and religious leading tricksters with hidden agendas against humanity (the rulers, the priests and the money lenders) you have been deceiving masses in your human populations in great numbers for dominating them through your tricks and mechanisms for undermining them for securing your own petty personal gains from them at their expense. At that time the masses that will have been enslaved by them will have realised their mistakes or wrongdoings as well so they will express the truth before their creator and sustainer by saying, our creator and sustainer, we both the parties have been using each other abusively for securing our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense till our lifetime you granted us reached its end or completion. Their creator and sustainer will say to them, hell is your destination for all of you for thinking and doing what you thought and did against my purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as against each other. You will enter hell and remain in there for as long as Allah decides. No doubt your creator and sustainer is all knowing wise ruler of his kingdom of creation. 

    129] That is how we leave inflictors of harms and destructions upon each other on their own because they turn against each other and continue living that way by rejecting and opposing our purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to which they continue securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for them.

    130] It is because I have been sending my prophets and messengers with my messages for mankind throughout times and places therefore I will ask them in hereafter when I gather them for accountability, O parties of leaders with hidden agendas and their supporting masses from among human populations who have rejected and opposed my purpose based proper guidance for mankind without even bothering to prepare yourselves for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon them as if I did not send anyone and anything for you people at all, have there really not come to you people my prophets and messengers or missionaries from among yourselves who proclaimed to you my purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for you the mankind and warned you that if you will ignore my purpose based proper guidance for mankind then in due course or in time to come you people will end up in this situation that you have ended up in? Their response at that time to my questioning will be, our state of affairs bears witness against us and that is because they will have deceived themselves by becoming engaged in life of this world for a wrong purpose and in a wrong way therefore at that time they themselves will bear witness against themselves that they were indeed of those who rejected and opposed my purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that is why they have ended up in the situation they have.

    131] It is a fact that your creator and sustainer does not let any settlement of human populations destroy themselves due to their inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense without sending them his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for alerting and making them aware about it yet their settlers, residents or inhabitants remain unalert and unaware about it and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other because they ignore, avoid and neglect it so they do not prepare themselves for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.
    132] No doubt all human populations are delivered the outcomes of their very own thoughts and actions according to degrees and categories of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other according to or in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind through set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of your creator and sustainer who is never unaware of what they think and do.

    133] That is because your creator and sustainer is self-sufficient for his existence and he is purposefully properly responsible for all kinds of provisions for mankind which includes responsibility of provision of his purpose based proper guidance for you people for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. Had he so planned, he could have left you people on your own without his later purpose based proper guidance for you after you people moved away from his previously provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and you people will have ended up destroyed by hands of each other and he could have replaced you people with other people just as he has raised you as successors of other people who were destroyed by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    134] However if you people will not seek, receive, study, accept and act upon my purpose based proper guidance for you purposefully properly to have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom then a time period of tumults, turmoils, disturbances, unrests, instability, revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions about which you have been alerted and warned or made aware is bound to come and you can do nothing against its taking place or happening unless you people stop living your lives for wrong purposes by adopting wrong ways of life and instead you people start living your lives for the right purpose by adopting the right way of life for fulfilling it as you are advised by me purposefully properly.

    135] O my prophet and messenger, say to people you are sent to, O my people, if after all these explanations and evidences you have been blessed with by your creator and sustainer you will still refuse to heed his call towards establishing, maintaining and abiding by his purpose based proper rule of law based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind  purposefully properly in the human world in his kingdom then think and do whatever you like against his mission and I will think and do whatever I can for turning his mission into a reality then in time to come you people will find out which of us is delivered the best possible outcome and which of us is delivered the worst possible outcome as a result of our very own thoughts and actions respectively. Rest assured that people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind can never and will never succeed in delivering well being for mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    136] It is because due to their ignorance based arrogance most advantaged leading people in the human populations create divisions, disputes, rivalries, animosities, tensions, conflicts, fights and wars between rest of the people in those human populations in the name of their self invented and self imposed promoted and supported imaginary baseless and unfounded secular and religious beliefs and practices in the very name of their creator and sustainer and then on that basis they divide land and resources as well as means of production and distribution for themselves by making a false declaration in the name of Allah by claiming, only such and such belongs to Allah and the rest such and such belongs to our Gods. However despite whatever they themselves declare belongs to Allah they still do not have and use even that according to his provided purpose based guidance for mankind but instead they have and use it according to their own baseless and unfounded beliefs and practices only and only to benefit from it themselves or to take advantage of it themselves. The same they think and do about whatever they assign to their imaginary Gods so only they themselves end up with all that which they assign for Allah and their imaginary Gods. In due course this their clever and tricky allotting and assigning of shares and division of power and wealth in the very name of their creator and sustainer proves seriously harmful and destructive for mankind in due course.

    137] That is how these inventors, imposers, enforcers and practitioners of harmful and destructive beliefs and practices make these beliefs and practices look alluring and enticing or attractive in the eyes of many of the illiterate, uneducated, untrained, uncultivated, ignorant people in their human populations who accept Gods, masters and rulers other than and along with Allah which lead them to harms and destructions of even their very own future generations due to their confusing of their own human populations about the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah in the name of different versions of religion and secularism which seems a great idea to them. Had Allah had not given them freedom to think and act as they choose they will not have done so however let them remain stuck to their chosen self harming and self destructive beliefs and practices if that is what they want for themselves.

    138] It is because these illiterate, uneducated, untrained, unskilled, uncultivated, uncultured, unprepared, ignorant and unaware masses stick to and remain stuck to their secular and religious baseless and unfounded beliefs and practices which are harmful and destructive for them because due to their being in this state of existence their leadership takes undue advantage of them by diverting their attention from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by telling them, the land and its resources as well as means of production and distribution are restricted by Allah for us for our use only so none has the right to use them and benefit from them or take advantage of them other than ourselves. To stop, prevent and hinder rest of people in human populations from doing so, that is how they put obstacles, hurdles and barriers between them and the way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom which complements each other purposefully properly for ensuring its own well being and that way they think and do all they can to not to let the glory of purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah become manifest, evident and obvious to rest of mankind because for that very reason they invent and attribute falsehood and lies to him about way of life advised by him for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence which can lead them to their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity in order to divert them by diverting their attention from it and to keep them diverted from it. Soon he will call them to account for their these like harmful and destructive tricks, mechanism, traps, interventions, interferences, falsehoods and lies against him in form of their beliefs and practices which are harmful and destructive for mankind and which they use for derailing humanity from it and keeping it derailed and confused about the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah.

    139] They also say, whatever is not discovered or known yet of the valuable useful things in the world is only and only for us (dominant secular and religious elite such as chiefs, priests and money lenders) and it is forbidden for our masses but if it is of no value or importance or use to our secular and religious as well as money lending elite then all the rest can share it. Soon he will make them face the consequences for their attribution of such falsehood and lies to him. Surely he is mighty wise and he makes his wisdom manifest, evident and obvious in due course for people in the human world to see.

    140] Losers indeed are those most advantaged people among human populations such as chiefs, priests, money lenders, their touts, supporters and backers who due to their ignorance based arrogance foolishly strive hard to undermine and destroy their very own future generations under their control without realising the nature of loss by their restricting their participation and interaction in that which Allah has provided for all of mankind by falsely attributing to Allah prohibitions for them about having, using and doing things by keeping them ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untrained and unskilled about what they ought to be knowing, thinking  and doing for having blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. Certainly they have moved away and they remain distant from our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind that is why they are not the ones who are to be heeded, supported and backed up as leaders by their human populations towards establishing, maintaining and abiding by our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    141] The fact is, all that exists in the kingdom of creation of Allah belongs only and only to him alone and he has given it under management of mankind as a whole according to his purpose based proper guidance for them so none has any right at all as an individual or group to claim ownership of anything at all in his kingdom of creation be it the least important particle of matter. It is because Allah alone has created all kinds of things but only and only so that they serve only and only his purposes alone according to his plan only. He has created and evolved plants trellised and untrellised or nontrellised, the palm trees, the field crops with produce of different kinds, the olives and pomegranates, each similar in kind yet different in taste and various other aspects. So eat of their fruits when they produce it and freely distribute it to each and every one of you people who has the right to it as well as need for it to enjoy it when you harvest it and never transgress any limit set by purpose based proper human community in light of purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind as well as in light of real world realities that face purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. Surely his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms support not those who transgress or go beyond or against his set limits.

    142] Of the abundance of his free provisions for mankind some are hidden from you people in various ways waiting for their discovery by yourselves by ways of your searches and explorations which need your very, very hard works by you people and others are self evident and obvious for you which also need efforts by you but to a lesser degree or extent. Have and use all of you freely all that Allah has provided for ensuring your well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by way of your complementing each other purposefully properly therefore when you are thinking and doing that follow not ways of life invented, imposed, adopted and promoted by any of the rejectors and opponents of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind or you will end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of having blissful, dignified and secure existence by way of complementing each other purposefully properly. It is because for sure any person who rejects and opposes his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind is your manifest and obvious or open opponent and enemy.

    143] However because chiefs, priests, money lenders, their touts and supporters who are rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind claim that we have strictly forbidden for some people to share our provided things for mankind with others so ask them O our prophet and messenger or missionary, who are those people and why are they forbidden to have and to use those things and who has forbidden them to have and to use those things and what is their proof for it? Is it that more advantaged category of people who are valued more by their supporters and backers they should not share things with less advantage people who are valued less by them and who has decided this affair or matter this way, the more advantaged category of people or the less advantaged category of people? Also why they have done all this in the very name of their creator and sustainer and what is their explanation and evidence for thinking and doing things this way if what you people claim is true?

    144] Also does this restriction and prohibition apply only to the more advantaged leading people as well as to their supporters or only to the less advantaged leading people and their backers? Are you people sure about all this and do you people bear witness for your stated claim and declaration that this is how Allah has decided this issue or matter? However be alert and warned that he who attributes falsehood and lies to Allah confuses and misleads mankind due to his ignorance and unawareness about his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    145] Even though these people make these like baseless and unfounded claims inform them clearly about the fact that I do not find in what has been revealed to me by our creator and sustainer anything forbidden for anyone for having, using and doing save one’s partaking, interacting, participating and taking part in activities which kill human potential and lead mankind to a dead end (due to which they become a dead or ineffective and uninfluential people who lack influence and effectiveness) and bloodshed between themselves as well as lead them to plotting, scheming and conspiring against each other for securing their own petty personal gain from each others at each other’s expense because such activities are harmful and destructive for mankind as a people which means such people are living their lives in contravention of purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah. Despite the fact that harmful and destructive thoughts and actions of mankind against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense are forbidden if anyone is forced into a helpless situation or set of circumstances by others intending neither wilful inconsistency with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind nor deliberate transgression against anyone then you the mankind will find your creator and sustainer protecting you through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    146] As for those who claim to be purposefully properly guided we left many of them on their own to carry on with their self imposed restrictions and prohibitions against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind because once they moved away from it, they did not seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly due to which they failed to remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a people. All this happened between them due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires due to which they strove for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of complementing each other purposefully properly because of their ignorance based arrogant mindsets, attitudes and behaviours which resulted in their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other. That is how most of them failed to live according to our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind save those who did live up to their commitment but some others remained loosely connected with sense of purpose based proper human community and some yet others also remained stuck to that sort of community structure only ideologically without actually adopting and practicing it purposefully properly. That is how they were made to face consequence of their on purpose deliberate transgression and rebellion against our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind. Surely that is how our set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms prove true in due course our purpose based proper guidance and warnings for mankind.

    147] Yet if after all these explanations and evidences they still reject and oppose you our prophet and messenger for them then say to them, be alert and aware of the fact that verifiably true explanations can only and only be of your creator and sustainer alone who is provider of this verifiably true blissful, dignified and secure existence providing program with goals and guidelines for mankind however his foretold harm and destruction by hands of each other cannot be averted by people who have given themselves to criminal thoughts and actions against humanity in opposition to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    148] Yet in response to this those who take for Gods, masters and rulers other than or along with Allah will say, if Allah wanted neither we nor our forefathers could have been of those who live by way of life and abide by rule of law of others than Allah nor could they have declared anything unlawful or prohibited to have, to use and to do. That is how their ancestors also rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind until they suffered the consequences for thinking and doing that by hands of each other about which they were already warned well in advance. Say, do you people have any purpose based proper explanations and evidences for these claims of yours that you can put before us? The fact is, you people support and back up nothing but baseless and unfounded secular and religious ideas and practices and thoughts and actions which are harmful and destructive for mankind so you people support and back up nothing but falsehood and lies for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which is clearly obvious from the outcomes of your thoughts and actions against each other and that is all you learn from your life experiences instead of learning things you ought to know for having blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    149] Say, the explanation of Allah is decisive and conclusive that if it had been his plan to enforce his will then he could indeed have guided you all by taking away your freedom of choice but he chose to give you ability to choose to think and do as you like in order to fulfil his purpose based proper plan about you the mankind.

    150] Say, bring forth from among you such most learned and highly knowledgeable people if you have any among you who are able to testify that Allah has indeed forbidden, prohibited or made unlawful having, using and doing things just as you people claim so that we could scrutinise and cross examine their testimonies and statements to see if what they have stated does prove actually true in fact. Be and become as well as remain aware of the fact that you people do not accept their testimonies and statements on face value or take them for granted or go along with them and do not support and back up their baseless and unfounded ideas and practices as well as thoughts and actions which are harmful and destructive for mankind due to being against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. It is because they are a people who reject and oppose our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind and for that reason they do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by complementing each other purposefully properly for their very own brilliant future and instead they stand against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    151] If they fail and they will fail because they are attributors of falsehood and lies to Allah then say to them, come I will tell you what your creator and sustainer has instructed for you the mankind to have, to use and to do as well as what you are not to have, not to use and not to do. He has instructed you the mankind to not to attribute God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation to anyone or anything at all but only and only to him alone. He has instructed you the mankind to complement efforts of each and every person who is young or old in your human population who lacks in anything to make their existence as pleasant as it is humanly possible for you the mankind. He has instructed you the mankind to not to destroy yourselves and your future generations through disputes, rivalries, tensions, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between yourselves and by putting hurdles, obstacle and barriers  between yourselves for holding back, preventing and hindering each other from purpose based proper education and training according to his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by causing deliberate lacks of provisions for mankind thereby because we have purposefully properly provided sustenance in abundance for all of you the human population in the human world. For that reason he has instructed you the mankind to not to commit against each other in public or in private acts that bring harm and destruction upon human population in the human world because those kinds of thoughts and actions of people against each other bring shame upon humanity as a whole. He has instructed you the mankind to not to take any human life at all unless it is sanctioned by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind in light of real world realities and it is justifiable by purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. These are the things which he has instructed for you the mankind so that you people seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly for your very own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    152] Moreover he has also instructed you the mankind to not to have or to use fruit of labour of any individual human being at all but only and only for the purpose of making the existence of the purpose based proper human community beautiful and blissful, dignified and secure to the utmost degree by making efficient and sufficient or purposeful proper use of it. That is how you should fulfil the requirements of purposefully properly balanced existence for mankind based upon our purpose based proper specification, criterion, standard and benchmark. We do not instruct mankind to have, to use and to do things or to not to have, to not to use and to not to do things but only and only for opening up for them the highway to direct them towards their very own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. So whenever you people are called upon to decide any matter between yourselves in which you people differ with each other, decide it purposefully properly or justly and fairly even if the case is against the very people you the deciders rely or depend upon for your very existence and well being and that is how you should fulfil your promise, agreement and covenant with Allah. These are the things which he has advised, recommended, instructed and commanded for you so that you people become consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other so that you could rise to heights of excellence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    153] So tell the people you are sent to, this is my way of life as advised by our creator and sustainer for mankind which is firmly founded and verifiably true as well as purposefully proper therefore support and back it up fully and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly by your thoughts and actions and do not support and back up any other way of life because that will for sure lead you the mankind away from his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind and set you against each other and that way it will destroy you by hands of each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. This is why this is the way of life which he has recommended for you people so that you the mankind could protect yourselves against harms and destructions by hands of each other and so that you could live in peace and harmony with each other by complementing each other purposefully properly in a sensible way as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    154] That was the reason we gave Moses our book to fulfil our purpose based proper plan through those who will think and do things to make their own existence blissful, dignified, secure and beautiful as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by complementing each other purposefully properly. It contained purpose based proper decisive information about all things that was necessary and needed for mankind for their fulfilling our assigned mission for them by committing themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to set standard of their creator and sustainer.

    155] Likewise we have sent this book for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind for this era so be consistent with it in your thoughts and actions and that way guard yourselves against harms and destructions by hands of each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so that you could become and remain a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #175 - January 16, 2024, 01:22 AM

    156] So that you people have no reason to say, our scripture was revealed only to two groups of people before us so we have no idea what they were taught and what they learned and what they thought and did in response to that.

    157] Or so that you have no reason to say, if the scripture had been sent to us then we will have supported and abided or lived by its guidance better than them. So a verifiably true roadmap has come to you people as well from your creator and sustainer as a purpose based proper guidance for you towards your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. So who can be more harmful and destructive than the one who rejects and opposes purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind after getting what one asked for or what one desired or longed for and yet turns away from it oneself and tells others to stay away from it after it has come to them as well? Soon those who turn away and remain away from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they will fall in terrible painful suffering by hands of each other as a consequence of their turning away from our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind due to their securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    158] So after our all these explanations and evidences why are mankind still not establishing, maintaining and abiding by our purpose based proper rule of law for them in the human world for their very own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom? What are they waiting for other than coming of our missionaries to them to stop them from committing atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense at the request of their victims; or coming about of a place or land or kingdom based upon purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer which will be brought about by his missionaries for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by way of complementing each other purposefully properly; or coming to pass of the warning of your creator and sustainer about the time period of revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions? During the time period when the warning of your creator and sustainer about revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions comes to pass as a result or consequence or outcome of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other and takes hold of them no such people will be able to benefit thereafter for declaring their commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom who were not already committed purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in actual fact nor will benefit any such people who did not support or back up this mission for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind with their very own hard works for ensuring well being of mankind through complementing each other purposefully properly. Say to them, observe and wait if you will till that time period comes about to see the results of your very own thoughts and actions against each other in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, we too are observing and waiting to see whether you people will prepare yourselves and seek, receive, study, accept and act upon purpose based proper guidance of our creator and sustainer purposefully properly or end up destroyed by hands of each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    159] Surely those people who have made dividing people into rival enemy groups their business or way of life or livelihood, you our prophet and messenger and your supporters and backers should have nothing at all to do with those like people due to their such thoughts and actions against each other. Surely people who cause rivalry, enmity and thereby hostilities, fights and wars between mankind the outcome of their thoughts and actions rests with set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah and that is why he informs them about what they should be thinking and doing as well as what they should not be thinking and doing so that they end up in state of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and so that they do not end up in a terribly painful state of existence or so that they do not end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    160] No matter how mankind respond to our assigned mission for them the fact is, any people who will think and do things according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring well being of each other as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by complementing each other purposefully properly, they will surely end up as the best possible human community in the human world but any people who will inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, for them there cannot be anything other than the end result of their very own thoughts and actions against each other so they will end up as the worst possible human population in the human world that is full of troubles and problems with each other even if no harm and destruction is inflicted upon these people from the outside of their own human population.

    161] O our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind, inform people you are sent for by saying to them, as far as I am concerned, surely my creator and sustainer has guided me purposefully properly to the way of life that is verifiably true because it is firmly founded and ever solid purpose based proper way of life for mankind to live by, the way of life that was adopted by Abraham the one who was an upright person and he was not of those who live by any way of life or abide by any rule of law of other than the one advised and pointed out for mankind by Allah alone.

    162] Say, surely my campaigning, struggle and striving for bringing about the best possible human community in the human world and my hard works and sacrifices for establishing, maintaining and abiding by purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind to decide matters relating our life and death are all according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind who is creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the human world.
    163] He and his advised and pointed out purpose based proper way of life for mankind have no equals and I am told by him to turn his advised and pointed out way of life for mankind into a reality so I am foremost among those who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of turning it into a reality.

    164] Say, why should I seek any other way of life or rule of law for mankind than the one advised and pointed out for them by Allah who alone is creator and sustainer of all things in his kingdom of creation including mankind? According to his advised purpose based proper way of life or his rule of law for mankind for each and every individual there is no duty, responsibility and obligation other than what each and every individual is capable of carrying out purposefully properly according to the best of one’s granted abilities by him because none is bound for carrying out duty, responsibility and obligation of any other. This is why when mankind will turn to his purpose based proper guidance for them for their purpose base proper guidance purposefully properly then he will thereby inform them about how they should solve their disputes and settle their differences to become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    165] It is he alone who has made you the mankind inheritors of this human world and availed you the opportunities so that some of you through your very own personal struggle and striving may rise degrees above others in reaching heights of excellence for ensuring blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind through complementing each other purposefully properly. Surely set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of your creator and sustainer are swift and strict in making people get the results of their very own thoughts and actions for or against each other according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. That is how your creator and sustainer saves and secures or protects mankind through his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #176 - April 19, 2024, 04:17 AM

    For the rest of the surahs of the quran see here

    For the rest of the surahs of the quran see here

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #177 - April 30, 2024, 10:51 PM

    Link given above has been changed with the following link.

    For the rest of the surahs of the quran see here

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #178 - May 18, 2024, 12:21 AM

    Surah 5      AL MAAIDAH-The vital importance of entering in a purpose based proper covenant with Allah for mankind and its fulfilling by them purposefully properly according to his purpose based proper guidance for them for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in the human world in his kingdom for their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly. It is because their failure to strive and struggle for fulfilling this mission for achieving and maintaining this objective, goal and target purposefully properly and successfully is bound to result in their own harm and destruction by hands of each other as a people or as a human population due to their striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    000] So O prophet and messenger, proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] For that reason O you the people who claim to have committed, dedicated and devoted yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, fulfil all your contractual, constitutional and legal duties, obligations and responsibilities to each other purposefully properly by organising and regulating yourselves as well as things purposefully properly. It is because for that very reason and purpose lawful and legal is for you people to manage, handle and use land and resources as well as means of production and distribution so that this way you the mankind could benefit and take purpose based full and proper advantage of our sustenance, subsistence, provisions and livelihood for you as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom with the exception of all that which has been decided, stated and told about for you as unlawful and illegal for you to have, to use and to do such as predatory ambitions and desires as well as mindsets, attitudes and behaviours based upon them whereby you the mankind hunt down each other by striving for dominating over each other for undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which you people inflict terrible harms and destructions upon each other and that way you people perish or end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. This is why you people are under strict prohibitions and restrictions for having, using and doing such things. No doubt only and only Allah alone has purpose based full and proper knowledge of all things and that is why he has decided matters about all things for mankind as to what they should or can have, use and do as well as what they should not or cannot have, use or do according to his purpose based proper guidance and plan for them.

    002] O you the people who claim to have committed yourselves purpose fully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, when you have established purpose based proper rule of law of Allah purposefully properly according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind in a place or land you live or you have settled down then do not violate guidelines of Allah nor contravene any declared prohibition or instruction or breach your constitution and its laws based upon them purposefully properly which are a binding force between yourselves for ensuring your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a people in a place or land so that the place becomes holy, sacred, clean, pure or free of all ills and crimes between people who live therein due to their preparing themselves purposefully properly through purpose based proper education and training for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind and they should maintain their that state of existence in there for his continuous approval. For that reason do not violate any institutions and people working in them in the land which are set-up, managed and run according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind nor cause any disputes, fights and wars between yourselves or violate any purpose based proper instruction by the purpose based proper human community in the land and its management nor violate any law abiding people or people who are working for ensuring unity, peace, progress and prosperity of people in the land according to the purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer. However you are free to struggle or campaign and fight against those who fail or refuse to enter in covenant with Allah as well as refuse to abide by his purpose based proper rule of law in the land and instead they rebel against it by inflicting harms and destructions upon others for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense but still let not the animosity of these people to you people who stop, prevent and hinder you people from establishing, maintaining and living or abiding by purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world drive you to inflict harms and destructions upon them needlessly and unnecessarily. Instead you people complement each other in thinking and doing what is beneficial and constructive for purpose based proper human community in our kingdom because it is consistent with the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as it is consistent with ensuring well being of mankind but no matter what do not help or support each other in inflicting harms and destructions upon each other rather remain consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other for ensuring well being of the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are swift and strict in delivering results of your very own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    003] Therefore forbidden for you people who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind is: to live by any way of life whereby you perish or which turns you people into a lifeless or dead people who are ineffective and lack influence so you fail to fulfil our assigned mission for you which is to establish our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world purposefully properly and maintain it by abiding by it purposefully properly; to live by any way of life whereby you people shed blood of others for dominating them by undermining them for securing your own petty personal gains from them at their expense; to form alliances with (chiefs, priests, money lenders, their touts and supporters of other human populations) secular, religious, capitalists, communists, socialist leaders, their touts and supporters who inflict harms and destructions upon each other by using their secular, religious, capitalists, communists and socialist tricks and mechanisms to secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense; to proclaim God-ship, owner-ship or ruler-ship of anyone or anything other than or along with Allah for our kingdom of creation or for anything in it at all. You are also forbidden to condition people for any harmful and destructive purpose as well as in a harmful and destructive way or to make them think and do anything which stops, prevents, hinders or holds people back from unity, peace, progress, growth, development and prosperity and thereby chokes and starves them to death by killing curiosity and thought process in their minds by oppressing and suppressing them and thereby causing death and destruction of your human population in our kingdom through stagnation and regression. You are forbidden to beat or stone or condemn others to death by putting yourselves on the way of life which leads to harm and destruction of humanity in our kingdom. You are forbidden to undermine, cause fall of anyone or to hold anyone down by oppressing and suppressing them and making life hard for anyone through manipulation and using them abusively for fulfilling your own agenda against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. You are forbidden to remove people from their posts in the offices for serving community without due process of law as well as purposefully properly because that way you will end up creating disputes, tensions, rivalries, animosities and fights in your purpose based proper human community in our kingdom so do not push anyone out of one’s rightful place or official position, participation, interaction or from partaking or taking part in anything to hurt one instead educate and train each other out of any such mindset, attitude and behaviour based upon any such ambition and desire purposefully properly. All this is forbidden for you people to think, to have, to use and to do because participation by you people in anything against the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind will cause rivalries, animosities, splits, fights and wars between yourselves the people of purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. As of now this set standard for you people to live by as a purposefully properly organised and regulated purpose based proper human community in our kingdom makes those who reject and oppose it lose any hope which they have had in turning you people back to their way of life from this way of life, so take no notice of their deceptive, enticing and alluring threats instead stick to my purpose based proper way of life which I have advised for you the mankind for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom. For this last and final era and period of time I have prepared and approved purposefully properly for you the mankind for your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom this way of life called Al-Islam as your way of life in order to fulfil my promise of blissful, dignified and secure existence for you provided you people prepare yourselves to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. However any people who are still ignorant and unaware about it despite making their best possible effort for becoming aware about it therefore they are confused so they are forced to live by any other way of life than AL-ISLAM provided they have no intention of living that way after becoming aware about it, Allah will save and secure or protect them through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms during that phase of existence.

    004] They will ask you about transitional period as to what sort of participation, interaction and partaking is legally binding for them as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom? Say, all sorts of participation and interaction that strengthens you people as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom and it is beneficial, advantageous and constructive for you people is legally binding for you such as that for which you need to educate and train the parties or groups and individuals from among you to produce and distribute all that upon which depends your existence and survival as your livelihood provided you have educated and trained them well purposefully properly according to the information and understanding or knowledge given to you by Allah. That is how you the parties or individuals and groups should participate in all that your community assigns for you as groups and as individuals, this is how you the purpose based proper human community should do your best according to our given abilities to reflect the glory of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind thereby and that is how you should be consistent with Allah and humanity because set-up systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are swift and strict in making people receive the results of their very own thoughts and actions for or against each other according to or in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    005] For this last and final era and time period also it is legal and lawful for you the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom to participate and interact or partake in all sorts of activities which strengthen you by increasing your capacity and creativity purposefully properly because they are advantageous, beneficial and constructive for you as well as the rest of mankind including your participation and interaction with those people who have been given the scriptures or books or laws by us before you people as they too were already told to participate and interact with the rest of mankind including yourselves as a people or human population in the human world. All this is allowed for you to ensure safety and security or protection of all the human populations in the human world including the human populations from among yourselves as well as human populations from among the people who were given the books before you provided you people have exchanged with each other your contractually agreed dues in form of rights and responsibilities as well as our provided things of need and want for your sustenance and livelihood provided you all desire freedom from harms and destruction by hands of each other so that you people neither cause bloodshed nor conspire for bloodshed through secret friendships with your opponents for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Any party that cheats and commits treachery with any such peace deal, contract, treaty, accord or agreement by changing its commitment from peaceful existence to warmongering, all its measures taken and all its hard works for building trust between human populations will come to nothing at all and in the future it will be taken from among those people who have lost right to safe and secure existence.

    006] So O you the people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, when you people decide to rise up for establishing the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, first submerge yourselves fully and purposefully properly in education and training for purpose based proper understanding and execution of your mission to free yourselves and your fellow human beings from harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so that when you people are free of harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other yourselves then you people could help others do the same because only then they too can become your true purpose based proper companions, helpers and supporters in carrying out or accomplishing our this mission along with you people that is assigned for you the mankind by us. That is how you people should perform beautiful life giving tasks for blissful, dignified and secure existence of your managements and communities as well as your elders and your youngsters to the best and utmost of your God given abilities. This is why if you are not already purposefully properly aware of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind yourselves then first familiarise yourselves with it fully and purposefully properly to be free of all sorts of ills or harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others. Also if any of you people are yet weak in the purposeful proper understanding of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind or if any of you people are on a journey of learning yet or if any of you people have come from a least advantaged background and need more time, help and support to learn or if you are stuck with your own human populations therefore you have not been able to reach our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly then in that case have highest possible objectives and fulfil your objectives by thinking and doing whatever benefits the people in your own human populations the most but not at the expense of any other human population till you have reached our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as its purpose based proper understanding. That is how you should tackle your objectives yourselves thereby as well as your supporters during this transitional period of time. Allah does not want to keep you the mankind under any needless and unnecessary burden because he desires to free you people from all ills and burdens in order to fulfil his promise of blissful, dignifies and secure existence to you so that you people become and remain a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind by using his provided things purposefully properly as he has explained for you the mankind.

    007] Therefore strive very, very hard for spreading blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for their entering in covenant with Allah which he has exacted from you people already whereby he holds you under obligation due to your saying, we hear it and we will heed and support it as well as back it up with our thoughts and actions purposefully properly. Therefore be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as be consistent each other and the rest of humanity purposefully properly because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah make obvious for mankind to see your motives in your minds through your own actions based upon them.

    008] So O you who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, be the people who stand for and rise up for establishing, maintaining and abiding by the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world purposefully properly which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that thereby you people make evident, manifest and obvious glory, magnificence and greatness of our purpose based proper governing system which is purposefully properly balanced therefore it is appropriate, proper, just and fair for mankind to see it in action in reality through your own thoughts and actions so let not the enmity and animosity of any people or human population towards you incite you to think and do or commit acts of injustice and unfairness or cruelty and brutality against them. Therefore do apply and enforce our purpose based proper rule of law purposefully properly and justly to mankind because that is the purpose based proper course of thoughts and actions for consistency between mankind themselves because it is also consistent with program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind. This is the main reason why Allah makes obvious for you the mankind what you people are supposed to be thinking and doing to each other instead of what you think and do to each other in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    009] This is why Allah promises - those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind such as take actions to remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between mankind which act as obstacles, barriers and hurdles in their way towards their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom - that for them is safety and security or protection from terrible painful state of existence due to their working very, very hard for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom which is greatly rewarding for them as the outcome of their very own hard works.

    010] As for those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind and deny each other our given rights and access to our provisions for their sustenance and livelihood, they are the people who are supporters and backers of thoughts and actions which lead them to their own terrible painful and humiliating state of existence.

    011] Therefore O you who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, strive very, very hard to spread the blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind which he has bestowed upon you people because that is how he stopped, restrained, prevented, hindered and held back hands of those from you people who sought to harm and destroy you by making them thereby to join you so be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other. This is why it is set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanism of Allah upon which should rely, trust and depend those who are purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    012] Moreover that is how Allah bound together ideological and biological successors and supporters of Israel through his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind whereby we brought forth of them a reformed and purposefully properly well prepared self relying purposefully properly organised and regulated purpose based proper human community in our kingdom after putting them through very, very hard work for their purpose based proper education and training to make them ready for accomplishing and maintaining our assign mission for them which was about their establishing, maintaining and abiding by our purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in the human world according to our purpose based proper guidance for them. This is why Allah said to them, I am with you if you will establish, maintain and abide by my purpose based proper rule of law in the human world which is based upon my purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that thereby you people could attain freedom from all ills, troubles, problems, disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars from between people in your human populations. Therefore commit yourselves thereby purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom along with my prophets and messengers and support as well as back them up by offering them all the labour you can to the best of your generously given abilities by us on the basis of your promise, agreement, accord or covenant with Allah for his promised outcome for your thoughts and actions according to his purpose based proper guidance as well as his set-up purpose based proper systems, and laws as well as processes and mechanisms, which is blissful, dignified and secure existence for you as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by removing for you your difficulties and increasing your strength and capacity as well as your ability of creativity to land you in state of blissful, dignified and secure existence in a place or land that is full of gardens throughout which under your own purposefully properly organised and regulated management rivers of livelihood and happiness flow. However if any of you after going through all this still violates this agreement then he will indeed have strayed away from the way of life that is purpose based proper which is advised for mankind by us and for doing so such people will end up in a terribly painful and humiliating state of existence due to inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    013] Despite our these explanations and evidences as well as warnings well in advance still some of them breached their agreement or covenant with us and as a result we left them on their own to themselves to face the results of their own thoughts and actions against each other so we left them on their own to end up with thoughtless minds like lifeless hard stones. It is because they tampered and interfered with our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind taking them out of their purpose based proper context by misinterpreting and misrepresenting them whereby they ended up ignoring, avoiding and neglecting much of what they were bound to, to think and do. Moreover you will always hear about them plotting, scheming and conspiring against you people except for a small minority of them therefore show them your proof you have about them for what they think and do to let them know you are alert and aware of what they are up to but react not to their tricks and mechanisms in a harsh way, for set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah supports only and only those who are kind and compassionate towards others.

    014] Moreover likewise we bound together as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by way of their promise and covenant with us those who said, we are supporters and backers of purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah but many of them also ignored, avoided and neglected much of what they were bound to, to adopt it as their way of life. As a result we left them also on their own to themselves to think and do as they please due to their own thoughts and actions against each other in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind because they too ended up divided due to disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which will last till the time period when they will rise up against the way of life they have adopted and instead they adopt the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah and that is how in due course set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah will make obvious to them the results of all that they have invented and adopted to replace his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    015] In order to give you people this last and final opportunity to repent and reform by leaving your harmful and destructive way of life and adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind, O people of the book, there has indeed come to you also our this last and final prophet and messenger who is brilliantly explaining for you much relating our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind which you have been concealing by masking it with your own invented harmful and destructive secular and religious beliefs and practices in our scriptures and he overlooks much of that which you think and do against each other in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Surely there has come to you the mankind from Allah the light of knowledge in form of a brilliant book which stands out for enlightening mankind.

    016] However through this brilliant book from Allah for purpose based proper guidance of mankind he will guide only and only those people to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom who will seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly and that is how he will bring them out of depths of darkness of ignorance into the light of knowledge according to his purpose based proper plan for them in order to guide them to the way of life that is purposefully properly and firmly founded.

    017] No doubt such people from among them who have rejected, opposed and replaced our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind by masking, clothing and covering it up with their own invented and fabricated or concocted falsehood and lies who claim that he our appointed prophet and messenger the successor of community of Mariam is Allah himself they have in fact rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so they are no longer part of purpose based proper human community in our kingdom unless they repent by giving up their harmful and destructive beliefs and practices and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper beliefs and practices. However ask them, who has the power to oppose or replace set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah, had he planned to leave on their own without his purpose based proper guidance for mankind such as his appointed prophet and messenger the successor of community of Mariam along with his purpose based proper human community and all the people in the human world to let them destroy themselves by hands of each other by their striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? It is because only and only to Allah alone belong God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of his kingdom of creation which includes all the galaxies which are distanced from each other which include stars and planets including this galaxy and all that is within them as well as all that is in between them, so all decisions about all things only and only rest with him alone and he decides things as he sees them purposefully properly fit. It is because only and only he alone originated and evolved what he planned and only and only he alone has set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanism for all things to work and operate purposefully properly so it was only and only his purpose based proper decision alone to provide mankind with his purpose based proper guidance for them to save and secure or protect them from harming and destroying each other. So no one had or has any right to go against his purpose based proper decisions be one his very own prophet and messenger.

    018] Despite our brilliant explanations and evidences in our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as about people and things some of the people who claim to be purposefully properly guided (yet they say they are Jews) and some of the people who claim to be supporters and backers of the purpose based proper way of life for mankind which is advised for them by Allah (yet they say they are Christians) say, we are beloved children of Allah because we are very dear to him. Ask them, why then he leaves you people on your own to suffer terribly painfully by hands of each other due to your transgressions against each other in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because you strive for domination over each other for undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? Does this not prove to you that you people are nothing special rather you people are also like any other people in the human world who have been originated, created and evolved by him for his own purpose according to his own plan, which is mankind must become a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for them with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly so that thereby they could have blissful, dignified and secure existence for ensuring their own well being. So he saves and secures or protects only and only those people who work towards establishing, maintaining and abiding by his purpose based proper rule of law based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and he leaves on their own to suffer painful humiliating state of existence by hands of each other those who live against his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind which shows clearly that to only and only Allah alone belong God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation which includes all the galaxies full of stars and planets which are distanced from each other including this galaxy and all that is within them as well as in between them, so it is entirely up to him alone to decide purpose of their existence for mankind as well as the way they can fulfil it.

    019] Therefore O people of the book, surely there now has come to you the mankind our that very last and final prophet and messenger whom you were expecting after slowing down of coming of our long list of prophets and messengers to mankind, who is bringing our brilliant purpose based proper guidance for mankind to your attention as well after you people have distanced yourselves from his purpose based proper guidance for mankind that was given to you people and therefore you have forgotten it so that you people do not end up saying, the last and final prophet and messenger of Allah who was expected in the end never came to inform us about the purpose based proper last and final guidance of Allah for mankind to give us good news about blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind as well as to warn us against living by any other way of life whereby mankind inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which leads them to terribly painful humiliating state of existence by hands of each other. Therefore there has now come to you that deliverer of information about blissful, dignified and secure future for you as well as deliverer of warning against following any other way of life which can only and only lead mankind to painful suffering so listen to him and heed his advice because Allah has set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms in his kingdom to govern all affairs of all things including those of mankind themselves.

    020] So call to mind the incident when Moses said to people he was sent to, O people of my human population, strive very, very hard to spread among human populations in the human world the purpose based proper program of Allah with goals and guidelines for mankind which he has bestowed upon you people because he has raised many prophets and messengers from among you people whereby he burdened you people with duties, obligations and responsibilities of management of people and things in the human world in his kingdom and that way he gave you people that which he has not given to any other human population in the human world during this period of time.

    021] For that reason O people of my human population, establish, build, structure or model your lives upon this purposefully proper or perfect foundation which Allah has provided you people with for freeing you people from all ills, troubles and problems between yourselves and never move away from it because if you will distance yourselves from it then you will end up in all kind of troubles and problems between yourselves so you will end up in a huge loss by hands of each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, so live the way you are told as well as go and deliver this message to the rest of human populations in the nearby places or to the people in the lands within your reach.

    022] Some of the people said to Moses, O Moses, in places or land nearby us there live people who use force even against each other so we will not be able to enter the places or lands they live in to invite them to the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah so we will not be able to help them come out of their way of life so only if they leave their way of life we can enter the place or land they live in.
    023] Thereupon groups of courageous people from among them upon whom Allah had bestowed purpose based proper understanding of his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance for mankind due to which they backed and complemented each other who were concerned about the success of his assigned purpose based proper mission for them said, enter the place or land purposefully properly as you people should then you are bound to be successful in delivering them the purpose based proper message of Allah for mankind. So rely upon set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah if you people have truly committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    024] However the people who did not purposefully properly commit themselves from among them to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom said, O Moses, we will never enter the place or land so long as the people living their remain in there. So if you must then both you and your creator and sustainer should go and have a try at them meanwhile we rather stay put where we are.

    025] Hearing this from these people Moses said, O my creator and sustainer, I have no authority from people to take steps which I need to take for fulfilling my assigned mission by you on behalf of anyone save myself and anyone who supports and backs me up. Therefore separate us from the people who want to live their lives according to their own way of life whereby they create disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between people.

    026 ] Thereupon Allah said to Moses, this being the mindset, attitude and behaviour of these people due to their these like ambitions and desires they are bound to lose any hope for saving and securing or protecting themselves by having blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and instead they are bound for life of destitution and debasement by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. However you should not feel sad for them because these people are bound to fall victim to divisions, disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves in due course.

    027] That was information about Moses and the people he was sent to but you should also tell the people of the book the information as a lesson to learn from about two groups of ideological and biological successors of Adam to show the vital important of seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. Both of the groups of people approached life by living it in their own ways as they thought fit so we approved and rewarded with the best possible outcome the one which worked very, very hard for preparing itself the best for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly but we did not approve the other one because that group threatened the approved one by telling it I will for sure harm and destroy you. However the approved group said to the other, Allah for sure approves thoughts and actions of only and only those people who are consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other purposefully properly.     

    028] So even if you will use ways and means at your disposal to harm and destroy me, I will not use ways and means at my disposal to harm and destroy you because I am mindful of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind who is creator and sustainer of all the human populations in the human world.

    029] Should you still decide to go ahead with whatever harms and destructions you threatened to inflict upon me I will still not attack you first rather my intention is to let you bear the burden of responsibility of my harmful and destructive reactions as well against you of your own thoughts and actions against me so that you become the target of the results of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against both of us in form of your terrible painful suffering by hands of each other, because that is the law of requital or consequences as it is set-up purposefully properly by Allah for those who transgress against each other in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by inflicting harms and destructions upon each others for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    030] That is how the mindset, attitude and behaviour of the latter disapproved group based upon its own ambitions and desires prompted it to fight its brother group so it fought it and became of the losers.

    031] In order to distance mankind from such bloodshed, harms and destruction of each other, Allah sent each and every prophet and messenger of his with his purpose based proper guidance for them to take human beings on a journey of discovery for their learning to draw their attention to the purpose based proper exploration and investigation of his kingdom of creation in order to show them how they can work purposefully properly for ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. After becoming aware of things including the level of their own ignorance and arrogance due to which they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other they cried out of concern for what they had done to each other by saying, how terribly we failed ourselves even to be as aware of things as any of these clever teachers of ours but once they became aware of their mistakes and started correcting them from then on they started covering or fulfilling the needs and wants of their less disadvantaged fellow human beings instead of undermining them because they became full of regrets and sorrow for the wrongs they had done to each other in their unawareness and ignorance.

    032] That is why we told the ideological and biological successors of Israel that whoever due to one’s ignorance based arrogance and due to one’s unawareness and ignorance of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind puts barriers, obstacles and hurdles in the way of any human being at all in order to stop, prevent, stumble and hinder growth, development, progress and prosperity of that person without any reasonable justification such as for stopping the person from causing fights or wars between mankind in the human world, it is as if that person has undermined growth, development, progress and prosperity of whole of mankind. And whoever removes any obstacles and hurdles in the way of any person to help the person grow, develop, progress and prosper, it is as if he has helped the whole of mankind grow, develop, progress and prosper. However the fact is, even after our prophets and messengers came to them one after the other with such brilliant revelations, it was not long before most of them strove for dominance over each other for undermining each other due to which they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other in the human world for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    033] Therefore response to such people as fight with each other among themselves and other human populations as well as wage wars against the last and final prophet and messenger of Allah in contravention of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind should be that they should be dealt with effectively and defeated in their harmful and destructive objectives against mankind as well as they should be stopped in their tracks by removal of their ways and means and their support and backing for their rejection and opposition to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, and that is how they should be driven out of their such harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours as well as their such harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against mankind. This should be the very first response against them to start with to leave them an opportunity for repentance and reformation but should they persist then grievous painful suffering should be inflicted upon them so they suffer heavy losses as a result of their harmful and destructive course of thoughts and actions against mankind.

    034] However should they turn to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly before you take them on and take control of them then you people should be aware of the fact that Allah saves and secures or protects such people through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms and leads them to their blissful, dignified and securing existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    035] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, be truly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other for ensuring well being of yourselves through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly by exploring and looking for as well as discovering and employing ways and means for establishing, maintaining and abiding by his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and his rule of law in the human world based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly. That is how you people should strive very, very hard for success of his assigned mission to you so that you could succeed in fulfilling his purpose for mankind according to his plan.

    036] As for those who persist in rejecting and opposing the establishment of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world for mankind based upon his purpose based guidance for them purposefully properly, if they had everything the human world has in it or even twice as much to offer as a ransom to redeem themselves from the consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for them during the time period of uprooting of their self imposed harmful and destructive way of life for mankind in order for it to be replaced with his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind, it will not be accepted of them and instead they will be made to suffer terrible painful consequences by the victims of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions.

    037] By then due to revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions in their parts of the human world things will get so bad for them that even they themselves will desire to get out of their self generated or self created fire of hatred between themselves yet they will not be able to get out of it because they will have led themselves so deep into terrible painful suffering by hands of each other that they will be forced to stay in that state of existence by each other.

    038] As for any administration or any party from among the purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom that is found guilty of usurping our given rights to any of them, remove our provided protection from it by isolating, boycotting, cutting it off, banishing or expelling it from this place or land as a result of its criminal behaviour against the purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as a deterrent from Allah because Allah is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation so he knows how to deal with such criminals.

    039] However if any of such people who have committed any crime against the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom repent and reform by leaving their wrong way of thinking and doing things and turn to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for thinking and doing things according to it purposefully properly by adopting his advised purpose based proper way of thinking and doing things then Allah will save and secure such people because he protects mankind through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance for mankind.

    040] It is because you people are well aware of the fact, are you not that to Allah alone belong God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his whole creation which includes all the galaxies that are distanced from each other including this galaxy? So he leaves on its own to suffer any human population the terrible consequences of its very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions which works against his purpose based proper plan for mankind and he saves and secures or protects any human population against harms and destructions which works according to his purpose based proper plan for mankind because Allah has set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms for purpose based proper working and operation of all things.

    041] O you our prophet and messenger, never let such people be or become the reason for your disappointment with our purpose based proper guidance or with rest of mankind who rush to express their rejection and opposition to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind from among those who say with their tongues only, we have committed, dedicated and devoted ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind unless they back up their declarations of their commitment with their needed hard works because in their minds such people have not at all committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom which is very much evident, manifest and obvious from their very own works or thoughts and and actions against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Moreover worry not about those who claim to be purposefully properly guided (those who claim to be Jews] who heed or give in to lies and falsehood and they come to you people for spying on you for other people who have not come to you themselves to know things for themselves. They misinterpret and misrepresent by twisting the words of Allah by taking them out of their purpose based proper contexts and tell others, if you are given such and such instruction according to our beliefs and practices then accept it but if it is anything other than that then be on your guard and reject and oppose it. The fact is, no matter how much you desire well being of mankind if Allah has decided to let people have their freedom to think and act as they like and receive the results of their very own thoughts and actions for or against each other then any group of people which is put through a terrible painful suffering by hands of each other due to its very own thoughts and actions against each other, you have no power at all to save and secure or protect it from set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah. Such people are those whose minds Allah does not find free from harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against humanity due to which they strive very, very hard for dominating others for undermining them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense, so they are well set on the path to humiliation by hands of each other as things stand at present so a well deserved grievous painful suffering is to be the end result of their course of thoughts and actions.

    042] That is because they are eager to surrender, yield or give in to falsehood and lies in form of made up stories in the name of God and his people as well as they love to hold onto them and promote them and then on that basis participate and take part in all sorts of activities which are strictly forbidden for them for having, using and doing things. Therefore if they come to you with their cases for seeking your decisions about them, you may judge their disputes between themselves or you may leave them to themselves by having nothing to do with their disputes. Even if you do keep yourself away from deciding their disputes between themselves they will not be able to harm you even in the least. However if you do decide to act as a judge between them for deciding their disputes between themselves then do so according to our purpose based proper rule of law for mankind purposefully properly, because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah support only and only those who decide matters purposefully properly according to his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind.

    043] But the question is, why do they come to you looking for your decisions in their disputes between themselves when they have the Torah in which are instructions of Allah for them, which contains the criterion for them for deciding and judging all their disputes and differences between themselves? It is because even though they know the Torah contains what they need but their religious leadership does not decide and judge things by it and they know you are man of great character therefore you will decide and judge their disputes between themselves purposefully properly according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. However they still hold back from supporting and backing you as a prophet and messenger from us for mankind and that is because they themselves have not purposefully properly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind which they have with them.

    044] It is because we for sure did reveal the Torah as well in which was purpose based proper guidance as well as light of wisdom for reasoning things purposefully properly for mankind whereby decided and judged all affairs all our prophets and messengers who were sent for them as well as all their supporters and backers who committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom whose successors still claim to be purposefully properly guided people (from among the people who claim to be Jews] and so did decide and judge matters the purposefully properly learned and knowledgeable teachers and jurists of the law. That is why this is how they were entrusted with the protection of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind because they themselves were evidence for glory of Allah’s program, goals and guidelines for mankind to see or witness for themselves. They were brilliantly explained with evidences to not to become impressed by way of life whereby lived rejectors and opponents of our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind so that instead they are impressed by my advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind by learning and acting upon it purposefully properly so that they do not trade and replace my advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind with their way of life for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. It is because the fact is, those who do not decide and judge their activities for having, using and doing things according to my purpose based proper guidance for mankind they are in actual fact rejectors and opponents of my purpose based proper guidance for mankind which is bound to land them in a terribly painful and humiliating state of existence.

    045] It is because we advised for mankind in the Torah that people must never become rivals to strive for dominance over each other by undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense but instead they should complement each other purposefully properly just like one eye complements the other eye and one nostril works with the other nostril and one ear operates with the other ear and one tooth works with the other tooth and damaging this combination is like breaking the law of purposefully properly balancing of things beautifully for restoring the damaged, fractured, broken and severed relationship between mankind. So any human population that abides by this standard that will be on its path or way or road to trouble free blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom but any human population which does not abide by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind they are bound to work against it by striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so they are bound to inflict harms and destructions upon each other and they are bound to end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    046] Likewise at length we sent Jesus the successor for community of Mariam on the footsteps of our those very prophets and messengers whom we sent for mankind before him confirming whatever was already there before him from us including the Torah and we gave him the Injeel wherein was our purpose based proper guidance and light of wisdom for purpose based proper reasoning of things for mankind which also corroborated what was already revealed in the Torah and it was a purpose based proper guidance and advice for people who wished to be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other.

    047] Therefore it was of vital importance that the people who claimed to support and back up Injeel established, maintained and lived by what Allah had revealed in it for purpose based proper guidance of mankind. So those who did not establish, maintain and live by what Allah had revealed for mankind in Injeel they were the ones who transgressed against it by striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other and so they ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    048] Likewise we have now revealed this very last and final purpose based proper book to you our last and final prophet and messenger for mankind as a purpose based proper proof for mankind, which as their successor confirms all of our scriptures which we have already sent before it and it also stands as our guarding criterion over them as to what they originally contained regarding what actually came from us for mankind and what they did not which mankind all by themselves have added into them or they have attributed to them. Therefore you our prophet and messenger or missionary should decide and judge about all activities of mankind between themselves according to this last and final revelation of Allah for you the mankind according to its purpose based proper contextualised interpretation and understanding. Moreover in doing so you should not yield, surrender or give in to their baseless and unfounded secular and religious beliefs and practices which are harmful and destructive for mankind and due to which some of them stay away themselves as well as keep others away from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. It is because for each and every one of you the mankind we have allowed freedom of choice for thinking and doing things as you choose with reference to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that you are delivered by our set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms the outcomes of your very own thoughts and actions for or against each other therefore we have programmed all things this way purposefully properly so that you become a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by your very own hard works according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by complementing each other purposefully properly. Had it served purpose and plan of Allah to not to give you the mankind ability and freedom of choice then he will have done things the way that made all of you a single human population by programming you people that way. It is because he put you through very, very hard struggle for your own growth and development, progress and prosperity to become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom using what he has provided for you for your sustenance as well as for your guidance therefore try your best according to his given abilities and excel one another in thinking and doing what ensures your well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. No doubt ultimately in due course you all will turn to purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind because thereby he provides for you brilliant solutions for all your disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between yourselves.

    049] That is why you should decide and judge activities of mankind only and only according to the purpose based proper guidance of Allah alone which is revealed by him for purpose based proper guidance of mankind and support not their baseless and unfounded beliefs and practices which are harmful and destructive for mankind so be alert and aware as well as on your guard about people who have harmful and destructive ambitions and desires therefore they have harmful an destructive mindsets, attitudes, and behaviours lest they tempt you away from a part of that which Allah has revealed to you for purpose based proper guidance of mankind. Should they reject and oppose any of your decision or judgement because you have decided or judged the dispute between themselves according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind then be aware that it is law of Allah to let such people suffer for their transgressions against each other due to their rejection and opposition of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. It is a fact that most of the people think and act against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind whereby they cause splits and fights between themselves.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #179 - May 18, 2024, 12:23 AM

    050] The question is, by rejecting and opposing our purpose based proper guidance for mankind do they wish to continue living by their own self imposed baseless and unfounded beliefs and practices which are harmful and destructive for mankind because they are based upon their own ignorance based arrogance? Also ask them who is better than Allah in setting up and pointing out a solid and beautiful standard, criterion or benchmark for mankind to live by who need a solid foundation to firmly base themselves upon with full confidence because it gives them the needed necessary self confidence?

    051] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, take not those who plot, scheme and conspire against you people from among those who claim to be purposefully properly guided (people who claim to be Jews] or from among those who claim to be supporters of our mission purposefully properly (people who claim to be Christians] as your role models because they can only be role models for each other due to having similar harmful and destructive ambitions and desires as well as alike mindsets, attitudes and behaviours which are against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. So whoever of you ignores this advice and takes them for his role models then he should be counted as one of them. Surely guidance of Allah does not guide such people who work against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    052] Yet you will see some people from among those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind in whose minds have taken roots harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against humanity and therefore they have harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against mankind in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to which they strive for domination over others by undermining them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense active in their (ie Jewish and Christian) camps expressing their concerns to each other by saying, we should also keep other options open as well just in case a bad turn of fortune strikes us while we are in this camp or we are in the camp of the purpose based proper human community. However when Allah opens up the way to success of your mission due to your purpose based proper decisive thoughts and actions according to his purpose based plan for mankind then they will be made to regret what they harbour against mankind deep down in their very heart of hearts.

    053] At that time those who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance will say to each other about them, are these the same people who swore their strongest oaths in the name of Allah that they will stand by you people? All thoughts and actions of such people are always void of any intention for ensuring well being of mankind and that is why they are of those who are bound to end up in a terrible loss due to living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense and ultimately become their victims as a consequence.

    054] O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, whoever from among you people will turn away from the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah which are advised for mankind by him let him be aware of the fact that soon Allah will replace these like people with others whom he will support and back up with his set-up purpose based proper systems, and laws as well as processes and mechanisms according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because they will strive very, very hard for establishing, maintaining and abiding by his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in the place they live in, in the human world in his kingdom and that is how they will live by purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by him. They will fully and purposefully properly complement and support as well as back up those who will have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind anywhere and everywhere in the human world and that is how they will overcome those who will reject and oppose purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by their campaigning and striving very, very hard for establishing and maintaining in the human world the way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah and they will not be deterred by harmful and destructive threats and actions of those who will reject and oppose establishment and maintenance of rule of law of Allah in the human world. Such influential and effective will prove purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind which he bestows upon whichever people and human populations work hard according to it by preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it because Allah is purposefully properly widely, vastly and comprehensively aware of all things in his kingdom of creation which he makes known to mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    055] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, surely your truly purpose based proper supporters and backers are only and only Allah through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and his prophet and messenger for delivering his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as your fellow human beings who have also committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom and they strive very, very hard for bringing about and maintaining as well as expanding purpose based proper human community in our kingdom because they model themselves according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    056] So let such people who turn to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for their purpose based proper guidance along with his prophet and messenger as well as along with those who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom know for sure that the party of Allah is bound to overcome those who reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    057] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, consider not as your supporters and backers those who reject and oppose our advised purpose based proper way of life for you the mankind even if they are from among the people who have been given our books before you. That is because they not only reject and oppose your way of life which is advised for you people by us but they also distort it and that way turn it into something to be laughed at instead of taking it seriously and objectively and supporting and backing it up, so instead of looking towards them for their support and backing become and remain consistent with the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other purposefully properly if you people are truly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    058] This is why when you people call mankind towards becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that they could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom they distort your actual message in your call and turn it into something to laugh at. They do that because they are a group of people who have not prepared themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    059] Say to them, O you the people from among the people of the book, what has turned you people against us other than the fact that you want to throw us off our objective or mission or track because we have committed ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his revealed purpose based proper guidance for mankind which he revealed to us as it was revealed to you people before us? The fact is, most of you people have harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against humanity so you have rebellious mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against mankind in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to which you strive hard for dominance over others for undermining them for securing your own petty personal gains from them at their expense whereby you create disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between mankind in the human world.

    060] Say, shall I inform you people about those people who carried out much worse mischievous harmful and destructive propaganda and agenda than that which you are carrying out against the establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind? They were those whom Allah left on their own by letting them stay the way they decided to remain ignorant, stubborn, pigheaded, arrogant, miserly and greedy who caused mischiefs, confusion, chaos, anarchy, lawlessness and disorder in the human world like monkeys and wild pigs in a jungle because they became slaves to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against mankind whereby they strove for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Such were the ones who became slaves to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires as well as harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against mankind so they were worse in rank because they were far more distant and removed from the purpose based proper way of life that was advised for mankind by Allah but despite their rejecting and opposing his purpose based proper guidance for mankind they still failed in carrying out their own agendas and programs successfully and in achieving their own set goals and objectives or targets for themselves.
    061] Despite their motives and thoughts being fully exposed by their words and deeds when these people come to you they still have the audacity to say, we are committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind but in fact they were troublemakers and warmongers when they came and so they departed with the same mindset, attitude and behaviour but the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah make obvious for people to see what they hide deep down in their minds through their own words and deeds.

    062] Therefore you will see most of them trying to outdo each other or beat each other in competition at doing worse against humanity out of hatred, enmity and animosity for mankind by participating, interacting or partaking in things that are against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Harmful and destructive indeed is for humanity that which they think, say and do.

    063] Why don’t their secular and religious leaders stop them from participating and interacting in and promoting activities or things which are against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind because what they think, say and do is harmful and destructive for mankind? Harmful and destructive indeed are for mankind their baseless and unfounded beliefs and practices as well as thoughts and actions because they are based upon their self invented and self imposed way of life whereby they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    064] Despite being explained the purpose of existence for mankind as well as the way they can fulfil it by organising and regulating themselves in a place as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for them to manage the human world purposefully properly by managing land and resources as well as means of production and distribution yet some people from among those who claim to be purposefully properly guided (yet they claim to be Jews] say, power of Allah is so limited that he cannot even sufficiently provide for his human creatures to live a beautiful life worth living. However the fact is, it is they the mankind themselves who have limited their own God given abilities for purposeful proper creativity by not using them for preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly by complementing each other purposefully properly due to which they end up wasting their energies and resources on striving for domination over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they cause each other to fall into a disgraceful humiliating state of existence due to such poor expression of their creative abilities because they lack purpose based proper education and training for skills they need for purpose based proper management of their human population and our provided resources. On the contrary to claim of such people, both expressions of his powers in form of his creation and revelation have been used purposefully properly and effectively whereby he has provided everything for everyone as per his set out purpose based plan for mankind. Nonetheless the revelations that have come to you the mankind from Allah to guide all of you, due to their ignorance based arrogance are making many of them increase in their harmful and destructive activities in opposition to them. We have found in them raging fire of hatred and animosity against each other due to rivalry based jealousy so strong that it will last until the time the harmful and destructive way of life is uprooted by them and replaced by our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind. Each time such people among human populations kindle such fires of hatred, animosity and destruction between people within a human population and between human populations for securing their own petty personal gains from others at their expense, Allah extinguishes them through mankind themselves with help of his purpose based proper guidance for them as well as through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms. Yet they remain fully committed to striving for spreading hatred, enmity, disputes, animosities, fights and wars between mankind in the human world but set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah supports not those who spread chaos, confusion, anarchy, disorder, lawlessness and destruction in the human world.

    065] Had these people from among the people of the book also committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they became consistent with it as well as with each other then we will surely have removed from between them their self created disputes, conflict, problems, fights and wars from between them through our revealed purpose based proper guidance for mankind and we will have entered them into places, lands and kingdoms that will have given them blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    066] Had they lived by purpose based proper guidance for mankind that was given to them in form of the Towraah and Injeel as well as other scriptures by their creator and sustainer, they will have certainly enjoyed abundance of good things from above them and from underneath them by having blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. Even though there are still some from among them on the purpose based proper way of life which was advised for mankind by their creator and sustainer therefore of some people from among them some of their thoughts and actions are still purpose based and proper but most of them think and do nothing but that which is harmful and destructive for themselves as well as the rest of mankind.

    067] So O you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind, deliver our this message to them fully and purposefully properly which has been revealed to you for mankind from your creator and sustainer because if you will not do that purposefully properly then you will fail in fulfilling your assigned mission by him. You should do that no matter what because thereby Allah will surely save and secure or protect you and your supporters and backers. It is because Allah does not save and secure or protect those who reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    068] This is why you should say to the people of the book, O you the people who have been given the books already, you people stand for nothing at all to be a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom unless you establish, maintain and abide by the Towrah, the Injeel and the other scriptures that have been revealed for you people by your creator and sustainer in order to guide you people purposefully properly. However you people yourselves should also establish, maintain and abide by this guidance in the form of the Quran which has come for you people from your creator and sustainer though it will surely increase rejection, opposition and rebellion in most of them but you should not be sad for people who will reject and oppose it and become victims of terrible state of existence by hands of each other due to their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    069] However be rest assured that those who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our scriptures that were given to them, be they from among those who claim to be purposefully properly guided (and yet they claim to be Jews] or be they from among those who claim to be working for bringing people to our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind (and yet they claim to be the Sabians] or be they from among those who claim to be supporters and backers of our purpose based proper way of life which we advised for mankind (and they yet claim to be the Christians], no matter from whichever people, whichever people commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for the brilliant future of mankind by thinking and doing works which help humanity grow and develop as well as progress and prosper by removing obstacles, barriers and hurdles in its way they will have no worries for their future nor any regrets for their past as to whatever hard works they will have done for establishing, maintaining and abiding by the purpose based proper rule of law based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind in the human world.

    070] Certainly we made a covenant or an accord or agreement with ideological and biological successors of Israel to establish, maintain and abide by our purpose based proper guidance for mankind in the human world and therefore we sent them our prophets and messengers yet whenever there came to them any prophet and messenger from us with a message that did not approve the way they lived their lives because they thereby strove for dominance over each other for undermining each other for secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, they called a party of them impostors and they campaigned and fought against another party of them.

    071] It is because of their constant and consistent ignorance based arrogance they became so distant and disconnected with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind that they took on baseless and unfounded secular and religious beliefs and practices in the very name of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind whereby they worked out or came to believe that no hard work was needed, necessary or was required to fulfil the purpose based proper mission of Allah which he assigned for them for spreading the guidance from Allah to the rest of human beings in the human world therefore they became and remained lifeless, inactive, ineffective, uninfluential or dead people like the blind and the deaf till now for the purpose of missionary work they were assigned. However Allah turned to them yet again through his this very last and final revelation for mankind but most of them still after this revelation has come to them remain inactive like the blind and the deaf so Allah has been making obvious for them as well as others to see the results of all that they have been thinking, saying and doing for and against each other.

    072] Certainly those people from among them have in actual fact rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind who claim the appointed successor of purpose based proper human community of Mariam is in fact Allah himself, despite the fact that the appointed person himself used to say to them, O children of Israel, commit yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah alone for mankind who is my creator and sustainer as well as yours. Surely any people who attribute God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation to any existing being other than or along with Allah, set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah will never deliver them blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as such people will never have purpose based proper foundation to based themselves upon purposefully properly so they will end up and remain divided due to falling victim to fire of hatred between themselves because of disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves as well as between themselves and other human populations. This is why there cannot be any helper for such like people as end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so they are bound to end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other unless they repent and reform by giving up their these baseless and 7unfounded beliefs and practices and adopt the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by their creator and sustainer.

    073] Certainly they have rejected and opposed the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind those who claim Allah has divided himself into three separate beings or persons, because the fact is, there is no God save only one God who is only and only one being or person not three separate beings or persons. Unless they stop claiming this senseless division of God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation, terrible painful suffering will befall them and keep them in its grip those who reject and oppose purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer due to lack of purpose based proper foundation for them because of which they could become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    074] So despite being in terrible painful suffering as explained, will they still not leave their baseless and unfounded harmful and destructive beliefs and practices and turn to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and consult his revealed message for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, for set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah save and secure or protect mankind only and only according to his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind?

    075] The saviour and securer or protector appointed for securing blissful and dignified existence for purpose based proper human community of Mariam in our kingdom was only and only a human being and no more than a human being who was sent as our prophet and messenger by us for purpose based proper guidance of mankind, many of our prophets and messengers to mankind who were also human beings just like him had already passed away before him. His purpose based proper human community proved itself purposefully properly consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other. He and his team, company or community of supporters and backers both participated and interacted in furthering our mission by complementing each other purposefully properly. See how our purpose based proper revelations explain things purposefully properly for mankind to learn and come to know the truth purposefully properly yet see how most of mankind still ignore, avoid and neglect and move away or distance themselves from our purpose based proper guidance for them?

    076] Ask them, after our all these brilliant explanations and evidences will you the mankind still serve and work for your imagined, supposed, invented, assumed Gods, masters and rulers other than or along with Allah who can neither save and secure you from harms and destructions by hands of each other nor can they benefit and ensure your well being through help and support of each other whereas Allah is he in whose awareness and knowledge is all that can harm or benefit mankind so he makes it obvious for mankind to help them save and secure themselves from harms and destructions and to think and do things that can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind?

    077] Say, O people of the book, attribute nothing at all to your purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by us through your scriptures from us without purpose based proper proof and yield, give in or surrender not to baseless and unfounded secular and religious beliefs and practices because they are harmful and destructive for mankind by following baseless and unfounded thoughts and actions or habits of your earlier generations or predecessors or ancestors or leaders or forefathers who misled most of the people from our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    078] Due to thinking and doing exactly that from which they were stopped they isolated, cut off or distanced themselves from our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind - which leads mankind to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom - those who rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind from among the people who were given our scriptures before this Quran from the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom which was brought about and maintained by David as well as Jesus the successor of community of Mariam so they ended up in a terribly painful and humiliating state of existence. This happened to them because due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires they decided to commit atrocities against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.     

    079] All this happened to them because they did not stop each other from living by a way of life whereby they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so harmful and destructive indeed were their thoughts and actions against each other.

    080] And their reason as you can see for yourselves for not stopping each other from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other was, most of them adopted, supported and backed the way of life of those who rejected and opposed our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind. However, harmful and destructive has been the result or outcome of their thoughts and actions for themselves by hands of each other as well as for other people and human populations as well. It is because warning of Allah to them became a reality for them so they will remain in that terrible humiliating state of existence for the rest of their lives unless they repent by stop living their lives by that way of life and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    081] Had these people from among those who claim to be properly guided (and yet they claim to be Jews] and those who claim to be supporters and backers of our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind (and yet they claim to be Christians] who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper humanity in our kingdom have truly committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom  according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah along with his this prophet and messenger and what is revealed to him then they will not have adopted, supported and backed up the way of life of those who have rejected and opposed his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. However most of them are creators and causers of disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between people.

    082] So you will find that extreme in enmity from among mankind to those who have purposefully properly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper humanity in kingdom of Allah are most from among those people of the book who claim to be purposefully properly guided (yet they claim to be Jews] as well as from among those who live by any other way of life than the one purposefully properly advised for mankind by Allah but nearest in affection to those who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah are some of those who claim to be supporters and backers of our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind (from among those who claim to be Christians]. That is because among them there are some people who are wise and thoughtful who complement each other as a purpose based proper human community and they discourage their people from adopting the way of life whereby some people secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense so they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    083] The reason they love and support people who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah on the basis of the Quran is that when they hear that which is revealed to this our last and final prophet and messenger for mankind, you can see their eyes filled with tears of hope and joy for the brilliant future of mankind because they recognize that this message too is the truth from their creator and sustainer for mankind. So they say, our creator and sustainer, we have already committed ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom therefore join us with those people who also bear witness before mankind to manifest glory of your purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    084] After hearing this message in form of the Quran for themselves and understanding it purposefully properly they say to themselves and each other, what reason do we have not to commit ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to this purpose based proper message of Allah for mankind also when the truth and the purpose of this message has been made evident and obvious for us? Why should we not hope that our creator and sustainer accepts our joining with those who are already working for ensuring well being of each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his this purpose based proper plan for mankind?

    085] For declaring their commitment to his assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind and carrying it out purposefully properly, Allah will reward them with blissful, dignified and secure existence in settlements in his kingdom to enter in and remain in their till they will maintain those settlements under their own management throughout which will flow things of their need and want like rivers. Such will be the outcome for those who will think and do what makes their human world a beautiful place for humanity to live in.

    086] On the contrary, for those who will reject and oppose our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind because they will deny each other our given rights and provisions, they will land themselves in a terrible state of existence by hands of each other which will be full of terrible painful suffering for them and they will remain in that state of existence until and unless they turn to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and reform themselves according to it.

    087] So O you who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, do not transgress our set limits by declaring any human activity unlawful and illegal or improper and inappropriate for having, using and doing anything which is declared lawful and legal or proper and appropriate for ensuring well being of mankind by Allah, surely set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah support not those who transgress his purpose based proper set limits.

    088] So interact, participate and partake in all kinds of activities that are beneficial and advantageous for mankind because they ensure your well being as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom therefore lawful is for you people to have and to use all that is provided for you the mankind by Allah. That is how you people should be consistent with the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other according to which you people claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    089] Since Allah does not leave you the mankind free to think and do as you please or as you like rather he holds you the mankind responsible, answerable and accountable for all your activities according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind according to your own purpose based proper commitment to it except when anything happens or takes place because of you by accident or by mistake without your intention or deliberation or thinking. In that case you are not held responsible or accountable or answerable for any such act therefore when you think and act then think and act according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as purposefully properly. For that reason you the mankind are required as a purposefully properly organised and regulated purpose based proper human community in his kingdom to provide for and fulfil all the needs and wants of each and every person who comes under or within your jurisdiction or reach or range by taking care of that person’s all needs and wants such as shelter, food and clothes or any other need or want which is cause for concern or worry for that person just as you take care of needs and wants of all the people who are already dwelling, settled, residing, abiding or living within your jurisdiction as a part of your purpose based proper human community. However if you people do not find any such people who need your help and support for the time being but they have come to settle within your jurisdiction to become part of your purpose based proper human community then such people must go through at least three sessions of purpose based proper education and training so that they could purposefully properly become part of your purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. This is how you people should fulfil your duty, obligation or responsibility to such people according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as according to your own purpose based proper commitment to our purpose based proper guidance for you the mankind. This is how you people should guard your commitment to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly. This is why Allah explains with evidences his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for you the mankind so that you people could have and use his sustenance, provisions, subsistence and livelihood purposefully properly for ensuring your own well being through help and full support of each other by your complementing each other purposefully properly.

    090] So O you who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, surely disregarding, ignoring, avoiding, neglecting, hiding and covering up our purpose based proper guidelines and instructions about your activities which are about expenditure, spending or use of fruit of your labour or which are about your campaigning and struggling or striving for accomplishing and fulfilling our assigned mission based goals, targets and objectives for you or which are about your setting up harmful and destructive targets, goals and objectives is a harmful and destructive thing for you the mankind to think and do so any such thought and action is an act of the rejector and opponent of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind therefore stay away from thinking, planning and working for any such like goal or objective so that you people could unite and have peace between yourselves to make progress so that you could become and remain prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    091] No doubt each and every leading rejector and opponent of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind wants you people to disregard, ignore, avoid, neglect, forget, hide and cover up his guidelines and instructions so that you people become slack and lazy about them and give them up because that way he intends to stir up disputes, rivalries, animosities, fire of hatred, fights and wars between you the mankind for securing his own petty personal gains from rest of you at your expense so that thereby he could stop you from becoming or remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Will you people then not resist, refrain, restrain and hold back yourselves from thinking and doing anything like this which could lead you people to your own harm and destruction by hands of each other?

    092] Therefore become and remain consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and become and remain consistent with his prophet and messenger as well as become and remain consistent with each other purposefully properly and abstain and refrain from thoughts and actions that are harmful and destructive for you the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom but if you will not hold back yourselves from living by a way of life whereby some people secure their own petty personal gains from other at their expense then be warned that duty of our prophet and messenger is only to deliver our message to you the mankind purposefully properly but the consequences of your harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other will ensue in due course as you people have been explained already well in advance.

    093] This is why nothing by anyone in the past stopped, prevented, restrained or held back the people who committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind from taking steps for removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between people by mending, repairing, restoring and fixing  fractured, broken and severed relationships between them whereby they partook, interacted and participated for thinking and doing things which ensured their consistency with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as their consistency with each other for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. Moreover nothing by anyone stopped, prevented or held them back from continuously keeping themselves purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and from continuously taking steps to keep people united so that they could continuously have peace between themselves for making continuous progress so that they could continue their prosperity by being consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other and that is how they kept themselves purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that is how through their consistency with our purpose based proper guidance and each other they did a lot of hard work to make their human world beautiful for themselves. That is why Allah loves such people who make his human world beautiful for themselves according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    094] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly now to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our this purpose based proper guidance for mankind in the form of the Quran, Allah will put you people also through very hard struggle just like people before you and avail you also opportunities to test yourselves to see if you have reached the standard of humanity set by him for you through use of each and everything that is placed at your disposal to deal with all kinds of facing situations and sets of circumstances within your capabilities within your jurisdictions purposefully properly in order to make evident such people in your purpose based proper human community as show concern and potential for making its future brilliant. However any group or party that will transgress the clearly set limits after set limits have been made clear to it, for such is terrible painful suffering by hands of each other as a consequence of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    095] Therefore O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, do not kill potential of growth and development in people who come or remain under your management and care as part of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by hunting them down as you people used to do before you entered in covenant with Allah because you have by now already entered the sacred accord, agreement or covenant with Allah. If one still kills potential of growth and development in anyone who has become and remains a part of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom deliberately or on purpose then one is to be held accountable, answerable and responsible for thinking and doing so according two upright judges from among yourselves who are just and fair because they have reached the heights of excellence in their standing due to their thoughts and actions according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. However the objective of this exercise is restoration of growth and development of the people who have been held back as well as of the people who have committed such an act of holding people back from their growth and development so that they are put through purpose based proper or appropriate education and training sessions so that they do not think and do so again to anyone else and so that they are made to taste the result of their own such harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others. Allah will not hold those people to account for their crimes who have already repented and reformed purposefully properly by giving up their harmful and destructive way of life by adopting his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind. However if anyone will give up his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and adopt any other way of life instead or return to one’s previous way of life then he will be made to face results of his own harmful and destructive thought and actions against others. It is because set-up purpose based proper mighty systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah deliver to mankind results of their very own thoughts and actions for or against each other.   

    096] This is why it is made lawful or legal for you the administration of the people of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom to take into your care or under your management people who come and remain within your jurisdiction due to facing persecution or other kinds of  troubles and problems and provide them with things of their need and want just as you already do for your own community members and it is unlawful and illegal for you people to hunt them down or spill their blood. So be or become consistent and remain consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other so that he brings you together or gathers you all together as the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    097] Allah has put forth his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for you the mankind in order to help you the mankind to stand upon your own feet and rely upon yourselves so that you people thereby rise to heights of excellence and that way you could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly by sticking to it and by sticking to each other for complementing each other purposefully properly by avoiding thinking and acting against each other in contravention of his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. This is so, so that you the mankind come to know or become aware of the fact that Allah is fully and comprehensively as well as purposefully properly aware of each and every thing about all that is in all the galaxies that are distant from each other as well as he is aware of all that which is within this galaxy so he is fully and purposefully properly qualified for guiding you the mankind purposefully properly.

    098] For that reason be or become and remain aware of the fact that set-up purpose based proper systems and laws and well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are swift and strict in delivering outcomes to mankind for their very own thoughts and actions for or against each other and that is how Allah saves and secures or protects them from ending up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    099] The duty of any of our prophet and messenger to mankind is only and only to pass on our messages to them purposefully properly but it is up to set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah to make obvious through delivery of results of your very own thoughts and actions all that you think and do against each other openly in public as well as all that you think and do against each other in private or secret.

    100] Say, the people or human populations which live by any way of life whereby they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense are living by a harmful and destructive way of life whereby they end up harming and destroying each other but the people who live by our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind ensure well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly therefore they are living by a way of life which raises them to heights of excellence so they have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. This is why people who live by these ways of life are not equal rather people who live by our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind end up better even though most people still live by various other ways of life but this is not a surprise because most people are not bothered with preparing themselves for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper way of life for mankind purposefully properly. Nonetheless O you people who have been bestowed with ability to learn sense of making purpose based proper sense of things you people must become consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other so that you people could succeed in fulfilling our assigned objective or target or mission for mankind.

    101] However O you who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, never ask irrelevant and degrading questions of those who have come under your administration, management and care within your jurisdiction either to join you people to become and remain part of your purpose based proper human community in our kingdom or for seeking safe haven, refuge or asylum due to running away from persecution because if you were asked those sorts of questions about yourselves in a similar situation to bar you from entry into a safe haven then you will resent it and you will not like it happening to yourselves. Whatever you have asked already of them of this nature till now Allah will not hold you people accountable for that provided you will not continue doing that or do so in future because that is what the Quran is revealed for and that is how set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind save and secure or protect mankind from becoming enemies of each other so that they become and remain a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    102] Indeed likewise questioned the purpose based proper communities before you those who came to them to join them and due to that they ended up broken and destroyed because they continued doing that in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    103] Allah never allowed any purpose based proper human community in his kingdom to create troubles and problems for mankind or to join or make alliances with any such people who are creators of troubles and problems for mankind and that is because those who reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind attribute all kinds of lies and falsehood to Allah and that is because they do not bother to learn sense of making purpose based proper sense of things and therefore they do not seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.
    104] So when it is said to such rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance, come to what is revealed by Allah to his prophet and messenger for mankind so that you people could become and remain a purposefully properly organised and regulated purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. Their reply is, sufficient is for us the way of life upon which we found our predecessors, forefathers, ancestors, leaders or leading people. The question is, will they still continue living by the way of life of their forefathers or leaders even if their forefathers or leading people knew nothing about living their lives purposefully properly because they did not live their lives by any way of life which was based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind?

    105] O you who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, the duty and responsibility for ensuring well being of all members of your purpose based proper human community in our kingdom rests entirely upon yourselves as a purposefully properly and fully self organised and self regulated purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. So any people who stay away or move away from this purpose based proper or firm and solid foundation can do you no harm whatsoever if you people yourselves remain firmly stuck to or on the way, road, path or course purposefully properly that is advised for mankind by Allah. The fact is, you the mankind are all bound to be brought together and kept together by Allah as well as you are all bound to come together on the very basis or foundation of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because thereby he informs you what you people ought to be thinking and doing or what you people are supposed to be thinking and doing for having and maintaining blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    106] Since you the purposefully properly self organised and self regulated purpose based proper human community in our kingdom are obligated, duty bound and responsible for looking after and taking care of each and every person in your purpose based proper human community yourselves purposefully properly therefore O you who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, be fully alert and aware about all kinds of or all sorts of happenings and things taking place between or among yourselves and participate, interact and partake in all administrative and managerial institutional and community matters purposefully properly as it is appropriate and proper for you people as a purposefully properly organised and regulated community because that concerns your well being before harm and destruction takes over any of you the people due to your lack of sense of responsibilities for each other, therefore the advice that when you have to put in place any governing body, administration or management for the purpose based proper human community in any place in the human world for a fixed period of time or when you have to replace one that is already in place to take over the legacy of an outgoing governing body, administration or management as time of its expiry approaches. Make them declare under oath among yourselves that they have taken or will take care of community to the best of their God given abilities before at least two trustable, reliable and dependable as well as highly learned and knowledgeable people from among you the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom as well as from among both the governing bodies, administrations or managements (the in-coming and the out-going) while you are on transitional ground or going through this process of changing the governing bodies or administrations or managements in order to avoid falling in chaos and confusion or anarchy that leads to your harm or destruction. Gather both of the administrations or managements (in-coming and out-going) after the changeover network is in place for swearing in the new administration by making them swear in the name of Allah declaring clearly, we have not participated, partaken or interacted and we will not participate, partake and interact in the governing body, administration or management for any personal gain or for the benefit of any of our close relative or friends at the expense of the purpose based proper human community. We have and we will carry out our duties, obligations and responsibilities towards the purpose based proper human community purposefully properly and faithfully as well as transparently and we have not and will not hide any evidence of any mistake or wrong doing be it unintentional or intentional or deliberate from the purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah and if we have thought or done that or we think and do that then we are or we will be of those who are guilty of working for harming and destroying the purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah as well as the assigned mission of Allah in contravention of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind.

    107] However if it becomes apparent, evident or obvious that after the promise and agreement under oath either of the two administrations are guilty of perjury or lying under oath then let two others better qualified investigating team witnesses from among those people of the community who were deprived of their right come forward and testify under oath saying, by Allah our statement of account is more complete than theirs. We have not transgressed in our testimony because we are fully aware of the fact that if we did, it will inflict a great harm and destruction upon our purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah.

    108] By this procedure it is more likely that community administrators and managers will make true declarations and witnesses will bear true witness and make true statements to their works and problems or at least they will fear that their declarations and testimonies under oath could be challenged by opposing testimonies and evidences by others under oath. So be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other and heed his advice for ensuring well being of purpose based proper human community because guidance of Allah does not guides any such people who due to their ignorance based arrogance rebel against his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for them by creating disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between mankind.

    109] This is the reason why in hereafter Allah will gather all the people as well as his prophets and messengers he will have sent to them with his messages for pronouncing his final judgement about them to them by asking his prophets and messengers, what was the response of your people to our messages when you had delivered it to them? They will say, we have no full, complete and perfect information about it, however you are surely aware of all things comprehensively constantly and consistently purposefully properly.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
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