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 Topic: Paris murder

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  • Paris murder
     OP - October 16, 2020, 10:07 PM

    teacher decapitated over cartoons in paris suburb.
  • Paris murder
     Reply #1 - October 17, 2020, 09:57 AM

    there's no pressure on those who freely support savage killings but plenty pressure on those who dissent.

    [quoted=]After the contested lesson, an angry parent posted a video on YouTube complaining about the teacher. On Friday night, another parent posted below the video, defending the professor, writing: “I am a parent of a student at this college. The teacher just showed caricatures from Charlie Hebdo as part of a history lesson on freedom of expression. He asked the Muslim students to leave the classroom if they wished, out of respect … He was a great teacher. He tried to encourage the critical spirit of his students, always with respect and intelligence. This evening, I am sad, for my daughter, but also for teachers in France. Can we continue to teach without being afraid of being killed?”

    The video was taken down on Friday night.[/quote]
  • Paris murder
     Reply #2 - October 17, 2020, 10:20 AM

    more details.

    Quote from:
    Muslim parents had taken offence at Mr Paty's decision to show his class caricatures of the Prophet and branded him a 'thug' in a video shared online by a mosque just days before he was murdered. 

    He had 'invited Muslim students out of the classroom' before showing a caricature of the Prophet published by Charlie Hebdo, the satirical magazine targeted by terrorists five years ago, in a lesson about free speech.

    The cartoon reportedly showed the Prophet Mohammed crouching with a star drawn on his buttocks and the inscription 'A star is born'.

    A father of a 13-year-old pupil at the secondary school in middle-class Conflans-Sainte-Honorine told Reuters Mr Paty had told any Muslim students to leave because the cartoon would likely cause offence. For Muslims, any depiction of the Prophet is blasphemous.

    One Muslim pupil stayed behind by mistake, and later told her parents. They filed a complaint against the teacher and held a meeting with Mr Paty, the school principal and an official from the education authority.

    Brahim Chnina, who said his daughter was in the class branded Mr Paty a thug in a video posted on Twitter sometime in the last week, where he asked the community to complain about his behaviour.

    Before showing the images, Mr Paty asked Muslim children to leave the room because he planned to show something shocking, Mr Chnina said. 'What was the message he wanted to send these children? Why does a history teacher behave this way in front of 13-year-olds?' he asked.

    'If you want to join forces and say 'stop, don't touch our children, then send me a message.' This thug should not remain in the national education system, should no longer teach our children. He should go educate himself.' 

    The video sparked community outrage and was shared by a mosque in Pantin, a Parisian suburb. Days later, Mr Paty was then stabbed and decapitated by Russian national Aboulakh A, who shouted 'Allahu Akbar' in the attack.

    The suspected Islamist was yesterday shot dead by police about 600 yards from the killing when he refused to drop his weapons and threatened the officers. It is unclear whether the gunman had seen the video
  • Paris murder
     Reply #3 - October 17, 2020, 01:33 PM

    The teacher who was beheaded by a suspected Islamist terrorist for showing his class cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammed has been identified as Samuel Paty .. A 47 year old guy

    The 47-year-old had  received threats after opening a discussion 'for a debate' about the caricatures about 10 days ago before he was stabbed and decapitated by 18-year-old Chechen gunman Aboulakh A in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine 25 miles north-west of Paris.

    Muslim parents including Brahim Chnina  had taken offence at Mr Paty's (left) decision to show his class caricatures of the Prophet and branded him a 'thug' in a video shared online by a mosque just days before he was murdered

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Paris murder
     Reply #4 - October 20, 2020, 06:53 PM

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali asks, can Macron stem the tide of Islamism in France?

    Just over a week ago, Emanuel Macron said he wanted to end ‘Islamic separatism’ in France because a minority of the country’s estimated six million Muslims risk forming a ‘counter-society’. On Friday, we saw yet another example of this when a  history teacher was decapitated in the street on his way home in a Paris suburb. Samuel Paty had discussed the free speech in the classroom and shown cartoons of Mohammed. Some parents had protested, leading to a wider fuss - and, eventually, his murder. M Paty was murdered, Macron said, "because he taught the freedom of expression, the freedom to believe or not believe.” The president is now positioning himself as the defender of French values, determined to drain the Islamist swamp.

    That Macron even gave an anti-Islamism speech was itself a sign of how fast the debate is moving in France. Five years ago, when Fox News referred to ‘no-go zones’ in Paris, the city’s mayor threatened to sue. Now we have an avowed centrist like Macron warning that the ‘final goal’ of the ‘ideology’ of Islamism is to ‘take complete control’ of society. Anyone making such arguments just a few years ago would have been condemned by the left as an extremist. Macron is promising a law on ‘Islamist separatism’, restricting home-schooling of Muslims and demanding that Islamic groups in receipt of French state funding will have to sign a ‘secular charter’.

    But if he’s serious, why stop there? A week before his speech, for example, there was a stabbing outside the offices of Charlie Hebdo, which France’s interior minister described as an ‘act of Islamist terrorism’ and a ‘new, bloody attack against our country’. It would be brave and powerful to put up a monument in memory of people who were killed by the Islamists while fighting for freedom of speech: perhaps a statue of the Charlie Hebdo team or my late friend Theo van Gogh. At the statue’s unveiling, Macron might refute the false notion — increasingly widespread today — that scrutinising Islamism and Islamists is an act of ‘Islamophobia’. Defending universal human rights is an act of compassion, not a ‘phobia’; failing to make this point only leaves an opportunity for the real bigots of the far right.

    In his speech, Macron also said that the ‘challenge is to fight against those who go off the rails in the name of religion... while protecting those who believe in Islam and are full citizens of the republic’. If he really means this, perhaps he could provide security and support to those French Muslims courageously speaking out against radical Islam? He could also support those French Muslims who seek to modify Sharia, historically contextualise the Sunnah (traditional Muslim practices) and establish a meaningful boundary between religion and state by challenging doctrinal purity. In the effort to combat the extremists, it is vital to distinguish the Muslims pushing for real change from the Islamists with silver tongues. A great many French Muslims are fighting against the Islamists, and Macron could do far more to support them.

    The battle of ideas against Islamism will, of necessity, be a long one and if he hopes to succeed Macron must ensure that French civil society and philanthropic foundations are fully engaged in this effort. He should disband subversive Islamist organisations that lay the ideological groundwork for violence, while calling on his fellow European leaders to do the same. It’s amazing how many of them, even now, prefer to avoid the topic.

    He might also strengthen immigration laws to ensure that French civic values are taken into account in admission decisions. Those admitted to the Republic from abroad should be told to embrace the French notion of social cohesion, which means they cannot embrace separatism or Islamism, or belong to organisations that do.

    Existing laws should be used more too. Not so long ago, an Algerian woman who refused to shake hands with male officials at a French naturalisation ceremony was denied citizenship as a result. Islamists can, in this way, be served notice that France is not their natural home.

    French law allows the government to reject naturalisation requests on grounds of ‘lack of assimilation, other than linguistic’. So in the spirit of this law, Macron should start to repatriate asylum-seekers who engage in violence or the incitement of violence — particularly against women.

    In foreign policy, he could tackle the ideological extremism that is disseminated by the governments of Qatar and Turkey — among others — through their support of Islamists, Islamist foundations and communitarianism in Europe (including France). He could take a much stronger stand against the Iranian regime — bilaterally as well as at the EU level — for its hostile activities on European soil, its vicious cruelty towards its own population and its efforts to export revolutionary Islamism throughout the Middle East. This would also mean further strengthening France’s ties to Israel, the UAE and Egypt and demanding that Saudi Arabia stop funding Wahhabi extremists abroad.

    France’s corps diplomatique still possesses exceptional historical and linguistic knowledge of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. This could be used to counter the activities of groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Tablighi Jamaat, Hezbollah, Hizb ut-Tahrir and their many branches and offshoots. Macron says his Bill will ‘dissolve’ Islamic groups whose principles clash with those of the French Republic. He can do so by cutting off the financial flows from foreign powers to the Islamist organisations within France.

    Macron is right: Islamic separatism does indeed threaten to turn France into two nations. But if the problem is to be addressed, the French people need to be shown that the President has the guts not just to call out radical Islam — but also to take real, practical steps to defeat it.
  • Paris murder
     Reply #5 - October 21, 2020, 01:54 AM

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali asks, can Macron stem the tide of Islamism in France?

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Paris murder
     Reply #6 - October 21, 2020, 02:04 AM

    Age of intolerance? Outrage in France after beheading of school teacher

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Paris murder
     Reply #7 - October 21, 2020, 05:50 PM

    a crackdown on islamist groups is probably misguided. the proper target is ordinary muslims who openly support murder, usually on social media. track them down and make arrests to send a clear message.

    Quote from:
    “We stepped up actions over recent days,” Macron said Tuesday evening after presiding over a meeting of an inter-agency crisis group set up to fight radical Islam in the Paris area. And he promised more was coming: “It’s not about making new statements,” Macron said, “we know what we need to do.”
  • Paris murder
     Reply #8 - October 21, 2020, 06:11 PM

    as I said before, things need to be made harder across the board so it's not favourable to harbour a muslim identity in direct opposition to the host country's character.

    not because secularism is better than religion. in practice, they're equally useless. but because division causes the state to breakdown and that's no good for any citizen.
  • Paris murder
     Reply #9 - October 22, 2020, 04:01 AM

    crumble  says
    a crackdown on islamist groups is probably misguided. the proper target is ordinary muslims who openly support murder, usually on social media. track them down and make arrests to send a clear message.

    well you are NOT correct saying those highlighted words dear crumble.,  I am assuming you are saying these words  to Blasphemy and/or leaving "the faith Islam of ISLAMIST ROGUES"

    "Ordinary Muslims  who openly support murder((for Blasphemy))"

    I say "Ordinary Muslims  will never  support murder for leaving the faith or for Blasphemy " those scoundrels who support such murderers are NOT ordinary Muslims ., they are brain washed brainless Muslim fools who never read Quran,

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Paris murder
     Reply #10 - October 22, 2020, 07:34 AM

    the quran is irrelevant. there is no solution to be found in reinterpretation, eg macron's french islam.

    it's an identity problem much like race, gender and sexuality. banning activist groups does nothing unless you deal with their supporters. step by step, they need to be disenfranchised in order persuade them to live in harmony with the rest of society.
  • Paris murder
     Reply #11 - October 22, 2020, 08:15 AM

    the false dichotomy.

    Quote from:
    The official word, that is to say the dominant discourse, and lexically prescriptive, carried by the politico-media sphere tries to maintain the distinction between Islam and Islamism as between two sealed communities, at all costs. Even at the cost of blood.
  • Paris murder
     Reply #12 - October 23, 2020, 01:18 PM

    papering over cracks.

    Quote from:
    Jean Castex thus announced "the strengthening of the protection of civil servants and public officials by penalizing those who put pressure on them and on the functioning of public services by words or behavior". He took as an example what "happened in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine against Mr. Paty and the principal of the college" of Bois d'Aulne.

    "Second, the possibility of sanctioning those who post personal information endangering the lives of others online", continued the Prime Minister.

    "The monitoring of social networks and the fight against online hatred will be intensified," he added, with an "immediate" strengthening of the staff of the Pharos reporting platform and the creation of a specific pole for the prosecution. of Paris "to centralize prosecutions and therefore improve their efficiency".
  • Paris murder
     Reply #13 - October 25, 2020, 04:25 AM

    Turkey's President Erdogan says French president Emmanuel Macron needs a mental treatment.

    and BBC news says France recalls Turkey envoy after Erdogan says Macron needs 'mental check'

    France has recalled its ambassador to Turkey for consultations after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan insulted his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron.

    He said Mr Macron needed a mental health check for pledging to protect secular values and fight radical Islam.

    Mr Macron has spoken out forcefully on these issues after a French teacher was murdered for showing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in class.

    France "will not give up our cartoons", he said earlier this week.

    Depictions of the Prophet Muhammad can cause serious offence to Muslims because Islamic tradition explicitly forbids images of Muhammad and Allah (God).

    But state secularism - or laïcité - is central to France's national identity. Curbing freedom of expression to protect the feelings of one particular community, the state says, undermines the country's unity.

    Responding to Mr Macron's campaign to defend such values - which began before the teacher was murdered - Mr Erdogan said in a speech on Saturday: "Macron needs treatment on a mental level.

    "What else can be said to a head of state who does not understand freedom of belief and who behaves in this way to millions of people living in his country who are members of a different faith?"

    He went on to ask: "What's the problem of the individual called Macron with Islam and with the Muslims?" In the wake of the remarks, a French presidential official told AFP news agency that France's ambassador to Turkey was being recalled for consultations, and would be meeting Mr Macron.

    "President Erdogan's comments are unacceptable. Excess and rudeness are not a method. We demand that Erdogan change the course of his policy because it is dangerous in every respect," the official was quoted as saying.

    Erodgan is a pious Muslim who has sought to move Islam into Turkey's mainstream politics since his Islamist-rooted AK Party came to power in 2002 The diplomatic spat is latest issue to strain relations between France and Turkey, who are allies under Nato but disagree on a range of geo-political issues, including the civil wars in Syria and Libya, and the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Seven people, including two students, have been charged over the beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty on 16 October near Paris. His killer, 18-year-old Abdullakh Anzorov, was shot dead by police shortly after the attack, which took place near Mr Paty's school.

    well read that and more at that link

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Paris murder
     Reply #14 - October 25, 2020, 02:18 PM

    PM Imran denounces French president's 'encouragement of Islamophobia says news

    Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday denounced what he called was "encouragement of Islamophobia" by French President Emmanuel Macron, saying the European leader had chosen to "deliberately provoke" Muslims, including his own citizens.

    In a series of tweets, the premier said that the sign of a leader was that he united people, like former South African president Nelson Mandela. "This is a time when President Macron could have put [a] healing touch and denied space to extremists rather than creating further polarisation and marginalisation that inevitably leads to radicalisation," he said.

    The premier regretted that the French president had instead chosen to encourage Islamophobia by "attacking Islam rather than the terrorists who carry out violence, be it Muslims, White Supremacists or Nazi ideologists".

    well that is the news and here is his twitter clip on what he says

    that is what he says and here is his twitter


    Imran Khan @ImranKhanPT

    It is unfortunate that he has chosen to encourage Islamophobia by attacking Islam rather than the terrorists who carry out violence, be it Muslims, White Supremacists or Nazi ideologists. Sadly, President Macron has chosen to deliberately provoke Muslims, incl his own citizens,

    yes.. yes.. we got to educate ourselves and others on QURAN, QURANIC ORIGINS, ISLAM, ISLAMIC HISTORY ., & ON PROPHET OF ISLAM FROM QURAN and Prophet of Islam from gillion Islamic stories from hadith..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Paris murder
     Reply #15 - October 27, 2020, 02:26 PM

    Dawn Editorial writes on Inflammatory words of Emmanuel Macron

    FRENCH President Emmanuel Macron believes that “Islamists want our future”. He had no qualms about saying this in public as he vowed not to “give up cartoons” though he knew full well how incendiary his remarks could prove to be. Such loud sentiments are appalling. They follow the killing of a teacher who is reported to have shown his students controversial depictions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

    There can be no justification for murder but neither can the extremist actions of a few be made the basis of tarring an entire community — by a national leader no less. Where is the healing touch that is so sorely needed to curb the “tyranny and fanaticism” that Mr Macron spoke of? Surely, the idea is to overcome divisions and to lay the ground for a peaceful coexistence that is so necessary in a multicultural milieu. The law should always follow its course, but communities must not be pitted against one another.

    The best course for the French government would be to defuse tensions between religious groups. The provocative remarks are exactly the tonic that extremists need to propel their ideological war. And this is precisely what the Pakistani leadership has been trying to convey across the din of protest that Mr Macron’s words have created.

    For centuries, France has led nations across the world in their quest for a better world, for liberty, equality and brotherhood. From the intricacies of art to the pursuit of revolution and politics, Mr Macron is the custodian of one of the world’s richest historical legacies. It is the betrayal of this heritage that Prime Minister Imran Khan and his Foreign office are talking about when they question the French president’s remarks, and call his words an “encouragement to Islamophobia”. Mr Khan said this was the time the French leader could have provided a “healing touch and denied space to extremists”.

    Mr Khan and other Muslim leaders would do well to launch a drive to find allies who can help build up a strong defence against forces of extremism, going beyond the exercise of force. With the passage of time, a growing number of politicians all over the world have been swayed by the power of faith-based sentiment. This has increasingly threatened those who want to keep religion out of politics. A holistic campaign to fight extremist thought and action could well be worth the effort, both abroad and at home.

    Published in Dawn, October 27th, 2020

    Question is.,    how do we start that  holistic campaign to fight extremist thought and action ??

    Question is., where do these so-called extremists of Islam get these extremist thought from ? 

    Question is., what Islamic religious literature that these extremists get  and where does it get published and preached??

    Question is., why should we give a chance to western  politicians such as   France President Emmanuel Macron to say   that “Islamists want our future”.

    well let us start CLEANING UP... and for that we need to clean up that Narratives .. and we know where all those narratives come from

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Paris murder
     Reply #16 - October 27, 2020, 06:53 PM

    Nothing surprises me anymore about Imran Khan, nor the neo-Ottoman Caliph Erdoğan. Someone needs to point out to the self appointed spokesman Khan that he has no leg to stand on when it comes to speaking out against mistreatment of Muslims when this fuck stays silent over the Uighur Muslim in China. Two sad pricks puffing their chests on the world stage all alone. Not even the Saudi's think much of them.
  • Paris murder
     Reply #17 - October 27, 2020, 07:01 PM

    Anyone who calls themselves a satirist should craft the most crudest cartoon of Erdoğan and send it his way. Perhaps an even better use of their talents than spoofing Muhammad given that Erdoğan is very much alive and thinks way too much of himself.
  • Paris murder
     Reply #18 - October 27, 2020, 07:07 PM

    Erdogan says Muslims in Europe have it as bad as Jews just before the outbreak of the Second World War. As bad a notion as saying Muslims are being mistreated as much as the Armenians before 1912...
  • Paris murder
     Reply #19 - October 28, 2020, 01:24 AM

    Erdogan says Muslims in Europe have it as bad as Jews just before the outbreak of the Second World War. As bad a notion as saying Muslims are being mistreated as much as the Armenians before 1912...

    Scoundrels like Erdogan who are high school drop outs and who plays political games with faith Islam is the reason why Muslim folks suffer in other countries .. He is trying his best to undo what  Mustafa Kemal Atatürk  did  some 100 years ago....  and the news on that says

    French court upholds closure of mosque near Paris in crackdown following teacher’s killing 

    An administrative court has validated the Interior Ministry’s decision to close the Grand Mosque of Pantin near Paris for a period of six months after it was found to have shared a video criticising a French history teacher which led to his murder.

    France ordered the temporary closure of the mosque last Tuesday as part of a crackdown on people suspected of inciting hatred, after teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded for showing his class caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. During the trial on Monday, M’hammed Henniche, the rector of the Grand Mosque of Pantin and president of the Muslim Federation of Pantin which had challenged the closure, said he was “overwhelmed” and expressed regret over sharing the video on social media.

    Henniche told French media he had shared the video not to endorse the father’s complaint but out of concern for Muslim children.  In its jugement the court said the rector had nonetheless shown “incomprehensible negligence”, at a time when “his position and functions should have led him to show more restraint”.

    well that is the news and here is the M’hammed Henniche

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Paris murder
     Reply #20 - October 28, 2020, 07:55 AM

    express regret? such light words are nsufficient.
  • Paris murder
     Reply #21 - October 28, 2020, 09:51 AM

    and all that is from Bangladesh  The BBC New says Huge Bangladesh rally calls for boycott of French products  with this picture

    Tens of thousands of people have marched through the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, demanding a boycott of French goods amid a row over France's tougher stance on radical Islam.

    They burned an effigy of President Emmanuel Macron, who has defended cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

    Police blocked the marchers from reaching the French embassy.

    Mr Macron has become a target in several Muslim-majority countries after his defence of French secularism.

    He spoke out after a teacher was beheaded earlier this month for showing cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad. Paying tribute to the teacher, Mr Macron said France "will not give up our cartoons".

    On Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also called for a boycott of French goods.


    Scoundrel's who preach Islam in mosques and on internet  need to change their stupid cock & bull cacdododoo chicken noises and silly stories on Prophet of Islam and Islamic history

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Paris murder
     Reply #22 - October 28, 2020, 12:15 PM

    Turkey condemns French caricature featuring Erdogan  says news   says news

    Top Turkish officials condemned a caricature scorning President Tayyip Erdogan in the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday, calling it a “disgusting effort” to “spread its cultural racism and hatred”.

    Turkish anger at the caricature added fuel to a row between Turkey and France about blasphemous sketches of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which flared after a teacher who had shown pupils the cartoons in a lesson on freedom of speech was beheaded in France this month.

    “We strongly condemn the publication concerning our President in the French magazine which has no respect for any belief, sacredness and values,” presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin wrote on Twitter.

    “They are just showing their own vulgarity and immorality. An attack on personal rights is not humour and freedom expression,” he said.

    The cartoon on the cover of Charlie Hebdo, showed Erdogan sitting in a white T-shirt and underpants, holding a canned drink along with a woman wearing an Islamic hijab.

    Turkish presidential communications director Fahrettin Altun said “Macron’s anti-Muslim agenda is bearing fruit!”.

    “We condemn this most disgusting effort by this publication to spread its cultural racism and hatred,” Altun wrote on Twitter.

    Erdogan sharply criticised Macron at the weekend, saying the French leader needed a mental health check, prompting France to recall its ambassador from Ankara. On Monday, Erdogan urged a boycott of French products.

    The blasphemous sketches of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have been displayed in France in solidarity.

    Meanwhile Macron's remarks that Islam is “a religion in crisis all over the world today” and his support for publishing and publicly exhibiting the blasphemous caricatures has angered many Muslims across the globe.

    all that news comes out in the last hour   

    YOU CAN NOT EVEN DO CARICATURE OF A TURKEY?? why??   turkey is becoming a Prophet now??  I say no political or religious leader of 21st century should escape caricatures.. Let me find them .. Fools..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Paris murder
     Reply #23 - October 29, 2020, 09:45 AM

    Woman beheaded, 3 people dead according to French police in Nice, France:

    A woman has been decapitated in a suspected terror attack in Nice, French police say.

    Three people have died and several others are injured after a knife attack reportedly took place near the Notre Dame church.

    Nice's mayor Christian Estrosi tweeted: "Everything suggests a terrorist attack."

    He added that one person had been arrested.

    French interior minister Gerald Darmanin said a police operation is under way and encouraged people to stay away from the area.

    The assailant was arrested after the Thursday morning attack and taken to a nearby hospital after being injured during his arrest, a police official told AP. The suspect was believed to be acting alone, the official said.

    French parliament suspended a debate on new virus restrictions and held a moment of silence for the victims.

    It comes as the country is under high alert for terrorist attacks.
  • Paris murder
     Reply #24 - October 29, 2020, 10:22 AM

    unacceptable. strong response required - unlike first time.
  • Paris murder
     Reply #25 - October 29, 2020, 12:53 PM

    unacceptable. strong response required - unlike first time.

    Ideally if you are a Head of France . what kind of response would you like to see in France on these WOMAN BEHEADERS dear crumble ?

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Paris murder
     Reply #26 - October 29, 2020, 01:08 PM

    start by closing all mosques, madrassas, muslim charities pending review. implement free speech pledge for all serving councillors and politicians. extend the same to citizens who in receipt of state benefits. and so on.
  • Paris murder
     Reply #27 - October 29, 2020, 01:18 PM

    start by closing all mosques, madrassas, muslim charities pending review. implement free speech pledge for all serving councillors and politicians. extend the same to citizens who in receipt of state benefits. and so on.

    well then you are knifing French Constitution ., let me give you their government web site

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Paris murder
     Reply #28 - October 29, 2020, 03:08 PM

    security before laicite. for the good of all citizens including those who identifiy as muslims.

  • Paris murder
     Reply #29 - October 29, 2020, 03:50 PM

    security before laicite. for the good of all citizens including those who identify as Muslims.

      " before laicite ...."  I don't know I am not sure ..


     ..CURB FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION.... CURB FREEDOM TO PRAY .......  CURB FREEDOM TO FOLLOW ANY FAITH THAT PEOPLE WANT to to.......   in support of Caliphs.. Kings.. Dictators.. totalitarian communist systems ... dick heads ...... DICKTRAITORS  and what not dear crumble ..

    I am not sure you can access this  article that is published in Journal
    Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations  Volume 27, 2016 - Issue 1: Blasphemy
      but here is    abstract to read..
    Freedom of Expression, Laïcité and Islam in France: The Tension between Two Different (Universal) Perspectives

     by Francesco Alicino Faculty of Law, Università LUM Jean Monnet, Bari, Italy

    In France, freedom of expression is perceived as a sort of liberté matricielle, a matrix of other fundamental freedoms. As such, it is reflected in many constitutional provisions, including those referring to religion. In addition, the practical exercise of freedom of expression remains strictly linked with the principle of laïcité, which is part of the institutional, legal and intellectual history of the French Republic and has even become the basis of its founding “values.”

    All this, however, also implies an accentuation of individual freedom of expression, which normally takes precedence over the protection of religions, sometimes justifying caricature of divinities, rules, rites and symbols.

    The legal cases related to the right to satirical expression are examples of this. The article underlines the role of freedom of expression in the light of the principle of laïcité, which normally rejects the communitarian dimension of religious rights, which may explain some important aspects of, on the one hand, the evolution of legislation regarding both hate speech and blasphemy within French liberal constitutionalism and, on the other, the relationship between freedom of expression and the secular state.

    This approach offers a possibility of better evaluating existing French law in relation to some religious nomoi groups, specifically, Islamic organizations. These issues are particularly analysed from two perspectives: the right to criticize or challenge religions and the right to satirize. This analysis makes it possible to identify the legal limits of freedom of expression before and after the 2015 Charlie Hebdo tragedy and highlights the difficulties faced by the so-called laïcité à la française in dealing with today's multicultural societies. The need emerges for a proper balance to be struck between religious diversity and protection of human rights – not only the rights of groups to be different, but also the rights of persons within these groups, which also involves the efforts of religious denominations to articulate their claims in order to make them more compatible with constitutional rights, including those referring to freedom of expression.

     please read that article if you could get access ..

    what you suggest may be a quick fix solution for a constant problem in the society but the problem continues ...  well time will tell ., Question is would it solve IF WHOLE WORLD BECOMES ISLAMIC??  WOULD IT SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF CITIZENS OF THIS LITTLE GLOBE??  such as my good friend
    past fast bowler Imran Khan's Madina ki riyasat?

    ..........answer  is no.........  That Jobless guy  knows "HOW TO COLLECT MONEY"  Cheesy Cheesy

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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