I did not ask you to “do what I do to King Tut”, at all. I asked you to try and convert me, save my soul, and you know this full well Shaneequa.
Remember you said that your soul is in as much danger as King Tut's? And you asked why I don't try to save you as much as I try to save King Tut?
As I have also said before, and several times now, it is useless for you to quote anything from the Bible without first giving me evidence that this book is, on the balance of probabilities, more likely to be divinely inspired than not. So now you have renamed your obsessive wish to quote the Bible at me as, “personalize some verses to you”. That doesn't change the paradigm of this thread by one iota. I still need you to give me some reason to believe that the Bible is inspired by God, (and please note that I am not asking for absolute proof here, that would be unreasonable, this is not a murder trial), otherwise you may as well be quoting, or “personalising”, bits of Moby Dick, or Macbeth, or The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
But my faith is not in Macbeth, Moby Dick nor even the gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Do you understand that I believe the word of God is quick and powerful? Even an unbeliever may be "cut to the quick" by the word of God. That means that whether or not you believe in the bible, you may hear a few verses or even one verse...and with the aid of the Holy Spirit, you are changed forever.
I have seen you preach scripture at King Tut with no attempt to give any evidence to back up the truth of what you are preaching, and I have seen you single out the most mentally unstable member of an ex-muslim forum for blatant Christian fundie conversion techniques.
I regard that as very unethical, to the extent that if I were in charge of the rules here, you would have joined Tutsie in Damnation by now. (You would probably be let out quicker though.)
King Tut is not only the most unstable person here, but I sense he is "ticking time bomb"...both a danger to himself and to others...and an
immediate danger. His only hope is to be jabbed in the heart by the "sword of the Holy Spirit" which is the word of God. It seems he doesn't have time. For him it is now or never.
Then again, how do any of us know how much time we have? If I came to you with a knife in back and knew I only had ten minutes to live, would you give me the gospel as fast as you can? Would I ask you to explain Genesis and the genealogy of Christ.
There is alot of violence where you live. How do you know how much time you have? Hopefully you have alot of time, but no-one ever knows.
Apologetics? Interesting choice of word. All I want is to hear why the Bible is a book which I should consider to be capable of saving my soul.
I've even given you specific questions to answer. I've even made it that easy for you. So how come you have given me nothing? You just persist in your need to quote Scripture at me, and then when that doesn't work, you re-word your insistence on mindless regurgitation of Bible quotes into “personalisation”. This lack of any evidence, and persistant attempt to avoid it is, if anything, increasing my resistance to the idea of the Bible as being divinely inspired.
However, you mention these “apologetics” that convinced you – I would be very interested in hearing them. If they convinced you, and you were a secular humanist before you heard them, then surely I, as a secular humanist, must stand some chance at least of being convinced too?
I guess that's fair enough...
A person needs to be at an all time low in their life before they will fall for the creotard nonsense of the likes of Ken Ham, yes, yes, we all know that. That's common knowledge, as is the fact that a person in such a needy and vulnerable state will break down their own critical facutlies, and return themselves to a state of childlike gullibility, in order to cling on to the apparent life- raft offered by the first and most manipulative religious cult which gets their hands on them.
Well, Jesus says we are to come to Him as a little child...
How good does a person have to be to get into Heaven? Depends on how compassionate God is. I would say that no mere human deserves eternal torture for temporary crimes, not even Hitler, who is the most evil person I can think of. So if even Hitler deserves Heaven eventually, why would you doubt your own salvation? Why would you doubt mine, or think my soul needs saving?
That is the opposite of what the bible says. In fact, if Mother Theresa did not repent and believe on Christ, her own goodness was not enough to get her into heaven...and we all know that she was a selfless and giving woman. So, if Mother Theresa is in hell, that means alot of people are in hell and are going to hell.
What kind of a God are you worshiping? Oh, wait........... yeah, sorry, I forgot. It's that old tribal, psychopathic, tyrant Yahweh, he who drowns children and burns entire cities and sends plagues on first born children, that genocidal old bastard, Yahweh.
And Jesus said if we don't repent, we likewise shall perish.
If you were Ken Ham, I would stop pulling my punches. If you were Ken Ham I would have made you look utterly, utterly retarded and degraded by the end of page one of this thread. However, if Ken Ham is your chosen source of evidence for the truth of Genesis, then please give me a link to where he gives this evidence, and then a synopsis of why you believe it in your own words.
I promise I won't be nasty in response, even though Ken Ham is of the same contemptible ilk as Zakir Naik. I despise Ken Ham, but I respect and like you, so I would like to hear why you find him convincing enough to quote as a source you deem worthy enough to be heard in his own words?
Alright. I will do that and also answer your question on Christ's genealogy, plus the difference in the two genealogies....but I know this could go on for a very long time.
If I answer these, will you let me go on to give you the gospel? Whether you believe it or not, at least you will know what it is.