Its driving me nuts, I have a small bud, its all nice and crumbly, I am in a situation of if I should smoke it or not, would have to be a single sheeter, and when its really late like 1am then smack and Indian movie on... Love doing that, either that or having sex but can't have sex since wifes out of country. I know I will get high but it will only last a few minutes I aint smoked in a while. Maybe I might actually get some more bud, I only smoke it when am alone its very late, and if I want to watch an Indian movie or a documentary or I want to have sex. When am watching an Indian movie stoned, I end up being the main-actor I mean I can relate to the hero in the movie and its really fun you really imagine your doing all that stuff. Normally when I watch a movie I don't feel like this.
I'll be on the munchies too, I eat like a dog when am high
its uncivilized!