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 Topic: Hello

 (Read 51572 times)
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  • Re: Hello
     Reply #60 - October 22, 2008, 09:02 PM

    I don't think deleting the thread is necessary. When I agreed to help get this place running I never thought it would always be all kittens and flowers. Sometimes we are going to have arguments. It's part of life.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #61 - October 22, 2008, 09:07 PM

    I've looked at her stuff , as suggested. Blimey!
    I take your point about not letting her publicise through here, so she'll have to make her own case like everyone else.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #62 - October 22, 2008, 09:09 PM

    I don't think deleting the thread is necessary. When I agreed to help get this place running I never thought it would always be all kittens and flowers. Sometimes we are going to have arguments. It's part of life.

    I think it's quite an interesting thread really. It'd be even more interesting if old Stephaniewhatever hadn't just hit and run. We wait with baited breath.... Smiley

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #63 - October 22, 2008, 09:10 PM

    I have my own opinion on whether or not stefanie should have been welcomed or not but I'd rather keep it to myself.

    I know what it is Wink

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #64 - October 22, 2008, 09:20 PM

    Hey Oz, can't you cut this individual a tiny bit of slack, say in Damnation or something. Some of us haven't been exposed his/her/its alleged bile yet. You can always press the destruct button at any time. And Grumpy's not been back.

    Actually she's not said anything yet that would land her in damnation - she is still free to post.

    My comments were a reaction to the Youtube site she posted. I stand by what I said that I wish she would go to FFI where she belongs. I wish the same to Baal, and Zaephon.

    Those are my personal feelings and thoughts - and carry absolutely no official sanction on behalf of the forum  grin12

    (of which btw I am not a moderator or admin or anything of - and I do not have any official influence over those who run it - my opinion is my opinion - and that's it)

    Just wanted to make all that clear lol  grin12
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #65 - October 22, 2008, 09:23 PM

    At the moment the admins are hoping we can talk some sense into her. It may be a hopelessly optimistic attitude but I think it's worth a shot. Wink

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #66 - October 22, 2008, 09:27 PM

    I have my own opinion on whether or not stefanie should have been welcomed or not but I'd rather keep it to myself.

     Well, I have the strong impression that Stefanie only wanted to give a link to her YouTube channel and that she doesn't really intend to post here... But still, the irrational hostility of some posters to this perceived "enemy" is quite the marvel to behold.

    I find it quite irritating that some particular individuals, in self-righteous postures, pass judgments on who "belongs here" and who does not. This is a forum for all ex-Muslims, if I remember correctly. I never adored Ali, nor do I owe my apostasy to him. But most of us were members of FFI once, and despite the counter-productive atmosphere of the FFI forums, I should think there are still a few valuable posters there. Are we going to discredit people just because they're coming from the FFI?

    This brings me back to my earlier point. There are no "wrong forums." All ideas are equally valid everywhere. My ideas are the same whether they are stated in Islamist, communist, nationalist, white supremacist, or PC forums. People do not belong to forums, but vice versa.

    Quote from: Hassan
    I stand by what I said that I wish she would go to FFI where she belongs. I wish the same to Baal, and Zaephon.

     Such blissful ignorance... And so much for freedom of speech, huh? Sadly for you, I'm not going anywhere.

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #67 - October 22, 2008, 10:42 PM

    and despite the counter-productive atmosphere of the FFI forums, I should think there are still a few valuable posters there. Are we going to discredit people just because they're coming from the FFI?

    This is exactly what I was thinking whilst I was having my bath (yes I take my work home with me too lol).

    I have been a member at, prior to being a member there I would have thought that everyone there was hateful, they would have to be to post at ummah.  But when I was there I saw some really nice people too, who argued against the hate being preached.

    At FFI there are good people, misguided people and outright haters.  Much like at  Hass you don't like it when a muslim is treated the way FFi treats a new muslim welcome thread, didn't it sicken you to the core to see the way people at ffi and ali sina would assume the worst of a person just because of their belief?  doesn't it smack of hypocrisy to turn around and do the same thing to someone you didn;t even give a fair chance?

    I just don't see the fairness in welcoming a member of ummah with open arms and being so hostile to someone who has been a member of FFI.

    Anyway not that it matters, I doubt she will return, I certainly wouldn't if I had been met with such hostility.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #68 - October 23, 2008, 06:50 AM

    I dunno Baal, there are some pretty hateful sites against muslims. Saying they are all the same, and that they should all be killed or converted to whatever (Christianity, Atheism)...

    Please don't put killed and Atheism in the same sentence  again. You know they don't belong together.
    It's so obvious and it's not worthy of you.


    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #69 - October 23, 2008, 06:53 AM

    Hass you don't like it when a muslim is treated the way FFi treats a new muslim welcome thread, didn't it sicken you to the core to see the way people at ffi and ali sina would assume the worst of a person just because of their belief?  doesn't it smack of hypocrisy to turn around and do the same thing to someone you didn;t even give a fair chance?

    Ordinarily I wouldn't react like that - but her site clearly shows where she is coming from and I'm fed up with people like that coming here and assuming that because we are ex-Muslims we will all support such a hateful attitude.

    I just think we need to be a bit more proactive to change that image or it will never change.

  • Re: Hello
     Reply #70 - October 23, 2008, 07:01 AM

    Hass you don't like it when a muslim is treated the way FFi treats a new muslim welcome thread, didn't it sicken you to the core to see the way people at ffi and ali sina would assume the worst of a person just because of their belief?  doesn't it smack of hypocrisy to turn around and do the same thing to someone you didn;t even give a fair chance?

    Ordinarily I wouldn't react like that - but her site clearly shows where she is coming from and I'm fed up with people like that coming here and assuming that because we are ex-Muslims we will all support such a hateful attitude.

    I just think we need to be a bit more proactive to change that image or it will never change.

    Maybe now, but we could have turned that attitude around and shown that you don't need to blindly hate all muslims.  Now all you've done is shown her that even once we have left Islam, we are still rude, hateful and intolerant.

    Now more than ever you have smiply confirmed what she was probably being taught via Ali Sina.

    We can't sit at this forum hoping that every member who turns up will be completely ready for your way of thinking, we can't create a bubble around us to protect us, we can however proactively seek to make changes on both sides.

    Now you have an ignore feature so if you can't handle it then simply ignore the person as there will always be people you don't agree with.

    She didn't do anything to deserve your attitude, not even her page warranted it since all it showed was a misguided individula, try to hate AFTER trying to understand, life works out eaiser that way.   We have given nastier people longer chances.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #71 - October 23, 2008, 07:09 AM

    Now all you've done is shown her that even once we have left Islam, we are still rude, hateful and intolerant.

    We were that before?

    Anyways, I'm starting to agree with you.

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #72 - October 23, 2008, 08:05 AM

    Maybe now, but we could have turned that attitude around and shown that you don't need to blindly hate all muslims. 

    Yeah, right. Do you think Baal, for instance, gives a shit or listens, course not. Maybe Hass jumped the gun a bit, a lot even, but the chances are extremely high she don't give a shit. They come one here all friendly and 'we all agree with each other don't we?' then within several posts it's a slanging match anyway. She dumped her shit here and fucked off - that's how worthwhile it was getting to know her and crossing our fingers she might turn out to be a good old buddy.

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #73 - October 23, 2008, 01:12 PM

    Now all you've done is shown her that even once we have left Islam, we are still rude, hateful and intolerant.

    I don't think I am (or ever have been) a rude, hateful and intolerant person.

    I admit I may have jumped the gun with this poster - but I am not in the mood for FFI types here - I don't see why they insist on coming here and I am fed up with the way ex-Muslims are constantly associated with this sort of mentality.

    It's at the heart of why I am uncomfortable at times taking part in ex-Muslim forums/youtube/blogs etc...

    I do not want to be associated with such haters - end of story.

    I think returning here was a mistake - I don't think it is good for me - just gets me wound up again.

  • Re: Hello
     Reply #74 - October 23, 2008, 01:31 PM

    I think you're a brave person Hassan but you've been on the frontline, possibly,  too long now. It would fray anyone's nerves. You can't undo what you've helped to start- but what a start! You should be proud of what you've achieved thus far.
     You deserve a break. Perhaps write a book or something or just drop it from your radar for a while.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #75 - October 23, 2008, 03:18 PM

    I don't think I am (or ever have been) a rude, hateful and intolerant person.

    I dunno about hateful, but you were (rightly i think) rude and intolerant to the poster - but that's a stand you have every right to take, just as they think they have the right to stand for the opposite. That's the problem with making a stand, you have to stand up. It'll be an easier life if you don't, but I don't think an 'easy' life is an option if something means a lot to you - you do it despite the difficulties, surely?

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #76 - October 23, 2008, 03:40 PM

    Quote from: Hassan
    I don't think I am (or ever have been) a rude, hateful and intolerant person.

     Telling people where they "belong" is very polite, loving, and tolerant indeed.

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #77 - October 23, 2008, 04:22 PM

    I think you're a brave person Hassan but you've been on the frontline, possibly,  too long now. It would fray anyone's nerves. You can't undo what you've helped to start- but what a start! You should be proud of what you've achieved thus far.
     You deserve a break. Perhaps write a book or something or just drop it from your radar for a while.

    Thank you and yes, I am proud that I helped get this forum started. My intention was always to create a place that was without all the extreme hatred found on FFI and extreme Islamic sites.

    We certainly don't get many Islamic extremists here - and if we do, they are soon prevented from saying anything out of line.

    Sadly we still get FFI types here - in fact some are resident here.

    That, I am not so proud of and is my greatest disappointment.

    It may also be part of the reason why we don't get many ordinary Muslims here to discuss Islam with.

    So in that sense I feel I haven't really done that much good after all - particularly if Baal, Zaephon, and their like have their way and just turn this place into another FFI where they can whip up hatred and violence against ordinary Muslims, who - as the Original Poster declared on her Youtube page are all terrorists and want to take over the world:

    "DECEPTION and TERROR are the two strategies of JIHAD, a struggle ALL Muslims are part of, each in his or her capacity. Some wage this war with their lives through TERRORISM, others do it with their MONEY by funding terrorism, and others by deceptively portraying Islam as a RELIGION OF PEACE. THEY ARE ALL PART OF THE SAME CAMPAIGN. Their objective is to take over the whole world and dominate it."

    BTW I stand by what I said to that poster - to go back to FFI - and I see nothing wrong with saying that to someone who comes here spreading such hatred towards ordinary Muslims and if that is considered out of order then fine - I know I do not belong here.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #78 - October 23, 2008, 04:52 PM

    Quote from: Hassan
    So in that sense I feel I haven't really done that much good after all - particularly if Baal, Zaephon, and their like have their way and just turn this place into another FFI where they can whip up hatred and violence against ordinary Muslims

     Throwing the same tantrum a million times doesn't make your childish hallucinations come true, sorry. I am still waiting to hear where I have "whipped up hatred and violence against ordinary Muslims." Failure to expose my evil bigotry will bring about the logical conclusion that Hassan is a shameless liar. Again, thanks in advance.

    If opposing the absurd and very personal accusations of Hassan makes the accused party a bigot... I'm happy to be one, really.

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #79 - October 23, 2008, 05:02 PM

    One person who might get a bit of pleasure out of all this is the original poster. You gotta give her full marks for lobbing the hand grenade in the window.

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #80 - October 23, 2008, 05:58 PM

    One person who might get a bit of pleasure out of all this is the original poster. You gotta give her full marks for lobbing the hand grenade in the window.

    As always, I'm right behind you Jack. It may even stiffen the mettle around here and demonstrate that some grenades are just duds. In case it's not I don't think anyone of you should throw themselves on top of it.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #81 - October 23, 2008, 06:23 PM

    One person who might get a bit of pleasure out of all this is the original poster. You gotta give her full marks for lobbing the hand grenade in the window.

    As always, I'm right behind you Jack. It may even stiffen the mettle around here and demonstrate that some grenades are just duds. In case it's not I don't think anyone of you should throw themselves on top of it.

    I think places like this get too boring for the real wankers, so it's not as though they hang around, except of course under the guise of something else, without mentioning names. Smiley

    I don't think anyone should take it too seriously, or personally, again, without mentioning any names Wink I know it sounds personal sometimes, but it's woth bearing in mind that most of these tossers, in real life, you'd pass on the street without noticing them, the little dullards. No offence to big dullards, naturally Smiley

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #82 - October 23, 2008, 08:47 PM

    Hey well guys, whatever helps you sleep at night.  If it helps you to believe that you were never rude and intolerant then good luck to you is all I can say.

    Plus if you believe that saying she is a hit and run poster makes you feel less bad then go for it too, but lets be honest now., she made one post because who would want to make a second post if all she had rexcieved was "fuck off, or piss off back gto FFI"?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #83 - October 23, 2008, 09:52 PM

    Hey well guys, whatever helps you sleep at night.  If it helps you to believe that you were never rude and intolerant then good luck to you is all I can say.

    Plus if you believe that saying she is a hit and run poster makes you feel less bad then go for it too, but lets be honest now., she made one post because who would want to make a second post if all she had rexcieved was "fuck off, or piss off back gto FFI"?

    I note she never replied to your polite questioning before it got rocky.

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #84 - October 23, 2008, 09:55 PM

    Well, she hasn't been logged in since, so I think Zaephon hit the nail on the head when he said she just came here to spam for her You Tube thing.  And you hit another nail when you said she would be amused at the trouble she caused.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #85 - October 23, 2008, 09:59 PM

    Well, she hasn't been logged in since, so I think Zaephon hit the nail on the head when he said she just came here to spam for her You Tube thing.  And you hit another nail when you said she would be amused at the trouble she caused.

    And I think we'll find that, far from run away in tears, she will have rather a lot to say  whistling2

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #86 - October 23, 2008, 10:07 PM

    Quite possibly.

    Just goes to show that a bit of restraint in the face of a dubious sounding newbie is the wiser option.  Fuck off can be tempting, I've done it myself on one occasion, but it causes more of a row among us than anything, which is not going to get us anywhere.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #87 - October 24, 2008, 09:19 AM

    Quite possibly.

    Just goes to show that a bit of restraint in the face of a dubious sounding newbie is the wiser option.  Fuck off can be tempting, I've done it myself on one occasion, but it causes more of a row among us than anything, which is not going to get us anywhere.

    Sound's like a vote's in order.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #88 - October 24, 2008, 09:35 AM

    Quite possibly.

    Just goes to show that a bit of restraint in the face of a dubious sounding newbie is the wiser option.  Fuck off can be tempting, I've done it myself on one occasion, but it causes more of a row among us than anything, which is not going to get us anywhere.

    Sound's like a vote's in order.

    How do you mean? For what - whether to tell people to fuck off or not?? Smiley

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Hello
     Reply #89 - October 24, 2008, 12:03 PM

    Oh c'mon - change?

    The FFI/jihadchat crew are not interested in change - they are only intereted in using the ex-Muslim cause to pour their hatred on Islam AND Muslims (regardless of what they say).

    Of course, but some ex-Muslims like yourself have seen through this, and there'll be other as well.

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
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