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 Topic: Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack

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  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     OP - June 08, 2021, 09:58 AM

    Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack  says bbc news

    Four members of a Muslim family were killed in a "premeditated" vehicle attack on Sunday, Canadian police say.

    The attack took place in the city of London, Ontario province. A boy aged nine, the family's only survivor, is in hospital with serious injuries.  A 20-year-old Canadian man has been charged with four counts of murder and one count of attempted murder.

    The attack was the worst against Canadian Muslims since six people were killed in a Quebec City mosque in 2017.

    "It is believed that these victims were targeted because they were Muslim," Det Supt Paul Waight told a news conference on Monday. Police are weighing possible terrorism charges, he said, adding that it is believed to be a hate crime.

    Police believe the victims were targeted because of their faith

    that is the breaking news.....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #1 - June 08, 2021, 10:15 AM

    A Canadian driving a pick-up truck slammed into a Muslim family in London, Ontario in what police say was an attack “motivated by hate”. A man driving a pick-up truck slammed into a Muslim family in Canada's Ontario province, killing four members and wounding the fifth in a terror attack that police and officials confirm was premeditated and motivated by anti-Islam hatred.

    The attacker wearing a vest "like body armour" fled the scene on Sunday evening, and was arrested at a mall seven kilometres (four miles) from the intersection in London, Ontario where the attack happened, said Detective Superintendent Paul Waight on Monday.

    "There is evidence that this was a planned, premeditated act, motivated by hate. It is believed that these victims were targeted because they were Muslim," he told a news conference. Canada's Minister of Public Safety Bill Blair described it as a "horrific act of Islamophobia." "They believe the family was targeted because of their faith, and that the attacker was motivated by his hatred of Muslims," he said.

    The extended family issued a statement identifying the dead as Madiha Afzal, 44; her husband Salman Afzal, 46;  their daughter Yumna, 15; and a 74-year-old grandmother whose name was withheld. The hospitalised boy was identified as Fayez.

    that news is from

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #2 - June 09, 2021, 02:21 AM

    what made a 20year old fellow  to take a truck and ram in to a family of folks who happened to e Muslims and who were walking on a road and kill whole family?? Why did he hate such a beautiful well educated family to do that such horrible dastardly act??

    Apparently his name is Nathaniel Veltman., very few details about him .. the only thing that came out in the news about that rogue  is he is 20 year old   hater of Muslim folks ., Did he know them before .. did he target and had plan to kill them?? for what reason? who/which  group is behind his brain wash??

    Authorities said a young man was arrested in the parking lot of a nearby mall after the incident Sunday night in the Ontario city of London. Police said a black pickup truck mounted a curb and struck the victims at an intersection.

    “This was an act of mass murder perpetuated against Muslims,” Mayor Ed Holder said. “It was rooted in unspeakable hatred.”

    The extended family issued a statement identifying the dead as Salman Afzal, 46; his wife Madiha, 44; their daughter Yumna, 15; and a 74-year-old grandmother whose name was withheld. The hospitalized boy was identified as Fayez.

    “Everyone who knew Salman and the rest of the Afzal family know the model family they were as Muslims, Canadians and Pakistanis,” the statement said. “They worked extremely hard in their fields and excelled. Their children were top students in their school and connected strongly with spiritual their identity.”

    that is what SCOUNDRELS ACROSS THE BORDER write in the internet on that horrible murder of a Muslim family by a Canadian rogue ..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #3 - June 09, 2021, 03:29 AM

    News from Canada related to that horrible family lynching  by a 20 year old rogue

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #4 - June 09, 2021, 10:26 AM

    what made a 20year old fellow  to take a truck and ram in to a family of folks who happened to e Muslims and who were walking on a road and kill whole family??

    why? spent a few days on twitter, people just live in bubbles and regurgitate statements without any thought.

    ultimately, it's a failure of politicians to engage with real and imagined grievances.doubt they will change tact - it's easier to hide behind the totems of implicit racism or crude multiculturalism.

  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #5 - June 09, 2021, 10:55 AM

    An attack against Muslims in Canada of all places, a few years after an attack on Muslims in little New Zealand. In the latter attack, a whole list of grievances were made against Muslims in Europe. You would think a bigger backlash would happen on European soil.

    And to the ratbag PM of Pakistan who wants to be the defender of all Pakistani Muslims and Muslims in general, he can speak out against the contempt  spewed in madrassas across my country against non believers. But he won't do that. Context doesn't matter. Islamaphobia just sprouted out of the ground and has nothing to do with 15 years of Islamic terror attacks across Europe.
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #6 - June 09, 2021, 12:28 PM

    well, it's summertime in britain and lot of typical edl types will be holidaying at home again. something is bound to happen.
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #7 - June 09, 2021, 01:21 PM

    The EDL are a bunch of thugs, not nearly as voracious as they were ten years ago. If something did 'happen', it would be condemned across the board, and no doubt Islamaphobia would be brought up in Parliament and in the media.
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #8 - June 09, 2021, 05:12 PM

    why? spent a few days on twitter, people just live in bubbles and regurgitate statements without any thought. ...............

    few days on twitter makes a bubble of such high intensity hate against Muslim folks by this rogue who  never interacted with any one of the family members he killed means .. that there is something seriously wrong and twitter owners must monitor their twitter business., and in fact this news( Though I don't  believe it) suggests that you may be right

    The 20-year-old man charged with four counts of first-degree murder in the pickup truck attack against a Muslim family in Canada was described as a “nice guy” by co-workers — and had no known ties to hate groups.

    Nathaniel Veltman is accused of killing Salman Afzaal, 46, his wife, Madiha, 44, their daughter Yumna, 15, and Afzaal’s 74-year-old mother — and injuring the couple’s 9-year-old son, Fayez.

    The suspect worked part-time at Gray Ridge Egg Farms, an egg-packing facility in Strathroy, Ontario, CTV News reported.

    In a statement, company CEO William Gray said management and staff “were shocked and saddened” to find out one of their workers had been charged in the attack...................... Tina Perry, a former longtime co-worker of Veltman, told CTV News that he was a nice guy who kept to himself and was always available to help when someone needed it.

    “He was always a nice guy,” she told the outlet. “I’ve never heard anything bad about him. I’m very shaken up about this.”

    Arman Moradpourian, another friend who worked with Veltman, called him a very devout Christian and said he was home-schooled.  Moradpourian added that Veltman didn’t have a problem with him being Persian and raised Muslim.
    He never judged me,” he told the Associated Press. “He would give his shirt off his back for you.”.....Arman Moradpourian

     Veltman has not been charged with a hate crime, but police are still considering additional charges.

    and that is the face ., it is really strange why such a 20 year old fish catching fellow became killer of a well educated family and  what trigger made him to do that dastardly murder of whole family??

    and I am glad to see  large number of  Canadians getting together  to express grief for the family and solidarity to multiethnic folks living in that country along with Canadian Prime Minister 


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #9 - June 09, 2021, 11:09 PM

    and I am glad to see  large number of  Canadians getting together  to express grief for the family and solidarity to multiethnic folks living in that country along with Canadian Prime Minister 

    don't be glad - mass vigils are for grief junkies on the look out for their next fix.

    solidarity with multiethnics is a vote strategy. balkanising the electorate with artificial labels and fake ideas. every act of violence is a political bonus. each additional casualty is a photo opportunity.
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #10 - June 10, 2021, 10:25 PM

    solidarity with multiethnics is a vote strategy. balkanising the electorate with artificial labels and fake ideas. every act of violence is a political bonus. each additional casualty is a photo opportunity.

    That's quite the cynical take. A little bit of human solidarity shouldn't be underrated IMO.
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #11 - June 13, 2021, 10:20 AM

    PM Imran urges world leaders to act against Islamophobia today's says news

    ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has called upon the world leaders to crack down on online hate speech and Islamophobia following the deadly truck attack in London, Ontario, Canada.

    “Everyone is shocked in [Pakistan], because we saw the family picture, and so a family being targeted like that has had a deep impact in Pakistan,” Prime Minister Khan told the CBC’s chief political correspondent Rosemary Barton in an interview posted on its website on Saturday. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is the main news outlet in Canada.

    The prime minister said the recent pattern of domestic terror in Western countries demanded a heightened focus on online radicalisation.

    To a question about online radicalisation, he said: “I think there should be a very strict action against this. When there are these hate websites which create hatred amongst human beings, there should be an international action against them.”

    Prime Minister Khan told CBC that he had raised the issue with his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau, describing him as a leader who understood the importance of fighting online hate and Islamophobia. He urged other leaders to also make such commitment. “The world leaders, whenever they decide upon taking action, this will be dealt with,” he said.

    He said he “mostly agrees” with Mr Trudeau and his position on extremism, but also expressed concern over some Canadian laws that he believed were contributing to Islamophobia.

    Mr Khan described Quebec’s Bill 21 which bans public servants, including teachers, from wearing religious symbols at work, as a form of “secular extremism” that had led to intolerance against Muslims.

    “You want humans to basically be free to express the way they want to be, as long as it doesn’t cause pain and hurt to other human beings,” he emphasised.

    Earlier in his address at the United Nations General Assembly last year, Mr Khan had cautioned against the rising tide of Islamophobia in the world and called upon the UN to play its part in combatting religious hatred.

    In his virtual address, the prime minister had regretted that at a time when the global community should have come together to combat novel coronavirus, it had instead stoked racism and religious hatred. “Unfortunately, it has instead fanned nationalism, increased global tensions and given rise to racial and religious hatred and violence against vulnerable minorities in several places.

    Islamophobia was rising in several countries, he had warned, as Muslims were being “targeted with impunity”, mosques were being desecrated and Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was being disrespected “in the name of freedom of speech”.

    He had stressed that willful provocations and incitement to hate and violence must be universally outlawed, and urged the UNGA to “declare an international day to combat Islamophobia”.

    well that is the news...

    Imran let us start using some brain..... what we need to do is this 

    1). Define the word Islamophobia

    2).  Just saying  that word "Islmaophobia" some 1000  times  a day is Not going to help .,   but propose and suggest some method/s  and educate the west  and other Islamophobes  around the globe  through media and through dialogue and through print  "HOW TO ACT AGAINST ISLAMOPHOBIA"   

    so let us start that ..

    PM Imran Khan Sends Loud Message To World On Islamophobia

    All Muslim states must work together against Islamophobia: PM Imran Khan

    Who started Islamophobia and why? | Imran Khan Exclusive Analysis

    you are really a stupid  fool Imran Riaz Khan...  Islamophobia of recent times is nothing to do with Hollywood movies...  it is all to do with mullhas and Imams Islamic idots .. and and available Islamic religious  literature    .. let us work with that ....

    in the above video that fellow is NOT Pakistan prime minister and former fast bowler  Mr.  Imran Khan  ., BUT   a Pakistan tv show Anchor person  Imran Riaz Khan

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #12 - June 13, 2021, 10:36 AM

    Muslim victims of truck attack given farewell with coffins draped in Canadian flags   says news

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #13 - June 13, 2021, 10:45 AM

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim family in Canada killed in 'premeditated' truck attack
     Reply #14 - June 13, 2021, 05:21 PM

    Just saying  that word "Islmaophobia" some 1000  times  a day is Not going to help .,   but propose and suggest some method/s  and educate the west  and other Islamophobes  around the globe  through media and through dialogue and through print  "HOW TO ACT AGAINST ISLAMOPHOBIA"   [/b][/size][/font]

    no need to educate the west, islamophobia is a western concept.

    paint victims, claim solidarity, win votes - the same strategy is employed whether in america, britain or france.

    melenchon, labelled as a french corbyn:

    Quote from:
    "Crying at Charb's funeral to get the most anti-Charlie deputies elected. Defend secularism to march with the CCIF, before portraying any resistance to terrorism - and now the attacks themselves - as plots against the Muslims… ".

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