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 Topic: Women Leaving Islam

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  • Women Leaving Islam
     OP - March 03, 2021, 11:20 PM
    In this powerful film, six ex-Muslim women activists share their moving stories of growing up in Muslim families and Muslim-majority countries and the violence, loss and shunning they faced because of their apostasy.

    The women talk about everything from tearing their hijab on door handles as a child, wearing a burkini on a beach in Italy, wanting to scream their atheism in Mecca during Hajj, losing custody of a child after a husband’s accusations of blasphemy, reporting a violent fundamentalist father, forging a male guardian’s signature in order to flee their country and being shunned for defending gay rights…

    Despite the risks, the women speak of hope, happiness and freedom from Islam and the hijab.

    The brave women: Fauzia Ilyas, Fay Rahman, Halima Salat, Mimzy Vidz, Rana Ahmad and Zara Kay reside/have resided in Australia, Britain, Germany and the Netherlands. They are from backgrounds as diverse as Bangladeshi, British, Egyptian/Moroccan, Saudi, Somali/Kenyan, Pakistani and Tanzanian.

    The documentary will premiere on 1 February 2021, 6pm UK Time as a challenge to World Hijab Day and Islam’s modesty culture.

  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #1 - March 05, 2021, 12:11 AM

    their stories seemed mostly about gaining autonomy from men or male dominated societies. the religion bit came across as cultural flavour but not the main poison.
  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #2 - March 06, 2021, 11:35 PM

     This was a great watch for me. I feel like we are a global community and to see people who I had heard of, watched talk on dif topics,  or crossed paths with,  elaborate on their personal stories was heartening.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #3 - March 07, 2021, 01:55 PM

    their stories seemed mostly about gaining autonomy from men or male dominated societies. the religion bit came across as cultural flavour but not the main poison.

    what ?? well., knowing or unknowingly you write some questionable responses dear crumble and you throw me out of sink with some posts .,   I ask you why??

    please pick up some major religions/faiths  and tell me what these faiths and faith heads did for centuries?? Create a MALE DOMINATED SOCIETY ..  some are worse than others ., but that is all what these faiths did., All these faiths are NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD whatever their respective god/s may be.,  so yes., women have the right to question and right to protest ., Please realize cultural flavor is faith/religion  based hence it is  the main poison. And if you control reproductive  biology either by brain washing or by force   you can control the species

    brain washing works ...  Cheesy Cheesy  So i want you to read this  and this

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #4 - March 07, 2021, 03:41 PM

    Please realize cultural flavor is faith/religion  based hence it is  the main poison. And if you control reproductive  biology either by brain washing or by force   you can control the species

    the person in the yellow dress talks about going to a bikini beach and being naively impressed by the apparent lack of aroused men. she contrasts that with somewhere like pakistan where the sight of a bare ankle allegedly drives men into a frenzy.

    this is a comparison between two systems of controlling society (women in particular), ie as a public sexual object or a private sexual object. the religious/cultural flavoring, whether postchristian or islamic, is secondary. heck, even the autonomy granted to women as public objects is secondary, ie a simple byproduct of a system mostly run by men.
  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #5 - March 08, 2021, 12:59 PM

    Liberation or SexploitationLook at the glossy cover of any magazine or advertisements on TV and newspaper, you will find that most of these advertisements have scantily dressed women in alluring poses to attract the attention of men. This proves that the Western society considers woman only as a sex symbol.The liberation of women in Islam is far superior to Western liberation as it allows women to live with respect, dignity and equality in society.Equality does not mean aping and behaving like men or dancing to their carnal tunes; that would be an act of inferiority in the face of one's own femininity.A truly liberated woman always dresses decently and modestly. A true woman will never degrade her body and sell her dignity to the highest bidder.

    No woman is truly liberated if she is still the slave of her wayward conscience, bodily lust or infidelity.However, in Islam, women, whatever their role as mothers, wives, sisters or daughters, command respect and have a constructive role to play in society. The Hijab itself gives an aura of freedom to the womankind, facilitating their movement and protecting them from provocation and wanton greed of the human wolves. Removal of the Hijab makes you vulnerable to the lust of men.By removing your Hijab, you have destroyed your faith. Islam means submission to Allah (SWT) in all our actions. Those who refuse submission cannot be called Muslims.What is Hijab? (Hijaab (Muslim Veil),

    Hejab (An Act of Faith), Islamic dress for women)There are many sisters who have failed to understand the actual meaning of Hijab. Hijab technically means covering. Islam desires the preservation of social tranquility and familial peace. Hence, it asks women to cover themselves in their inter-actions with men, whom they are not related to.Why is Hijab necessary? (Hijabs, Hijab Pictures, Hijab Girls, Hijabi Fashion)The dangerous consequences of the Western culture of nakedness and permissiveness are before us. We should think twice before blindly trying to imitate Western life-styles.

    How should women observe Hijab correctly?Basically, the dress of ladies should cover the whole body except the face and hands (i.e. palms and fingers). Hair should not be exposed because Islam considers it as half of the total beauty of women. The Hijab could be of any form and color, a one-piece chader or a three-piece ensemble, as long as it is not tight fitting and does not attract people's attention.Baseless objections against Hijab • Hijab seeks to imprison women: Those who feel that Hijab

    imprisons women should refrain from living in houses because it is nearer to a prison than Hijab.• Hijab subordinates women: In fact, culture, which promotes nakedness, takes people nearer to the culture of animals. Wearing the Hijab, on the contrary, liberates women from the trap of Western fashion and maladies. It gives them greater, rather than less freedom and mobility.

    • Why only women? Science has confirmed that visual stimulation plays a predominant role in the physiology of men compared to women. The fact that the sex-industry in the West is targeted towards the male-market confirms it.• Victims of Ridicule: Some of our sisters come up with the excuse that the non-believers laugh at them if they observe Hijab and they feel degraded. They may laugh for a little

    while but after some time they will have no choice but to respect the Muslim women observing Hijab for their discipline, which could not be shaken, by their little laughs.• Let us not forget the famous phrase: The one who laughs last laughs the longest.• Beauty is meant to be appreciated: True! But only by the husband. Hence women who truly love their husbands would never wish to be seen in public without Hijab.

     God emphasized the veilHowever, Jews and Christians distort the words of God according to their desires

    The intention of the texts : that every Christian woman , to follow the prophecy (prophethood) of the prophets, that is, to believe in the prophets and messengers, or in other words, being a believer committed to the messages of the prophets and messengers to be covered (that is, to wear the veil) and this means not only during prayer, but at all times and always.

    The Church did not maintain the veil after the age of the FathersAnd the looseness of the updated rulings arose in it. And when the Protestant movement appeared, it spread its flags on the moral corruption rampant in the country due to the corruption of the Popes,The issue of chastity for women was brought up again,

    and this thought had a presence in their private life, so this (Katharina von Bora) wife ((Martin Luther)) had committed to wearing a head covering Even after leaving the monasticism, and the most prominent figures of the founders of the Protestant sect grew the virtue of the veil ((John Knox)) ((John Knox)), and ((Calvin)) who said:

    ((If women are allowed to be head-revealing, they will do so) and she will be revealed their chest,They will present themselves as if in a shameless show, they will be clumsy to the point that there will be no room for chastity and modesty. ))

    The movie Princesses of Europe (and the Niqab
     فيلم أميرات أوروبا ( والنقاب

    Hijaab is Prescribed in Islam and Christianity
    - Dr Zakir
    But Christians did not respect their

    Someone told me

    Some Islamophobes on this forum (and elsewhere) say Islam is suppressive towards women. Yet, it has been conclusively proven that 70% of all new converts to Islam both in the USA and in Europe are women. This would be indicative that it is not suppressive but highly solicitous of women.

    What do you say to those critics who insist that Islam suppresses women in light of that fact?

    If I read you correctly, you are saying that Islam provides spiritual comforts and dimensions that other religions/teachings do not. That it is more than religious teaching but includes lifestyle alteration and attitudes which is what appeals to women.

    One things for sure, Islam's critics have no answer for why so many women convert to it despite all the allegations that it is a contrarian religion.
  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #6 - March 08, 2021, 05:52 PM

    Liberation or SexploitationLook at the glossy cover of any magazine or advertisements on TV and newspaper, you will find that most of these advertisements have scantily dressed women in alluring poses to attract the attention of men. This proves that the Western society considers woman only as a sex symbol.The liberation of women in Islam is far superior to Western liberation as it allows women to live with respect, dignity and equality in society.

    no, it's obvious that free range chickens have more liberty than caged chickens.

    tarts or nuns - both are unhealthy role models.

  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #7 - March 16, 2021, 08:00 PM

    akay, akay, akay. lol. Islam does not give liberty to women. "The West" does not give liberty to women. Neither system recognizes that women are free to choose their own path. Both systems degrade, enslave, oppress women in both similar and different ways and declare themselves superior. Women are born free and their culture and circumstance and religion chains them up.

    You don't get to decide what showing their bodies means to them. You don't get to decide how they feel about making money off their looks. You don't get to decide.

    Women should be able to make their own choices and it's not anyone else's business whether they are acting dignified or not (and who the fuck cares?). When you deny them their inherent birthright of free agency or when you pass judgement on their self expression you do wrong. Either method is in error.

    Systems that place value on women based on their attire or behaviour are bad systems. Value is inherent. Women can be whoever they want. Islamic practices atm dictate more oppression for women than the US legal system. This is fact. Neither system liberates, both shackle them in some manner that demonstrates them to be less valued than men.

    Patriarchy might be the issue. Just a thought.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #8 - March 16, 2021, 08:36 PM

    When you deny them their inherent birthright of free agency or when you pass judgement on their self expression you do wrong.

    the problem lies in essentialising women. once you declare a special birthright or distinct characteristics then you open the gates to the identity ideologues, ie those who care only about symbols not individual agency.

  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #9 - April 01, 2021, 10:57 PM
    Secular Jihadists - When Women Leave Islam: With Maryam Namazie

    We are joined by the irrepressible human rights activist and founder of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, Maryam Namazie, to talk about the explosive new documentary, Women Leaving Islam

  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #10 - June 22, 2021, 05:45 AM

    Some polemicists among Christians, having seen the scale of conversions from Christianity to Islam, have taken to the idea of propagating false conversions in the opposite direction. There is no question here of denying this reality, but simply of exposing the false stories of conversion that are circulating on the internet.
    So, in my opinion, this “testimony” should be classified under the heading “ignorant people pretending to be ex-Muslims”.

    There are so many on the internet,

    How did these women leave false freedom in the West and convert to Islam?

    قصة اسيرة طالبان ايفون رايدليIslamic Story of Yvonne Ridley Captive Taliban

    كنّة تونى بلير تحكى قصة إسلامها فى غزة وإحتجازها فى معبر رفح بسبب المساعدات

    Tony Blair's daughter-in-law tells the story of her conversion to Islam in Gaza and her detention at the Rafah crossing because of aid

    جميلة جولى حاولت تنصير صديقتها المسلمة وبعد إلحاح وافقت صديقتها ولكن بشرط واحد
  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #11 - June 26, 2021, 08:44 AM

    akay, akay, akay. lol. Islam does not give liberty to women. "The West" does not give liberty to women. Neither system recognizes that women are free to choose their own path. Both systems degrade, enslave, oppress women in both similar and different ways and declare themselves superior. Women are born free and their culture and circumstance and religion chains them up.

    You don't get to decide what showing their bodies means to them. You don't get to decide how they feel about making money off their looks. You don't get to decide.

    Women should be able to make their own choices and it's not anyone else's business whether they are acting dignified or not (and who the fuck cares?). When you deny them their inherent birthright of free agency or when you pass judgement on their self expression you do wrong. Either method is in error.

    Systems that place value on women based on their attire or behaviour are bad systems. Value is inherent. Women can be whoever they want. Islamic practices atm dictate more oppression for women than the US legal system. This is fact. Neither system liberates, both shackle them in some manner that demonstrates them to be less valued than men.

    Patriarchy might be the issue. Just a thought.

    Where's that like / love button. This ain't facebook or discord, damn.  Grin

    I like it all. I wish there were better consensuses(consensii ?) on what patriarchy meant. Where I've seen it, it can be any power that "men" in the plural can, or historically have had. I don't think that perception in itself is satisfactory, or historically helpful.

    I think patriarchy should properly be a name used to describe specific systems which "degrade, enslave, oppress women in both similar and different ways and declare themselves superior". Unfortunately, I see so much print in which it's used in the former way I've described, which erodes its conceptual value.

    Anyway, love you three! hugs

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #12 - June 27, 2021, 12:04 AM

    patriarchal societies are only the symptom. the root of the imbalance is the very idea of man and woman.

    the solution is not to compensate with positive discrimination. nor to democratise by calling it a fashion choice. the answer is to say balls (other organs are available) to society and not play the gender mind game.

  • Women Leaving Islam
     Reply #13 - June 27, 2021, 08:27 PM

    aakay says something .,,  often he INSULTS ISLAM & MUSLIMS with his words and videos

    There are so many on the internet,   How did these women leave false freedom in the West and convert to Islam?

    قصة اسيرة طالبان ايفون رايدليIslamic Story of Yvonne Ridley Captive Taliban

    well she very adventurous Non Muslim lady converted to Islam for many reason often they are personal ,, She is close to Prophet that often lives in brain washed Muslim brains... The real Prophet of Islam was a different guy and was very simple preacher ., Here learn about Ridley ....

    Ridley has been married five times. She first married when she was 22; her second marriage, to a policeman, lasted seven years; her third husband was Daoud Zaaroura, the CEO of North of England Refugee Service and a former PLO head of intelligence, whom she met in Cyprus, where she was working on an assignment for the Newcastle-based Sunday Sun, and they have one daughter, Daisy Ridley, who was born in 1992; her fourth husband, to whom she was married until 1999, was an Israeli businessman, Ilan Hermosh; her fifth husband is an Algerian.

    and I am waiting for her to get married to a Pakistani guy ....

    Tony Blair's daughter-in-law   /b]tells the story of her conversion to Islam in Gaza and her detention at the Rafah crossing because of aid

    Now about  Tony Blair's  sister in-law.,  well the less I said about is better and she is NOT Tony Blair's daughter-in-law ., She is Tony Blair's Sister in-law .. SISTER OF TONY BLAIR'S WIFE ..  read this

    Lauren Booth 'stole my husband - and destroyed my home': Distraught wife accuses activist of betraying her new faith ...Faiza Ahmed

    Peace activist and Muslim convert Lauren Booth has been branded a home-wrecker by the woman who is still married to her new husband, Sohale Ahmed. Faiza Ahmed has fled her home in Stockport, Greater Manchester, and taken her three children to  her brother’s house in Texas to recover from the collapse of her 16-year marriage.

    The 37-year-old childminder and bilingual teaching assistant claims that Ms Booth – the half-sister of Cherie Blair –  has betrayed her newly acquired Muslim faith. She accuses her of openly flirting with Sohale in front of her, spending the family celebrations of Ramadan and Eid with him, and marrying him in secret.

    Speaking from the house in a gated community where she has taken refuge, Mrs Ahmed said:

     akay ..dear akay read more at that link   and on those words of BRITISH PRIMIE MINSTER  let me watch this I see My hero.. heroes dye young

     and on this lady Jamila Jolie........... OR WHATEVER HER NAME IS/WAS..........  She tried to evangelize her Muslim friend, whom she recently met because of the morals of her beautiful friend. Her friend agreed to a request after insistence, but with one condition. If she implements it, she will leave Islam and enter Christianity. 


    Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr   She is Stupid lady to ask a well educated Muslim women to convert to her old faith that she has/had no idea about ...

    Let me give a video of an young lady.. LIVES IN PAKSITAN  and puts up show from Pakistan ..not from England...   and that is That is Arzoo Kazmi lives in  Islamabad, Pakistan based new-generation journalist  and and SHE IS MUSLIM.....  watch her

    watch her all tubes...

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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